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wwdc's Introduction


Usually it is much faster to read through some bulet points instead of watching a 50 min session video. Then if you find something interesting you can still watch it.

Feel free to submit a PR if I got something wrong or you have an improvement suggestion.

This is work in progress since also for me it is a lot of effort to watch all the videos. So either please be patient or just open up an issue to make a suggestion which session notes you like to see here asap :)

Session Notes WWDC 2019

  • ABI Stability (Application Binary Interface): App and Framework built by different compilers can now be used together (in the past ensured by building with same compiler)
  • Module Stability: Swift module file and App build by different compilers can now be used together by introducing stable and textual .swiftinterface file
  • Binary Frameworks: Result of ABI and Module stability. Can be shared with others.
  • obsolete return if it is the only line in a closure / function
  • auto-generated struct initializers now allow to pass only some of the aguments
  • Opaque Return Types: Let you return the same type without leaking implementation details. Use keyword some
  • Property Wrappers: Wrapper type to define custom access patterns. Property can adopt this by adding attribute to its declaration. In the case of UserDefaults you can define properties that know how to read/write from/to UserDefaults.
  • Embedded DSLs
  • Alignment is perfect surrounding text
  • 1500 vector symbols designed by Apple in all weights available
  • Margins of symbols can be different so they are perfectly aligned on screen
  • Scales (small, medium, large) ensure
    • symbols maintain same weight as neighbouring text
    • symbols are vertically centered to neighbouring text
  • SF Symbols app to play around and export existing symbols (as SVG template) for customization
  • UIImage(systemName: String) is new - just copy the name from the Symbols app
  • Multiple images with the same name in Asset Catalog are now possible. Apple first looks for symbol and then for non-symbol (ensures backwards compatibility to iOS 12: uses image in iOS 12 and symbol in iOS 13)
  • Constraining symbol images is discouraged. Use natural size or set font size
  • Any font can be used with symbols via UIImage.symbolConfiguration
  • Vertical text alignment works with single-lined and multi-lined text
  • Baseline alignment to align symbol to first line of text
  • Regular images are aligned baseline aligned by generating a new image with image.withBaselineOffsetFromBottom(GGFloat)
  • Prefer horizontal and vertical center alignment instead of edge alignment
  • Buttons with symbol images are created using UIImage.system(image:target:action)
  • UIButton Symbol Configuration changed by UIButton.setPreferredSymbolConfiguration(config:forState:)
  • Auto-scaling UIBarButtonItems from SymbolScale.large to SymbolScale.medium in landscape
  • No frame settings necessary for NSTextAttachment for placing images in text
  • UIImage tint support image.withTintColor(UIColor) - yeah 🥳
  • Ordered Collection Diffing
  • Compression API to transmit resources compressed (CompressionAlgorithm.[lzfse, lz4, lzma, .zlib])
  • New Units bits, bytes, nibbles
  • RelativeDateTimeFormatter for get localized, relative date descriptions
  • ListFormatter formats list contents localized
    • correct separator and localized and before the last element
    • specify itemFormatter to control how the list items are formatted
  • OperationQueue
    • BarrierBlock lets run a completion task safely when all other tasks are finished
    • progress reporting
  • Scanner lets you split string files in one line now: scanner.scanUpToCharacters(CharacterSet)
  • Use DataProtocolinstead of UInt8
  • AppStore for Messages with full TestFlight capabilities
  • Transporter Mac app for submission of IPA, PKG, ITMSP files. ApplicationLoader deprecated.
  • Build Activity View shows all uploaded builds, download sizes for each device, detailled information for each build
  • TestFlight Feedback
    • lets users talke screenshots in TestFlight and send them with a description to developer
    • accessible/downloadable from ASC
    • adds a custom onboarding screen to app the first time the app is tested.
    • can be enabled/disabled via testflight for each tester group
  • Crashes automatically trigger the feedback dialog. Feedback viewable/downloadable in ASC.
  • App Deletions 🎉 as metric on APC. Opt-in. Only from iOS 12.3++. Only for homescreen and storage deletions. Resetting device doesn't count.
