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Comments (16)

cschuet avatar cschuet commented on July 26, 2024

@mikaelarguedas Let us know how we can help to debug this.

from cartographer_ros-release.

cschuet avatar cschuet commented on July 26, 2024

Illegal instruction seems to be vmovdqu64

Dump of assembler code for function 
    0x0000555555695cb0 <+0>:     push   %r12
    0x0000555555695cb2 <+2>:     push   %rbp
    0x0000555555695cb3 <+3>:     mov    %rsi,%rbp
    0x0000555555695cb6 <+6>:     push   %rbx
    0x0000555555695cb7 <+7>:     mov    %rdi,%rbx
    0x0000555555695cba <+10>:    mov    %rdx,%rdi
    0x0000555555695cbd <+13>:    mov    %rdx,%r12
    0x0000555555695cc0 <+16>:    callq  0x555555658ec0 <strlen@plt>
    0x0000555555695cc5 <+21>:    movabs $0x7fffffffffffffff,%rcx
    0x0000555555695ccf <+31>:    sub    0x8(%rbp),%rcx
    0x0000555555695cd3 <+35>:    cmp    %rcx,%rax
    0x0000555555695cd6 <+38>:    ja     0x555555695d36 
    0x0000555555695cd8 <+40>:    mov    %rax,%rdx
    0x0000555555695cdb <+43>:    mov    %r12,%rsi
    0x0000555555695cde <+46>:    mov    %rbp,%rdi
    0x0000555555695ce1 <+49>:    callq  0x555555659ef0 
    0x0000555555695ce6 <+54>:    lea    0x10(%rbx),%rdx
    0x0000555555695cea <+58>:    mov    %rdx,(%rbx)
    0x0000555555695ced <+61>:    mov    (%rax),%rcx
    0x0000555555695cf0 <+64>:    lea    0x10(%rax),%rdx
    0x0000555555695cf4 <+68>:    cmp    %rdx,%rcx
    0x0000555555695cf7 <+71>:    je     0x555555695d28 
    0x0000555555695cf9 <+73>:    mov    %rcx,(%rbx)
    0x0000555555695cfc <+76>:    mov    0x10(%rax),%rcx
    0x0000555555695d00 <+80>:    mov    %rcx,0x10(%rbx)
    0x0000555555695d04 <+84>:    mov    0x8(%rax),%rcx
    0x0000555555695d08 <+88>:    mov    %rcx,0x8(%rbx)
    0x0000555555695d0c <+92>:    mov    %rdx,(%rax)
    0x0000555555695d0f <+95>:    movq   $0x0,0x8(%rax)
    0x0000555555695d17 <+103>:   movb   $0x0,0x10(%rax)
    0x0000555555695d1b <+107>:   mov    %rbx,%rax
    0x0000555555695d1e <+110>:   pop    %rbx
    0x0000555555695d1f <+111>:   pop    %rbp
    0x0000555555695d20 <+112>:   pop    %r12
    0x0000555555695d22 <+114>:   retq
    0x0000555555695d23 <+115>:   nopl   0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
=> 0x0000555555695d28 <+120>:   vmovdqu64 0x10(%rax),%xmm0
    0x0000555555695d2f <+127>:   vmovups %xmm0,0x10(%rbx)
    0x0000555555695d34 <+132>:   jmp    0x555555695d04 
    0x0000555555695d36 <+134>:   lea    0x15a2dc(%rip),%rdi        # 
    0x0000555555695d3d <+141>:   callq  0x5555556591a0 
End of assembler dump.

from cartographer_ros-release.

cschuet avatar cschuet commented on July 26, 2024

@mikaelarguedas vmovdqu64 is part of AVX-512 which is only supported by a range of server CPUs (see here).

Could it be possible that your build servers have one of those CPUs and you had


as a flag in the compilation call which would cause it to generate code for the host machines instruction code? Just a wild guess.

from cartographer_ros-release.

cschuet avatar cschuet commented on July 26, 2024

The cartographer binary was compiled for CPUs only supporting the following instruction sets

MODE64 (call)
CMOV (cmovg)
SSE1 (movss)
SSE2 (movsd)
AVX (vzeroupper)
AVX512 (vmovdqu64)
VLX (vmovdqu64)
FMA (vfmsub231sd)

from cartographer_ros-release.

mikaelarguedas avatar mikaelarguedas commented on July 26, 2024

@cschuet thanks for reporting it and investigating!

I'll have a look tomorrow.

If you get a chance can you compare the assembly instructions and signature of the same executables on 0.3.0 (currently on the ros main repository) ?

