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mini-pinia's Introduction

实现mini pinia

pinia 和 vuex


  1. ts兼容性不好
  2. 命名空间缺陷


  1. ts兼容性好
  2. 不需要命名空间(可以创建多个store)
  3. mutation删掉了


  1. id以defindeStore的参数传入或者以对象中的属性id传入
import { defineStore } from "pinia";

export const useCountStore = defineStore('count', {
  state: () => ({ count: 0 }),
  getters: {
    doubleCount: (store) => store.count * 2
<script setup>
import { useCountStore } from '@/store/useCountStore'
const store = useCountStore()
const handleClick = () => {

  <div>count: {{ store.count }}</div>
  <div>doubleCount: {{ store.doubleCount }}</div>
  <button @click="handleClick">增加</button>


import { defineStore } from "pinia";
// export const useCountStore = defineStore({
//   id: 'count',
//   state: () => ({ count: 0 }),
//   getters: {}
// })
export const useCountStore = defineStore('count', {
  state: () => ({ count: 0 }),
  getters: {
    doubleCount: (store) => store.count * 2
  actions: { //同步异步都在action
    increment() {
<script setup>
import { useCountStore } from '@/store/useCountStore'
const store = useCountStore()
const handleClick = () => {

  <div>count: {{ store.count }}</div>
  <div>doubleCount: {{ store.doubleCount }}</div>
  <button @click="store.increment">增加</button>
  1. 使用setup形式的语法
import { defineStore } from "pinia";
import { computed, reactive, toRefs } from "vue";

export const useCountStore = defineStore('count', () => {
  const state = reactive({ count: 0 })
  const doubleCount = computed(() => state.count * 2)
  const increment = () => state.count++

  return {

实现 createPinia


  1. 创建一个state用来存放所有的store属性,state放在全局独立作用域effectScope中,在使用scope.stop()时,可以停止所有的store下的effect(getters)
  2. 创建一个pinia设置成非响应式的,防止别人使用时用reactive(pinia),直接对pinia添加属性
  3. 创建install方法,在使用app.use时,会自动调用该方法,并把创建好的app传进来
  1. install方法中将当前pinia挂载到vue全局上,可以通过this.$pinia获取到
  2. 在app上使用了provide,使pinia在组件中使用时通过inject注入到页面中
  3. 将app挂载到pinia上
export const PiniaSymbol = Symbol()
import { effectScope, markRaw, ref } from "vue";
import { PiniaSymbol } from './rootStore'

export function createPinia() {
   * effectScope: 相当于effect只是在该作用域中使用stop可以停止所有的effect
   * scope: 创建一个effect的独立作用域,可以使用scope.stop()将作用域中所有的副作用停止掉
  const scope = effectScope(true)
  const state = => ref({}))
  const pinia = markRaw({
    install(app) {
      app.provide(PiniaSymbol, pinia)
      app.config.globalProperties.$pinia = pinia
      pinia._a = app
    _a: null,
    _e: scope,
    _s: new Map()

  return pinia

实现 defindeStore

  1. 处理用户的不同写法,并返回useStore方法
  2. 在用户引入页面中后,获取当前实例,将pinia注入到当前页面中,如果store没有创建,判断用户是传setup函数还是options对象,再进行store创建

store 的创建过程

  1. 创建一个响应式对象store
  2. 在全局作用域中pinia._e为store单独生成effectScope,可以停止对应store中所有effect;运行store将state、getters、actions转化为响应式
  3. warpAction方法利用aop**对函数做处理(后续$onActions需要需要添加新操作),防止解构后this指向改变
  1. 将创建好的store返回
import { computed, effectScope, getCurrentInstance, inject, reactive, toRefs } from "vue"
import { PiniaSymbol } from "./rootStore"

export function defineStore(idOptions, setup) {
  let id 
  let options
  if (typeof idOptions === 'string') {
    id = idOptions
    options = setup
  } else {
    id =
    options = idOptions
  const isSetupStore = typeof setup === 'function'

