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dhtnew's Issues

Fix negative temperature below -25.5°C

As the DHT has an operational range from -40°C (-40°F) it fails for the lowest temperatures.

Bug is in
line 202

      if(_bits[2] == 0x80)
        _temperature = -_temperature;

works well down to -25.5 C but not below that, as the _bits[2] will be 0x81 for such low temperatures.
For most applications this is not an issue, but it is still a bug.

Code proposal

      if(_bits[2] & 0x80  != 0)
        _temperature = -_temperature;

Unfortunately I cannot test down to -40°C (my fridge goes to -20 or so)

error yield() no se declaró


i tried to use the library and i get this error:

the code:

#include <dhtnew.h>

void setup(){
void loop(){


/home/germe/Documentos/arduino/libraries/DHTNEW042/dhtnew.cpp:112:13: error: ‘yield’ no se declaró en este ámbito
/home/germe/Documentos/arduino/libraries/DHTNEW042/dhtnew.cpp: En la función miembro ‘int DHTNEW::_readSensor()’:
/home/germe/Documentos/arduino/libraries/DHTNEW042/dhtnew.cpp:248:9: error: ‘yield’ no se declaró en este ámbito

the compiler is in spanish because my system is in spanish. it say "error in the member function ‘int DHTNEW::_readSensor()’:
yield not declared in this ambit
sorry for my english, i speak spanish

my library version is:0.4.2
i'm on arduino ide 2:1.0.5+dfsg2-4.1
the error ocurrs when i import the library. if i put more code the error splashes too

Parallel processing of multiple Sensors

Hi Rob,

Thanks for keeping active on this DHTNew Library you are making some great improvements!

I recently applied the non-blocking approach to read a DHT Sensor on a device that had many other tasks as well. It works very well and is very useful in that project as the device also functions as a HTTP Server and I don't want to block request etc.

However that device only has 1 DHT Sensor. I have other devices that have 4 or 5 DHT Sensors and I would like to process the DHT readings as soon as possible to achieve a high frequency of readings.

I used to poll the DHT sequently waiting on each on to get stable, do the reading and then move on to the next one etc. It works OK but is a bit slower then I would like...

So I did an experiment with use an ESP D1_Mini board with 3 DHT22 sensors.
Using the latest version of your lib: robtillaart/DHTNEW@^0.4.18

The code creates 3 Sensor objects and starts a new read on each using the non-blocking approach.
Then in the main loop I poll each and read the temp when ready.

Its seems to work OK but I am a bit suspicious that all 3 always finish at the same time and I do get slightly different readings as expected because of the accuracy of the sensor (at least that seems to suggest that each sensor state is handled separately).

If I completely disconnect each sensor it also seems to work as expected I only when I reconnect it it finishes the polling for that sensor...

It is really that I don't trust them finishing always at the same time I worry about some static variabel in your lib that is not instance based if you know what I mean (I know I am using Java terminology but tat is the only way I can explain it)

So basically I am asking your opinion as the developer of this lib whether you think parallel sensor reading should be feasible or not. ANd if so maybe you can explain why they always finish at the exact same iteration unless fully disconnected...

Correction: In my latest test I reduced the poll delay to 10 ms and now 1 sensor was ready 1 iteration before the others 2 so maybe it is all OK... Still interested in your opinion though!

I Attached my test code and sample output...

Many thanks,


Question about Float

Hey Rob,
Didn't you say that one of the DHTs gave a .1 number but you had float disable to save space or something like that? I don't know if that made any sense. Basically I wanted to know if the library can (or has any plans to) give float values back (or make that an option like another flag?) My temp is borderline 23-24°C so it bounces between these two like crazy on my graphs so I was checking to see if decimals where an option as a reply from the sensors.

Still problems with measuring negative values (AM2301)


I am using several senses (dht22, am2301) to manage domotics at home and my outside sense blocked at 0°C when outside temperature was going down during the night.

Actually I tried another set of senses to verify the causes in my fridge and it appears that the two last versions of the library doesn't function quite well with (at least) my am2301 senses

I tried to measure temperatures in the fridge with different descending versions of the library.

When I re-installed the 0.4.3 version it brings correct values.

