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Fast and simple in-app notifications for React Native

License: MIT License

JavaScript 2.05% Java 6.06% TypeScript 80.39% Objective-C 4.50% Ruby 7.01%
react-native android ios swipeable notification animation expo

react-native-notifier's Introduction


npm npm bundle size platforms: ios, android, web license MIT

Fast, simple, and customizable in-app notifications for React Native

Demo of package


This library uses react-native-gesture-handler, a perfect library for swipes, and other gesture events.

Please check their installation guide to install it properly:


yarn add react-native-notifier


npm install --save react-native-notifier


Wrap your app with NotifierWrapper

import { NotifierWrapper } from 'react-native-notifier';

const App = () => (
    <Navigation />

Then call Notifier.showNotification() anywhere in code

import { Notifier, Easing } from 'react-native-notifier';

  title: 'John Doe',
  description: 'Hello! Can you help me with notifications?',
  duration: 0,
  showAnimationDuration: 800,
  showEasing: Easing.bounce,
  onHidden: () => console.log('Hidden'),
  onPress: () => console.log('Press'),
  hideOnPress: false,

Or add NotifierRoot at end of your App.js component. With this approach you can show notification using reference to the NotifierRoot.

Note that NotifierRoot should be the last component to display notifications correctly. Notifier.showNotification is also available.

import { NotifierRoot } from 'react-native-notifier';

function App() {
  const notifierRef = useRef();
  return (
        title="Show Notification"
        onPress={() => notifierRef.current?.showNotification({ title: 'Using refs' })}
      <NotifierRoot ref={notifierRef} />

All props passed to NotifierWrapper or NotifierRoot will be used as default params of showNotification function. This can be useful to set default Component param.



Notifier.showNotification(params: object);

Show notification with params.


Name Type Default Description
title String null Title of notification. Passed to Component.
description String null Description of notification. Passed to Component.
duration Number 3000 Time after notification will disappear. Set to 0 to not hide notification automatically
Component Component NotifierComponents.Notification Component of the notification body. You can use one of the built-in components, or your custom component.
componentProps Object {} Additional props that are passed to Component. See all available props of built-in components in the components section.
containerStyle Object|Function null Styles Object or a Function that will receive translateY: Animated.Value as first parameter and should return Styles that will be used in container. Using this parameter it is possible to create your own animations of the notification.
containerProps Object {} Props of Animated Container
queueMode String 'reset' Determines the order in which notifications are shown. Read more in the Queue Mode section.
swipeEnabled Boolean true Can notification be hidden by swiping it out
animationDuration Number 300 How fast notification will appear/disappear
showAnimationDuration Number animationDuration || 300 How fast notification will appear.
hideAnimationDuration Number animationDuration || 300 How fast notification will disappear.
easing Easing null Animation easing. Details:
showEasing Easing easing || null Show Animation easing.
hideEasing Easing easing || null Hide Animation easing.
onShown () => void null Function called when entering animation is finished
onStartHiding () => void null Function called when notification started hiding
onHidden () => void null Function called when notification completely hidden
onPress () => void null Function called when user press on notification
hideOnPress Boolean true Should notification hide when user press on it
swipePixelsToClose Number 20 How many pixels user should swipe-up notification to dismiss it
swipeEasing Easing null Animation easing after user finished swiping
swipeAnimationDuration Number 200 How fast should be animation after user finished swiping
translucentStatusBar Boolean false Add additional top padding that equals to StatusBar.currentHeight. Android Only.


Notifier.hideNotification(onHiddenCallback?: (result: Animated.EndResult) => void);

Hide notification and run callback function when notification completely hidden.


Notifier.clearQueue(hideDisplayedNotification?: boolean);

Clear notifications queue and optionally hide currently displayed notification. Might be useful to run after logout, after which queued notifications should not be displayed.

Queue Mode

Queue mode is used to define the order in which the notification appears in case other notifications are being displayed at the moment.

For example, if you have some important information like chat messages and you want the user to see all the notifications, then you can use standby mode. Or if you want to display something like an error message, then you can use reset mode.

By default, reset mode is used, which means every new notification clears the queue and gets displayed immediately.

In most cases, you will probably use only reset or standby modes.

All possible modes:

Mode Effect
reset Clear notification queue and immediately display the new notification. Used by default.
standby Add notification to the end of the queue.
next Put notification in the first place in the queue. Will be shown right after the current notification disappears.
immediate Similar to next, but also it will hide currently displayed notification.


