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noriben's Introduction

Noriben Malware Analysis Sandbox

Black Hat Arsenal

Contact Information:
@bbaskin on Twitter
brian _at_ thebaskins _dot_ com

Noriben is a Python-based script that works in conjunction with Sysinternals Procmon to automatically collect, analyze, and report on runtime indicators of malware. In a nutshell, it allows you to run an applications, hit a keypress, and get a simple text report of the sample's activities.

Noriben allows you to not only run malware similar to a sandbox, but to also log system-wide events while you manually run malware in ways particular to making it run. For example, it can listen as you run an application that requires varying command line options, or user interaction. Or, to watch the system as you step through the application in a debugger.

While Noriben was designed for analysis of malware, it has also been widely used to audit normal software applications. In 2013 it was used by the Tor Project to provide a public audit of the Tor Browser Bundle

Below is a video of debugging a VM-checking malware in a way to still get sandbox results (mis-clicks due to a mouse pointer that was 5 pixels off :))

Noriben running against malware checking for VM

Noriben only requires Sysinternals procmon.exe (or procmon64.exe) to operate. It requires no pre-filtering (though it would greatly help) as it contains numerous white list items to reduce unwanted noise from system activity.

For a more detailed explanation, see my slide deck from Black Hat 2015 Arsenal. And a more detailed blog post:

I've also included a much desired frontend operator, This script allows you to automate the execution of Noriben within a guest VM and retrieve the reports. It currently runs on OSX (but will be ported) and is responsible for: spinning up a predefined VM and snapshot, copying the malware to the VM, starting Noriben and the malware, waiting a predetermined period of time, copying the results to the host as a ZIP, and taking a screen capture of the VM. You can even use --update to automatically copy the newest Noriben from your host, so that you don't have to continually make new snapshots when you make a change to the script.

Want to see that in action?

Noriben Automation Script in Action

Cool Features

If you have a folder of YARA signature files, you can specify it with the --yara option. Every new file create will be scanned against these signatures with the results displayed in the output results.

If you have a VirusTotal API, place it into a file named "virustotal.api" (or embed directly in the script) to auto-submit MD5 file hashes to VT to get the number of viral results.

You can add lists of MD5s to auto-ignore (such as all of your system files). Use md5deep and throw them into a text file, use --hash to read them. This will ultimately go under changes, though.

You can automate the script for sandbox-usage. Using -t to automate execution time, and --cmd "path\exe" to specify a malware file, you can automatically run malware, copy the results off, and then revert to run a new sample.

The --generalize feature will automatically substitute absolute paths with Windows environment paths for better IOC development. For example, C:\Users\malware_user\AppData\Roaming\malware.exe will be automatically resolved to %AppData%\malware.exe.


--===[ Noriben v1.7.2
--===[ @bbaskin
usage: [-h] [-c CSV] [-p PML] [-f FILTER] [--hash HASH]
                  [--hashtype {MD5,SHA1,SHA256}] [--headless] [-t TIMEOUT]
                  [--output OUTPUT] [--yara YARA] [--generalize] [--cmd CMD]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CSV, --csv CSV     Re-analyze an existing Noriben CSV file
  -p PML, --pml PML     Re-analyze an existing Noriben PML file
  -f FILTER, --filter FILTER
                        Specify alternate Procmon Filter PMC
  --hash HASH           Specify hash whitelist file
  --hashtype {MD5,SHA1,SHA256}
                        Specify hash type
  --headless            Do not open results on VM after processing
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        Number of seconds to collect activity
  --output OUTPUT       Folder to store output files
  --yara YARA           Folder containing YARA rules
  --generalize          Generalize file paths to their environment variables.
                        Default: True
  --cmd CMD             Command line to execute (in quotes)
  -d, --debug           Enable debugging

Notable contributors

Brian Baskin <Documentation writers welcome!>

Cowpy for the logo design

Copyright and license

Copyright 2015 Brian Baskin

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this work except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at:

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

noriben's People


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noriben's Issues

CLosing Noriben

I just downbloaded the lstest archive and installed it. Once executed dow whatever.... then use Ctlr to close Noriben ite hang and doesn't ever close. Even just after a few minutes of reallty just windows operating.

