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artifact-cookbook's Introduction

Artifact cookbook

Provides your cookbooks with the Artifact Deploy LWRP


  • Chef 10
  • Vagrant


  • CentOS
  • Fedora
  • Windows >= 6.0
    • Windows Vista
    • Windows 2008 R2
    • Windows 7


With Vagrant 1.1, there is no longer a Vagrant RubyGem to install. Instead, follow the instructions on the VagrantUp documentation pages.

Resources / Providers


Deploys a collection of build artifacts packaged into a tar ball. Artifacts are extracted from the package and managed in a deploy directory in the same fashion you've seen in the Opscode deploy resource or Capistrano's default deploy strategy.


Action Description Default
deploy Deploy the artifact package Yes
pre_seed Pre-seed the artifact package


Attribute Description Type Default
artifact_name Name of the artifact package to deploy String name
artifact_location URL, S3 path, local path, or Maven identifier of the artifact package to download String
artifact_checksum The SHA256 checksum of the artifact package that is being downloaded String
deploy_to Deploy directory where releases are stored and linked String
version Version of the artifact being deployed String
owner Owner of files created and modified String
group Group of files created and modified String
environment An environment hash used by resources within the provider Hash
symlinks A hash that maps files in the shared directory to their paths in the current release Hash
shared_directories Directories to be created in the shared folder Array %w{ log pids }
force Forcefully deploy an artifact even if the artifact has already been deployed Boolean false
should_migrate Notify the provider if it should perform application migrations Boolean false
keep Specify a number of artifacts deployments to keep on disk Integer 2
use_symlinks Use symlinks for pointing the current release Boolean true
before_deploy A proc containing resources to be executed before the deploy process begins Proc
before_extract A proc containing resources to be executed before the artifact package is extracted Proc
after_extract A proc containing resources to be executed after the artifac package is extracted Proc
before_symlink A proc containing resources to be executed before the symlinks are created Proc
after_symlink A proc containing resources to be executed after the symlinks are created Proc
configure A proc containing resources to be executed to configure the artifact package Proc
before_migrate A proc containing resources to be executed before the migration Proc Proc
migrate A proc containing resources to be executed during the migration stage Proc
after_migrate A proc containing resources to be executed after the migration Proc Proc
restart A proc containing resources to be executed at the end of a successful deploy Proc
after_deploy A proc containing resources to be executed after the deploy process ends Proc
after_download A proc containing resources to be executed only if the artifact has been downloaded Proc
remove_top_level_directory Deletes a top level directory from the extracted zip file Boolean false
skip_manifest_check Skips the manifest check for idempotency when the version attribute is not changing Boolean false
remove_on_force Removes the current version directory contents when force is set Boolean false
nexus_configuration Accepts an object that can customize the Nexus server connection information Chef::Artifact::NexusConfiguration Chef::Artifact::NexusConfiguration.from_data_bag

Deploy Flow, the Manifest, and Procs

The deploy flow is outlined in the Artifact Deploy flow chart below.

Artifact Deploy

For a more detailed flow of what happens when we check with deploy?, see the Manifest Differences Flow chart.

The 'happy-path' of this flow is the default path when an artifact has already been deploy - there will be no need to execute many of the Procs. That being said, there are a few 'choice' paths through the flow where a Proc may affect the flow.

There are two checks in the artifact deploy flow where a manifest check is executed - at the beginning, before the before_deploy proc, and just after the configure proc (and after the migrate procs). When the latter check returns true, the restart proc will execute.

The manifest is a YAML file with a mapping of files in the deploy path to their SHA1 checksum. For example:

/srv/artifact_test/releases/2.0.68/log4j.xml: 96be5753fbf845e30b643fa04008f2c4fe6956a7
/srv/artifact_test/releases/2.0.68/readme.txt: fcb8d816b062565930f19f9bdb954f5ac43c5039
/srv/artifact_test/releases/2.0.68/my-artifact.jar: 42ad63cc883afad010573d3d8eea4e5a4011e5d4

There are numerous Procs placed throughout the flow of the artifact_deploy resource. They are meant to give the user many different ways to configure the artifact and execute resources during the flow. Some good examples include executing a resource to stop a service in the before_deploy proc, or placing configuration files in the deployed artifact during the configure proc.

