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forem's Introduction

No longer maintained

I put the word out for people to contact me if they'd like to maintain this for me. Quite a few people contacted me, and I added those people as maintainers. No further work got done.

Therefore, I have no choice but to mark this project as unmaintained. I have removed all other maintainers as a result.

This project is no longer accepting pull requests or issues.

If you would like a better maintained forum system, please use Thredded.

Forem - using Bootstrap

Forem, using the forem-bootstrap theme

Forem Build Status

"NO U!"

Forem is an engine for Rails that aims to be the best little forum system ever. The end goal is to have an engine that can be dropped into an application that provides the basic functionality of forums, topics and posts.


A demo application can be found at, and the source for this application can be found on the repository


Installing Forem is easy.

Specify Gem dependencies

If you're using Rails 3:

gem 'forem', :github => "radar/forem", :branch => "rails3"

For Rails 4, use the rails4 branch:

gem 'forem', :github => "radar/forem", :branch => "rails4"

And then one of kaminari or will_paginate

gem 'kaminari', '0.15.1'
# OR
gem 'will_paginate', '3.0.5'

Run the installer

Ensure that you first of all have a User model and some sort of authentication system set up. We would recommend going with Devise, but it's up to you. All Forem needs is a model to link topics and posts to.

Run the installer and answer any questions that pop up. There's sensible defaults there if you don't want to answer them.

rails g forem:install

Set up helper methods in your user model

Forem uses a forem_name (which defaults as to_s) method being available on your User model so that it can display the user's name in posts. Define it in your model like this:

def forem_name

Please note that if you are using Devise, User model does not have name column by default, so you either should use custom migration to add it or use another column (email for example).

It also uses an optional forem_email method for displaying avatars using Gravatar. It defaults to email. If you don't have an email attribute on the model, define a new method:

def forem_email

Require basic Forem assets

Add this line to your application.js file to load required JavaScript files:

//= require forem

Add this line to your application.css to apply required styling:

*= require 'forem/base'

Specify formatter to use

If you want to provide users with an extended formatting capability, you should pick a formatter to use. If you do not use a formatter users will not be able to insert newlines in their posts and do some other fancy stuff, however quoting will work fine.

And you're done! Yaaay!

For more information on installing, please see the "Installation" wiki page


Here's a comprehensive list of the features currently in Forem:

If there's a feature you think would be great to add to Forem, let us know on the Issues page

Auto Discovery Links

If you would like to add auto discovery links for the built in forum Atom feeds, then add the following method inside your <head> tag:

<%= forem_atom_auto_discovery_link_tag %>

Forem's default layout includes this tag.

View Customisation

If you want to customise Forem, you can copy over the views using the (Devise-inspired) forem:views generator:

rails g forem:views

You will then be able to edit the forem views inside the app/views/forem of your application. These views will take precedence over those in the engine.

Extending Classes

All of Forem’s business logic (models, controllers, helpers, etc) can easily be extended / overridden to meet your exact requirements using standard Ruby idioms.

Standard practice for including such changes in your application or extension is to create a directory app/decorators. place file within the relevant app/decorators/models or app/decorators/controllers directory with the original class name with _decorator appended.

Adding a custom method to the Post model:

# app/decorators/models/forem/post_decorator.rb

Forem::Post.class_eval do
  def some_method

Adding a custom method to the PostsController:

# app/decorators/controllers/forem/posts_controller_decorator.rb

Forem::PostsController.class_eval do
  def some_action

The exact same format can be used to redefine an existing method.


We currently have support for the following languages:

  • Arabic
  • Brazillian (pt-BR)
  • Bulgarian
  • Chinese (Simplified, zh-CN)
  • Chinese (Traditional, zh-TW)
  • Czech
  • Dutch
  • English
  • Estonian
  • Farsi (Persian)
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Lithuanian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese (pt-PT)
  • Russian
  • Slovak
  • Spanish
  • Turkish

Patches for new translations are very much welcome!


File an issue and we'll get around to it when we can.

Developing on forem

Forem is implemented as a Rails engine and its specs are run in the context of a dummy Rails app. The process for getting the specs to run is similar to setting up a regular rails app:

bundle exec rake forem:dummy_app

Once this setup has been done, Forem's specs can be run by executing this command:

bundle exec rspec spec

More information can be found in this issue in the bugtracker.

