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pygame_functions's Issues

Pygame( Module not found)

I have checked if I ticked the allowance to Path but it hasn't done much to what I can understand

setBackgroundImage(img) returns error " 'str' object has no attribute 'blit' "

I set the background to my image name, setBackgroundImage("stars.png"), however, I keep getting an error stating "'str' object has no attribute 'blit'". I checked the code out and it seems to me that it should work fine.
def setBackgroundImage(img): global bgSurface, backgroundImage surf = loadImage(img) backgroundImage = surf screen.blit(surf, [0, 0]) bgSurface = screen.copy() updateDisplay()
I just don't know what I am doing wrong. If anyone could help me I would greatly appreciate it.

`#Import librarys
import pygame, math
from pygame_functions import *

##game setup##
horSize = 1000
vertSize = 750
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((horSize, vertSize))
#screenSize(horSize, vertSize)

rocket = makeSprite("rocket1.png")
pygame.display.set_caption("Rocket Game")



updateDisplay() in every function makes it really inefficient

My friend and I wrote a game using the library and had significant fps issues when multiple sprites were on the screen at the same time. I looked through the library and discovered that the display was updated after every sprite change. We moved this function call to the tick() function and noticed a significant boost in performance and fps. It makes it far more efficient to update the display upon every clock tick because the tick rate is then mirrored by the frame rate.

fonts and colors in textbox

Hi Steve,
Thank you for your code we can use.

Is it possible to change font in the textbox?
i tried changing it the code, but nothing happens, still stays "Arial"
it doesn't look nice when the font in the label is much different than the one in the textbox.
same thing goes for color.


Scrolling background slightly juddering at 60 FPS


first of all, I'd like to thank you for "Pygame Functions" and especially for creating the feature of the scrolling background! I'm using Pygame directly to have more control, but I appreciate, when you put such functions into your module, because I then can extract the code I need from there.
So here's the part I took for the scrolling background (in a working example):

# coding: utf-8

import pygame
from pygame.locals import *

import os

class Background():

    def __init__(self, screen):
        self.screen = screen
        self.colour = pygame.Color("black")

    def setTiles(self, tiles):

        if type(tiles) is str:
            self.tiles = [[self.loadImage(tiles)]]
        elif type(tiles[0]) is str:
            self.tiles = []
            t = []
            for i in tiles:
            self.tiles = []
            for i in tiles:
                t = []
                for row in i:
        self.stagePosX = 0
        self.stagePosY = 0
        self.tileWidth = self.tiles[0][0].get_width()
        self.tileHeight = self.tiles[0][0].get_height()
        self.screen.blit(self.tiles[0][0], [0, 0])

    def loadImage(self, fileName):
        image = pygame.image.load(fileName)
        image = image.convert_alpha()
        return image

    def scroll(self, x, y):
        self.stagePosX -= x
        self.stagePosY -= y
        col = (self.stagePosX % (self.tileWidth * len(self.tiles[0]))) // self.tileWidth
        xOff = (0 - self.stagePosX % self.tileWidth)
        row = (self.stagePosY % (self.tileHeight * len(self.tiles))) // self.tileHeight
        yOff = (0 - self.stagePosY % self.tileHeight)

        col2 = ((self.stagePosX + self.tileWidth) % (self.tileWidth * len(self.tiles[0]))) // self.tileWidth
        row2 = ((self.stagePosY + self.tileHeight) % (self.tileHeight * len(self.tiles))) // self.tileHeight
        self.screen.blit(self.tiles[row][col], [xOff, yOff])
        self.screen.blit(self.tiles[row][col2], [xOff + self.tileWidth, yOff])
        self.screen.blit(self.tiles[row2][col], [xOff, yOff + self.tileHeight])
        self.screen.blit(self.tiles[row2][col2], [xOff + self.tileWidth, yOff + self.tileHeight])

pygame.display.set_caption("Scrolling Background")
os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = "300, 30"
# The main window's size has to be set according to the sizes of the background's images.
# Otherwise, there will be uncovered screen areas or graphical artifacts.
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((600, 600))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
background = Background(screen)
background.setTiles([["images/dungeonFloor1.png", "images/dungeonFloor2.png"],
                     ["images/dungeonFloor3.png", "images/dungeonFloor4.png"]])

while True:

    pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed()
    if pressed[K_q]:
    if pressed[K_RIGHT]:
        background.scroll(-5, 0)
    if pressed[K_DOWN]:
        background.scroll(0, -5)
    if pressed[K_LEFT]:
        background.scroll(5, 0)
    if pressed[K_UP]:
        background.scroll(0, 5)


This works well with "clock.tick(120)" like in the official example. But usually I set the frames per second to 50 or 60 frames ("clock.tick(60)") in my Pygame scripts. When I do that here, unfortunately I get some juddering on the screen. Is there a way to fix this, or are 120 FPS required, and the other objects have to be slowed down by hand then?

