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shoaib01's Introduction

IFS=' ' read -r -a SERVER_PORTS <<< "${SERVER_PORT}"

if [[ "${cm_src_dest}" != "-" ]]; then IFS=',' read -r -a CM_SRC_DEST_ITEMS <<< "${cm_src_dest}" for ITEM in "${CM_SRC_DEST_ITEMS[@]}"; do # Extract source and destination from the cm_src_dest item IFS=':' read -r tmpKey tmpVal <<< "${ITEM}" for PORT in "${SERVER_PORTS[@]}"; do TMPVAL_MODIFIED="${tmpVal//{{SERVER_PORT}}/${PORT}}"

  echo "Processing config for port ${PORT}: SRC: ${tmpKey}, DEST: ${TMPVAL_MODIFIED}"
  if [[ -d "${tmpKey}" ]]; then
    cp -r "${tmpKey}" "${TMPVAL_MODIFIED}"
  elif [[ -e "${tmpKey}" ]]; then
    cp "${tmpKey}" "${TMPVAL_MODIFIED}"
    echo "SRC config file doesn't exist: ${tmpKey}"
  sed -i "s|{{SERVER_PORT}}|${PORT}|g" "${TMPVAL_MODIFIED}" || echo "Config file copy failed for port ${PORT}"

done fi

application: - name: ecomm-akka-bbp-seed server_port: "2641,2642" limit_memory: "1g" instance_count: 2 context: "ecomm_akka_bbp_seed" host: "{{Prefix}}" registry: "{{EnvIndex}}_REGISTRY1" JAVA_OPTS: "/app/bbportal/akka/ecomm_akka_bbp_seed/bin/ecomm_akka_bbp_seed -J-Xms512M -J-Xmx1g -J-server -J-javaagent:/app/infra/newrelic/newrelic.jar -Dnewrelic.config.app_name=EVBV-BBPORTAL-ecomm_akka_bbp_seed-GREEN-{{Region}}-AWSE -Dnewrelic.config.proxy_port=80 -Dnewrelic.config.process_host.display_name={{hostIp}}{{server_port}} -Dnewrelic.config.distributed_tracing.enabled=true $ADD_OPTS -DPROXY_PORT=80 -Dorg.aspectj.tracing.factory=default{{DisplayName}}{{DisplayName2}} -Dakka.logger-startup-timeout=15s -DlogBuildInfoEnabled=Y -Dconfig.file=/app/bbportal/conf/bbportal.conf -Dlogback.configurationFile=/app/bbportal/conf/ecomm_akka_bbp_seed.{{server_port}}.logback.xml -Dakka.remote.netty.tcp.hostname={{hostIp}} -Dakka.remote.netty.tcp.port={{server_port}} -Dakka.cluster.seed-nodes.0=akka.tcp://application@{{hostIp}}:2641 -Dakka.cluster.seed-nodes.1=akka.tcp://application@{{hostIp}}:2642" cm_src_dest: "{{ServiceRoot}}/tmpapp/akka_config/roles/restart-akka/templates/logback.xml.j2:/app/bbportal/conf/ecomm_akka_bbp_seed.2641.logback.xml,{{ServiceRoot}}/tmpapp/akka_config/roles/restart-akka/templates/logback.xml.j2:/app/bbportal/conf/ecomm_akka_bbp_seed.2642.logback.xml,{{ServiceRoot}}/tmpapp/akka_config/roles/restart-akka/templates/logback.xml.j2:/app/bbportal/conf/ecomm_akka_bbp_seed.{{server_port}}.logback.xml{{ServiceRoot}}/tmpapp/akka_config/roles/restart-akka/templates/{{EnvIndex}}/bbportal.conf.j2:/app/bbportal/conf/bbportal.conf"


Assume SERVER_PORT is passed as an argument to this script

SERVER_PORT="$1" # Example input could be "2461|2462"

Check if SERVER_PORT contains a pipe '|'

if [[ "$SERVER_PORT" == "|" ]]; then echo "Multiple ports provided: $SERVER_PORT" # Split SERVER_PORT into an array of ports using the pipe as a delimiter IFS='|' read -r -a PORTS_ARRAY <<< "$SERVER_PORT" # Now you can iterate over ${PORTS_ARRAY[@]} to handle multiple ports else echo "Single port provided: $SERVER_PORT" # Handle the single port case fi

Example of iterating over multiple ports if provided

for PORT in "${PORTS_ARRAY[@]}"; do echo "Processing port: $PORT" # Insert logic here to process each port done

Continue with script logic...