Please note the before_deploy, configure, and after_deploy procs are executed on every Chef run. It is recommended that any template (or configuration changing resource calls) take place within those procs. In particular, the configure proc was added for this very purpose. Following this pattern will ensure that the templates will change, and the restart proc will execute (perhaps restarting the service the configured artifact provides in order to pick up the configuration changes).

Procs can also utilize the internal methods of the provider class, because they are evaluated inside of the instance of the provider class. For example:

artifact_deploy "artifact_test" do
  # omitted for brevity
  configure {
    # release_path is an attr_reader on the @release_path variable
    template "#{release_path}/conf/" do
      source ""
      variables(:config => config)

By default, the current folder is a symlink pointing to the current release folder. This behavior is implicitly set by the use_symlinks. If use_symlinks is false then no symlinks are used for the current directory. Instead, files are copied from the current release directory to current and a file named .symlinks (located at the deploy_to root) contains the reference of the current release. Please note that this parameter doesn't affect how symlinks behaves.


Downloads a file from a provided location and then verifies that the integrity of the file is intact. Artifact files from Nexus will check with the Nexus Server to verify the SHA1 of the downloaded file. Artifact files from an HTTP or S3 source will either use the provided SHA256 checksum to verify integrity or skip the check if no checksum is given.


Action Description Default
create Download the artifact file Yes


Attribute Description Type Default
path The path to download the artifact to String name
location The location to the artifact file. Either a nexus identifier, S3 path or URL String
checksum The SHA256 checksum for verifying URL downloads. Not used when location is Nexus String
owner Owner of the downloaded file String
group Group of the downloaded file String
after_download A proc containing resources to be executed only if the artifact has been downloaded Proc
download_retries The number of times to attempt to download the file if it fails its integrity check Integer 1

Downloading files using artifact_file

In its simplest state, the artifact_file resource is a wrapper for the remote_file resource for Nexus and URL locations. The key addition is retry logic and integrity checking for the downloaded files. Below is a brief description of the logic flow for the resource:

  • Download the file using remote_file resource.
  • Check the file's integrity
    • Is it from the Nexus?
      • Check the SHA1 of the downloaded file against Nexus Server's SHA1. Returns false if they are not equal.
    • Not from Nexus - Is the checksum attribute defined for the resource?
      • If defined - Check the SHA256 of the downloaded file against the checksum attribute. Returns false if they are not equal.
      • If not defined - log a message and return true.

When the logic returns true, the downloaded file is considered good and the resource will exit. When the logic above returns false, the downloaded file is considered corrupt and an attempt will be made to download the file again. The number of retries can be controlled with the download_retries attribute.


Downloads a file with artifact_file, then calls the package resource to install it.


Action Description Default
install Download and install the artifact file Yes


Attribute Description Type Default
name The name of the package you'll be installing String name
location The location to the artifact file. Either a nexus identifier, S3 path or URL String
checksum The SHA256 checksum for verifying URL downloads. Not used when location is Nexus String
owner Owner of the downloaded file String
group Group of the downloaded file String
after_download A proc containing resources to be executed only if the artifact has been downloaded Proc
download_retries The number of times to attempt to download the file if it fails its integrity check Integer 1


The RDocs for the deploy.rb provider can be found under the Top Level Namespace page for this repository.

Nexus Usage

By default, deploying an artifact from a Nexus repository requires an encrypted data bag that contains the credentials for your Nexus repository.

knife data bag create artifact _wildcard -c <your chef config> --secret-file=<your secret file>

Your data bag should look like the following:

  "id": "_wildcard",
  "nexus": {
    "username": "nexus_user",
    "password": "nexus_user_password",
    "url": "",
    "repository": "your_repository"

After your encrypted data bag is setup you can use Maven identifiers as your artifact_location attribute. A Maven identifier is shown as a colon-separated string that includes three elements - groupId:artifactId:extension - ex. "". If many environments share the same configuration, you can provide environment specific configuration in separate data_bag items:

knife data bag create artifact production -c <your chef config> --secret-file=<your secret file>

  "id": "production",
  "nexus": {
    "username": "nexus_production_user",
    "password": "nexus_production_user_password",
    "url": "",
    "repository": "your_repository"

knife data bag create artifact development -c <your chef config> --secret-file=<your secret file>

  "id": "development",
  "nexus": {
    "username": "nexus_dev_user",
    "password": "nexus_dev_user_password",
    "url": "",
    "repository": "your_repository"