  • 24h live dashboard hourly updated statistics for all apps to better understand sales data (e.g. in-app purchase) as it is rolled out
  • Use groups for project organization
  • Mirror project and file structure
  • Large Storyboards should be splitted
  • Update Project Settings asap whenever Xcode prompts you
  • New Build System should be used asap
  • Unused code should be deleted, not commented out - we all have source control, right?
  • Warnings resolve them immediately. Never check in code with warnings. Treat them as errors.
  • Commit small changes a Git commit should contain only small code changes
  • Write useful commit messages that have a shord title and a descriptive body
  • Use branches to isolate changes that belong to a certain feature
  • Write documentation about WHY the code has been written and WHAT it is doing
  • Use descriptive variable names instead of id, state, etc.
  • Write Unit Tests to avoid regressions and run them before each commit
  • Use diagnostics tools that can be enabled in the scheme settings (Main Thread Checker, Address Sanitizer, Thread Sanitizer, Undefined Behavior Sanitizer)
  • Gauges are very useful to see if you have problems with network, memory, disk and CPU usage
  • Network Link Conditioner helps tracking down bugs on low connectivity
  • Do Code Reviews to track down issues and get a common understanding of the code and its style
    • understand each changed line
    • build and run the project
    • run the tests
    • proofread comments and documentation
    • look for spelling and grammer errors
    • ensure consistency in codebase
  • Decouple your code by creating packages and shared frameworks to reduce code size and share code between multiple app targets
  • Dependencies should be used responsibly
    • Understand how a dependency works thoroughly
    • Read carefully the changes when it is updated
    • Have a plan when a dependency goes away or is not maintained anymore
    • Ensure privacy
  • Accessibility Label is a human understandable label
    • gives meaning to the elements of your app
    • value depends completely on the context
    • should not contain the type of the view. Automatically provided by accessibilityType
    • should contain context if multiple similar elements visible (multiple add buttons)
  • don't add redundant context, e.g. if you're in a music player avoid song from the accessibility label of next, previous, ...
  • Editor splitting is now unlimited and allowed horizontally and vertically
  • Source control log info moved to inspector and can thus be used for any file any time
  • Editor Options Button configures now every split editor seperately.
    • Assistent and Authors are moved there
    • Holding ⌥ + ⇧ when clicking a new file shows the destination selector that lets you choose in which split editor to open the file
  • Editor and Canvas option shows the current views preview if there is one
  • Canvas / Assistent hides automatically if there is othing to see for the currently selected file
  • The Minimap is loaded with functionality
    • Landmarks, Syntax coloring, Navigation, shows symbol names on hover, highlights search results
    • Holding ⌘ shows all symbols in the file when hobvering over the minimap
  • Powered up Documentation formats the doc block in a markdown like style
    • add missing documentation / or fill up gaps by selecting Editor > Structure > Add Documentation
  • Show Change after click on change bar shows inline diff
  • Code completion works more reliably: function overloads, enum cases, compiler control statements
  • Swift Package Manager is now part of Xcode
    • GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket integration
    • used to integrate packages for all platforms
    • Project Editor > Project > Swift Packages Tab shows all personal and starred repos when logged in
    • Source browsing of packages is possible
    • helps sharing own packages with the world
  • Source Control extendeb by stashing and cherry pick
  • Asset Catalog can provide assets and colors for dark mode. Image assets are localizable now.
  • Environment Overrides in the debug bar lets you change dynamic text size, appearance and accessibility settings
  • Device Conditions in the devices window let you change network throughput and thermal state of your device
  • Test Plans define a set of tests and are sharable via Schemes
    • describe arguments, environment variables, sanitizers, language, ...
  • Watch Simulator is now stand alone
  • Simulator build on top of Metal
    • apps build in Metal can be run in the simulator with great performance
    • Apps on top of UIKit are much faster