If all the tests are passing (they usually are), then you're good to go! Develop a new feature for Forem and be lavished with praise!


  • Ryan Bigg
  • Philip Arndt
  • Josh Adams
  • Adam McDonald
  • Zak Strassburg
  • And more

Places using Forem

If you want yours added here, just ask!

forem's People


alexcwatt avatar browning avatar caffo avatar dapz avatar filiptepper avatar fracek avatar frankel avatar gabrielbaez avatar glebm avatar idearise avatar jgadbois avatar johanb avatar juozasg avatar kunalchaudhari avatar mauriciopasquier avatar nashby avatar nebiros avatar nruth avatar parndt avatar phiggins avatar phlipper avatar radar avatar raid5 avatar strd6 avatar tanraya avatar tigercat avatar tomg65 avatar ugisozols avatar victormartins avatar yan-hoose avatar


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forem's Issues

Postgres error using Topic.visible.by_most_recent_post

PGError: ERROR:  column "" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
LINE 1: SELECT  "forem_topics".* FROM "forem_topics" INNER JOIN "for...
: SELECT  "forem_topics".* FROM "forem_topics" INNER JOIN "forem_posts" ON "forem_posts"."topic_id" = "forem_topics"."id"     WHERE "forem_topics"."hidden" = 'f' GROUP BY topic_id ORDER BY forem_posts.created_at DESC, LIMIT 5"DISTINCT topic_id, forem_topics.*").limit(5).includes(:posts) works for me in postgres.

Textile / pluggable post formatting

We'd like to use textile rather than markdown for post formatting (for consistency with our cms).

Does anyone have suggestions for how this could be architected / an appropriate pattern for having plain text, or markdown, as default, but the possibility to change to something else?

permissions: undefined method `can_read_forem_forums?'

Running webrick for development I keep getting this nasty error:

Showing /home/kulpae/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180/bundler/gems/forem-76d997679209/app/views/forem/categories/_category.html.erb where line #1 raised:

undefined method `can_read_forem_forums?' for #<User:0x000000050f3020>

I've an initializer config/initializers/forem.rb with

Forem.user_class = User


  • After the server is started, the first request works, the following requests don't.
  • Overriding the can_* methods in the User model fixes the error, but I don't think it's how it supposed to be...

Installer should insert a forum

The installer, once complete, should create a test forum with a topic created by a dummy user. Otherwise the forum looks empty.

Bundle install fails - forem specified twice

Hi there,

I am still quite new to rails and especially bundler. I cloned the repository and added the entries you specified in the readme. When I try execute bundle install I get the following error:

You cannot specify the same gem twice coming from different sources. You specified that forem (>= 0) should come from git:// (at master) and source at /projectPath/

From other examples I have found people mention duplication within the gemspec file which I do not see. Any ideas?



Use Gravatar for Avatars

If the User model has an email method, we should use it to display gravatars of those people on the posts.

Private messaging?

Just thought that it would be really useful if Forem had private messaging.

Bugs in rails g forem:install


I notice the following issues with the installer:

  1. For the question "What is your user class called? [User]", user might press Enter right away if the their model is User already. This generates a method missing error since the installer doesn't set the value of @user_class to User.
  2. The migration ids for add_category_id_to_forums and add_forem_admin are the same -> migration error.

WYSIWYG editing

Would it take a lot of work to include WYSIWYG posting in Forem? I'm thinking about using it with Refinery CMS, which has WYSIWYG tools and HTML formatted content - it would make a ton of sense to have it work the same with Forem too? Would it be a lot of work or just a matter of disabling markdown marshaling code so it works directly with HTML and adding some javascript or partials to include the editor controls?

Authorization system

Last week, I spoke with somebody was interested to know if Forem had any kind of authorization system. I told him it didn't, because I didn't know how to build one for it as applications can have their own authorization system.

So I spent some time thinking about this on the plane ride back from Chicago. Here are my thoughts in no particular order. It would be great if I could get some feedback on this issue:

Permission system for forem

In many other forum systems out there, there are permission systems built into them. Forem is unique in that it's an engine and supposed to be pluggable into other applications, rather than being something standalone such as (my understanding) how phpBB and vBulletin work.