By the way: I also tried PySFML, and I think, it's better and faster (I could run an example of "Outrun" example in PySFML, but not in Pygame; translated from this amazing C++-example ).
And PySFML has "scrolling background" routines built-in.
But unfortunately it's quite difficult to install. And it's not very common, not many people use it.
So it's easier sharing Pygame code. (That's why I was looking for "scrolling background" for it.)



Introduction Screen Video Initialization Error

Hi Steve,

I have been using your pygame_functions file to create my first game.

It is a simple space game exactly like your rocket.demo video.

I am working on inputting an introduction screen that utilizes spacebar to start the game and the letter q to exit.

Here is my code so far:

`#Set up introduction screen

def game_intro():

intro = True

while intro:

    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:

        if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
            if keyPressed == "space":
                intro = False
            if keyPressed == "q":

    titleLabel = makeLabel("SPACE RACER!", 45, 70, 0, "green", "Comic Sans MS")

    directionLabel = makeLabel("Use the directional keys to guide your spaceship!", 15, 60, 180, "green", "Comic Sans MS")

    entryLabel = makeLabel("Press the SPACEBAR to begin or Q to quit.", 15, 80, 200, "green", "Comic Sans MS")


So far the commands do not work and the screen blips rapidly. I think I am bypassing a predefined function that you may have made in your file, but I am pretty new to all this and am not sure.

The error message reads...

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Justin Beal\Desktop\Python Files\", line 40, in
File "C:\Users\Justin Beal\Desktop\Python Files\", line 27, in game_intro
File "C:\Users\Justin Beal\Desktop\Python Files\", line 294, in screenSize
windowInfo = pygame.display.Info()
pygame.error: video system not initialized

Any idea what I am doing wrong?

[Enhancements] - Is Exit or Quit - Exec Quit

I really appreciate your code... if you want to discuss something, please. be my guess.

def is_exit():
ret = False
for event in pygame.event.get():
if (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == keydict["esc"]) or event.type == pygame.QUIT:
ret = True
return ret

def exec_exit():

having trouble compiling

I just found your videos and library and thought they would be ideal for a introductory python class I am currently teaching. I downloaded the most recent pygame_functions and tried to compile but I am getting this error from the library and I am stumped. Any suggestions?


Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 1, in
runfile('/Users/jslocum/Desktop/makinggames/bunny&', wdir='/Users/jslocum/Desktop/makinggames')

File "/Users/jslocum/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/spyder_kernels/customize/", line 668, in runfile
execfile(filename, namespace)

File "/Users/jslocum/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/spyder_kernels/customize/", line 108, in execfile
exec(compile(, filename, 'exec'), namespace)

File "/Users/jslocum/Desktop/makinggames/bunny&", line 25, in

File "/Users/jslocum/Desktop/makinggames/", line 313, in moveSprite

File "/Users/jslocum/Desktop/makinggames/", line 674, in updateDisplay
spriteRects = spriteGroup.draw(screen)

File "/Users/jslocum/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pygame/", line 568, in draw
surface_blit = surface.blit

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'blit'

In case its my code

import pygame, sys, random
from pygame.locals import *
from pygame_functions import *


FPS = 300 # frames per second setting
fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock()

grassImg = pygame.image.load('grass.bmp')

width = grassImg.get_width() #find the width of the image
height = grassImg.get_height() #find the height of the image

set up the window

DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height), 0, 32)

pygame.time.set_timer ( pygame.USEREVENT , 1000 )

#catImg = pygame.image.load('cat.bmp')
bunny = makeSprite('cat.bmp')
carrot = []
speed =[]
location = []
for i in range(5):
speedx = random.randomint(1,5)
speedy = random.randomint(1,5)

Help with jump animations using pygame_functions!