    • 60 fps • up to 90% less battery life • warm boots are 2x as fast
  • SwiftUI enables Canvas previews, Code and Canvas Editors, Code Hot Swapping, Rich Preview API, Preview Pinning, Instruments Template, On-Device Previews, Action Popover Actions, Library Views and Modifiers, Canvas Editor for Code, Preview Debugging, Development Time Assets
  • Most Awesome SwiftUI Tutorials I've Ever Seen Right In Xcode's Documentation Window
  • Sign in With Apple
    • lets choose users which information is delivered
    • creates random email and forwards it directly to your AppleID to disguise your original email
  • Password Auto-Fill for iPad apps on the Mac
  • Weak Password Assistant detects weak passwords and offers you to change it
  • ASWebAuthenticationSession provides easy OAuth workflow and deprecates SFAuthenticationSession
  • Secure - backed by 2FA of the AppleID
  • Private - not tracked by Apple
  • Fast and Easy - user dosn't even need a keyboard
  • User controls which data to share
  • Seamless Across Device recognizes that already signed in on other device
  • Requires Capability for Apple Sign In has to be added
  • Private E-Mail Relay links random mail to your AppleID
    • Apple never retains messages
    • Can be used for any email communication liek receipts, ...
    • Two-Way Relay
  • Anti-Fraud Detection can tell if a robot tries to sign in or not
  • Cross Platform iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, JavaScript (Android Websites)
  • ASAuthorizationAppleIDButton creates button that has different visual styles and labels
  • Authentication Request returns
    • UserID which is unique, stable and team-scoped and can be used as the key to the user
    • Verification Data identity token and short-lived code to refresh token
    • Full Name as PersonNameComponents which contain first/last name separately
    • Verified email your server doesn't need to verify this email again
    • Real User Indicator high confidence indicator that likely real user
    • Credential State tells if UserID is authorized (let user pass), revoked (handle unlink) or not Found (show login)
  • Always check on AppStart with provider.getCredentialState(userID) which runs very fast
  • Listen to NSNotification.Name.ASAuthorizationAppleIDProviderCredentialRevoked and sign the user out if called
  • Password Autofill integrates with Apple Sign In. Triggerd if the device detects a stored credential
  • Summary of an Action should be short and only contain necessary parameter
  • Best way to add shortcut is right inside the app after the action that should be added has been completed
  • Offer to add shortcuts for repeatable actions
  • Activation Phrase should be short and pronouncible
  • Suggested Shortcuts List can be updated by app via API a often as wanted. Apple also populated this list based on device usage like recently used apps.
  • Input and Output concept used to make actions work together. Actions can now output information for others to use, e.g. action could find a note wheas action 2 processes this. Both can be chained together.
  • Intent Editor lets the developer modify intents
  • Shortcut Use Cases are Accelerate an Action, Present Concise Information, Multi-Step Shortcuts
  • Great Shortcuts wrap actions the user has to to often in your app. Offer adding an action to Siri after this action has been completed
  • Provided Add to Siri Button should be used to add an action to Siri
  • Activation Phrase should have a great default
  • Action should provide as much etail as possible to the user has to fill out as less as necessary
  • Prompts can be used to collect a value from the user.
  • Minimize Disambiguation Prompts by providing an optios list upfront
  • Pronounciation Hints can be provided on devices lacking a display
  • Providing Synonyms to options helps Siri to understand the user
  • The Final Confirmation Dialog should be used to summarize everything the user has specified. Keep in mind to design a more descriptive one for devices without display!
  • Continuing in App dialog is one big button, therefore avoid elements that look interactive.
  • Never include the App Name this is shown automatically
  • Don't Include Users Name since it might sound repetitive
  • Avoid first-person pronouns use something like There are the following options
  • Apps can donate information to the system via INInteraction so the system can show them to the user at appropriate time, location or in related apps
  • All this magic happend directly on the device
  • Intents framework supports reservations acroll many categories like Flights, Restaurant, Movies, Ticket Events, Car Rentals, Train, Hotels, Flights
