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2star_'s Introduction


This README is divided in the following sections



  To compile, simply running configure and make will do it:
$ ./configure && make
  You can change the compiler in bash/Makefile.head, default compiler is gfortran.
  To run it for a test case, you can just: 
$ ./2STAR_ 
   To specify your own parameters, a line such as:
$ ./2STAR_ -mode  mdot   -accmass 1.2   -donmass 0.3 
           -path  test   -accmode he_wd -donmode co_wd
	   -setup period -period  300
  should do the trick.
  This last line evolves the mass transfer rate of one start to another, 
  with the accretor being a 1.2 HE WD, the donor being a 0.3 CO WD, 
  startting the simulation with a period of 300 s. 
  Hopefully most things are self explanatory,
  documentation will be done at some point. For now, this README 
  and some reading into the code will have to do.


  In case you are using it and you aren't me, here's the fundamentals.

   1.1 Mass transfer rate history.

   One can use this code in many different ways, it was mainly written
   in order to solve for the mass transfer history of compact binary mergers.
   To see an example of how to incorporate this functionality, see the 
   "dr_perform_mdot_evolution" routine in the driver unit.
   The "2STAR_" program incorporates this functionality in the "mdot" mode, 
   just run it with the option "-mode mdot":

$ ./2STAR_ -mode mdot

   For the fundamental equations, see Ghokale or Marsh. 
   I have incorporated prescriptions for a mass transfer rate and mass loss 
   at super Eddington accretion.
   Also incorporated (not yet tested) option for the disk to retain mass,
   instead of feeding it all back to the accretor.
   Tidal interactions are still incorporated throught the following options:

> ./2STAR_ -mode mdot -tidal .true. -dontau 100 -acctau 100000

   where the options -dontau and -acctau set the synchronization timescales 
   of each component (in years).
   So far, the system always begins synchronized.
   Treatment for breakup rotation speeds is unincorporated.
   Evolution with tidal terms is highly experimental at this point.

   1.2. Postprocessing of Mass Transfer History Calculations.

   An "mdot.dat" file should be on your data directory, 
   the code will read it in and get the virial temperature,
   the density at impact and other things.
   Basically, this mode calculates ballistic trayectories
   consistent with the data in mdot.dat and gets the parameters
   you need to calculate t_nuclear.

   1.3. Ballistic trayectories.
   The secondary function is to solve for trayectories in a FIXED Roche potential.
   To see an example of this, take a look at the "perform_ballistic_evolution" 
   subroutine of the module.
   The program "2STAR_" has this functionality in its "ballistic" mode,

$ ./2STAR_ -mode ballistic

   I have found that the orbital separation and mass transfer timescales
   are much longer than the time it takes to get from the Lagrange point
   to the accretor surface, so to an excellent approximation, mdot is 
   constant during the plunge and one can fix the Roche potential 
   (plus coriolis contribution) in the ballistic equations of motion.
   Of course, if the mass transfer is too high, this approximation is not valid,
   but at that regime one should use a hydro code anyway.

   1.4. Hybrid Mode.

   There are some parameters that can only be calculated by solving
   for ballistic trayectories (say, the virial temperature of the
   stream virial_temperature).
   One can solve for both ballistic trayectories and mass transfer rates 
   at the same time by setting HYBRID = .true. in the command line:

>  ./2STAR_ -hybrid .true. -mode mdot

   What this will do is solve for ballistic trayectories every time
   the setup routine is called (every time step, or half time step
   in the case of RG4 integration for the mass transfer history).
   Since we are solving for ballistic trayectories as well, the data
   is automatically postprocessed.

   Ghokale's paper requires such a treatment.
   This will solve for the ballistic trayectories every time the setup routine 
   is done. Said integration is important when the angular momentum of the
   impacting stream must be known.

   NOTE: This mode is slow as hell, only run like this if needed, 
   postprocessing of the data with "-mode post" is preferred to running 
   in hybrid mode.

   1.5. Stability Diagrams.

   To get the stability regimes, all one needs to do is call the "2STAR_"
   program in stability mode,

> ./2STAR_ -mode stability -accmode ns -donmode he_wd -minmass 0.1 -maxmass 1.4 -dmacc 0.01 -dmdon 0.02

   This example will get the stability curves for a He WD donor and NS accretor,
   with an accretor mass between 0.1 and 1.4 solar masses, 
   using a mass step of 0.01 solar masses in accretor mass and 0.02 in donor mass. 
   There are two phases for the stability criteria, phase 1 is a brute force scan
   of all parameter space. 
   Phase 2 takes the results of phase 1 and runs a modified midpoint scheme 
   to refine the stability curve.
   Phase 3 makes a run of simulations in the parameter space givem by the stability curves.