In facts the 0.4.5 version blocks at 0°C for negative values.
The 0.4.4 version gives me -3267 +/- values when negative.

My two tested boards are arduino nano and uno (both chinese lowcost) and they both give same results.

Perhaps it is linked to your last modifications like in the last issue (#52 ) ...?
Thanks for your work anyway and good luck

Warning! Ignoring broken library manifest

I get a warning about a broken manifest when importing your library in PlatformIO. I think this is also the reason why I was not able to install it globally but had to reference the git repository as lib_deps in the platformio.ini file.

Not sure if this a related directly to your lib or to some PIO meta data service.

Processing attiny84 (platform: atmelavr; board: attiny84; framework: arduino)
Verbose mode can be enabled via `-v, --verbose` option
PLATFORM: Atmel AVR 2.1.0 > Generic ATtiny84
DEBUG: Current (simavr) On-board (simavr)
 - framework-arduino-avr-attiny 1.3.2 
 - toolchain-atmelavr 1.50400.190710 (5.4.0)
LDF: Library Dependency Finder ->
LDF Modes: Finder ~ chain, Compatibility ~ soft
Warning! Ignoring broken library manifest in /home/me/share/Source/microcontroller/PlatformIO/Oled/.pio/libdeps/attiny84/DHTNew
Warning! Ignoring broken library manifest in /home/me/share/Source/microcontroller/PlatformIO/Oled/.pio/libdeps/attiny84/DHTNew@src-bcd93bb4e455076ee41a862dc09b6fe3
Found 20 compatible libraries
Scanning dependencies...
Dependency Graph
|-- <DHTNew@src-bcd93bb4e455076ee41a862dc09b6fe3> #9b54ff1
|-- <Tiny4kOLED> 1.5.1 #7dbddb2
|   |-- <TinyWireM> 1.0.1
|   |-- <Wire> 1.0
Building in release mode

Example needed for waitForRead flag

version 0.1.7 supports a waitForRead flag, however an example showing its use is missing at the moment. The example should show the use and the added value of the flag. If needed a file to explain the example should be added.

Small documentation improvement: add unity


A small suggestion to improve documentation: explicit unity :

Document getHumidity() return a value between 0.0-1.0 or between 0.0-100.0, to be interpreted as a percent of humidity.

float getTemperature() returns temperature as °C or °F ?


AM2322 Humidity 99.9 Temp OK


Am testing this lib on the AM2322, I have a bunch of them and are testing on 2 of them, both give same results.

I have tried different pins (ESP32) but the results are the same on both devices and different pins.

Temperature reading is good, but humidity is always 99.9, if I introduce a negative offset then the values will always be 99.9 - that offset.

Have tried defining type as 22 or not defining type, result is the same, have also tried slowing down the reads to 5 seconds but no difference.

Humidity shown on other devices is around 75% currently.

It works with different lib on I2C but I am desperately short on pins :-)


Just added a 4K7 resistor to pullup the data line, no difference.

07:45:01.770 -> BEFORE OFFSET
07:45:06.778 -> 	29.2
07:45:06.975 -> 99.9
07:45:06.975 -> AFTER -10 HUMID OFFSET
07:45:09.081 -> 89.9	29.2
07:45:11.186 -> 89.9	29.2
07:45:13.293 -> 89.9	29.2
07:45:15.397 -> 89.9	29.2
07:45:17.505 -> 89.9	29.2

Any suggestions ?

Support for DS18B20

Not sure if it makes sense as it is not from the DHT family, but support for DS18B20 would be great so that we can use just one library. Just a thought.

Adding name tag to sensor

An descriptive name into the sensor so I can set

DHTNEW s(4);
kitchen.setName("kitchen");   // or PROGMEM ?

an 8 byte string or progmem would make loops over multiple sensors easier (no parallel array of strings).

Drawback memory usage.

Ticker compatibility

Wemos D1R2 - ver. 0.4.17
The Library doesn't work if used within a function called by a Ticker, the board generates an exception and restarts.

