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reqifsharp's Issues

Add XML fragments to reqif objects when deserializing


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  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
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When a ReqIF object is deserialized, add the XML fragment that represented the object in the ReqIf file. This functionality shall be initialize don request when deserializing as to not incur the memory overhead when this is not requested by the API user

Steps to Reproduce


System Configuration

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp: 5.0.0-rc4
    • Other:
  • Environment (Operating system, version and so on):
  • .NET Framework version:
  • Additional information:

[Fix] serialization of AlternativeId


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  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


The AlternativeId property of the Identifiable abstract class throws an exception

Steps to Reproduce


System Configuration


  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp: 3.x.x

When the namespace of the lang attribute is not xml:lang the deserializer does not find the attribute


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  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


original issue STARIONGROUP/COMET-IME-Community-Edition#996

notice that in the attached file the following occurs

<REQ-IF p1:lang="en" xmlns:p1="xml" xmlns="">

the xml namespace is aliased by the p1 namespace, this needs to be handled


System Configuration

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp: 8.0.0

fix code coverage reporting for SonarQube


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  • The github action no longer gets coverage results to SonarQube
  • remove using codecov, gives strange results that do not match local resharper coverage nor sonarqube coverage results

Steps to Reproduce

System Configuration

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp:
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  • Environment (Operating system, version and so on):
  • .NET Framework version:
  • Additional information:

Add Event to indicate progress on Deserializer


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  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


Implement event on Deserializer to indicate progress of de-serialization process.

Steps to Reproduce


System Configuration

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp: 5.0.0-rc4

Serialization of AlternativeId is incorrect based on XSD


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  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


While validating a serialized ReqIF content against the XSD, it appears that the AlternativeId object is wrongly serialized.

Current Serialization Example:

Expected Serialization based on XSD


Steps to Reproduce

System Configuration

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp:
    • Other:
  • Environment (Operating system, version and so on):
  • .NET Framework version:
  • Additional information:

Add capability to Deserializer to open a stream next to loading file from path


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  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


currently the Deserializer needs a path to an reqif file. Add a method to deserialize from a stream

Steps to Reproduce


System Configuration

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp: 4.0.0

Add repository to LGTM to scan for zero day vulnerabilities


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  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


Add repository to LGTM to scan for zero day vulnerabilities at This requires testing a yaml file and then commiting this yaml file to the repos for proper configuration

Steps to Reproduce


System Configuration

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp:
    • Other:
  • Environment (Operating system, version and so on):
  • .NET Framework version:
  • Additional information:

Default value is not serialized inside attribute definition


I have a reqif that has default values for several attribute definitions. I can deserialize it and see the default values in the data structure, but when serializing it, the default values are missing

<ATTRIBUTE-DEFINITION-ENUMERATION LAST-CHANGE="2021-06-11T15:52:48+02:00" IDENTIFIER="_e5e971b3-62e3-4607-8696-f359c1ae85f3" MULTI-VALUED="false" LONG-NAME="Relevant Author" IS-EDITABLE="true">
  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp: 3.0.0
  • Environment (Operating system, version and so on):
  • .NET Framework version: 4.7.2

Deserialization crashes for 64bit Integer DataType


In it is assumed that Integers may only ever be 32 bit. E.g.:
This might not necessarily be true. For example Polarion uses 64bit integers by default, thus resulting in the min/max in the DataType definition to be +/- 9.223.372.036.854.775.807. This leads to a crash while deserializing.
As far as I can tell the ReqIF and xml specification do not make any statements about the maximum size allowed.

Steps to Reproduce

Modify an existing .reqif file and adjust the min/max values of an integer DataType definition to use values bigger than a 32 bit int can hold and deserialize it.

Inclusion of objects that are external to the exchange XML document


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  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


Currently the library does not provide support for extracting OLE objects or other objects that may be present in q reqifz file. This needs to be implemented. Question is what would be the best way to achieve this? Currently the reqif xml data is loaded into memory and a fully deserialized object graph is created and made available.