Currently, there are 2 components out of the box. If none of them fits your needs, then you can easily create your Custom Component.


Demo of Notification component

Perfect for something like chat messages and notifications like "Someone left a comment". This component is used by default.

import { Notifier, NotifierComponents } from 'react-native-notifier';

  title: 'Check this image!',
  description: 'Cool, right?',
  Component: NotifierComponents.Notification,
  componentProps: {
    imageSource: require('./react.jpg'),

Available params:

Name Type Default Description
title String null Title of notification.
description String null Description of notification.
componentProps.titleStyle TextStyle null The style to use for rendering title.
componentProps.descriptionStyle TextStyle null The style to use for rendering description.
componentProps.imageSource Object null Passed to <Image /> as source param.
componentProps.imageStyle ImageStyle null The style to use for rendering image.
componentProps.containerStyle ViewStyle null The style to use for notification container.
componentProps.ContainerComponent Component SafeAreaView A container of the component. Set it in case you use different SafeAreaView than the standard
componentProps.maxTitleLines number null The maximum number of lines to use for rendering title.
componentProps.maxDescriptionLines number null The maximum number of lines to use for rendering description.


Demo of Alert component

Perfect to use as a system alerts, like "Something went wrong" or "Operation was succeed".

import { Notifier, NotifierComponents } from 'react-native-notifier';

  title: 'The request was failed',
  description: 'Check your internet connection, please',
  Component: NotifierComponents.Alert,
  componentProps: {
    alertType: 'error',

Available params:

Name Type Default Description
title String null Title of notification.
description String null Description of notification.
componentProps.titleStyle TextStyle null The style to use for rendering title.
componentProps.descriptionStyle TextStyle null The style to use for rendering description.
componentProps.alertType String 'success' Background color will be changed depending on the type. Available values: error(red), success(green), warn(orange) and info(blue).
componentProps.backgroundColor String null While the background of the alert depends on alertType, you can also set the other color you want.
componentProps.textColor String 'white' Color of title and description.
componentProps.ContainerComponent Component SafeAreaView A container of the component. Set it in case you use different SafeAreaView than the standard
componentProps.maxTitleLines number null The maximum number of lines to use for rendering title.
componentProps.maxDescriptionLines number null The maximum number of lines to use for rendering description.

Custom Component

To customize look of the notification you can pass your own Component to showNotification function.

This makes customization much simpler than passing "style" params. With custom components you can make notification look exactly like you want.

This component will receive props title, description and anything else that you pass to componentProps object when calling showNotification.


import React from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, View, Text, SafeAreaView } from 'react-native';

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  safeArea: {
    backgroundColor: 'orange',
  container: {
    padding: 20,
  title: { color: 'white', fontWeight: 'bold' },
  description: { color: 'white' },

const CustomComponent = ({ title, description }) => (
  <SafeAreaView style={styles.safeArea}>
    <View style={styles.container}>
      <Text style={styles.title}>{title}</Text>
      <Text style={styles.description}>{description}</Text>

// ...

// Then show notification with the component

  title: 'Custom',
  description: 'Example of custom component',
  Component: CustomComponent,

Demo of custom component

Custom Animations

Demo of Custom Animations

It is easy to create your own animation using containerStyle param.

When you pass a function as containerStyle param, it will receive a translateY Animated Value as first parameter. This Animated Value is a Driver of all Animations in this library and varies between -1000(notification completely hidden) and 0 (notification is shown). By default this value is used as a Y position of the Notification.

So when you call showNotification — this value starts changing from -1000 to 0 and when the notification is starts hiding — the value is changing from 0 to -"height of the component"+50 (or -200, depending what is bigger) and when animation is finished, the values will be set to -1000 (just to make sure that the notification is completely hidden).

You need to remember three points of the animated value:

  1. -1000 - Notification completely hidden;
  2. -200 - Most likely notification is still hidden, but will be visible soon (depending on height of the notification);
  3. 0 - Notification is shown.

I know, this all is complicated, so here is a Code Example with combination of scaling and transition:

const getContainerStyleWithTranslateAndScale = (translateY: Animated.Value) => ({
  transform: [
      // this interpolation is used just to "clamp" the value and didn't allow to drag the notification below "0"
      translateY: translateY.interpolate({
        inputRange: [-1000, 0],
        outputRange: [-1000, 0],
        extrapolate: 'clamp',
      // scaling from 0 to 0.5 when value is in range of -1000 and -200 because mostly it is still invisible,
      // and from 0.5 to 1 in last 200 pixels to make the scaling effect more noticeable.
      scale: translateY.interpolate({
        inputRange: [-1000, -200, 0],
        outputRange: [0, 0.5, 1],
        extrapolate: 'clamp',

  title: 'Custom animations',
  description: 'This notification is moved and scaled',
  containerStyle: getContainerStyleWithTranslateAndScale,

Code from example above should work great on both Android and iOS.

