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recbole-cdr's Issues

[🐛BUG] remap过程中的item feature设置

描述这个 bug


self.user_feat[field_name] = self.item_feat[field_name].map(lambda x: map_dict.get(x, x))
self.item_feat[field_name] = self.item_feat[field_name].map(lambda x: map_dict.get(x, x))

[🐛BUG] TypeError: expected Tensor as element 0 in argument 0, but got Interaction

Hi developers,
I am a new user of RecBole-CDR. I follow the tutorial and reproduce the DTCDR method, but got an error.

Here is the overall config:
I modified the eval_args.mode from full to uni999, I guss this change cause the error, could you tell me how to fix it?

# general
gpu_id: 0
use_gpu: True
seed: 2022
state: INFO
reproducibility: True
data_path: 'dataset/'
checkpoint_dir: 'saved'
show_progress: True
save_dataset: False
dataset_save_path: ~
save_dataloaders: False
dataloaders_save_path: ~
log_wandb: False
wandb_project: 'recbole_cdr'

# training settings
train_epochs: ["BOTH:300"]
train_batch_size: 4096
learner: adam
learning_rate: 0.0005 #0.001
  uniform: 1
eval_step: 1
stopping_step: 10
clip_grad_norm: ~
# clip_grad_norm:  {'max_norm': 5, 'norm_type': 2}
weight_decay: 0.0
loss_decimal_place: 4
require_pow: False

# evaluation settings
  split: {'RS':[0.8,0.1,0.1]}
  split_valid: {'RS':[0.8,0.2]}
  group_by: user
  order: RO
  mode: uni999 # full
repeatable: False
metrics: ["Recall","MRR","NDCG","Hit","Precision"]
topk: [10]
valid_metric: MRR@10
valid_metric_bigger: True
eval_batch_size: 409600
metric_decimal_place: 4

Others config here


embedding_size: 64
base_model: NeuMF
mlp_hidden_size: [64, 64]
dropout_prob: 0.3
alpha: 0.3

dataset config

# dataset config
gpu_id: 0
state: INFO
seed: 2022
field_separator: "\t"
  dataset: AmazonBooks
  data_path: '/data/home/work/projects/RecBole-CDR/recbole_cdr/dataset_example/'
  USER_ID_FIELD: user_id
  ITEM_ID_FIELD: item_id
  RATING_FIELD: rating
  TIME_FIELD: timestamp
  NEG_PREFIX: neg_
  LABEL_FIELD: label
    inter: [user_id, item_id, rating]
  user_inter_num_interval: "[10,inf)"
  item_inter_num_interval: "[10,inf)"
    rating: "[3,inf)"
  drop_filter_field: True

  dataset: AmazonMov
  data_path: '/data/home/work/projects/RecBole-CDR/recbole_cdr/dataset_example/'
  USER_ID_FIELD: user_id
  ITEM_ID_FIELD: item_id
  RATING_FIELD: rating
  TIME_FIELD: timestamp
  NEG_PREFIX: neg_
  LABEL_FIELD: label
    inter: [user_id, item_id, rating]
  user_inter_num_interval: "[10,inf)"
  item_inter_num_interval: "[10,inf)"
    rating: "[3,inf)"
  drop_filter_field: True

Converting DataLoader object into pandas dataframe

Hi, in the quick_start file, I can see this line:

train_data, valid_data, test_data = data_preparation(config, dataset)

test_data is stored as a <> object. I am assuming that test_data has the user_id, item_id, and rating for the target domain. How can I read this object as a pandas dataframe** to perform my own evaluation?

[🐛BUG] No module named 'recbole_cdr.model.cross_domain_recommender'

Describe the bug
I got this error

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Create new env

!pip install recbole==1.0.1
!pip install recbole-cdr
from recbole_cdr.quick_start import run_recbole_cdr

       # dataset info
       'source_domain': {
              'dataset': 'ml-1m',
              'data_path': 'dataset/'},
       'target_domain': {
              'dataset': 'ml-100k',
              'data_path': 'dataset/target/',
              'user_inter_num_interval': '[5,inf)'},
       # other settings
       'train_epochs': ['SOURCE:300','TARGET:300','OVERLAP:300']

run_recbole_cdr(model='EMCDR', config_dict=parameter_dict)```

 - OS: Windows
- RecBole Version [e.g. 0.1.0]
- Python Version 3.8.9

Neither [dataset/DoubanBook] exists in the devicenor [DoubanBook] a known dataset name.