It doubt this is the best way forward for attachments. These might be large objects for which it does not make sense to load them into memory. Probably better to retrieve them (load via stream) on request.

Steps to Reproduce


System Configuration

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp: 3.0.1
  • Environment (Operating system, version and so on):
  • .NET Framework version:
  • Additional information:

Add capability to serialize to reqifz file


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  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


Add capability to serialize to reqifz file and make serializer symmetrical to deserializer

Steps to Reproduce


System Configuration

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp: 4.0.0

add async methods to read a reqif file


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  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


The current implementation is synchronous, the API should be mirrored adding asynchronous methods on the API using the async methods of the XML reader

Steps to Reproduce


System Configuration

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp: 4.0.0

As a user i want to extract unformated text from XHTML attributes


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  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


strip out any xhtml / html tags from the value of a XHTML atrribute value

Steps to Reproduce


System Configuration


  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp: 4.0.0

RelationGroup should contain target identifier, currently only target object


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  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


Feature request: Access to target identifier in RelationGroup(if target object isn't available in *.reqif file, external link)

Given a *.reqif file with a RelationGroup where the target object isn't part of the reqif file (external link). It would be nice to get the identifier of that target object (SpecObject).

New/Changed Interface:
string CoreContent[i].SpecRelations.TargetIdentifier or so

The xml snippet. The identifier 'x0400000001330720' isn't specified in *.reqif. It's part of another file.

Steps to Reproduce

only Interface extension.

System Configuration

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • [1.3.2 ] ReqIFSharp:
    • Other:
  • Environment (Operating system, version and so on): windows 10
  • .NET Framework version: net 4.6.2
  • Additional information:

[Add] uml like metadata to classes and properties


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  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


Add metadata to classes and properties as as in done in the COMET-SDK to self document relationships etc.

Steps to Reproduce


System Configuration


  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp: 5.0.0-rc2

Namespace xmlns:xhtml="" missing in serialization


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  • [x ] I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • x[ ] I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


I used the code from ReqIFSerializerTestFixture and tested it to become familiar with functions and API.

I checked the resulting ReqIF against reqif.xsd and found the missing namespace for xhtml. After inserting the missing namespace it runs. I have no deep experiences in ReqIF or XML.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Run the example code in LinqPAD (NET Framework)
    ( from ReqIFSerializerTestFixture, serialization added)
  2. Inspect result *.reqIf file

System Configuration

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • [x ] ReqIFSharp:
    • Other:
  • Environment (Operating system, version and so on): Windows 10.
  • .NET Framework version: 4.6.2
  • Additional information:

Add a diff capability to compute the diff between 2 ReqIF objects


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  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


Add a capability to compute the difference between 2 ReqIF objects.

Steps to Reproduce


System Configuration

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp: 5.0.0rc2

Limit deserialization from files with supported file extensions zip, reqif and reqifz


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  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


Limit deserialization from files with supported file extensions zip, reqif and reqifz. This harmonizes the API to the serializer that only supports serialization to reqif or reqifz or zip files

Steps to Reproduce


System Configuration

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp: 5.0.3

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


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  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


I pass a .reqif to parse

  "ClassName": "System.NullReferenceException",
  "Message": "Object reference not set to an instance of an object.",
  "Data": null,
  "InnerException": null,
  "HelpURL": null,
  "StackTraceString": "   at lambdaHandler.Parser.ParseDoc(ReqIF doc) in src/Handler/Parser.cs:line 303\n   at lambdaHandler.Parser.Parse(String filePath) in src/Handler/Parser.cs:line 287",
  "RemoteStackTraceString": null,
  "RemoteStackIndex": 0,
  "ExceptionMethod": null,
  "HResult": -2147467261,
  "Source": "Handler",
  "WatsonBuckets": null

The 303 follows


Wrong XML serialization of numeric values in WriteXml methods. XmlConvert.ToString has to be used.


