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vim-polyglot's Introduction

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build Maintenance

A collection of language packs for Vim.

One to rule them all, one to find them, one to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

  • It won't affect your startup time, as scripts are loaded only on demand*.
  • It installs and updates 120+ times faster than the 598 packages it consists of.
  • It is also more secure (scripts loaded for every filetype are generated by vim-polyglot)
  • Best syntax and indentation support (no other features). Hand-selected language packs.
  • Automatically detects indentation (includes performance-optimized version of vim-sleuth, can be disabled)

*To be completely honest, optimized ftdetect script takes around 10ms to load.


  1. Install Pathogen, Vundle, NeoBundle, or Plug package manager for Vim.
  2. Use this repository as submodule or package.

For example when using Plug (which I recommend):

set nocompatible

call plug#begin()

Plug 'sheerun/vim-polyglot'

call plug#end()

Optionally download one of the releases and unpack it directly under ~/.vim directory.

You can also use Vim 8 built-in package manager:

git clone --depth 1 ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vim-polyglot

Language packs

On top of all language packs from vim repository, vim-polyglot includes:

  • acpiasl (Syntax highlighting for asl and dsl files)
  • ansible
  • apiblueprint (API Blueprint syntax highlighting for apib files)
  • applescript (AppleScript syntax highlighting for applescript and scpt files)
  • arduino (Processing syntax highlighting for pde and ino files)
  • asciidoc (AsciiDoc syntax highlighting for asciidoc, adoc and asc files)
  • autohotkey (AutoHotkey syntax highlighting for ahk and ahkl files)
  • bicep (Syntax highlighting for bicep files)
  • blade (Blade syntax highlighting for blade and blade.php files)
  • brewfile
  • c/c++ (C++ and C syntax highlighting for cpp, c++, cc, cp, cxx and 18 more files)
  • caddyfile
  • carp (Syntax highlighting for carp files)
  • cjsx
  • clojure (Clojure syntax highlighting for clj, bb, boot, cl2, cljc and 6 more files)
  • cmake (CMake syntax highlighting for cmake and files)
  • coffee-script (CoffeeScript and Literate CoffeeScript syntax highlighting for coffee, cake, cjsx, iced, coffeekup, cson, litcoffee and files)
  • cpp-modern
  • cql (Syntax highlighting for cql files)
  • cryptol (Syntax highlighting for cry, cyl, lcry and lcyl files)
  • crystal (Crystal and HTML+ECR syntax highlighting for cr and ecr files)
  • csv (CSV syntax highlighting for csv, tsv and tab files)
  • cucumber (Gherkin syntax highlighting for feature and story files)
  • cue (Syntax highlighting for cue files)
  • dart (Dart syntax highlighting for dart and drt files)
  • dhall (Dhall syntax highlighting for dhall files)
  • dlang (D syntax highlighting for d, di, lst, dd, ddoc and sdl files)
  • docker-compose
  • elixir (Elixir and HTML+EEX syntax highlighting for ex, exs, eex, html.heex, html.leex and leex files)
  • elm (Elm syntax highlighting for elm files)
  • emberscript (EmberScript syntax highlighting for em and emberscript files)
  • emblem (Syntax highlighting for emblem and em files)
  • erlang (Erlang syntax highlighting for erl, app.src, es, escript, hrl, xrl, yrl, app and yaws files)
  • fennel (Syntax highlighting for fnl files)
  • ferm (Syntax highlighting for ferm files)
  • fish (fish syntax highlighting for fish files)
  • flatbuffers (Syntax highlighting for fbs files)
  • fsharp (F# syntax highlighting for fs, fsi and fsx files)
  • git (Git Config syntax highlighting for gitconfig files)
