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hodmin's Introduction

Hodmin - HOmie-aDMIN

Hodmin is a tool to administrate Homie-devices (IOT, esp8266-based microcomputers with Homie-firmware: Homie)

Hodmin enables you to administrate your Homie-devices via command-line-interface (CLI). It consists of some scripts to wrap homie-administration in some handy commands. If needed, these commands can be used within your own scripts, so interaction with Homie-devices is very flexible. Hodmin does not communicate with a homie-device directly. It instead uses your MQTT-broker to pull / push informations from / to a device.


List devices seen in my network and available firmwares in my Arduino-sketchbook of my workstation:

hodmin list

alt tag

Left part of first three lines show us our devices with Homie-name. Column checksum shows md5 of installed firmware. Right part of table shows all Homie-firmwares found in sketchbook-directory. If a firmware is listed in same row as a device, this firmware is running on this device. If checksum is shown in green color, the latest firmware of this firmware-name is running. The third line in example above is yellow, so there is a new firmware available in our sketchbook to install.

If we like to update our 'yellow' device, we just use this command:

hodmin -m a02* pushFW -c e240*

Option -m specifies MAC-address of our device. Because there is only one device starting with a02, there is no need to type all chars of MAC. We use * instead. After subcommand pushFW we need to specify firmware-file to be uploaded to our device. In this example we do it by option -c for checksum and use * also.

Starting this command will send our binaryfile Over the Air (OTA) to our device. More examples are provided down below and refer to this screenshot.

All this stuff is homie-functionality, but Hodmin wraps it in some handy commands. In my point of view work with homie is more comfortable using Hodmin.


Install with gem install hodmin. After installation start with command hodmin list. This will put a default config-file in ~/.hodmin.yaml. Open this file with any editor and fill in your MQTT-credentials.

System prerequisites

Hodmin ist a bundle of scripts written in Ruby. You need a running Ruby-Installation (tested: 2.0.0 and above), most modern operating systems include one (Debian-based systems: apt-get install ruby-full or use RVMRVM). Hodmin ist developed and tested under Linux - it should run under MAC OS/X and -maybe - Windows too - but I didn' t test it until now.


Every Hodmin command starts with hodmin optional followed by a device-description to select one or some homie-devices. Next part is a subcommand, which describes desired action, optional followed by more options describing firmware used in this action. In every command and every subcommand you can use -h to see short help info about using a command.

Remark: Firmware-name in Homie is defined by using magic-bytes in sourcecode of your application. It is by no means connected with filename of binary-file. Same applies to firmware-version. If you do not use this magic-bytes in your sketch, Hodmin will not identify this firmware. See Homie-documentation for details.

list: list all or some of devices and all or some of firmwares found in your sketchbook (or any other directory tree you specified)

This commands searches your MQTT-broker for Homie-devices (identfied by tree devices/homie in default config). It also searches your directory-tree for Homie-firmware (identfied by magic-bytes). So to work with Hodmin you should always compile your Homie-Firmware and save it on disk (Arduino: export bin-file).

  • Options before list subcommand:

    • -m, --mac=<s>: select device(s) by mac. You can use <pattern>* or *<pattern> whatever fits better to your MAC-addresses (i.e. *3f2 to pick up the MAC ending with this chars).
    • -f, --fw-name=<s>: select device(s) by firmware-name. You can specify a complete firmware-name or you can use -<pattern*-style as above (i.e. WLAN*).
    • -c, --checksum=<s>: select device(s) by actual firmware-checksum (Homie uses MD5). Use -- to type only some chars of md5 (ie. 3ac).
    • -l, --localip=<s>: select device(s) by actual ip4-address. Use -- if you want to pick up more than one device (i.e. or '.30.').
    • -o, --configfile=<s>: use this configfile instead of default (default: ~/.Hodmin.yaml). Perhaps you have a different MQTT-Server for testing: with option -o testing.yaml you start Hodmin with different config.
  • Options after list subcommand

    • -f, --fw-name=<s>: Select firmware(s) by firmware-name. See above.
    • -c, --checksum=<s>: Select firmware(s) by firmware-checksum. See above.
    • -s, --style=<s>: Output table style: unicode, ascii or basic. Default output of list is a nice table. But if you use this command in a batch-file, it might be better to omit special chars. With ascii or basic table will look different. Usually basic is best deal if you want to parse list-output with bash-commands.
    • -n, --nil=<s>: Text to be printed in table in case of NIL-value. In case of nil-value every cell of list-output is filled with this char. If you need to find n-th column, just count white-spaces in list-output.

pullCF: pull config-data from device

This subcommand pulls config-data from a Homie-device and shows it on screen. Use it as config-backup and boilerplate for changing config. This command does not read directly from a Homie-device, instead it reads your MQTT-broker to collect all config-info. So this command is available even if your device is offline.