[!] Error trying to copy file from guest. Continuing. Error 0xff: Unexpected Error

On my MAC OSx I used the following command:
python /Users/malware/Desktop/noriben/Noriben-master/ --update --screenshot -t 45 -f ./calc.exe

The file is able to go to the Win7 machine, and perform the analysis I see the logs in the "C:\Noriben_Logs" folder, but it is it no reporting back to my MAC. I see the following error:
"[!] Error trying to copy file from guest. Continuing. Error 0xff: Unexpected Error"

Here is a part of my of my config:

vmrun_os = {'windows': os.path.expanduser(r'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\vmrun.exe'),
            'mac': os.path.expanduser(r'/Applications/VMware')}
debug = False
timeout_seconds = 300
#VMX = r'E:\VMs\Windows.vmwarevm\Windows.vmx'
VMX = os.path.expanduser(r'/Volumes/1TB SSD/VMs/Windows 7 (64)/Windows 7 x64.vmwarevm/Windows 7 x64.vmx')
VMRUN = vmrun_os['mac']
VM_USER = 'admin'
VM_PASS = 'password'
#noriben_path = 'C:\\\\Users\\\\{}\\\\Desktop'.format(VM_USER)
#noriben_path on my WIN7 Machine:
noriben_path = 'C:\\\\Users\\\\admin\\\\Desktop\\\\Noriben'.format(VM_USER)
guest_noriben_path = '{}\\\\'.format(noriben_path)
procmon_config_path = '{}\\\\ProcmonConfiguration.pmc'.format(noriben_path)
report_path_structure = '{}/{}'  # (host_malware_path, host_malware_name_base)
host_screenshot_path_structure = '{}/{}.png'  # (host_malware_path, host_malware_name_base)
guest_log_path = 'C:\\\\Noriben_Logs'
guest_zip_path = 'C:\\\\Program Files\\\\VMware\\\\VMware Tools\\\\zip.exe'
guest_temp_zip = 'C:\\\\'
#guest_python_path = 'C:\\\\Python27\\\\python.exe'
#guest_python_path Python 3.7 Path:
guest_python_path = 'C:\\\\Users\\\\admin\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\Programs\\\\Python\\\\Python37\\\\python.exe'
host_noriben_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])), '')
#guest_malware_path the following folder "c:\Malware\malware_" was created on the Windows 7 Machine
guest_malware_path = 'C:\\\\Malware\\\\malware_'
error_tolerance = 5
dontrun = False


Hello, I stumbled across this as a project I am working on is somewhat similar, and was curious if this is still actively being developed?

error loading yara

I am having an issue getting Noriben to recognize that the python yara extensions are installed. I've confirmed that they are by using the python command prompt and running this command; import python, which is successful doesn't generate any errors. Yet when I start Noriben it shows that the yara extensions are not being detected see screenshot below.


yara errors

I've kept the ProcmonConfiguration.PMC name because that's what SysInternals has always referred to it as. I don't want people to think that this is using an entirely new file format when they may already have PMC's lying around.

I've kept the ProcmonConfiguration.PMC name because that's what SysInternals has always referred to it as. I don't want people to think that this is using an entirely new file format when they may already have PMC's lying around.

However, this should be doable with the --filter (-f) option and pointing it to another filename. It could even be something remotely shared (SMB) if ransomware is corrupting it.

This is equivalent to running: procmon.exe /BackingFile "Noriben.pml" /Quiet /Minimized /LoadConfig "A.DAT", where I have ProcmonConfiguration.PMC named A.DAT.

That appears to work perfectly. Now 1 more thought, it appears also to be encrypting the.pml file. I know procmon allows you to change the name of that file with the commandline option of /BackingFile can you also do that with the --f or -f and change the output log file name? I dont want to change the name just the log files extension.

Please let me know if that works for you

Originally posted by @Rurik in #30 (comment)

virtualbox integration

I wanted to check if you have noriben working for virtualbox.
I was using but then I found the videos with .sh file but I only have 32bit machines so vmware is not an option. I guess is more complete to run noribensandbox file than just right?


Error: A file was not found

Good night
I adapted the code to linux environment but I am having the following error.