  • gitignore
  • gleam (Syntax highlighting for gleam files)
  • glsl (GLSL syntax highlighting for glsl, fp, frag, frg, fs and 18 more files)
  • gmpl (Syntax highlighting for mod files)
  • gnuplot (Gnuplot syntax highlighting for gp, gnu, gnuplot, p, plot, plt and gpi files)
  • go (Go syntax highlighting for go and tmpl files)
  • gradle
  • graphql (GraphQL syntax highlighting for graphql, gql and graphqls files)
  • haml (Haml syntax highlighting for haml, haml.deface, hamlc and hamlbars files)
  • handlebars (Mustache and Handlebars syntax highlighting for mustache, hogan, hulk, hjs, handlebars, hbs, hdbs and hb files)
  • haproxy (HAProxy syntax highlighting)
  • haskell (Haskell syntax highlighting for hs, hs-boot, hsc, bpk and hsig files)
  • haxe (Haxe and HXML syntax highlighting for hx, hxsl, hxml and hss files)
  • helm
  • help
  • hive (HiveQL syntax highlighting for q, hql and ql files)
  • hjson (Syntax highlighting for hjson files)
  • html5
  • icalendar (Syntax highlighting for ics files)
  • idris2 (Syntax highlighting for idr, ipkg and lidr files)
  • idris (Idris syntax highlighting for idr and lidr files)
  • ion (Syntax highlighting for ion files)
  • javascript-sql
  • javascript (JavaScript syntax highlighting for js, bones, cjs, es, es6 and 20 more files)
  • jenkins (Syntax highlighting for jenkinsfile and Jenkinsfile files)
  • jq (JSONiq syntax highlighting for jq files)
  • json5 (JSON5 syntax highlighting for json5 files)
  • json (JSON syntax highlighting for json, 4DForm, 4DProject, avsc, geojson and 15 more files)
  • jsonc (Syntax highlighting for cjson and jsonc files)
  • jsonnet (Jsonnet syntax highlighting for jsonnet and libsonnet files)
  • jst (EJS syntax highlighting for ejs, ect, ejs.t and jst files)
  • jsx (Syntax highlighting for jsx files)
  • julia (Julia syntax highlighting for jl files)
  • just (Syntax highlighting for just files)
  • kotlin (Kotlin syntax highlighting for kt, ktm and kts files)
  • ledger (Syntax highlighting for ldg, ledger and journal files)
  • lilypond (LilyPond syntax highlighting for ly and ily files)
  • livescript (LiveScript syntax highlighting for ls files)
  • llvm (LLVM syntax highlighting for ll and td files)
  • log (Syntax highlighting for log and LOG files)
  • lua (Lua syntax highlighting for lua, fcgi, nse, p8, rbxs, rockspec and wlua files)
  • mako (Mako syntax highlighting for mako and mao files)
  • markdown (Markdown syntax highlighting for md, livemd, markdown, mdown, mdwn and 6 more files)
  • mathematica (Mathematica syntax highlighting for mathematica, cdf, m, ma, mt and 6 more files)
  • mdx (Syntax highlighting for mdx files)
  • mermaid (Syntax highlighting for mermaid, mm and mmd files)
  • meson (Meson syntax highlighting for wrap files)
  • mint (Syntax highlighting for mint files)
  • moonscript (MoonScript syntax highlighting for moon files)
  • nftables (Syntax highlighting for nft files)
  • nginx (Nginx syntax highlighting for nginx, nginxconf and vhost files)
  • nim (Nim syntax highlighting for nim, nim.cfg, nimble, nimrod and nims files)
  • nix (Nix syntax highlighting for nix files)
  • objc (Objective-C syntax highlighting for m and h files)
  • ocaml (OCaml syntax highlighting for ml, eliom, eliomi, ml4, mli and 13 more files)
  • octave (Syntax highlighting for oct and m files)
  • odin (Odin syntax highlighting for odin files)
  • opencl (OpenCL syntax highlighting for cl and opencl files)
  • openscad (Syntax highlighting for scad files)
  • org (Syntax highlighting for org files)
  • perl (Perl syntax highlighting for pl, al, cgi, fcgi, perl and 12 more files)
  • pest (Syntax highlighting for pest files)