To further customize your Nexus usage, you can use the new nexus_configuration attribute. To do so, create a new Chef::Artifact::NexusConfiguration object, passing it the customized parameters - url, repository, username (defaults to nil), password (defaults to nil), ssl_verify (defaults to true). Then pass that object to the artifact_deploy resource. For example:

nexus_configuration_object ="http://nexus-url", "snapshots", "username", "password")

artifact_deploy "my-artifact" do
  version             "latest"
  artifact_location   ""
  nexus_configuration nexus_configuration_object
  deploy_to           "/opt/my-artifact"
  owner               "artifact"
  group               "artifact"

To access a Nexus repository anonymously, simply omit the username and password from the construction of the Chef::Artifact::NexusConfiguration object.

S3 Usage

S3 can be used as a source of an archive. The location path must be in the form s3://s3-endpoint/bucket-name/path/to/archive.tar.gz. You can provide AWS credentials in the data_bag, or if you are running on EC2 and are using IAM Instance Roles - you may omit the credentials and use the Instance Role. Alternatively, if the credentials are available on the environment they will be used from there (more information on the Environment variable keys an be found

The S3 endpoints are documented here

If you want to retrieve an object from an S3 bucket in the US-Standard region - use the following format: s3://

If you want to retrieve and object from a bucket in the US West (Oregon) Region region s3:// or EU (Ireland) Region: s3://

This is example IAM policy to get an artifact from S3. Note that this policy will limit permissions to just the files contained under the deploys/ path. If you wish to keep them in the root of your bucket, just omit the deploys/ portion and put <your-s3-bucket>/*:

  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "Stmt1357328135477",
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": [

If you wish to provide your AWS credentials in a data_bag, the format is:

  "id": "_wildcard",
  "aws": {
    "access_key_id": "my_access_key",
    "secret_access_key": "my_secret_access_key"

Your data_bag can contain both nexus and aws configuration.


Deploying a Rails application
artifact_deploy "pvpnet" do
  version "1.0.0"
  artifact_location ""
  deploy_to "/srv/pvpnet"
  owner "riot"
  group "riot"
  environment { 'RAILS_ENV' => 'production' }
  shared_directories %w{ data log pids system vendor_bundle assets }

  before_deploy {
    bluepill_service 'pvpnet-unicorn' do
      action :stop

  before_migrate {
    template "#{shared_path}/database.yml" do
      source "database.yml.erb"
      owner node[:merlin][:owner]
      group node[:merlin][:group]
      mode "0644"
        :environment => environment,
        :options => database_options

    execute "bundle install --local --path=vendor/bundle --without test development cucumber --binstubs" do
      environment { 'RAILS_ENV' => 'production' }
      user "riot"
      group "riot"

  migrate {
    execute "bundle exec rake db:migrate" do
      cwd release_path
      environment { 'RAILS_ENV' => 'production' }
      user "riot"
      group "riot"

  after_migrate {
    ruby_block "remove_run_migrations" do
      block do"Migrations were run, removing role[pvpnet_run_migrations]")

  configure {
    template "/srv/pvpnet/current/" do
      source ""
      owner 'riot'
      group 'riot'
      variables(:database_config => node[:pvpnet_cookbook][:database_config])

  restart {
    bluepill_service 'pvpnet-unicorn' do
      action :restart

  keep 2
  should_migrate (node[:pvpnet][:should_migrate] ? true : false)
  force (node[:pvpnet][:force_deploy] ? true : false)
  action :deploy
Deploying the latest from Nexus (Changed in > 1.0.0)
artifact_deploy "my-artifact" do
  version           "latest"
  artifact_location ""
  deploy_to         "/opt/my-artifact"
  owner             "artifact"
  group             "artifact"

  before_extract {
    service "my-artifact" do
      action :stop

  configure {
    template "#{release_path}/conf/" do
      source ""
      owner  "artifact"
      group  "artifact"
      variables(:config => node[:my_artifact_cookbook][:config])

  restart {
    service "my-artifact" do
      action :start
Deploying an artifact from Amazon S3
artifact_deploy "my-artifact" do
  version           "1.0.0"
  artifact_location "s3://"
  deploy_to         "/srv/my-artifact"
  owner             node[:artifact_owner]
  group             node[:artifact_group]
    "log" => "log"
Configuring an artifact_deploy that may need to change over many Chef runs
artifact_deploy "my-artifact" do
  version           "1.0.0"
  artifact_location ""
  deploy_to         "/srv/my-artifact"
  owner             node[:artifact_owner]
  group             node[:artifact_group]
    "log" => "log"
  force             node[:force_deploy]
Using artifact_file to download a file from a URL
artifact_file "/tmp/my-artifact.tgz" do
  location ""
  owner "me"
  group "mes"
  action :create