Error: A file was not found

Follows the code of the script.




if [ ! -f "$1" ]
echo "Please provide executable filename as an argument."
echo "For example:"
echo "$0 ~/malware/ef8188aa1dfa2ab07af527bab6c8baf7"


"$VMRUN" -T vmware revertToSnapshot "$FW" $FW_SNAPSHOT
"$VMRUN" -T vmware start "$FW"

sleep 60

"$VMRUN" -T vmware revertToSnapshot "$VMX" $VM_SNAPSHOT
"$VMRUN" -T vmware start "$VMX"
"$VMRUN" -T vmware -gu $VM_USER -gp $VM_PASS copyFileFromHostToGuest "$VMX" "$MALWAREFILE" "$MALWARE_PATH"


"$VMRUN" -T vmware -gu $VM_USER -gp $VM_PASS runProgramInGuest "$VMX" "$PYTHON_PATH" "$NORIBEN_PATH" -d -t $DELAY --cmd "$MALWARE_PATH" --output "$LOG_PATH"
if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
echo "[!] File did not execute in VM correctly."

"$VMRUN" -T vmware -gu $VM_USER -gp $VM_PASS runProgramInGuest "$VMX" "$ZIP_PATH" -j "$REPORT_PATH" "$LOG_PATH\."
if [ $? -eq 12 ]; then
echo "[!] ERROR: No files found in Noriben output folder to ZIP."

"$VMRUN" -T vmware -gu $VM_USER -gp $VM_PASS copyFileFromGuestToHost "$VMX" "$REPORT_PATH" /reports/Report_$

"$VMRUN" -T vmware revertToSnapshot "$VMX" $VM_SNAPSHOT

"$VMRUN" -T vmware revertToSnapshot "$FW" $FW_SNAPSHOT

Not whitelisting changed Procmon binary

From Roman Hussey:

Hmmm... I have the weird situation where the PMC obviously does not get applied.

For example, I do have:

[Exclude] Process Name is prm64.exe

... in my PMC config. However, looking at the pml / csv generated I see:


Do you have any idea why the filters defined in the pmc are not being
applied by noriben / procmon?

Remove base directory from File Activity

In many runs, especially in Win7+, there are dozens of references to:
"[CreateFolder] Explorer.exe:XXXX > PathToMalware"

The script should have an additional filter, manually implemented into logic, that takes a given malware command line:

Get os.path.dirname() and use that as a literal (*$) filter.

[!] Python module "requests" not found. Internet functionality is now disabled.

There is this error:
[!] Python module "requests" not found. Internet functionality is now disabled.
--===[ Noriben v1.6.3 ]===--
--===[ @bbaskin ]===--

However, running pip3 install requests gives:
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): requests in c:\program files (x86)\python35-32\lib\site-packages\requests-2.9.1-py3.5.egg


Noriben will crash with "--pml" option

I found a issue of Version 1.8.2.
Noriben will crash with the following message, when I specify "--pml".

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1488, in
File "", line 1365, in main
with open(timeline_file, newline='', encoding='utf-8') as f:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'Noriben_06_Jul_18__12_31_034122_timeline.csv'

I found a bug around 1364 line.

        print('[*] Saving timeline to: {}'.format(timeline_file))
       #, 'w', 'utf-8').write('\r\n'.join(timeline))
       with open(timeline_file, newline='', encoding='utf-8') as f:
           writer = csv.writer(f)

I modified it such as following. It seems to work.

       print('[*] Saving timeline to: {}'.format(timeline_file)), 'w', 'utf-8').write('\r\n'.join(timeline))
       # with open(timeline_file, newline='', encoding='utf-8') as f:
           # writer = csv.writer(f)
           # writer.writerows(timeline)

Another issue

I found another small issue with the time settings in the file. I set it to 14 seconds and I get the following error all of the time;

[_] Converting session to CSV: Noriben_29_Apr_14__15_05_01_614000.csv
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\noriben\", line 1055, in
File "c:\noriben\", line 1046, in main
events = parse_csv()
File "c:\noriben\", line 683, in parse_csv
av_hits = virustotal_scan_file(md5)
File "c:\noriben\", line 395, in virustotal_scan_file
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 126, in urlopen
return, data, timeout)
File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 406, in open
response = meth(req, response)
File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 519, in http_response
'http', request, response, code, msg, hdrs)
File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 444, in error
return self._call_chain(_args)
File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 378, in _call_chain
result = func(*args)
File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 527, in http_error_default
raise HTTPError(req.get_full_url(), code, msg, hdrs, fp)
urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found

However if i set the value in the file to 0 and then use control c to stop Noriben in less than 14 seconds I don't get the error at all.


output_dir not being honored

Will need to verify and resolve.

From email:

I want to direct the resultant 'csv_file' to a particular directory, but haven't been able to do so despite making changes to the 'output_dir' value in ''.