  1. Type detection test, first run might take longer to determine type
    OK, 77.5, 19.7, 5270, 22

User exception (panic/abort/assert)
--------------- CUT HERE FOR EXCEPTION DECODER ---------------

Panic core_esp8266_main.cpp:137 __yield



#include <Ticker.h>
#include <dhtnew.h>

Ticker tckRead;
DHTNEW mySensor(D5); // ESP 16    UNO 5    MKR1010 5

void setup()
  Serial.print("LIBRARY VERSION: ");

  Serial.println("\n1. Type detection test, first run might take longer to determine type");
  tckRead.attach(3.0, test);
} // setup

void loop()
} // loop

void test()
  uint32_t start = micros();
  int chk =;
  uint32_t stop = micros();

  switch (chk)
  case DHTLIB_OK:
    Serial.print("Checksum error,\t");
    Serial.print("Time out A error,\t");
    Serial.print("Time out B error,\t");
    Serial.print("Time out C error,\t");
    Serial.print("Time out D error,\t");
    Serial.print("Sensor not ready,\t");
    Serial.print("Bit shift error,\t");
    Serial.print("Waiting for read,\t");
    Serial.print("Unknown: ");
  Serial.print(mySensor.getHumidity(), 1);
  Serial.print(mySensor.getTemperature(), 1);
  uint32_t duration = stop - start;
  // delay(2500);
} // test

// -- END OF FILE --

(updated code tags for syntax highlight)

Compiler warning, conversion float to double

Hello there,

Compiling with extra warning flags I've noticed an annoying warning (that even brakes compilation if -Werror).

.....\libraries\DHTNEW\dhtnew.cpp: In member function 'int DHTNEW::_read()':
.....\libraries\DHTNEW\dhtnew.cpp:243:18: warning: implicit conversion from 'float' to 'double' to match other operand of binary expression [-Wdouble-promotion]
if (_humOffset != 0.0)
.....\libraries\DHTNEW\dhtnew.cpp:249:19: warning: implicit conversion from 'float' to 'double' to match other operand of binary expression [-Wdouble-promotion]
if (_tempOffset != 0.0)

Comparing against '(float)0.0' instead of '0.0' should clear that warning.


general questions

I would like to work on and improve this because I want to use it so I want to assure it is reliable.
I would like to use a DHT22 but I'm starting with a DHT11 since currently, that's all I have.

When defining a type getType(); in the .h does not seem to do anything or refer to any functions. did you remove this? and if so how can a type be defined? will it still work with the 22 33 since it appears there is no way to define the type and it defaults to 11 12

You have the humidity readings floated but all humidity reading outputs are never decimals. Is this intentional?

In your examples, you call mySensor.humidity but the humidity should be private and instead, mySensor.getHumidity() should be called. same goes for temperature

I am just curious and have nothing to do during this "lockdown" and am offering to help if there is any way to do so.

  • Regards Hale

ESP32 error

Dear Rob, first of all thank you very much for this wonderfull and working library!
I was just testing your library on a ESP32 and from time to time a got the error -4 DHTLIB_ERROR_SENSOR_NOT_READY
I checked all the signal with an oscilloscope and I couldn't find any faults on the signal.
After searching a while on the web I found that the instruction " noInterrupts();" would probably not be implemented on an ESP32.
So I gave it a try and inserted additionally the following command:

#if defined(ESP32)  
  if (_disableIRQ) { portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS();}

and later to allow again interrupts:

#if defined(ESP32)

Since then I didn't get any more errors. I hope this helps somehow.

Shows wrong type

I have a DHT11 (the blue sensor), but it shows type "22" in the dhtnew_test sketch.
Temp and Humid readings are OK, though. Is this a known problem?

Need for calibrateReadDelay()

During the investigations of issue #11 it became clear that the READ_DELAY of 2250 or 2000 datasheet is way higher than needed. It is a good default but power users might want to read the sensor more often. The library blocks this if the last read is less than READ_DELAY ago. This should stay for the normal usage.

For the power users a function uint16_t optimizeReadDelay() (name?) could find the optimal timing of an individual sensor and adjust READ_DELAY (including a safety margin of e.g. 100 ms of course). The adaptive delay example gives some ideas how to do this. The function should return the value found.

Also a resetReadDelay() should be available?