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  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


Numeric values have to be serialized using .NET XmlConvert class in order to create valid numeric XML strings.
For example: In class DatatypeDefinitionReal the Min/Max values are written into the XML writer using ToString() method. This will produce invalid XML if local settings is not set to German.
To produce valid XML all values have to be converted into strings by using XmlConvert.ToString method.

Steps to Reproduce

Set local settings of windows system to German settings and serialize a ReqIF document.

System Configuration

Running windows with German local settings.

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp: 1.3.1
    • Other:
  • Environment (Operating system, version and so on): Windows 10, 1703
  • .NET Framework version: 4.6
  • Additional information:



  • I have written a descriptive issue title
  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


I got a ReqIF file where some SPEC-OBJECT elements have ATTRIBUTE-VALUE-XHTML fields that are not properly read after Deserialize. Is there any way to read these values, including formatting or just as plain text?

Steps to Reproduce

Example of SPEC-OBJECT within my ReqIF file:

<SPEC-OBJECT IDENTIFIER="rmf-spec-obj-id">
                <xhtml:div>Description of the SpecObject that includes formatted tables and/or style:<xhtml:ul class="noindent">
                    <xhtml:li>Element 1</xhtml:li>
                    <xhtml:li>Element 2</xhtml:li>

The way I'm deserializing my file:
ReqIFDeserializer deserializer = new ReqIFDeserializer(); ReqIF reqIf = deserializer.Deserialize(@"myFile.reqif");

As a result, I the SpecObjects are created properly within the ReqIF item, but in the list of Values, this ATTRIBUTE-VALUE-XHTML field is never read.

System Configuration

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • [1.4.1] ReqIFSharp:
    • Other:
  • Environment (Operating system, version and so on): Windows 10
  • .NET Framework version: 4.6.1
  • Additional information:

System.NullReferenceException on Deserialization of sample files.


  • I have written a descriptive issue title
  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp => 7.1.0 from nuget
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


When trying to deserialize a sample file I got an NullReferenceExeption.
The file I used is from google "reqif example files".

Steps to Reproduce

public class ReqifTest
        public ReqifTest()

        public void Deserialize()
            var path = @"C:\Users\xxx\Downloads\Sample2.reqif";
            ILoggerFactory factory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder => builder.AddDebug().SetMinimumLevel(LogLevel.Trace));
            ReqIFDeserializer deserializer = new ReqIFDeserializer(factory);
            var reqif = deserializer.Deserialize(path);
            var first = reqif.First();
            var header = first.TheHeader;
            var content = first.CoreContent;


While executing the Deserialize-Method throws an exception.

Logging from stacktrace

   at System.Xml.Schema.XsdDateTime.Parser.Parse(String text, XsdDateTimeFlags kinds)
   at System.Xml.Schema.XsdDateTime..ctor(String text, XsdDateTimeFlags kinds)
   at System.Xml.XmlConvert.ToDateTime(String s, XmlDateTimeSerializationMode dateTimeOption)
   at ReqIFSharp.Identifiable.ReadXml(XmlReader reader)
   at ReqIFSharp.DatatypeDefinitionString.ReadXml(XmlReader reader)
   at ReqIFSharp.ReqIFContent.DeserializeDataTypes(XmlReader reader)
   at ReqIFSharp.ReqIFContent.ReadXml(XmlReader reader)
   at ReqIFSharp.ReqIF.ReadXml(XmlReader reader)
   at ReqIFSharp.ReqIFDeserializer.DeserializeReqIF(Stream stream, SupportedFileExtensionKind fileExtensionKind, Boolean validate, ValidationEventHandler validationEventHandler)
   at ReqIFSharp.ReqIFDeserializer.Deserialize(String fileUri, Boolean validate, ValidationEventHandler validationEventHandler)
   at ReqifSharpExample.ReqifTest.Deserialize() in C:\Users\xxx\source\repos\ReqifSharpExample\ReqifSharpExample\Program.cs:line 35