Of course, Forem can be "standalone" by just mounting it inside an empty Rails application. I don't think there will ever be a case where we have a true standalone version.


This complicates things. By creating our own permission system we would limit those people who may have their own permissions systems within their applications. This is definitely not ideal. Forem is already able to adapt to different authentication systems, so why not authorization also?

I propose that we build a flexible authorization system into Forem so that people can set up permissions on their forem installs in the easiest way possible using their own authorization if that's what they have, or suggesting to use CanCan instead.

How it works

I think that we should have methods on the User class which define the permissions that people have. For example, there would be a can_read_forum? method which would take one argument and do something like this:

def can_read_forum?(forum)
  permissions.where(:object => forum, :permission_type => "read")

The code inside the can_read_forum? method will be application-specific, but the API for the permissions is something that we should provide.

There could even be a possibility that we provide a Forem::Permissions::Default module which, when included into a User-like class, would then provide defaults for these permission methods, which then can be overridden in the model as the application designers wish. I think it would be best to have a blacklist-by-default, but I am open to ideas on this one on why it's a bad idea if anybody thinks so.

Alternative API

Alternatively we get them to include a module called Forem::Permissions which then provides the following API:

can_read_forum do
permissions.where(:object => forum, :permission_type => "read")

This then will store the given block which will be executed (using instance_eval) on the current_user object.


With this kind of permission system I cannot think of a clean way that you could allow anonymous access to forums (for example). How could we fix that?

Thanks lads!

Forum Access Control Lists

Feature/suggestion, be able to setup groups and setup ACLs (Access Control Lists) per forum/category based on groups/roles

Basic integration won't work?

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method `current_user' for #Forem::ForumsController:0xb6e48d18):
27: <% end %>
31: <% if forem_admin? %>
32: <%= link_to "Admin Area", admin_root_path %>
33: <% end %>

Is what I get back. I did everything given in "Installation", except I modified the Gemfile a bit. It didn't work with the gems given; I specified the rails gem to use the 3-1-stable branch and the rack gem to use the rack-1.3 branch. Then it worked to do "bundle install", but well, the said error is what I get back when I open up localhost:3000/forums. Where to define this method, "current_user"?

It could be that it's just me being stupid, and I'm sorry if it is. If it isn't, I think this is fixable easily?

Partial naming collision


Not a bug, just something to be aware of. I just ran into an error due to having a partial named _head.haml.html in my application.html.haml. It was then load app/views/forem/forums/_head.html.erb.

Maybe something like _forum_head.html.erb?



Followed instructions - Forem files not created

I am very new to Rails and coding in general, so this may be a stupid question. I followed the instructions to for the installation. I created the user, current_user, admin, all that good stuff.

The files were never created in my app directory. For example, my app/views only has layouts, sessions, and users -- no forem files.

What am I doing wrong? How do I fix this? Do I have to create all those pages and files manually?

Thanks for your help

Forum Categories

It would be nice if the forum had category support like phpbb3 does.

Can not create new topic

When i want to create a new topic (e.g. http://localhost:3000/forem/forums/1/topics/new ), with user logged in, it redirects to the home page. The console displays this message:

  Started GET "/forem/forums/1/topics/new" for at 2011-09-11 17:34:00 +0800
  Creating scope :page. Overwriting existing method
  Processing by Forem::TopicsController#new as HTML
  Parameters: {"forum_id"=>"1"}
  Refinery::Page Load (0.3ms)  SELECT .......

I googled and found it is caused by kaminari, see this issue: While i use the kaminari's master branch in my rails project, the error still exists. I wonder if this belongs to kaminari's bug.

My gem file is the same as this one: #38 (comment)


forums/index is not translated

The header for this page is written in english and doesn't use I18n.t to get a translation, additionally the last post stuff is English too.

Abstract out ActiveRecord

Currently forem relies on activerecord it should factor this out and use templates similar to padrino-admin(?) or a glue between different ORMs (I don't think this is possible). A bullet list of what needs to be converted for this to work would be appreciated.