<module '' from '/data/guzeng/RecBole-CDR/recbole_cdr/data/'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 22, in
run_recbole_cdr(model=args.model, config_file_list=config_file_list)
File "/data/guzeng/RecBole-CDR/recbole_cdr/quick_start/", line 41, in run_recbole_cdr
dataset = create_dataset(config)
File "/data/guzeng/RecBole-CDR/recbole_cdr/data/", line 72, in create_dataset
dataset = dataset_class(config)
File "/data/guzeng/RecBole-CDR/recbole_cdr/data/", line 312, in init
self.source_domain_dataset = CrossDomainSingleDataset(source_config, domain='source')
File "/data/guzeng/RecBole-CDR/recbole_cdr/data/", line 31, in init
File "/data/guzeng/anaconda3/envs/py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/recbole/data/dataset/", line 96, in init
File "/data/guzeng/anaconda3/envs/py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/recbole/data/dataset/", line 106, in _from_scratch
self._load_data(self.dataset_name, self.dataset_path)
File "/data/guzeng/anaconda3/envs/py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/recbole/data/dataset/", line 246, in _load_data
File "/data/guzeng/anaconda3/envs/py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/recbole/data/dataset/", line 218, in _download
url = self._get_download_url('url')
File "/data/guzeng/anaconda3/envs/py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/recbole/data/dataset/", line 213, in _get_download_url
f'Neither [{self.dataset_path}] exists in the device'
ValueError: Neither [dataset/DoubanBook] exists in the devicenor [DoubanBook] a known dataset name.


[💡SUG] 您好,请问有没有临时的使用手册?


[🐛BUG] CrossDomainSingleDataset。

描述这个 bug
self.field2id_token[field_name] = list(map_dict.keys())


def get_keys_from_chainmap_by_order(map_dict):
    merged_dict = dict()
    for dict_item in map_dict.maps:
    return list(merged_dict.keys())

self.field2id_token[field_name] = get_keys_from_chainmap_by_order(map_dict)

How to add new function to any particular model

I want to add some feature to SSCDR model. But I'm not able to call the function. I just need to call the function once and do further mapping. I tried every possible way but it gives "index out of bound error" since it falls under iteration.

Please help me out resolving this issue.

Hyperparameter tuning question

Hi, I am a bit new to hyperparameter tuning in Recbole-CDR. I ran the CoNet algorithm on my dataset, and the results seemed to be very poor. For the test dataset I am using, I am getting NDCG@10 values to be around 0.9 on a model that I coded up, so I believe the CoNet values should be around the same range, since CoNet is a strong baseline in Cross-Domain Recommendation. Below are the results I am getting when running CoNet.

INFO test result: OrderedDict([('recall@10', 0.0179), ('mrr@10', 0.0063), ('ndcg@10', 0.0087), ('hit@10', 0.0183), ('precision@10', 0.0018)])

I believe I need to tune the parameters for the model for the numbers to be a lot better. I want to tune the batch size, embedding size, the number of dense layers, the learning rate, and any other parameter that can be tuned. After tuning the hyperparameters, I want to use the best model to make recommendations on the test set.

Please let me know how I can tune the different hyperparameters, and used the best model on the test set to collect the metric values.

Right now, I am using the default values that come with the file. Below are the default values that I am running CoNet with:

Evaluation Hyper Parameters:
eval_args = {'group_by': 'user', 'order': 'TO', 'split': {'RS': [0.7, 0.2, 0.1]}, 'mode': 'full'}
repeatable = False
metrics = ['Recall', 'MRR', 'NDCG', 'Hit', 'Precision']
topk = [10]
valid_metric = MRR@10
valid_metric_bigger = True
eval_batch_size = 4096
metric_decimal_place = 4
Other Hyper Parameters:
wandb_project = recbole_cdr
train_epochs = ['BOTH:300']
require_pow = False
embedding_size = 64
reg_weight = 0.01
mlp_hidden_size = [64, 32, 16, 8]
eval_type = EvaluatorType.RANKING
train_modes = ['BOTH']
epoch_num = ['300']
source_split = False
device = cuda
train_neg_sample_args = {'strategy': 'by', 'by': 1, 'distribution': 'uniform', 'dynamic': 'none'}
eval_neg_sample_args = {'strategy': 'full', 'distribution': 'uniform'}
Source domain: ./comedy_data/comedy
The number of users: 2217
Average actions of users: 16.08528880866426
The number of items: 4977
Average actions of items: 7.16338424437299
The number of inters: 35645
The sparsity of the dataset: 99.6769533176926%
Remain Fields: ['source_user_id', 'source_item_id', 'source_rating', 'source_timestamp']
Target domain: ./action_data/action
The number of users: 2217
Average actions of users: 19.935469314079423
The number of items: 2927
Average actions of items: 15.098086124401913
The number of inters: 44177
The sparsity of the dataset: 99.31921840719268%
Remain Fields: ['target_user_id', 'target_item_id', 'target_rating', 'target_timestamp']
Num of overlapped user: 2217
Num of overlapped item: 1
INFO  [Training]: train_batch_size = [2048] negative sampling: [{'uniform': 1}]
INFO  [Evaluation]: eval_batch_size = [4096] eval_args: [{'group_by': 'user', 'order': 'TO', 'split': {'RS': [0.7, 0.2, 0.1]}, 'mode': 'full'}] 

Getting metric value for each user

Hi, i am currently working on a project where I am trying to compare different algorithms together to see if the results are statistically significant. How can I get the HR, NDCG and MRR values for each user instead of getting one value for the results.

For example, if my dataset has 10 users in the test set, how can I retrieve all the 10 MRR,NDCG and HR values for each user instead of an average. As of right now, the model is returning "INFO test result: OrderedDict([('recall@10', 0.0233), ('mrr@10', 0.0098), ('ndcg@10', 0.0125), ('hit@10', 0.025), ('precision@10', 0.0025)])". But, I want each metric for all the users in the dataset.

Please let me know how to get that.

Thank you!

[💡SUG] Support for dual-target or multi-target cross-domain recommendation

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Current RecBole-CDR only supports single-target CDR models. Will you add support for multi-target CDR problem mentioned in this survey in a future release? Multi-target CDR is to improve the recommendation accuracy in all domains simultaneously rather than just one target domain.

Describe the solution you'd like
New dataset, dataloader and trainer supporting multi-target CDR.

Describe alternatives you've considered
I find this part in But I still don't know how to set source_split_flag and change single-target CDR to multi-target CDR

if not source_split_flag:
source_domain_train_dataset = self.source_domain_dataset
return [source_domain_train_dataset, None, target_domain_train_dataset,
target_domain_valid_dataset, target_domain_test_dataset]
source_domain_train_dataset, source_domain_valid_dataset = self.source_domain_dataset.split_train_valid()
return [source_domain_train_dataset, source_domain_valid_dataset, target_domain_train_dataset,
target_domain_valid_dataset, target_domain_test_dataset]

[🐛BUG] BiTGCF模型鲁棒性

描述这个 bug
BiTGCF模型中包含Feature Transfer部分,其中在公式(15)-(16)计算user(item)-related weight factor时,需要考虑多跳后可能出现某些节点的邻居为0,即公式(15)中分母可能为0的情况,则会导致模型训练中出现“nan”。报错如下:



[🐛BUG] overlap user id

Hi, I am confused about the user ID preprocessing process:
For cross-domain recommendation (users partially overlap):
Source user id : [1,2,3,4], target user id : [1,2,3,5], the id list is shared.

How could i run the I am very confused about

            self.source_user_embedding.weight[self.overlapped_num_users: self.target_num_users].fill_(0)
            self.source_item_embedding.weight[self.overlapped_num_items: self.target_num_items].fill_(0)


Reported data statistics do not match

Hi, I downloaded the Amazon dataset from here:
The dataset statistics that you report here do not match with what I compute from the original data.
I removed all rows with NaNs and compute the number of unique values present in the user_id column in the original .inter files. This gives the following statistics:

Number of users in AmazonBooks: 687827
Number of users in AmazonMov: 66317
Number of overlapping users: 27516

Am I doing something wrong?

[💡SUG]如何添加其它atomic files?


是否可以提供一个示例来展示如何在源领域和目标领域下分别加载各自的atomic files(如,以及如何preload_weight?



Ranking Metrics Question

Hi, I am trying to calculate the NDCG@10, MRR@10, and HR@10 on my dataset. My dataset is quite small, and some users may not rate up to 10 items in the test set. Usually, we look at the top 10 predictions and check to see if the predictions are in the ground truth for the given user. But, if the user in the test set does not rate that many items, how does RecBole-CDR handle this case?

