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oryx's Introduction


Oryx - Agile Object Data Persistence


# create a schema
package My::Schema;
use base qw/Oryx::Schema/;
   'My::Person' => {
       fields => [
           address_1 => [ 'string', size => 63 ],
           address_2 => [ 'string', size => 63 ],
           firstname => [ 'string', size => 31 ],
   'My::User' => {
       base => 'My::Person',
       fields => [
           lastname  => [ 'string', size => 31 ],
           username  => [ 'string', size => 31 ],
       assocs => [
           notes => [ hash => [ 'string', size => 255 ], compos => 1 ],
# your application code
use Oryx::Storage;
my $storage = Oryx::Storage->new(
   dsn => 'dbi:mysql:dbname=test',
   username => 'test',
   password => 'test',
$storage->open( 'My::Schema' );

my $user = My::Person->new( $oid );
$user->firstname( 'Homer' );
$user->lastname( 'Simpson' );
$user->notes->{drinks} = "Beer";


This is a complete rewrite of Oryx and neither the API nor the schema generated is compatible with earlier versions. Previous releases had several features which have turned out to be unused, as well as a few concurrency issues which made it unsafe. To reflect this, the version number has been bumped to 0.50. However, this version of Oryx is still to be considered an early beta.


Oryx is an Object Relational Mapper for Perl. It aims for ease of use and rapid prototyping, with a few important differences to the others you may find. In particular, Oryx supports native Perl hash and array associations, both "optimistic locking" using object versioning, and "pessimistic locking", and ships with a simple database agnostic full text search capability based on an inverted search index. It also supports abstract classes, inheritance and manages the database schema automatically.

Features in Brief

Automatic Database Schema Management

With Oryx you need never create a database table by hand nor add a column to tables when your persistent classes, and therefore your schema changes. All you need to do is to declare a new class, or add a new field to an existing one and call $storage->deploy(). However, Oryx makes every effort to keep the generated schema as human readable as possible, by using natural language inflection on both tables and column names, including link tables. This means that if you need to query the database by hand, or fit another ORM to the schema, then you can do that easily.

Native Array and Hash Associations

Oryx lets you think about associations between objects as you would with ordinary. You can say things like: an instance of class A keeps a hash of instances of class B, and when you access the association, then what you get is an hash reference. Persistent classes also have the concepts of "aggregation" and "composition", as in UML. This translates to whether object deletions and updates cascade (composition) or not (aggregation).

Internally Oryx may use link tables for tracking hash keys and array indicies, so that most of the time you don't need to think about it.

This gives you an object persistence framework with an object model which is closer to Perl's than simply thinking about one-to-many or many-to-one relations.

There are, of course, variations on whether an array association, for example, is implemented using a link table (Oryx::Schema::Array) or not (Oryx::Schema::IntrArray).

Full Text Indexing and Query Engine

Oryx ships with a simple inverted index search and indexing built in which allows you to add fast full text searching to your objects. This is portable accross all databases and supports stopalizing, stemming and complex boolean query construction, incremental indexing, range searching and filters.

Data Integrity

Oryx maintains data integrity by versioning each object and using an "Optimistic Locking" strategy during updates and deletes. This means that during these operations Oryx checks the version of each record it has in memory against that which is in the database and if a version mismatch is found, an exception is raised, and the transaction rolled back.

Transactions are short lived and it is "optimistic" because of the assumption that the common case will succeed so the scope of a transaction is limited to two queries executed in quick succession; one to fetch the version of the row and one to perform the update or delete.

Oryx also supports "Pessimistic Locking" allowing you to explicitly lock an object while you're working with it. Although useful in certain circumstances, care should be taken with this kind of locking, particularly in a web based environment, since it can limit concurrency.


Oryx implements inheritance using the "Single Table Inheritance" model. This means that all your classes in the inheritance chain actually store their data in the same table, but simply add extra columns as they are specialised. Previous versions of Oryx used multiple tables and thereby supported multiple inheritance, but it was found that the performance cost outweighed the benefits of having MI. So the Single Table model trades disk space for speed.