  I tried to code this thing into a single coherent program,
  so that one can easily change variables by just calling
  the program with different options, for example

> ./2STAR_ -mode  mdot   -accmass 1.2   -donmass 0.3 
          -path  test   -accmode he_wd -donmode co_wd
          -setup period -period  300

  will initialize the clculation of mass transfer history 
  of a 0.3 Msun CO White Dwarf donor with a HE White Dwarf
  companion, beginning with a period of 300 seconds, 
  data will be saved in the "test" directory.

  In what follows, I will specify the options I most
  commonly use to run my stuff, this list is NOT 
  comprehensive, one should take a look at the 
  "IO_read_command_line_options"  routine in src/IO/IO_main.f90 
  for a comprehensive list of options and corresponding variables.

  2.1 MODE

  The most basic option, -mode accepts "ballistic", "mdot" 
  and "stability" as valid values. 

  When using "mdot" as a mode, one can set -hybrid to .true.
  in order to evaluate ballistic trayectories alongside it,

> ./2STAR_ -mode mdot -hybrid .true.

  When using "stability" as a mode, one can specify the phase 
  of the stability you want to begin (so that if you had already
  started, you don't start from the beginning), provided you
  have the data files from past phases. For example,

> ./2STAR_ -mode stability -phase 2 -path stable

  will begin the second phase of the stability analysis,
  provided the file "stable/stability_1.dat" generated by
  past phases of the code is present.
  If the phase is not specified, the code starts at the beginning
  of the stability analysis.


  The options -accmass and -donmass set the donor mass and accretor mass,
  respectively, this mass is given in solar masses,
  note that for WD stars, one cannot exceed the Chandrasehkar mass.
  The options -accmode and -donmode set the donor type and accretor type,
  these can take the values "he_wd", "co_wd" and "ns",
  note that "ns" is an invalid mode for a donor.
  The line

> ./2STAR_ -donmass 1.3 -accmass 2.4 -donmode co_wd -accmode ns

  will initialize the evolution for a 1.3 Msun CO WD donor with a
  2.4 Msun NS companion.

  The code is naturally adaptative to the size of the accretor,
  it can decide whether the system is "direct impact" or "disk accretion"
  depending on the accretor size compared to the distance of minimum approach
  of a ballistic trayectory with initial conditions as in Lubow and Shu 1975.
  The prescence of a disk changes the structure of mass flows and 
  angular momentum transfer in the system, it is crucial for mass transfer
  history computations and stability diagrams.

  One can force the code to act as if the system were direct impact or 
  disk accretion, this effectively removes/adds angular momentum terms in 
  the variables q_a and q_stable, computed in src/component/component_evol.f90.
  The option -advection takes care of this, and can be set to take
  the string values "adaptative" (default), "disk", or "impact".
  For example,

> ./2STAR_ -advection disk

  forces the code to assume the system is a disk accretion system.

  2.3 SETUP

  Here is an explanation for the different setup modes.
  Please note that any variables the setup routine has to use must be initialized 
  before calling it, the masses of the binary components must always be specified.

- dr_mode_period        - Given a period (binary_period), 
                          computes the orbital parameters corresponding to said period.
- dr_mode_separation    - Given a separation (binary_separation), computes the orbital parameters 
                          corresponding to said separation.
- dr_mode_mdot          - Given a mass transfer rate (mdot_donor), computes the orbital 
                          parameters that yield said mass transfer rate. 
	                  This can be slow to initialize, since it uses a midpoint scheme 
	   	          to converge to the mass transfer rate.
- dr_mode_roche_LIMIT   - Computes the orbital parameters that yield the separation 
                          corresponding to the Roche limit.
- dr_mode_contact       - Computes the orbital parameters that yield a zero mass transfer rate 
                          (right at contact). 
- dr_mode_overflow_EQ   - Computes the orbital parameters that yield a zero mass transfer rate 
                         change, meaning that the system will be initialized in a steady state 
		         (no significant evolution should occur). Note that, depending on your 
		         mass ratio, such a state may not exist!
- dr_mode_separation_EQ - Computes the orbital parameters that yield a zero binary separation 
                          change, meaning that the system will be initialized at the point of 
		          minimal separation. The basic thinking is that stable binary will start 
		          to merge and then separate because of mass transfer.
                          The system is initialized right when the system is beginning to separate.
  To use these modes in the command line the following option should do the trick,
> ./2STAR_ -setup some_setup
  where some_setup can be "contact", "separation" and so on without the quotes.
  If using period, separation or mdot as input variables, you shuld specify them,
> ./2STAR_ -setup period -period 100
  this will initialize the system at a period of 100s.
  Note that when specifying a mass transfer rate, units are given in solar units.
> ./2STAR_ -setup mdot -mdot 0.000001
  will initialize the system at a mass transfer rate of 1e-6 Msolar/year.