  • Options after pullCF subcommand
    • -o, --outputfile=<s>: Give this option if you wish to save config-data in a file. Default filename ist Homie-<MAC-address>.yaml (if you only give -o). If you add a filename after -o, this file will be used to save data.

      		 - hodmin -m *747 pullCF # will create a file *Homie-6001940c5747.yaml* in your working directory.

pushCF: push config-data to device

This subcommand pushes config-data to a Homie-device (to be exact: to MQTT-broker). It reads from YAML-file (see above).

  • Options after pushCF subcommand
    • -j, --jsonconfig=<s>: JSON-formatted string with config-option(s) to change. Using this option you can send a JSON-formated part of config-data. Example: hodmin -m *747 pushCF -j '{"ota": {"enabled":false}}' will turn off OTA-mode.

    • -i, --inputfile=<s>: Read new config-options from yaml-file: Easy way to change config: pullCF from a device into file, change file as desired and pushCF whole config-file back to device.

    • -s, --shortconfig=<s>: Fast changing of some config-options. Possible for setting: name:xy ota:on|off ssid:xy wifipw:xy host:xy port:xy base_topic:xy auth:on|off user:xy mqttpw:xy. Enclose multiple options in "", separate options with a blank. Arguments (i.e. passwords) must NOT include blanks or colons. If you need these characters, use option -j or -i.

      		 - hodmin -m *112 pushCF -s mqttpw:'abc'    # change config for this device
      		 - hodmin -m *112 pushCF -s "ota:off mqttpw:abc auth:true"  # change multiple config for this device
      		 - hodmin -f WLAN* pushCF -s "ota:off mqttpw:abc auth:true"  # change multiple config for all devices running firmware 'WLAN*'

pushFW: push firmware-file to device (OTA: Over-The-Air, WIFI)

This subcommand pushes binary firmware-file to a Homie-device.

  • Options after pushFW subcommand
    • -f, --fw-name=<s> Select firmware-file by firmware-name.

    • -c, --checksum=<s> Select ONE firmware-files by firmware-checksum. Use exactly this firmware.

    • -u, --upgrade Select newest firmware-file by firmware-name of Homie-device.

    • -a, --auto Upgrade in batch mode - do not ask for updating a device (be carefull using this option). If you use Hodmin within cron-scripts, this option might be usefull.

      		 - hodmin -m *747 pushFW -c 25* # will bring firmware-version 1.0.2 to device 6001940c5747 (see screenshot above).
      		 - hodmin -m *747 pushFW -f WLAN* -u -a # will update this device without any further question.

rename: rename firmware-file

This subcommand searches in your firmware-directory for Homie-firmware-files. Every filename not already in Hodmin-style is offered to rename. Hodmin-style: "Homie_<Firmware-name><Firmware-version><Firmware-checksum>.bin" is unique. If you rename a binary after compiling, this version will stay on disk, even if you recompile a later version.

  • Options after rename subcommand
    • -f, --fw-name=<s> Select firmware-file by firmware-name.
    • -c, --checksum=<s> Select ONE firmware-files by firmware-checksum. Use exactly this firmware.

remove: remove firmware-file

This subcommand searches in your firmware-directory for Homie-firmware-files. Every filename matching your pattern is offered to be removed.

  • Options after remove subcommand
    • -f, --fw-name=<s> Select firmware-file by firmware-name.
    • -c, --checksum=<s> Select ONE firmware-files by firmware-checksum. Use exactly this firmware.

initialize: initialize Homie-device after first flashing of Firmware via USB. Uses WIFI-AP of Device. EXPERIMENTAL!

This subcommand is usefull only for the first step in setting up a Homie-device. After firmware is sent to a device for the first time (or reset) via USB, it spans a AP which is used to get config-data. Plug your workstation into this wifi-network and start initiate. This command tries to send a config file to IP Basically it wraps only one bash-command: `curl -X PUT -d @<filename> --header 'Content-Type: application/json'. Remark: It uses curl, this program must be available on your system.