  • pgsql (PLpgSQL syntax highlighting for pgsql files)
  • php (PHP syntax highlighting for php, aw, ctp, fcgi, inc and 7 more files)
  • plantuml (PlantUML syntax highlighting for puml, iuml, plantuml, uml and pu files)
  • pony (Pony syntax highlighting for pony files)
  • powershell (PowerShell syntax highlighting for ps1, psd1, psm1, pssc and ps1xml files)
  • protobuf (Protocol Buffer syntax highlighting for proto files)
  • pug (Pug syntax highlighting for jade and pug files)
  • puppet (Puppet syntax highlighting for pp and epp files)
  • purescript (PureScript syntax highlighting for purs files)
  • python-compiler
  • python-indent
  • python (Python syntax highlighting for py, cgi, fcgi, gyp, gypi and 14 more files)
  • qmake (QMake syntax highlighting for pro and pri files)
  • qml (QML syntax highlighting for qml and qbs files)
  • r-lang (R syntax highlighting for r, rsx, s, S and rd files)
  • racket (Racket syntax highlighting for rkt, rktd, rktl and scrbl files)
  • ragel (Ragel syntax highlighting for rl files)
  • raku (Raku syntax highlighting for 6pl, 6pm, nqp, p6, p6l and 12 more files)
  • raml (RAML syntax highlighting for raml files)
  • razor (HTML+Razor syntax highlighting for cshtml and razor files)
  • reason (Reason syntax highlighting for re and rei files)
  • requirements (Syntax highlighting for pip files)
  • rspec
  • rst (reStructuredText syntax highlighting for rst, rest, rest.txt and rst.txt files)
  • ruby (Ruby and HTML+ERB syntax highlighting for rb, builder, eye, fcgi, gemspec and 26 more files)
  • rust (Rust syntax highlighting for rs and files)
  • scala (Scala syntax highlighting for scala, kojo and sc files)
  • scss (SCSS syntax highlighting for scss files)
  • sh (Shell syntax highlighting for sh, bash, bats, cgi, command and 8 more files)
  • slim (Slim syntax highlighting for slim files)
  • slime (Syntax highlighting for slime files)
  • smt2 (SMT syntax highlighting for smt2 and smt files)
  • solidity (Solidity syntax highlighting for sol files)
  • stylus (Stylus syntax highlighting for styl and stylus files)
  • svelte (Svelte syntax highlighting for svelte files)
  • svg-indent
  • svg (SVG syntax highlighting for svg files)
  • sway (Syntax highlighting for swayconfig and sway.config files)
  • swift (Swift syntax highlighting for swift files)
  • sxhkd (Syntax highlighting for sxhkdrc files)
  • systemd (Syntax highlighting for automount, dnssd, link, mount, netdev and 9 more files)
  • terraform (HCL syntax highlighting for tf, tfvars, hcl, nomad and workflow files)
  • textile (Textile syntax highlighting for textile files)
  • thrift (Thrift syntax highlighting for thrift files)
  • tmux
  • toml (TOML syntax highlighting for toml files)
  • tptp (Syntax highlighting for p, tptp and ax files)
  • twig (Twig syntax highlighting for twig and xml.twig files)
  • typescript (TypeScript and TSX syntax highlighting for ts, cts, mts and tsx files)
  • unison (Syntax highlighting for u and uu files)
  • v (V syntax highlighting for v, vv and vsh files)
  • vala (Vala syntax highlighting for vala, vapi and valadoc files)
  • vbnet (Visual Basic .NET syntax highlighting for vb and vbhtml files)
  • vcl (VCL syntax highlighting for vcl files)
  • velocity (Syntax highlighting for vm files)
  • vue (Vue syntax highlighting for vue and wpy files)
  • xdc (Syntax highlighting for xdc files)
  • xml (XML syntax highlighting for xml, adml, admx, ant, axaml and 97 more files)
  • xsl (XSLT syntax highlighting for xslt and xsl files)
  • yard
  • zephir (Zephir syntax highlighting for zep files)
  • zig (Zig syntax highlighting for zir, zig and zir files)
  • zinit