[WARN] [01/19/2024 16:51:51.952] [application-akka.remote.default-remote-dispatcher-9] [akka.tcp://[email protected]:2641/system/endpointManager/reliableEndpointWriter-akka.tcp%3A%2F%2Fapplication%4010.119.6.187%3A2642-0] Association with remote system [akka.tcp://[email protected]:2642] has failed, address is now gated for [5000] ms. Reason: [Association failed with [akka.tcp://[email protected]:2642]] Caused by: [ Connection refused: /]

  • sed -i 's/^ecomm_akka_bbp_seed:.*/ecomm_akka_bbp_seed:EVBV_1DBBPORTAL/vzw/evbv/release/24.02.100/ecomm-akka-bbp-seed/' /app/bbportal/akka/ecomm_akka_bbp_seed/ sed: -e expression #1, char 63: unknown option to `s'

fail=$(grep -lE "(APPLICATION FAILED TO START|Heap|OutOfMemoryError|Unable to access jarfile|Caused by:)" ${startup}//.startup.out | grep -oE "($svcregex)" | sort -u | sed -n -e 'H;${x;s/\n/,/g;s/^,//;p;}')

fail=$(grep -rL "[WARN]" ${startup}//.startup.out | grep -lE "(APPLICATION FAILED TO START|Heap|OutOfMemoryError|Unable to access jarfile|Caused by:)" | grep -oE "($svcregex)" | sort -u | sed -n -e 'H;${x;s/\n/,/g;s/^,//;p;}')

#!/usr/bin/bash svc=$1 AppRoot=$2 startup=$3 svcregex=$(echo $svc | sed -e s/,/|/g)

fail=$(grep -rL "[WARN]" ${startup}//.startup.out | grep -lE "(APPLICATION FAILED TO START|Heap|OutOfMemoryError|Unable to access jarfile|Caused by:)" ${startup}//.startup.out | grep -oE "($svcregex)" | sort -u | sed -n -e 'H;${x;s/\n/,/g;s/^,//;p;}') echo "$fail" if [ "$fail" != "" ]; then svc="$svc,$fail" fi echo "HealthFail:$fail" pass=$(echo $svc | sed -e 's/,/\n/g' | sort | uniq -u | sed -n -e 'H;${x;s/\n/,/g;s/^,//;p;}') echo "HealthPass:$pass"

exit 0

if [ "$cm_src_dest" != "-" ]; then for cm_item in ${cm_src_dest//,/ } ; do if [[ ${cm_item} =~ "{{server_port}}" ]]; then tmpKey=echo ${cm_item} | cut -d ":" -f 1 | sed -i "s|{{SERVER_PORT}}|$SERVER_PORT|g" tmpVal=echo ${cm_item} | cut -d ":" -f 2 | sed -i "s|{{SERVER_PORT}}|$SERVER_PORT|g" echo "SRC: ${tmpKey}, DEST: ${tmpVal}" if [ -d $tmpKey ]; then cp -r ${tmpKey} ${tmpVal} elif [ -e $tmpKey ]; then cp ${tmpKey} ${tmpVal} echo "sed -i "s|{{APP_NAME}}|$APP_NAME|g;s|{{SERVER_PORT}}|$SERVER_PORT|g;s|{{ENV}}|$ENV|g;s|TIMESTAMP_VALUE|$TIMESTAMP_VALUE|g;s|{{LOGS_DIR}}|$LOGS_DIR|g" ${tmpVal}" sed -i "s|{{APP_NAME}}|$APP_NAME|g;s|{{SERVER_PORT}}|$SERVER_PORT|g;s|{{ENV}}|$ENV|g;s|TIMESTAMP_VALUE|$TIMESTAMP_VALUE|g;s|{{LOGS_DIR}}|$LOGS_DIR|g" ${tmpVal} else echo "SRC config file doesn't exist" fi fi if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Config file copy failed"; fi done fi