Using artifact_file to download a file from Nexus

artifact_file "/tmp/my-artifact.tgz" do
  location "com.test:my-artifact:tgz:1.0.0"
  owner "me"
  group "mes"
  action :create

Configuring your resource in this manner will allow you to ensure it can always change when you need it to. In other words, configuring the force attribute to a node attribute, will allow you to change some of the more finer grained aspects of the resource. For example, when force is true, you can also change the value of owner and group to remap the deployed artifact to a new permissions scheme.

Using artifact_file to download a file from an S3 bucket
artifact_file "/tmp/my-artifact.tgz" do
  location "s3://"
  owner "me"
  group "mes"
  checksum "fcb188ed37d41ff2cbf1a52d3a11bfde666e036b5c7ada1496dc1d53dd6ed5dd"
  action :create
Using artifact_package to install an rpm from a website
artifact_package "tomcat" do
  location "http://my-website/tomcat-5.0.rpm"
  owner "me"
  group "mes"
  action :install
Using artifact_package to install an rpm from Nexus
artifact_package "tomcat" do
  location "com.rpm:tomcat:rpm:6.0.0"
  owner "me"
  group "mes"
  action :install


Use stove

  1. Edit your ~/.stove
  2. bake ${VERSION}

License and Author

Author:: Jamie Winsor ([email protected])
Author:: Kyle Allan ([email protected])

Copyright 2013, Riot Games

See LICENSE for license details

artifact-cookbook's People


aaronfeng avatar andrewgarson avatar awillis avatar barthv avatar capoferro avatar clifferson avatar ephess avatar florentdupont avatar geardley avatar gitfool avatar gregsymons avatar guilhem avatar ivey avatar jhowarth avatar jmickle avatar jonathanq avatar kallan357 avatar passion4code avatar pmaccamp avatar reset avatar


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artifact-cookbook's Issues

Anonymous access doesn't seem to work for me

I see that you recently accepted a pull that makes the cookbook work if anonymous access is disabled, however, I can't figure out how you used anonymous access in the first place. If I omit the username and password fields from the data bag or set them to blank, then nexus_cli complains about them being missing. If I set them to "anonymous" then anonymous_enabled? fails because the anonymous user doesn't have the privileges to check to see if it's enabled. Does anonymous access actually work?

Support for Ubuntu 12.04

So far, the only issue that I've seen with the cookbook on Ubuntu 12.04 is that it doesn't specify the correct package names for S3 support:

--- a/chef/cookbooks/artifact/providers/deploy.rb
+++ b/chef/cookbooks/artifact/providers/deploy.rb
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ def load_current_resource
     @artifact_location = [group_id, artifact_id, artifact_version, extension].join(':')
   elsif Chef::Artifact.from_s3?(@new_resource.artifact_location)
-      %W{gcc make libxml2 libxslt libxml2-devel libxslt-devel}.each do |nokogiri_requirement|
+      %W{gcc make libxml2 libxslt1.1 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev}.each do |nokogiri_requirement|
         package nokogiri_requirement do
           action :nothing

Restart proc does not run when symlink is changing but artifact remains unchanged

For testing purposes, it is nice to see what sequential chef runs will do when deploying the same artifact but incrementing the version number in the artifact_deploy resource. When doing so, the restart proc does not run. It seems that the restart proc will only run when the manifest is changed and not when only a symlink is changing.

Files written in a proc

If a file is written into the artifact deployment directory during one of the Proc calls, it will be included in the manifest.

If that file is a configuration file that can/should be changed throughout the lifetime of that version of the artifact, it should not be overwritten because the manifest check caused a redeployment.

Perhaps, we should add an attribute where we can list files to skip during manifest checking. Or skip all the files that end up in a shared_directory and make the documentation very clear.

Duplicate extract directory

I'm using the remove_top_level_directory attribute set to true to unpack the archive directly into the releases/<version> directory. This works great but on some subsequent runs I wind up with the archive unpacked again into the releases/<version>/<artifact> directory.

