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I've collected some deep knowledge of JavaScript foundations. It would help to have a deeper understanding of JavaScript.

deep-javascript-foundations's Introduction

Deep JavaScript Foundations

Note: In this note, I've collected some important JavaScript foundations, that most of this information comes from Kyle Simpson's books (YDKJS series), ECMAScript, MDN (Mozilla Developer Network) or courses that I took. It did help me a lot to have a deeper understanding of JavaScript. Hope it will help you too ;)

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Types
  3. Coercion
  4. Equality
  5. Static Typing
  6. Scope
  7. Closure
  8. Object


First of all, we should know that, when we face a bug in JavaScript, the first question we need to ask ourselves is what does the specification say should happen? and then ask does my behavior that I'm seeing in code match the specification. The JavaScript specification is the source of authority, not the JavaScript engine or MDN (Mozilla Developer Network).

The JavaScript specification ( ECMAScript ) is the source of authority.

When does the bug happen? when we have incorrect thinking or mental model. Then it's a divergent to what we're thinking and what the computer's doing and that's when the bug enters the code.

Whenever there is a divergence between what your brain thinks and what is actually happening in the computer, that's where bugs enter the code.

--getify's law #17

JavaScript can be divided into three cores (pillars):

  • Types:

    • Primitive Types
    • Abstract Operations
    • Coercion
    • Equality
    • TypeScript, Flow, etc.
  • Scope:

    • Nested Scope
    • Hoisting
    • Closure
    • Modules
  • Objects (Oriented):

    • this
    • class{}
    • Prototypes
    • OO vs. OLOO


Primitive Type:

Many of us have probably heard this assertion before:

"In the JavaScript, everything is an object."


There is a reason for this statement, but this statement is a misconception, this is false. The reason behind why people say everything is an object, is because most of the values in JavaScript can behave as objects. But that does not make them objects.

Let's take a look at the JavaScript specification:



The latest ECMAScript standard defines eight data types:

  • Seven data types that are primitives:
    • Boolean
    • Null
    • Undefined
    • Number
    • String
    • Symbol (added in ES6)
    • BigInt (future)
  • and Object
    • Function
    • Array


But what about functions and arrays? functions and arrays are subtype of the object type.

Unlike languages like C++ and Java, in JavaScript and in other dynamically typed languages, variables do not that have types.

In JavaScript, variables don't have types, values do.

So let's refer to them as value types.

In JavaScript, a primitive (primitive value, primitive data type) is data that is not an object and has no methods. There are 7 primitive data types: string, number, bigint, boolean, null, undefined, and symbol.

Most of the time, a primitive value is represented directly at the lowest level of the language implementation.

All primitives are immutable, i.e., they cannot be altered. It is important not to confuse a primitive itself with a variable assigned a primitive value. The variable may be reassigned a new value, but the existing value can not be changed in the ways that objects, arrays, and functions can be altered.




typeof Operator:

When we assign some value to a variable, and use operator like typeof, we're not asking what's the typeof the variable (for example v), we're asking what is the typeof the value that is currently in v.

var v;
typeof v;              // "undefined"

v = "1";
typeof v;              // "string"

v = 2;
typeof v;              // "number"

v = true;
typeof v;              // "boolean"

v = {};
typeof v;              // "object"

v = Symbol();
typeof v;              // "symbol"

// Primitive Types: typeof

We can think of undefined as basically a default value.

When there is no other value, the value that you have is called the undefined value. And remember, there's an undefined type with one and only one value in it called undefined. So typeof is telling us v currently is undefined. It got initialized and it's undefined. And that, by the way, does not mean it doesn't have a value yet.

The undefined means, does not currently have a value.

A lot of people think, undefined means doesn't have a value yet. The most appropriate way to think about it is, does not currently have a value. Because it's entirely plausible and possible, that you have a variable or a property that has some value and then it goes back to the state of not having a value anymore. You set it to undefined, you undefine it. It just takes it back to that state where the value that it's holding is undefined.

The typeof is an operator that guarantees that it will always return a string.

typeof doesNotExist;        // "undefined"

var v = null;
typeof v;                   // "object"      OOPS!

var v = function() {};
typeof v;                   // "function"    hmmm?

var v = [1, 2, 3];
typeof v;                   // "object"      hmmm?

// coming soon!
var v = 42n;
// or: BigInt(42)
typeof v;                   // "bigint"

// Primitive Types: typeof

Why typeof null returns object? This is a historical fact from ES1 which essentially indicated to developers that if you wanted to unset a regular value, like a number, you would use undefined. But if you wanted to unset an object reference, you would use null.

Remember, function is not an official type at the top level, in the most official sense. But it has its own return value here, the typeof operator returns as function. So it's useful that it returns to us function, but arrays, it doesn't. Arrays just returns object.

The Array.isArray() will tell you for sure or not whether you have an array.

The following table summarizes the possible return values of typeof from MDN.

Type Result
Undefined "undefined"
Null "object"
Boolean "boolean"
Number "number"
BigInt (new in ECMAScript 2020) "bigint"
String "string"
Symbol (new in ECMAScript 2015) "symbol"
Function object (implements [[Call]] in ECMA-262 terms) "function"
Any other object "object"

Some typeof examples from MDN:

// Numbers
typeof 37 === "number";
typeof 3.14 === "number";
typeof(42) === "number";
typeof Math.LN2 === "number";
typeof Infinity === "number";
typeof NaN === "number"; // Despite being "Not-A-Number"
typeof Number("1") === "number";      // Number tries to parse things into numbers
typeof Number("shoe") === "number";   // including values that cannot be type coerced to a number

typeof 42n === "bigint";

// Strings
typeof "" === "string";
typeof "bla" === "string";
typeof `template literal` === "string";
typeof "1" === "string"; // note that a number within a string is still typeof string
typeof (typeof 1) === "string"; // typeof always returns a string
typeof String(1) === "string"; // String converts anything into a string, safer than toString

// Booleans
typeof true === "boolean";
typeof false === "boolean";
typeof Boolean(1) === "boolean"; // Boolean() will convert values based on if they're truthy or falsy
typeof !!(1) === "boolean"; // two calls of the ! (logical NOT) operator are equivalent to Boolean()

// Symbols
typeof Symbol() === "symbol"
typeof Symbol("foo") === "symbol"
typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol"

// Undefined
typeof undefined === "undefined";
typeof declaredButUndefinedVariable === "undefined";
typeof undeclaredVariable === "undefined";

// Objects
typeof {a: 1} === "object";

// use Array.isArray or
// to differentiate regular objects from arrays
typeof [1, 2, 4] === "object";

typeof new Date() === "object";
typeof /regex/ === "object"; // See Regular expressions section for historical results

// The following are confusing, dangerous, and wasteful. Avoid them.
typeof new Boolean(true) === "object";
typeof new Number(1) === "object";
typeof new String("abc") === "object";

// Functions
typeof function() {} === "function";
typeof class C {} === "function";
typeof Math.sin === "function";

undefined vs. undeclared vs. uninitialized:

This is often confused between undefined and undeclared concept. And it's confused because developers, quite naturally, think of these words as sort of synonyms. They seem like they mean kind of almost the same thing. And in English, that's probably true. But in programming, it's entirely not true. In programming, and especially in JavaScript, these are two entirely different concepts.

undefined and undeclared in JavaScript are two entirely different concepts.

When we said type of V, and we got back quote, undefined, V or whatever that variable is, didn't even exist. So how is it that I can get back quote undefined when something doesn't even exist? Well, that's another historical wart, JavaScript trying to pretend as if the absence of a declaration isn't that big a deal. It's not that big of a problem, you can work around it. In retrospect, they never should have done that. They should have just returned a string undeclared.

The undeclared means it's never been created in any scope that we have access to.

The undefined means there's definitely a variable, and at the moment, it has no value.

the uninitialized or TDZ (Temporal Dead Zone) was introduced with ES6, and the best way to describe this is uninitialized. Meaning you can't touch it yet.

The typeof operator is the only operator in existence that is able to reference a thing that doesn't exist and not throw an error.

The idea for uninitialized is that certain variables, never initially get set to undefined. When something is in an uninitialized state, it is off-limits. You're not allowed to touch it in any way, shape or form, or you'll get an error, and the error you get is the TDZ error.

We can have a variable that's never been initialized. We can have a variable that's been initialized that is undefined. Or we can have a variable that was never even created, and then it's undeclared. Three different concepts that we need to wrap our brains around.

Special Values:


The NaN is supposedly an acronym for not a number. Essentially NaN doesn't mean not a number essentially it means this special what we call sentinel value that indicates an invalid number. That's a much better mental model for it than referring to it is not a number, we should refer to at as an invalid number.

The NaN is an invalid number.

var myAge = Number("0o46");       // 38
var myNextAge = Number("39");     // 39
var myCatsAge = Number("n/a");    // NaN
myAge - "my son's age";           // NaN

myCatsAge === myCatsAge;          // false   OOPS!

isNaN(myAge);                     // false
isNaN(myCatsAge);                 // true
isNaN("my son's age");            // true    OOPS!

Number.isNaN(myCatsAge);          // true
Number.isNaN("my son's age");     // false

// Special Values: NaN

It's not appropriate in any way shape or form to think of 0 as being the place holder for absence of numeric value. Doesn't make sense mathematically and doesn't make sense programatically.

The number 0 is not the way you indicate the absence of valid numeric value.

There's nothing that you can ever do (mathematically) that includes a NaN and results in anything other than a NaN. So NaN sort of propagates all the way out.

The NaN with any other mathematical operation is always NaN, cuz it's invalid.

The NaN is the only value in existence, at least in JavaScript, that does not have what we call the identity property, meaning it is not equal to itself.

The NaN is the only value in JavaScript, that is not equal to itself. Even when we use the triple equals operator ( === ).

The reason that two NaN are not equal two each other, is because IEEE 754 specification said NaNs are not equal to each other. So in this case the triple equals operator lies to us.

So we need some way to determine if the value is in fact NaN. Because triple equals lies to us.

And JavaScript shipped originally with a utility called isNaN, which when we pass a thing like a number to it we correctly get false. And when we pass a thing that actually, legitimately is NaN, we get true. Seems great until we pass in something that is definitely not a number, it's the string and we get true. The historical reason for getting true, is because for some reason, the isNaN utility coerces values to numbers before it checks for them to be NaN. So, it's gonna coerce the string to a number and guess what number it's gonna coerce it to? The NaN value, so of course it's gonna back true. And because it's gonna coerce the string to a number and guess what number it's gonna coerce it to? The NaN value, so of course it's gonna back true (in isNaN("my son's age") example).

The isNaN() function determines whether a value is NaN or not. But for The historical reason the isNaN utility coerces values to numbers before it checks for them to be NaN.

The Number.isNaN() method (ES6) tells us defiantly for sure the passed value, is the NaN value or it's not.

Note: This function differs from the global isNaN function in that it does not convert its argument to a Number before determining whether it is NaN.

So now we can answer that, what is NaN? Well, if we do a numeric operation and I get back a value what type am I expecting back from every single numeric operation? I'm expecting a number, right? And remember I said NaNs are part of the IEEE 754 spec which is a numeric representation specification.

So perplexingly, the type of a NaN is number. It's just an invalid number. Which is why it's not appropriate to think of it as not a number because then you get into that weirdness the wording of type of not a number is number? That's because it's wrong to think of it as not a number, it's better to think of it as an invalid number.

The type of a NaN is number. It's just an invalid number.

And of course the type of and invalid number is definitely number. I have people suggest to me no no no they should have never done NaN, nevermind what I EEE 754 said. They never should have done NaN, we should have returned something else. Really? What should we return from a numeric operation that's gonna be not of the type number?

Negative Zero:

If you ask a mathematician, they'll say that's made up, that doesn't exist, that's not a real thing. It definitely exists in programming, it definitely exists in IEEE 754. Just like nan exists in IEEE 754, but a mathematician doesn't know what nan means. Then it definitely also requires, there to be a negative zero.

The -0 (Negative Zero) is essentially the zero value, but with the sign bit on. So it is the negative representation of a zero.

Now, early days of JavaScript felt that JavaScript developers would never want a negative zero. And so they actually went to extreme lengths to try to pretend as if it didn't exist which we're gonna see a whole bunch of weirdness. For example:

var trendRate = -0;
trendRate === -0;             // true

trendRate.toString();         // "0"    OOPS!
trendRate === 0;              // true   OOPS!
trendRate < 0;                // false
trendRate > 0;                // false, -0);     // true, 0);      //false

// Special Values: -0

Note: When we toString() the -0 we got 0.

Note: The triple equals operator ( === ) again lies to us, cuz it says the -0 is equal to a 0.

Note: the < (less than sign) and the > (greater than sign) , also lie to us.

Until ES6 they added a utility called, and it doesn't lie at all. So the best way to do this is to use this built-in checker and by the way, can be used to check NaNs.

The method (ES6) determines whether two values are the same value. And the best way to check if -0 and 0 are the same or not.

Note: The also can be useful to check NaNs.

Math.sign(-3);         // -1
Math.sign(3);          // 1
Math.sign(-0);         // -0   WTF?
Math.sign(0);          //  0   WTF?

// "fix" Math.sign(..)
function sign(v) {
    return v !== 0 ? Math.sign(v) :, -0) ? -1 : 1;

sign(-3);              // -1
sign(3);               // 1
sign(-0);              // -1
sign(0);               // 1

// Special Values: -0

If we had a -0 or 0. Unfortunately the Math.sign() return negative zero and zero instead of negative one and one.

The Math.sign() function returns either a positive or negative +/- 1, indicating the sign of a number passed into the argument.

Note: If the number passed into Math.sign() is 0, it will return a +/- 0. Note that if the number is positive, an explicit (+) will not be returned.

Syntax: Math.sign(x)

Parameters: x A number. If this argument is not a number, it is implicitly converted to one.

Return value: A number representing the sign of the given argument:

  • If the argument is positive, returns 1.
  • If the argument is negative, returns -1.
  • If the argument is positive zero, returns 0.
  • If the argument is negative zero, returns -0.
  • Otherwise, NaN is returned.


Fundamental Objects:

What are these fundamental objects, are they types? Sort of, but not really.

This is like the kind of bolted on object orientedness of JavaScript, the almost Java-like mutation of JavaScript where we have in all of those cases where we have primitive values, we now also have object representations with similar behaviors. Like in Java when you want to make a string and you call it new capital S string, we have things like that in JavaScript.

Fundamental Objects aka Built-In Objects aka Native Functions.

So these are the ones where you really should absolutely use the new keyword:

  • Usage of the new keyword:

    • Object()
    • Array()
    • Function()
    • Date()
    • RegExp()
    • Error()

If you need to construct an object of that fundamental type, then use new Object(), or new Array(), or new Function(). Probably the most useful one that would be use is new Date().

But there are other ones that are fundamental objects which could be used with new, but you should definitely not use them with new keyword:

  • Don't use with new keyword:

    • String()
    • Number()
    • Boolean()

They can be used with new keyword to construct the objects of this form. You should absolutely never do that. You should use them only as functions, not as constructors. In coercion we can see the usefulness of them. But String(), Number(), and Boolean() when used as a function coerce any value to that respective primitive type. That is a far more useful utility of those than the fact that they can construct this weird Frankensteiny object.


Abstract Operation:



When we think of conversion and coercion, you should really think of them as interchangeable, at least as far as JavaScript is concerned.

In JavaScript, we refer to Type Conversion as Coercion.

There are three variants of type conversion, so-called “hints”, described in the specification:

  • "string" ((for alert and other operations that need a string))
  • "number" (for maths)
  • "default" (few operators)

The specification describes explicitly which operator uses which hint. There are very few operators that “don’t know what to expect” and use the "default" hint. Usually for built-in objects "default" hint is handled the same way as "number", so in practice the last two are often merged together.

No "boolean" hint: Please note – there are only three hints. It’s that simple.

There is no “boolean” hint (all objects are true in boolean context) or anything else. And if we treat "default" and "number" the same, like most built-ins do, then there are only two conversions.


The first abstract operation that we have is called ToPrimitive. Now obviously, if we don't have a primitive, we need to turn it into a primitive. So if we have something non-primitive, like one of the object types, like an object, an array, a function, whatever, and we need to make it into a primitive, this is the abstract operation that's going to be involved in doing that.

If we have a non-primitive value, and we need to make it into a primitive, there the abstract operation is going to be involved in doing that.

By the way, the abstract operations they're not like a function that could somehow be called. There may, in fact, be actual methods inside of a JavaScript engine or not, they're not like required to be actual things. But when we call them abstract, we mean they're a conceptual operation. So any time you have something that is not a primitive and it needs to become a primitive, conceptually, what we need to do is this set of algorithmic steps, and that's called ToPrimitive, as if it were a function that could be invoked.

So the ToPrimitive abstract operation takes an optional type hint. So in other words, it says, if you have something that is not a primitive, tell what kind of type you would like it to be.

The ToPrimitive abstract operation takes an optional type hint.

If you're doing a numeric operation and it invokes ToPrimitive, guess what hint it's gonna send in? It's gonna say, I would like to have a number. That doesn't guarantee you a number, by the way. It's just a hint to say, the place that I'm using it, I would like it to be a number. If you're doing something string based, guess what hint it's going to send in? It's going to send in string.

Those are basically the only two hints. It can say, I would like it to be a number, I would like it to be a string, or I'm not going to tell you at all, so just give me whatever primitive you can.

Another thing you need to understand about the algorithms within JavaScript is that they are inherently recursive, which means that they define something, for example to ToPrimitive. If the return result from ToPrimitive is not a primitive, if it's another non-primitive, like another object, then it's gonna get evoked again, and it's gonna keep getting invoked until we can get something that's an actual primitive, or in some cases get an error.

The Abstract Operation algorithms within JavaScript are inherently recursive.

So ToPrimitive, the way it works, essentially, boiling down the algorithm, is that there are two methods that can be available on any non-primitive (any object, function, array, whatever...). There are these two functions, The valueOf() function and the toString() function. And this algorithm says, if you've told me that the hint is number, then I'm going to first try to invoke the valueOf(), if it's there, and see what it gives me. And if it gives me a primitive, then we're done. If it doesn't give me a primitive, or it doesn't exist, then we try the toString(). And we either get a primitiveor not. And if we tried both of those (functions), and we don't get a primitive, generally that's gonna end up resulting in an error.

That's if the hint was number. If the hint was string, they just reverse the order that they consult them in, but they still essentially consult both of them. So if the hint is string, we would ask for that that non-primitives, toString() method, and if it has it, use what it returns. And if it gives us legitimately a primitive like a string, which it should, then we'll just use that. And then we'll try to valueOf().

The way the ToPrimitive abstract operation works, is with two methods that available on any non-primitive.

  • The valueOf() function
  • The toString() function

If we told this algorithm that the hint is number, it first invoke the valueOf(), if it gives us a primitive, then it's done, if it doesn't give us a primitive, then it invoke toString() to get primitive. and if it tried both of those functions, and don't get a primitive, then gonna end up resulting in an error.

