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haskell's Introduction

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  • Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!

  • :: is read as "has type of"

  • Explicit types are always denoted with the first letter in capital case.

  • Because it's not in capital case it's actually a type variable. That means that a can be of any type.

  • Functions that have type variables are called polymorphic functions.

  • Everything before the => symbol is called a class constraint.

  • :t (==), results in

  • (==) :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool

  • We can read the type declaration like this: the equality function takes any two values that are of the same type and returns a Bool. The type of those two values must be a member of the Eq class (this was the class constraint).

  • All standard Haskell types except for IO (the type for dealing with input and output) and functions are a part of the Eq typeclass.

  • foldl', foldl1':

    • foldl' and foldl1' are stricter versions of their respective lazy incarnations. When using lazy folds on really big lists, you might often get a stack overflow error. The culprit for that is that due to the lazy nature of the folds, the accumulator value isn't actually updated as the folding happens. What actually happens is that the accumulator kind of makes a promise that it will compute its value when asked to actually produce the result (also called a thunk). That happens for every intermediate accumulator and all those thunks overflow your stack. The strict folds aren't lazy buggers and actually compute the intermediate values as they go along instead of filling up your stack with thunks. So if you ever get stack overflow errors when doing lazy folds, try switching to their strict versions.
  • Set:

    • We can check for subsets or proper subset:
      • Set A is a subset of set B if B contains all the elements that A does.
      • Set A is a proper subset of set B if B contains all the elements that A does but has more elements.
  • Own Types and Typeclasses:

  • data Bool = False | True:

    • data means that we're defining a new data type.
    • value constructors: he parts after the =.
    • data Int = -2147483648 | -2147483647 | ... | -1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | ... | 2147483647:
      • The first and last value constructors are the minimum and maximum possible values of Int. It's not actually defined like this, the ellipses are here because we omitted a heapload of numbers, so this is just for illustrative purposes.
  • Do we benefit from type parameter in data declaration(meaming adding a typeclass constraint onto a parameter)?:

    • If we were defining a mapping type, we could add a typeclass constraint in the data declaration: data (Ord k) => Map k v = ...
    • However, it's a very strong convention in Haskell to never add typeclass constraints in data declarations. Why? Well, because we don't benefit a lot, but we end up writing more class constraints, even when we don't need them. If we put or don't put the Ord k constraint in the data declaration for Map k v, we're going to have to put the constraint into functions that assume the keys in a map can be ordered. But if we don't put the constraint in the data declaration, we don't have to put (Ord k) => in the type declarations of functions that don't care whether the keys can be ordered or not. An example of such a function is toList, that just takes a mapping and converts it to an associative list. Its type signature is toList :: Map k a -> [(k, a)]. If Map k v had a type constraint in its data declaration, the type for toList would have to be toList :: (Ord k) => Map k a -> [(k, a)], even though the function doesn't do any comparing of keys by order.
  • We can derive instances for the Ord type class, which is for types that have values that can be ordered. If we compare two values of the same type that were made using different constructors, the value which was made with a constructor that's defined first is considered smaller. For instance, consider the Bool type, which can have a value of either False or True. Defining like data Bool = False | True deriving (Ord) makes True is bigger than False(GT)

  • data Day = Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Bounded, Enum)

    • Because all the value constructors are nullary (take no parameters, i.e. fields), we can make it part of the Enum typeclass. The Enum typeclass is for things that have predecessors and successors. We can also make it part of the Bounded typeclass, which is for things that have a lowest possible value and highest possible value.
    • minBound :: Day -- Monday
    • Saturday > Friday -- True
    • succ Monday -- Tuesday
    • [Thursday .. Sunday], [minBound .. maxBound] :: [Day]
  • Either:

    • Either a b:
      • a is some sort of type that can tell us something about the possible failure
      • b is the type of a successful computation
  • Fixity declaration: When we define functions as operators, we can use that to give them a fixity (but we don't have to). A fixity states how tightly the operator binds and whether it's left-associative or right-associative. For instance, *'s fixity is infixl 7 and +'s fixity is infixl 6. That means that they're both left-associative (4 * 3 * 2 is (4 * 3) * 2) but * binds tighter than +, because it has a greater fixity, so 5 * 4 + 3 is (5 * 4) + 3

    • When deriving Show for our type, Haskell will still display it as if the constructor was a prefix function, hence the parentheses around the operator (remember, 4 + 3 is (+) 4 3).
    • Normal prefix constructors or stuff like 8 or 'a', which are basically constructors for the numeric and character types, respectively.
  • Typeclasses:

    • If we have say class Eq a where and then define a type declaration within that class like (==) :: a -> -a -> Bool, then when we examine the type of that function later on, it will have the type of (Eq a) => a -> a -> Bool.
    • the minimal complete definition for the typeclass, means the minimum of functions that we have to implement so that our type can behave like the class advertises.
      • We'd have to implement both of these functions(==, \= in Eq) when making a type an instance of it, because Haskell wouldn't know how these two functions are related. The minimal complete definition would then be: both == and /=.
    • subclassing typeclasses of other typeclasses:
      • The example of Num typeclass: class (Eq a) => Num a where ...
        • a has to be Eq before it becomes Num (a has to be a concrete type, meaning type constructors like Maybe can't be sit in the spot alone.)
      • instance (Eq m) => Eq (Maybe m) where ...:
        • We say this: we want all types of the form Maybe m to be part of the Eq typeclass, but only those types where the m is also a part of Eq
  • Kinds:

    • Types have their own little labels, called kinds. A kind is more or less the type of a type
    • *(called star, or type): a concrete type. a type that doesn't take any type parameters and values can only have types that are concrete types.
    • We used :k on a type to get its kind, just like we can use :t on a value to get its type. Like we said, types are the labels of values and kinds are the labels of types and there are parallels between the two.
  • Haskell's mechanism for poralizing side-effects and function purity:

    • Haskell actually has a really clever system for dealing with functions that have side-effects that neatly separates the part of our program that is pure and the part of our program that is impure, which does all the dirty work like talking to the keyboard and the screen. With those two parts separated, we can still reason about our pure program and take advantage of all the things that purity offers, like laziness, robustness and modularity while efficiently communicating with the outside world.
    • (): empty tuple known as unit:
      • :t putStrLn: putStrLn :: Strin -> IO ()
    • Don't think of a function like putStrLn as a function that takes a string and prints it to the screen:
      • Think of it as a function that takes a string and returns an I/O action. That I/O action will, when performed, print beautiful poetry to your terminal.
  • Referential transparency: a function, if given the same parameters twice, must produce the same result twice.

  • Randomness:

    • RandomGen typeclass is for types that can act as sources of randomness.
    • Random typelcass is for things that can take on random values.
    • random :: (RandomGen g, Random a) => g -> (a, g) := random returns new RandomGen too
      • i.g. random (mkStdGen 100): manurally make a random geneartor.
        • get other types other than Int, random (mkStdGen 100) :: (Float, StdGen)
  • reads: read without throwing en exception.

    • samples:
      • reads "1 2 3" :: [(Int, String)] -- [(1," 2 3")]
      • reads "(1,2) (3,4)" :: [((Int, Int), String)] -- [((1,2)," (3,4)")]
      • reads "(1,2)(3,4)" :: [((Int, Int), String)] -- [((1,2),"(3,4)")]
      • reads "(1,2)\n(3,4)" :: [((Int, Int), String)] -- [((1,2),"\n(3,4)")]
      • reads "(1,2) (3,4)" :: [((Int, Int), String)] -- [((1,2)," (3,4)")]
    • reads returns empty list when doesn't match:
      • null $ (reads "aa" :: [(Int, String)]) -- True
  • ByteString:

    • ByteStrings are sort of like lists, only each element is one byte(or 8 bits) in size. The way they handle laziness i also different.
      • strict: completely do away with laziness. you can't have things like infinite list(because they're read into memory at once), but the upside is theres's less overhead becuase there are no thunks(the technical temr for promise)
      • lazy: they are stored in chuncks(not to be confused with thunks!), each chunk has a size of 64K. This is cool because it won't cause the memory usage to skyrocket and the 64K probably fits neatly into your CUP's L2 cache.
    • Date.ByteString.Lazy.pack: pack:: [Word8] -> ByteString takes list of bytes of type Word8 and reutrns a ByteString, making it less lazy, so that it's lazy only at 64K intervals.
      • B.pack [99,97,110] -- "can"
    • fromChunks takes a list of strict bytestrings and converts it to a lazy bytestring.
    • toChunks takes a lazy bytestring and converts it to a list of strict ones.
      • B.toChunks $ B.fromChunks [S.pack [40,41,42], S.pack [43,44,45], S.pack [46,47,48,49]] -- ["()*","+,-","./01"]
  • Execption with pure functions?:

    • Once pure functions start throwing exceptions, it matters when they are evaluated(although pure functions are lazy by default, which means that we don't know when they will be evaluated and that it shouln't matter). That's why we can only catch exceptions thrown from pure functions in the I/O part of our code. And that's bad, because we want to keep the I/O part as small as possible. However, if we don't catch them in the I/O part of our code, our program crashes. The solution? Don't mix exceptions and pure code. Take advantage of Haskell's powerful type system and use types like Either and Maybe to represent results that may have failed.
  • Protip: it really helps to first think what the type declaration of a function should be before concerning ourselves with the implementation and then write it down. In Haskell, a function's type declaration tells us a whole lot about the function, due to the very strong type system.

  • Functor:

    • (->) r is an instance of Functor
    • Not only is the function type (->) r a functor and an applicative functor, but it's also a monad. Just like other monadic values, a function can also be considered a value with a context. The context for functions is that that value is not present yet and that we have to apply that function to something in order to get its result value.
      • function's Monad instance is locaded in Control.Monad.Instances
    • You could write (->) r as (r ->)
      • fmap :: (a -> b) -> (r -> a) -> (r -> b): we see that it takes a function from a to b and a function from r to a and returns a function from r to b.
      • instance Functor (r ->) where fmap f g = (\x -> f (g x)):
        • fmap (*3) (+100): f := (*3), g := (+100), therefore fmap (*3) (+100) 1 results in 303. same as function comopsition fmap (*3) (+100) equals (*3) . (+100)
  • Applicative:

    • ((+) <$> (*2) <*> (+10)) 4: apply 4 to each patially applied functions and then combine the results of each fully applied functions.
    • Applicative functors laws:
      • pure f <*> x = fmap f x
      • [identity]: pure id <*> v = v
      • [composition]: pure (.) <*> u <*> v <*> w = u <*> (v <*> w)
      • [homomorphism]: pure f <*> pure x = pure (f x)
      • [interchange]: u <*> pure y = pure ($ y) <*> u:
        • pure (\f -> f 5) <*> Just (+10) (also can be written Just ($ (+10)) <*> pure (\f -> f 5))
        • pure ($ 5) <*> Just (+10) : you're wrapping a function with pure that takes another function as its argument, then applies x to it. You provide f as the contents of the Just, which in this case is (+10).
  • newtype:

    • When we use newtype to wrap an existing type(i.g., [Char], Int, etc.), the type that we get is separate from the original type. If we make the following newtype: newtype CharList = CharList { getCharList :: [Char] }, WEe can't use ++ to put together a CharList and a list of type [Char]. We can't even use ++ to put together two CharLists, because ++ works only on lists and the CharList type isn't a list, even though it could be said that it contains one. We can, however, convert two CharLists to lists, ++ them and then convert that back to a CharList(by extarct with a method, in this case getCharList. this converts newtype to original type).
  • data vs type vs newtype:

    • If you just want your type signatures to look cleaner and be more descriptive, you probably want type synonyms.
    • If you want to take an existing type and wrap it in a new type in order to make it an instance of a type class, chances are you're looking for a newtype, and
    • If you want to make something completely new, odds are good that you're looking for the data keyword.
  • Monoids laws:

    • mempty `mappend` x = x -- identity law
    • x `mappend` mempty = x -- identity law
    • (x `mappend` y) `mappend` z = x `mappend` (y `mappend` z) -- associative law
  • implementation-of-foldable-in-haskell

    • You don't need the Monoid part at all(conversion from Int to Sum Monoid in add operation) - the default implementations work just fine(it's most likely not obvious how foldr1 (+) can be expressed just in terms of foldMap).
  • Foldable and Traversable

  • Monads:

    • (>>=) :: (Monad m) => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b: (>>=): bind
      • takes a monadic value (that is, a value with a context) and feeds it to a function that takes a normal value but returns a monadic value(normal value a to convert fancy value m b with a function a -> mb).
    • >>: Instead of making functions that ignore their input and just return a predetermined monadic value, we can use >> function
      • m >> n = m >>= \_ -> n where type definition is (>>) :: (Monad m) => m a -> m b -> m b
    • In fact, list comprehensions are just syntactic sugar for using lists as monads. In the end, list comprehensions and lists in do notation translate to using >>= to do computations that feature non-determinism.
    • filtering in list comprehensions is the same as using guard.
    • laws:
      • Left identity and right identity are basically laws that describe how return should behave
        • Left identity: return x >>= f is the same damn thing as f x:
          • return 3 >>= (\x -> Just (x+100000)) and (\x -> Just (x+100000)) 3 are the same.
        • Right identity: m >>= return is no different than just m
          • return puts a value in a minimal context that still presentst that value as its result.
          • Just "move on up" >>= (\x -> return x) -- Just "move on up"
          • putStrLn "Wah!" >>= (\x -> return x) -- IO("Wah!")
      • Associativity:
        • (m >>= f) >>= g = m >>= (\x -> f x >>= g): we have a chain of monadic function applications with >>=, it shouldn't matter how they're nested.
        • return (0,0) >>= landRight 2 >>= landLeft 2 >>= landRight 2 and return (0,0) >>= (\x -> landRight 2 x >>= (\y -> landLeft 2 y >>= (\z -> landRight 2 z))) are the same.
        • f <=< (g <=< h) should be the same as (f <=< g) <=< h.
  • Inefficient list construction:

    • When using the Writer monad, you have to be careful which monoid to use, because using lists can sometimes turn out to be very slow. That's because lists use ++ for mappend and using ++ to add something to the end of a list is slow if that list is really long.
  • Error Monad:

    • When we use >>= to feed a Left value to a function, the function is ignored and an identical Left value is returned
  • モナド変換子則(monad transformer law):

    1. lift . return == return
    2. lift (m >>= k) == lift m >>= (lift . k)
  • モナド変換子は MonadPlus のインスタンスに設定しておくと便利なことがあり、この場合、二通りの方法が考えられる:

  1. モナド変換子 t の元になるモナドの MonadPlus に合わせる方法
  2. モナド変換子 t の引数に与えられるモナド m の MonadPlus に合わせる方法
  • MaybeT m でいえば、Maybe の MonadPlus に従うか、モナド m の MonadPlus に従うかということ
  • 一般に、モナドは失敗系 (Maybe, Either, List)状態系 (Writer, Reader, State, IO) の二つに大別することができる
    • Haskell の標準ライブラリにあるモナド変換子のソースをみると、失敗系のモナド変換子の MonadPlus は元になるモナドに、状態系の場合は引数として与えられるモナドにあわせてある.
  • 写像: 数学で、二つの集合ABがあって、Aの各要素aBの一つの要素bを対応させる規則fAからBへの写像といい、f:a→bと書く
    • 恒等写像(こうとうしゃぞう、identity mapping, identity function)、恒等作用素(こうとうさようそ、identity operator)、恒等変換(こうとうへんかん、identity transformation)は、その引数として用いたのと同じ値を常にそのまま返すような写像である。集合論の言葉で言えば、恒等写像恒等関係(identity relation)である
    • モジュール Control.Monad.Identity に定義されている Identity モナド (恒等モナド) を使うと、モナド変換子から元のモナドを生成することができる
  • インスタンスの自動導出:
    • 自動導出で Ord クラスのインスタンスとした型では、宣言中の位置によって構成子の順序が決まる(ph101)
    • 構成子が引数を取る場合、自動導出をするためには、引数の方もまた適切な型クラスのインスタンスでなければいけない(ph101)
  • Applicative の特徴:
    1. fmap で問題となる複数引数を関数に適用するために利用される(pure g <*> x <*> y のように g は関数で、x,y は任意の複数の引数).
    2. Applicative は引数として Maybe, IO, Eigher, [] など失敗する可能性があったり、成功する結果が複数ある、といった作用を持ちうる: この意味で、「純粋な関数」を「作用を持つ引数」に適用することを抽象化した枠組みだと見なすことができる. (pih162)
    • そのため「純粋な関数」を使うということを強調するため, 式の初めに pure を使うとより理解しやすくなる. 実際には <$> を使用して、g <$> x <*> y と表現することの方が多い. (pih164)
  • 簡約可能式(リデックス): 一つ以上の引数へ適用されている関数が含まれていて、その適用を実行することで「簡約(関数の適用を定義で置き換える作業)」が可能な式
    • mult (x,y) = x * y ここで、式 mult (1+2, 3+4) を考える:
      • この式には簡約可能式が3つ含まれている: 2つの引数に演算子 + を適用した形の 1+2, 3+4 と式 mult (1+2, 3+4) 全体.
      • それぞれを簡約すると、mult (3, 3+4), mult (1+2, 7), (1+2) * (3+4) となる.(Pih215)
    • どの順序で簡約すべきか? - 一般的なのは、最内簡約(innermost reduction):
      • 最も内側にある簡約可能式を常に選択する. 最も内側というのは、他の簡約可能式を含まない、という意味. 最も内側の簡約可能式が複数ある場合は、最も左にある簡約可能式を選択.
        • 引数は関数に渡される前に全て評価され、値として渡されることが保証される
        • 最も左側の式が評価最初に評価されることが保証される
      • 最外簡約(outermost reduction):
        • 他の簡約可能式に含まれていない式. また最内簡約と同様に最外簡約が複数ある場合は、最も左にある簡約可能式を選択.
        • 引数がどう渡されるかに関しては、引数が評価されるよりも前に関数が適用される. つまり、この場合引数は名前で渡されていると言える.
        • 上記の式の場合、まだ評価されていない引数1+23+4multに適用されてから、この二つの式が評価される.
        • * や + といった組み込み演算子は、引数2つが先に評価されて数値にならないと適用不可能である. このように自身が適用される前に引数が評価されるのを要求する性質のことを正格であるという. 正格と対になる性質が遅延である.
    • グラフ簡約(graph reduction):
      • 同じ引数を複数箇所で使用する場合に、それら引数を複数簡約するのではなく共有ながら実行する簡約
      • square (1 + 3) -> 4 * 4 -> 16: ここで, square (1 + 3) -> (1 + 3) * (1 + 3) -> 4 * 4 -> 16 とはならない.
      • 必要呼び出し(call-by-need): 同じ変数から束縛された項はポインタによって共有され、一度簡約された項をもう一度使用する場合には最初の計算によってキャッシュされた解を利用.
      • 項を共有することにより構文はもはや通常の木構造ではなくグラフ(graph)構造を取ることになるため、このような簡約方法をグラフ簡約と呼ぶ
      • 同じ式の評価のために、キャッシュされた解を使う手法のことをメモ化(memoization)という
      • ref

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