[💡SUG] 推荐任务问题



Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/baoyanghao/.pycharm_helpers/pydev/", line 1438, in _exec
pydev_imports.execfile(file, globals, locals) # execute the script
File "/home/baoyanghao/.pycharm_helpers/pydev/_pydev_imps/", line 18, in execfile
exec(compile(contents+"\n", file, 'exec'), glob, loc)
File "/home/baoyanghao/ss/mycode/RecBole-CDR/", line 18, in
run_recbole_cdr(model=args.model, config_file_list=config_file_list)
File "/home/baoyanghao/ss/mycode/RecBole-CDR/recbole_cdr/quick_start/", line 43, in run_recbole_cdr
train_data, valid_data, test_data = data_preparation(config, dataset)
File "/home/baoyanghao/ss/mycode/RecBole-CDR/recbole_cdr/data/", line 87, in data_preparation
dataloaders = load_split_dataloaders(config)
File "/home/baoyanghao/anaconda3/envs/pytorch17/lib/python3.7/site-packages/recbole/data/", line 78, in load_split_dataloaders
with open(saved_dataloaders_file, 'rb') as f:
TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not CDRConfig

Process finished with exit code 1

Custom Datasets for Cross Domain Recommendation

Hi, I'd like to use 2 custom datasets for the source and target domain. I understand that RecBole-CDR builds off of the existing RecBole library, and I was able to use a custom dataset in RecBole to run general recommendation algorithms.

How can I use custom datasets with RecBole-cdr?
(specifically specifying the source and target domain, and choosing the model I want to run).

Splitting target domain dataset to be consistent, while using different source domains

I want the target domain dataset to be split in order without shuffling. So when I run the algorithm CoNet, for example using the different source domains but the same target domain, I want the train, valid, and test set for the target domain to be the same through the multiple runs. For example, let's say I have three datasets. I make dataset 1 the target domain, and dataset 2 and dataset 3 as the source domains. When I run CoNet on the domain pair of dataset 2 and dataset 1, I want the train, valid, and test set for dataset 1 to be the same as when I run CoNet on the domain pair of dataset 3 and dataset 1. How can I achieve this?

My current Yaml file is below. Is this the correct way to do this, or do I have to add anything else?


seed: 44
gpu_id: "0"
dataset: '../source/data'
USER_ID_FIELD: user_id
ITEM_ID_FIELD: item_id
TIME_FIELD: timestamp

    inter: [user_id, item_id, rating, timestamp]

embedding_size: 64
user_inter_num_interval: "[0,inf)"
item_inter_num_interval: "[0,inf)"
    rating: "[0,inf)"


seed: 44
gpu_id: "0"
dataset: '../target/data'
USER_ID_FIELD: user_id
ITEM_ID_FIELD: item_id
TIME_FIELD: timestamp

    group_by: user
    order: TO
    split: {'RS': [0.7,0.2,0.1]}
    mode: full

    inter: [user_id, item_id, rating, timestamp]

embedding_size: 64
user_inter_num_interval: "[0,inf)"
item_inter_num_interval: "[0,inf)"
    rating: "[0,inf)

Running CDR algorithms on the datasets provided

I would like to run all the 10 CDR algorithms on the Amazon and Douban datasets.

I see that you provided the hyperparameters for each model, and I'd like to use them to get results.

Is it as simple as running:

python --model=[model] --dataset=Amazon

If not, How can specify the dataset and run the models with the same hyperparamter configurations that you mentioned?


测试使用的是代码recbole_cdr/dataset_example下的两个数据集(source:ml-1m, target: ml-100k),使用theshold=4过滤标签。不论基础模型是哪个输出的AUC都在0.6左右。但相同的target数据集使用其他地方的单域模型代码(测试用的deepfm)都能达到AUC>0.75
我对一些超参数进行过调整(如xx_xx_num_interval, 学习率,valid_metric,甚至theshold=3等),但没有明显提升效果。


# dataset config
gpu_id: 0
state: INFO
field_separator: "\t"
use_gpu: True
seed: 2000
reproducibility: True
data_path: 'dataset/'
checkpoint_dir: 'saved'
show_progress: True
save_dataset: False
dataset_save_path: ~
save_dataloaders: False
dataloaders_save_path: ~
log_wandb: False
wandb_project: 'recbole_cdr'
normalize_all: True

