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weather_api's Introduction

Analyzing weather data using CSV files, lat/lon data and APIs to request information


import requests as req
import json
import time
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import stats
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError

Loading the data from CSV file

city_data = 'citycountry_latlon.csv'
city_data_df = pd.read_csv(city_data, encoding = 'ISO-8859-1')
/Users/jeffmoore/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/IPython/core/ DtypeWarning: Columns (3) have mixed types. Specify dtype option on import or set low_memory=False.
  interactivity=interactivity, compiler=compiler, result=result)
# Creating a dataframe to store or process the data
# The issue is that citipy or the raw data contain far more records than the openweather database
# (3100000 vs 200000 cities) so some work is needed to find a suitable list of cities.
# I elected to divide the dataset into 4 groups.  This will ensure full coverage across the dataset.
city_data_df = city_data_df[['Country', 'City', 'Latitude']]
city_data_upper45_df = city_data_df[city_data_df['Latitude'] > 45]
city_data_ubt045_df = city_data_df[city_data_df['Latitude'] <= 45]
city_data_ubt045_df = city_data_ubt045_df[city_data_ubt045_df['Latitude'] > 0]
city_data_lbt045_df = city_data_df[city_data_df['Latitude'] < 0]
city_data_lbt045_df = city_data_lbt045_df[city_data_lbt045_df['Latitude'] >= -45]
city_data_lower45_df = city_data_df[city_data_df['Latitude'] < -45]
# Building a dataframe to store the results of the URL requests
city_data_df["temp_min"] = ""
city_data_df["temp_max"] = ""
city_data_df['humid'] = ''
city_data_df['wind_speed'] = ''
city_data_df['cloud'] = ''
city_data_df['found_city'] = ''
city_data_df['url'] = ''
city_does_not_exist = []
len(city_data_df[city_data_df['found_city'] != ''])

Making the URL request and storing the response

# using the URL from openweather to look at current weather information
# I considered looking at historical info but there were limitations on data availability
url = ''
api_key = '2e0b3995de13957a2e62c46a5a3da34b'
mode = '&mode=json'
units = 'imperial'
# Greater than 45 degrees latitude
while len(city_data_df[city_data_df['found_city'] != '']) < 100:
    test_cities_data_df = city_data_upper45_df.sample(125)
    for index, row in test_cities_data_df.iterrows():
        target_url = url + row['City'] + ',' + row['Country'] + '&APPID=' + api_key + '&units=' + units
            r = req.get(target_url)
        except HTTPError:
            hold_data = req.get(target_url).json()
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "found_city", row['City'])
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "temp_min", hold_data["main"]["temp_min"])
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "temp_max", hold_data["main"]["temp_max"])
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "humid", hold_data["main"]["humidity"])
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "wind_speed", hold_data["wind"]["speed"])
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "cloud", hold_data["clouds"]["all"])
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "url", target_url)
len(city_data_df[city_data_df['found_city'] != ''])
# Between 0 and 45 degrees latitude
while len(city_data_df[city_data_df['found_city'] != '']) < 250:
    test_cities_data_df = city_data_ubt045_df.sample(125)
    for index, row in test_cities_data_df.iterrows():
        target_url = url + row['City'] + ',' + row['Country'] + '&APPID=' + api_key + '&units=' + units
            r = req.get(target_url)
        except HTTPError:
            hold_data = req.get(target_url).json()
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "found_city", row['City'])
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "temp_min", hold_data["main"]["temp_min"])
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "temp_max", hold_data["main"]["temp_max"])
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "humid", hold_data["main"]["humidity"])
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "wind_speed", hold_data["wind"]["speed"])
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "cloud", hold_data["clouds"]["all"])
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "url", target_url)
len(city_data_df[city_data_df['found_city'] != ''])
# Between 0 and -45 degrees latitude
while len(city_data_df[city_data_df['found_city'] != '']) < 400:
    test_cities_data_df = city_data_lbt045_df.sample(125)
    for index, row in test_cities_data_df.iterrows():
        target_url = url + row['City'] + ',' + row['Country'] + '&APPID=' + api_key + '&units=' + units
            r = req.get(target_url)
        except HTTPError:
            hold_data = req.get(target_url).json()
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "found_city", row['City'])
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "temp_min", hold_data["main"]["temp_min"])
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "temp_max", hold_data["main"]["temp_max"])
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "humid", hold_data["main"]["humidity"])
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "wind_speed", hold_data["wind"]["speed"])
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "cloud", hold_data["clouds"]["all"])
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "url", target_url)
len(city_data_df[city_data_df['found_city'] != ''])
# Less than -45 degrees latitudes
while len(city_data_df[city_data_df['found_city'] != '']) < 500:
    test_cities_data_df = city_data_lower45_df.sample(200)
    for index, row in test_cities_data_df.iterrows():
        target_url = url + row['City'] + ',' + row['Country'] + '&APPID=' + api_key + '&units=' + units
            r = req.get(target_url)
        except HTTPError:
            hold_data = req.get(target_url).json()
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "found_city", row['City'])
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "temp_min", hold_data["main"]["temp_min"])
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "temp_max", hold_data["main"]["temp_max"])
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "humid", hold_data["main"]["humidity"])
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "wind_speed", hold_data["wind"]["speed"])
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "cloud", hold_data["clouds"]["all"])
            city_data_df.set_value(index, "url", target_url)
city_data_df[city_data_df['found_city'] != ''].to_csv('Weather_API_output.csv')
plot_data_df = city_data_df[city_data_df['found_city'] != '']
# Creating bins to segment the data and to plot the averages vs. latitude
lat_bins = [-60,-40,-20,0,20,40,60]
group_names = ['40Below', '20Below', '0Below', '0Above', '20Above', '40Above']
plot_data_df['lat_cat'] = pd.cut(plot_data_df['Latitude'], bins=lat_bins, labels=group_names)
/Users/jeffmoore/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  after removing the cwd from sys.path.
<style> .dataframe thead tr:only-child th { text-align: right; }
.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: left;