Support for SonOff Si7021

Hello! Thanks for nice library. Is the any plans on support for Sonoff Si7021 sensor which is slightly different from Sonoff am2301?

Add enable / disable power supply pin

To support low power usage e.g. when batteries power the sensor, one need to be able to switch of the power supply of the DHT sensor.

This would imply an additional power pin in the constructor.
This power pin has a default of 0xFF that states ==>no power pin.

DHT(datapin, powerPin = 0xFF);

void DHT.enable()
  if (_powerPin == 0xFF) return;
  digitalWrite(_powerPin , HIGH):

void DHT.disable()
  if (_powerPin == 0xFF) return;
  digitalWrite(_powerPin , LOW):

bool DHT.sensorEnabled()
  return (_powerPin != 0xFF);

uint8_t  _powerPin ;

depending on the processor it can or cannot deliver the power from an IO pin directly.
Working with an extra mosfet is always possible

After startup a delay is needed. Put this in the library or is the user responsible?

Problem: wrong values at negative temperatures an ESP8266 and DHT22

I use the DHT22 in combination with an ESP8266 and this lib.
When having negative temperatures, the resulting value of getTemperature() is -3278.6 at -0.1°C
To fix negatives values a recalculation is nessecary:

#include <stdint.h>
if(temperature < 0)
   temperature = (temperature = (INT16_MAX - temperature*-10)*-0.1; - temperature*-10)*-0.1;

This was tested with Arduino IDE against lib version 0.4.3, installed via Arduino library manager.

Strange readings

I am using
esp32 ttgo sim 800l (
Dfrobot dht22 (

my code


float DHTtempBuffer[7];
float DHThumidityBuffer[7];
int DHTReadings = 7;             // number of DHT readings before choosing a median

void getDHT(){
  for (int i = 0 ; i < DHTReadings; i++) {;                                     // Gets a reading from the DHT sensor
    DHThumidityBuffer[i] = DHT.getHumidity();
    DHTtempBuffer[i] = DHT.getTemperature();
  sortData(DHThumidityBuffer, DHTReadings);                     //sorts array low to high
  DHThumidity = DHThumidityBuffer[(DHTReadings - 1) / 2];       //gets median of the array
  sortData(DHTtempBuffer, DHTReadings);                         //sorts array low to high
  DHTtemperature = DHTtempBuffer[(DHTReadings - 1) / 2];        //gets median of the array

So my problem is that even tho I use a filtering algorithm to get rid of highs and lows by taking 7 readings then choosing a median I will occasionally get some massive dips in temperature (and spikes in humidity as a result). my temperature in my room stays about 24°C and the dips are -12 and 12 °C so half the temp and half * -1. I have no clue why it is doing this... It runs every ~2 mins and when the bad readings start it does it consistently for a few runs before correcting itself.


Nothing moves nothing is touched nothing changes... It just goes wack... Could it be a library error? I don't see how it could be but you're a smart man @RobTillaart so you may see something I'm missing. I have also thought of the potential that its a dud sensor. I hope not bc i ordered 20 more before testing the one I'm using. I had the thought that maybe adding more reading (like 15 instead of 7) so there is more to data to filter but it looks like all the readings it's taking in those fault zones are bad...

Would appreciate any suggestion - Regards Hale

Sonoff Si7021 gives wrong temperature and humidity

Hi Rob, I was away for the weekend.
You made the changes very quickly :-)
I can't test it today but y see line #183
if (_type == 22) // DHT22, DHT33, DHT44, compatible
should be
if ((_type == 22) || (_type == 70)) // DHT22, DHT33, DHT44, compatible

otherwise we get wrong readings

best regards

Originally posted by @phiguimaran in #79 (comment)

read() hangs with MkrWiFi + MkrConnector Board

I have 6 DHT22 sensor connected to a WifiMkr1010 Board (sensors connected via a MKR Connector Carrier board on D0-D5)
Until recently I used DHTStable library (1.0.1) which worked fine but I ran onto a bug when outdoor temp dropped below 0c.

So I changed over to DHTNew (0.4.9) but unfortunaly it doesn't seem to work in combination with this board. I have another set of sensors on an ESP8266 (wemos Mini) board and they word firn with the DHTNew library.