Logging from Debug-Output

ReqIFSharp.ReqIFDeserializer: Trace: start deserializing from C:\Users\xxx\Downloads\Sample2.reqif
ReqIFSharp.ReqIFDeserializer: Trace: reading from reqif
ReqIFSharp.ReqIFDeserializer: Trace: starting to read xml
ReqIFSharp.Identifiable: Trace: read xml of DatatypeDefinitionString:3631dcd2-59d1-11da-beb2-6fbc179f63e3
Ausnahme ausgelöst: "System.NullReferenceException" in System.Xml.dll
Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.

System Configuration

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp:
    • Other:
  • Environment (Operating system, version and so on):
    Windows 11, Visual Studio 2022
  • .NET Framework version: 4.7.2
  • Additional information:
    I am prettey new to dealing with reqif and normally only work with requirements in Doors.

If this is not a bug I am very sorry for bothering you. I was successfull with another example file but as the sample file is pretty small I am not sure what should be wrong with it.

If you could point me in a direction where I could find other (known working an validated) sample files I would gladly try them. Thank you for making this library available!

Best regards

Required attributes serialization\deserialization


I looked to the reqif schema and find that MAX, MIN attributes is required in DATATYPE-DEFINITION-INTEGER (and other...)


Should we throw exception for serialization\deserialization if field data is not filled out or has wrong value?

Error defining custom DataTypes with v5


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  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


First of all thanks for the great library!

When defining custom DataTypes I get an error with v5. With v4 the document seems to be correct.
Do I miss something that I need to change for the upgrade?

Steps to Reproduce

The following test case will pass with v4 and fail with v5
The error stack trace is:

The type ReqIFSharp.DatatypeDefinitionDate was not expected. Use the XmlInclude or SoapInclude attribute to specify types that are not known statically.
   at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationWriterReqIF.Write5_DatatypeDefinition(String n, String ns, DatatypeDefinition o, Boolean isNullable, Boolean needType)
public void TestSerialize()
    var document = new ReqIF
        Lang = "en",
        TheHeader = new ReqIFHeader(),
        CoreContent = new ReqIFContent()

    var dateDefinition = new DatatypeDefinitionDate
        Identifier = "dateDefinition",
        LongName = "Date",
        LastChange = new DateTime()
    using var file = new TemporaryFile();
    var serializer = new ReqIfSerializer();
    serializer.Serialize(document, file.FileInfo.FullName);
    Assert.InRange(file.FileInfo.Length, 600, 700);

System Configuration

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp: v5
    • Other:
  • Environment (Operating system, version and so on):
  • .NET Framework version: net5.0
  • Additional information:

Remove support for netstandard1.6 and net45, simplify to netstandard2.0 only


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  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


  • remove preprocessor statements
  • update test project

Steps to Reproduce


System Configuration

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp: 3.1.0

[Add] capability to serialize to stream


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  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


add capability to serialize to stream (next to serialization to file)

Steps to Reproduce


System Configuration

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp: 5.0.0-rc2

[Fix] deserialization of AlternativeID of DatatypeDefinition


  • I have written a descriptive issue title
  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • [x ] I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


The AlternativeId of the DatatypeDefinition objects is not deserialized

Steps to Reproduce


System Configuration

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp: 5.0.0-rc3

Investigate that all is covered by ReqIf sharp that was done in Reflex project.


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  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


Provide some additional test cases with interoperability with DOORS with databases provided by ESA as examples.

Steps to Reproduce

System Configuration

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp:
    • Other:
  • Environment (Operating system, version and so on):
  • .NET Framework version:
  • Additional information:

Improve performance of serialization and deserialization


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  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


Serialization can be improved by refactoring and removing the xmlSerializer and relying solely on the XmlWriter and XmlReader classes.