  return function useStore () {
    const currentInstance = getCurrentInstance()
    const pinia = currentInstance && inject(PiniaSymbol)
    if (!pinia._s.has(id)) {
      if (isSetupStore) {
        createSetupStore(id, setup, pinia)
      } else {
        createOptionsStore(id, options, pinia)
    return pinia._s.get(id)

function createSetupStore(id, setup, pinia) {
  const store = reactive({})
  let scope
  const setupStore = => {
    scope = effectScope()
    return => setup())

  function warpAction(name, actions) {
    return function() {
      const result =, ...arguments)
      return result

   * 解构过程中可能使函数this改变,所以对函数的this做处理,保证this指向store
   * 例: store = useCountStore()
   * const { increment } = store
   * increment()
  for(let key in setupStore) {
    const prop = setupStore[key]
    if (typeof prop === 'function') {
      setupStore[key] = warpAction(key, prop)
  Object.assign(store, setupStore)
  pinia._s.set(id, store)
  return store

function createOptionsStore(id, options, pinia) {
  const { state, getters, actions } = options
  function setup() {
    pinia.state.value[id] = state ? state() : {}
    const localState = toRefs(pinia.state.value[id])
    return Object.assign(
      Object.keys(getters || {}).reduce((computedGetter, name) => {
        computedGetter[name] = computed(() => getters[name].call(store, store))
        return computedGetter
      }, {})
  const store = createSetupStore(id, setup, pinia)
  return store

实现 $patch


function mergeReactiveObject(target, partialState) {
  for(const key in partialState) {
    if (!partialState.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue
    const oldValue = target[key]
    const newValue = partialState[key]
    if (isObject(oldValue) && isObject(newValue) && isRef(newValue)) {
      target[key] = mergeReactiveObject(oldValue, newValue)
    } else {
      target[key] = newValue
  return target

function $patch(partialStateOrMutator) {
  if (typeof partialStateOrMutator === 'function') {
  } else {
    mergeReactiveObject(store, partialStateOrMutator)

实现 $reset


store.$reset = function() {
  const initState = state ? state() : {}
  this.$patch(($state) => {
    Object.assign($state, initState)

实现 $subscribe


function $subscribe(callback, options) { => watch(pinia.state.value[id], (state) => {
    callback({ type: 'dirct' }, state)
  }, options))

实现 $onActions


// pubsub.js
export function addSubscription(subscriptions, cb) {
  return function removeSubscription() {
    const index = subscriptions.indexOf(cb)
    if (index > -1) {

export function tiggerSubscription(subscriptions, ...args) {
  subscriptions.forEach(cb => cb(...args))
  function warpAction(name, actions) {
    return function() {
      // 获取当前action的参数
      const args = Array.from(arguments)
      const afterCallbackList = []
      const onErrorCallbackList = []
      function after(callback) {
      function onError(callback) {
      tiggerSubscription(actionSubscriptions, { after, onError, store, name, args })

      let ret

      try {
        ret = actions.apply(store, arguments)
      } catch (error) {
        tiggerSubscription(onErrorCallbackList, error)
        throw error        
      if (ret instanceof Promise) {
        return ret.then(value => {
          tiggerSubscription(afterCallbackList, value)
        }).catch(error => {
          tiggerSubscription(onErrorCallbackList, error)
          return Promise.reject(error)

      return ret

实现 $dispose

$dispose 用来停止pinia中的scope(也就是说依赖的值改变了,不会在调用对应的方法,state中的属性还是能改变,watch和computed是基于effect实现的)

function $dispose() {
  actionSubscriptions.length = 0

实现 $state


Object.defineProperty(store, '$state', {
  get: () => pinia.state.value[id],
  set: (newState) => $patch(($state) => Object.assign($state, newState))