You can either wait for new patch release with updates or run make by yourself.


Please make sure you have set nocompatible in your .vimrc (or use something like sheerun/vimrc)

Individual language packs can be disabled by setting g:polyglot_disabled as follows:

Please declare this variable before polyglot is loaded (at the top of .vimrc)

let g:polyglot_disabled = ['markdown']

The list of available languages to disable is shown above.

If you wish to use filetype detection by Vim Polyglot but you'd like to use your own syntax-highlighting plugin, you can append .plugin to disabled entry, like below. Disabling Vim Polyglot filetype plugin won't disable native Vim filetype plugin.

let g:polyglot_disabled = ['markdown.plugin']

Please note that disabling a language won't make in your vim startup any faster / slower (only for specific this specific filetype). All plugins are lazily loaded only when they are really needed.


Vim Polyglot tries to automatically detect indentation settings (just like vim-sleuth). If this feature is not working for you for some reason, please file an issue and disable it temporarily with:

let g:polyglot_disabled = ['autoindent']


If you want to disable reindenting of the current line in insert mode (see vim 'indentkeys') you can turn it off with:

autocmd BufEnter * set indentexpr=

This will not affect smart autoindenting when starting a new line.

Default settings

Vim Polyglot sets defaults of some settings that are relevant for good language support. You can disable them by:

let g:polyglot_disabled = ['sensible']

These defaults include:

  • Use utf-8 encoding by default
  • Automatically reload file if changed somewhere else
  • Disable existing swapfile warnings, instead just create multiple swapfiles
  • Don't create swapfiles in current directory, instead in data directory
  • Whitespace characters when using :set list
  • Delete comment character when joining commented lines
  • Search upwards for tags file(s) instead only locally
  • Fix issues with fish shell
  • Increase history size to 1000 items
  • Allow for up to 50 opened tabs on Vim start.
  • Reduce updatetime from 4000 to 300 to avoid issues with coc.nvim
  • Always save upper case variables to viminfo file
  • Don't save options in sessions and views
  • Allow color schemes to do bright colors without forcing bold
  • Load vim's built-in matchit plugin

No ftdetect

If you want to use vim-polyglot plugins, but not ftdetect autocommands, the you can disable it as so:

let g:polyglot_disabled = ['ftdetect']


Language packs are periodically updated using automated scripts/build script.

Feel free to add your language to packages.yaml + heuristics.yaml, and send pull-request. You can run make test to run rough tests. And make dev for easy development.


See linked repositories for detailed license information. This repository is MIT-licensed.

vim-polyglot's People


akwiatek avatar arthurxavierx avatar bitdeli-chef avatar carlsmedstad avatar cbandy avatar ch-danreif avatar clessg avatar codingcellist avatar cookie-s avatar dawidpotocki avatar djpowers avatar dsifford avatar emersonmx avatar idbrii avatar isobit avatar jmcantrell avatar josa42 avatar kabbamine avatar laktak avatar n3uromanc3r avatar narajaon avatar openjck avatar pjio avatar qbedard avatar rsrchboy avatar sheerun avatar tvjg avatar yalesov avatar yous avatar zebradil avatar


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vim-polyglot's Issues

Allow support for disabling individual languages

For example opening a large csv file with the csv plugin is extremely slow. I think enabling disabling the loading of the csv plugin with a setting in the vimrc file would be useful. It could be added during the dynamic loading section perhaps?

Specs don't cover all file extensions

Currently there are tested only extensions based on syntax file names. I need to write extensions manually / extract them from ftdetect. Another way is to call set filetype=LANG, but it unfortunately it doesn't throw an error in Vimrunner.