Re-evaluate delete_previous_versions method

The delete_previous_versions method leaves some things to be desired. In particular,

  • its position during the deploy -> it comes first when it should possibly execute at the end.
  • it defines two ruby methods, delete_release_path_for and delete_release_path_for. It seems like these could be removed with a recursive :delete action on either the File or Directory resource.
  • there may be some bugs in the logic in terms of "when does it actually delete"

force does not clear out contents of current release

If the force option is specified, the current release directory is not rm -rfed. The implication is that if my tarball has files removed from it and I redeploy, I expect the files to be removed from the installed directory. Since the files are not removed, this expectation is not met.

My recommendation is to change:

action :deploy do
  next unless new_resource.force or not deployed?


action :deploy do
  delete_release_path_for(version.basename) if force
  next unless deployed?

There will probably need to be some other changes, but this is the simplest approach.

Error when trying to download a Snapshot version from nexus

When trying to download a snapshot version from nexus there seems to be a file naming problem. For example, when I try and download library 1.1-SNAPSHOT it does download it but it saves the file using the snapshot timestamp format.


This causes artifact problems and generates this error.

Errno::ENOENT: artifact_deploy[library] (library::default line 43) had an error: 
Errno::ENOENT: artifact_file[/tmp/kitchen/cache/artifact_deploys/library/1.1-SNAPSHOT/library-1.1-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz] (library::none line 582) had an error: 
Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - /tmp/kitchen/cache/artifact_deploys/library/1.1-SNAPSHOT/library-1.1-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz

Is there a way to resolve that?

Reconcile pre_seed and deploy actions

There are some possible edge cases with both actions in regards to the retrieve_artifact! method.

Probably need to do some checking on whether or not we really need to download a file. There might also be a gap in the extract_artifact! method and idempotency since its just an execute block.

Name of resource could break deployment

The name of the resource is used in the artifact path but white-space is not removed. If the name contains spaces, for example, the shell commands will most likely fail or behave unpredictably

@artifact_root          = ::File.join(@new_resource.artifact_deploy_path,


def extract_artifact
  execute "extract_artifact" do
    command "tar xzf #{cached_tar_path} -C #{release_path}"
    user new_resource.owner

def copy_artifact
  execute "copy artifact" do
    command "cp #{cached_tar_path} #{release_path}"
    user new_resource.owner

In the above code, if the name was "Deploying Files for User" then the command being sent to the execute resource would be:

"cp /tmp/artifacts/Deploying Files for User /home/user"

The spaces will break the shell script and the chef-client will fatally error.

We might try to do a gsub on the name when putting it into artifact_root. Something like:

@artifact_root          = ::File.join(@new_resource.artifact_deploy_path,\W/, '_'))

Undefined method 'chef_environment' (looks like from chef_artifact_nexus_configuration library)

I just upgraded to 1.10.0, however every time I run chef-client it fails.

Recipe Compile Error in /var/chef/cache/cookbooks/artifact/resources/deploy.rb

undefined method `chef_environment' for nil:NilClass

Cookbook Trace:
  /var/chef/cache/cookbooks/artifact/libraries/chef_artifact.rb:235:in `encrypted_data_bag_for'
  /var/chef/cache/cookbooks/artifact/libraries/chef_artifact.rb:71:in `data_bag_config_for'
  /var/chef/cache/cookbooks/artifact/libraries/chef_artifact_nexus_configuration.rb:6:in `from_data_bag'
  /var/chef/cache/cookbooks/artifact/resources/deploy.rb:56:in `class_from_file'

Relevant File Content:

228:        # @return [Chef::Mash] the data bag item in Mash form
229:        def encrypted_data_bag_for(node, data_bag)
230:          @encrypted_data_bags = {} unless @encrypted_data_bags
232:          if encrypted_data_bags[data_bag]
233:            return get_from_data_bags_cache(data_bag)
234:          else
235>>           data_bag_item = encrypted_data_bag_item(data_bag, node.chef_environment)
236:            data_bag_item ||= encrypted_data_bag_item(data_bag, WILDCARD_DATABAG_ITEM)
237:            data_bag_item ||= encrypted_data_bag_item(data_bag, "nexus")
238:            data_bag_item ||= {}
239:            @encrypted_data_bags[data_bag] = data_bag_item
240:            return data_bag_item
241:          end
242:        end
244:        # @return [Hash]

Looking in the code (, nil is being passed in for the node object which then tries to call chef_environment on it.