Devise in dummy application

Rather than hack around the "problem" of having authentication within the dummy application, I've gone ahead and added Devise to it within the devise branch. So far this is working, it just needs a bit of cleanup. This issue is to remind us that this needs doing.

Getting ActiView Template Error


I followed your instructions and installed forem, but when I try to view the forum I get the following error message.

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method `blogs_path' for #<#Class:0x7f4f21002090:0x7f4f20ffda40>):

I created the initializer per the instruction and configured the application controller

App controller code

This is what I currently have on my gem file

source ''

gem 'rails', '3.1.0'

# Bundle edge Rails instead:
# gem 'rails',     :git => 'git://'

gem 'pg'

gem 'devise', '1.4.5'

gem "cancan"
gem 'json'

gem 'ckeditor', :git => 'git://', :branch => 'rails3'

gem 'forem', :git => "git://"
gem 'forem-theme-base', :git => "git://"

gem 'kaminari'

gem 'gravatar_image_tag'

gem 'activeadmin'
gem 'sass-rails', "  ~> 3.1.0"
gem "meta_search",    '>= 1.1.0.pre'
gem 'therubyracer'

gem 'paperclip'

# Gems used only for assets and not required
# in production environments by default.
group :assets do
  #gem 'sass-rails', "  ~> 3.1.0"
  gem 'coffee-rails', "~> 3.1.0"
  gem 'uglifier'

gem 'jquery-rails'

# Use unicorn as the web server
# gem 'unicorn'

# Deploy with Capistrano
# gem 'capistrano'

# To use debugger
# gem 'ruby-debug'

Incorrect gem dependency listed in installation instructions

Had a bit of a problem installing forem. In the instructions it says use:

gem 'forem', :git => "git://"

But doing this for me, pulled version 0.0.1, mostly likely because that's the last Git tag you guys have? maybe. Anyways, the only way I could get the latest master was manually download it. Then I added it to a vendor/gems directory, then referenced it like:

gem 'forem', :path => "#{File.expand_path(FILE)}/../vendor/gems/forem-0.1"

Is version 0.1 the latest? Is there a newer/better way of doing this?

no Base theme included

On master there is no public directory with base theme styles. Should there be? I ask because, In Forem::ApplicationHelper there is a helper method that references a none existent theme

def forem_theme_tag

Also when I visit the demo site at

I see a stylesheet include of


Where does this base theme come from? Or should we be rolling our own entirely?

Won't work with Refinery CMS, also other set-up errors

"Refinery CMS Integration
Requires Refinery CMS rails-3-1 branch"

There is no such branch there. Probably, it has been removed. And now, I can't get it wo work with Refinery. Using the latest thing of everything brings up loads of dependency errors (marginal note: I had to use the rack-1.3 branch of the git rack to get bundler to finish at all).
It's also possible that the reason is that my single steps were wrong or in wrong order. But yet, the "Refinery CMS Integration" entry doesn't tell much what to do.
I am now trying to set it up like the installation entry tells me to and posting everything that happens...

To get a refinery cms app:

refinerycms blah
(does loads of stuff, works.)
Now to add forem, I put this in the Gemfile, as given:

gem 'rails', :git => "git://"
gem 'arel', :git => "git://"
gem 'rack', :git => "git://", :branch => "rack-1.3"
gem 'sprockets', :git => "git://"
gem 'forem', :git => "git://"

And change
gem 'refinerycms', '~> 1.0.3'
gem 'refinerycms', :git => "git://"

and do:

cd blah
bundle install

It tells me:
Could not find gem 'rack (~> 1.3.2)', required by 'rails', in any of the sources

So I change the rack Gemfile entry, adding the :branch option:
gem 'rack', :git => "git://", :branch => "rack-1.3"

and run

bundle install

Output is:
Could not find gem 'refinerycms-generators (~> 1.1), required by 'refinerycms', in any of the sources

=> do this:
gem 'refinerycms-generators', :git => "git://"

And get this:
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "refinerycms-generators":
In Gemfile:
refinerycms depends on
refinerycms-generators (~> 1.0.1)

refinerycms-generators (1.1.0)

So apparently, refinerycms will screw up its dependencies when it comes to using edge versions of rails etc.