cat ecomm_akka_bbp_seed.startup.out | grep -lE "(APPLICATION FAILED TO START|Heap|OutOfMemoryError|Unable to access jarfile|Caused by:)" (standard input)

grep -rL "[WARN]" ecomm_akka_bbp_seed.startup.out | grep -lE "(APPLICATION FAILED TO START|Heap|OutOfMemoryError|Unable to access jarfile|Caused by:)" ecomm_akka_bbp_seed.startup.out | grep -oE "ecomm_akka_bbp_seed" | sort -u | sed -n -e 'H;${x;s/\n/,/g;s/^,//;p;}'

IFS=',' read -r -a cm_items <<< "$cm_src_dest" for cm_item in "${cm_items[@]}"; do

Rest of the loop logic...


tmpKey=$(echo "${cm_item}" | cut -d ":" -f 1) tmpVal=$(echo "${cm_item}" | cut -d ":" -f 2) sed -i "s|{{SERVER_PORT}}|$SERVER_PORT|g" "$tmpKey" "$tmpVal"

if [ "$cm_src_dest" != "-" ]; then for cm_item in ${cm_src_dest//,/ } ; do if [[ ${cm_item} =~ "{{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}}" ]]; then echo "cm_item:$cm_item" tmpKey=echo ${cm_item} | cut -d ":" -f 1 | sed -e "s|{{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}}|$SERVER_PORT|g" tmpVal=echo ${cm_item} | cut -d ":" -f 2 | sed -e "s|{{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}}|$SERVER_PORT|g" echo "SRC: ${tmpKey}, DEST: ${tmpVal}" if [ -d $tmpKey ]; then cp -r ${tmpKey} ${tmpVal} elif [ -e $tmpKey ]; then cp ${tmpKey} ${tmpVal} echo "sed -i "s|{{APP_NAME}}|$APP_NAME|g;s|{{SERVER_PORT}}|$SERVER_PORT|g;s|{{ENV}}|$ENV|g;s|TIMESTAMP_VALUE|$TIMESTAMP_VALUE|g;s|{{LOGS_DIR}}|$LOGS_DIR|g" ${tmpVal}" sed -i "s|{{APP_NAME}}|$APP_NAME|g;s|{{SERVER_PORT}}|$SERVER_PORT|g;s|{{ENV}}|$ENV|g;s|TIMESTAMP_VALUE|$TIMESTAMP_VALUE|g;s|{{LOGS_DIR}}|$LOGS_DIR|g" ${tmpVal else echo "SRC config file doesn't exist" fi elif [[ ${cm_item} != "{{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}}" ]]; then tmpKey=echo ${cm_item} | cut -d ":" -f 1 tmpVal=echo ${cm_item} | cut -d ":" -f 2 echo "SRC: ${tmpKey}, DEST: ${tmpVal}" if [ -d $tmpKey ]; then cp -r ${tmpKey} ${tmpVal} elif [ -e $tmpKey ]; then cp ${tmpKey} ${tmpVal} echo "sed -i "s|{{APP_NAME}}|$APP_NAME|g;s|{{SERVER_PORT}}|$SERVER_PORT|g;s|{{ENV}}|$ENV|g;s|TIMESTAMP_VALUE|$TIMESTAMP_VALUE|g;s|{{LOGS_DIR}}|$LOGS_DIR|g" ${tmpVal}" sed -i "s|{{APP_NAME}}|$APP_NAME|g;s|{{SERVER_PORT}}|$SERVER_PORT|g;s|{{ENV}}|$ENV|g;s|TIMESTAMP_VALUE|$TIMESTAMP_VALUE|g;s|{{LOGS_DIR}}|$LOGS_DIR|g" ${tmpVal} else echo "There is error in config" fi if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Config file copy failed"; fi done fi