If the hint was string, it invoke toString() method on the non-primitives, if it gives us a primitive like a string (which it should) then we'll just use that. if it doesn't then it'll try valueOf(), and if we don't get a primitive, then we it's end up resulting in an error.

The other object conversion function is called valueOf(). The job of this method is less well-defined: it is supposed to convert an object to a primitive value that represents the object, if any such primitive value exists. Objects are compound values, and most objects cannot really be represented by a single primitive value, so the default valueOf() method simply returns the object itself rather than returning a primitive. Wrapper classes define valueOf() methods that return the wrapped primitive value. Arrays, functions, and regular expressions simply inherit the default method. Calling valueOf() for instances of these types simply returns the object itself. The Date class defines a valueOf() method that returns the date in its internal representation: the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970:

var d = new Date(2010, 0, 1);   // January 1st, 2010, (Pacific time)
d.valueOf();                    // => 1262332800000

JavaScript: The Definitive Guide ( Page 50 | Chapter 3: Types, Values, and Variables )

Description (valueOf):

JavaScript calls the valueOf method to convert an object to a primitive value. You rarely need to invoke the valueOf method yourself; JavaScript automatically invokes it when encountering an object where a primitive value is expected.

By default, the valueOf method is inherited by every object descended from Object. Every built-in core object overrides this method to return an appropriate value. If an object has no primitive value, valueOf returns the object itself.

You can use valueOf within your own code to convert a built-in object into a primitive value. When you create a custom object, you can override Object.prototype.valueOf() to call a custom method instead of the default Object method.


So just keep in mind, if we're gonna use something that is not a primitive in some place that definitely needs primitives, like math or concatenation. We should realize, it is going to end up coercing it through this ToPrimitive algorithm, and it's gonna end up either invoking the valueOf() or the toString().

Briefly summarized, when converting from Object-to-String, the following steps are taken:

  1. If available, execute the toString method.
    • If the result is a primitive, return result, else go to Step 2.
  2. If available, execute the valueOf method.
    • If the result is a primitive, return result, else go to Step 3.
  3. Throw TypeError.



The next abstract operation is toString. The toString abstract operation does what it sounds like. It takes any value and gives us the representation of that value in string form. And almost every value that you can imagine has at least some kind of representation in string form.

The toString abstract operation takes any value and gives us the representation of that value in string form.

Some examples of things and what they end up producing as a string representation:

         null   "null"
    undefined   "undefined"
         true   "true"
        false   "false"
      3.14159   "3.14159"
            0   "0"
           -0   "0"   // *

// Abstract Operations: ToString

Things get a little strange when we look at the negative zero, remember that. We already saw that it lies, the toString operation for negative zero lies and produces a quote zero. So that's one of the corner cases.

The toString operation produces a quote zero for negative zero. That's one of the corner cases.

So if we call toString on an object remember it's going to invoke the toPrimitive with the string hint. So what's that going to give us? Remember that's gonna end up calling toString first and if it's present and then it's going to use valueOf. That's the order that it does.

If we call toString on an object, it's going to invoke the toPrimitive abstract operation with string hint. Which is going to call toString first and if it's present and then it's going to use valueOf.

ToString (object):

ToPrimitive (string)

aka: toString() / valueOf()

Abstract Operations: ToString(Array/Object)

So what's gonna look like on some particular object like an array?

                    []   ""
             [1, 2, 3]   "1,2,3"
     [null, undefined]   ","
    [[[], [], []], []]   ",,,"
                [,,,,]   ",,,"

// Abstract Operations: ToString(Array)

Arrays have a default toString, which is strange serializes the representation of the array. Because they're leaving off the brackets.

If we serialized a empty array, you get an empty string. The built-in toString on arrays leaves off the brackets.

If we have an array with some contents in it, it'll show those contents unless they're null and undefined. So the nulls and undefines, when they show up in arrays just get left out.

They're not represented as nulls and undefines the way null and undefine when toString do.

What about on an objects:

                               {}   "[object Object]"
                           {a: 2}   "[object Object]"
    { toString() { return "X"; }}   "X"

// Abstract Operations: ToString(Object)

The default toString on the Object.prototype is to do that whole the square brackets thing, it does a lower case object and then it puts in this thing which is called the string tag.

And it turns out you can actually override the string tag for any of your own custom objects using an ES6 symbol.

So that (capital O Object) Object is the default string tag for all default objects. And then the toString method takes that string tag and wraps this around it.

If you override the toString method, you can completely control what you want the stringtification of your object to look like. In this case, we are making it turn, return just a string X.


The ToNumber is a bit more interesting cuz there's a lot more corner cases involved.

Anytime we need to do something numeric and we don't have a number, we're gonna invoke the ToNumber abstract operation.

           ""   0   // The root of all evil in JavaScript. *
          "0"   0
         "-0"   -0
      " 009 "   9
    "3.14159"   3.14159
         "0."   0
         ".0"   0
          "."   NaN
       "Oxaf"   175

// Abstract Operations: ToNumber
        false   0
         true   1
         null   0   // *
    undefined   NaN

// Abstract Operations: ToNumber

When we use ToNumber on a non-primitive (not a string, undefined, boolean or whatever), when we use it in an object, remember it invokes the ToPrimitive with the number hint. That consults first the valueOf, and then it consults the toString.

ToNumber (object):

ToPrimitive (number)

aka: valueOf() / toString()

Abstract Operations: ToNumber(Array/Object)

So what does that look like?

(for [] and {} by default):

valueOf() { return this; }

--> toString()

Abstract Operations: ToNumber(Array/Object)

For any array or object, by default, meaning you have not overridden these, the valueOf method essentially just returns itself (does this, return this). Which has the affect of just ignoring the valueOf and deferring to toString.

So it doesn’t even matter that the hint was number. It just goes directly to the toString.

You can think of the numberification of an object as, essentially, the stringification of it. It's that it's gonna end up producing whatever toString or valueOf produces. That's a perplexing choice, but it's the choice nonetheless, is that it's gonna actually produce a primitive string.

So then in your various operations where you were expecting a primitive, but you wanted a primitive number, there's actually a primitive string there. And then further coercions will kick in. So we're gonna end up deferring to the toString and whatever the toString returns.

So with ToNumber we're gonna end up deferring to the ToString and whatever the ToString returns.

           [""]   0   // *
          ["0"]   0
         ["-0"]   -0
         [null]   0   // *
    [undefined]   0   // *
      [1, 2, 3]   NaN
       [[[[]]]]   0   // *

// Coercion: ToNumber(Array)

If the array has either null or undefined, it becomes 0. Because they first become empty strings, and then empty string becomes 0. Remember, empty string is the root of all coercion evil.

And if you have an object

                      { .. }   NaN   // means {} or for example {x: 5}
   { valueOf() { return 3;}}   3

// Coercion: ToNumber(Object)

And remember what a stringification of an object by default is, it's that [object Object] thing. Which is definitely not a representation of a number, so we get NaN. If you override the valueOf for some object, you can return whatever thing you want.

The stringification of object by default is [object Object], Which is definitely not a representation of a number, so we get NaN.


let's look at the ToBoolean abstract operation. And by the way, these four are what we're looking at, toPrimitive, toString, toNumber, and toBoolean. There are other abstract operations, but these are the major ones.

Anytime we have any value that is not a Boolean, and it's used in a place that needs a Boolean, this operation occurs. Exactly the same as the other ones.

The ToBoolean is less algorithmic and more lookup. So there's essentially a look up table.

There's not really anything to do, other than to say, is the value, what we call falsy, or not, that's really the only question here.

If the value is one of these things (on look up table), return false. And otherwise just return true.

So it defines a very specific and short limited list of what we call falsy values.

The values that will return false when coerced to a Boolean. These are the falsy values:

  • The empty string
  • either of the 0 (0, -0)
  • the null,
  • the NaN
  • the false
  • the undefined
Falsy Truthy
"" "foo"
0,-0 23
null { a: 1 }
NaN [1, 3]
false true
undefined function() {..}
... (this list is infinitely long)
Abstract Operations: ToBoolean

If the value is not on that list, it is always truthy.

What would happen if you try to toBoolean an empty array? So is the empty array on the falsy the list? No, so it returns truthy

The ToBoolean, it does not invoke the toPrimitive algorithm. Or the toNumber, or the toString, or anything, it just does a look up.

when we're doing toBooleans, there's no other coercion stuff happening. It's just a straight look up, is it there or is it not.

We can't override it with a valueOf or toString or anything. It's just is it on the list or is it not.

Essentially, memorize the falsy the list, and then always ask is the value on that list if so falsy, otherwise, it must be truthy.

Cases of Coercion

Converting Values:

Converting a value from one type to another is often called “type casting”, when done explicitly, and “coercion” when done implicitly (forced by the rules of how a value is used).

It may not be obvious, but JavaScript coercions always result in one of the scalar primitive (see Chapter 2) values, like string, number, or boolean. There is no coercion that results in a complex value like object or function. Chapter 3 covers “boxing,” which wraps scalar primitive values in their object counterparts, but this is not really coercion in an accurate sense.

Another way these terms are often distinguished is as follows: “type casting” (or “type conversion”) occurs in statically typed languages at compile-time, while “type coercion” is a runtime conversion for dynamically typed languages.

However, in JavaScript, most people refer to all these types of conversions as coercion, so the way I prefer to distinguish is to say “implicit coercion” versus “explicit coercion”.

The difference should be obvious: “explicit coercion” is when it is obvious from looking at the code that a type conversion is intentionally occurring, whereas “implicit coercion” is when the type conversion will occur as a less obvious side effect of some other intentional operation.

For example, consider these two approaches to coercion:

var a = 42;
var b = a + "";        // implicit coercion
var c = String( a );   // explicit coercion

You Don't Know JS: Types & Grammar ( CHAPTER 4: Coercion | Page 57 )

Let's look at some examples where we're already doing coercion whether we realize it or not:

// ES6 Template literals (Template strings)

var numStudents = 16;

  `There are ${numStrudents} students.`
// "There are 16 students."

// Coercion: number to string

Overloaded operator: Defining or redefining how an operator (+, -, *, /, etc.) acts.


In JavaScript the + operator is overloaded to serve the purposes of both number addition and string concatenation.

You Don't Know JS: Types & Grammar ( CHAPTER 4: Coercion | Page 88 )

The plus operator (+) is normally thought of, is doing numerical operation.

But with plus operator (+) if either one of them is a string, the plus operator prefers string concatenation.

Which means, if only one of them is a string, it's gonna call a toString abstract operation on it, and turn it in to a string.

We could throw a value into an array, just the one value into an array, and then call .join on it. And that actually ends up stringify it.

// "16"

Even though it does no string concatenation at all, .join first turns it into a string.

Because we're dealing with web applications, which means grabbing things as strings:

function addAStudent(numStudents) {
  return numStudents + 1;

// "161"   OOPS!

// Coercion: string to number

The plus operator (+) with string value (+"6" for example), invoke toNumber abstract operation.

And if we add plus operator (+) to empty string value (+""), it end up to 0.

function addAStudent(numStudents) {
  return numStudents + 1;

addAStudent( + studentsInputElem.value);
// "17"

// Coercion: string to number

If we use the minus operator (-) that one is only defined for numbers.

That it's not overloaded for string, it wouldn't make any sense to subtract one string from another.

So that minus operator (-), is gonna invoke that toNumber abstract operation.

function kickStudentOut(numStudents) {
  return numStudents - 1;

// "15"

// Coercion: string to number

But what about boolean?

if (studentsInputElem.value) {
  numStudents = Number(studentsInputElem.value)

// Coercion: __ to boolean

If studentsInputElem.value as an empty string that's gonna be falsy, But what if that string has just a bunch of white space, now it's gonna be truthy. It's not a valid string that you care about because it's got a bunch of white space in it but all of a sudden it's going to be truthy.

while (newStudents.length) {

// Coercion: __ to boolean

So if my length is zero then it becomes false and if my length is anything non zero then it becomes true. Because it's not one of the zeros. But what happens when it's NaN it becomes false.

The Double NOT operator or Double negation (!!) make things become a boolean.

If wanna be super explicit, we can use:

  • String()
  • Number()
  • Boolean()


Because of boxing in JavaScript, we are able to access properties on primitive values. For example access a length on a primitive string or some method on a primitive number.

The boxing is a form of implicit coercion. It's not called out in the same way in the abstract operations.

This DOM elements value is always a string.

It is saying you have this thing that is not an object and you're trying to use it as if it is an object. So JavaScript is gonna be helpful and go ahead and make it into an object for us. The only other option would be for the JavaScript to throw an exception that said you're trying to access a property on an primitive value.

But fortunetly JavaScript implicitly coerces these primitives into their object counterpart so that we can access properties and methods on them.

Because of the boxing most of people think “everything in JavaScript is an object”.

It turns out that things can behave as objects, but that doesn't make them an object

All programming languages have type conversions, because it's absolutly necessary.

Whether we call them coercion or we call them conversion every single language in existence that we've ever programmed in has to deal with type conversions.

Corner Cases

Because all languages have type conversions, that means all languages have corner cases, including JavaScript.

Here's an example of some of these corner cases:

Number("");                     //   0                    OOPS!
Number("   \t\n");              //   0                    OOPS!
Number(null);                   //   0                    OOPS!
Number(undefined);              //   NaN
Number([]);                     //   0                    OOPS!
Number([1, 2, 3]);              //   NaN
Number([null]);                 //   0                    OOPS!
Number([undefined]);            //   0                    OOPS!
Number({})                      //   NaN

String(-0);                     //   "0"                  OOPS!
String(null);                   //   "null"
String(undefined);              //   "undefined"
String([null]);                 //   ""                   OOPS!
String([undefined]);            //   ""                   OOPS!

Boolean(new Boolean(false));    //   true                 OOPS!

Coercion: corner cases

The root of all (Coercion) Evil:

studentsInput.value = "";

// ..

Number(studentsInput.value);            //   0

studentsInput.value = "   \t\n";

// ..

Number(studentsInput.value);            //   0

// Coercion: corner cases

Not only does the empty string become zero, but any string that's full of white space also becomes zero.

Because the toNumber operations first strips off all leading and trailing whitespace before doing it’s coercion. So all examples of whitespace strings of all forms, still all end up producing that same zero.

There are also corner cases that are not as obvious:

Number(true);              //   1
Number(false);             //   0

1 < 2;                     //   true
2 < 3;                     //   true
1 < 2 < 3;                 //   true      (but...)

(1 < 2) < 3;
(true) < 3;
1 < 3;                    //    true      (hmm...)

// *************************************

3 > 2;                     //   true
2 > 1;                     //   true
3 > 2 > 1;                 //   false      OOPS!

(3 > 2) > 1;
(true) > 1;
1 > 1;                     //   false

// Coercion: corner cases

JavaScript's dynamic typing is not a weakness, it's one of its strong qualities.

The first truly multi-paradigm language and a big reason why it has been able to survive multi-paradigm is because of its type system.

For code comments: You should not have more reliance upon code comments than the code.

Problem with code comments: People write the How in their code comment but what we want is to the code comment tell us, Why.

Implicit in JavaScript in not a magic or bad thing, but should think about implicitness as abstraction.

In the abstraction we're hiding unnecessary details, because that re-focuses the reader on the important stuff.

So some of the implicit nature of JavaScript's type system is sketchy, but some of it is quite useful. For example, the boxing.


Double & Triple Equals:

JavaScript provides three different value-comparison operations:

  • === - Strict Equality Comparison ("strict equality", "identity", "triple equals")
  • == - Abstract Equality Comparison ("loose equality", "double equals")
  • provides SameValue (new in ES2015).

Which operation you choose depends on what sort of comparison you are looking to perform. Briefly:

  • double equals (==) will perform a type conversion when comparing two things, and will handle NaN, -0, and +0 specially to conform to IEEE 754 (so NaN != NaN, and -0 == +0);

  • triple equals (===) will do the same comparison as double equals (including the special handling for NaN, -0, and +0) but without type conversion; if the types differ, false is returned.

  • does no type conversion and no special handling for NaN, -0, and +0 (giving it the same behavior as === except on those special numeric values).

Note that the distinction between these all have to do with their handling of primitives; none of them compares whether the parameters are conceptually similar in structure. For any non-primitive objects x and y which have the same structure but are distinct objects themselves, all of the above forms will evaluate to false.




This is not exactly the case:~~~The difference between double equals and triple equals is that double equals checks the value so called loose equality and triple equals checks the value and the type so called strict equality.~~~

The double equals and the triple equals both checked the types, it's just that one does something different with that information than the other one.

The triple equals is also checking the types, and if they're not the same, it's false. It doesn't matter what the values are, if the types are different, it doesn't do anything else. It sorta short-circuits and says, if the types are different there's no possible way that they could be equal.

Essentially the real difference between strict equality and loose equality is whether or not we're going to to allow any coercion to occur.

If the types are the same in Strict Equality (===), it's going to, return false if they're NaNs, because remember it's supposed to lie about NaNs. And it's gonna return true if there's a -0 because it's supposed to lie about -0. But it only does the lies if the types already match.

Otherwise, it says false and it didn't check anything at all. They both check the types one of them stops early and one of them doesn't. Or said a different way, the difference is whether we allow coercion.

We have two objects:

var workshop1 = {
  name: "Deep JS Foundations"

var workshop2 = {
  name: "Deep JS Foundations"

if (workshop1 == workshop2) {
  // Nope

if (workshop1 === workshop2) {
  // Nope

// Equality: identity, not structure

We have two objects, they have the same structure and ostensibly and the same value. But they are not the same object.

The JavaScript doesn't do like a deep assertion check that the structure of one object is exactly the same as a structure of another object.

The Equality comparisons in JavaScript does identity comparison not structure comparison.

If workshop1 and workshop 2 pointed at literally the same object reference then their identity would be the same and you'd get true. So neither == nor === is gonna return a true because they are different objects.

The == is going to allow coercion when the types were different. And the === is going to disallow coercion when the types are the same.

Coercive Equality:

In the double equals if the types are null or undefined on either side, then return true.

The null value and the undefined value are coercively equal to each other and to no other values in the language.

So we have the option of treating null and undefined as indistinguishable (or pretend that they're interchangeable) through coercive equality.

Here is a example that it is better to treating null and undefined as indistinguishable:

var workshop1 = { topic: null };
var workshop2 {};

if (
  (workshop1.topic === null || workshop1.topic === undefined) &&
  (workshop2.topic === null || workshop2.topic === undefined) &&
) {
  // ..

if (
  workshop1.topic == null &&
  workshop2.topic == null
) {
  // ..

// Coercive Equality: null == undefined

The reader has not gaining anything readability-wise by being explicit between two empty values.

The second one (double equals) says, whether they are null or undefined, tell us if they're empty or not. Tell us if they're one of those two empty values. And by the way, we just picked the shorter of the two cuz it's less to type.