On the MKR1010 it seems to hang on the read() method.
if I precede .read() with .setType(22) it does continue but reports unknown error -5 on the first attempt followed by unknown error -8 on subsequent attempts.

I have attached my sourcecode at the top you'll see do defined statement to enable DHTNEW and a basic debug option...

Any idea what could be wrong any suggestion to troubleshoot?


"Sensor not ready," meaning

Hi, I've been trying to get readings from a DHT11 sensor using the DHTNew library and am consistently running into a problem.

When trying the sketch dhtnew_test, the 0.2.0 version returns "Timeout_error", and the version 0.3.3 returns "Sensor not ready," from what I understood this means the sensor does not return fast enough for the code to get readings. I've used a 5.1k Ohms pull-up resistor (as the datasheet recommends), as the cables are less than 20 meters long (just a few cm long in fact). I've tried using both an analog and digital pin, the results are the same. The sensor is lit red though, so I assume it is correctly powered and grounded.

I don't know what may be going wrong or how to interpret this returned error, should I try to modify the code or is the problem coming from the connections ?

DTH11 gets too short start impulse

I just tried this library with a DHT11. Did not work. A test with an oscilloscope showed a LOW pulse of just 3.3ms, while the DHT11 needs 18ms.

The problem seems to be calling delayMicroseconds() with a value larger than 16383:

A very simple fix is (line 329 in dhtnew.cpp):

delayMicroseconds(_wakeupDelay * 1100UL);
delayMicroseconds(_wakeupDelay * 550UL);
delayMicroseconds(_wakeupDelay * 550UL);

Thoughts about setting Humidity & Temperature to -999

These thoughts are triggered by issue #11 (burst of failures with DHT22 + ESP32)

Current behavior
In case of an error the T&H is set to -999. This value is artificial, out of physical range and chosen to trigger the user reading the sensor went wrong. This is double as the read() provides a return value indicating OK or ERROR.

Proposed behavior
Alternative one should not setting this -999 value as the failed read might depending on the cause still have acceptable H&T value in some cases. Depending on return value:

  • if OK -> set new values (default, as is)
  • if CHECKSUM error -> set new values, as these might be right (user decides if they are acceptable)
  • if BIT_SHIFT -> do a 1st order recovery by reversing the shift (user decides if they are acceptable)
  • OTHER including SENSOR_NOT_READY -> keep previous values as there are no new values.

Keeping the previous values would give the same values during burst of failures as seen in #11 although a single good read in the burst would be an update of H&T.

A variant keeps previous values in case of any error. Simple, straightforward and less code.


  • Must the library "protect" the users from not checking the return value?
  • Should there be a keep last good read flag to suppress the -999 as value? [interesting]


  • CHECKSUM errors are seldom seen.
  • Reversing BIT_SHIFT errors is not proven, however seems to give acceptable (correct) values. [investigate]
    Reversing BIT_SHIFT errors will give more updates of H&T that are valid [assumption, to investigate] so it would could be a sort of (best effort ) damage control in the burst of failures seen in burst of failures in #11. Note that ~16% of errors in a burst is BIT_SHIFT so it could reduce the interval between failed readings quite a bit.
  • The error value -999 can be replaced by another value that would disrupt graphs less, e.g. -100 would be out of specification and therefor still noticed by the user. The value could also be +125 as that might be even less disruptive. [investigate]

Sensors getting stuck at a certain value

I have two AM2302s connected to pins 0 and 2 of an ESP32, after a while of working perfectly they only return a static value...

My loop looks like this:

  1. AM2302s get read using .read();
  2. Values get sent to InfluxDB using .getTemperature(); and .getHumidity();
  3. 10 second wait

I have tried adding .reset(); before the 10 second wait but that only made them return 0 or -999 instead of a static value.

setTempOffset and setHumOffset

It looks like the header has definitions for setTempOffset/getTempOffset and setHumOffset/getHumOffset and the class has the variables, but it doesn't seem that the implementation is missing.

read DHT11 with 3V3 logic/1Mhz

Is it possible to somehow read a DHT11 with an ATMEGA328P running at 1 MHz? The reason the CPU is running so slow is because this is a battery operated project, thus I am trying to bring down current consumption to as low as possible. I tried using the minimum example and naturally received -999. I realize that the sensor is running too fast for the CPU at this rate, but is there some kind of trick to nevertheless capture the sensor readings?