if [ "$cm_src_dest" != "-" ]; then for cm_item in ${cm_src_dest//,/ } ; do if [[ "$cm_item" =~ "{{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}}" ]]; then echo "cm_item:$cm_item" tmpKey=$(echo "$cm_item" | cut -d ":" -f 1 | sed -e "s|{{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}}|$SERVER_PORT|g") tmpVal=$(echo "$cm_item" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | sed -e "s|{{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}}|$SERVER_PORT|g") echo "SRC: $tmpKey, DEST: $tmpVal" if [ -d "$tmpKey" ]; then cp -r "$tmpKey" "$tmpVal" elif [ -e "$tmpKey" ]; then cp "$tmpKey" "$tmpVal" sed -i "s|{{APP_NAME}}|$APP_NAME|g;s|{{SERVER_PORT}}|$SERVER_PORT|g;s|{{ENV}}|$ENV|g;s|TIMESTAMP_VALUE|$TIMESTAMP_VALUE|g;s|{{LOGS_DIR}}|$LOGS_DIR|g" "$tmpVal" else echo "SRC config file doesn't exist" fi elif [[ "$cm_item" != "{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}" ]]; then tmpKey=$(echo "$cm_item" | cut -d ":" -f 1) tmpVal=$(echo "$cm_item" | cut -d ":" -f 2) echo "SRC: $tmpKey, DEST: $tmpVal" if [ -d "$tmpKey" ]; then cp -r "$tmpKey" "$tmpVal" elif [ -e "$tmpKey" ]; then cp "$tmpKey" "$tmpVal" else echo "There is an error in config" fi fi # This closes the if block if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Config file copy failed" fi done fi

if [ "$cm_src_dest" != "-" ]; then for cm_item in ${cm_src_dest//,/ } ; do echo "Processing item: $cm_item"

tmpKey=$(echo "$cm_item" | cut -d ":" -f 1 | sed "s|{{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}}|$SERVER_PORT|g")
tmpVal=$(echo "$cm_item" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | sed "s|{{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}}|$SERVER_PORT|g")

# Check if the placeholders were successfully replaced
if [[ "$tmpKey" == *{{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}}* ]] || [[ "$tmpVal" == *{{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}}* ]]; then
  echo "Placeholder not replaced in $cm_item, skipping..."

echo "SRC: $tmpKey, DEST: $tmpVal"
if [ -d "$tmpKey" ]; then
  cp -r "$tmpKey" "$tmpVal"
elif [ -e "$tmpKey" ]; then
  cp "$tmpKey" "$tmpVal"
  echo "Source config file doesn't exist: $tmpKey"

# Check the exit status of the last command
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
  echo "Config file copy failed for item: $cm_item"

done fi ----------------------------------------======================
if [ "$cm_src_dest" != "-" ]; then for cm_item in ${cm_src_dest//,/ } ; do if [[ "$cm_item" =~ "{{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}}" ]]; then echo "cm_item:$cm_item" tmpKey=$(echo "$cm_item" | cut -d ":" -f 1 | sed -e "s|{{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}}|$SERVER_PORT|g") tmpVal=$(echo "$cm_item" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | sed -e "s|{{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}}|$SERVER_PORT|g") echo "SRC: $tmpKey, DEST: $tmpVal" if [ -d "$tmpKey" ]; then cp -r "$tmpKey" "$tmpVal" elif [ -e "$tmpKey" ]; then cp "$tmpKey" "$tmpVal" sed -i "s|{{APP_NAME}}|$APP_NAME|g;s|{{SERVER_PORT}}|$SERVER_PORT|g;s|{{ENV}}|$ENV|g;s|TIMESTAMP_VALUE|$TIMESTAMP_VALUE|g;s|{{LOGS_DIR}}|$LOGS_DIR|g" "$tmpVal" else echo "SRC config file doesn't exist" fi elif [[ "$cm_item" != "{{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}}" ]]; then tmpKey=$(echo "$cm_item" | cut -d ":" -f 1) tmpVal=$(echo "$cm_item" | cut -d ":" -f 2) echo "SRC: $tmpKey, DEST: $tmpVal" if [ -d "$tmpKey" ]; then cp -r "$tmpKey" "$tmpVal" elif [ -e "$tmpKey" ]; then cp "$tmpKey" "$tmpVal" elif [ "$tmpVal" == {{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}} ]; then rm -rf "$tmpVal" else echo "There is an error in config" fi fi if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Config file copy failed" fi done fi