Non-PE File (e.g. Malicious Office Files) Support on Sandbox

I noticed when you run Noriben (non Sandbox) you can pretty much examine any files (including word files), but on the sandbox mode, it is restricted to PE Files. The following error generates when submitting a .doc file.

[*] Disabling automatic running due to magic signature: Rich Text Format data, version 1, ANSI
[*] Processing: Cyber Threat Advisory - NOV 2017.doc

The tool can analyze any files when you run the tool directly on the machine, and it produces an excellent report. Check below on the analysis on a malicious doc file:


On a side note, your tool has been cutting down my analysis time! Continue the great work your contribution helps many people!

Malware - encrypting the.pml

Malware appears to be encrypting the.pml file. I know procmon allows you to change the name of that file with the commandline option of /BackingFile can you also do that with the --f or -f and change the output log file name? I dont want to change the name just the log files extension.

Any chance this can be added as an option?


Exiting with error code: 8: Error creating PML

Here's an added twist. This only happens occasionally. Thoughts?

[] Termination of Procmon commencing... please wait
] Running cmdline: "c:\tools\procmon.exe" /Terminate
[] Procmon terminated
] Checking for existence of file: C:\capture\Noriben_23_Feb_23__07_18_668505.pml
[!] Error creating PML file!
[*] Exiting with error code: 8: Error creating PML
Terminate batch job (Y/N)? y

PML file being encrypted by malware

I'm still encountering these issue daily with ransomware. What are you thoughts about adding an option to just eliminate the extension of the output file altogether? Many of the samples that I've encountered don't encrypt files that don't have extensions.

Registry lenght exceeded


Currently encountered this issue on Win 10 x64.
The command -p file.pml doesn't help with this problem.

I guess the registry lenght changed quite a lot since Win 7.
This only crashes after .pml generation which means the file is stills saved but not in .txt format.

--===[ Noriben v1.8.3
--===[ Brian Baskin [[email protected] / @bbaskin]
[*] Using filter file: ProcmonConfiguration.PMC
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1046, in parse_csv
if int(reg_length):
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '2\xa0691'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1494, in
File "", line 1364, in main
parse_csv(csv_file, report, timeline)
File "", line 1063, in parse_csv
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'strip'

Shutting down VM after analysis

After the analysis the virtual machine does not shut down, can the python code be updated to send the "vmrun stop", and possibly make that a variable where the user can define after how many seconds to initiate the "vmrun stop" command.

Also, I don't mind being a Ginnie pig for any of the code testing!

ValueError: could not convert string to float: '3\xa0256'


I'm having issues when I try to run and I get the following results:

`[] Termination of Procmon commencing... please wait
] Procmon terminated
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Analyze\Noriben-master\", line 1060, in parse_csv
if int(float(reg_length)):
ValueError: could not convert string to float: '3\xa0256'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Analyze\Noriben-master\", line 1512, in
File "C:\Analyze\Noriben-master\", line 1499, in main
parse_csv(csv_file, report, timeline)
File "C:\Analyze\Noriben-master\", line 1077, in parse_csv
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'strip'`

I'm running Python version 3.9.1

Even If I try with the followng: --debug -t 30
Will results with the same error as above.

How can I resolve this?

First time it worked perfectly, but now it seems to struggle.

Best regards

Error: TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'

Hi, thanks for your tool.
Your work is much appreciated
I'm trying to start it but I get the following error:
C:\Python34>python.exe c:\Noriben-master\
--===[ Noriben v1.6.2 ]===--
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\Noriben-master\", line 1202, in
File "c:\Noriben-master\", line 997, in main
print(header2 % (' ' * (padding / 2), ' ' * (padding / 2)))
TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'


I test on windows 7 64 bit with Python 3.4.3 (64 bit version) and Python 32 bit version, getting the same error.
May you help me to fix this error?

Thanks a lot.

Problem with VMX path

there is an error when trying to use noriben frontend, but the path is right
path VMX = r'D:\Users\user\Documents\VM\win7x64\win7x64.vmx'

[*] Processing: .\suspicious_exe.exe
Error: Unrecognized command: D:\Users\user\Documents\VM\win7x64\win7x64.vmx
[!] Error trying to copy file to guest. Error 0xffffffff: Unexpected Error

procmon.exe path problem

I installed procmon.exe in directory: "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\sysinternals\tools\Procmon.exe".
After Ctrl+C to terminate, 2 message boxes pop up, indicating "Unable to open xxx.pml for reading" and "The file was not saved.: There are no items to be saved."
But if I place a copy of procmon.exe in the same directory with, everything works just fine.
After some digging, I thought the problem happens when using procmon.exe to convert pml to csv file, some relative path stuff...
I'd prefer to not place a copy of procmon.exe in the directory, so that I can automatically update procmon.exe when new releases arrives.