A comprehensive meta-model drives Oryx - classes are completely self aware and expose their meta-data: fields, their type, associations with other classes, link tables created, etc. This information can be useful for dynamically creating user interfaces (HTML forms, etc.), for example, and is accessible via $object->meta. You can even change this information at runtime, perhaps for mocking, or temporarily disabling parts of a schema.

Polymorphic Retrieval

Oryx supports polymorphic retrieval through the use of schema classes marked as abstract. Concrete classes inheriting from abstract classes can then be mixed in associations.

For example, say you wanted to store an XHTML document which defined several different classes for different elements, each with a different set of allowed attributes and child nodes. You could create an abstract "Node" class which had an array association called "child_nodes" with itself. The "Node" class would then be subclassed into different node types, one for each XHTML element, so that the array of children from a node can then be a mixture of different types, instead of a homogeneous list.

Usable with Distributed or Asynchronous Systems

One of the problems with using DBI with single-threaded asynchronous systems (such as POE, Event or Coro) is that database operations are blocking. One way in which one might try to solve this, is to fork a child process and run a database proxy in the child.

Oryx makes this easier by using only two methods supported by DBI, namely $dbh->do(...) and $dbh->selectall_arrayref(...) as these don't require the use of an intermediate statement handle. The database handle object then remains in the child process, and only the queries and data move back and forth between parent and child.

This is not restricted to forking a child process, of course, but also allows the creation of a simple database proxy client/server pair where, using any serialization strategy, queries can be sent over a socket and records can be returned without needing to resort to writing or using complicated, specialized database proxy drivers.


In order to persist your classes, you must first define a schema for them. This is done by creating a subclass of Oryx::Schema, and then implementing a a method called define(...) which returns a hash list of class names to their individual schemas:

package My::Schema;
use base qw/Oryx::Schema/;

   'My::Class' => {
       fields => [
       assocs => [


The package My::Schema is then passed to $storage->open(...) and assembled into a set of Perl classes ready for use.

my $storage = Oryx::Storage->new( @conn );
$storage->open( 'My::Schema' );
$storage->deploy(); # if the schema is new or has changed

Let us take a look at a more complete example, which illustrates a few more interesting aspects of Oryx schemas:

   'My::Person' => {
       fields => [
           address_1 => [ 'string', size => 63 ],
           address_2 => [ 'string', size => 63 ],
           firstname => [ 'string', size => 31 ],
   'My::User' => {
       base => 'My::Person',
       fields => [
           lastname  => [ 'string', size => 31 ],
           username  => [ 'string', size => 31 ],
       assocs => [
           notes => [ hash => [ 'string', size => 255 ], compos => 1 ],

This produces the following database schema for MySQL:

CREATE TABLE `people` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `lastname` varchar(31) default NULL,
  `username` varchar(31) default NULL,
  `firstname` varchar(31) default NULL,
  `address_2` varchar(63) default NULL,
  `address_1` varchar(63) default NULL,
  `lock_version` int(11) default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

CREATE TABLE `user_notes` (
  `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `hash_key` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `note` varchar(255) default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`user_id`,`hash_key`)

Looking at the schema above, we see that although we have two classes My::Person and My::User, both are stored in the same table: people, which has been pluralized correctly. The latter inherits from the former as declared by base => 'My::Person'. Each class in an inheritance chain knows which fields it needs, so only those fields will be selected and visible to the instance.

We then have another table: user_notes. This table represents the notes hash associated with instances of My::User, and is named to reflect the fact that it is a one-to-many association.

This table also shows a denormalization which was used to optimize the schema. In the fragment:

assocs => [
    notes => [ hash => [ 'string', size => 255 ], compos => 1 ],

we have said that the value type of the hash association is a string, as opposed to a class (see below). Oryx keeps the values for associations to simple scalars inside what would otherwise be a link table. If, instead, we had said:

assocs => [
    notes => [ hash => [ 'ref' => 'My::Note' ], compos => 1 ],

then the (relevant parts of) user_notes table would read:

CREATE TABLE `user_notes` (
  `note_id` int(11) default NULL,

and an appropriate My::Note class and notes table would need to be defined and created, respectively. This would make user_notes a "proper" link table. This sort of denormalization is useful in situations where you know you will only ever need scalar values in the association, and can therefore save a JOIN operation when retrieving the data.