Double Equals Algorithm

If we're not talking about nulls and undefines, but we're talking about strings, numbers and booleans:

For strings, numbers and booleans primitive values, the Abstract Equality (double equals) prefers to do numeric comparison (toNumber).

The ECMAScript says if one of them is number, but the other one is string, then call toNumber on the string, so it can do a numeric comparison.

If one of them's boolean, then do a toNumber on it, and make the comparison.

The double equals prefers numeric comparison.

Here is a example of string and number:

var workshopEnrollment1 = 16;
var workshopEnrollment2 = workshop2Elem.value;

if (Number(workshopEnrollment1) === Number(workshopEnrollment2)) {
  // ..

// Ask: what do we know about the types here?
if (workshopEnrollment1 == workshopEnrollment2) {
  // ..

// Coercive Equality: perfers numeric comparison

So the abstraction of the double equals is helpful there.

But if they are both strings, that means they are both of the same type (literally identical), it does the triple equals (===).

The double equals is going to allow coercion when the types are different.

If we're in a scenario where the types are not different, where the types are the same, then it's not ever going to invoke coercion, ever.

if we use a double equals with something that's not already a primitive, We invoke the toPrimitive abstract operation.

The double equals only compares primitives. If we use it with something that's not a primitive, it turn it into a primitive. The only time it does something useful with non-primitives is when they're the exact same type and then it just does the same value triple equals comparison. Otherwise it invokes toPrimitive abstract operation.

This is a example where coercion is a very bad thing for us:

var workshop1Count = 42;
var workshop2Count = [42];

// 1- if (workshop1Count == workshop2Count)
// Because workshop2Count is non-primitive, algorithm invokes toPrimitive on it.
// (because of that weird array stringification that doesn’t include the brackets.
// And only accidentally working because there is only one value in the array.)

// 2- if (42 == "4")
// Now we have two different types, we have a number and a string. There's two options here.
// We could either make the number into a string and compare the strings,
// or make the string into a number and compare the numbers. The algorithm prefers numeric comparison.
// So the string becomes the number.

// 3- if (42 === 42)
// Because the types are now the same, it does a `triple equals` comparison.

if (true) {
  // Yep (hmm...)

// Coercive Equality: only primitives

We should never use double equals to compares a primitive with non-primitive value.


This is summary of how double equals works:

  • If the types are the same it's just gonna use triple equals (===).
  • If both of them are null or undefined, they are equal.
  • If there are non-primitives involved in the comparison, they are always gonna become primitive first.
  • And then once we have primitives, prefer toNumber.

Double Equals Corner Cases

How could something like an empty array somehow be coercively equal to the negation of itself?

[] == ![];      // true WAT!?

// let's explain how it works. With an example:

var workshop1Students = [];
var workshop2Students = [];

1- if (workshop1Students == !workshop2Students) {
  // Yep, WAT!?

  // 1- if ([] == ![])
  // The workshop2Students is an array which is truthy. So if we negate (!) it it becomes false.

  // 2- if ([] == false)
  // Now, we have a non-primitive compared to a primitive.
  // So we need to turn that non-primitive (array) into a primitive. So it becomes the empty string.

  // 3- if ("" == false)
  // So now, We have two primitives but they are not of the same type.
  // The algorithm prefers that they both become numbers.

  // if (0 === 0)
  // if (true)

2- if (workshop1Students !== workshop2Students) {
  // Yep, WAT!?

  // if (!(workshop1Students == workshop2Students))
  // if (!(false))
  // if (true)

// == Corner Cases: WAT!?

Compare the first one in your mind to the more appropriate comparison (the second one), which is to say, I want to check to see if they're not the same array.

Those might look like the same thing (first one and second one), but these are entirely different approaches. One is saying I wanna see if it is coercively equal to its negation (!), and the other one is saying I wanna see if it is not coercively equal. Those are entirely different beasts.

In the second one, since they're both arrays, then what we're effectively doing is asking an identity question. We're saying, are they not the same identity?

And it would work identically if we use the triple equals version of them. It's a rational thing, and it has no difference in the rational case between double equals and triple equals.

Corner Cases Booleans:

This is another example one of those corner cases that we shouldn't do:

var workshopStudents = [];

1- if (workshopStudents) {
  // Yep

  // if (Boolean(workshopStudents))
  // if (true)

2- if (workshopStudents == true) {
  // Nope :(

  // if ([] == true)
  // We have a non-primitive which need to became primitive, so it becomes empty string.

  // if ("" == true)
  // We have an empty string and a true. These are not the same type, so they need to both become numbers.

  // if (0 === 1)
  // One of them becomes 0, (which should have been NaN), the other one becomes 1.

  // if (false)

3- if (workshopStudents == false) {
  // Yep :(

  // if ("" == false)
  // if (0 === 0)
  // if (true)

// == Corner Cases: booleans

If we wanna check and we want to allow the boolean coercion of an array to be true. In other words, we wanna say its truthy sort of construct. There's one way of doing it (the first statement), which is just to do an if statement. Allow the if statement to invoke the toBoolean operation on the array, which in this case, is a lookup that says the array is not on the table, so, therefore, it's true. That's a perfectly rational implicit toBoolean coercion.

But if we try to get more clever and tricky with it and say, well, if it's truthy, then maybe what we want to do is do a double equals with true. Well, now all of a sudden it doesn't work. And by the way, it wouldn't work with triple equals either. There's no case where second and third statement are better. And there's a bunch of cases where they are worse, like these one.

So implicit is sometimes much better than explicit.

Don't ever do a double equals, (or even in that case, triple equals) with true or a double equals with false.

We don't need to double equals to true, or double equals to false, we should allow the toBoolean to happen implicitly.


How to avoid corner cases with the double equals:

  • Avoid the double equals when either side of them can be a 0, or an empty string, or even one of those strings with only whitespace in it.
  • Don't use it with non-primitives. Only use it for coercion among the primitives.
  • Definitely don't use double equals to true or double equals to false. Essentially, just allow the ToBoolean to happen. And if we really can't allow that, if it really has to exactly true or exactly false, which sometimes it does, then use triple equals.

The Case for Double Equals:

If we know the type(s) in a comparison:

  • Whether the types match or not, == is the more sensible choice when we know the types.

If we don't know the type(s) in a comparison:

  • If we can't or won't, use a style where we can know and have obvious types, the only thing that is sensible and reasonable is for us to use the ===.

Making our types known and obvious just leads to better code. Knowing the types leads to better code and if the types are known, == is always best. In every scenario == is best when the types are known and in any scenario where you can't you should fall back to ===.

Static Typing

Typecript & Flow:

let's look at what TypeScript and Flow can do for us.

Benefits of Typecript & Flow:

  1. Catch type-related mistakes.
  2. Communicate type intent. (because the typing is in the code. And it's gonna make our code more obvious.)
  3. Provide IDE feedback. (maybe one of the biggest things is it get us an amazing amount of feedback through the tooling ecosystem that can show up live directly in our IDE.)

Caveats of TypeScript & Flow:

  1. Inferencing is best-guess, not a guarantee.
  2. The annotations are optional. (Which means the developers on our team, if they don't put an annotation on a variable, TypeScript will default to the any type unless we have that turned off. And then we're not getting any benefit out of it.)
  3. Any part of the application that isn't typed, introduces uncertainty.


So some examples of TypeScript and Flow, and these examples are actually identical between the two:

var teacher = "Kyle";

// ..

teacher = { name: "Kyle"};
// Error: can't assin object to string

// Type-Awarw Linting: inferencing

Type inference refers to the automatic detection of the data type of an expression in a programming language.


If we don't do any typing at all, both TypeScript and Flow by default will do some inferencing.

So here they're doing a static types inference, which means my intent (that they're guessing), is that we want teacher (the variable), to only ever hold strings. And when we later try to assign it something non-string, it throws us an error, and says, you're doing an assignment that you shouldn't do. That's their best guess.

But that's what we refer to as static types, inferring that the variable has a type based upon the value that goes into it. JavaScript variables don't have types, but we're layering on this extra requirement.

So that's when we don't annotate the types, but of course we can annotate the types:

var teacher: string = "Kyle";

// ..

teacher = { name: "Kyle"};
// Error: can't assin object to string

// Type-Awarw Linting: annotating

We can say teacher is definitely a string. We're gonna get basically the same error, but here we're not guessing at the error. We're literally saying we intended for this thing to only ever hold strings, and now we're trying to put something non-string to it. In both cases TypeScript and Flow are gonna throw us an error and say, you're assigning something you shouldn't have.

Custon Types:

We can define custom types like this:

type student = { name: string };

function getName(studentRec: student): string {

var firstStudent: student = { name: "Farank"};

var firstStudentName: string = getName(firstStudent);

// Type-Aware Linting: custom types & signatures

Here we're defining that an object of a type that has a property called name that is of type string, that is a type. And then we can pass values of that type as parameters. And we can receive values back as parameters. So here we are passing in studentRec of the type student. we're defining our own type. this program doesn't have any errors.

But most of the guarantee here is are things being assigned correctly. A parameter to a function is a lot like a variable. If we're saying we wanna only be able to pass in numbers, then we're basically saying the same thing as we want this variable to only hold numbers.

Where I to uses something like TypeScript I probably would define many more of my parameters as say union types. Or I would say, you know what, I'm gonna allow strings, numbers, and nulls. Because it's rare that I want it to be so restrictive that it can only ever receive exactly this kind of structured object for example.

But nevertheless, it's able to do some very useful guarantees if the problems that you have are misassignments of types.

Validating Operand Types

In this particular case, TypeSript/Flow saying we can't subtract a string from a number:

var studentName: string = "Frank";

var studentCount: number = 16 - studentName;
// error: can't substract string

// Type-Aware Linting: validating operand types

Because that particular preference is saying don't allow that coercion, and in this particular case, that would be a really useful help for us.

An undervalued part of what they do, Is that they are actually allowing us to check the operations that we're doing where most of our business logic is, and making sure that those operations are valid.

It would be nice if TypeScript would have some mechanism by which we could allow some more coercion to occur.

Because there are plenty of places, where we'd like to be able to do coercion and other places we'd like to avoid it. It appears that TypeScript is kind of all or nothing. We opt into it or we don't opt into it.

Static Typing Pros and Cons


  • They make types more obvious in code.
  • Familiarty: they look like other language's type systems.
  • Extremely popular these days.
  • They're very sophisticated and good at what they do.


  • They use "non-JS-standard" syntax (or code comments) (they chose to use a syntax that they had to layer on top of JavaScript.)
  • They require* a build process, which raises the barrier to entry.
  • Their sophistication can be intimidating to those without prior formal types experience.
  • They focus more on "static types" (variables, parameters, returns, properties, etc) than value types.

These tools came out with a way that we can do their typing annotations using only code comments. So at least in that scenario, we haven't locked ourself into if we don't use this tool this code literally can't run. That's sort of an escape valve, and that's a good thing, but almost nobody's using the code comments. Everybody's using the inline syntax annotations.


  • JavaScript has a (dynamic) type system, which uses various forms of coercion for value type conversion, including equality comparisons.

  • We simply cannot write quality JS programs without knowing the types involved in our operations.

  • ...


Scope is where to look for things.

Here in this example we're looking for identifiers:

x = 42;

Here you see an x that's being assigned to, or a y that's being a value retrieved from.

Identifiers and Reserved Words

An identifier is simply a name. In JavaScript, identifiers are used to name variables and functions and to provide labels for certain loops in JavaScript code. A JavaScript identifier must begin with a letter, an underscore (_), or a dollar sign ($). Subsequent characters can be letters, digits, underscores, or dollar signs. (Digits are not allowed as the first character so that JavaScript can easily distinguish identifiers from numbers.) These are all legal identifiers:

  2.4 Identifiers and Reserved Words | 23
  Core JavaScript

For portability and ease of editing, it is common to use only ASCII letters and digits in identifiers. Note, however, that JavaScript allows identifiers to contain letters and digits from the entire Unicode character set. (Technically, the ECMAScript standard also allows Unicode characters from the obscure categories Mn, Mc, and Pc to appear in identifiers after the first character.) This allows programmers to use variable names from non-English languages and also to use mathematical symbols:

  var  = true;
  var π = 3.14;

Like any language, JavaScript reserves certain identifiers for use by the language itself. These “reserved words” cannot be used as regular identifiers.

JavaScript: The Definitive Guide ( Page 23 | 2.4 Identifiers and Reserved Words )

All variables are in one of those two roles in our program:

  1. Receiving the assignment of some value
  2. We are retrieving a value from the variable.

When the scope is being processed by the JavaScript engine, it's essentially asking two question, when it see this variable:

  1. What position is it in?
  2. What scope does it belong to?

In other words, this is basically like a game of matching marbles to their color-coded buckets. If you think about the way a JavaScript engine processes the code, it's going to find a variable and it's gonna say, hmm, this is a green marble so it goes in the green bucket. And this is a red marble, so it goes into the red bucket. So it's fundamentally a game of sorting colored marbles.

But this processing that we're talking about is an actual step within JavaScript. It's not simply inlined with the execution. It's extremely common for people to think about JavaScript as running top down, line by line, executing.

Because when we think of interpreted programs, or dynamic scripted programs, we generally think of them as executing line by line, top down.

But it turned out, JavaScript is not an interpreted language, but is in fact actually a compiled language, that may not fit with our whole mental model because we're probably used to thinking of line-by-line JavaScript interpretation.

Compiled Languages:

Compiled languages are converted directly into machine code that the processor can execute. As a result, they tend to be faster and more efficient to execute than interpreted languages. They also give the developer more control over hardware aspects, like memory management and CPU usage.

Compiled languages need a “build” step - they need to be manually compiled first. You need to “rebuild” the program every time you need to make a change. In our hummus example, the entire translation is written before it gets to you. If the original author decided he wanted to use a different kind of olive oil, the entire recipe would need to be translated again and then sent to you.

Examples of pure compiled languages are C, C++, Erlang, Haskell, Rust, and Go.

Interpreted Languages:

Interpreters will run through a program line by line and execute each command. Now, if the author decided he wanted to use a different kind of olive oil, he could scratch the old one out and add the new one. Your translator friend can then convey that change to you as it happens.

Interpreted languages were once known to be significantly slower than compiled languages. But, with the development of just-in-time compilation, that gap is shrinking.

Examples of common interpreted languages are PHP, Ruby, Python, and JavaScript.


So the JavaScript is, in fact, compiled, or at least, as we would say, it's parsed.

There's some processing step that has to happen before execution has occurred.

So let me prove to you, if you have ever written a JavaScript, syntax error, left off a comma, had an extra parenthesis, or curly brace somewhere, and then you try to run the program, and you immediately got a syntax error.

That is, say you have a syntax error on line 10, but you immediately get that error reported to you before lines 1 through 9 have executed.

The question is: How is it possible that JavaScript knew about the syntax error on line 10 before executing lines 1 through 9, unless JavaScript actually went through a processing step first. As opposed to simply executing top down, there was some processing step.

What does that processing step look like?

In compiler theory, there are essentially four stages to a compiler:

(Sometimes the first two are combined into one stage, sometimes they're separate.)

  1. There's lexing and tokenization.
  2. There's parsing (which turns the stream of tokens into what's called an abstract syntax tree).
  3. The last step is what's called code generation (taking an abstract syntax tree and producing some kind of other executable form of that program).

This is how our program gets processed from its textual code and our source format into some kind of representation that can be executed.

Now, a lot of people think, well, JavaScript can't be compiled because I don't run a compiler on my development machine and then ship off the compiled code to some other location.

So in other words, a lot of people think about this difference between interpreted and compiled as the distribution model for the binary. But that's not really the right axis to be thinking about. The right axis is, is the code processed before it is executed or not? We do have languages that exist which generally don't get processing before execution. for example, Bash script.

In a Bash script, if we write a malformed command on line 4, lines 1, 2, and 3 are gonna run. And when line 4 fails that might screw stuff up, because we wanna undo lines 1, 2, and 3. This is a perpetual problem in something like a true scripting language.

But in JavaScript, if you have a syntax error on line 10 nothing happens on lines 1 through 9. It has to be processed to check that it's a well-formed, correctly formed, program.

So the way that processing first happens before we execute, is that there is a stage where it goes through all of that compilation, It goes through all of that parsing, and it produces this abstract syntax tree. But it also produces, essentially, a plan for the lexical environment. That is, where all the lexical scopes are, and what marbles are gonna be in them, what identifiers. It prepares this plan, and that is the executable code that is handed off to be executed by the other part of the JavaScript engine.

Now, some people would say, for example, Java, well, that's a compiled language because I compile it and then they distribute a bytecode. It turns out, JavaScript does almost the same thing.

There is a parser that parses through your JavaScript source code, and it produces, in essence, an intermediate representation not that dissimilar from a bytecode. And it hands it off to the JavaScript virtual machine, which is embedded inside of the same JavaScript engine. And it interprets all that stuff, and one of the things that it interprets is, whenever it enters a scope it creates all the marbles according to what the program told it to do.

We have to think about JavaScript as a two-pass system rather than a single-pass.

We are gonna process (compilation or parsing) the code first, and set up the scopes, and then we are gonna execute it.

JavaScript organizes scopes with functions and blocks (ES6).

So we have functions and you have blocks, those are the units of scope.

Compilation & Scope

In this exercise we try to think more like JavaScript engine:

1.  var teacher = "Kyle";         // Red
3.  function otherClass() {       // Red
4.    var teacher = "Suzy";       // Green
5.    console.log("Welcome!");
6.  }
8.  function ask() {              // Blue
9.    var question = "Why?";      // Blue
10.   console.log(question);      // Blue (question is blue)
11. }
13. otherClass();                 // Welcome!
14. ask();                        // Why?

// scope

After we've set up all those plans (compilation step which we have two actors on it, the compiler and scope manager ), then we'll come back and execute the code.

There's going to be two actors, two entities that are going to be talking. One is the compiler, the thing that's processing the JavaScript program. The other one is the scope manager, that makes buckets, makes marbles, drops the marbles in. It's the compiler who says, hey, I have this thing, and it's the scope manager who says, I'm gonna make a plan for that, I'm gonna make a plan for a bucket and make a plan for a marble.

Remember, in our processing phase (compilation phase), we have a scope manager and we have a compiler.

Just for the simplicity of our discussion we use the three primary colors. (red bucket represents the global scope, blue and green for wherever we have inner buckets or scopes)

On line 1, the compiler see a var declaration. That's a formal declaration. In other words, we're creating a marble. So the compiler asks the global scope (red bucket), I have a marble here, have you ever heard of this thing called teacher?

And the compiler asking this question because if the scope manager (here global scope or red bucket) already knows about an identifier of the name teacher, it doesn't need to do anything. That's a no-op (no operation).

(In processing phase or compilation phase) there's no such thing as redeclaration.

