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stex-react's Issues

Tracker: flash card tweaks

There are a couple of tweaks that (I think) would improve flash cards practically:

  • the new flip icon should have a hover "flip the card to see the definition" (on the front) and "flip it back"
  • I do not see the difference between "drill me" and "revise". Maybe they should have hovers that explain what you get?
  • the concept list at @abchugh gave me has 1044 entries for AI-1, but only lists 470 (for IWGS the count is correct).
  • I would like the cards a bit more wide (at least for wieder screens). The traditional cards are A6 or A7 horizontal. That would also alleviate the text alignment problems a bit.
  • We need an intro text for flash cards (though I do not know where to put it). I used Flash Cards are an experimental VoLL-KI service that supports reviewing and drilling the concepts of the AI-1 course. Learners are randomly shown cards with concept names that can be flipped to view the definition. Learners can self-assess their concept mastery, updating the VoLL-KI learner model, which in turn affects the cards shown in a drill. for the studon link.
  • We need a treatment for synonyms: sometimes we have synonyms in the definitions (e.g. sound and correct) then the flash card should have both on the front (or even sound = correct).
  • drill configurator; see #43
  • drill countdown; we currently see something like 2 of 39 in the right upper hand corner
  • drill summary: when we have exhausted the cards in a drill, we need a summary, the current one does not seem to work: I self-assessed positively and it said you remembered 0... This should completely be rethought wrt. the learner model.

ERROR in game-play/slides/game-formalization.en.xhtml

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missing the superscript max and min

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ERROR in csp/slides/csnet-equivalent.en.xhtml

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node and edge labels are not visible in constraint network graphs

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User reported ERROR pl0/snip/rules-trans.en.xhtml

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missing link

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missing auto linebreaks

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The Columns bleed into eachother, because they do not linebreak 

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.machines with human-like minds”[Hau85]
                      “The formalization of mental faculties in terms of computational models”[CM85]

                      “The art of creating machines that perform actions requiring intelligence when performed by people”[Kur90]

                      “The branch of CS concerned with the automation of appropriate behavior in complex situations”[LS93]

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    FetchURL: MiKoMH/AI||rational-agents/sec/intro.en.xhtml

give access to content/system date

It would be great, if the SSFC system gave access to the versions (or time stamps) of the system and content somewhere.
For instance in the footer.

Indicate what parts of lecture have been covered

With PDFs this done by the instructor using a "recorded syllabus" slide (table in front) that is updated after each lecture to indicate which sections of the course have been covered so far.

@mkolhase's suggestion is to have this functionality in the notes/slides UIs by augmenting the TOC. Something like the following:

  1. Give all the sections which are "done" a yellow background and have them collapsed by default.

  2. The subsections of the current lecture, i.e. the last one will be unfolded and be the default entry point to the notes/slides.

  3. The instructor should have a simple interface to update which sections have been 'covered'.

Missing point

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Missing point

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  5. GitLab:
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Layout: show the notes and such in a right infobar (notes mode)

The notes feature is great, and the greatest part of it is that they are localized.
To take full advantage of this we need a new layout for the notes where e.g. an icon on the right shows that there are notes present in the current line or paragraph. There is something like that with the vertical ... for the links and sources. But these overlap the text (that should also be fixed).
I know I have shown this image a couple of times already, but I still think that the usability of the infobar is much better than we have now.
I am imagining different markers (icons) for different kinds of notes, in particular it would be good if questions would be easily identifiable, so that I can answer them.

Drill cards

For all definitions, we should have a mode that allows students to drill on them. I.e. a mode where they are shown the terms (from \definiendum) in random order and can write or say the definitions (and self-grade themselves on them) and then the good ones are dropped from the pool (or their frequency is dropped) and the unknown ones are repeated (randomly).

Would be helpful for students to quickly revise the material especially before oral exams

A^max not correctly displayed

A content ERROR was logged by a user at the following url:

The issue as described by the user:

the disjoint union should be : A^Max  and A^Min 
Here the "max" and "min" is not shown correctly 

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    FetchURL: /:sTeX/fulldocument?archive=MiKoMH/AI&filepath=game-play/slides/game-formalization.en.xhtml

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Interface for auto-graded tests

This feature will have multiple uses:

  1. Help understand which student's weak spots (i.e. develop usermodel's for VoLL-KI).
  2. Help students prepare for exams (a generalization of #11)
  3. Self-test for the M.Sc. in AI


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ntact with the FAU data protection officer. He will be happy to provide you with information and suggestions on the subject

overflow default maxwidth of 600px for different page layouts

different page layouts will overflow the default max width settings for the main view container.
slides for example or any other document that is landscape will look broken (scrollbar is there but 600px are not enough to show the full doc, which has 636.879px style property).

is there any awareness for the page layout?