.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;
Country City Latitude temp_min temp_max humid wind_speed cloud found_city url lat_cat
61107 af qal`ah-ye sang-e takht 34.259067 18.7 18.7 76 2.04 64 qal`ah-ye sang-e takht 20Above
86964 af wurjani 32.428812 25.77 25.77 74 2.04 0 wurjani 20Above
127447 ar aguada grande -47.389004 85.98 85.98 61 4.38 24 aguada grande 40Below
127650 ar alto rio senguer -45.041049 50.43 50.43 40 26.75 0 alto rio senguer 40Below
127772 ar antonio pini -29.075481 95.16 95.16 66 8.41 0 antonio pini 20Below

Plotting the data

# Plot of temperature vs. Latitude
x = plot_data_df['Latitude']
y = plot_data_df['temp_max']
plt.plot(x, y, marker='+', color='blue', markersize=5, linewidth=.1, linestyle='None')
plt.grid(True, color='gray', linestyle=':', linewidth=1)
plt.ylabel("Temperature", size=10)
plt.xlabel("Latitude", size=10)
plt.title('Temperature vs. Latitude', size=17)


# floats and strings are tough to work with. Need to change those to integers
Country         object
City            object
Latitude       float64
temp_min        object
temp_max        object
humid           object
wind_speed      object
cloud           object
found_city      object
url             object
lat_cat       category
dtype: object
# Changing the columns to be numeric so that we can do some basic stats
plot_data_df = plot_data_df.astype({'Latitude':int})
plot_data_df = plot_data_df.astype({'temp_max':int})
plot_data_df = plot_data_df.astype({'wind_speed':int})
Country         object
City            object
Latitude         int64
temp_min        object
temp_max         int64
humid           object
wind_speed       int64
cloud           object
found_city      object
url             object
lat_cat       category
dtype: object
# Replotting the latitude vs. temperature plot and adding a regression line that shows the relationship between the 
# variables.  Notice that the southern hempishere summer is happening now while the northern hemisphere is happening
# now
x = plot_data_df['Latitude']
y = plot_data_df['temp_max']
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x, y)
plt.plot(x, intercept + slope*x, 'r', label='fitted line')
plt.plot(x, y, marker='+', color='blue', markersize=5, linewidth=.1, linestyle='None', label='raw data')
plt.grid(True, color='gray', linestyle=':', linewidth=1)
plt.ylabel("Temperature", size=10)
plt.xlabel("Latitude", size=10)
plt.title('Temperature vs. Latitude', size=17)