实现 use


  const _p = []
  const pinia = markRaw({
    install(app) {
      app.provide(PiniaSymbol, pinia)
      app.config.globalProperties.$pinia = pinia
      pinia._a = app
    use(plugin) {
      return this
    _a: null,
    _e: scope,
    _s: new Map(),
//function createSetupStore

  pinia._p.forEach(plugin => Object.assign(store, plugin({ store, pinia, app: pinia._a })))


import { createApp } from 'vue'
import './style.css'
import App from './App.vue'
// import { createPinia } from 'pinia'
import { createPinia } from '@/pinia'

const pinia = createPinia()

pinia.use(({ store }) => {
  const state = localStorage.getItem('piniaState')
  if (state) {
    store.$state = JSON.parse(state)
  store.$subscribe((mutation, state) => {
    localStorage.setItem('piniaState', JSON.stringify(state))


对options api 用法做处理

在实现mapState之前先对option API的问题做处理

export const PiniaSymbol = Symbol()
export let activePinia
export const setActivePinia = (pinia) => activePinia = pinia


const pinia = markRaw({
  install(app) {
    // 设置当前使用的 pinia 在使用option api时才能获取到
    // ...省略部分代码
  // ...省略部分代码


export function defineStore(idOptions, setup) {
  return function useStore () {
    const currentInstance = getCurrentInstance()
    let pinia = currentInstance && inject(PiniaSymbol)
    if (pinia) setActivePinia(pinia)
    pinia = activePinia
    if (!pinia._s.has(id)) {
      if (isSetupStore) {
        createSetupStore(id, setup, pinia)
      } else {
        createOptionsStore(id, options, pinia)
    return pinia._s.get(id)

实现 mapState

mapState是在option API中使用的辅助函数,它的第一个参数为useStore,第二个为数组或者对象;mapState也可以获取getters中的属性

import { useCountStore } from './store/useCountStore';
import { mapState, mapActions } from '@/pinia'

export default {
  computed: {
    //可以直接写成 ...mapState(useCountStore, ['count', 'doubleCount', 'list']), 只是为了演示不同用法
    ...mapState(useCountStore, ['count']),
    ...mapState(useCountStore, ['doubleCount']),
    ...mapState(useCountStore, { l: 'list' })

  <div>count: {{ count }}</div>
  <div>doubleCount: {{ doubleCount }}</div>
  <div v-for="item in l" :key="item">{{ item }}</div>


export function mapState(useStore, keysOrMapper) {
  return Array.isArray(keysOrMapper) ? 
    keysOrMapper.reduce((reduced, key) => {
      reduced[key] = function() {
        return useStore()[key]
      return reduced
    }, {}) : 
    Object.keys(keysOrMapper).reduce((reduced, key) => {
      reduced[key] = function() {
        const store = useStore()
        const storeKey = keysOrMapper[key]
        return store[storeKey]
      return reduced
    }, {})

实现 mapActions


export function mapActions(useStore, keysOrMapper) {
  return Array.isArray(keysOrMapper) ? 
    keysOrMapper.reduce((reduced, key) => {
      reduced[key] = function(...args) {
        return useStore()[key](...args)
      return reduced
    }, {}) : 
    Object.keys(keysOrMapper).reduce((reduced, key) => {
      reduced[key] = function() {
        const store = useStore()
        const storeKey = keysOrMapper[key]
        return store[storeKey](...args)
      return reduced
    }, {})

实现 mapWritableState


export function mapWritableState(useStore, keysOrMapper) {
  return Array.isArray(keysOrMapper) ? 
    keysOrMapper.reduce((reduced, key) => {
      reduced[key] = {
        get() {
          return useStore()[key]
        set(value) {
          useStore()[key] = value
      return reduced
    }, {}) : 
    Object.keys(keysOrMapper).reduce((reduced, key) => {
      reduced[key] = {
        get() {
          const store = useStore()
          const storeKey = keysOrMapper[key]
          return store[storeKey]
        set(value) {
          const store = useStore()
          const storeKey = keysOrMapper[key]
          store[storeKey] = value
      return reduced
    }, {})

mini-pinia's People


sonkay-lin avatar





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