And yes, I post this as a forem issue, because it apparently doesn't work what's given there in the instructions. ;)

Please fix! Great work though, I haven't seen any other forum that even tries to easily integrate with RefineryCMS, still, you outclass the other rails 3 forums in this case, guys.


Issue running tests

I cloned this repo a little bit ago, but I had some trouble running the tests. Steps to reproduce:

  1. New gemset
  2. git clone
  3. bundle
  4. rake -> failures because no db tables exist
  5. rake db:create -> Don't know how to build task 'app:db:create'
  6. rake -T -> db:setup and db:create both exist
  7. rake db:create -> failure
  8. rake db:setup -> failure
  9. head scratching
  10. grep -r database .
  11. spec/dummy/config/database.yml -> aha!
  12. cd spec/dummy; rake db:create db:migrate; cd ../..; rake -> only a few failures!
  13. cd spec/dummy; rake forem:install:migrations db:migrate; cd ../..; rake -> no failures!
  14. post github issue so others can work though this more easily
  15. await suggestions as to what I can do to help

Install generator needs better tests

We just ran into an issue where the fix for #88 caused the install generator to break for new applications. It was requiring the user_class configuration option to set and was giving a non-trivial error message to users.

I think that we should have a test for the install generator which is more of an "integration" test than the current "unit" test that lives in spec/generators. This integration test should use the wonderful Aruba to create a brand new Rails application and walk through the install steps for Forem, running checks on the output of the content of the installer.

Without this, there's a chance that any change to Forem could again break the install generator, and when that happens anybody who's trying out Forem for the first time will see this and think bad things about Forem. The install generator (and the installation process) should amaze people at what it did for them and how easy it was.

Let's not break this again, ever.

Massive thanks to Aston J for pointing this out.

Redirect to return_path after signing in

It would be nice, if, when not signed in user tries to create topic is redirected to the sign in page, that then he would be redirected back to create form of a topic. For now, as far as I see, after signing in it redirects to the root_url.

undefined local variable or method `per'

When I acces "http://localhost/forem/forums/1", it throws the error message of " undefined local variable or method `per' ".

It occurs at app/controllers/forem/forums_controller.rb:11:in `show' :[:page]).per(20)

I don't know what this per method is. Do I miss any gem?

undefined local variable or method `forem_user'

After running rails g forem:install and starting my app, I goto /forums and I'm getting the following error message

undefined local variable or method `forem_user' for #<Forem::ForumsController:0x5a28248> Extracted source (around line #7):

6:<footer id='admin_link'>
7:<% if forem_admin? %>
8:<%= link_to t("area", :scope => "forem.admin"), admin_root_path %>
9:<% end %>
10:</footer> ```

Email Subscriptions Proposed Feature List

Current feature plans (italics is @radar reply to my initial email)

Subscription Management

  • Subscribe/Unsubscribe link on topic view if logged in

    I think this is fine. It should indicate clearly if a person is subscribed or not.

  • Either a check box or automatic subscription when adding a post to a topic

    Determining if a user should be automatically subscribed could be done with a forem_auto_subscribe field on the "users" table that defaults to true. This could then be toggled on a profile page somewhere for the user, perhaps? We don't have somewhere like that in Forem at the moment.

  • Initially, an unsubscribe link in the email footer (vs a management page for subscriptions?)

    That would be fine, I think.

Subscription Emails

  • Emails get sent out every reply to everyone but the person who added the new reply

    That's correct. My concern with this is that it won't work at scale, but that's something to just think about for the future. There should of course be only one email per person.

  • Text of post is in email?

Not sure how you'd go about preserving the formatting here. I think just a notification of "Blah has posted in your topic called 'blah'" is fine, for now. If you want to go ahead and put the post text in the email then be my guest. I'd actually prefer it that way.

Routes for other controllers not accessable

In my layout I have some user-management stuff (login/logout/etc.) Oddly, that breaks with forem. It can not find the routes to my controller.