Hi Steve,

I have been using your tutorials and have made some headway with scrolling backgrounds and sprite animations. However, despite my best efforts I cannot seem to implement a jump mechanic. Is there anything in pygame_functions that may help to address this? My project code is below just wanted to see if you had any thoughts on how to implement it. I separated the code I think is relevant to the question below it.

from pygame_functions import *
import random

screenSize(1024, 512)



def game_Loop():

    dino = makeSprite("dino1.png")
    addSpriteImage(dino, "dino2.png")  # Add extra images. They are stored in the Sprite object
    addSpriteImage(dino, "dino3.png")  # but not displayed yet
    addSpriteImage(dino, "dino4.png")
    addSpriteImage(dino, "dino9.png")
    saur = makeSprite("dino5.png")
    addSpriteImage(saur, "dino6.png")
    addSpriteImage(saur, "dino7.png")
    addSpriteImage(saur, "dino8.png")

    #defining variable for jump animation
    isJump = False
    jumpCount = 10
    width = 40
    vel = 0.5
    x = 50
    y = 425

    # Starting position of dino
    xPos = 400
    yPos = 340
    moveSprite(dino, xPos, yPos)

    # flyer functions with random speed and position

    flyer = []  # Creates a list called flyer
    for x in range(1):
        thisFlyer = makeSprite("flyer2.png")
        addSpriteImage(thisFlyer, "flyer4.png")
        addSpriteImage(thisFlyer, "flyer5.png")
        addSpriteImage(thisFlyer, "flyer6.png")
        addSpriteImage(thisFlyer, "flyer7.png")

        thisFlyer.x = random.randint(600, 1400)
        thisFlyer.y = random.randint(0, 0)
        moveSprite(thisFlyer, thisFlyer.x, thisFlyer.y)

        thisFlyer.xspeed = random.randint(-1, -1)
        thisFlyer.yspeed = random.randint(0, 0)

        flyer.append(thisFlyer)  # This adds thisFlyer to the list made at the top

    #Key press funtions for dino and frames

    nextFrame = clock()
    frame = 0
    while True:

        if clock() > nextFrame:  # We only animate our character every 80ms.
            frame = (frame + 1) % 4  # There are 4 frames of animation in each direction
            nextFrame += 80  # so the modulus 8 allows it to loop

        if keyPressed("right") and x < 10000 - width - vel:
            x += vel
            changeSpriteImage(dino, 0 * 4 + frame)  # 0*8 because right animations are the 0th set in the sprite sheet
            scrollBackground(-3, 0)  # The player is moving right, so we scroll the background left

        if keyPressed("left") and x > vel:
            x -= vel
            moveSprite(saur, 400, 340)
            changeSpriteImage(saur, 0 * 4 + frame)
            scrollBackground(3, 0)

        if keyPressed("space"):
            changeSpriteImage(dino, 4)
            moveSprite(dino, xPos, yPos * vel)

        if not (isJump):

            if jumpCount >= -10:
                neg = 1

            if jumpCount < 0:
                neg = -1
                y -= (jumpCount ** 2) * 0.5 * neg
                jumpCount -= 1
                isJump = False
                jumpCount = 10

        if nextFrame:
            changeSpriteImage(thisFlyer, 0 * 5 + frame)

        # This moves the flyer by its speed

        for thisFlyer in flyer:
            thisFlyer.x += thisFlyer.xspeed
        if thisFlyer.x > 1024:
            thisFlyer.x = 0
        elif thisFlyer.x < 0:
            thisFlyer.x = 1024

        thisFlyer.y += thisFlyer.yspeed
        if thisFlyer.y > 0:
            thisFlyer.y = 0
        elif thisFlyer.y < 0:
            thisFlyer.y = 0

        moveSprite(thisFlyer, thisFlyer.x, thisFlyer.y)


Here is the code I need to revise:

#defining variable for jump animation
   isJump = False
   jumpCount = 10
   width = 40
   vel = 0.5
   x = 50
   y = 425
 if keyPressed("space"):
            changeSpriteImage(dino, 4)
            moveSprite(dino, xPos, yPos * vel)

        if not (isJump):

            if jumpCount >= -10:
                neg = 1

            if jumpCount < 0:
                neg = -1
                y -= (jumpCount ** 2) * 0.5 * neg
                jumpCount -= 1
                isJump = False
                jumpCount = 10

new feature makeSprite(filename, column)

Hi i am a brand new user of your library and I was wondering if you could add a new feature to the:

makeSprite(filename, column)

by adding the ability to handle array and not single line image. In other way and this:

makeSprite(filename, line, column)

Thanks in advance

Rotate Background

Hi Steve,

Firstly, thank you for this helpful library!