But in this particular case, since it's the first time that the compiler would have asked the global scope about a variable called teacher, then the global scope's gonna say, nope, never heard of it. But I've created now a red marble for you and, now we just dropped it into the red bucket.

It (the variable) hadn't actually been created, that they don't get created for real until execution, but conceptually we're creating this plan from what we see in the program.

Actually what we're (the compiler) doing is looking for these formal declarations.

Sometimes the formal declarations look like on line 1 var teacher, sometimes they look like line 3, functions or another kind of declaration. Functions make a marble, in this case, the marble on line 3 would be called otherClass. And that needs to get added to some scope.

So the compiler, on line 3, ask the scope manager. I found another formal declaration (function), in this case for a marble called otherClass. Have you ever heard of that identifier before? Nope, never heard of it, but here's another red marble because we're still in the global scope.

So now we have two red marbles in the red bucket. That takes care of the identifier otherClass as well as the identifier teacher.

When the compiler realize a function, it knows function makes scopes (buckets). So when it sees a function create both marble and bucket.

Now, the compiler is smart enough to realize, oh... that's a special kind of thing, because a function makes scopes, it makes buckets.

So, the compiler tells the scope manager, we're gonna need another bucket. Now we're creating a bucket inside of a bucket, so like a giant barrel and then a tiny little bucket inside.

So scope manager says, sure, now we got a blue bucket, and now we are talking about the blue bucket, and let's step into that function and talk about it as its own scope, since that's functions creates scopes.

So (into that function) line 4 has another formal declaration, in this case for a variable called teacher. So we're gonna say, hey blue bucket (the scope manager) for this otherClass I have a formal declaration for a marble called teacher, ever heard of it? Now the answer to that question might surprise us because we might think, sure, we heard about it on line 1! But remember we're talking to an entire different bucket now. We're talking to the blue bucket, not the red barrel (the global scope).

So we're saying hey, blue bucket, do you have a marble called teacher? And what's the scope manager going to say? no so here's your blue marble.

Okay, so now there are two marbles in two separate buckets of two different colors, even though they have the same name.

Having two variables with the same name at different scopes, that has a term, it's called shadowing.

Because we have two variables with the same name there's no possible way that we can reference lexically the variable from out side a inner scope. It just limit us from what we can access. Because those names, it would match the nearest one (identifier).

Sounds like sort of like evil or whatever, there's nothing bad about it, shadowing is entirely okay. But there is an offshoot of shadowing, which is, now that we've created a variable called teacher, we've created a blue marble called teacher in that otherClass scope. Well, now there's no possible way that we can reference lexically the variable from line 1.

We can't reference the red marble because now there's a blue marble of the same name, because of the shadowing. It's totally okay, but it does limit us from what we can access. Because those names, it would match the nearest one, which in this case would be the blue marble.

Because we see no more formal declarations. So we're finished with the otherClass function. Now we step back out to the red scope (global scope).

But why did we skip over console.log in line 5?

We didn't skip over it from the perspective of compilation. The compiler would have certainly handled line 5 and done a bunch of compilation. It doesn't have any impact on our scopes. So we've narrowed our focus of compiler theory to preparing our identifiers and our scopes. Doing our marble bucket sorting thing. So we're just skipping over the uninteresting details at this point. Since line 5 doesn't create or access any variables within our scopes, we don't need to worry about it.

At this stage (the stage before executing), the compiler preparing our identifiers and our scopes.

So we're just skipping over the uninteresting details at this point. Since it doesn't create or access any variables within our scopes, we don't need to worry about it.

In the global scope we find the next formal decoration on line 8 (the formal function declaration for an identifier called ask). Again the compiler aske the global scope (red bucket), I have a formal declaration for an identifier called ask, ever heard of it? Nope, never heard of it. But here's red marble. There's a red marble, because we are in the global scope. And that's what color marble matches with the red bucket.

All right, so we just made a red marble called ask. And the compiler notice that's attached to a function. So scope manager, make a green bucket (another scope) for us, and now we step into the scope of the green bucket, the function labeled ask here.

And the compiler find the formal declaration (a var declaration) on line 9. And it asks the scope manager (the green bucket, or scope of ask) I have a formal declaration for an identifier called question, ever heard of him? Nope, but here's your green marble. So we get a green marble and we drop it in the green bucket.

Now, this is critical, because you'll notice on line 10 we have a reference to an identifier. This isn't creating marbles, so in this processing step we're not gonna worry so much about creating it. But we are going to have to understand where that marble comes from, what color marble that is, when we execute the code in the next step.

Even if the compiler sees the reference to an identifier (not creating it) the compiler needs to find out where that identifier comes from (which scope) for when we execute the code in the next step.

So it's critical that we do this marble sorting correctly as we process the code the first time. So we're done with the ask function. There's no more formal declarations. And then we step back out to the global scope. And we don't find any more formal declarations in the global scope.

So that compiler phase of this code is finished. And what we are left with is a plan for all the buckets and all the marbles. We've accounted for all the scopes that exist and where all the identifiers fit into all of those. Including references to them like on line 10, we know what color marble that is.

Now it's important to note that when we execute the code, there's no more declarations for anything. All the vars are gone, essentially, because we don't need to declare anything anymore. We already know what that's gonna do, because we figured that stuff out at compile-time.

In the compiler phase we create a plan for all the scopes that exist and where all the identifiers fit into all of those scopes. Including references identifiers.

That is then handed over as part of the execution plan so that the virtual machine (the JavaScript engine), can run this code.

And when we execute the code, there's no more declarations for anything, because we figured that stuff out at compile-time.

It is very important to know:

In a lexically scoped language (like JavaScript), all of the scopes (lexical scopes) and identifiers, that's all determined at compile-time. It's not determined at run-time. It is used at run-time, but it is determined at compile-time.

And why that matters is, that allows the engine to much more efficiently optimize, because everything is known and it's fixed. Nothing during the run-time can determine that this marble is no longer red, now it's blue. Once we've processed through, we already know what color marble it is and we're done with that discussion.

This means the decisions that we've made about scope are author-time decisions. When we write a function or put a variable here, it means that variable is always gonna be that color marble (inside that scope).

So that allows the JavaScript engine to be much more efficient at its job. The takeaway that you should have from that is, the decisions that I've made about scope are author-time decisions. When I write this function and we put this variable here, it means that variable is always gonna be that color marble.

Executing Code

We have all our plan set up. There's no more declaration code, so let's then execute this code:

1.  var teacher = "Kyle";
3.  function otherClass() {
4.    var teacher = "Suzy";
5.    console.log("Welcome!");
6.  }
8.  function ask() {
9.    var question = "Why?";
10.   console.log(question);
11. }
13. otherClass();                 // Welcome!
14. ask();                        // Why?

// scope

So even though line 1 looks like one statement, it's actually two separate things. There's the var teacher part. That's what the compiler handles. And then there's the teacher = "Kyle" part, that's what the execution engine's gonna handle.

Now, remember there's only two roles that a variable can play. It can either be the target of an assignment, and we can see on line 1, the teacher is in that role, it is receiving an assignment, it's the target. The only other role that it can play is in the source position. It's going to give up its value. We're going to retrieve the value from it. That's like what we see on line 10, question is in that position.

We used to refer to this (in an old school terminology) as a left hand side, an LHS and a RHS, a right hand side. As in left and right hand of an equals. Nowadays, you might call it an L value, an R value. Maybe just for simple purposes, let's call them source and target.

All variables can play two roles in our program:

  1. Be the target of an assignment (receiving an assignment of value, or in an old school terminology: left hand side (LHS), as in left hand of an equals)
  2. Be in the source position (retrieving the value from it, or in an old school terminology: right hand side (RHS), as in right hand of an equals).

let's call position of variables simply source position and target position.

Here on line 1, teacher's in a target position. On line 10, question, is in a source position. That's a piece of information that the compiler picked up. Whenever it created that whole abstract tree and all that, it knew that each identifier, each marble, not only what color it was, but what position it was in.

The compiler in compile-time (processing or compilation or parsing phase), whenever it created that whole abstract tree (abstract syntax tree), it knew that each identifier (each marble) not only what color it was (not only that it exist), but what position it was in.

It's critical to know that we're dealing with something that's receiving a value, it's a target, or we're gonna retrieve it's value.

So let's then execute this code the way the JavaScript engine would, with all that execution plan and scope stuff set up. Each time we enter a scope, all of the plans for the buckets and the marbles will have been created, and so now we're ready to go ahead and execute.

In execution phase we have two people talking, scope manager, cuz it's gotta hand out the identifier (marbles), and the virtual machine (it's the JavaScript engine that's executing code).

We have two people talking, again. We still have the scope manager, cuz he's gotta hand out the marbles. But we also now have a different person talking in the conversation. And that's the virtual machine, it's the JavaScript engine that's executing code.

So that conversation on line 1, remember, there's no var there, so the virtual machine (JavaScript engine) asks the scope manager, I have a target reference for a variable called teacher (You see in line 1, it's a target reference, it's receiving an assignment). Have you ever heard of this marble (identifier) called teacher? We're talking to the red bucket (global scope), remember. And it can only answer yes or no. So the scope manager says: yes, why? Because at compile-time we formally declared it.

Had we not formally declared it, things are different. But because at compile-time we formally declared something called teacher, now we know, yes, here's your red marble. So it's fundamentally a lookup. We're saying, hey, red bucket, do you have a marble called teacher? If so, please give it to me. And here we get the red marble.

And what are we gonna do with that marble? Well, we're gonna assign a value to it. That marble represents an area in memory that needs to get assigned to, essentially. So, we're gonna take the value from the right hand side, in this case, the string "Kyle", and assign it to that location represented by the red marble teacher.

In run-time (when we executing our code) if there were identifiers, we assign the values to variables (if they were in receiving position or target), or retrieving the values from it (if they were in source position).

And also in run-time the variables, does not have a var on them anymore.

That identifier, represents an area in memory that needs to get assignment of value (So, we're gonna take the value from the right hand side, and assign it to that location represented by that identifier).

Line 3 through 6, and line 8 through 11, those were declarations, they're not there anymore. They've been compiled away. So, execution would move to line 13. Let's talk about how line 13 executes.

In compile-time, the compiler declared all identifiers in line 3 through 6, and line 8 through 11, so in run-time (execution phase) we move to line 13.

Don't skip just to how the function runs inside. We first have to ask how the line 13 itself executes. Cuz JavaScript has gotta figure out that and execute it.

The otherClass identifier (what we see in function call line 13), is in source position. We're not assigning something to otherClass. So if we're not assigning to it, we are pulling a value out. We wanna know what is currently in the identifier otherClass. Because, in just a moment, we're about to turn the executor. So we need to go get it.

Now the virtual machine (JavaScript engine), ask global scope (scope manager), I've got a source referenc for a marble (identifier) called otherClass. Have you ever heard of it? Yes, and it give us the marble and the virtual machine pulls the value out from that location and memory conceptual, but the question is what is that value at this moment? It's the function that otherClass was declared to point at.

When we see an identifier for a function in run-time, the value of that identifier is the function, that identifier was declared to point at.

At compile-time, the identifier, was associated with that function. That reference to that value is there.

In the run-time the identifier that was declared to poit at function (otherClass()) with those parentheses (), they execute the thing that we just pulled out of that variable. And if we pulled out of that variable something that wasn't a function, like, null, or undefined, we get an error called a TypeError, because we would have a value like null, or undefined, but that is not a value that is legal to execute as a function.

So we're doing something illegal with that type, that's call the TypeError, a run-time error, where we're doing something with a value that's not allowed for that type.

So that's a good thing, because then, on line 13, those parentheses () that we see there on line 13, they execute the thing that we just pulled out of that variable.

In this case, because we got a function, so we can execute it, and moves to what 4. Line 4 does not have a var on it anymore but because of an assignment it does have, target operation.

So that conversation is gonna continue exactly like it did on line 1. Hey, scope of otherClass (blue bucket), I have a target reference for a marble called teacher, ever heard of it? Yes. Here's your marble. So now we have a location in memory, that's a different place than the one from line 1. It's a different location in memory, cuz it's a different scope. We have this marble, and then we take the value "Suzy", and we assign into it, then line 4 is executed.

The console.log is an identifier (and it's in source position) that we didn't created, but it is an identifier. The JavaScript engine has that available to us as sort of like an auto global (it's already in global scope). And when it find it (in global scope), and look at the value of it, it's an object, it has a method call log, so it can invoke it.

If JavaScript engine look up for identifier, first asks for it in current scope if it wasn't there, it goes up one level until it gets to global scope, that's call the lexical scope.

Now in line 5, console.log, there a reference to identifier. Not one that we created, but there is an identifier (a marble ) on the list. Which is call console, that's got to exist somewhere. The JavaScript engine has that available to us as sort of like an auto global. Not something we created, but it's available nonetheless.

So the same process, we would basically say, hey scope of otherClass, have you ever heard of a marble called console? Cuz that's in the source position. Now, has otherClass ever defined a marble called console? No, so what's going to happen then, and this is the key to understanding lexical scope, is that if we cannot find a variable that is referenced within the scope, that was declared within the scope, we go up one level, in this case to the global scope, and we would say, hey, global scope, have you ever heard of an identifier called console? And even though we didn't formally declare it, it's an auto global, it's already there, there's already a red marble called console.

So what is global scope gonna do? Here's your red marble, and we can look on that marble. It's an object, it has a method call log, and so we can invoke it.

When we reference a variable in a source position, we have to first look it up, and when you reference a variable in a target position, we also have to first look it up.

So there is a look up process involved.

There is a very important takeaway that we should have:

We discover the source versus target position at compile-time, but we don't use that information until run-time.

Basically think of it like a plan (map), it's like a to do list for every scope, that's the executable code (what compiler outputs). And then when it runs is when it all actually comes into existence.

Every time we execute a function, the environment is recreated from scratch.

So the compiler output is not actually reserved memory, it's the plan for how to reserve memory and make identifier (marbles) and all that. And then every time we execute that plan is effected into memory.

We have finished executing line 5, and execution moves back. Now we're on line 14.

The JavaScript engine find a source reference for identifier called ask on line 14. And asks scope manager (here global scope), do you know about an identifier called ask? Yes, here's location in memory for that identifier called ask. so we go to that identifier (that location in memory) and it have a function (green bucket, the things we declared on line 8), in it.

So now we have a function, and that open close parenthesis executes the function. Now execution moves to line 9. Now, there's no more var. And now the JavaScript engine asks, green bucket (scope of ask), I have a target reference for identifier called question, ever heard of it? Yes, here your identifier location in memory. So we don't care what's in it right now. We go and get the value from the right-hand side ("Why?"), we assign into that location of memory and line 9 is finished.

Now, line 10. We remember how the console works. So the JavaScript engine doesn't find console on that scope, it goes to the global scope, finds it, finds a method called log. But before it can execute log, it's gotta figure out what's being passed to it. So in line 10, it's a reference to another marble. So we gotta look that up. Again it asks green bucket scope manager (scope of ask), I have a source reference for identifier called question, ever heard of it? Yes, here's your green marble.

And now, because we're not assigning to it, now we want the value that's currently in it. So we go to that area of memory. We pull the value out, which happens to be the string ("Why?") in this case. And that argument is assigned to the parameter that console.log is receiving. So arguments (the things that we pass in) get assigned to the parameters that receive them.

An argument: is a value passed to a function when the function is called. Whenever any function is called during the execution of the program there are some values passed with the function. These values are called arguments. An argument when passed with a function replaces with those variables which were used during the function definition and the function is then executed with these values.

A parameter: is a variable used to define a particular value during a function definition. Whenever we define a function we introduce our compiler with some variables that are being used in the running of that function. These variables are often termed as Parameters. The parameters and arguments mostly have the same value but theoretically, are different from each other.

When a function is called, the values that are passed in the call are called arguments. The values which are written at the time of the function prototype and the definition of the function.
These are used in function call statement to send value from the calling function to the called function. These are used in function header of the called function to receive the value from the arguments.
During the time of call each argument is always assigned to the parameter in the function definition. Parameters are local variables which are assigned value of the arguments when the function is called
They are also called Actual Parameters They are also called Formal Parameters


The JavaScript engine before execute method (like log in console), first it's gotta figure out what's being passed to it (if what we passed in is an identifier).

And that identifier we passed in to the console.log is in a source position, so we go to that area of memory, and pull the value out. And that argument (the value we pull it out and passed to the console.log()) is assigned to the parameter that console.log is receiving.

So arguments (the values that we pass in) get assigned to the parameters that receive them.

We can think about a parameter, in a function definition, like a variable that is in target position. And argument (if we have an identifier to passed in to the function call) is in a source position.

We can think about a parameter, like if I had function ask() and it took a parameter, the parameter is a target reference (variable). And if we have an identifier in an argument position like in line 10, is a source reference.

And in the end, it becomes something like this:



The JavaScript is not an interpreted language that it goes step by step one line at a time. But rather, we should think about JavaScript as a two pass processing.

First pass, we could call it compilation (or parsing), we're gonna go through the entire code. And there's lots of things that happen during the parsing and compilation, but the main thing that happens is all of the scopes (all of those colored marble buckets, the plan for those all) get created, we figure out where all the scope boundaries are.

And indeed, all of the identifier references, those are color coded as marbles. And we'll use that information about the color of the marble and what bucket it comes from, in the second pass when we execute code.

The first pass is compilation, and the second pass is execution. In the compilation phase, it's the parser (or compiler) and the scope manager , And in execution phase (run-time), we have JavaScript virtual machine (or JavaScript engine) and the scope manager.

JavaScript engine = execution engine = virtual machine = VM

The parser in compilation phase looking for formal declaration (like var or function), and if the formal declaration there was before, it do nothing. And if there wasn't, the scope manager will create that identifier on that scope.

The reason for that chaking or question is, if we'd seen a formal declaration (like var) of same identifier a couple of times in the same scope, we don't need to make multiple identifiers (marbles) with the same name.

It only needs to be created once for the same scope, and there really is no such thing as recreating it.

If the identifier pointing to a function, besides creating its identifier, it also creates a new scope.

Whenever an identifier is not in a target position (receiving an assignment of value), is in source position. If it's not target receiving something, it must be a source, cuz that's the only two options.

Dynamic Global Variables:

Another example with corner cases:

1.  var teacher = "Kyle";
3.  function otherClass() {
4.    teacher = "Suzy";
5.    topic = "React";
6.    console.log("Welcome!");
7.  }
9.  otherClass();                    // Welcome!
11. teacher;                         // "Suzy"
12. topic;                           // "React"

// Scope

First Step: compilation

In compilation stage we looking for formal declarations and create identifiers for them, but in execution stage we see that identifiers is in source position or target position.

So processing begins with the compiler talking to the scope manager. And the compiler says on line 1, hey scope manager (global scope), we have a formal declaration for teacher (in execution it will be a target reference but, during the compilation, we have a formal declaration), ever of it? No, so we go ahead and create red marble.

We will heard of teacher in execution. but in compilation stage we'd never heard of it.