SSL error connecting to VirusTotal

Besides turning of the VirusTotal functionality, any thoughts on how to rectify this?

C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\requests\packages\urllib3\util\ Insecur
ePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents urlli
b3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to f
ail. For more information, see


I've been playing with this issue for awhile, and apologies for the lengthy delay. It's an issue of the backing file being encrypted, but Procmon does have the ability to use virtual memory for the live data. Do you have a sample that you can test against, or provide hash for so I can test?

I've been playing with this issue for awhile, and apologies for the lengthy delay. It's an issue of the backing file being encrypted, but Procmon does have the ability to use virtual memory for the live data. Do you have a sample that you can test against, or provide hash for so I can test?

In Procmon if you enable File > Backing File... > Virtual Memory, that may be able to get around this issue. However, I can not guess the performance issues, or ultimate memory usage, of that.

Then one small edit to the script, within "launch_procmon_capture()" to force this:

cmdline = '"{}" /BackingFile "{}" /Quiet /Minimized'.format(procmonexe, pml_file)

cmdline = '"{}" /PagingFile /Quiet /Minimized'.format(procmonexe)

Originally posted by @Rurik in #42 (comment)

How to whitelist System:4 process?

I can add any processes to the whitelist (I normally just use the global one), but how do I add the process System:4 specifically? I wasn't able to use "System:4" in the normal regex and can't see how to include the specific process number (4) otherwise.

Tex tfile doesnt contain any data

The text file that is created once Noriben is terminated only contains what appears to be default information, see below. This happens every time. This is the latest beta version.

-=] Sandbox Analysis Report generated by Noriben v1.6
-=] Developed by Brian Baskin: [email protected] @bbaskin
-=] The latest release can be found at

-=] Execution time: 47.61 seconds
-=] Processing time: 4.41 seconds
-=] Analysis time: 1.43 seconds

Processes Created:

File Activity:

Registry Activity:

Network Traffic:

Unique Hosts:

Chinese characters in log

I'm getting quite a bit of Chinese data in the Noriben texts output file in numerous places, a sample is below.

[RegSetValue] svchost.exe:8732 > \REGISTRY\A{7b42fa3c-6aa4-0406-a1bc-87c340d8b210}\DeliveryOptimization\Swarms\4536136f0eaaffe9ee1c675547cd50b2ed0c09fe\CdnURL = Ðèèàt^^f\èØê\ÈØ\ÈÊØÒìÊäò\Úà\ÚÒÆäÞæÞÌè\ÆÞÚ^ÌÒØÊæèäÊÂÚÒÜÎæÊäìÒÆÊ^ÌÒØÊæ^nÌÈhhbjZdpÌhZhÄjÄZpnÆfZnfÄÂÄÌpjhrp~ bzbjlpnfdhrL dzhdL fzdL hz�¢äbnÐ�êlʲjê�¤¬�fJdÌܦd�hðÔb�àJd̪Ä�¦¦¤Ø�ÄÖ´b�è®�¤ð���nâÔî¬à�Ð��ôÜîJdÌrÜ�ÎÐè̤äòª��̤ä���JfÈJfÈ

Not sure whats causing this, any idea?


New issue - VM running Windows 11 Pro

Here is the error that is being displayed upon execution. Python version- python-3.11.2 32bit

[*] Running cmdline: "c:\tools"\procmon.exe" /BackingFile "Noriben_20_Feb_23__11_47_843808.pml" /Quiet /Minimized /LoadConfig "c:\noriben\ProcmonConfiguration.PMC"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\noriben\", line 1591, in
File "c:\noriben\", line 1524, in main
launch_procmon_capture(procmonexe, pml_file, pmc_file)
File "c:\noriben\", line 976, in launch_procmon_capture
File "C:\Users\oasec\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311-32\Lib\", line 1024, in init
self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
File "C:\Users\oasec\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311-32\Lib\", line 1493, in _execute_child
hp, ht, pid, tid = _winapi.CreateProcess(executable, args,
PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied

Once again thanks for such a great tool!

Procmon not found in Temp

"I am getting this error that "procmon64.exe" cannot be found in %Temp%, and that leads to failure in production of the csv file. Apparently its a procmon issue where it cancels the request to extract to create procmon64.exe immediately after making it."

