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syt-web-redesign's Introduction


Waving Hand Welcome to SpaceYaTech Website Redesign!

Welcome to the SpaceYaTech website redesign project! This Readme provides comprehensive information about the project, including project description, project structure, communication channels, roadmap, license information, acknowledgments, and links to other important files.

Table of Contents

Project Description

The SpaceYaTech website is being redesigned to enhance its user experience and visual appeal.

The new website will be built using the following tech stack:

  • React: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Vite: build tool that aims to provide a faster and leaner development experience for modern web projects.
  • Tailwind CSS: utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces.
  • GitHub: platform for version control and collaboration.
  • Figma: web-based vector graphics editor and prototyping tool.

Figma Design Reference: Figma Design

Project Set Up

Follow these steps to get the project up and running on your local machine:

  1. Clone the repository

    Open your terminal and run the following command:

    git clone
  2. Navigate into the directory

    Change your current directory to the project's directory:

    cd SYT-Web-Redesign
  3. Install the dependencies

    Run the following command:

    npm install
  4. Start the development server

    Now you can start the development server and begin developing:

    npm run dev

    The project should now be running at http://localhost:5173 (or another port if 5173 is already in use).

Project Structure

The project follows a standard directory structure:

├── docs
│   ├──
│   ├──
├── public
├── src
│   ├── api
│   ├── APP
│   │   ├── components 
│   │   ├── pages 
│   │   ├── index.js
│   ├── assets
│   │   ├── images
│   ├── context
│   ├── hooks
│   │   ├── Mutations 
│   │   ├── Queries 
│   │   ├── useAuth.jsx 
│   ├── router
│   ├── utilities
│   └── ...
├── main.jsx
├── index.css
└── ...
  • The public directory contains static assets like images, icons, etc.
  • The src directory contains the main source code of the project, including components, pages, styles, and other related files.

Communication Channels

For effective collaboration and communication, we recommend the following channels:

  • Discord Sever: Join the SpaceYaTech community on Discord.

  • Rocket.Chat: Join the SpaceYaTech on Rocket.Chat platform. Share your Rocket.Chat username with the project maintainers to get an invitation.

  • GitHub Discussions: Use GitHub Discussions for general discussions, feature requests, and questions related to the project.

  • GitHub Issues: Use GitHub Issues to report bugs, track feature requests, and discuss specific issues related to the project.


The following roadmap outlines the planned milestones and features for the website redesign project:

  1. Design planning and collaboration
  2. Initial implementation of core pages
  3. Integration of design assets
  4. Styling and responsiveness
  5. Content population and review
  6. Performance optimization and testing
  7. Final bug fixes and refinements

Please refer to the Roadmap page for more details.

License Information

The SpaceYaTech website redesign project is licensed under the Apache License. For more details, please refer to the LICENSE file.


Please see our Contributing Guidelines for detailed information on how to contribute to the project.

Code of Conduct

We follow the Contributor Covenant. Please review it to understand our community standards and expected behavior.

Tech Stacks Used for Development:

React TailwindCSS Vite ESLint

Thank you for your interest and contributions to the SpaceYaTech website redesign project. Together, we can create an outstanding website experience!



syt-web-redesign's People


abogejr avatar alvyynm avatar andrew-ochieng avatar ase020 avatar bridgitkanini avatar codedveli avatar collinskasyoki avatar daveclinton avatar davidkrupa avatar dennohkim avatar devhumblechris avatar evansroy avatar hamisirizwan avatar jimmyoty avatar jimmytron avatar jumalaw98 avatar moindiosoro avatar rioba-ian avatar sonylomo avatar spaceyatech-org avatar


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syt-web-redesign's Issues

Replace `fontawesome` icons and svg icons with `react-icons`


In efforts to make the repo lighter, we'll be dropping some redundant package dependencies. react-icons has a wider variety of icons compared to the fontawesome version we're using.


  • Install react-icons
  • Replace every fontawesome icon with a similar icon from react-icons
  • Replace all icons that were imported as .svg files with similar icons from react-icons if possible
  • Uninstall @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core, @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons and @fortawesome/react-fontawesome dependencies

Delete duplicate/unused folders and files


In efforts to make the repo lighter, we'll be dropping some redundant folders and files e.g src/APP/pages/blog2 is the new and improved version of src/APP/pages/blog. Therefore, src/APP/pages/blog is to be deleted and src/APP/pages/blog2 renamed to src/APP/pages/blog.

You can confirm if a file/folder is unused if it doesn't appear in the routes file.