In line 3 we have the formal declaration. Hey global scope, ever heard of formal declaration for an identifier called otherClass? No, and here's your red marble (and goes in the red bucket).

And because it is a function, It needs its own bucket, so the scope manager creates blue bucket. And now we step into that scope and make its plan. And because there is no var there, we don't make any blue marbles.

If in compilation stage there is identifier, but without formal declaration (such as var or function), the scope manager didn't create identifier for it.

But in execution stage the JavaScript engine, will go up one level until it gets to global scope and if it didn't find it there too, it will auto global it, which means it will create that identifier in global scope.

So from the perspective of the compiler, we didn't have any formal declarations, so there's no marbles to create. So we're done with the blue bucket. Effectively it exists, but effectively it has no marbles in it.

Now, we step back out to the global scope. And there is no more formal declaration. So we're done with compilation.

Second Step: execution

So we remember, there's no formal declarations but there are executable statements. Line 1 has an executable statement. And so the JavaScript engine says, hey, global scope, I have a target reference for teacher, ever heard of it? Yes, here's your red marble. So we take the value "Kyle", we assign it into the red marble (teacher), and we are complete.

Now remember, functions are declarations, they don't really exist. At least, they're only here symbolically. So we're going to move from the function to the next execution line of code, which would be line 9.

In execution stage, because functions and other kind of formal declarations aren't exist (they're only there symbolically), the JavaScript engine skip them.

So in line 9, hey global scope (the red bucket), I have a source reference for an identifier called otherClass, have you ever heard of it before? Yes, Here's your red marble. And in red marble is a reference to the function which we've called otherClass here which has attached to it this blue bucket of scope. So we find that function, we execute it with the parenthesis () on line 9, and execution moves to line 4.

Now on line 4, hey, blue bucket, I have a target reference (because it is receiving an assignment) for teacher, ever heard of it? No. So we go up one level. Hey, global scope, I have a target reference for teacher ever heard of it? Yes, here's your red marble (Important to see that it's a red marble here not a blue marble).

Even though we're inside of the blue scope, we are referencing a red marble. So we get a red marble and when we assign "Suzy" to it, we are assigning over the value that was currently there ("Kyle"), because it's the same marble in this case. This wasn't shadowed because we didn't declare teacher inside of the otherClass function.

Scope and Corner Cases

Moving on then to line 5. And, it's gonna process exactly the same, same questions. Hey scope of otherClass, I have a target reference for the identifier called topic, ever heard of it? No, so we go up one level to global scope. A global scope, I have a target reference for the variable called topic. Ever heard of it?

Here we see one of the historical bad parts of JavaScript which is in the early days to be as forgiving as possible for people that didn't understand the language, they instituted this idea of auto global's. So if we try to assign to a variable that's never been formally declared. Once we arrive at the global scope, if we say hey, global scope, we're looking for this marble called topic, ever heard of it? And the global scope instead of saying nope, sorry error, the global scope's gonna say I just created one for you. And it's gonna hand us a red marble, not a blue marble. Why do we suppose it only hands us a red marble and not a blue marble? Cuz we're talking to the global scope now. We've already passed up the scope where that would have been formally declared and now we're talking to the global scope and it's the global scope that gives us the variable.

If we try to assign to a variable that's never been formally declared (on that scope). Once we go up one level and arrive at the global scope, if there wasn't variable with that identifier, the global scope's gonna created it for us (in a run-time or execution phase), we call this idea auto global.

Even when we wrote that identifier in the first place inside another scope than global scope, because the global scope created and gives us that variable, it is a global scope variable (red marble).

And we should keep it in mind creating a declaration at compile-time and creating it dynamically during the run-time, have differences. There are performance differences and other sorts of things but mechanically they are two global variables at this point.

Never ever under any circumstances did you intentionally auto-create global's like that. Always declare the variables that we want to use declare them in whatever scope we need them in, but don't auto-create them.

But we should keep it in mind, if we have non-declared variable without assigning to some value, we still get ReferenceError when we execute the code.

So we've created an auto global called topic which that sounds terrible. But now there's a global variable called topic and when we get that red marble back and make the assignment on line 5, there's a global variable now with the value "React" in it.

Q: Do the auto global would occur also if topic = "react" were in the global scope under variable of teacher (for example it was in line 2)?

A: That's true, any assignment to a variable that is undeclared at that moment, not declared to any scope we have access to. Any undeclared variable is going to end up creating this auto global.

Now, the reason why that happens is because we'll notice that this program is not running in strict-mode. But this is running in the non-strict-mode or sometimes called, sloppy-mode. We should be using strict-mode, and if we were using strict-mode, we wouldn't see this behavior. But since this code snip it isn't, that's what happens, as we end up creating a global variable called topic.

If we use strict-mode instead of using non-strict-mode (or sometimes called sloppy-mode), we wouldn't see this auto-create global.

We execute console.log the same way as we have before. So execution is then done in the function. Execution moves to line 11. So hey global scope (red bucket), I have a source reference to a variable called teacher, ever heard of it? Yes, so we go get that marble and we look for its value. And the value is "Suzy". Because of line 4, we've overwritten the value in that variable. It's not a separate variable (marble).

So line 12 then, hey global scope, I have a source reference for topic, ever heard of topic? Yes, here's your red marble. and the value of that red marble is "React".

Q: If line 11 was actually in line 8, teacher would still be "Kyle"?

A: Yes, it's correct.

Q: What would happen if line 12 was on line 8?

A: We will get ReferenceError. There would be no identifier. But because there is an identifier on line 12 the function otherClass auto created it by assigning to a non-declared variable.

Strict Mode:

1.  "use strict";
3.  var teacher = "Kyle";
5.  function otherClass() {
6.    teacher = "Suzy";
7.    topic = "React";           // ReferenceError
8.    console.log("Welcome!"):
9.  }
11. otherClass();

// Scope

So now if we flip on strict-mode, which we do by putting this strict-mode fragment at the top of any scope, preferably at the top of our program, the top of our file, or at the top of any function.

If we turn on strict-mode, all the same processing is going to happen. But when we arrive at line 7 and we say, hey scope of otherClass, I have this target reference for topic ever heard of it? No, so we go to the global scope and we say, global scope have you ever heard of topic, and the global scope gonna respond with ReferenceError, never heard of it.

Whenever we are in non-strict-mode (or sloppy-mode), and we have a target reference for a non-declared variable, we will auto create it (auto global) in run-time.

And if in non-strict-mode, we try to get non-declared variable that is in a source position, global scope throw us a ReferenceError.

If we have any kind of reference (target or source) for non-declared variable in strict-mode, global scope throw us a ReferenceError (instead of auto create it, if non-declared variable was in target position).

That's what we would like to happen all of the time. It now happens as the result of strict-mode, we get a ReferenceError. So one of the many, many reasons why it would be good for us to be using strict-mode. It will avoid mistakes like line 7, cuz it almost certainly a mistake, it should not be something we intentionally try to create global.

The difference between TypeErrors and ReferenceErrors are , TypeErrors are when we found the variable and the value that it is currently holding, is not legal to do whatever we're trying to do with it. Like trying to execute or access a property on an undefined or null, things like that, that's TypeError. A ReferenceError is, when JavaScript engine couldn't find that variable on any scope that we have access to.

Q: Is strict-mode always pretty on ES6?

A: The strict-mode is not always on. It's true that tools like babel and other transpilers basically always put the strict-mode in there for us. So if we're using transpired code, it was almost a virtual certainty that our code is running in strict-mode. But JavaScript is not default the strict-mode because then that would break a bunch of programs. So that were written 20 years ago or something. So because of backwards compatible, we will always have to opt into strict-mode. Another little caveat inside of certain kinds of mechanisms within ES6 and going forward, it is assumed to be in strict-mode. So we don't even type it, so inside of a class, or inside of ES6 module, inside of both of those, strict-mode is assumed, we don't even have to put the strict-mode, is just assume that, that code is running in strict-mode. But as a general rule for JavaScript itself, it's not in strict-mode unless we opt-in.

In the babel and other transpilers, basically always put the strict-mode in there for us.

By default ES6 class and ES6 module are executed in the strict-mode.

So in stric mode, we can't auto create variables, you have to declare them.

Nested Scope:

This is an example of a nested scope:

1.  var teacher = "Kyle";
3.  function otherClass() {
4.    var teacher = "Suzy";
6.    function ask(question) {
7.      console.log(teacher, question);
8.    }
10.   ask("Why?");
11. }
13. otherClass();                   // Suzy Why?
14. ask("???");                     // ReferenceError

// Scope

We start by looking at line 1, that's a formal declaration that makes a red marble. Line 3 is a formal declaration that also creates a red marble. Line 4 and 6 both are the formal declaration that create a blue marble.

And now, we are inside of ask, in line 7, there is no marbles, but there are reference to marbles. So on line 7 when we reference teacher, it's a blue marble. And the question in line 7, is a green marble. Because the question is a variable inside of the scope of the function ask.

The function declarations make their identifier in their enclosing scope.

We shoud know the parameters are variables inside of the scope of that function.

Even though it doesn't have a var there, a parameter is formally creating an identifier in that scope.

So we'd have a teacher being a blue marble and question being a green marble.

The value of the question is "Why?", because on line 10, when we execute line 10, we have a value there which we might have had to look up, but in this case it's a literal. And the "Why?" gets assigned to the variable question, so that execution happens at line 10 before ask starts executing. So when we then ask for the marble that we find, which is a green marble and we ask for the value of question, it the "Why?".

Whenever our function have arguments, the values of that arguments will be assigned to the parameters of that function first, and then the function itself will be executed.

What's gonna happen with line 14? How does line 14 execute? Hey global scope, I have a source reference for an identifier called ask, ever heard of it? No, so we have a ReferenceError.

Even though ask exist within the program, it doesn't exist in any scope that we have access to at this moment. So it is therefore an undeclared variable. Because we're not in strict-mode, unlike auto globals which go ahead and create a marble for us, if we have a source referenced to a variable that is undeclared, it always throws a ReferenceError. That's why it's critical to understand the difference between a target reference and a source reference. At least if you're in non-strict-mode. Once you go to strict-mode, they both behave exactly the same, so it stops mattering as much target versus reference.

If in non-strict-mode, we have a source referenced to a variable that is undeclared (it doesn't exist in any scope that we have access to at that moment), it always throws a ReferenceError. And if the variable is in the target reference, the global scope will be auto created it (auto global).

But in strict-mode, it doesn't matter undeclared variable is in the source position or the target position, the JavaScript engine will always throw us a Reference Error.

Q: When we're passing the "Why?" to ask on line 10, is there behind the scenes, is JavaScript saying var question = "Why?" at some point?

A: Sort of, I think conceptually it works to think about arguments being assigned to parameters. It's not technically that, but it's close enough that it works for this particular narrative exercise.

Nested Scope

Undefined vs Undeclared:

What is the difference between undefined and undeclared?

Undefined: means a variable exists but at the moment it has no value. It may have never had a value or it might have used to have a value and it doesn't anymore but there is no other value and the vacuum of space it is undefined.

Undeclared: is actually never formally declared in any scope that we have accessed to (we do not have a marble for it). And in strict-mode, it always results in those ReferenceErrors.

Unfortunately, JavaScript tries to mess around with this and pretend that undeclared is sort of the same thing as undefined and some of its error messages and other outputtings and things and not is historically a really bad idea. We need to keep these two concepts separate. There's a different something being undeclared (doesn't exist), and being undefined (definitely it does exist, but doesn't have a value).

Scope & Function Expressions:

Function Expressions:

We've been talking about functions in the compilation phase, adding their identifier (as a colored marble) in the enclosing scope.

1. function teacher() { /* .. */ }
3. var myTeacher = function anotherTeacher() {
4.    console.log(anotherTeacher);
5. };
7. console.log(teacher);
8. console.log(myTeacher);
9. console.log(anotherTeacher);                   //ReferenceError

// Scope: which scope?

In this example teacher in line 1 (function declaration), creates a red marble but anotherTeacher in line 3 (function expression) creates a blue marble.

In line 3 identifier called myTeacher creates red marble. We do know that there's a function called anotherTeacher there, so we need to create a bucket for it at least. We need to make a blue bucket. But because that function is not a declaration, we're not gonna handle its marble color in the same way. The key difference here is that the anotherTeacher identifier (line 3), is going to end up as a marble at compile-time but it's gonna be a different colored marble than we expect. It's not a red marble, it's a blue marble. So the blue scope is where the blue marble anotherTeacher ends up.

One if the key differences between function declarations and function expressions, is that function declarations add their name or identifier (they attach their marble), to the enclosing scope, whereas function expressions will add their name (marble) to their own scope.

Another difference is function declarations are hoisted but function expressions did not hoisted.

That's why on line 4, we can reference in anotherTeacher because there is in fact a blue marble called anotherTeacher. But down on line 9, there is no anotherTeacher. so when we're out in the global scope and we asked global scope you ever heard of this red marble, it's gonna say nope, never heard of that red marble and what we're gonna get there, ReferenceError.

So key difference, function expressions, put there identifiers into their own scope.

There's a little, also, additional nuance which is not only does that blue marble show up in the blue scope but it's also read only. You cannot reassign anotherTeacher on line 4, to some other value.

Named Function Expressions:

What is a named function expression? That means a function expression that's been given a name.

1. var clickHandler = function() {
2.    // ...
3. };
5. var keyHandler = function keyHandler() {
6.    // ...
7. };

// Named Function Expressions

Why line 1 is a function expression? Because it's not a function declaration.

How do we know someting is a function declaration?

If the word "function" is literally the first thing in the statement. So if it's not the first thing in the statement, if there's a variable or an operator or parentheses or anything, then it's not a declaration, it is an expression.

So on line 1, we see a function expression, but we see no name. So that's called a anonymous function expression, whereas the one on line 5 is a named function expression.

We should always, 100%, zero exception, prefer the named function expression, over the anonymous function expression.

Why we sould always, always use named function expressions?

  • Reliable function self-reference (the name produces or creates a reliable self-reference to the function from inside of itself). That is useful if we're going to make the function recursive, or that function is an event handler of some sort and it needs to reference itself to unbind itself. or it's useful if we need to access any properties on that function object such as its length or its name or other thing of that sort. Anytime we might need a self-reference to the function, the single only right answer to that question is, it needs to have a name.
  • More debuggable stack traces. So automatically by naming our functions, we make our code and stack traces more debuggable.
  • More self-documenting code. If we have a function that is anonymous, and we look at that function to figure out what that anonymous function is doing, we have to read the function body and we also probably have to read where it's being parsed.

In that previous example, when we had a variable name that was in the global scope, and then we had our function expression. Would it be more or less reliable for us to make a reference to a marble in our own scope that is read only, or to reference a marble in an enclosing scope that is not read only? If we wanted to reference ourself from inside of the function, and we had the choice between referencing ourself with a marble in our own scope that is read only (the name of our function expression) or self-reference ourself with the variable that our function had been assigned to in the outer scope, which isn't by default read only.

Q: Which one of those two would be the better self-reference?

A: The first one, the one that we own and that is read only is a more reliable self-reference. So if there's any possible chance remotely that you're gonna need a self-reference, it's best to go ahead and name it. Even if you don't need it now, you might need it in the future, it's best to go ahead and name it.

Q: When we just name the function expression the same thing that we will name the variable of the scope above, is that a case of shadowing?

A: Yes, it is a case of shadowing.

We should remember, the purpose of code is not to be convenient for us to type. The purpose of code is for us to communicate more clearly our intent.

Q: What happens if we assign an anonymous function to property, or to a variable or something, what happens to the name?

A: Well, it's still an anonymous function, it still doesn't have a lexical self-reference to itself. Could we reference the variable in the outer scope? Of course we can, but it's a little less reliable, a little less trustable, and a little less semantic.

In 99.9% of all cases where people use anonymous functions expressions is as callbacks. They pass them in line directly to other functions (like .map, .then and etc.) and guess what? When we pass a function expression in a call position, there's no way to infer any name from it. So we don't get the benefit of that name inference, we have to assign it to a variable to get the name inference or to a property. And if we're gonna go to the trouble to assign it to a variable why not just make it a declaration? Why write a variable and then have to write the name twice? So we should prefer function declarations with names. If we're gonna pass in a function expression, put a name on it just like we would have if it were a function declaration, give it the same name.

Every function that exists in our program, every single function has a purpose. And if every function has a purpose, it means every function has a name.

If we can not come up with a name for the function, it probably means that we don't understand that function yet. It probably means, that function is too complex (means this function is doing too much), and needs to be broken down into smaller pieces until such a time as those names are completely self obvious, and then put them there.

The arrow functions are anonymous.

So Kyle Simpson think we shouldn't use anonymous function expressions. And because arrow functionds don't have name, the only way that we can figure out what that arrow function is doing, is to read it's function body. But the name of the funciton can tell us the purpose of that function.

We can put lots of more information in there that semantically tells the reader of our code what its purpose is, that would not be obvious in the code (names like getPersonId or defaultPersonId).

So don't use arrow functions for this purpose. Later we'll see the one and only one exception that we have to the arrow functions rule, which is their lexical this behavior. But Kyle Simpson does not endorse or recommend or suggest using them as a general replacement for any function.

(Named) Function Declaration > Named Function Expression > Anonymous Function Expression

So the function declaration has some benefits over the named function expression. But then named function expressions have huge benefits over the anonymous function expressions.

Lexical and Dynamic Scope:

The idea that a compiler (a parser or a processor) is figuring out all those scopes ahead of time before being executed, that's what we mean by the concept of lexical scopes.

That's where that name even comes from, that lex shares the same root as the first stage of parsing, the lexer.

We have two type of Scope model:

  • Lexical Scope: It's an author-time decision and all the scopes (where the function and variables written) create in compile-time. So when we talk about Lexical Scope, we think about something that is fixed at author-time and it's predictable, it is not affected by run-time conditions.

  • Dynamic Scope: It creates in run-time. The Bash script is an example of Dynamic scope language and it makes sense because Bash Script is an interpreted language so it has no run-time term. So we can say the Dynamic scope is the opposite of the Lexical Scope, and it implies that the run-time (the dynamic) conditions of your program, are going to affect something about the scoping.

The vast majority of all programming languages in existence, and almost certainly all programming languages that we've ever worked with, are in fact lexically scoped.

The JavaScript is absolutely, definitely, 100% lexically scoped.

The Dynamic Scope is not very common at all, we generally only see this in a few old academic languages and maybe some different modes.

Lexical Scope and Dynamic Scope in Action:

1.  var teacher = "Kyle";
3.  function ask(question) {
4.      console.log(teacher, question);
5.  }
7.  function otherClass() {
8.      var teacher = "Suzy";
10.     ask("Why?");
11. }
13. otherClass();
14. // Output in Lexically Scoped language: Kyle Why?
15. // Output in Dynamically Scoped language: Suzy Why?