if [ "$cm_src_dest" != "-" ]; then for cm_item in ${cm_src_dest//,/ } ; do echo "Processing item: $cm_item" tmpKey=$(echo "$cm_item" | cut -d ":" -f 1 | sed "s|{{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}}|$SERVER_PORT|g") tmpVal=$(echo "$cm_item" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | sed "s|{{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}}|$SERVER_PORT|g")

# Check for the existence of {{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}} in tmpVal
if [[ "$tmpVal" == *{{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}}* ]]; then
  echo "Placeholder {{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}} found in tmpVal, removing file..."
  rm -rf "$tmpVal"

echo "SRC: $tmpKey, DEST: $tmpVal"

if [ -d "$tmpKey" ] || [ -e "$tmpKey" ]; then
  cp -r "$tmpKey" "$tmpVal"
  # Apply sed modifications if tmpKey is a file
  [ -e "$tmpKey" ] && sed -i "s|{{APP_NAME}}|$APP_NAME|g;s|{{SERVER_PORT}}|$SERVER_PORT|g;s|{{ENV}}|$ENV|g;s|TIMESTAMP_VALUE|$TIMESTAMP_VALUE|g;s|{{LOGS_DIR}}|$LOGS_DIR|g" "$tmpVal"
  echo "Source config file doesn't exist: $tmpKey"

if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
  echo "Config file copy failed for item: $cm_item"

done fi

if [ "$cm_src_dest" != "-" ]; then for cm_item in ${cm_src_dest//,/ } ; do echo "Processing item: $cm_item" tmpKey=$(echo "$cm_item" | cut -d ":" -f 1) tmpVal=$(echo "$cm_item" | cut -d ":" -f 2)

# Replace placeholder only if SERVER_PORT is provided
if [[ -n "$SERVER_PORT" ]]; then

echo "SRC: $tmpKey, DEST: $tmpVal"

# Check for the existence of {{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}} in tmpVal
if [[ "$tmpVal" == *"\{\{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL\}\}"* ]]; then
  echo "Placeholder {{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}} found in tmpVal, not creating file."

if [ -d "$tmpKey" ] || [ -e "$tmpKey" ]; then
  cp -r "$tmpKey" "$tmpVal"
  # Apply sed modifications if tmpKey is a file
  if [ -e "$tmpKey" ]; then
    echo "Applying sed modifications to $tmpVal"
    sed -i "s#{{APP_NAME}}#$APP_NAME#g; s#{{SERVER_PORT}}#$SERVER_PORT#g; s#{{ENV}}#$ENV#g; s#TIMESTAMP_VALUE#$TIMESTAMP_VALUE#g; s#{{LOGS_DIR}}#$LOGS_DIR#g" "$tmpVal"
  echo "Source config file doesn't exist: $tmpKey"

# Check the exit status of the last command
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
  echo "Config file copy failed for item: $cm_item"

done fi

if [ "$cm_src_dest" != "-" ]; then for cm_item in ${cm_src_dest//,/ } ; do echo "Processing item: $cm_item"

# Escape the pipe character '|' in SERVER_PORT for use in sed
escaped_server_port=$(echo "$SERVER_PORT" | sed 's/|/\\|/g')

# Replace the placeholder with the escaped server port value
tmpKey=$(echo "$cm_item" | cut -d ":" -f 1 | sed "s|{{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}}|$escaped_server_port|g")
tmpVal=$(echo "$cm_item" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | sed "s|{{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}}|$escaped_server_port|g")

echo "SRC: $tmpKey, DEST: $tmpVal"

# Ensure that the file is not created if the placeholder remains
if [[ "$tmpVal" == *{{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}}* ]]; then
  echo "Placeholder {{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}} found in tmpVal, not creating file."