# Printing the line equation
print("The regression line equation is:", "y=",slope,"*x + ", intercept)
The regression line equation is: y= -0.261642622064 *x +  55.3002805557
# Print the p-value
print("p-value:", p_value, "and", "std error:", std_err)
p-value: 2.44362584843e-34 and std error: 0.0198748764211
# Showing the correlation between temp and latitude
print("r-squared:", r_value**2)
r-squared: 0.251054402151
group_analysis_df = plot_data_df
<style> .dataframe thead tr:only-child th { text-align: right; }
.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: left;

.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;
Country City Latitude temp_min temp_max humid wind_speed cloud found_city url lat_cat
61107 af qal`ah-ye sang-e takht 34 18.7 18 76 2 64 qal`ah-ye sang-e takht 20Above
86964 af wurjani 32 25.77 25 74 2 0 wurjani 20Above
127447 ar aguada grande -47 85.98 85 61 4 24 aguada grande 40Below
127650 ar alto rio senguer -45 50.43 50 40 26 0 alto rio senguer 40Below
127772 ar antonio pini -29 95.16 95 66 8 0 antonio pini 20Below
group_analysis_df = group_analysis_df[['lat_cat', 'temp_max']]
group_analysis_df = pd.DataFrame(group_analysis_df)
group_analysis_df = group_analysis_df.astype({'temp_max':int})
plot_group_means = group_analysis_df.groupby('lat_cat').mean()
<style> .dataframe thead tr:only-child th { text-align: right; }
.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: left;

.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;
40Below 54.149533
20Below 73.344828
0Below 72.797468
0Above 75.433962
20Above 42.739130
40Above 37.045455
plot_group_means.plot(subplots=False, marker='+', color='blue', markersize=5, linewidth=1, linestyle='--', label='data')


x = plot_data_df['Latitude']
y = plot_data_df['humid']
plt.plot(x, y, marker='+', color='blue', markersize=5, linewidth=.1, linestyle='None')
plt.grid(True, color='gray', linestyle=':', linewidth=1)
plt.ylabel("Humidity", size=10)
plt.xlabel("Latitude", size=10)
plt.title('Latitude vs. Humidity', size=17)


x = plot_data_df['Latitude']
y = plot_data_df['cloud']
plt.plot(x, y, marker='+', color='blue', markersize=5, linewidth=.1, linestyle='None')
plt.grid(True, color='gray', linestyle=':', linewidth=1)
plt.ylabel("Cloudiness", size=10)
plt.xlabel("Latitude", size=10)
plt.title('Latitude vs. Cloudiness', size=17)


x = plot_data_df['Latitude']
y = plot_data_df['wind_speed']
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x, y)
plt.plot(x, intercept + slope*x, 'r', label='fitted line')
plt.plot(x, y, marker='+', color='blue', markersize=5, linewidth=.1, linestyle='None')
plt.grid(True, color='gray', linestyle=':', linewidth=1)
plt.ylabel("Wind Speed", size=10)
plt.xlabel("Latitude", size=10)
plt.title('Latitude vs. Wind Speed', size=17)


print("The regression line equation is:", "y=",slope,"*x + ", intercept)
The regression line equation is: y= -0.00555915470998 *x +  6.48271720582
# Print the p-value
print("p-value:", p_value, "and", "std error:", std_err)
p-value: 0.453849407269 and std error: 0.00741637207843
print("r-squared:", r_value**2)
r-squared: 0.00108560598462


A bell shape would be expected if the average temps were plotted against latitude. In other words temps would be extremely high or low on the outer latitudes (signifying summer and's winter in the northern hemisphere while it's summer in the souther hemisphere). Moving closer to the equator would mean that temps soar - creating the peak of the bell curve. That's effectively what we see in the plot - grouped latitudes vs. avg temps.

Plotting a regression line helps show visually the inverse relationship between the northern and southern hemispheres. The negative slope suggests that moving from the south to the north means moving from hot or warmer weather to colder temperatures.

The temperature vs. latitude data was most convincing in explaining the relationship between temperature and latitude. Attempts to get historical data were not successful. Trade winds might help in telling some of the story as well. I could not see any obvious trends in the data but research suggests that are certain times of the year the winds pick up dramatically between -20 to 20 degress latitude.

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