This might be a different code-path as I am using the S3 deploy method in a Vagrant box (so with an encrypted data_bag, running against chef-server).

If this is just specific to the S3 case, perhaps I should convert the configuration to follow the same model as the new Nexus config? Going back to a commit before the chef_artifact_nexus_configuration was added fixes it for me.

new snapshots are not deployed

not sure if i'm doing something wrong or if it's related to #75

i publish a tar.gz artifact to my snapshots repo, containing my project jar and it's dependent jar (assembled with the sbt-pack plugin). when i publish a new artifact with the same snapshot version (but the project jar internally has changed), the artifact is not pulled down again but the cached version is reused.

as an aside (not sure if it has any bearing here), doing a /artifact/maven/redirect&v=LATEST does not work on my snapshots repository for some reason (but does on my public proxied group), so i set the version explicitly.

artifact 1.8.0 dies on Linux with PaxHeader error

[email protected]] out: [2013-08-07T13:42:19-04:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /tmp/chef-solo/chef-stacktrace.out
[[email protected]] out: [2013-08-07T13:42:19-04:00] FATAL: SyntaxError: /tmp/loop_install/chef/cookbooks/artifact/providers/PaxHeader/deploy.rb:1: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting $end
[[email protected]] out: 17 gid=995576803
[[email protected]] out:       ^

Possibly related to

Speed up LWRP run


Currently each time you call one of the artifact's LWRP, it loads a bunch of deps and gems.

For one of my project, I'm working with a large number of artifacts and Chef takes a very long time (10~20 min) only to install/update chef_gem for each lwrp.

Maybe it would be interesting to provides a single recipe which would load all needed gems and dependencies, and then makes repetitives call lighter and faster ?

ArtifactNotFound exceptions

Not really sure why i get constant ArtifactNotFound exceptions in the AMS env. The artifact is there, it actually gets deployed, and some chef runs work fine; while subsequent runs fail with ArtifactNotFoundException. You can see 3 runs in mb-plugin: #461-#463, where 461 and 463 succeeded, and 462 failed.

undefined method `to_hash` for nil when missing data bags

Had this error occur when I definitely didn't have a single data bag in my Chef server. Looks like we are missing a check somewhere.

NoMethodError: artifact_deploy[foo] (foo::bar line 28) had an error: NoMethodError: undefined method `to_hash' for nil:NilClass
C:/chef/cache/cookbooks/artifact/libraries/chef_artifact_nexus.rb:15:in `remote'
C:/chef/cache/cookbooks/artifact/libraries/chef_artifact_nexus.rb:32:in `get_actual_version'
C:/chef/cache/cookbooks/artifact/providers/deploy.rb:57:in `load_current_resource'
C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/chef-11.8.2-x86-mingw32/lib/chef/provider.rb:97:in `run_action'
C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/chef-11.8.2-x86-mingw32/lib/chef/resource.rb:625:in `run_action'
C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/chef-11.8.2-x86-mingw32/lib/chef/runner.rb:49:in `run_action'
C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/chef-11.8.2-x86-mingw32/lib/chef/runner.rb:81:in `block (2 levels) in converge'
C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/chef-11.8.2-x86-mingw32/lib/chef/runner.rb:81:in `each'
C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/chef-11.8.2-x86-mingw32/lib/chef/runner.rb:81:in `block in converge'
C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/chef-11.8.2-x86-mingw32/lib/chef/resource_collection.rb:98:in `block in execute_each_resource'
C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/chef-11.8.2-x86-mingw32/lib/chef/resource_collection/stepable_iterator.rb:116:in `call'
C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/chef-11.8.2-x86-mingw32/lib/chef/resource_collection/stepable_iterator.rb:116:in `call_iterator_block'
C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/chef-11.8.2-x86-mingw32/lib/chef/resource_collection/stepable_iterator.rb:85:in `step'
C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/chef-11.8.2-x86-mingw32/lib/chef/resource_collection/stepable_iterator.rb:104:in `iterate'
C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/chef-11.8.2-x86-mingw32/lib/chef/resource_collection/stepable_iterator.rb:55:in `each_with_index'
C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/chef-11.8.2-x86-mingw32/lib/chef/resource_collection.rb:96:in `execute_each_resource'
C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/chef-11.8.2-x86-mingw32/lib/chef/runner.rb:80:in `converge'
C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/chef-11.8.2-x86-mingw32/lib/chef/client.rb:433:in `converge'
C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/chef-11.8.2-x86-mingw32/lib/chef/client.rb:500:in `do_run'
C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/chef-11.8.2-x86-mingw32/lib/chef/client.rb:213:in `run'
C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/chef-11.8.2-x86-mingw32/lib/chef/application.rb:208:in `run_chef_client'
C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/chef-11.8.2-x86-mingw32/lib/chef/application/client.rb:312:in `block in run_application'
C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/chef-11.8.2-x86-mingw32/lib/chef/application/client.rb:304:in `loop'
C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/chef-11.8.2-x86-mingw32/lib/chef/application/client.rb:304:in `run_application'
C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/chef-11.8.2-x86-mingw32/lib/chef/application.rb:66:in `run'
C:/opscode/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/chef-11.8.2-x86-mingw32/bin/chef-client:26:in `<top (required)>'
C:/opscode/chef/bin/chef-client:23:in `load'
C:/opscode/chef/bin/chef-client:23:in `<main>'