// Lexical Scope and Dynamic Scope

We know that Dynamic Scope exists in some languages, but it does not exist in JavaScript. So this is a theoretical example.

So in Lexically Scoped (JavaScript) language, when we execute the above code, we will see Kyle Why? in the console. Because we noticed the function ask (on line 3), is making reference to a variable called teacher that does not exist in its own scope. And we would normally think of it as resolving to that teacher variable (on line 1 which equals to "Kyle") because that's how we think lexically.

But theoretically in a Dynamically scoped language, it wouldn't even consult the lexical scope nesting, it would say, where was ask function called from? It was called from the scope of otherClass and it would end up resolving teacher to that teacher variable (on line 8 which equals to "Suzy"). So when the code execute we will see Suzy Why? in the console.

The idea of a Dynamic Scope is the idea that a function's references to its variables are depended upon where that function was called from. The same function called from 100 different places ends up giving 100 different answers to what the variables are.

So in Dynamic Scope, it is scope that is determined based upon the conditions at run-time, whereas Lexical Scope is determined at author-time (or compile-time).

In a simple way Lexical Scope is fixed and predictable. And Dynamic Scope is flexible.

Even though JavaScript does not have Dynamic Scope, it does have a mechanism that gives us this same kind of flexibility.

Usage of Function Scoping:

In the below, there is a Name Collision. And if for resolving the problem, we turn this code:

var teacher = "Kyle";

// ..

var teacher = "Suzy";
cobsole.log(teacher);   // Suzy -- oops

// ..

cobsole.log(teacher);   // Suzy -- oops

// Function Scoping

Into this one:

var teacher = "Kyle";

function anotherTeacher() {
  var teacher = "Suzy";
  console.log(teacher);   // Suzy


cobsole.log(teacher);   // Kyle

// Function Scoping

We still have a Naming Collision, we just shifted it to a different variable name (anotherTeacher).

Name Collision: When two different entities used the same semantic name in the same scope.

There's a principle within Software Development, it's called the principle of least exposure or the principle of least privilege, that says this: You should default to keeping everything private, and only exposing the minimal necessary.

That's one of the core principles of software engineering, because it essentially sets up a defensive posture. And we can solve three main problems by using this defensive posture:

  • If we hide something within a scope, or hide something on a namespace or do some other sort of hiding, then we reduce the surface area for name collisions. (so number one, we solve naming collision problems.)
  • If we hide something, it means that somebody else can't accidentally of intentionally misuse that thing. If we expose it publicly, everybody can use it. (so number two, if we hide something, then we prevent other from accessing it.)
  • If we hide something, like one of those implementation details, or like a variable name, we protect ourself for future refactoring. (so the third one, and probably the most core and important reason for this principle, it's often overlooked.)

But, right now, this usage of a function is not really accomplishing that task, because the problem is that now we have a function that has a name in that scope. It has the name anotherTeacher. So we didn't really fix the naming collision problem at all, we just shifted it to a different variable name.

Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE):

This is true that in the previous example, we have a new scope, and we could contain any assignments of that scope, but we still have a naming collision problem, so we need a better way of using our knowledge of scope.

We can resolve this problem by using function expression:

var teacher = "Kyle";

(function anotherTeacher() {
  var teacher = "Suzy";
  console.log(teacher);   // Suzy

cobsole.log(teacher);   // Kyle

// Function Scoping: IIFE

But probably we have seen this code with an anonymous function expression form.

Even if we put the called function's name inside the parentheses like this:


It may looks weird, but it still totally works. And the reason it's gonna execute is because it's gonna do the same thing as in the previous slide, which is to go get the value in that variable (all the values side the anotherTeacher) first, and then the second set the parentheses is gonna execute it.

So we create IIFE. That's where this comes from, using a function expression to create a scope, and immediately invoking it. We only need it for that moment, just so we can have a scope. So it runs once and then it kinda goes away.

Q: Why is this not a function declaration?

A: Because the word function is not the first thing in the statement.

In the below example we make named function expression to anonymous function expression and just pass in a value to a parameter instead of making an assignment.

var teacher = "Kyle";

(function (teacher) {
  console.log(teacher);   // Suzy

cobsole.log(teacher);   // Kyle

// Function Scoping: IIFE

Block Scoping:

We can get the previous example (function scope) and turns it to block scope form.

var teacher = "Kyle";

  let teacher = "Suzy";
  console.log(teacher);   // Suzy

cobsole.log(teacher);   // Kyle

// Block Scoping: encapsulation

The Block Scoping, it's scoping that's done with blocks (curly braces {}) instead of with functions.

When we use Block Scoping, same principle is gonna apply. We wanna put something inside of a block (instead of inside of the enclosing scope), because:

  • We wanna hide it, so that it has fewer chances of name collision.
  • We wanna protect a detail.
  • We wanna protect future refactoring.

All the same principle applies. It's just the mechanism we use is now a Block Scope declaration instead of an IIFE (function scope), for example.

It's a lot lighter weight. It also has less side effects in the sense it doesn't redefined anything about returns or breaks or any of that other stuff, so blocks are a bit easier and lighter weight to put into places. They're not expressions, so we can't use them in places where we can use expressions. But if we have them in a place that's a statement, it's totally okay.

We can't use var in this example, because of historically the difference between the var and let or const:

  • The var has been attaching itself to the outer function scope or global scope.
  • But with the let or const we can make a declaration inside of a block (curly braces {}) and it turns that block into a scope (or in other words, let and const attached themselves to their enclosing block scope).

Blocks are not Scopes until they have a let or const inside of them and then that sort of implicitly makes them a scope.

Choosing let or var:

This is an example that shows us where we should use var and where we should use let:

function repeat(fn, n) {
    var result;

    for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        result = fn(result, i);

    return result;

// Block Scoping: let + var

The var: When we have a variable that belongs to the entire function scope or needs to escape an unintended block, we use var. The var hoists and attaches itself to the function scope. The var can be reused within a scope, but let can not.

The let: When we have something that is naturally block scoped, we use let (for example in for loop). Or we want to use a variable for a few lines of code we create a block scope for it and then we only use let inside it.

Explicit let block:

When we're only going to use a variable for a few lines of code, and we should not just throw it into the top level of the scope. What we should do is create a scope for it:

function formatStr(str) {
    { let prefix, rest;
        prefix = str.slice(0, 3);
        rest = str.slice(3);
        str = prefix.toUpperCase() + rest;

    if (/^FOO:/.test(str)) {
        return str;

    return str.slice(4);

// Block Scoping: explicit let block

Open up a curly brace pair {} and create a scope just for those three lines of code to use the prefix and the rest variable, and then don't let them exist for any other part of the function.

Don't just say let prefix, and rest at the top of our function, open up a curly brace there.

If I have a variable that only needs to exist for a couple of lines, the way to do that is to make a block for it (with curly braces {}).

Note: Putting our declarations on the very same line as the opening curly brace helps to make it super clear to the reader, hey, these two are created for this block, and they exist only for the purpose of the block. As opposed to, we have to go looking for whether or not there are variables in this scope.

Q: Are we making this argument purely for semantics, or is there a performance benefit to doing something like that?.

A: It is extremely unlikely that we would ever see or be able to observe any performance difference. There are theoretical performance differences, like theoretically an offthread garbage collector could theoretically garbage collect it slightly earlier. Or theoretically it would reduce what was available to a closure. There are theoretic reasons, but in practice, you almost certainly would not see a performance difference this way.

The const:

This is an example that shows us, what happens when we declare a mutable value like an array with const. Mutating the value is totally allowed on line 8:

var teacher = "Suzy";
teacher = "Kyle";                      // OK

const myTeacher = teacher;
myTeacher = "Suzy";                    // TypeError1

const teachers = ["Kyle", "Suzy"];
teachers[1] = "Brian";                 // Allowed!

// Block Scoping: const(antly confusing)

Note: We should know that the const keyword, does not carry its own weight within the language. And this big cost that comes with const is not even unique to JavaScript.

The const does not mean that it doesn't change, it means a variable that can't be reassigned.

Maybe when we think of const, and we think of the word constant. What we're thinking to ourselves is, a thing that doesn't change. That's not what a programming language designer means by const. A programming language designer means a variable that can't be reassigned, and those are two entirely different things.

What the const keyword is actually saying, from a semantic perspective is, for the rest of this block, I promise it's not gonna get reassigned.

It's better to use const when we're assigning a value that is already a primitive and therefore immutable like strings, booleans, numbers. It used as a semantic placeholder for those literals. That's what constants are supposed to be for. They're supposed to give semantic meaning as placeholders.

So we should default to using var. Use let where it is helpful, use const sparingly only with immutable primitive values.


We should know that, the word hoist literally did not even appear in the JavaScript specification. Because turns out that hoisting is not a real thing.

The JavaScript engine does not hoist, it does not move things around the way it is suggested with hoisting.

Hoisting is an english language convention that we have made up to discuss the idea of lexical scope, without thinking about lexical scope.

This very simple piece of code, proves to us why hoisting doesn't actually exist:

student;                        // undefined
teacher;                        // undefined
var student = "you";
var teacher = "Kyle";

// Scope: hoisting

In lexical scope discussion we would first pass through this as the compiler, and then we would pass through it as an execution.

But people don't think about this in terms of two passes. And that's where hoisting comes from. Cuz hoisting says, well, we could explain what really happens here, if there was this magical behavior called hoisting. Which was that any time JavaScript's execution engine entered a scope, it magically looked ahead and found all of the declarations wherever they were in that scope, and made variables for them. So it says the JavaScript engine goes and finds those variable declarations and moves them to the top of the scope before execution. That's literally how hoisting is described.

JavaScript does not actually reorganize our code by moving variable declarations up to the top.

Asking this question proves to us that, that's not really what happens: how are we going to figure out where all the vars are? We're gonna do some very sophisticated processing on the tokens that come later in that block until we find the end of the block. And then any of those places where a declaration could have occurred, then we can pull those out, and we could theoretically rearrange and move those. And guess what that magical, fancy processing would be called? That's called parsing.

If you wanna find the variable declarations further down in the block, the only way you can do that is with parsing.

Let see what happened in function:

function teacher() {
    return "Kyle";
var otherTeacher;

teacher();                      // Kyle
otherTeacher();                 // TypeError

otherTeacher = function() {
    return "Suzy";

// Scope: hoisting

For the exact same reason it doesn't move variables, it doesn't move functions. It handles them during the first pass, and then it executes.

To use the form of function where we only assign it to properties or variables (It means function expression), we have to have all of our functions defined before we call them. Otherwise we get TypeError like above example.

With using of function declaration we can simply put the executable code at the top, and put our function declarations at the bottom. But with function expression we can't do the same thing.

The difference between a function declaration and a function expression (including arrow functions) is function declaration hoisted but function expression did not.

This is critical to know:

When we assign a function expression to a variable, the variables decoration itself hoisted, but the assignment is a run-time thing. Even we have a function expression, compile-time still handled that function expression. It didn't defer handling. What didn't happen is it didn't get at compile-time, associated with some identifier in the scope, but it still got compiled.

All functions have a plan for their scope, until, and every time they get executed. So whether it was a declaration or an expression, when it gets executed is when that whole mapper plan becomes a real thing in memory, and every time it gets executed, that is the case.

Hoisting Example:

This example can trick us if we're not used to thinking about hoisting as a two-pass system:

var teacher = "Kyle";
otherTeacher();                 // undefined

function otherTeacher() {
    var teacher = "Suzy";

// Scope: hoisting

When should use hoisting and when not:

// var hoisting?
// usually bad :/
teacher = "Kyle";
var teacher;

// function hoisting?
// IMO actually pretty useful
getTeacher();                   // Kyle

function getTeacher() {
    return teacher;

// Scope: hoisting

Hoisting and let:

This example shows us if we use variable before it declared (only if it was let or const), we get a TDZ error:

    teacher = "Kyle";           // TDZ error!
    let teacher;

// Hoisting: let gotcha

If we use a variable before it declared (with let or const), we get a TDZ error (Temporal Dead Zone error).

This statement, "let doesn't hoist", is wrong.

This example proves to us, that let (and const) will be hoist too:

1. var = teacher = "Kyle";
3. {
4.     console.log(teacher);    // TDZ error!
5.     let teacher = "Suzy";
6. }

// Hoisting: let gotcha

In above code, if the teacher on line 5 did not host, then line 4 should print out "Kyle". Because there is no teacher as of line 4 and it should go to the outer scosdfsdfpe and find the variable from line 1. But this code still throws a TDZ error, and the reason is because let and const still hoist.

There is a difference between how var and let or const hoist:

  • let and const only hoist to a block, whereas var hoists to a function.
  • When var creates its variable in the compile-time, it initialize it to undefined, but when let and const hoist and create their variables, they do NOT initialize it. It is in an uninitialized state.

Uninitialized being different than undefined. Uninitialized meaning you can't touch it yet. And it doesn't get initialized until in that block you run across the let or the const declaration.

So let and cont absolutely do hoist, which is why we still get a TDZ error, it's just that they don't get initialized.

The reason TDZ exists is not even for let, TDZ exists because of const.

Imagine const being attached inside of a block scope and initialized itself to undefined. And then on line 1 of a block, we did console.log of that variable and we saw it undefined, and then later we saw it with the value 42 (for example). Technically, that const would have had two different values at two different times, which academically violates the concept of a const. So they prevent us from accessing a variable earlier in the scope. So let's have a TDZ, because const academically needed a TDZ.




Origin of Closure:

The closure was introduced in JavaScript in the mid to late 90s.

In 1995, when Brendan Eich was hired to go to Netscape, and he was wanting to put Scheme in the browser. Scheme being an old functional programming language. That JavaScript is probably, in some respects, related to something like Scheme, than even to Java or C++.

We could say that, the only other language at the time that was really maybe starting to become more consumer-oriented and had closure would have been Perl.

So JavaScript's either the first or nearly the first language to move in that direction to have closure.

And as things stand today, 25 years later, every single language has closure because it turns out that closure is just that important.

It's not only functional programming that uses closure, but closure is used in lots of different places. It's used for asynchronous AJAX. It's use for all sorts of different things.

The closure as an idea is actually predating computer science, it actually comes to us from lambda calculus. It even predates the idea of a programming language in that sense.

What is Closure?

As far as I'm concerned, this is the right answer to that question:

The Closure is when a function is able to "remember" and access its lexical scope (the variables outside of itself, so-called free variables), even when that function executes in a different scope.

Important Note: So this definition has two part (without these two parts, we don't have a closure. We have to have both of them.):

  • The function is able to access its lexical scope: We already know that, this is lexical scope definition in itself! lexical scope is that a function can reference variables outside of itself and it just goes up the scope chain to find it.

  • The second part is the critical part. Without the second part, it's just lexical scope. With the second part of this definition, which is, even when the function is executed in a different scope, now we start to see something interesting. Cuz when we take a function and we pass it as a callback, or we take a function and return it back, the scope that it was originally defined in (at least conceptually), has gone away. And we would think, normally, it's been garbage collected, it's done. But there's a function that survived that was defined within that scope. It turns out that the scope didn't go away at all. It turns out that this function is able to hold on to a reference to that scope, and wherever we pass the function, it continues to have access to that. That doesn't happen by accident. That's not magical, that's closure.

The preservation, the linkage back to the original scope where it was defined, no matter where we pass that value, no matter where it executes, it retains that value. It preserves that scope. That's called closure.

So let's take a look at some examples of closure:

function ask(question) {
    setTimeout(function waitASec() {
    }, 100);

ask("What is closure?");   // What is colsure?

// Closure

At the time that waitASec function runs, the ask function has already finished, and the variable question which it's closed over should have gone away. But it didn't go away because closure preserved it, so-called the waitASec function is closed over the variable question. That's a closure.

Now, academically, they think about closure on a per variable-basis, meaning only the variables that we're closed over, those are the only ones that are preserved. But at least the latest information that we have, JavaScript engines essentially implement closure as a linkage to the entire scope, not on a per variable-basis. So it's best to assume that closure, even though academically it's per variable, it's best to assume closure is a scope-based (a per scope basis) operation.

To create a closure don't need to do something special, just have to access a variable outside and then we have to pass the function somewhere.

If we're in a language that has first-class functions and lexical scope, we're gonna have closure, because if we didn't have closure we would pass the function somewhere, and all over sudden, it would forget about all its variables it wouldn't make sense not to.

Another example of closure:

1.  function ask(question) {
2.      return function holdYourQuestion() {
3.          console.log(question);
4.      }
5.  }
7.  var myQuestion = ask("What is closure?");
9.  // ..
11. myQuestion();   // What is closure

// Closure

Here is the exact same thing. If we returned a function here that is closed over the question variable, then even though the ask function has finished, by line 11, we still have access to that variable.

It's Not a snapshot of the variable, but the actual variable itself. That's called closure.

Closing Over Variables:

We maybe think of closure, snapshoting a value, that we're capturing some value at some moment. That is NOT what closure is. As a matter of fact, closure has not got anything to do with the values at all. We don't close over a value. There's no such thing as closing over a value, we close over a variable, which means we have a linkage to that variable. Means at the time we access it, we're seeing whatever value that variable has at that moment, not it had before.

Here's an example that shows us, the value is not a snapshot of variable:

1. var teacher = "Kyle";
3. var myTeacher = function() {
4.    console.log(teacher);
5. };
7. teacher = "Suzy";
9. myTeacher();       // Suzy

// Closure: NOT capturing a value

In this example when we create the myTeacher function on line 3, at that moment teacher has the value "Kyle". And then later we change teacher to the value "Suzy". And then line 9 when we execute the function what's it gonna print? Not "Kyle", we didn't close over the value "Kyle", we closed over the variable teacher. And when we execute that function, we're gonna access the value of it.

Don't think of closure as capturing values, think of it as preserving access to variables, a live link to all the variables that we are closed over.

This is an example of closure, that bites people the most (creating closures inside of a loop):

for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
    setTimeout(function() {
        console.log(`i: ${i}`);
    }, i * 1000);

// i: 4
// i: 4
// i: 4

// Closure: loops

This function, that is being created in each iteration, it has the appearance that what it's doing is closing over the i value in each iteration.

So we're expecting it to print out 1, 2, 3, but when we run it, it prints out 4, 4, 4. Why? Cuz there's only one i variable. There's an i variable on first line and there's only one of them, and we have three functions. If we wanted to have 3 separate values, we need 3 separate variables. And there's only one, so of course it can only have the one value. And in this case, it's gonna have the value that occurs at the end of the loop, which is the value 4.

If we wanted to solve this problem, and we analyzed that, we need separate variables, we do this:

for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
    let j = i;
    setTimeout(function() {
        console.log(`j: ${j}`);
    }, i * 1000);

// j: 1
// j: 2
// j: 3

// Closure: loops

So if we wanna create more than one variable with the same name, we need to make new scopes, right? So we could do an IIFE here, but the much more common way now that we have block-scoping (ES6), is to just stick a block-scoped declaration in the iteration. So now let j is going to run every time the for loop iterates. And it's gonna create a whole new j in that whole new iteration of the loop. There are three separate js and therefore we get the values in them 1, 2, and 3.