  • Options after initialize subcommand
    • -c, --configfile=<s>: Push initiating config-options from file to new device (default: homie-initialize.yaml)


During startup Hodmin checks existence of file ~/.hodmin.yaml. If it is found, Hodmin reads its configuration. Otherwise Hodmin creates this file and writes a default config into it. Edit this file before starting Hodmin next time.

  protocol: mqtt://
  port: '1883'
  auth: true
  user: '<username>'
  password: '<password>'
  base_topic: 'devices/homie/'
  timeout: '0.3'
  dir: '/home/<username>/sketchbook/'
  filepattern: '*.bin'
  # STDOUT OR nil OR filename
  logdestination: nil
  list: 'HD.mac HD.localip FW.checksum FW.fw_name FW.fw_version'
  nil:   # Text to be shown in table in case of NIL-value
  • Additional info regarding some lines of config-file above:
    • mqtt: if auth is false, username and password are ignored. timeout sets a time (in seconds) that Hodmin-mqtt-client will wait during reading all topics of your Homie-devices. 0.3 secs should be fairly enough for a lot of devices. If you have trouble getting infos about all topics, play around with this value.
    • firmware: Within this directory Hodmin will search for all binary-files matching your given filepattern. Only files including Homie-magic-bytes will be selected by Hodmin.
    • logging: STDOUT will report all logging-output to console, nil will suppress logging, 'filename' will report logging-output into this file in your working directory.
    • output: list defines which items will be shown with list-subcommand. HD means properties of Homie-devices, FW means properties of firmwares. Change it accoording to your needs. nil defines output in case of empty cells. If you need to parse the output table, it is easier to set nil to (example) '-'. This way every column has a value.

Hodmin is a tool to administrate Homie-Devices. Copyright (C) 2017 Thomas Romeyke (rttools at

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

hodmin's People


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hodmin's Issues

List not showing firmware names or hashes.

Hello, I'm having some trouble with the hodmin list and pushFW commands. While the firmware is being parsed correctly it seems the list and pushFW commands don't work properly despite the firmware being detected correctly in the back end.

$ hodmin list
I, [2017-06-22 10:01:34 #9590]  INFO -- : Scanning dir: /home/x/fw/homie/**/*.bin
I, [2017-06-22 10:01:34 #9590]  INFO -- : FW found: ecoplug, 1.1.0, cbad0b38e18d07a6ece94fcf07456e12
I, [2017-06-22 10:01:34 #9590]  INFO -- : Homie-Device detected: mac=XXXXXXXX4781, ONLINE,  running ecoplug, 1.0.0, upgr=true
I, [2017-06-22 10:01:34 #9590]  INFO -- : Homie-Device detected: mac=XXXXXXXXb91f, ONLINE,  running ecoplug, 1.0.0, upgr=true
I, [2017-06-22 10:01:34 #9590]  INFO -- : Homie-Device detected: mac=XXXXXXXX9644, ONLINE,  running ecoplug, 1.0.0, upgr=true
I, [2017-06-22 10:01:34 #9590]  INFO -- : Homie-Device detected: mac=XXXXXXXX40be, ONLINE,  running ecoplug, 1.0.0, upgr=true
I, [2017-06-22 10:01:34 #9590]  INFO -- : Homie-Device detected: mac=XXXXXXXX1dfe, ONLINE,  running ecoplug, 1.0.0, upgr=true
I, [2017-06-22 10:01:34 #9590]  INFO -- : Homie-Device detected: mac=XXXXXXXX9377, OFFLINE,  running itead-sonoff-button, 1.1.0, upgr=false
I, [2017-06-22 10:01:34 #9590]  INFO -- : Homie-Device detected: mac=XXXXXXXX91f2, OFFLINE,  running itead-sonoff-button, 1.1.0, upgr=false
I, [2017-06-22 10:01:34 #9590]  INFO -- : Homie-Device detected: mac=XXXXXXXX41af, OFFLINE,  running itead-sonoff-button, 1.0.0, upgr=false
I, [2017-06-22 10:01:34 #9590]  INFO -- : Homie-Device detected: mac=XXXXXXXXbede, ONLINE,  running itead-sonoff-button, 1.0.0, upgr=false
│    mac     │online│  localip   │     name     │checksumfw_name│fw_version│upgradable│
│XXXXXXXX4781│ true │192.168.X.X│  shoplights  │               │          │   true   │
│XXXXXXXXb91f│ true │192.168.X.X│ officelights │               │          │   true   │
│XXXXXXXX9644│ true │192.168.X.X│  backlights  │               │          │   true   │
│XXXXXXXX40be│ true │192.168.X.X│ frontlights  │               │          │   true   │
│XXXXXXXX1dfe│ true │192.168.X.X│   joshlamp   │               │          │   true   │
│XXXXXXXX9377│false │192.168.X.X│   inline2    │               │          │  false   │
│XXXXXXXX91f2│false │192.168.X.A│   inline1    │               │          │  false   │
│XXXXXXXX41af│false │192.168.X.X│shop2OfficeFan│               │          │  false   │
│XXXXXXXXbede│ true │192.168.X.X│  officeCool  │               │          │  false   │
│            │      │            │              │               │  1.1.0   │          │
$ hodmin -m *4781 pushFW
ERR: No valid firmware-referrer found. (Chksum:, Name: )

hodmin must escape attributes name

My homie implementation has a property named "rel%" (for relative humidity sensor), this results in an error when using hodmim, because the '%' is used in an internal variable name:

/var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/hodmin-0.1.3/lib/hodmin/hodmin_tools.rb:133:in `instance_variable_set': `@Sensor_rel%' is not allowed as an instance variable name (NameError)
        from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/hodmin-0.1.3/lib/hodmin/hodmin_tools.rb:133:in `create_attr'
        from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/hodmin-0.1.3/lib/hodmin/hodmin_tools.rb:112:in `block in initialize'
        from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/hodmin-0.1.3/lib/hodmin/hodmin_tools.rb:112:in `each'
        from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/hodmin-0.1.3/lib/hodmin/hodmin_tools.rb:112:in `initialize'
        from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/hodmin-0.1.3/lib/hodmin/hodmin_tools.rb:230:in `new'
        from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/hodmin-0.1.3/lib/hodmin/hodmin_tools.rb:230:in `block in get_homies'
        from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/hodmin-0.1.3/lib/hodmin/hodmin_tools.rb:228:in `each'
        from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/hodmin-0.1.3/lib/hodmin/hodmin_tools.rb:228:in `get_homies'
        from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/hodmin-0.1.3/lib/hodmin/hodmin_tools.rb:240:in `fetch_homie_dev_list'
        from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/hodmin-0.1.3/lib/hodmin/hodmin_list.rb:12:in `hodmin_list'
        from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/hodmin-0.1.3/bin/hodmin:144:in `<top (required)>'
        from /usr/local/bin/hodmin:22:in `load'
        from /usr/local/bin/hodmin:22:in `<main>'

MQTT output of startup:

16.665688 homie/Labor/$homie 2.0.0
00.000146 homie/Labor/$implementation esp8266
00.000200 homie/Labor/$mac 18:FE:34:F1:2A:C3
00.000196 homie/Labor/LED/$type RGBW
00.000197 homie/Labor/LED/$properties r:settable,g:settable,b:settable,w:settable
00.000238 homie/Labor/Sensor/$type sensor_t_h
00.000169 homie/Labor/Sensor/$properties degrees,rel%
00.000144 homie/Labor/$name Laborcontroller
00.000188 homie/Labor/$localip                                                                                                                                                                         
00.000183 homie/Labor/$stats/interval 60                                                                                                                                                                             
00.000179 homie/Labor/$fw/name ESP-PlatformIO_Minimum                                                                                                                                                                
00.000181 homie/Labor/$fw/version 0.1.0                                                                                                                                                                              
00.000207 homie/Labor/$fw/checksum 06bc5d366646e0014400339293d24bae                                                                                                                                                  
00.000242 homie/Labor/$implementation/config {"name":"Laborcontroller","device_id":"Labor","wifi":{"ssid":"KDG-49D6B"},"mqtt":{"host":"cubietruck","port":1883,"base_topic":"homie/","auth":false},"ota":{"enabled":true},"settings":{"RGBfadeDelay":10}}                                                                                                                                                                                 
00.000180 homie/Labor/$implementation/version 2.0.0                                                                                                                                                                  
00.000211 homie/Labor/$implementation/ota/enabled true                                                                                                                                                               
00.017184 homie/Labor/$online true                                                                                                                                                                                   
00.000398 homie/Labor/Log/DEBUG/RGBWNode virtual void RGBWNode::onReadyToOperate()                                                                                                                                   
00.000219 homie/Labor/Log/INFO/RGBWNode/Settings RGBfadedelay: 5                                                                                                                                                     
00.000216 homie/Labor/Log/INFO/void RGBWNode::updateLED(uint8_t) const Updated LED r on Pin 2, value 0% (gamma-corrected 0).                                                                                         
00.000217 homie/Labor/Log/INFO/void RGBWNode::updateLED(uint8_t) const Updated LED g on Pin 15, value 0% (gamma-corrected 0).                                                                                        
00.000211 homie/Labor/Log/INFO/void RGBWNode::updateLED(uint8_t) const Updated LED b on Pin 0, value 0% (gamma-corrected 0).                                                                                         
00.000216 homie/Labor/Log/INFO/void RGBWNode::updateLED(uint8_t) const Updated LED w on Pin 16, value 0% (gamma-corrected 0).                                                                                        
00.016636 homie/Labor/$stats/signal 30                                                                                                                                                                               
00.016569 homie/Labor/$stats/uptime 33                                                                                                                                                                               
00.013908 homie/Labor/Sensor/degrees 24.11                                                                                                                                                                           
00.005814 homie/Labor/Sensor/rel% 45.42                      