Humidity values higher than 100%


I have recently changed to DHTnew after this thread, and I noticed that completely at random, I get these very high values of humidity. Of course I could just ignore them if higher than 100, but I was wondering what the cause might be.

My setup are two ESP-01s one with DHT22, the other with a DHT11, both send values to an MQTT broker, which are captured by telegraf and stored in an InfluxDB instance.

Humidity values higher than 100%

time temperature humidity location sensor
---- ----------- -------- -------- ------
2021-04-11T23:56:08.272696401Z 8.3 3317.3 Living Room DHT22
2021-04-12T03:37:10.063376651Z 8.4 3316.6 Living Room DHT22
2021-04-12T04:57:10.712664669Z 8.4 3316.5 Living Room DHT22
2021-04-12T07:48:12.095298698Z 8.6 3316 Living Room DHT22
2021-04-12T08:25:42.399491599Z 8.7 3315.7 Living Room DHT22
2021-04-12T09:14:42.796313132Z 8.8 3315.2 Living Room DHT22
2021-04-12T10:23:13.385068097Z 8.9 3315 Living Room DHT22
2021-04-12T11:03:43.682027118Z 9.1 3314.3 Living Room DHT22
2021-04-12T14:58:15.595547784Z 9.2 3317.8 Living Room DHT22
2021-04-12T15:53:46.033386665Z 9.1 3318.4 Living Room DHT22
2021-04-12T15:59:16.076817334Z 9.1 3318.4 Living Room DHT22
2021-04-13T13:36:56.626400588Z 9.3 3317.2 Living Room DHT22
2021-04-13T15:49:57.682886104Z 9.5 3317.1 Living Room DHT22

The graph of the last 48 hours looks like this:

Living Room is the DHT22 and Kitchen is DHT11. They are at the same location, side-by-side, despite the names

Any thoughts on why this happens?


Si7021 by Sonoff

Hi, I'm usinng your library in various proyects, it's great !!
I'm trying to use it with the sensor that's came with Sonoff TH.
It's a board that include Si7021 sensor and some circuits to comunicate with 1 wire.
To make this work I have to change the wakeup delay to a value near 500 microseconds
If I coment lines :
do { // HANDLE PENDING IRQ yield(); // 180 gives good wakeup delay on UNO for DHT22 / DHT11 (issue #72) delayMicroseconds(180UL); } while((micros() - startWakeup) < (_wakeupDelay * 1100UL));
and change for delayMicroseconds(500UL); its work well.

I wonder if there is a way to configure this without having to edit the library?

Thanks in advance

Request about DHTnew

Hello Rob,

I'm using your DHT library DHT new, and it's working really well;

But I'm trying to declare a table of DHTnew sondes (because I have a lot of sondes, and it will really simplify my code).

Could you tell me, if it will be possible for you to make an evolution in this library in order to be able to declare a table of sondes?
Something like DHTNEW MyProbe[8];
Then to declare the pins with a function call?

pin setting at runtime

I am looking for a library with the possibility to define the pin at runtime.
It is possibile with this one?

Test sketch

Do you happen to have a test sketch to try? Arduino Esp32

Remove humidity and temperature as public members.

As this is a breaking change it should be in a separate release 0.2.0

work done so far:

  1. added function getHumidity()
  2. added function getTemperature()
  3. updated all examples to the new interface version

replace internal storage float with int

To save some RAM the internal storage in the class can be optimized:
int for T & H
byte for offset (assuming it is never more than +- 12.7 which is quite a bit.

flloat math will move from the read() function to the getTemp() function.
So expect that to be about equal.

error reading am2302 over longer wire

When using longer wire for am2302 (like 1-5m) there is always error on read. Checked with oscilloscope - the signal looks fine. Grove_Temperature_And_Humidity_Sensor library had no problem with the same hardware setup.
I've used ESP32 DevKit V1.

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