Making use My::Class; Work

The symbol tables for persistent classes using the above method will be constructed at run-time. This means that it doesn't make sense to then try to use My::Class; somewhere in your code since Perl will fail to find the corresponding My/ file, and raise an exception.

One way around this is to put the definition inside a BEGIN { ... } block to ensure that the classes are available at compile time:

       'My::Class' => {
           fields => [
           assocs => [

and then in another piece of code:

use My::Schema;
use My::Class;

This works because Oryx tweaks %INC in such a way that Perl thinks the module is already loaded (the BEGIN block doesn't trigger this behaviour, but the %INC tweak only works if done at compile time).

Another, preferred way, is to create the My/ module:

package My::Class;
use base qw/Oryx::Object/;

This has the added benefit of allowing for evolutionary programming in that when you need to extend the class beyond what is supported by Oryx::Object, then the file already exists so you then just add your methods to it.

The meta-data needed to persist this class, however, is still kept centrally inside the My::Schema package.

Class Definitions

Schema class definitions, as mentioned, are a hash-list keyed on the name of the class, with a hash reference holding the meta-data required by Oryx. This meta-data hash reference supports four key-value pairs:


The name of the parent class, if any, as a string. The parent class does not need to be declared earlier (the outer structure is a hash, so ordering is undefined anyway).


A flag which, if present, specifies that this is an abstract class. Such classes are never instantiated directly upon retrieval, but are always "down cast" to a concrete subclass.

To do this, the table in which these are stored has a field for storing the class name of the concrete subclass. The object retrieved is then blessed into this subclass.


An array reference of pairs, semantically similar to a hash reference, except that ordering is preserved (this is useful for auto-generating user interface components from meta data where it is desirable to impose ordering on the fields).

Every even element is a string, the name of which is taken to be the field name, and every corresponding odd element is taken to contain type information about the field, usually stored in an array reference. See "Fields" below for details.


An array reference of association name/type pairs, similiar to fields above. The type is also an array reference containing a description of the association type. See "Associations" below for details.

When the schema is loaded, Oryx creates Perl packages dynamically and the resulting classes are based on Oryx::Object. Oryx does this by pushing Oryx::Object to the @INC array of the dynamically created package. Therefore, all instances of your persistent classes will respond to the Oryx::Object interface.

So the persistent class dynamically constructed from the schema definition for that class is conceptually equivalent to saying:

package My::Class;
use base qw/Oryx::Object/;

sub meta {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{_meta} ||= Oryx::Schema::Meta->new(
       name   => __PACKAGE__,
       base   => ...,
       fields => { ... },
       assocs => { ... },

however, Oryx takes care of the meta accessor for you (it's actually inheritable class data). So in a sense, meta returns the class instance, which is meta-data to the persistent object instances.


Fields declared in classes map to columns in tables of the database schema. Each field is a pair; the name and an array reference expressing its type. The type array reference has the type name as its first element followed by parameters.

The required parameter is common to all fields and is optional, as is the default parameter, which allows one to specify a default value for the field.

The following example declares a field (or column) named cheese to be of type string (VARCHAR), with a maximum length of 127, is required (NOT NULL) and defaults to "cheddar":

fields => [
    cheese => [ 'string', size => 127, required => 1, default => 'cheddar' ],

Besides mapping field types to their underlying SQL column types, Oryx also allows fields to run hooks during storage and retrieval operations. More complex fields such as email or file use this to do pattern matching during storage, and creating a file handle during retrieval respectively. If while saving Oryx detects an invalid value for a field, then a validation error will be raised.

The following is a complete list of currently supported fields with their signatures (if any), and mappings to MySQL column types:

Oryx::Schema::Field::Oid : INT

Used internally to represent the primary key.