ERROR in sTeX file

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Symbol for conjunction is wrong

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TeX Macro:\lconjNotations:
          identifiernotationoperator notationin module(None)##1a∧##1b∧(here)bullet##1a∙##1b∙(here)amp##1a&##1b&(here)comma##1a,##1b,(here)

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  1. GitLab:
    FetchURL: /:sTeX/declaration?

Tracker: User note/comments tweaks

I want to use this issue to collect proposed tweaks to the notes/comments feature:

  • There should be explanatory text, e.g. in the help/manual (I will write that, see #48) that explains the facilities
  • notes/comments should have a type (question, answer, correction, ...)
  • comment threads should have a type (open/ongoing, closed, resolved, ...)
  • this is the main problem the UI should indicate the presence (and maybe the gravity/recency) of the notes in place, e.g. on the right of the content they are localized to!
  • management features for the "all comments" page (, for instance I would like to be able to hide or collapse threads, hide them, ... so that I know what I still have to answer, ... The notes/thread types could help here, i.e. e.g. threads are only shown if they are not resolved.

[Not planned soon] notes/comments are currently localized to the course notes or slides. They should be attached to the semantic concepts, so that they can also appear in the guided tours or other generated content.

ERROR in sTeX file

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Note disappears on making an edit to it.

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Here on top are the straight line distance heuristics(our sense of smell). and on bottom are the actual cost between states. So from the evaluation function intiution we can see going from Fagarus is shorter than from RV to Bucharest. But in reality this is not optimal. Hence Greedy search is not optimal.

ERROR in course/notes/notes.xhtml

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ERROR in csp/slides/fourqueens-ex.en.xhtml

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    FetchURL: archive=MiKoMH/AI&filepath=csp/slides/fourqueens-ex.en.xhtml

Sentence structure

A content ERROR was logged by a user at the following url:

The issue as described by the user:

If someone could proofread this whole paragraph, it would be helpful. In the third line "complexity class problem class" does not seem to fit as it is in the sentence. Also, there is no space between "class" and "problem". There is another similar issue in the paragraph.

The text highlighted while reporting this issue:

But what is this notion of
        alluded to above? We observe that we can analyze the
computational problems
        by the
complexity classcomplexity of the
        that solve them. This gives us a notion of what to expect from solutions to a given
complexity classproblem class, and thus whether efficient (i.e.
polynomial time)
        can exist at all.

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  1. GitLab:
    FetchURL: archive=MiKoMH/AI&filepath=prereq/snip/np-trans.en.xhtml

Audio-only option for slides view

This would be specially relevant when slides and video are shown together. Having just the audio consumes less space and may be more convenient for learners.

Not visible

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Not visible

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    FetchURL: /:sTeX/fulldocument?archive=MiKoMH/CompLog&filepath=kr/slides/semnet-nutshell.en.xhtml

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    FetchURL: /:sTeX/fulldocument?archive=MiKoMH/AI&filepath=logic/sec/semantic-networks.en.xhtml

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    FetchURL: /:sTeX/fulldocument?archive=MiKoMH/AI&filepath=logic/sec/kr-intro.en.xhtml

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  5. GitLab:
    FetchURL: :sTeX/fulldocument?archive=MiKoMH/AI&filepath=course/notes/notes.xhtml

Test bug

I'm having a problem with this.

Overlapping texts

A content ERROR was logged by a user at the following url:

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It is not possible to read most of the text, it is overapping with other text. Firefox on desktop.

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                    Domain-Specific Agent
                    General Agent
                    Solver specific to a particular problem (“domain”).

                    Solver based on
                      in a general problem-description language (e.g., the rules of any board game).
                    More efficient.

                    Much less design/maintenance work.