But if you will animate opacity style with component that have shadows (such as NotifierComponents.Notification) you may notice that on Android shadows doesn't animate properly. To fix this problem, you need to use containerProps parameter and pass needsOffscreenAlphaCompositing: true to it. Details: RN's Repository Issue

const animatedContainerProps = isAndroid ? { needsOffscreenAlphaCompositing: true } : undefined;
// ...
  title: 'Custom animations',
  description: 'This notification is moved and scaled',
  containerStyle: getContainerStyleWithTranslateAndScale,
  containerProps: animatedContainerProps,

Keep in mind that this library uses React Native's Animated library with Native Driver turned on, and the current version of React Native has a limited list of style properties that can be animated. Here you can view list of styles that can be animated.

Also you can see the code of all Animations from Example GIF. Feel free to copy those animations to your codebase and play with them.


You might notice that some animations such as zoom in/out(using scale param) might work incorrectly on iOS and instead of just "scaling" component also moves up and down. That is because of padding that was added by SafeAreaView. This behavior can be fixed by moving safe area inset from component to container, like this:

  title: 'Zoom In/Out Animation',
  containerStyle: (translateY: Animated.Value) => ({
    // add safe area inset to the container
    marginTop: safeTopMargin,
    // ...
  // replace SafeAreaView with View
  componentProps: {
    ContainerComponent: View,

This behavior will be fixed in feature releases.

Using with react-native-navigation

If you are using react-native-navigation, this issue might be helpful to use notifier with native-navigation: #16

If you have any solutions or improvements in how to use notifier with native-navigation, then feel free to write comments in that thread!


PanGestureHandler must be used as a descendant of GestureHandlerRootView

Check this comment: #85 (comment)



react-native-notifier's People


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react-native-notifier's Issues

react-native-notifier onpress dont work

When use examples Don't Work And Don't Show notifier
use This Code 👍
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
title="Long Text"
onPress={() =>
title: 'New request',
duration: 6000,
'You just got new incoming request from John Doe, and this is a long description',

[Android] SwipeEnabled not working and onPress not triggered on first press

            title: 'John Doe',
            description: 'Hello! Can you help me with notifications?',
            duration: 0,
            showAnimationDuration: 350,
            hideOnPress: true,
            swipeEnabled: true,
            onPress: onPress,
"react-native": "0.65.1",
"react-native-notifier": "^1.7.1",
"react-native-gesture-handler": "^1.10.3",
"@react-navigation/bottom-tabs": "^6.0.7",
"@react-navigation/drawer": "^6.1.6",
"@react-navigation/material-top-tabs": "^6.0.4",
"@react-navigation/native": "^6.0.4",
"@react-navigation/stack": "^6.0.9",

Type error in SafeContainer

Hi, thank you for your amazing package)

After upgrade react and react-native I get a type error: "Property 'removeEventListener' does not exist on type 'Dimensions'" in SafeContainer.

react: 18.1.0
react-native: 0.70.5

Large alert messages not dismissed correctly

If the content of the alert messages is too much, the alert doesn't dismiss completely and blocks the screen. This is the final state of alert in one case:

Screenshot 2020-05-17 at 7 42 11 PM

Repro: Create an alert with a long message with alert component and other default settings and try to dismiss it.

Use context

Hey, I'm running into an issue where I want to use multiple notificationwrappers. one of them is nested inside of another screen. However, it seems that rather than use react context, this lib just uses a single wrapper at the root of the app and renders from there. The issue with this is that it renders under modals. I tried adding another wrapper inside the modal, but this did nothing, since it's not a context provider, which would take precedent over any parent providers.

Feature request: custom font style for title and description


Thanks for your great lib! It's awesome ❤️
I just want to change the title and description style. I know there is a way to render CustomComponent but I guess it's overworking!

I created a PR and hope you don't prefer the CustomComponent way 😁

Feature request: Allow to override animation values

Hi, thanks for creating this awesome library :)

I'm building an app for mobile/web using expo. Currently experimenting with having a different config for showing notifications on desktop, e.g: making it appear from the bottom instead from the top of the screen.