  I try to follow most standards, so you'll find the source code in src/,
  useful shell scripts for compiling, plotting and running in bash/,
  all the results I try to dump on the data/ directory.

  For the love of all science, don't mess with the plot templates in 
  src/IO/templates if you don't know how they're called!


  If you're going to open up a file, just don't use 42,43,44 as the file unit,
  IO_unit (the default file identifier declared somewhere in the module)
  is set to 42, so let's not bump into each other here.
  Obviously, you can change this variable if you must, this variable is
  declared in the IO module src/IO/IO.f90

  There are a few logical variables that characterize how annoying the output is.
  If -verbose evaluates to true, the module prints out the most useful parameters 
  every time they are calculated, if -interrupting evaluates to true, then any 
  integration you do will print out the data every time step
  (undesirable for high resoltion in time, but useful when performing diagnostics).
  Any logical that has the subscript _FLAG simply prints out data relevant to the 
  variable it is diagnosing, setting such a variable to true will print out all 
  sorts of obscure meaningless numbers and messages.
  Finally, you can stop the program from saving any data at all by setting 
  IO_save = .false., I found this useful to perform the stability curve 
  (a la Marsh) calculations.

  SECTION 4: POORLY DOCUMENTED VERSION HISTORY (I doubt anyone will use this, this is mainly for myself)

  VERSION 2.0 (October 10th, 2012): 

- Big update! All functionalities have been broken up into units, 
  which run their own modules. This has sped up the program by orders of magnitude!
- Current units: driver, physics, component, IO, ode, and Mkracken.

* Incorporate breakup rates.

  VERSION 1.3 (August 7th, 2012):

- Documentation in README is somewhat clearer.
- Tidal terms are incorporated.


* Provide treatment for breakup rotation speeds, finish up tewsting of tidal torque terms.

  VERSION 1.3 (July 31, 2012):

- Code is somewhat documented.
- All functionalities provided by the module have been integrated into a single program 2STAR_,
  which has a variety of modes (ballistic, mdot and stability).
- More arguments are now included through external libraries, less recompilations are necessary.
- Stub routines and data declarations are ready to accept the tidal terms.


* Include tides properly, observe tidally induced oscillations.
* Postprocessing of mdot tracks should be included as an additional mode.
* Write a makefile.

  VERSION 1.2 (July 4, 2012):

- Stub routines for the tidal terms have been included.
- Arguments are now included through external libraries.


* Document.

  VERSION 1.1 (May 20, 2012):

- Hybrid ballistic / mdot integration mode is implemented and in working order.
- Some programs now accept arguments when running, minimizing unnecessary recompilation.


* Document.
* Tidal terms (should be simple by now).

  VERSION 1.0 (April 27, 2012):

- Can solve m_dot curves versus time.
- Super Eddington mass transfer rates can be treated.
- Different modes on angular momentum advection can be incorporated (disk accretion, direct impact).
- Neutron star and He/CO White Dwarves can be treated for both accretor and donor. 
- Can integrate stream trayectories and from there obtain a virialization temperature.
- Initialization of the system can be done in five ways: Initial contact, equilibrium mass transfer, and given mass transfer, separation, or period.
- Can now plot stability diagrams with src/stability.f90.

  Things to do, in no particular order:

* DOCUMENT THE CODE PROPERLY: Right now only I can read it well, who knows in one year.
* Make a flowchart that describes the flow and interaction of the subroutines and variables.
* Introduce tidal interactions so that one can see tidally induced oscillations of the orbit.

2star_'s People


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