artifact_deploy procs don't change cwd

From the readme

 migrate {
    execute "bundle exec rake db:migrate" do
      environment { 'RAILS_ENV' => 'production' }
      user "riot"
      group "riot"

does not work for me, because it is executed in /srv/pvpnet, and not in /srv/pvpnet/releases/whatever.

Since the procs are just recipe_eval'ed, it seems hard to change the execute block in the proc to add the cwd automatically, but then the example in the readme should be changed to

 migrate {
    execute "bundle exec rake db:migrate" do
      cwd release_path
      environment { 'RAILS_ENV' => 'production' }
      user "riot"
      group "riot"

Same thing for before_migrate proc.

artifact_deploy always notifies

action :deploy always calls


This should only be called if something actually gets updated.

Maybe call this only if you need to redploy and leave it up to proc writers to call it when their proc changes something in the system



Handy cookbook, I much prefer the model of using an artifact in a repo to pulling from source control.

As far as I can see, there's no way to roll back to a previous release. If I run with version set to 1.0, then again set to 2.0, then a third time setting the version to 1.0, then version 2.0 is still in place.

I'd expect it to relink to the 1.0 release and restart the app, but instead it seems to consider it as already deployed, and skips (unless force is set to true, of course).

I can hack around it for myself, but would be handy if it did the rollback to a previous version.


Issues when using artifact-deploy from an S3 source on a Windows Client

  1. credentials data-bags : I couldn't get it to use custom naming for data-bags, I had to use a data-bag called "aws" with item name "_wildcard". I am not sure if it was intentional, if so then I would suggest documenting a little more explicitly instead of giving it as an example.

  2. I could get the file downloaded but wasn't able to unzip in the right directory, I thought this fix for Windows cookbook could help : torresdal/windows@453ef82
    But I am not sure if that helped because of (3)

  3. Even though I used (2), unzip failed with a different error and I couldn't even manually unzip the file downloaded from s3. A little google and realized that when file is being downloaded and written to disk the "w" flag is used, when I changed it to "wb" finally I got everything to work i.e. download from s3 with the credentials and unzip the contents in a desired folder. A similar issue can be found here :
    The part of code I am talking about is on Line 152 of libraries/chef_artifact.rb file

artifact_package fails to detect the file extension

The artifact_package resource fails to detect the extension of the file that it will be downloading. This causes the following exception:

2014-03-07T16:28:17+00:00] ERROR: artifact_package[package] (cookbook::recipe line 43) had an error: NameError: Cannot find a resource for ext on centos version 6.5

does having a 'latest' folder matter

If the version you want is provided as latest and the artifact_location is not a Nexus, you will still end up with a latest folder.

The condition in the Library should probably change to:

if version.casecmp("latest") == 0 && is_nexus?(artifact_location)

but the question is, should it?

Configurable SSL Checking

SSL is important, but perhaps broadly assuming all SSL communications with Nexus should be verified was the wrong path.

is_tarball assumes content is gzip'ed

extract_artifact passes xzf to tar which will fail if the tarball is not gzipped. Since there are multiple ways to zip and also the ability to leave unzipped, we need to have the ability to specify the type of tarball.

tar xzf 

Current Symlink & Restart == Chicken & Egg


We have a slight frustration with the fact that the restart occurs before the "current" symlink is in place. We like to refer to the app for it's service control via that symlink.