Oryx::Schema::Field::String : VARCHAR

Creates a field of size $size for holding character data. If $size is not supplied then it defaults to 255:

field_name => [ 'string', size => $size ]
Oryx::Schema::Field::Integer : INT

Creates an integer field of size $size. If $size is not supplied the it defaults to 11:

field_name => [ 'integer', size => $size ]
Oryx::Schema::Field::Boolean : TINYINT

Creates a boolean field. The value zero is false. As with Perl, any other value is true:

field_name => [ 'boolean' ]
Oryx::Schema::Field::Text : TEXT

Creates a text field for holding longer text data:

field_name => [ 'text' ]
Oryx::Schema::Field::Float : FLOAT

Creates a field for holding floating point (real) numbers:

field_name => [ 'float' ]
Oryx::Schema::Field::Binary : BLOB

Creates a field for holding binary data:

field_name => [ 'binary' ]
Oryx::Schema::Field::Email : VARCHAR

Creates a field for holding email adresses. The constraint is applied as the record is saved to the database by requiring the value to match against the following pattern:


field_name => [ 'email' ]
Oryx::Schema::Field::Url : VARCHAR

Creates a field for holding URI's. The constraint is applied as the record is saved to the database by requiring the value to match against the following pattern (borrowed from URI):


field_name => [ 'url' ]

When the record is retrieved, the value is turned into a URI object.

Oryx::Schema::Field::Password : VARCHAR

Creates a field for storing passwords. The password is encrypted before being saved to the database. The value of this field type overloads the string comparison operator (`cmp') so that a string can be compared to the encrypted value in memory:

field_name => [ 'password' ]
Oryx::Schema::Field::Enum : VARCHAR

Creates an enumerated field. The value is checked against the list of acceptable values when the record is saved to the database and an error is raised if it is not one of them:

field_name => [ 'enum', items => [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ] ]
Oryx::Schema::Field::File : VARCHAR

Creates a field for storing files. The file data is not saved in the database but under an auto-generated file name under the directory specified with the base parameter of the form: base/table/

field_name => [ 'file', base => '/some/path' ]

The field value must be an instance of IO::File, and this is what will be created for you when the object is later retrieved.

Oryx::Schema::Field::Date : DATE

Creates a field for storing dates. The date value is formatted with Date::Format using the default format: '%Y-%m-%d' when stored to the database:

field_name => [ 'date', format => $format ]

The format can be overridden by specifying the format parameter.

Oryx::Schema::Field::Time : TIME

Creates a field for storing time values. The time value is formatted with Date::Format using the default format: '%H:%M:%S' when stored to the database:

field_name => [ 'time', format => $format ]

The format can be overridden by specifying the format parameter.

Oryx::Schema::Field::DateTime : DATETIME

Creates a field for storing date-time values. The value is formatted with Date::Format using the default format: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' when stored to the database:

field_name => [ 'datetime', format => $format ]

The format can be overridden by specifying the format parameter.

Oryx::Schema::Field::Range : INT or FLOAT

Creates a field for storing numbers constrained to be within a given range:

field_name => [ 'range', min => $min, max => $max, step => $step ]

The min and max parameters specify the lower and upper boundaries of the range (inclusive), and the step specifies a multiplier for discrete values. If step is a floating point number, then the column type will be mapped to FLOAT, otherwise to INT (in MySQL, other databases may vary).


Creates a field for storing complex data structures which are serialized using JSON:

field_name => [ 'complex' ]

Please note that the caveats of JSON apply, specifically that cyclic data structures are not supported. Alternative serialization strategies may be supported in future.


Just as associations between Perl objects are realised as plain, Array or Hash references, so too are Oryx associations realised.

However, there is more than one way of mapping each of these to a relational database, depending mainly on whether back-references are needed, and whether an intermediate link table is created or not.

There are, for example, two types of Hash and Array associations; a non-intrusive form (Oryx::Schema::Array, which creates a link table but doesn't support back references, and an intrusive form ("Oryx::Schema::IntrArray) which doesn't create a link table but does support back references ("intrusive" because it adds a field to the target table for keeping references)."

Associations are also declared using name and array reference pairs, and are added in much the same way as fields are, for instance:

'My::Article' => {
    fields => [ ... ],
    assocs => [
        author => [ 'ref' => 'My::User' ]

declares that a My::Article instance holds a reference to a My::User instance.