If it helps, the build log of the cartographer_ros 0.3.0 is here, and the one of 1.0.0 is here. We dont invoke make in verbos mode so we may not gain much from it

from cartographer_ros-release.

cschuet avatar cschuet commented on July 26, 2024

@mikaelarguedas Thanks.

I could not really find the 0.3.0 package deb, but 0.2.0 only requires

MODE64 (call)
CMOV (cmovg)
SSE1 (movss)
SSE2 (movsd)

from cartographer_ros-release.

cschuet avatar cschuet commented on July 26, 2024

@mikaelarguedas Just checked the logs. Indeed for 1.0.0

-march=native -msse4.2

but actually also for 0.3.0

-march=native -msse4.2

Could it be that 0.3.0 suffers from the same problem? Can you send me link to a deb?

from cartographer_ros-release.

mikaelarguedas avatar mikaelarguedas commented on July 26, 2024

@cschuet the cartographer_ros 0.3.0 debs can be found here:

from cartographer_ros-release.

gaschler avatar gaschler commented on July 26, 2024

@mikaelarguedas I installed ros-melodic-cartographer-ros deb 0.3.0 from the stable packages (in a bionic docker container) and observed the same illegal instruction in cartographer executables, but not in rviz.

from cartographer_ros-release.

gaschler avatar gaschler commented on July 26, 2024

Seeing the build log
-g -O2 -fdebug-prefix-map=/tmp/binarydeb/ros-melodic-cartographer-ros-1.0.0=. -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -DNDEBUG -Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -march=native -msse4.2 -mfpmath=sse -pthread -std=c++11 -fPIC -Wall -Wpedantic -Werror=format-security -Werror=missing-braces -Werror=reorder -Werror=return-type -Werror=switch -Werror=uninitialized -o CMakeFiles/cartographer_ros.dir/cartographer_ros/

It seems like -march=native -msse4.2 -mfpmath=sse is added before cartographer's build flags -pthread -std=c++11 ....

One possibility is, we add ${TARGET_COMPILE_FLAGS} in front of our flags in
(which is empty in my local setup), do you set that somewhere?

from cartographer_ros-release.

mikaelarguedas avatar mikaelarguedas commented on July 26, 2024

So it looks like the same problem happens with 0.3.0 as well.
If I compile cartographer_ros with catkin_make_isolated I can also see the -march=native -msse4.2 flags being passed.
Instruction set of the cartographer_node executable (on my machine)

MODE64 (call)
SSE2 (movq)
SSE1 (movhps)
CMOV (cmovg)
AVX (vzeroupper)
FMA (vfmadd231sd)
AVX2 (vbroadcastsd)
BMI2 (shlx)

If I explicitly set the CMake build type None:

MODE64 (call)
SSE1 (movss)
SSE2 (pxor)
AVX (vmovsd)
CMOV (cmovne)

I don't see these flags in any of the ROS packages I have around.
My guess is that there is something in the cartographer cmake functions that is introducing these flags.
Looking into it..

from cartographer_ros-release.

gaschler avatar gaschler commented on July 26, 2024

@mikaelarguedas Interesting, on my Lunar on Debian stretch the compile flags are only -O3 -DNDEBUG -pthread -std=c++11 -fPIC -Wall -Wpedantic...
I tested both with catkin_make_isolated --use-ninja and catkin_make_isolated --install (with make).

To track this down, could you add

  message(warning "${NAME} GOOG_CXX_FLAGS ${GOOG_CXX_FLAGS}")

to the beginning of cartographer/cmake/functions.cmake:_common_compile_stuff?

from cartographer_ros-release.

mikaelarguedas avatar mikaelarguedas commented on July 26, 2024

To track this down, could you add

👍 Great minds think alike :), and the TARGET_COMPILE_FLAGS are empty on my side as well..
I'm testing in a bionic container.
I build using: VERBOSE=1 catkin_make_isolated --install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=None

cmake diff applied:

diff --git a/cmake/functions.cmake b/cmake/functions.cmake
index 3bfd343..5693dd4 100644
--- a/cmake/functions.cmake
+++ b/cmake/functions.cmake
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ macro(_parse_arguments ARGS)
 macro(_common_compile_stuff VISIBILITY)
   set_target_properties(${NAME} PROPERTIES
@@ -49,6 +51,7 @@ function(google_binary NAME)
   add_executable(${NAME} ${ARG_SRCS})
+  message(WARNING "NAME: ${NAME}")

assets_writer compile line (that does contain -march=native -msse4.2 -mfpmath=sse):