# training settings
train_epochs: ["BOTH:300"]
train_batch_size: 2048
learner: adam
  uniform: 1
eval_step: 1
stopping_step: 10
clip_grad_norm: ~
weight_decay: 1e-3
loss_decimal_place: 6
require_pow: False

# evaluation settings
  split: {'RS':[0.8,0.1,0.1]}
  group_by: None
  mode: labeled
repeatable: False
metrics: ['AUC', 'LogLoss']
valid_metric: AUC
valid_metric_bigger: True
eval_batch_size: 2048
metric_decimal_place: 6

  dataset: ml-1m
  data_path: 'dataset/'
  seq_separator: " "
  USER_ID_FIELD: user_id
  ITEM_ID_FIELD: item_id
  RATING_FIELD: rating
  TIME_FIELD: timestamp
  NEG_PREFIX: neg_
  LABEL_FIELD: label
    rating: 4
    inter: [user_id, item_id, rating]
  user_inter_num_interval: "[5,inf)"
  item_inter_num_interval: "[5,inf)"
    rating: "[3,inf)"
  drop_filter_field: True

  dataset: ml-100k
  data_path: 'dataset/'
  seq_separator: ","
  USER_ID_FIELD: user_id
  ITEM_ID_FIELD: item_id
  RATING_FIELD: rating
  TIME_FIELD: timestamp
  NEG_PREFIX: neg_
  LABEL_FIELD: label
    rating: 4
    inter: [user_id, item_id, rating]
  user_inter_num_interval: "[5,inf)"
  item_inter_num_interval: "[5,inf)"
    rating: "[3,inf)"
  drop_filter_field: True

2.python 文件:

import argparse
from recbole_cdr.quick_start import run_recbole_cdr

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--model', '-m', type=str, default='DTCDR', help='name of models')
    parser.add_argument('--config_files', type=str, default='sample.yaml', help='config files')

    args, _ = parser.parse_known_args()

    config_file_list = args.config_files.strip().split(' ') if args.config_files else None
    run_recbole_cdr(model=args.model, config_file_list=config_file_list)
  1. 其中一个基础模型DTCDR的yaml参数:
embedding_size: 64
base_model: NeuMF
learning_rate: 0.0005
mlp_hidden_size: [64, 64]
dropout_prob: 0.3
alpha: 0.3


关于 Bi-TGCF 代码实现的咨询

您好,在 Bi-TGCF 实现中,在类的初始化部分,发现指定这些行为 0(应该是不在 source/target 中的用户?),不知道有没有必要呢?

with torch.no_grad():
self.source_user_embedding.weight[self.overlapped_num_users: self.target_num_users].fill_(0)
self.source_item_embedding.weight[self.overlapped_num_items: self.target_num_items].fill_(0)



Embedding Mismatch

Hi, I am running the CoNet algorithm on two datasets. On some datasets, the algorithm is outputting results, and is working fine. But, on some other cases, I am getting this error:

File "/home/akrish/test-env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1604, in load_state_dict
raise RuntimeError('Error(s) in loading state_dict for {}:\n\t{}'.format(
RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for CoNet:
size mismatch for source_user_embedding.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([7572, 64]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([8649, 64]).
size mismatch for target_user_embedding.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([7572, 64]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([8649, 64]).
size mismatch for source_item_embedding.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([6843, 64]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([4222, 64]).
size mismatch for target_item_embedding.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([6843, 64]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([4222, 64]).

I am also getting this same error when running the DTCDR, CMF, and CLMF algorithms. I am also using a GPU, so I don't know if that may cause an issue.

My Yaml file looks like this, where the dataset points to the .inter files for each domain....


seed: 44
gpu_id: "0"
dataset: '/home/akrish/fall_2022/dataframes/action_data/action'
USER_ID_FIELD: user_id
ITEM_ID_FIELD: item_id

    inter: [user_id, item_id, rating]

user_inter_num_interval: "[0,inf)"
item_inter_num_interval: "[0,inf)"
    rating: "[0,inf)"


seed: 44
gpu_id: "0"
dataset: '/home/akrish/fall_2022/dataframes/adventure_data/adventure'
USER_ID_FIELD: user_id
ITEM_ID_FIELD: item_id

    inter: [user_id, item_id, rating]

user_inter_num_interval: "[0,inf)"
item_inter_num_interval: "[0,inf)"
    rating: "[0,inf)"

I would appreciate any assistance on this issue.

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