  • INReservation, INGetReservationDetailsIntent and INGetReservationDetailsIntentResponse to donate reservation information to the system
  • NSUserActivity is used to handle app launches from Siri suggestion throughout the iOS sytsem
    • can be used to provide web-based flow if app is not installed > NSUserActivity.webpageURL
  • Shortcut appears on the lockscreen and in the search UI when specified parameters match (user is at specified location, time of the event is close, …). On tap it launches the app.
  • Reservation Details are automatically synced across the users devices using end-to-end encryption
  • Donating Reservations
    • If you don't have the coorindate provide 0, 0. Siri will only use the postal address.
    • Make sure to set the correct time zone of the event location for the event
    • If no end time is available - set it nil
    • In case of multiple INReservation items:
      • provide itemReference which must be unique for each reservation
      • can be structured as you want, e.g. reservation number combined with flight number
    • Donation should be done
      • in-app when the reservation is created
      • always when reservation viewed because it might have changed
      • from the background when the app is closed and the reservation changed
    • Donate should not be done
      • explicitly via UI elements
    • If reservation is cancelled, donate the reservation with reservationStatus set to .cancelled
  • Clarity at point of use is the most important goal as an API designer
  • No prefixes in Swift-only frameworks
  • Prefer Structs over Classes - Use classes only when
    • reference counting or deinitialization is needed
    • the value is shared
  • Use private backing variables and additionally a computed property for reference types if you need to copy them
  • Only manually copy reference types if isKnownUniquelyReferenced returnes false.
  • Don't start off with protocols rather start with concrete types • discover the need for generic code • try to use existing protocols • consider generics over protocols. This will also decrease binary size and increase compile time.
  • Get familiar with SIMD types which are perfectly suited for geometric calculations
  • Dynamic Member Lookup to define a single subscript operation that exposes multiple properties on a type
    • attribute type by @dynamicMemberLookup
    • requires implementing subscript that takes a KeyPath or ReferenceWritableKeyPath
    • any property is automatically exposed as computed property
  • Property Wrappers offer code reuse out of computed properties by using Generics.
    • Describe the policy behind your data access
    • Eleminate boilerplate & get more expressive UIs
    • add the attribute @propertyWrapper to your generic type (requires implementing public var value: Value )
    • Use Your Property Wrapper by defining a property this way: @YourPropertyWrapperType var name: String which will internally expand to a private backing property as well as a computed property that uses the implementation of your generic type.
    • @UserDefault(key: "BOOSTER_IGNITED, defaultValue: false") static var isBoosterIgnited: Bool
    • @ThreadSpecific var localPool: MemoryPool
    • @Option(shorthand: "m", documentation: "Minimum Value", defaultValue: 0) var minimum: Int
    • Examples from SwiftUI are @State, @Binding
  • Use protocols for code reuse not for classification
  • Support for reading Passports, interacting with smart cards from iPhone 7 ++
  • NFCTagReaderSession allows to scan native tags like ISO14443, ISO15693, ISO18092
  • NFCNDEFReaderSession supports discovery of NDEF tag objects and read/write operations for those
  • Workflow to Use NFC
    • Enable Xcode Capability
    • Use one of the sessions described abobe
    • receive tags in discovery callbacks
    • connect to tag
    • perform operations
    • invalidate session
  • Native Tag Reading supports ISO7816
    • info.plist must contain a list of ApplicationIdentifiers (AID)
    • detect-tag callback invoked when tag is ISO7816 and AID is contains in info.plist
  • Native Tag Reading supports also MIFARE, ISO15693, FeliCa (from Sony - heavily used by transit and payment sytems in Japan)
  • Watch technical session video for implementation details to all supported Native Tag Reading
  • Testing Pyramid Refresher
    • Unit Tests as foundation help to test a single piece of code - write many
    • Integration Tests validate larger section of code (clusters of classes). Verify that different parts behave corctly together. You need less of these than unit tests.
    • UI Tests oberserve the user-facing behavior of your app. Requires more maintenance, run slow. You need the least ones