[  2%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cartographer_ros.dir/cartographer_ros/
/usr/bin/c++  -DGFLAGS_IS_A_DLL=0 -DROSCONSOLE_BACKEND_LOG4CXX -DROS_PACKAGE_NAME=\"cartographer_ros\" -DURDFDOM_HEADERS_HAS_SHARED_PTR_DEFS -isystem /usr/include/lua5.2 -isystem /usr/include/pcl-1.8 -isystem /usr/include/eigen3 -isystem /root/catkin_ws/install_isolated/include -isystem /opt/ros/melodic/include -isystem /opt/ros/melodic/share/orocos_kdl/cmake/../../../include -isystem /opt/ros/melodic/share/xmlrpcpp/cmake/../../../include/xmlrpcpp -isystem /usr/include/ni -isystem /usr/include/openni2 -isystem /usr/include/vtk-6.3 -isystem /usr/include/freetype2 -isystem /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/include/openmpi -isystem /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/include/openmpi/opal/mca/event/libevent2022/libevent -isystem /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/include/openmpi/opal/mca/event/libevent2022/libevent/include -isystem /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/include -isystem /usr/include/python2.7 -isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu -isystem /usr/include/hdf5/openmpi -isystem /usr/include/libxml2 -isystem /usr/include/jsoncpp -isystem /usr/include/tcl -I/root/catkin_ws/build_isolated/cartographer_ros -I/root/catkin_ws/src/cartographer_ros/cartographer_ros -I/usr/src/googletest/googlemock/gtest/include -isystem /usr/include/cairo -isystem /usr/include/glib-2.0 -isystem /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include -isystem /usr/include/pixman-1 -isystem /usr/include/libpng16  -march=native -msse4.2 -mfpmath=sse  -pthread -std=c++11 -fPIC  -Wall -Wpedantic -Werror=format-security -Werror=missing-braces -Werror=reorder -Werror=return-type -Werror=switch -Werror=uninitialized -o CMakeFiles/cartographer_ros.dir/cartographer_ros/ -c /root/catkin_ws/src/cartographer_ros/cartographer_ros/cartographer_ros/

CMake variables values for the target cartographer_assets_writer:

CMake Warning at /root/catkin_ws/install_isolated/share/cartographer/cmake/functions.cmake:54 (message):
  NAME: cartographer_assets_writer
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  cartographer_ros/CMakeLists.txt:15 (google_binary)

CMake Warning at /root/catkin_ws/install_isolated/share/cartographer/cmake/functions.cmake:26 (message):
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  /root/catkin_ws/install_isolated/share/cartographer/cmake/functions.cmake:55 (_common_compile_stuff)
  cartographer_ros/CMakeLists.txt:15 (google_binary)

CMake Warning at /root/catkin_ws/install_isolated/share/cartographer/cmake/functions.cmake:27 (message):
  GOOG_CXX_FLAGS: -pthread -std=c++11 -fPIC -Wall -Wpedantic
  -Werror=format-security -Werror=missing-braces -Werror=reorder
  -Werror=return-type -Werror=switch -Werror=uninitialized
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  /root/catkin_ws/install_isolated/share/cartographer/cmake/functions.cmake:55 (_common_compile_stuff)
  cartographer_ros/CMakeLists.txt:15 (google_binary)

from cartographer_ros-release.

mikaelarguedas avatar mikaelarguedas commented on July 26, 2024

Looking at other platforms, this flag doesnt show up on Debian Stretch but is present on Ubuntu Artful and Bionic. (I'm looking at the "" compiler line)

So it may be a gcc 7 thing. That still doesn't explain why it doesnt show up on the other packages built for that platform though..

from cartographer_ros-release.

gaschler avatar gaschler commented on July 26, 2024

Perhaps this is related to PointCloudLibrary/pcl#2239?
Does the string "-march=native -msse4.2 -mfpmath=sse" appear in your PCLConfig.cmake?

from cartographer_ros-release.

mikaelarguedas avatar mikaelarguedas commented on July 26, 2024

Good point.
I didn't find any cmake Config file containing "march=native".

Edit: @gaschler well that's embarrassing.. I was in the stretch container...
Indeed PCLConfig.cmake is the culprit:

root@98f7eafd9eaa:/usr# cat `find -name PCLConfig.cmake` | grep msse4
list(APPEND PCL_DEFINITIONS " -march=native -msse4.2 -mfpmath=sse ")

from cartographer_ros-release.

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