C syntax extensions and systemd unit files?

Ahoy there- I removed the c syntax extension plugin when I got this one, thinking I didn't need other libraries any more, but my source files appeared a lot more grey than they had been, so I added it back on top in on top of polyglot and things looked better than ever. Is there some reason why c syntax extensions shouldn't be included (or at least the parts that aren't covered by the included C)? You can find the extension plugin here:

Also, I noticed systemd unit file support for that doesn't seem to be included at all, is this on purpose? I personally use atm and it's been great, though I don't know for fact that it's the best.

Thanks for the meta-plugin in any case, it makes life much easier :)

Open xxx.xpt.vim echom E688: More targets than List items

When use vim-polyglot and xptemplate , open one xpt.vim file will echom:

Error detected while processing  D:\\...\xptemplate\ftplugin\xpt\xpt.xpt.vim:
line  31:
E688: More targets than List items

I think ftplugin\scala.xpt.vim should be move to ftplugin\scala\scala.xpt.vim.

problem with iskeyword

I'm trying this plugin and I've found a problem. this happens when I edit a PHP file:

:verbose set iskeyword?
        Last set from ~/.vim/bundle/vim-polyglot/syntax/javascript.vim

this breaks the '*' command...

Thrift syntax

The Apache Thrift software framework, for scalable cross-language services development, combines a software stack with a code generation engine to build services that work efficiently and seamlessly between C++, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, Erlang, Perl, Haskell, C#, Cocoa, JavaScript, Node.js, Smalltalk, OCaml and Delphi and other languages.

Protobuf and Jade syntax files

Great idea for a plugin.

I just went through the list of my own syntax files that I use and this plugin had all of them (and a lot more) except for vim-protobuf and vim-jade.

Whether they are the best syntax plugins for their respective languages or whether they are too esoteric is up to you :). But figured you would like to know.



python indent suggestion

I noticed that there's not a python.vim under indent directory, why?
Vim doesn't support python indent well, how about adding this one?

Error when opening a Haskell file

Related to issue travitch/hasksyn#10, the following error occurs when opening a Haskell file:

Error detected while processing /Users/samvv/.vim/plugged/vim-polyglot/syntax/haskell.vim:
line   85:
E59: invalid character after \@
E475: Invalid argument: hsOperator "\(\%^\#\!\)\@!\(\(\<[A-Z]\w*\)\@64<=\.\)\@!\(--\+\([^.%\~\&\*/\$\^|@:+<!>=#!\?]\|$\)\)\@![-.%\~\&\*/\$\^|@:+<!>=#!\?]\+"

Maybe time to switch to another syntax highlighter?

Add C/C++ syntax

There are a number of improved C++ syntax plugins on github and a few for C.

Is there a plan to add one to polyglot?

Slow opening of the vim documentation

I found that the plugin css-color affect a lot the performance.

Here is a screen cast when I try to browse the documentation.


I am also very interested in #50 because I don't want to use this one.


Consider fatih/vim-go instead of jnwhiteh/vim-golang

vim-go has more features including autocomplete via gocode, see for a more detailed list.

One downside is that it might be a bit on the heavy side for a compilation like vim-polyglot. Another is this:

For the first Vim start it will try to download and install all necessary go binaries. To disable this behaviour please check out settings.

If you're not interested in Go that might just be annoying and possible lead to errors if Go isn't even installed.

A fix would be to add let g:go_disable_autoinstall = 1 to skip that, and add a note to set it to 0 if you want them installed.

Mostly just putting it out there for discussion.

Javascript syntax

Is anyone else having issues with the javascript syntax highlight?

When I open a .js files it just get one color ๐Ÿ˜ž

Include Poweshell syntax

I know that there is probably very little demand for Powershell syntax support and will understand if you close this on those grounds.

But in the interests of polyglot being a one-stop shop for extra vim syntax support I would like to ask that you include Powershell support.

Is a reasonably complete example.