In this loop example we can see, the difference between capturing a value and closing over a variable.

But there's an even better way of solving this problem:

for (let i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
    setTimeout(function() {
        console.log(`i: ${i}`);
    }, i * 1000);

// i: 1
// i: 2
// i: 3

// Closure: loops

Why don't we just go ahead and make it so that if we use a let on our for loop we'll automatically create a new i for each iteration. Instead of creating just one that belongs to the whole for loop, here there's gonna be a brand new i for each iteration. Which means the closure just magically works.

The point is if we need multiple different values being closed over, we need to closed over multiple different variables, not try to capture values.

Q: So, the i is defined actually inside, even though it's written this way, but is it actually then defined inside the block?

A: Yes, it is interpreted as if each iteration there's a new declaration of i, and JavaScript takes care of assigning it the value that its cousin had at the end of the previous iteration. It wires up all that stuff for you.

Q: Is there any other case were that applies as well or is that the only one?

A: Yeah, for, for of, and for in, those three syntactic for loops automatically make their thing inside of the iteration.

Just as a little tiny detail, not that many people are gonna run across this. But if we did try to use a const there, we're gonna get an error because that i++ is trying to modify the variable (me: try to reassign it so we get error). So here we would need to use a let.

So closure is a preservation of the linkage to a variable, not the capturing of the value.

Module Pattern:

Before we look at what the module pattern is, we need to look at what the module pattern is not.

This is an extremely common pattern:

var workshop = {
    teacher: "Kyle",
    ask(question) {
        console.log(this.teacher, question);

workshop.ask("Is this a modules?");   // Kyle Is this a module?

// Namespace, NOT a module

Pattern: A common pattern where we have a set of behavior, like functions and a set of data that those functions operate on. And we wanna collect them together into some logical unit, the simplest way is to just make an object and put our data and our functions directly on the object.

I would say that this has a name, unofficially, but this had a name as a pattern, this is the Namespace Pattern.

Namespace: Taking a set of functions and data and putting them inside of an object (putting them as properties instead of variables), it is effectively collecting them into a namespace. Not really a syntactic feature of the language, but it's an idiom that we make namespaces with objects. And for years, people use it as the primitive data structure.

Nothing wrong with namespace pattern. But it is definitely, 100%, positively not a Module.

Why namespace pattern is not a module?

The reason it's not a module is that the module pattern requires the concept of encapsulation. All encapsulation really means is, not only have to collected data and behavior (methods) together, which is the namespace creates, but need some idea for information hiding, or some control over visibility.

The idea of a module, is that there are things that are public (public API), and there are things that are private, that's things that nobody on the outside can touch.

There's an idea of visibility, even if the only visibility notion is either public or private, that is still an incantation of the idea of encapsulation.

And in this example, we can clearly see that the properties and functions that exist are public, therefore it's Not a Module.

So if we wanna have a module, we gotta have encapsulation and data hiding.

The Classic Module Pattern (Revealing Module Pattern):

Modules Encapsulate data and behavior (methods) together. The state (data) of a module is held by its methods via Closure. In other world classic module patterns, Encapsulates data and it does so with Closure (that's key).

So we can't have a module, if we don't have closure. It's just not possible. Even the ES6 modules, conceptually, we need to think about them as closure.

This is the module pattern that was codified by Doug Crawford-ish in 2001:

1.  var workshop = (function Module(teacher) {
2.      var publicAPI = { ask, };
3.      return publicAPI;
5.      // ***********
7.      function ask(question) {
8.          console.log(teacher, question);
9.      }
10. })("Kyle");
12  workshop.ask("It's a module, right?");   // Kyle It's a module, right?

// Classic/Revealing module pattern

This Classic Module Pattern (Revealing Module Pattern) has two components to it:

  • Number one, we have an outer enclosing function (IIFE on line 1). And when we run a module as an IIFE, that's kind of like saying it's a singleton. Since we know IIFEs run once and then they're done, this is sort of like a singleton. It runs once, and then it's done, except done only in the air quote sense, because the closure is gonna prevent that scope from going away.

  • The second component then, is that we have an inner function (ask on line 7), that is closed over those variables, in this case, it is closed over the teacher variable. Since it's closed over the teacher variable, the workshop object on the outside, which has now reference to that function, is preserving that inner scope through closure. ask is closed over teacher, and when we say workshop.ask on the outside, that's scope didn't get garbage collected and go away, that scope is still there, that state is still there.

And that's how we create the idiom of module pattern in JavaScript.

We keep our private state private, and we expose things on an object, like what we're doing here with the publicAPI object, is we're exposing only the ask function. But we could have hundreds of other functions that were private, that could not be accessed from the outside. And yet the closure functions can access them all day long, if they want to, because of closure.

So we can say workshop.ask, but we can't say workshop.teacher, because teacher is hidden. That's closure inaction. We couldn't affect this idea of information hiding of encapsulation without closure.

The whole purpose of a module is that this usage of closure is actually closing over variables that are designed to change state over time. So if we have a thing that we call a module, and it doesn't have any state, or rather, it doesn't have any state that ever changes, it's not a module. It's just an over-engineered Namespace.

The purpose of a module is that we have some state that we're closed over, and we are controlling access to it by exposing a minimal public API. Remember that principle of least exposure privilege? That's in action here. We're saying keep everything hidden, except minimally expose only what's necessary on the outside. That's the module pattern.

What is namespacing?

In many programming languages, namespacing is a technique employed to avoid collisions with other objects or variables in the global namespace. Whilst JavaScript doesn't really have built-in support for namespaces like other languages, it does have objects and closures which can be used to achieve a similar effect.

A Singleton is an object which can only be instantiated one time. Repeated calls to its constructor return the same instance and in this way one can ensure that they don't accidentally create, say, two Users in a single User application.

Formal Definition: Ensure a class only has one instance, and provide a global point of access to it.

While other languages like Java or C# have namespaces built in, JavaScript has to emulate them using simple objects.

Singleton: A class with only a single instance with global access points.

Learning JavaScript Design Patterns (Page 18 | Chapter 8: Design Pattern Categorization)

The Singleton Pattern: In conventional software engineering, the singleton pattern can be implemented by creating a class with a method that creates a new instance of the class if one doesn't exist. In the event of an instance already existing, it simply returns a reference to that object. The singleton pattern is thus known because traditionally, it restricts instantiation of a class to a single object. With JavaScript, singletons serve as a namespace provider which isolate implementation code from the global namespace so-as to provide a single point of access for functions.

Learning JavaScript Design Patterns (Page 24 | Chapter 9: JavaScript Design Patterns)

What is a singleton?

Singleton is an object which can only be instantiated once. A singleton pattern creates a new instance of the class if one doesn’t exist. If an instance already exists, it returns the reference to that object.

Technically speaking, object literals in JavaScript are singletons. Think about it! An object occupies a unique memory location and once it is created, there can be no other object like this. Every time we call the object, we are essentially returning a reference to that object. Hence, a singleton!


The previous example had a module IIFE (also known as a module singleton), but that's not the only way to make modules:

1.  function WorkshopModule(teacher) {
2.      var publicAPI = { ask, };
3.      return publicAPI;
5.      // ***********
7.      function ask(question) {
8.          console.log(teacher, question);
9.      }
10. }
12. var workshop = WorkshopModule("Kyle");
14. workshop.ask("It's a module, right?");   // Kyle It's a module, right?

// Module Factory

We can make just regular functions that can be called multiple times. And every time a function is called, it's gonna produce a new instance of our module. We lovingly refer to those as Factory Functions.

This is a WorkshopModule factory function. We can call it once, like we do on line 12, but we could call it a hundred other times and have a hundred other separate instances that all have their own state. They're all separate and they don't mix with each other.

That is the module pattern in a nutshell. The idea that we take some behavior, and data that that behavior operates on, and encapsulate it into a data structure, hide what we don't need to show, and expose only the minimal necessary API. That's a module.

let's admit that what we learned until now, is sort of a syntactic hack, we wouldn't really call this first class language support for a module. We would call this an idiom, a pattern that we do using the tools in a way that accomplishes some end goal.

ES6 Modules & Node.js:

For years, there was clamoring that JavaScript, if the modules were so important as a design pattern, then we ought to have first class and syntactic support for modules. And so we finally added ES6 modules.

ES6 modules are a work in progress. Unfortunately, TC39 didn't really talk to Node.js about their plans for the module syntax. And Node.js didn't really talk to TC39 about the fact that what they were about to spec was incompatible with Node.js. So the module works in browsers, but the single largest code repository ever invented, aka NPM, it's completely incompatible.

To use ES6 modules interchangeably in Node, we're gonna have to use a different file extension, mjs instead of js.

But they're expected sometime in Q1 of 2020 to land stable in Node the first phase of three or four phases of module support in Node.

            workshop.mjs: (file name in node)

1. var teacher = "Kyle";
3. export default function ask(question) {
4.     console.log(teacher, question);
5. };

// ES6 module pattern

Somethings we should know about modules:

  • Everything we write inside on module is privet (all variables and functions).

  • To make something public and accessible from outside, we use the export keyword.

  • Modules are file-based. Which means it is impossible to have more than one ES6 module in the same file. So for example, without a build process, if we wanted to ship all the modules to a browser, we're gonna have to load a thousand separate files with all the performance implications thereof. People that are currently doing this today are using tools where they author in ES6 modules and they compile back to the old school style module and concatenate them into a file and ship it off.

  • Modules are also singletons. No matter how many times we import this module into an application, it only ever runs once. And every other time that we import it, we just get another reference to that same instance. So if we want to have a factory for our modules (where people can make multiple instances), we're gonna have to expose on our API, a factory function to do that.

To create a module we open up a file and we just start making variables and functions. And that file, because it's gonna be loaded as a module, is assumed that everything is private. We don't need a syntactic wrapper. We can conceptually think of it is being wrapped in a big function. Wrapped in a scope that is by default private. The way we make something public is we use the export keyword as we see on line 3. So anything we export is public, everything that we don't export is private.

From kyle Simpson perspective: I don't use this syntax quite yet until this whole Node thing settles down. I continue to use the idiom, the classic style. And also because the tools compiled back the ES6 modules into old school style modules I'm just skipping the middleman and keep writing that old syntax.

ES6 Module Syntax:

There's a bunch of variations import modules, but two major styles:

1. import ask from "workshop.mjs";
3. ask("It's a default import, right?");   // Kyle It's a default import, right?
5. import * as workshop from "workshop.mjs";
7. workshop.ask("It's a namespace import, right?");   // Kyle It's a namespace import, right?

// ES6 module pattern

There are two major style of import modules:

  • One is called the named import syntax which we see on line 1. We exported it the default function, so technically its name is default from the outside, and then we decided to name that default import ask on line 1, which means now in our top level scope of where the import happened, we now have an identifier called ask, which is reference bound to the ask function inside of the module. That's what we sort of referred to as the Java style of import where import means literally to import identifiers into your scope.

  • The second style is referred to generally as the namespace import (as we see on line 7), which is to say we wanna get this whole module and collect all of its contents onto a single namespaced variable, in this case called workshop.

Q: When you say you prefer the old module style you mean, the revealing module pattern in one file?

A: Yes, the function wrapped around a couple slides ago. Specifically when I'm gonna do a module, I expose my modules as UMD (Universal Module Definition) style modules. It's supposed to kind of inter-operate between browsers, module loaders and node. So that's the format I choose to write in.

So whether we use a syntactic support in our language to define our modules, or whether we choose to hack it with the old school revealing module pattern, the same concept applies, which is that we're organizing a set of behavior into a cohesive unit hiding data in it and exposing a minimal necessary API. That's the design pattern that we wanna get. So that somebody can import that behavior into their app and use it. All right, so there you go, there is the module pattern. And with that, we now have a full breadth of understanding of the lexical scope core or the main pillar (the most important pillar), this main pillar of the JavaScript language.


Objects Overview:

The objects oriented system is one of the important of three pillars of the language. The objects, the this keyword and the prototypes, those make up the objects oriented system.

Objects (Oriented)

  • this
  • class {}
  • Prototypes
  • "Inheritance" vs. "Behavior Delegation" (OO vs. OLOO)

We're deliberately saying objects oriented instead of object oriented, because this is not strictly a class system, there is classes that have been layered on top of it, but it is not inherently a class system.

The this keyword:

The first step that needs to take for understanding this keyword, is to stop trying to make it like this keyword in other languages. Because maybe some other languages behavior holds us back, and make it so harder for us to understand or leverage JavaScript.

Well it turns out that this keyword is actually a bit more straightforward and powerful than we would imagine. It's just been explained and taught incorrectly.

A function's this references the execution context for that call (a context in which that call was being made), determined entirely by how the function was called.

In other words, if we look at a function that has this keyword in it, it is assigned based upon how the function is called.

Most people think that we could look at a function, and figure out what this keyword is gonna point out. But the definition of the function doesn't matter at all, to determining the this keyword. The only thing that matters is how does that function get invoked.

A this-aware function can thus have a different context each time it's called, which makes it more flexible & reusable.

So in other words, the this keyword is JavaScript's version of dynamic scope. If it's this way of having as flexible, reusable behavior.

If we recall and remember that we had a function that was in a dynamically scoped language:

1.  var teacher = "Kyle";
3.  function ask(question) {
4.      console.log(teacher, question);
5.  }
7.  function otherClass() {
8.      var teacher = "Suzy";
10.     ask("Why?");
11. }
13. otherClass();   // Output in Dynamically Scoped language: Suzy Why?

// Recall: dynamic scope

So here with dynamically scoped language, on line 4, when it references teacher, instead of trying to line 1 to get teacher, it goes to line 8. Because ask was called from line 10 it was called from the otherClass scope, that's what dynamic scope does.

In JavaScript we have something very similar (to dynamically scoped language), but it's not based upon scope boundaries, or where something's called from, it's based on how the function was called.

So here we have a version of the ask function which is this-aware (it uses a this keyword, so it's this-aware):

function ask(question) {
    console.log(this.teacher, question);

function otherClass() {
    var myContext = {
        teacher: "Suzy"
    };, "Why?");    // Suzy Why?


// Dynamic Context ~= JS's Dynamic Scope

We'll notice that we're calling ask function from some other location but (with this keyword) that doesn't matter where we call it from, it's how we call it.

If we use here, we're saying use this particular object as your this keyword, and invoke the function in that context. So the this keyword in this particular case, will end up pointing at myContext.

So we can see that sort of dynamic flexibility happening here. So we could call that same ask function, lots of different ways, and provide lots of different context objects for the this keyword point on, that's the dynamic flexible reusability of the this keyword. That's why it exists by the way, it exists so that we can invoke functions in these different contexts.

In JavaScript there are 4 different ways to invoke a function, and each one of them is gonna answer the question, what is the this keyword, differently.

In lexical scope land, we start at the current scope, and work our way up to the global scope. Well here (with this keyword) we are gonna have a different building involved. We're gonna to start at the bottom of a building. But the real question is, which building?

Implicit & Explicit Binding:

So let's look at those four different ways to invoke a function.

1. Implicit binding:

The first of them we'll look at is called implicit binding.

In this example we called workshop object the namespace pattern and we're gonna ask how does the this keyword behave in that namespace pattern?

implicit binding

When we get the ask question invoked, how does it figure out what the this keyword should point at? And the answer is because of the call site.

Because of the call site, the this keyword is gonna end up pointing at the object that is used to invoke it, which in this case on line 8 is the workshop object. The workshop.ask says invoke ask with the this keyword pointing at workshop. That's what the implicit binding rule says.

That's exactly how the this binding works in other languages. It decides (the this keyword inside) the method based upon what object we call it from.

Here we're defining just one ask function, but we're sharing the ask function across two different objects:

1.  function ask(question) {
2.      console.log(this.teacher, question);
3.  }
5.  var workshop1 = {
6.      teacher: "Kyle",
7.      ask: ask
8.  };
10. var workshop2 = {
11.     teacher: "Suzy",
12.     ask: ask
13. };
15. workshop1.ask("How do I share a method?");
16. // Kyle How do I share a method?
18. workshop2.ask("How do I share a method?");
19. // Suzy How do I share a method?

// this: dynamic binding -> sharing

The idea of having implicit binding is useful because this is how we share behavior among different contexts.

The workshop1 and workshop2 are two separate objects with two separate pieces of data in them. But because on line 7 and line 12 we have a reference to the ask function on it. When we use that reference to invoke the ask function, the implicit binding rule says invoke that one function in a different context each time. One function used in lots of different contexts.

If we think back to how we described the idea of lexical scope, which was a very fixed, predictable thing. It's defined at author-time, and nothing about the run-time can ever change that.

And here with this keyword, we have something which is not fixed and predictable, it's entirely dynamic, it's entirely determined at run-time. And the trade off here is not accidental, the trade off here is very intentional, that what we really are getting is we're getting the choice between predictable and flexible.

Here we benefit from the flexibility of being able to share one function across different contexts. But there are times when that flexibility is a downside and what we would prefer is to have predictability. It's not that one is right and the other's wrong, it's just that these are different tools and they have different benefits. Here we're seeing the flexibility benefit of the this keyword.

But implicit binding is only one of the four ways to invoke a function, and that's where the extra confusion can come in.

2. Explicit Binding:

There's another way to invoke functions:

1.  function ask(question) {
2.      console.log(this.teacher, question);
3.  }
5.  var workshop1 = {
6.      teacher: "Kyle",
7.  };
9.  var workshop2 = {
10.     teacher: "Suzy",
11. };
13., "Can I explicitly set context?");
14. // Kyle Can I explicitly set context?
16., "Can I explicitly set context?");
17. // Suzy Can I explicitly set context?

// this: explicit binding

The .call method along with it's cousin, .apply method, both of them take, as their first argument, a this keyword.

So on line 13, when we say .call and we pass in workshop1, it is saying invoke the ask function with the this context of workshop1. It's very similar to the previous slide, we are still sharing that function, but here we're doing so explicitly rather than implicitly. We're saying wherever this function comes from, invoke it in a particular context which we're going to specify.

So we can use .call and .apply to explicitly tell JavaScript which context to invoke it in.

Now, we're gonna talk about a variation of explicit binding, this is the second of the rules that we're looking at. But this isn't a separate rule, but kind of a sub-rule or a sub-part of this rule, which is an extremely common scenario or phenomenon referred to as losing your this binding.

If we've ever worked with a function that we pass around, and all of a sudden, it used to have a this binding and now it doesn't have a this binding. It's very frustrating when we think of a this keyword as being predictable and then we find out oops, actually, it's not predictable, it's flexible.

2.1. Hard Binding:

So variation of explicit binding is called hard binding. This is a sub-rule or a sub-part of explicit binding which is a second ways of calling a function.