I just started using it, and my aim is to create a game that has a central actor that moves around a dynamic map (the actor stays centered, no translation, no rotation, while the background transforms accordingly).

I have been using the setBackgroundImage functionality and while the translation is simple to emulate using the scrollBackground function, I wonder if is there any "rotateBackground" functionality. If not, do you have any quick suggestions on how I should implement it in the already defined Background class?

I've tried using pygame_function.transformSprite and pygame.transform.rotate but I'm not quite sure on which of the Background's class internals I should apply it on.


pygame_functions: Text outputs ad inputs

Hi Steve,
I've installed Pygame_Functions and I'm experimenting with the code from your Text Outputs and Inputs lesson. It's named

import pygame
from pygame_functions import *
import random

size = [790, 600]
instructionLabel = makeLabel("Please enter a word", 40, 10, 40, ("blue"), "AZgency FB", 'yellow')

But I get the following error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\gjano\", line 13, in
File "C:\Users\gjano\", line 562, in showLabel
File "C:\Users\gjano\", line 582, in updateDisplay
spriteRects = spriteGroup.draw(screen)
File "C:\Users\gjano\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python36\site-packages\pygame\", line 568, in draw
surface_blit = surface.blit
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'blit'

Request, adaptable resolution/fullscreen

I thought it would be neat to add fullscreen and an adaptable resolution or atleast resolution settings.

the way i thought it could be done is by changing it ingame like clicking on a setting which changes the screensize value's.
and then make presets

and maybey a way to directly make the labels adapt to it? (but thats not necassary)

just fullscreen and adjustable resolution would be nice

rotation problem

hello I'm a new user of you'r pygame fonction and I have two small problems: first I want to run a sprite on itself, so I use the transphorm sprite method. But there comes the problem the sprite turns around its angle so I went to see in pygame function to see how it works: I have identified that what makes the image rotate is this part: "'tempImage = pygame .transform.rotozoom (tempImage, -angle, scale) "'. and I also know that to rotate the image on itself we can then use "'sprite.rect = sprite.image.get_rect (center ="' so i tried to modify the class but it didn't change anything, then i saw that oldmiddle might be useful but i didn't understand how to use it. That was the first problem. Now the second which is linked with the first: my character can move with the keys up, down, left, right and when I do a rotate sprite of 90 ° it does the rotation (not centered) but when I then want it rotate 90 ° again so that it is in front of its initial position the program does not take into account the first rotation performed and returns to the initial position for then the program execute a 180 ° rotation
here is if you need part of my code or something else tell me Thank you for your answers (and sorry for my bad english I'm french)

Idea for multiple keys pressed

Hi, I'm using your pygamge_function with my High School Computer Science students in Chile, and I want to share with you this idea... I take your keyPressed function and add a simple modification to add multiple keys detecting (for jumping with direction for example, or move in diagonal):

KeyCheck must be a list with the keys to check

def keysPressed(keyCheck):
global keydict
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
pressedKeys = 0
if sum(keys) > 0:
for key in keyCheck:
if key == "" or keys[keydict[key.lower()]]:
pressedKeys += 1
if pressedKeys == len(keyCheck):
return True
return False

When we use this, in the game loop, we must check the multiple keys pressed actions first, before of the single keystroke in the "if" that controls the movement.

Not accepting new font

I have installed a new font

But it is not recognized by label.

`def print_text(text: str):

test_label = makeLabel(text, 40, 400, 300, fontColour="red", font="SPACEBAR")

          test_label.rect.topleft[0] - test_label.rect.width/2,
          test_label.rect.topleft[1] - test_label.rect.height/2)


Do you know where I am wrong?

Sprites Not Touching

If sprites are called in a function to start, they don't work with the touching function.