Thank you

Add support for documentation

It might be nice to add the doc directory in also so the help files will be included.

For example to configure the sub-plugins one needs to know which settings to change.

Fix the integration of sp13/PIV

When opening a PHP file I get the following error everytime:

Not an editor command: ^IEnableFastPHPFolds

I have tested by directly using the PIV plugin and do not get this issue - @jojojames also reported getting this issue through using vim-polyglot.

(reference: spf13/PIV#26)

LaTeX file mode errors searching for unfound file ftplugin/latex-suite/texrc

After opening a .tex file (latex file type) the following errors show up. The errors are shown below but are a bit hard to see so a gist is here starting at the relevant line.

It seems to be looking for a texrc file in the plugin directory, and is caused by latex-suite/main.vim. The key line is

Can't open file /Users/simon/dotfiles/vim/vim/bundle/vim-polyglot/ftplugin/latex-suite/texrc

I assume that file or lack of file causes the errors shown. It sounds from the latex-suite that this file may be important but does not seem to be present. Perhaps the vim-polyglot build script is missing this file?

screen shot 2013-09-16 at 22 02 12

Error in the php syntax file

There seems to be an error in the php syntax file. I've tried updating the plugin; to no avail.
Here's an excerpt of the error I get whenever I open a php file:

Error detected while processing /home/ppm/.vim/bundle/vim-polyglot/syntax/php.vim:
line  196:
E714: List required
line  200:
E714: List required
line  204:
E714: List required
line  208:
E714: List required
line  212:
E714: List required
line  216:
E714: List required
line  220:
E714: List required
line  224:
E714: List required
line  228:
E714: List required

At the moment I've renamed the offending syntax file, and use StanAngeloff/php.vim in it's place, as a temporary workaround.

Add Vala.

So, vala, is a commonly used language, I think, at least in the Gnome and elementary word, so it may be worth adding.
There is an official syntax file here

R.vim is not maintained


The included R.vim is not maintained any more. As the description on says, there is up to date alternative available: Vim-R-Plugin which is available on github here.

Though the new plugin seems to include lots of fancy stuff so I'm not sure if it's a good idea to include that.

tmux commentstring

consider adding this to vim-polyglot

au BufNewFile,BufRead .tmux.conf setlocal commentstring=#\ %s

Remove/replace vim-coloresque

vim-coloresque is currently overriding iskeyword in a rather invasive way. See here. The issue may be fixed soon, but it's still unclear how and whether it'll be fixed.

Even if the setl change is implemented, the plugin affects all vim files, which seems a bit much to me.

Perhaps vim-polyglot could go back to css-color, undoing issue #11. Alternatively, maybe the author will fix the issues in a reasonable way, but I'd still consider disabling vim-coloresque for now and monitoring how the whole thing works out.

C++ Folding Blocks Bug

The c++ fold syntax behaves buggy with block folds. Any block fold seems to end on the last fold found in the file. E.g:

{ //<--- fold starts here



}//<---- fold ends here

This error does not occur is C files (only C++). Also this bug seems to only apply to a newly written c++ file when it has been written to for the first time which seems to imply that the error happens during some parsing stage when the file buffer is newly loaded. Also comment folds have no affect on this bug (as far as I've observed)

Add CSS3 syntax

The are several plugins which extend Vim's CSS syntax to support CSS3.
Here a few:

  • lepture/vim-css
  • fremff/vim-css-syntax
  • ChrisYip/Better-CSS-Syntax-for-Vim

I would recommend using hail2u/vim-css3-syntax

Test extension with plugin folder for working

As plugin folder is not included in vim-polyglot, I need to check one or other way if plugins that include this folder work. Possibly manually, and #7 afterwards.

  • tpope/vim-bundler
  • chrisbra/csv.vim
  • jimenezrick/vimerl
  • jnwhiteh/vim-golang
  • skwp/vim-rspec
  • derekwyatt/vim-scala

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