To investigate

Pledgie Link

I would like to buy you a beer!

But your Pledgie link isn't working 😢

question regarding procmon.pmc configuration file name and extenstion

Is it possible for you to make it so that you're able to change the name and extension of the procmon configuration file? We're analyzing malware and would like to be able to change the filename and extension. The malware is encrypting the configuration file and procmon is failing. We can do that now on the command-line, but it doesn't recognize it. we validated the filename of the configuration file does match what we specify on the command-line.

IMO this would be great functionality as it appears that the pmc extension is now on the files to encrypt list of certain malware.


Procmon needs permisison to "make changes on this computer"

Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at 5 20 44 PM

After the file is sent to the virtual machine Windows requires the user to accept "yes" for procmon to initiate. I tried going to "User account control settings” and selecting "never" notify, but that does not resolve the issue. Any thoughts?

Noriben can't load the CSVfile made by procmon

And sorry for my bad English.
Sadly no one doesn't know about this great tool Noriben.
And I can't find the way to resolve this problem.
So I have to ask you.

The text file that is created by Noriben and timeline.csv terminated only default information.
Like this.

-=] Sandbox Analysis Report generated by Noriben v1.8.3
-=] Developed by Brian Baskin: brian @@ @bbaskin
-=] The latest release can be found at

-=] Analysis time: 1.34 seconds

Processes Created:

File Activity:

Registry Activity:

Network Traffic:

Unique Hosts:

As you know there are a similer case
"Textfile doesnt contain any data " issue on Mar 2015 · 17
I read it. And I guess this is the same case.
In this case this problem is resolved by installing latest version.
But I can't.

python version is 3.8.2
OS is win7
And this deploy on virtual box.
CSV is written.

Abandon insecure MD5 hashes in favor of SHA256

The VirusTotal API allows retrieving reports by MD5, SHA1 and SHA256, with SHA256 probably being the most reliable (in terms of uniqueness).

Padding a binary to match a certain MD5 hash is a quite trivial task, and has been exploited in the wild for quite some time. And since the white-list feature relies on MD5 hashes, malicious files could easily be crafted to yield the same hash as any common/legit executable. Which in turn would result in that file not being analyzed any further.
By switching to a cryptographically (more) secure hashing algorithm, this kind of disguise becomes practically infeasible, while only unremarkably slowing down the "pre-analysis phase".

Python "requests" module mussing, ProcMon cannot open pml file for reading and CSV file cannot be created.

This is the first time that I use Noriben, I followed the steps that the comments mention on the script file, and I pretty sure that I'm using the correct syntax for the command execution for the malware testing.
The first error comes when I simple run the "" script, the others when I put some malware samples to work.
Anyone knows what's the cause of these issues and how to correct them?
I'll appreciate it so much.
PD: I'm using Flare VM distribution for malware analysis.

malware lab - windows-2017-12-16-18-46-46
malware lab - windows-2017-12-16-18-53-04

Errors with Whitelist Hashes & Virus Total

There are two small code issues that need to be fixed, for the hashing and virus total options to work correctly.

  1. Line 570 needs to be: hashval = hash_line[0]

  2. Line 613 needs to be: time.sleep(60)

request for clarification of documentation in the readme file

I have read your readme file on github as well as the blogs on ghettoforensics but I have a few open questions. I would like to request clarification in the documentation for the software required to be installed on the vm versus what needs to be in the directory with the noriben python file. For example, you mention the usage of procmon a bunch as it is used heavily. It is not mentioned whether or not procmon should be installed on the vm prior to usage or if the binary should be in the directory with How is procmon used? is it executed at the point of execution of the vm or somewhere else?

btw great work on noriben! I can't wait to start using it once i get clarification so i can finish setup on my vm.


hashlist and csv creation issues


Just loaded this up today and hit a few snags at first.

Kept getting errors about not being able to open the PML for reading found that it was trying to read the file before the first process had fully terminated and released it. solved that on my side simply enough by adding a 30 second sleep timer to process_pml_to_csv maybe my VM is exceptionally slow? There is probably a better fix, but it was a quick plaster

I also had issues with adding the hash list in read_hash_file function looks like the csv reader line was updated a few months back to:
reader = csv.DictReader(hash_file_handle)

but later code is still expecting a list:

hashval = hash_line[0]

Again quick fix for me just changed it back to:



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