Deprecation warning


[DEPRECATION] This gem has been renamed to optimist and will no longer be supported. Please switch to optimist as soon as possible.

Can not connect to my mqtt broker

Hello, I would like to try your homie OTA updater.. but i got this error when I try to run hodmin list

lesjaw@cloud:~$ hodmin list
/home/lesjaw/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0/gems/mqtt-0.4.0/lib/mqtt/client.rb:257:in `initialize': getaddrinfo: Name or service not known (SocketError)
        from /home/lesjaw/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0/gems/mqtt-0.4.0/lib/mqtt/client.rb:257:in `new'
        from /home/lesjaw/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0/gems/mqtt-0.4.0/lib/mqtt/client.rb:257:in `connect'
        from /home/lesjaw/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0/gems/mqtt-0.4.0/lib/mqtt/client.rb:93:in `connect'
        from /home/lesjaw/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0/gems/hodmin-0.1.5/lib/hodmin/hodmin_tools.rb:86:in `mqtt_connect'
        from /home/lesjaw/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0/gems/hodmin-0.1.5/lib/hodmin/hodmin_tools.rb:241:in `fetch_homie_dev_list'
        from /home/lesjaw/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0/gems/hodmin-0.1.5/lib/hodmin/hodmin_list.rb:12:in `hodmin_list'
        from /home/lesjaw/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0/gems/hodmin-0.1.5/bin/hodmin:144:in `<top (required)>'
        from /home/lesjaw/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0/bin/hodmin:22:in `load'
        from /home/lesjaw/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0/bin/hodmin:22:in `<main>'
        from /home/lesjaw/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:15:in `eval'
        from /home/lesjaw/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:15:in `<main>'

my .hodmin.yaml is something like this

  protocol: tcp://
  host: 156.xx.xx.xx
  port: 1883
  user: '[email protected]'
  password: 'xxxxxxx'
  base_topic: 'devices/'
  auth: true
  timeout: '0.3'
  dir: "/home/lesjaw/fw"
  filepattern: "*.bin"
  logdestination: nil
  list: HD.mac HD.localip FW.checksumFW.fw_name FW.fw_version HD.upgradable
  nil: ''

hodmin fails with undefined method `casecmp' error

Hodmin on a raspberry pi 2 fails regularly (75% of the time) with the following error:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ hodmin list
/var/lib/gems/2.1.0/gems/hodmin-0.1.5/lib/hodmin/hodmin_tools.rb:146:in `online?': undefined method `casecmp' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
        from /var/lib/gems/2.1.0/gems/hodmin-0.1.5/lib/hodmin/hodmin_tools.rb:155:in `online_status'
        from /var/lib/gems/2.1.0/gems/hodmin-0.1.5/lib/hodmin/hodmin_tools.rb:118:in `initialize'
        from /var/lib/gems/2.1.0/gems/hodmin-0.1.5/lib/hodmin/hodmin_tools.rb:234:in `new'
        from /var/lib/gems/2.1.0/gems/hodmin-0.1.5/lib/hodmin/hodmin_tools.rb:234:in `block in get_homies'
        from /var/lib/gems/2.1.0/gems/hodmin-0.1.5/lib/hodmin/hodmin_tools.rb:232:in `each'
        from /var/lib/gems/2.1.0/gems/hodmin-0.1.5/lib/hodmin/hodmin_tools.rb:232:in `get_homies'
        from /var/lib/gems/2.1.0/gems/hodmin-0.1.5/lib/hodmin/hodmin_tools.rb:244:in `fetch_homie_dev_list'
        from /var/lib/gems/2.1.0/gems/hodmin-0.1.5/lib/hodmin/hodmin_list.rb:12:in `hodmin_list'
        from /var/lib/gems/2.1.0/gems/hodmin-0.1.5/bin/hodmin:144:in `<top (required)>'
        from /usr/local/bin/hodmin:23:in `load'
        from /usr/local/bin/hodmin:23:in `<main>'

Is there anything I can do to solve this problem?

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