  • Look for any duplicate/unused files and folders in the repo, confirm whether they're still in use and delete the unused files/folders.


⚠️ Don't delete the pages in the admin folder

Breaking `Community page` few seconds after loading. Dark/white theme toggle. Changing the state of the like button on blogs page

I am new to open source and this project in particular. I would like to improve on the following states of your application

  1. Breaking community page a few seconds after loading. I am having a challenge using navigation bar to access the Community page section. It says "Unexpected Application Error! Invalid time value".

  2. Implement the toggle button on "light" and "dark" theme. Using the inbuilt chrome light/dark theme is making the user miss important updates, the UI is not very user friendly on dark theme.

  3. Was the thumbs up button on blogs page meant to change state as like button? I would recommend its subsequent change in state when i click 👍 to it.

Add a loading spinner for components with loading states


Any instances of isLoading or isPending should have a <Loader/> component as part of it.

import { Loader } from "../../../../../components";

{isLoading && (
  <div className="flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-4 py-10">
    <Loader />
    <p className="text-lg font-medium text-primary">Loading event...</p>

For reference, check out: src/APP/pages/community/sections/eventsSection/SingleEvents/SingleEvent.jsx

ESLint configurations

Hi guys! I would like to request the addition of ESLint configurations, Husky, and Lint Staged to the project. These tools will help ensure code quality and enforce consistent coding standards.

Implement authentication functionality

Description: Set up user authentication for the ecommerce website, allowing users to securely access their accounts using a chosen authentication method. The chosen authentication method can be a combination of email/password authentication and social media login (e.g., Google, Facebook).

UI fix: Community Page

The Community page has some inconsistency with the Figma design.

⭐️ The goal is to implement a UI that's as close to the Figma designs as possible for both mobile and desktop layouts.

These are some examples (feel free to rectify fixes that haven't been highlighted 👇 ):

Mobile view:

Delete unused asset images from the repo


In efforts to make the repo lighter, we'll be dropping some redundant files. There are some files in the assets folder that are not being used.


  • Delete unused assets
  • Ensure the naming convention for the files is hyphenated and lowercase
  • Categorize the files according to the pages they're used in e.g assets/images/about folder for the About page assets

Example .env file

It would be very good to have a .env.example file in the repo with sample values for all the key env variables used in the repo.
This would be quite useful for anyone starting to contribute and doesn't know of all the env variables present


SERVICE_ID='<Vite service ID from blahblahblah>'


Replace `@material-tailwind/react` carousel with TailwindCSS styles


In efforts to make the repo lighter, we'll be dropping some redundant package dependencies. @material-tailwind/react has only been used once in the repo to create a carousel(/src/APP/pages/events/sections/FeaturedCarousel.jsx). Therefore, we'd rather use the existing UI Library.


  • Use Tailwind classes to implement the FeaturedCarousel component instead of @material-tailwind/react.
  • Uninstall @material-tailwind/react dependency.

Create a simple landing page

Design and implement a visually appealing landing page with relevant content to introduce the website's purpose and features. The design for the landing page has been prepared on Figma, and contributors are advised to review the design before starting implementation. The Figma link will be provided for reference. The landing page should incorporate a modern and user-friendly layout, highlighting key features, benefits, and a call-to-action. The design elements, such as typography, colors, and imagery, should align with the overall branding guidelines of the project. The landing page should be responsive, ensuring a seamless experience across various devices and screen sizes. It's important to pay attention to the visual hierarchy and use appropriate transitions and animations to enhance the overall user experience.

Tab logo

Change the logo displayed on the tab from that of Vite to SYT logo
Screenshot 2023-08-23 125011

Resources Page

  • Hero Section
  • Resource Card Component
  • Resource Grid Section

SEO: Add `Suspense` to page components in routes


We're improving the SEO performance of the website. Having a fallback Loader component for every page before it loads helps bump up SEO.

You could do some further reading here:


  • Wrap all route component pages with React Suspense with a Loader fallback component of your choice i.e
// src/router/index.jsx
import {Suspense} from 'react';

const router = createBrowserRouter([
    path: "/",
     <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
        <Layout />
    children: [
        path: "/",
         <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
            <LandingPage />
        path: "/products",
         <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
            <Products />
... rest of code
  • Optional: you could also add lazy loading to Home Page components and compare it's performance without lazy loading. You'd have to use React.lazy for imports, e.g:
const LandingPage = React.lazy(() => import('./LandingPage'));

Replace `yup` and `@hookform/resolvers` with `react-hook-form`


In efforts to make the repo lighter, we'll be dropping some redundant package dependencies. yup and @hookform/resolvers could be replaced with react-hook-form and custom validation.