# Perform file operations
if [ -d "$tmpKey" ]; then
  cp -r "$tmpKey" "$tmpVal"
elif [ -e "$tmpKey" ]; then
  cp "$tmpKey" "$tmpVal"
  if [ -e "$tmpKey" ]; then
    echo "Applying sed modifications to $tmpVal"
    sed -i "s#{{APP_NAME}}#$APP_NAME#g; s#{{SERVER_PORT}}#$escaped_server_port#g; s#{{ENV}}#$ENV#g; s#TIMESTAMP_VALUE#$TIMESTAMP_VALUE#g; s#{{LOGS_DIR}}#$LOGS_DIR#g" "$tmpVal"
  echo "Source config file doesn't exist: $tmpKey"

# Check the exit status of the last command
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
  echo "Config file copy failed for item: $cm_item"

done fi

if [ "$cm_src_dest" != "-" ]; then for cm_item in ${cm_src_dest//,/ } ; do echo "Processing item: $cm_item"

# Directly replacing placeholder without using sed to avoid issues with special characters

echo "SRC: $tmpKey, DEST: $tmpVal"

# Check if tmpVal still contains the placeholder
if [[ "$tmpVal" == *'{{SERVER_PORT_ACTUAL}}'* ]]; then
  echo "Placeholder still present in tmpVal after replacement, skipping creation of: $tmpVal"

# Perform file operations
if [ -d "$tmpKey" ] || [ -e "$tmpKey" ]; then
  cp -r "$tmpKey" "$tmpVal"
  # Apply sed modifications if tmpKey is a file
  if [ -f "$tmpKey" ]; then
    echo "Applying sed modifications to $tmpVal"
    sed -i "s#{{APP_NAME}}#${APP_NAME}#g; s#{{SERVER_PORT}}#${SERVER_PORT}#g; s#{{ENV}}#${ENV}#g; s#TIMESTAMP_VALUE#${TIMESTAMP_VALUE}#g; s#{{LOGS_DIR}}#${LOGS_DIR}#g" "$tmpVal"
  echo "Source config file doesn't exist: $tmpKey"

# Check the exit status of the last command
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
  echo "Config file copy failed for item: $cm_item"

done fi

if [ "$cm_src_dest" != "-" ]; then

Split SERVER_PORT into an array-like list of ports

This will be a single item array if there's no delimiter

ports=(${SERVER_PORT//|/ })

for cm_item in ${cm_src_dest//,/ } ; do echo "Processing item: $cm_item"


# Replace the placeholder with the actual server port value for each port
for port in "${ports[@]}"; do
  # Use the PORT variable directly if it's a single integer
  # If PORT is not set, use the loop variable 'port'


  echo "SRC: $modifiedKey, DEST: $modifiedVal"

  # Copy and modify the file for the current port
  if [ -d "$modifiedKey" ] || [ -e "$modifiedKey" ]; then
    cp -r "$modifiedKey" "$modifiedVal"
    if [ -f "$modifiedVal" ]; then
      # Apply the sed replacements for server port and app name within the file
      sed -i "s|{{APP_NAME}}|$APP_NAME|g; s|{{SERVER_PORT}}|$port_to_use|g; s|{{ENV}}|$ENV|g; s|TIMESTAMP_VALUE|$TIMESTAMP_VALUE|g; s|{{LOGS_DIR}}|$LOGS_DIR|g" "$modifiedVal"
    echo "Source config file doesn't exist: $modifiedKey"