1.  var workshop = {
2.      teacher: "Kyle",
3.      ask(question) {
4.          console.log(this.teacher, question);
5.      }
6.  };
8.  setTimeout(workshop.ask, 10, "Lost this?");
9.  // undefined "Lost this?"
11. setTimeout(workshop.ask.bind(workshop, "Hard bound this?"), 10);
12. // Kyle Lost this?

// this: hard binding

Looking at line 8, if we passed in workshop.ask, that method is on the workshop object, but that line 8 is not the call site. We have to imagine in our head, what would the call site look like for the function whenever that timer ran ten milliseconds from now? And that call site would look like cb(), or something like that. It's not going to look like workshop.ask, and because it doesn't look like that, it's not going to invoke ask in a workshop context. Which is we've lost our this binding, we end up getting undefined.

Actually just as side note, technically, the setTimeout utility is defined by HTML, it's not evoking it just with the default call, it actually explicitly invokes it with a .call in the context of global.

So it would actually invoke workshop.ask by saying Invoking it in the global object context.

Q: Would this be unnecessary if ask were defined as an arrow function?

A: The ask here as an arrow function would not solve the problem.

So line 8, we're losing our this binding and it's actually getting rebound to something else, in this case the global object. That's not what we want. So a very common solution to this is line 11, passing a hard-bound function. If we pass in a hard-bound function using the .bind method, it will take away that whole flexibility thing and force it to only use the this that we've specified on line 11. It says evoke this function, and no matter how you invoke it, always use workshop as it's this context.

In other words the .bind method, doesn't invoke the function, it produces a new function which is bound to a particular specific this context.

So we see a trade-off here:

We see the predictable, flexible this binding, but then we see some scenarios where, it's kind of frustrating that it's flexible. And what I'd really like is for it to be super predictable.

There's a tension here:

If we were to go to all the trouble to define a bunch of functions on some namespace object, and have this. in front of every property reference and every method access. And then all of our function calls use the .bind, we would be cutting ourself off at the knees.

Because the whole purpose of this system, the whole reason that we pay the tax of putting this. in front of everything is to get the dynamicism. And then we're going and taking that whole dynamic system and locking it down so that it's completely predictable.

At that point, wouldn't we be better served simply writing a module that uses closure and has a fixed, predictable behavior?

So how do we deal with this tension? We like using the this keyword, it can be useful to us, but there are times when we need it to not be so flexible. If we go to the trouble to write a this-aware set of code, and then most of our core sites are using the flexible dynamism, and every once in a while we have to do something like a hard binding. Then we're getting a lot of benefits out of that system, seems like a reasonable trade-off.

On the other hand, if we go to all the trouble to write a this-aware system and then everyone or most of our calls sites have to use .bind, that's a clue to ous we're doing this the hard way. We should switch back and use the predictable lexical closure.

If we want flexible dynamism, use a this keyword, if we want predictability, use lexical scope (closures).

So just keep that in mind when we're using the .bind method. Not that it is bad, not that it is evil, not that it is an anti-pattern. But if we find that happening more often than not, we're probably doing things the hard way.

3. The new Keyword:

The new keyword is the third way that we can invoke a function:

                 "constructor calls"

function ask(question) {
    console.log(this.teacher, question);

var newEmptyObject = new ask("What is 'new' donig here?");
// undefined "What is 'new' donig here?"

// this: new binding

We should know that the new keyword seems as if it has something to do with invoking class constructors, but the new keyword has not got anything to do with classes. It's just an unfortunate syntactic trick to make it look like it's dealing with classes when it really isn't.

But the purpose of the new keyword is actually to invoke a function with a this keyword pointing at a whole new empty object.

So far the three ways to invoke a function:

  • One way is, invoking functions and pointing them at a context object, like a workshop.ask.
  • The second way is to invoke a function and givie it a specific object with .call or .apply or force it with .bind method.
  • A third way is to invoke a function and use a whole new empty object. And the new keyword can accomplish that (it also does other stuff too). We can accomplish that same goal by saynig,{}). Cuz that would invoke our function in the context of a brand new empty object.

So in other words, these two statements are equal:{}) ==== new ask();

So the new keyword isn't actually buying ous much except the syntactic sugar of, hey I want this function invoked with a new this content.

The new keyword does four things when it's used to invoke function (or what we should call it with heavy air quotes a "constructor" call):

  • Create a brand new empty object (out of thin air).
  • Link that object to another object (so it first creates a brand new object and then links it somewhere).
  • It calls the function with its this keyword pointed at the new object (not the linked object, the new object).
  • And fourth and finally, the new keyword after the function call is done, if that function does not return its own object, the new keyword assumes that you meant to return this keyword.

So these four things happen every single time a new keyword is invoked with a function.

Q: When we describe it this way, which of the two entities seems like it's doing all the work? Does it seem like the new keyword is doing all the work? Or does it seem like your "constructor" function's doing all the work?

A: It's really the new keyword, isn't it? As a matter of fact, if you put new in front of almost any function, even a completely empty function, all four of these things would happen. It’s almost as if the function doesn’t even matter. The new keyword is just sort of hijacking the function so that it can do these four things.

4. Default Binding:

And our fourth and final way of invoking a function is the fallback, if none of the other three match, which is called the default binding:

1.  var teacher = "Kyle";
3.  function ask(question) {
4.      console.log(this.teacher, question);
5.  }
7.  function askAgain(question) {
8.      "use strict";
9.      console.log(this.teacher, question);
10. }
12. ask("What's the non-strick-mode default?");
13. // Kyle What's the non-strick-mode default?
15. askAgain("What's the strick-mode default?");
16. TypeError

// this: default binding

Here we have an ask function. And when we call it on line 12, we'll notice that on line 12, we don't have any context object. We don't have any .call, or a bind, or a new. It's just a normal function call. It doesn't match any of the other rules.

So since it doesn't match any of the other rules, the fallback is defined in the spec as, in non-strict-mode, default to the global.

So it's why we print "Kyle" here, cuz there's a global variable called teacher, with a value "Kyle".

But notice that the askAgain function is in strict-mode. And when we invoke it, we actually get a TypeError.

Q: Can anybody guess why there's a TypeError?

A: Specifically in strict-mode, when we invoke it with no other this bindings, the default behavior is to leave this, undefined. So we're now trying to access a property on the undefined value, which is a TypeError.

In strict-mode, when we invoke a function with no other this bindings rules, the default behavior is to leave this, undefined.

Now, why do they chose in strict-mode to make this, undefined, so that it would create a TypeError? It's because it is almost certainly an error on our part to define a this-aware function, and invoke it without it any this. That's a terrible idea, that's almost as bad as auto-creating globals. Which nobody would ever do, right? That's a terrible idea to invoke a this-aware function using the default binding.

And in non-strict (so-called sloppy-mode), it ends up using the global object, which is almost never what we would want, in exactly the same way that it's almost never the case that we wanna auto-create globals. But strict-mode fixes that up for us and it says, hey, you've made an error.

Our error is not that we're doing a this. reference. Our error is that we've invoked the function without giving it a this. We need to use one of the other three ways. Use a new keyword, use a .call, or .apply, or a .bind, or use a context object.

So there we go, four ways to invoke a function. Those are the only four ways, by the way. That's it, just those four. These four ways are all we need to learn to be able to understand how the this keyword get bound. But let's reset our mind back. The question that we set out to ask is:

Q: If we have a this-aware function, how do we know what its this keyword points at?

A: And our strong temptation is, we wanna assume that we can just answer that by looking at the function. And what we've now seen is, there's no way to look at the function to answer that question. We have to look at the call site. We have to look at how the function's being called. Because every time it gets called, the how of the call controls what the this keyboard will point at.


So far the three ways to invoke a function:

  • One way is, invoking functions and pointing them at a context object, like a workshop.ask (implicit binding).
  • The second way is to invoke a function and givie it a specific object with .call or .apply (explicit binding) or force it with .bind method (hard binding:).
  • A third way is to invoke a function and use a whole new empty object. And the new keyword can accomplish that (it also does other stuff too). We can accomplish that same goal by saynig,{}). Cuz that would invoke our function in the context of a brand new empty object (the new keyword).
  • And our fourth and final way of invoking a function is the fallback, if none of the other three match, which is called the default binding. Since it doesn't match any of the other rules, this in non-strict (so-called sloppy-mode), ends up using the global object. But in strict-mode the default behavior is to leave this, undefined.

Binding Precedence:

What if we have a really crazy call site like line 8?

1. var workshop = {
2.     teacher: "Kyle",
3.     ask: function ask(question) {
4.     console.log(this.teacher, question);
5.     }
6. };
8. new (workshop.ask.bind(workshop))("What does this do?");
9. // undefined "What does this do?"

// this: binding rule precedence?

On line 8, we have a new keyword, we have a workshop.ask (so we have a context object), and we have .bind (which under the covers, of course, using apply). We have three of our four rules matched on the same call site. By the way we should not ever write a call site like that, but it does actually work.

So from here forward, if we ever need to ask ourself what is our this keyword gonna point out, when this function gets invoked, this is how we determine that.

This precedence that shows us, if we have more than one rule matches a call site, what is our this keyword gonna point out when the function gets invoked :

  1. Is the function called by new? If so, the newly created object will be the this keyword.
  2. Is the function called by call or apply()? (And by the way bind() is a sub of that rule because it also uses apply()). If so, the context object that is specified will be used.
  3. Is the function called on a context object (like workshop.ask)? If so, use that object.
  4. DEFAULT: global object (except strict mode), if none of those three have applied, then we fallback to the default.

That's it, just those four rules in that order, and it'll perfectly and completely answer every question that we may have about what does my this keyword point at?

Arrow Functions & Lexical this:

Let's examine the arrow functions within the context of what we've just discussed, which is the this keyword:

this: arrow functions

Here we'll notice that the this keyword, when the arrow function is invoked, is correctly is pointing at the workshop object.

This is what we refer to as lexical this behavior.

So let's explain what Lexical this means:

Many people have in their minds a mental model that a arrow function is essentially a hard-bound function to the parents this, that is not accurate.

The proper way to think about what an arrow function is, an arrow function does not define a this keyword at all. There is no such thing as a this keyword in an arrow function.

Which means if we put a this keyword inside of an arrow function, it's gonna behave exactly like any other variable. Which means it's going to lexically resolve to some enclosing scope that does define of this keyword.

So in this particular case, on line 5, when we say this. there is no this in that arrow function no matter how it gets invoked, so we lexically go up one level of scope which is, which function? The ask function.

It goes up from the callback function (the arrow function, that scope), to the enclosing scope, which is? ask. And what is asks definition of the this keyword? What line of code controls what the this keyword will point out inside of ask? Line 10, because the ask functions this keyword gets set by the call site.

And then when that callback gets later invoked, it’s essentially closed over, that parent scope that had a this keyword pointing at the workshop object. That's what we mean by lexical this.

Arrow function is not a hard-bound function. It's a function that doesn't have a this at all. And so it revolves lexically. That means if it had to go up, five levels because we had five nested arrow functions, it just keeps going and going and going up the building elevator until it finds a function that defines a this keyword. And whatever the this keyword points at for that function, that's what it uses.

So this is not the correct explanation: An arrow function is this-bound (aka .bind()) to its parent function.

And here is the spec:



Resolving this in Arrow Functions:

Here's a place where it is perpetually frustrating that we have overloaded operators. We tend to think that curly braces {} must be scopes. They're blocks, they're function bodies, they must be scopes. But they're not!

What's gonna happen when we define an arrow function on line three?

this: arrow functions

What is the parent lexical scope from which that arrow function will go up one level to resolve the this keyword? It is the global.

It is not the workshop object because, guess what? Just cuz there's curly braces {} around that object doesn't make it a scope. Objects are not scopes. So this is a very common mistake that people have, where people are saying, why is the arrow function not getting my workshop as my content? Well, because workshop object's not a scope. We have to think about an arrow function as not having of this and resolving it lexically. So what is the parent scope? There's only two scopes in this program. The scope of the ask function, which is an arrow, and the global scope. There's no intervening scope in between.

It is unfortunate that we've overloaded the curly brace {} that confuses us into thinking it's a scope, but it isn't.

The downside is that arrow functions are anonymous and so they're a bit harder to debug at times, they don't explain themselves well. If we take the entire context, Kyle Simpson perception is that the only time we should ever use an arrow function is when we're gonna benefit from lexical this behavior.

Because the alternative to lexical this behavior is a hack like the var self = this this days. Let me just say, var self = this is the worst possible name anybody ever could have come up with. Because this keyword never, ever, ever, under any circumstances, points at the function itself, it points at a context. So if we absolutely must do the var self = this hack, we should do var context = this. Cuz that's what this keyword is, is a context.

But this arrow function lexical this behavior is a much better way of doing it than, a var self = this. And even better than doing the function.bind().

It is a much better way because it actually matches the mental model of what we want. We want the this keyword to behave lexically here. We don't want for the arrow function to have some magical this behavior to it. We want it to just adopt the this keyword of some parent scope.

Q: When we would be parsing this example, workshop is going into the red bucket, it’s getting the global scope. The teacher property, though, would be scoped to ...

A: Properties aren't scoped, properties aren't lexical identifiers. It's a member on an object value. It's not participating in lexical scope at all.

If we gonna use an arrow function to get our lexical this, we need to combat those three downsides that we talked about with anonymous function. We need to combat the downside that, anonymous functions don't have a self reference, in case we need to do recursion or unbinding. We need to combat the fact that they don't have a name. Use it in some way so that it's gonna get a name inference, like, assign it to a variable or a property. Because it's gonna show up as anonymous otherwise. And we need to have some way of making it clear and obvious to the reader. What is the purpose of this function? Don't make them read the function body to figure that out.

The only thing we ever need to do to understand the this keyword is look for the call site of a function that defines the this keyword, and ask those four rules.

ES6 class Keyword

The class keyword is ostensibly syntactic sugar layered on top of the prototype system.

By the way, this is a little know fact. classes don't have to be statements, classes can be expressions, and they can be anonymous.

The classes can be defined with or without an extends clause. Here, we're just defining a class that doesn't extend anything, so it's the top level class.

1.  class Workshop {
2.      constructor(teacher) {
3.          this.teacher = teacher;
4.      }
5.      ask(question) {
6.          console.log(this.teacher, question);
7.      }
8.  }
10. var deepJS = new Workshop("Kyle");
11. var reactJS = new Workshop("Suzy");
13. deepJS.ask("Is 'class' a class?");
14. // Kyle Is 'class' a class?
16. reactJS.ask("Is this class OK?");
17. // Suzy Is this class OK?

// ES6 class

We can choose to define a constructor if we want, like we're doing on line 2, and we can add methods.

And look on line 4, we don't even need commas in between them. They did a fantastic job of just dribbling all kinds of syntactic sugar on this feature. It's very attractive. Then we look at line 10, it looks exactly like instantiating classes in any other class-oriented language.

We just say new, capital W Workshop, and we get an instance. And we call deepJS.ask and the method call works. And there's a this context that works. So that's what the class syntax looks like.

If we want to extend one class into another class, we use the extends clause. Like here on line 10:

1.  class Workshop {
2.      constructor(teacher) {
3.          this.teacher = teacher;
4.      }
5.      ask(question) {
6.          console.log(this.teacher, question);
7.      }
8.  }
10. class AnotherWorkshop extends Workshop {
11.     speakUp(msg) {
12.         this.ask(msg);
13.     }
14. }
16. var JSRecentParts = new AnotherWorkshop("Kyle");
18. JSRecentParts.speakUp("Are classes getting better?");
19. // Kyle Are classes getting better?

// ES6 class: extends (inheritance)

We don't have to redefine any other methods that are already defined because they'll be so-called inherited. So we can define new methods like the speakUp method here on line 11 and when we instantiate that child class, we can invoke that method, .speakUp (line 18), exactly like it was on the object.

In the below, is a example of relative polymorphism in classes:

1.  class Workshop {
2.      constructor(teacher) {
3.          this.teacher = teacher;
4.      }
5.      ask(question) {
6.          console.log(this.teacher, question);
7.      }
8.  }
10. class AnotherWorkshop extends Workshop {
11.     ask(msg) {
12.         super.ask(msg.toUpperCase());
13.     }
14. }
16. var JSRecentParts = new AnotherWorkshop("Kyle");
18. JSRecentParts.ask("Are classes getting better?");

// ES6 class: extends (relative polymorphism)

The class system also now has a super keyword in it, which allows us to do relative polymorphism. If we have a child class that defines a method of the same name as a parent class (so-called shadowing), we can refer to the parent from the child by saying super. like we see on line 12.

By the way, this is an example of extension beyond syntactic sugar because prior to ES6 classes, there was essentially no way to do relative polymorphism. There was no equivalent of the super keyword.

Not saying that's a bad thing, just saying, when people say, it's just syntactic sugar anyway, no, it isn't. It's its whole own mechanism, with its own set of complexities. It's like a language within a language at this point, classes are not just syntactic sugar, but that is a useful, mental model for these simplest of examples.

It's need to say that even though there's a bunch of syntactic sugar, they didn't change anything fundamentally about how function calls work and how that this keyword gets bound. So, even if we define a method on a class instance, if we pass it into a setTimeout, guess what? It's gonna lose its this binding.

1.  class Workshop {
2.      constructor(teacher) {
3.          this.teacher = teacher;
4.      }
5.      ask(question) {
6.          console.log(this.teacher, question);
7.      }
8.  }
10. var deepJS = new Workshop("Kyle");
12. setTimeout(deepJS.ask, 100, "Still losing 'this'?");
13. // undefined "Still losing 'this'?"

// ES6 class: still dynamic this

They're not somehow magically auto bound. Those methods on class instances, behave just like any other function.

And that idea of having an autobound this method is why in this interim period for the last several years, we have seen an explosion of patterns where people want hardbound or autobound methods and they aren't automatically.

So what we see a lot happening is something like line 4 in below example:

1.  class Workshop {
2.      constructor(teacher) {
3.          this.teacher = teacher;
4.          this.ask = question => {
5.              console.log(this.teacher, question);
6.          };
7.      }
8.  }
10. var deepJS = new Workshop("Kyle");
12. setTimeout(deepJS.ask, 100, "Is 'this' fixed?");
13. // Kyle Is 'this' fixed?

// ES6 class: "fixing" this?

Where instead of defining a method on the prototype, we added into the constructor and use a hardbound method or use an arrow function.

This deeply troubles to see this propagation of this idiom. This idea that it's got to be hard bound and don't want any dynamism to it all, so I'm gonna use a lexical this from an arrow function or I'm gonna use a hard bound function to accomplish that.

Because we are essentially betraying the entire system that classes has built upon. The entire class system is built upon this idea that our methods don't exist on our instances, they exist on our prototypes. And guess what happens when we say this.ask and we assign it a function? It's no longer on the prototype anymore, it's on our instance. So every single time we instantiate a function, we're getting a whole separate copy of all those functions added to every single instance.

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