  • XCTUnwrap is equivalent to: assert not nil; guard let <contition> else throw
  • XCTAssertEqual gains an accuracy argument for comparing double values
  • XCTAssertThrowsError has a closure to evaluate the thrown error. Ideal to write negative test cases.
  • UITests property isHittable ensures that an element exists, is on the screen and you can interact with it
  • Test Plans
    • allow running tests more than once with different settings
    • defines all testing variants in one place
    • can be shared between multiple schemes
    • supported in Xcode and xcodebuild for CI Xcode Server
  • Test Plans let you specify the following by using Configurations
    • language, region, user location, automatioc screenshots, localization screenshots, execution order, code coverage, sanitizers, API checking, memory management options, arguments and environment variables
  • Test Configuration represents a single run of your tests with certain set of options
  • Shared Settings are inherited by all test configurations
  • Localization Screenshots for preserving all screenshots from all runs with different localizations
  • **Example Configurations With Different Focus Are No Problem Anymore: ** Memory Checking (Address Sanitizer + Zombie Objects), Concurrency (Thread Sanitizer, Undefined behavior Sanitizer, Random Order), Extra Diagnostics (ENBLE_LOGGING=1, Keep Attachments)
  • Xcode Server is finally usable to share test configuration between different bots. The ideal (and free) solution to test a white-labelled app with lots of targets
  • Result Bundles
    • 4 times smaller due to optimized file format
    • viewable in Xcode
    • programmatically accessible via xcresulttool
    • used to get code coverage diff via xccov diff --json Before.xcresult After.xcresult
  • Low Data Mode enables configuration per wi-fi and cellular network how expensive the connection is
    • delays discretionary tasks
    • disables backround app refresh
    • apps have to adopt to it by reduce image quality (symbols vs. images), reduce prefetching, synchronize less often, mark background tasks as discretionary, disable auto-play, don't block user-initiated work
    • first try expensive prefetch by allowConstrainedNetworkAccess = false. On failure error.networkUnavailableReason == .constrained try low data alternative
    • URLSession.allowExpensiveNetworkAccess
    • never check for connection type rather check if the connection is expensive or constrained
  • DataTaskPublisher uses Combine framework in URLSession. Useful to achieve the following in asynchronous networking:
    • get rid of capturing self in completion handlers
    • avoid duplicate network code like checking for status code
    • achieve retry operation in just one line - since network operations are expensive: low retry count
    • Pretty nice example of generic low-data-mode adaptivePublisher at minute 26:07
  • WebSocket
    • Advantages
      • bi-directional connection over TLS/TCP connection
      • works with firewalls / CDNs
      • proxy support
    • URLWebSocketTask is exciting simple! Example at 31:32
      • NSConnection / NSListener offers client/server support for partial or complete WebSocket messages
  • Mobility Improvements never turn off Wi-Fi anymore when walking off home with slowly fading connection
    • Improved Wi-Fi Assit: Cross-Layer Mobility Detection from all Frameworks (Network.framework, URLSession, Wi-Fi, Cellular)
    • Apps can adopt Multipath Transport which requires the server to do so too
    • High-Level APIs URLSession / Network gain benefits from improvements
  • Bonjour available on EVERY native platform
    • powers wide-area service discovery
    • native browser support in Network framework via NWBrowser (discover)
    • NWListener provides advertising support
    • NSConnection handles the connection
  • Building Framing Protocols
    • Developers can write their own framing protocol that runs in the same networking thread as TCP
    • encapsulate or encode application messages
    • used to write common code across TCP/UDP transports
  • Collecting Metrics more metrics for URLSession and newly created ones for Network
  • Optimistic DNS enabled by default and improves performance for answers with short time-to-live
  • Request and Response Metrics extended
    • byte counts, packet counts, round-trip-times
    • start and end reports to correspond to application activity
    • multiple reports simultaneously
    • per-path breakdown for mlti-path protocols
  • iPad Apps For Mac opt-in to allow incoming conections - outgoing on by default
  • CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo needs capability Access Wi Fi Information & must meet at least 1 of:
    • permission to location
    • VPN enabled
    • if app is hotspot configurator it can access the info for networks it configured
  • Never switch on the current network device but rather do:
    • allowsExpensiveNetworkAccess = false
    • waitsForConnectivity = true
    • taskIsWaitingForConnectivity delegate is called where you can switch to cellular data
  • Deprecations
    • PAC files for schemes file:// and ftp://
    • SPDY replaced by HTTP/2
    • Secure transport doesn't support TLS 1.3 / Use URLSession / Network.framework instead
  • 1h presentation about all the power Xcode offers
  • You learn about all the UI elements and functionality of Xcode
    • how to compile
    • fix issues in SwiftUI
    • add capabilities
    • create Swift Packages
    • how to add dependencies via Swpft Package Manager
    • unit testing
    • target memberships
    • running and debugging
    • documentation
    • and many more...
  • It is perfectly suited for new developers that have never worked with Xcode, but also for experienced ones to get to know the new UI of Xcode 11
  • Deprecation of LaunchImages use Launch Storyboards instead
  • New App Store Requirement Any app linking to iOS 13 must ensure correct layout at any size
  • Split Screen Multitasking is required for iPad Apps
  • UINavigationBarAppearance customize .standardAppearance (iPhone portrait), .compactAppearance (iPhone landscape), .scrollEdgeAppearance (if attached to scrollView and scrolled to top, bar uses this one)
    • settable per navigationItem so customization per view controller possible (including color, transparency, …) let appearance = navigationBar.standardAppearance.copy() /* configuration */ navigationItem.standardAppearance = appearance
  • UIBarButtonAppearance, UIToolBarAppearance
  • UITabBarAppearance customize .stackedLayoutAppearance (text below icon), .inlineLayoutAppearance (text right to icon; iPads), .compactInlineLayoutAppearance (text right to icon; landscape; smaller phones)
  • UIModalPresentationStyle.[automatic | formSheet | pageSheet] are able to stack behind each other
    • .automatic is the new default; gets resolved at presentation time
    • get the old behavior by viewController.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
    • sheets get gesture recognizer aded automatically to support pull-to-dismiss - opt-out possible (see link in description for example project)
    • Appearance Callbacks Not Called for .PageSheet and .FormSheet on presentingViewController: viewWillAppear, viewDisappear, viewWillDisappear, viewDidDisappear
  • Search UI
    • offers possibility to hide cancel button and scope control
    • expose UISearchTextField on UISearchBar so customization becomes possible
    • Search Tokens that represent complex searches
      • are copy&pastable and support drag&drop
      • can be created by user/developer from selected text in UISearchTextField
  • UITextInteraction the new & easy way to control selection UI
  • Multi Selection in Table-/Collection Views simply by Two-Finger-Swipe
    • opt-in by implementing only 1 new delegate method for Tables and Collections
  • New Editing Gestures
    • pinch 3 fingers in: copy selected text
    • pinch 3 fingers out paste copied text
    • 3 finger tap || 3 finger swipe back undo
    • 3 finger swipe forward redo
    • opt out by responder.editingInteractionConfiguration = .none
  • UIContextMenuInteraction context menus with rich preview, nested menus, in-line sections
    • transform to context menus on macOS
    • UIMenu & UIInteraction provide hierarichal menu construction system
    • adopt by view.addInteraction(UIContextMenuInteraction(delegate: self))
    • customize how view and menu will be presented: UITargetedPreview & UITargetedDragPreview
    • convenience delegate methods for context menus on UITableView & UICollectionView
    • UIViewControllerPreviewing (peek & pop) is deprecated for sake of this new API
    • replace long-press driven behavior/menus by this new API
  • Desktop-class website browsing
  • Legacy Safrai Extension Support dropped for sake of Content Blockers, Share Extensions, Safari App Extensions
  • Safari Extensions
    • deliver bundles with app OR after notarization via web site
    • Get the visible content of the web page (screenshot)
    • show and dismiss popovers
    • delegate informs about navigating/redirect to new site
  • Content Blocker
    • associate content blocker with safari extension to get notified when content is blocked
  • UNiversal Links for macOS so ordinary https links open app if installed
  • Distributable via