  # Check for errors after processing the current port
  if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
    echo "Copy or modification failed for port $port_to_use: $cm_item"
    # If you want to stop the loop on failure, uncomment the next line
    # break

done fi

================================================= wget "${ARTIFACT_URL}" -q

if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then wget "${ARTIFACT_URL}" -q -O "${APP_NAME}.zip"

if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Artifact: ${ARTIFACT_URL} download failed"; exit 1; fi


echo "Artifact: ${ARTIFACT_URL} downloaded"; echo "STAGED FILE: $(ls -l "${STAGED_FILE}")"

echo "Deployment files found for: ${APP_NAME}" wget ${ARTIFACT_URL} -P ${STAGE_DIR}/${APP_NAME} -q; if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Artifact: ${ARTIFACT_URL} download failed"; exit 1; fi echo "Artifact: ${ARTIFACT_URL} download successful";

file_extensions=("zip" "tar" "war" "jar")

for file_ext in "${file_extensions[@]}"; do if ls -l "${STAGE_DIR}/${APP_NAME}/${APP_NAME}"."${file_ext}" &>/dev/null; then echo "STAGED FILE: $(ls -l "${STAGE_DIR}/${APP_NAME}/${APP_NAME}"."${file_ext}")" break else echo "No staged file found with .${file_ext} extension" fi done

if [[ ${file_ext} == "${file_extensions[-1]}" ]]; then echo "No staged files found for any known extensions." exit 1 fi

-----================================= echo "Backup created: $(ls -l $ARCHIVE_DIR/$APP_NAME/${APP_NAME}$NOW.$file_ext)" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "STAGED FILE: $(ls -l $ARCHIVE_DIR/$APP_NAME/${APP_NAME}$NOW.tar)" fi


if ls "$file_path" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Backup created: $(ls -l "$file_path")" else file_path="$ARCHIVE_DIR/$APP_NAME/${APP_NAME}_$NOW.tar" if ls "$file_path" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "STAGED FILE: $(ls -l "$file_path")" else echo "Backup file not found." fi fi

  • name: Get content of JSON file using slurp slurp: src: "{{ ServiceRoot }}/{{ ARTIFACT_STATUS_FILE_NAME }}" register: json_file_content

  • name: Print decoded content debug: msg: "{{ json_file_content['content'] | b64decode | replace('\n', '') }}"

  • name: Parse the JSON content set_fact: json_content1: "{{ (json_file_content['content'] | b64decode | replace('\n', '')) | from_json }}"

  • name: Fetch Previous Image Tag set_fact: previousServiceTag: "{{ json_content1.image_tag_before_rollback }}"

  • name: Display the stored variables debug: msg: "previousServiceTag: {{ previousServiceTag }}"

  • name: Parse the Second JSON content (This might not be necessary if it's the same content as before) set_fact: json_content2: "{{ (json_file_content['content'] | b64decode | replace('\n', '')) | from_json }}"

  • name: Fetch Current Image Tag set_fact: currentServiceTag: "{{ json_content2.image_tag_after_rollback }}"

  • name: Display the stored variables debug: msg: "currentServiceTag: {{ currentServiceTag }}"

  • name: Extract commit id of previousServiceTag set_fact: commitid_brb: "{{ previousServiceTag | regex_search('^(?:[^.]*\.){2}...(.{7})', '\1') | default('') }}"

  • name: Extract commit id of currentServiceTag set_fact: commitid_arb: "{{ currentServiceTag | regex_search('^(?:[^.]*\.){2}...(.{7})', '\1') | default('') }}"


jq '. += input' existing.json newData.json > temp.json && mv temp.json existing.json

jq -n
--arg e "$e"
--arg f "$f"
--arg g "$g"
--arg h "$h"
'{a: $e, b: $f, c: $g, d: $h}' > myfile.json


echo "{ "a":"$e", "b":"$f", "c":"$g", "d":"$h" }" > myfile.json

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shoaibhussaini avatar



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