In order to do so, I think it would require to:

  1. Override this.hiddenComponentValue here. That is to set it to be on the bottom of the screen
  2. Pass a custom value to showNotificationto override the Animation's `MAX_TRANSLATE_Y. That is to make it move upwards, instead of downwards.

Not sure if I'm missing anything, if that sounds reasonable I can try land a PR myself, but would be good to get some feedback on this before doing so.

Feature request: iOS: pull down and then swipe up to dismiss

On iOS, it's very common (at least on my muscle memory) to be able to pull down a notification and then, while holding the finger on the screen, swipe it back up to dismiss it.

Would it be possible to add this behavior to the notification? Pulling it down and seeing it not moving at all makes it a little bit uncomfortable UX on iOS.

Btw, congrats on a great lib!

createNativeStackNavigator vs createStackNavigator results in different stacking context

It appears that when using createNativeStackNavigator from react-navigation and using a modal presentation, the resulting z-index position of any notification appears hidden beneath the modal. You can see in the screenshot, the red in the background is the notification, however it is behind the modal. This only occurs with createNativeStackNavigator, but this is the preferred method of creating navigation stacks according to the react-navigation team
Here is a bit better screenshot of me dragging the modal down a bit.

Notifier Position

Hi there,

Is there an option to set the position of the notifier like at the bottom or at the center?

[Feature Request] Add sound effects to notifications.

In the showNotification function, there could be a new parameter that when provided with a value (this could either be an enable/disable boolean or the name of the sound as a constant), the notification will make a sound effect.

This will be useful for messaging apps that use this library for in-app notifications. For a potential enhancement, it would be great to have a couple of choices for the sound.

Example Implementations:

// Enable default sound
  title: 'John Doe',
  description: 'Hello! Can you help me with notifications?',
  duration: 0,
  showAnimationDuration: 800,
  showEasing: Easing.bounce,
  onHidden: () => console.log('Hidden'),
  onPress: () => console.log('Press'),
  hideOnPress: false,
  enableSound: true,
// Choose sound
  title: 'John Doe',
  description: 'Hello! Can you help me with notifications?',
  duration: 0,
  showAnimationDuration: 800,
  showEasing: Easing.bounce,
  onHidden: () => console.log('Hidden'),
  onPress: () => console.log('Press'),
  hideOnPress: false,
  playSound: SOUND_CHIME,

MainComponent.tsx is always visible on iPhone 5

Bug report


OS: macOS 10.15.3

tested device: iPhone 5 iOS 10.3.1 Simulator

Node: 12.16.1

npm: 6.13.4

react: 16.9.0

react-native: 0.61.5

How do I use Notifier

I wrap my AppNavigator with NotifierWrapper.

const root = () => (
    <StatusBar barStyle="dark-content" translucent />
    {!!i18n.isInitialized && (
          ref={navigatorRef => {

I have made an util function where I call

      title: text,
      description: desc,
      Component: Notification,
      duration: 2500,
      showAnimationDuration: 400,
      showEasing: Easing.quad,

Expected Behavior

Notifier should not be visible until I call showNotification()

How to fix it

The simplest solution I found is removing SafeAreaView from MainComponent.tsx
You should probably use some other SafeAreaView. I'm using it from: react-native-safe-area-context and it's working as expected.

   <View style={s.container}>
      {!!imageSource && <Image style={s.image} source={imageSource} />}
      <View style={s.content}>
        {!!title && <Text style={s.title}>{title}</Text>}
        {!!description && <Text style={s.description}>{description}</Text>}

Actual Behavior

MainComponent.tsx is always visible. After I call showNotification(), MainComponent.tsx disappears and it's working as expected.

Zrzut ekranu 2020-04-21 o 15 49 18

Support opacity fade in/out animation

I'd like to apply an opacity style when the notification enters/leaves the screen.
Thought this would be a nice addition to this library - some guidance on best approach for this would be appreciated.

From what I can tell this would require injecting the animated value, to be able to interpolate it from the component & create this opacity style effect.

I'm thinking in adding some sort of opt-in prop. e.g injectAnimatedValue
& if its true, it would inject into the component a animatedValue prop, passing down translateY as the value.