ActionView::Template::Error (No route matches {:action=>"change_persona", :method=>:post, :controller=>"user_sessions"}):
    13:     <%= %> 
    14:     <% if current_persona %> 
    15:       as 
    16:       <%= form_tag :controller => '/user_sessions', :method => :post, :action => :change_persona do |f| %>
    17:         <%= collection_select(
    18:         :id, 
    19:         :persona, 
  app/views/layouts/application.html.erb:16:in `_app_views_layouts_application_html_erb___733005464_88044600'

Any thoughts here?

Translations of ActiveRecord models and attributes

Models names and attributesm such as Topic and Post, are not translated - for example in a new topic form, i have "Subject" and "Text" instead of translated into in my case Polish.

But even when I add such as translation to my config/locale/pl.yml:

        subject: Temat
        text: Tekst

I still have Subject and Text as labels in new topic form. Why?

Uninitialized constant Forum


I just install the this library and I am able to create forum and categories. However, when I click on a forum, I got this error message:

NameError in Forem::ForumsController#show

uninitialized constant Forum

Rails.root: C:/projects/EcoSearch
Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace




Could you please let me know what I am missing?

Thank you,

Include i18n?

Just started working on Polish translations for forem, would you be interested in merging them into main master repository?

Rake 0.9.3 under 1.9.3-p0 fails. Use rake exec instead.

You have already activated rake 0.9.3.beta.1, but your Gemfile requires rake Using bundle exec may solve this.

Raverting to 1.9.2-p290 resolves:

rvm use 1.9.2-p290 --default
bundle install
rake forem:install:migrations

Creates migrations as expected.

Does it work with MongoDB ?

I'm thinking about using forem in application which is based on MongoDB. Will it work without additional changes?

not using

I recently started "working" on my own version of forem, because I had to modify the views, and also the controllers. Well, what catched my eye was that, when e.g. a forum creation failed in the admin area, the flash showed up again on the next page I opened. I heard about this issue before, it's fixable really damn easy. Just replace

flash[:blah] = "..."
with[:blah] = "..."

in every case where this occurs. I think it has something to do with flash itself waiting for a redirection, but "receiving" none, and therefore showing up again on the next page, where it thinks a redirection has happened.

(vendor/forem/app/controllers/forem/admin/forums_controller.rb is my example controller here, it has this issue.)

Thanks for your awesome but simple engine!

Sug: Email notifications / Latest posts link / thread status icons + more!

A few quick suggestions as requested by Ryan.

Grouped 1 to 3 where 1 is what I'd consider essential

Group 1

Email notifications - email sent when a thread someone has posted in has received a reply (with options)

Latest posts link - to show the latest posts made on the forum, most of my regular users (who hang around the forum) use the forum this way.

Thread status icons - to show if a thread contains new posts/whether you have replied in the thread or not/whether it's a 'hot' thread etc

Who's viewing forum - when on the forum homepage, shows how many people are visiting each particular forum. It's surprising how lifeless forum systems feel without this.

Whos online - list of people active

Group 2

Who visited today - list of people who visited in last 24hrs

I'll add more as and when I think of em/get time

rake routes & getting hold of the helpers in tests

I've been having some problems with the developer-accessibility of engine routes and route helpers, and would appreciate comments.

If we can drop some stuff in the readme, or think of patches to forem or rails, I'd consider this a success.

  1. I want to be able to list the forem routes, so I know which route helpers are available to me. That is to say, I want to be able to do rake:routes:forem or something like that.
  2. I also want to be able to do visit forem.forums_path or similar in my capybara tests. Perhaps this can be done through Forem::Engine.route_helpers (I think I've got the wrong chain there) but it didn't seem to work when I did it.

I tried looking into the rails engines code and rake routes stuff, but got lost/frustrated quite quickly. I'd spend longer on it now but I am swamped with non-rails stuff at the moment, so thought I'd see if anyone had ideas.

Feature: edit posts

Currently users (and admins) can't edit posts within a topic. This is pretty standard forum behaviour.
It should be quite simple to do this the easy way: allowing users and admins to perform ordinary model updates.

I imagine there are concerns about post versioning, e.g. letting people see how the post looked before it was edited?

Update dummy app javascripts

The dummy app calls a couple javascript files that aren't there. Either we need to manually add rails-jquery and rails-ujs javascripts, or update the dummy app to use the asset pipeline.

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