Obviously there are ways around it but I wonder if you might be able to offer the ability to have the symlink creation somewhere else?


Verify checksum

If an attr with the artifact.s checksum s included, verify successful download before continuing

Support Preseeding of Content

No matter what, we currently execute this code:

recipe_eval do
    link new_resource.current_path do
      to release_path
      user new_resource.owner

I'd like to see a way (perhaps an additional attribute) to allow me to pre-seed and install content without switching the current symlink. This would also probably bypass the execution of any of the Procs, which may do any number of things.

It might make sense as an attribute:

artifact_deploy "my-artifact" do
  artifact_location "somewhere"
  version                node[:cookbook][:artifact_version]
  pre_seed           node[:cookbook][:pre_seed]

Or an entirely new provider / action

artifact_deploy "my-artifact" do
  action :pre_seed
artifact_pre_seed "my-artifact" do

artifact_deploy "my-artifact" do

Symlinks can changed in the resource definition without triggering a change in the provider

If you go from:

artifact_deploy "artifact_test" do
  version node[:artifact_test][:version]
  artifact_location node[:artifact_test][:location]
  artifact_checksum node[:artifact_test][:checksum]
  deploy_to "/srv/artifact_test"
  owner "artifact"
  group "artifact"
  symlinks({"directory_that_should_never_exist" => "directory_that_should_never_exist"})

  action :deploy


artifact_deploy "artifact_test" do
  version node[:artifact_test][:version]
  artifact_location node[:artifact_test][:location]
  artifact_checksum node[:artifact_test][:checksum]
  deploy_to "/srv/artifact_test"
  owner "artifact"
  group "artifact"
  symlinks({"foo" => "directory_that_should_never_exist"})

  action :deploy

The symlink won't be changed unless force is set to true.

artifact_file 'path' argument is not functionnal

Hi !
This is working :

artifact_file '/tmp/test-1.3.175.jar' do
  location 'com.test:test:jar:1.3.175'
  nexus_configuration nexus_conn
  owner 'root'
  group 'root'

This is not :

artifact_file 'test jar' do
  path '/tmp/test-1.3.175.jar'
  location 'com.test:test:jar:1.3.175'
  nexus_configuration nexus_conn
  owner 'root'
  group 'root'

artifact_file LWRP seems to totally ignore path option (path doesn't seems to be mentionned once in the provider code).
Tell me if you want me to dive a bit into file.rb provider file, and sumbit a fix.

artifact_file downloads files when it probably shouldn't

artifact_file downloads a file. On a subsequent chef-run, it will be downloaded again, because the default path is to use the remote_file resource which downloads the file to a tmp dir and checks the checksum before copying, even if the file is already there.

Weirdo error about 'undefined method checksum' during symlink

  • In before_symlink I have a Proc which creates some files in the shared directory if they don't exist, or copies them from our pre-Chef-based install (which had a slightly different directory layout.) This part appears to be working, as after it all falls apart you can see the files in question there in the shared directory. One such file is /opt/benbria/nodeloop-deploy/shared/.migrate-migrating.

  • artifact_deploy gets to the "symlink" stage and then dies with:

    [2013-08-01T12:17:20-04:00] FATAL: NoMethodError: artifact_deploy[nodeloop-deploy](nodeloop::install line 141) had an error: NoMethodError: directory[/opt/benbria/nodeloop-deploy/shared/.migrate-migrating](/tmp/loop_install/chef/cookbooks/artifact/providers/deploy.rb line 485) had an error: NoMethodError: undefined method `checksum' for Chef::Resource::Directory

Full output here:

It looks like the "directory" in question is really the one defined on line 485, but I don't see where checksum is coming from here???

This is from artifact-cookbook 1.7.1, BTW.

Should do some testing on zip / tar extraction

Should gather some metrics on the following, because I just don't know.

When you have a large, compressed artifact...

  • is the tar command on Windows efficient? (tar binary is installed by Chef)
  • windows_zipfile is a pure Ruby implementation for .zip files. Is there a better implementation that Windows has?
  • comare tar command on Unix vs. Windows. Any differences?

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