  • Replace every functionality implemented using yup and @hookform/resolvers with react-hook-form and custom validation.
  • Uninstall yup and @hookform/resolvers dependencies.

Fix: Blog Post "Like 👍" functionality


As mentioned in #116, the blog's "Like 👍" functionality needs improvement.


  • When the user clicks the Like button, they should get a pop-up modal prompting them to register/login first.
  • If the user chooses to login/register, then allow them to mutate the Like count only once.

Currently, the usePostLikeBlog function (hooks/Queries/blog/usePostLikeBlog) currently uses axios only to make a POST request. Here's what you should change:

  • The usePostLikeBlog function should be moved to hooks/Mutations/blog/usePostLikeBlog since it's a mutation and not a query
  • Instead of using axios, use a privateAxioswith@tanstack/react-query(reference:hooks/Mutations/shop/useMakeOrder`)

About Us Page

  • Hero Banner 1
  • Hero Banner 2
  • Mission&Vision Section
  • Our Leadership Section
  • Partner CTA Section
  • Creative Team

UI fix: Products Page

The Products page has some inconsistency with the Figma design.

⭐️ The goal is to implement a UI that's as close to the Figma designs as possible for both mobile and desktop layouts.

These are some examples (feel free to rectify fixes that haven't been highlighted 👇 ):

Desktop view:


Mobile view:

Rectify text alignment:

🚀 Feat: Implement Shop Admin Pages



// /router/index.jsx
// ...other code

     path: "/admin",
     element: <AdminLayout />,
     children: [
        path: "/admin/shop",
        element: <ShopDashboard />, // Shop Dashboard page you're building
        path: "/admin/shop/orders-report",
        element: <OrdersReport/>, // Order page you're building
        path: "/admin/shop/sales-report",
        element: <SalesReport/>, // Sales page you're building
        path: "/admin/shop/inventory-report",
        element: <InventoryReport/>, // Inventory page you're building
        path: "/admin/shop/sales-report/:id",
        element: <SingleSalesItem/>, // Singel Sales Item page you're building

// ...other routes

Feel free to name the components and pages as you see fit. 😁

MVP: Footer link fixes


  • Some links on the footer aren't linked to actual routes.
  • For the MVP, we'll only need these pages on the navbar:
    • Home
    • About Us
    • Community


  • Add required routes to the footer links
  • Comment out footer links that are not required for the MVP

Broken Pages

Remove broken blog pages from the live site


Removing links that are not yet ready


MVP: Navbar fixes


  • The active Navbar links don't turn green when you navigate between pages.
  • For the MVP, we'll only need these pages on the navbar:
    • Home
    • About Us
    • Community


  • Display the active navbar link for the current page
  • Add a max-width for large screen displays (about 1920px)
  • Comment out nav links that are not required for the MVP

MVP: Remove Dummy data


  • Dummy Data used in the MVP should be removed.
  • The ✅ shows what the backend team should work on.


Home page

  • Podcast Section Images
  • Testimonial section

About Us Page

  • Creative team photos

Community Page

  • Event Cards ✅
  • Chapter Cards ✅

All Events Page

  • Event Cards ✅

Single Event Page

  • Event Details ✅

UI Fix: Home page

The Home page has some inconsistency with the Figma design.

⭐️ The goal is to implement a UI that's as close to the Figma designs as possible for both mobile and desktop layouts.

These are some examples (feel free to rectify fixes that haven't been highlighted 👇 ):

Desktop view:

Mobile view:

UI fix: Donate Page

The Donate page has some inconsistency with the Figma design.

⭐️ The goal is to implement a UI that's as close to the Figma designs as possible for both mobile and desktop layouts.

These are some examples (feel free to rectify fixes that haven't been highlighted 👇 ):

First, you can start by fixing spelling mistakes. 🙂

Desktop view:
The column cards are supposed to be 3 instead of 4.

Mobile view:


MVP: Home Page

  • Implement the new and improved home page design
  • Set a max-width for the welcome hero section (about 1440px) for xl screens.
  • Add correct links to all buttons
  • #74
  • Implement carousel on podcast cards

🚀 API integration for Shop Pages


  • Add API integration to shop pages


  • Use API Admin panel to add dummy data for testing
  • Remove the necessity for users to login before they make an order

Recommend Projects

  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics

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  • server

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  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

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