    • App on AppStore (show up immediately in Safari)
    • App on your web site after running through the notarization service (show up in Safari after first launch of the app)
  • Unsigned Extensions must be allowed each time Safari is run from the Developer menu

  • ContentBlocker can now tell Safari App Extensions bout its activity

  • Page Naviagtion Delegate informs about navigating/redirect to new site

  • Adopting ContentBlocker and PageNavigation extensions allows

    • replacing arbitrary contentent on websites
    • updating toolbar icon badge, e.g. with content items blocked count
    • blocking certain content from web sites you browse on
  • Screenshots of web sites are now possible

  • Tab, Window, Page management

    • Get base URI from native code without injection of script
    • Directly navigate to certain tabs without scripting from the extension
    • All open tabs and windows are visible from an extension
  • Popovers can be shown/dismissed programmatically

  • Communication between App and Extension

    • Possible by NSXPCConnection (extension and app must be part of the same app group)
    • Share data by using UserDefaults(suiteName:)
    • Sending messages from app >>> extension: SFSafariApplication.dispatchMessage
    • Receive message in extension by implementing SFSafariExtensionHandling.messageReceivedFromContainingApp (Possible also when safari is not running - launched eventually)
  • Core Haptics allows to use taptic engine fully in iPhone
  • Developers can change the Haptic Intensity and the Haptic Sharpness
  • 3 Guiding principles: Causality, Harmony, Utility
  • Causality means that haptic feedback and the event causing it must match our expectations
  • Harmony means how sound/haptic/visuals work together
  • Utility add audio/haptics that provide clear value to your UX
  • Work with Primitives Transient (short) and Continuous (long)
    • both can be modulated by haptic intensity/sharpness which work different with the 2 primitives
  • use transient building blocks for sharp, crisp and short sounds
  • use continuous primitives for smooth, extended sounds
  • Event based audio-/haptic rendering API - a synthesizer
  • same feel on iPhone 8, 8 Plus, X, XS, XR, XS Max
  • Not a replacement for UIFeedbackGenerator! Continue using it for impact, selection and notification
  • Use Core Haptics for custom haptics and audio patterns
  • Content Classes: CHHapticPattern, CHHapticEvengt, CHHapticParameter
  • Playback Classes: CHHapticEngine, CHHapticPatternPlayer, CHHapticAdvancedPatternPlayer
  • Haptics can be coded inside the app or delivered as AHAP (Apple Haptic Audio Pattern) resource file
    • AHAP describes pattern as text
    • schema for JSON
    • Can use Swift Codable
    • Separate content from code
  • Read more at the updated Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) for haptics
  • Cryptography is hard to get right don't do it yourself unless you are an cryptography expert

  • Use Data Protection to protect your data on the device: try data.write(to: fileURL, options: .completeFileProtection) if you don't do so yet

  • Use Keychain for Credentials and Keys. Never write them to the UserDefaults!

  • Apple Watch can now be used to authenticate operations done on macOS

  • Use CloudKit to share data across devices/users by encrypting assets in private CK DB

  • Use TLS 1.3 (Transport Layer Security) to ensure a secure network connection. Usage is ensured by using Network.framework or URLSession

  • Use SecTrust to verify remote parties.

  • Adopt CryptoKit

    • AES encryption inn just one line
    • strongkly typed interfaces
    • memory management
    • equatable conformances
    • generics
    • Hash Functions (SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512), Symmetric Key Cryptography (HMAC, AES-GCM), Public-Key Cryptography (Curve25519: P-256, P-384, P-512), Insecure Module (MD5, SHA1)
  • Using a signature to authorize an operation: try P256.Signing.PrivateKey()

  • Constrain key usage by generating them with the SecureEnclave, e.g. only usable when unlocked try SecureEnclave.P256.Signing.PrivateKey(accessControl:)

  • Customizing Authentication Context with LAContext: try SecureEnclave.P256.Signing.PrivateKey(accessControl:authenticationContext:)

  • Performant through usage of CoreCrypto, hand-tuned assembly code and usage of the A12 Bionic

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  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.