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    FetchURL: /:sTeX/fulldocument?archive=MiKoMH/AI&filepath=rational-agents/sec/agenttypes.en.xhtml

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  4. GitLab:
    FetchURL: :sTeX/fulldocument?archive=MiKoMH/AI&filepath=course/notes/notes.xhtml

Improving expansion strategy of \inputref

Currently \inputref turn into expandable sections which are collapsed by default. We need their folding/unfloding strategy to be more customizable. Some interesting cases are mentioned here:

  1. Certain sections (especially when they are without a title) should be expanded by default. Example:

Screenshot 2022-07-11 at 08 09 29

  1. Not all sections without a title should be auto=expanded. For example, we should not auto-expand such sections in the top-level course notes document. Example:
    Screenshot 2022-07-11 145213

  2. Sections inside slides should always be expanded. It should be perceived by readers as one continuous text.

Screenshot 2022-07-11 at 08 43 07

Max and min not correctly displayed in set

A content ERROR was logged by a user at the following url:

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should be { Max , Min }.

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    FetchURL: /:sTeX/fulldocument?archive=MiKoMH/AI&filepath=game-play/slides/strategy.en.xhtml

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  4. GitLab:
    FetchURL: :sTeX/fulldocument?archive=MiKoMH/AI&filepath=course/notes/notes.xhtml

better treatment for references

The references are at the end of each included file, which is particularly ugly, if a section, chapter or so ends:

Screenshot 2022-11-14 at 20 53 54

The references should be "shown inline", e.g. on hover over [Koh08, and not be shown in the sections. We might want to have a collected references part at the end of the overall document, but I am not sure that this would be helpful.

S^max not correctly displayed

A content ERROR was logged by a user at the following url:

The issue as described by the user:

the disjoint union should be : S^Max , S^Min and S^T. 
Here the "max" and "min" is not shown correctly 

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    FetchURL: /:sTeX/fulldocument?archive=MiKoMH/AI&filepath=game-play/slides/game-formalization.en.xhtml

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  4. GitLab:
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help/manual link in all VoLL-KI

We have the beginnings of a help/manual document in sTeX (see; unfortunately, development is now on the devel branch). This is (going to be) a document just like the AI notes or other courses including guided tours and the like.

Even though this is mostly a placeholder now, it should be linked from all parts of the SSFC front-end, so that students can see what the current feature set is (and understand the concepts behind them).

I do not really care how the links are made, just that they be there.

Make the header stick to the top of page

It should not move out of view on page scroll. This is very important in e.g. the course notes, where we scroll at lot (miles down), and we want to keep the ALeA log on the left and (even more importantly) acces to the profile and help in sync. And while we are at it, I would (at least when it leaves the beginning of the document) make the bar transparent, so that it shows (as much as possible) the text underneith.

I suspect that a few lines of well-placed CSS3 could fix this. Maybe this is something Rakesh can do.

Missing Content

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There is missing a slide or something

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Document does not exist: MiKoMH/AI/csp/slides/csnet-equiv tight=inference.en.xhtml

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    FetchURL: archive=MiKoMH/AI&filepath=csp/slides/csnet-equiv+tight=inference.en.xhtml

ERROR in intro/slides/four-answers.en.xhtml

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Text overlapped. Affecting readability.

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flash card drill configurator

We need a way to configure the drills. The "configuration by sections as in is a good first start, but we need to get the drill level involved into this as well.

For the moment we are thinking of having an expandable TOC of the course (I am assuming we do course-oriented drills) where we can select all sections and subsections we want to drill on, paired with a competence level selector, which is essentially the same interaction (might have to be styled a bit differently) as the new 2x5-choice self-assessment widget. But here the semantics is different: selecting e.g. the remember:0 choice will limit the card selection to those concepts where the learner model reports a remember competence value of -2, -1, or 0.

The configurator should always (directly) report on how many cards are in the current selection.

sTeX based HTML slides

The idea here is to have a view where students can browse through slides like any either presentation. We already have slides in course notes. With this feature, we would like to "just have the slides" with the overlays intact (and working).

Would like to have this before the next semester starts (Oct 20)

User reported ERROR pl0/slides/nd-sequents.en.xhtml

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missing link

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Overflow of text in slide

A content SUGGESTION was logged by a user at the following url:

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It would be better if the size of slide matches with other contents.

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ERROR in planning/mod/hplus-admissible.en.xhtml

ERROR in course/snip/overview-intro.en.xhtml

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