Steps to Reproduce


System Configuration

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp: 5.0.0-rc2

Add wiki documentation


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  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


The only documentation that exists is on the Getting Started. Document the library on the GitHub wiki

[Add] logging


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  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


Add logging using Microsoft logging abstractions so a library user can inject their own logging library.

Steps to Reproduce


System Configuration

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • [z] ReqIFSharp: 5.0.0-rc4

Exception occurs when deserializing a huge file


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  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


When I use the reqifsharp for deserialize a large ReqIF file, the program throw the exception.

It seems that the cause is that the position of the stream changes when the program reads the stream using ZipArchive().

I confirmed by debugging that the position of Stream does not return to 0 not only for ReqIF files but also for files with a large number of characters.

For example, is it possible to change the program to return the stream position to 0?

The sample file with the problem is attached below.

Thank you.

Steps to Reproduce

System Configuration

sample-reqif file:

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp:
    • Other:
  • Environment (Operating system, version and so on):
  • .NET Framework version:.netstandard2.0
  • Additional information:

The string 'False' is not a valid Boolean value.; Line and position: 218, 36


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  • [x ] I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


ReqEdit outputs the error message:
Fatal (SCHEMA): Error: The 'IS-SIMPLIFIED' attribute is invalid - The value 'False' is invalid according to its datatype '' - The string 'False' is not a valid Boolean value.; Line and position: 218, 36

The reqif file contains 'False' and 'false' as boolean value. I only used the default value of the attribute. Most of the values are correct.

Steps to Reproduce

Write a new ReqIF file.

System Configuration

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp: 1.4.0
    • Other:
  • Environment (Operating system, version and so on):
  • .NET Framework version: 4.6.2
  • Additional information:

When a reqif file is deserialized to a ReqIF object and then serialized to a new destination file, the namespaces should be retained


  • I have written a descriptive issue title
  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


When a reqif file is deserialized to a ReqIF object and then serialized to a new destination file, the namespaces should be retained

Steps to Reproduce

  1. deserialize a reqif file to ReqIF object that contains custom namespaces
  2. update content of ReqIF object
  3. serialize content to new destination (so not overwriting source file) and notice that the declared namespaces are not complete

System Configuration

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp: 5.0.2

ReqIF 'TOOL-EXTENSIONS' are not loaded.


  • I have written a descriptive issue title
  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


ReqIF 'TOOL-EXTENSIONS' are not loaded when the rest of the ReqIF file is deserialized.

Some brute force debugging of commenting out chunks of ReqIF.cs showed that commenting out the following lines in the ReqIF.cs file allows Tool-Extensions to load:

Some further debugging into ReqIFContent.cs lead me to the ReadXml function:

The while loop appears to be iterating over all remaining XML elements in the file, going outside the scope of the CORE-CONTENT and REQ-IF-CONTENT elements.

Steps to Reproduce

Reference ReqIF file:

Following Nunit test fails for the provided ReqIF file:

var path = "ProR_Traceability-Template-v1.0.reqif";
var deserializer = new ReqIFSharp.ReqIFDeserializer();
var reqif = deserializer.Deserialize(path);

Assert.That(reqif.TheHeader, Is.Not.Empty);
Assert.That(reqif.CoreContent, Is.Not.Empty);

// Note: This is the problem. This SHOULDN'T be empty, but it is.
Assert.That(reqif.ToolExtensions, Is.Not.Empty);

System Configuration

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp: v2.0.0
    • Other:
  • Environment (Operating system, version and so on): Windows 10
  • .NET Framework version: .NET Core 2.1
  • Additional information:

[Add] Asynchronous Serialization


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  • I have verified that I am running the latest version of the ReqIFSharp
  • I have searched open and closed issues to ensure it has not already been reported


Add the capability to perform asynchronous serialization

Steps to Reproduce


System Configuration

  • ReqIFSharp version:
    • ReqIFSharp: 5.0.0-rc2

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