Oryx currently supports the following types of associations:


Keeps a foreign key in the current class which references another class.


Creates a link table as with many-to-many relations, but with an added column for keeping hash keys which are used to construct a hash reference for the relation. Also supports flat values (in which case it's not really a link table).


Like Oryx::Schema::Hash, but constructs an array ref for the association and keeps the array indicies. Also supports flat values.


An unordered list association like the classic one-to-many where the other class keeps a foreign key to us. No link tables are created as this intrudes into the other class by adding a column which keeps our primary key.


Like Oryx::Schema::List in that it doesn't create a link table, but presents the same interface as Oryx::Schema::Hash. An extra column is created in the other table which holds the hash key.


Like Oryx::Schema::IntrHash, but for array associations. An intrusive column is created in the other class which holds the array index.


Oryx gives you single inheritance using a single table to store all classes in the inheritance chain. To extend a class, we can do the following:

my $users = schema->class('My::Users');
   firstname => schema->string(),
   lastname  => schema->string(),

Here your My::User instances will be stored in the "people" table with two columns "firstname", and "lastname" added to that table. The classes will only extract and store columns which they know about, so you won't get fields from other subclasses polluting your objects.

Example Schema

The following is a complete schema example (taken from the tests):

package Test::Schema;

use strict;

use base qw/Oryx::Schema/;

    'My::User' => {
        base => 'My::Person',
        fields => [
            lastname  => [ string => size => 32 ],
            username  => [ string => size => 32 ],
            form_data => [ 'complex' ],
        assocs => [
            articles => [ list => 'My::Article', compos => 1 ],
            notes    => [ hash => [ 'string', size => 255 ], compos => 1 ],

    'My::Person' => {
        fields => [
            address_1 => [ 'string', size => 127  ],
            address_2 => [ 'string', size => 127  ],
            firstname => [ 'string', size => 32   ],
        assocs => [
            login => [ 'ref' => 'My::Login', compos => 1 ],

    'My::Company' => {
        base => 'My::Person',
        fields => [
            status => [ 'string' ],
            email  => [ 'email', required => 1 ],

    'My::Login' => {
        fields => [
            usname => [ 'string',   size => 32 ],
            passwd => [ 'password', size => 32 ],

    'My::Article' => {
        fields => [
            title   => [ 'string', search => 1, weight => 0.5, size => 31 ],
            summary => [ 'text',   search => 1, weight => 0.2 ],
            rating  => [ 'range', min => 0, max => 100 ],
            status  => [ 'enum', items => [qw/ published working deleted /] ],
        assocs => [
            chapters => [ 'hash', [ 'ref' => 'My::Chapter' ], compos => 1 ],
            author   => [ 'ref' => 'My::User' ],

    'My::Chapter' => {
        fields => [
            title => [ 'string', size => 127 ],
        assocs => [
            pages => [ array => [ 'ref' => 'My::Page', compos => 1 ] ],

    'My::Page' => {
        fields => [
            title => [ 'string' ],
        assocs => [
            paragraphs => [ 'array' => [ 'text' ] ],



Working with persistent objects follows a simple pattern in that the objects are usually constructed before binding them to data from the database. For example, the general pattern for creating and storing new object is:

my $user = My::User->new( \%fields );

To retrieve the object again:

my $user = My::User->new( $oid );

When a field or an association is accessed, an AUTOLOAD method consults the meta-data. If the access not valid (i.e. there is no corresponding field or association defined), then an exception is raised. Otherwise the object will let you get or set a field value. For example:

$user->lastname( 'Random' );

In the case of it being an association, the association is loaded on demand. For example My::Article::chapters accesses a hash association storing My::Chapter objects:

my $article = My::Article->new( title => 'Meta Mania' );
$article->chapters->{chapter_1} = My::Chapter->new( title => 'Chapter 1' );

Setting an entry in chapters tracks it as a change and the call to save persists the all objects in the tree recursively.


Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below:

Around line 618:

Unterminated L<...> sequence

oryx's People


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