Working with react-native-navigation

For anyone who needs to make this work with react-native-navigation, this is how I did:

Create a transparent screen (a full screen component) where you will display the notifier

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {View} from 'react-native';
import {NotifierRoot} from 'react-native-notifier';
import {Navigation} from 'react-native-navigation';

export class Notifier extends Component {
  componentDidMount() {
      title: this.props.textToShow,
      duration: 1000,
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 1200);
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={Styles.mainContainer}>
          ref={ref => {
            this.notifierRef = ref;

export default Notifier;

const Styles = {
  mainContainer: {
    height: 100,
    width: '100%',
    backgroundColor: 'transparent',

Register that screen with react-native-navigation (I am using Redux and a gestureHandler in my example but this is not needed)

import Notifier from '../components/notifier';
    () => gestureHandlerRootHOC(Notifier),

Now, anywhere in your app, show the notifier using Overlay

	component: {
		name: 'NotifierScreen',
		passProps: {
			textToShow: 'Success !',
		options: {
			overlay: {
				interceptTouchOutside: false,
			layout: {
				componentBackgroundColor: 'transparent',

Notifications display underneath modals

When a modal is open, the notifications display underneath them. They should be an overlay at the top most view controller.

I use react-native-screens which use native navigations instead of JS based ones.

I was able to solve this issue by editing Notifier.tsx and wrapping the PanGestureHandler JSX with:

  <FullWindowOverlay style={{position: 'absolute', width: '100%', height: '100%', justifyContent: 'center' }}>

android: alert hidden if translucent status bar

Originally referenced but closed in #7

The example app (via title="Toggle Status Bar Translucent") demonstrates alerts and notifications are partially hidden for Android if the status bar is translucent.

@seniv is there a temp workaround we can apply?

Temporary NotifierRoot to enable notifications in react-modal

Hey! Really enjoying this clean library!
I'm trying to get it to work with react modals, but as I saw in another issue, notifications are rendered behind modals because they are native components. I have been able to work around it by adding a NotifierRoot component inside my modal. Nofications triggered from inside the modal are visible there. Great! However, when the modal is closed future notifications are referencing an unmounted component.

Is there any way of reverting or unmounting the NotifierRoot?

Thanks! 🙏

Notification bar overlaps the notifier.

Hey seniv, thanks for this great library. I was just testing it into my expo app and i am experiencing a UI bug while showing the notifier. I am attaching the screenshot of my app screen. It would look much better if it slides more and doesn't overlap my notification bar.

Screenshot_2020-05-15-07-03-04-522_host exp exponent

OS: Android
Device: Redmi Note 7 Pro

NativeStackNavigation modals result in notifications beneath the modal

Hi! 👋

Firstly, thanks for your work on this project! 🙂

Today I used patch-package to patch [email protected] for the project I'm working on.

When using a NativeStackNavigator on iOS, notifications are forced beneath modal screens. This is due to how iOS treats modals, and that is to always force them to the top. We can use the FullWindowOverlay component provided by react-native-screens to conditionally wrap the notification for iOS only, which results in notifications being positioned on top of modals where they belong, and no change on android.

Here is the diff that solved my problem:

diff --git a/node_modules/react-native-notifier/.DS_Store b/node_modules/react-native-notifier/.DS_Store
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9104acb
Binary files /dev/null and b/node_modules/react-native-notifier/.DS_Store differ
diff --git a/node_modules/react-native-notifier/src/Notifier.tsx b/node_modules/react-native-notifier/src/Notifier.tsx
index 92bfaf2..750fb7a 100644
--- a/node_modules/react-native-notifier/src/Notifier.tsx
+++ b/node_modules/react-native-notifier/src/Notifier.tsx
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ import {
 } from 'react-native-gesture-handler';
+import { FullWindowOverlay } from 'react-native-screens';
 import styles from './Notifier.styles';
 import { Notification as NotificationComponent } from './components';
 import {
@@ -260,6 +262,12 @@ export class NotifierRoot extends React.PureComponent<ShowNotificationParams, St
     this.hiddenComponentValue = -Math.max(heightWithMargin, DEFAULT_COMPONENT_HEIGHT);

   render() {
     const {
@@ -275,7 +283,7 @@ export class NotifierRoot extends React.PureComponent<ShowNotificationParams, St
     const additionalContainerStyle =
       typeof containerStyle === 'function' ? containerStyle(this.translateY) : containerStyle;
-    return (
+    const notificationContent = (
@@ -306,5 +314,11 @@ export class NotifierRoot extends React.PureComponent<ShowNotificationParams, St
+    return  Platform.OS === 'ios' ? (
+      <FullWindowOverlay>{notificationContent}</FullWindowOverlay>
+    ) : (
+      notificationContent
+    )

This issue body was partially generated by patch-package.

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