Making a sprite causes and error

When running the python code for my PyGame window and trying to make a sprite it says something along the lines of

File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-packages\pygame\", line 648, in draw
surface_blit = surface.blit
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'blit'

This problem resides in the code provided by this functions download and not my code as you can see it finds the issue with a different file to my save file location. Does anyone know what is happening?


show TextBox not working, not able to use pygame_functions

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/Bhavik Mangla/Desktop/PycharmProjects/speedtest/", line 24, in
File "C:\Users\Bhavik Mangla\Desktop\PycharmProjects\", line 663, in showTextBox
File "C:\Users\Bhavik Mangla\Desktop\PycharmProjects\", line 674, in updateDisplay
spriteRects = spriteGroup.draw(screen)
File "C:\Users\Bhavik Mangla\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\pygame\", line 569, in draw
surface_blit = surface.blit
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'blit'

Error in make label

test_label = makeLabel("non funziona", 18, 50, 50)


It gives me this error

 File "C:\Users\ActionICT\PycharmProjects\Asteroids\space_rocks\", line 54, in print_text
  File "C:\Users\ActionICT\PycharmProjects\Asteroids\venv\lib\site-packages\pygame_functions\", line 657, in showLabel
  File "C:\Users\ActionICT\PycharmProjects\Asteroids\venv\lib\site-packages\pygame_functions\", line 680, in updateDisplay
    spriteRects = spriteGroup.draw(screen)
  File "C:\Users\ActionICT\PycharmProjects\Asteroids\venv\lib\site-packages\pygame\", line 648, in draw
    surface_blit = surface.blit
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'blit'

video system not initializing

I have written a code for a game in pygame_functions and an issue is showing up

pygame.error video system not initialized and therefore the any keyboard or mouse command is not working.

Using changeLabel to create a time-based score loop

Hi Steve,

I ran into an issue when trying to implement a time based (in this case every 3 seconds I would like the score in the label box to increase by 10). I have shown both labels for the score and the box where I want the data to auto-update. I am wondering how I can take a label and allow it to update every 3 seconds using some sort of recursion function, but i'm not sure if this existing code is even viable.

Could you let me know your thoughts?

scoreTitle = makeLabel("SCORE ", 45, 830, 20, "white", "Comic Sans MS")

scoreBox = makeLabel("0", 45, 1010, 20, "white", "Comic Sans MS")

if tick(3000):
    changeLabel(scoreBox + str(int(10)))


from pygame_functions import *
import time

hydro = makeSprite("elementletter/H1.png")
moveSprite(hydro, 50, 300)


--I need to kill the sprite after the changing it..

Long time waiting before the file runs

When I run the py files in takes about 10-20 seconds before they open. Has anyone else seen this issue? It only happens with the py files in this project. Thank you.

Closing window with 'X'

Sorry, new to Github. Couldn't find an appropriate way to communicate this. Just wanted to your thoughts on the code I added to my copy of

Added this to endWait() in the while loop, but after the if statement. Had to add sys.exit() otherwise it generated an error.
Is this the appropriate way to implement this?

for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit()

Anyways, just wanted to add my 2 cents. Again, sorry for posting here.

Creating AI

Hi, i am trying to create an AI that is using the textbox. She's just returning number
i am using those instructions:

event=[ ]
for i in range(10):
event+=[pygame.event.Event(pygame.KEYDOWN,key=pygame.K_i, mod=0 , unicode=u[i])

def ask_auto(question,reponse):
for i in range(taille):
wordBox = pg.makeTextBox(300, 10, 300, 0, question, 15, 20)
entry = pg.textBoxInput(wordBox)
evenement=pygame.event.Event(pygame.KEYDOWN,key=pygame.K_RETURN, mod=0 , unicode=u'')
wordBox = pg.makeTextBox(300, 10, 300, 0, "", 15, 20)

but it's not working...
Do you have an idea of what went wrong? i think it's about my pygame.event.Event() and the way you are saving the keyboard entry but i don't know what to change...

(i am french so reponse = answer and evenement = event in French)
(and sorry for my bad english)


I was gonna do a pull request but it seems that you disabled it.

This would implement the flip function
def transformFlip(sprite, horizontal=True, vertical=False): sprite.image = pygame.transform.flip(sprite.image, horizontal, vertical) updateDisplay()

There is only one problem is that when fliped it wants to change back to the non fliped image like so
if keyPressed("a"): transformFlip(Sprite, True, False)

Bit of code works great until I integrate it into my existing program

This code works fine in isolation:

from pygame_functions import *
screenSize(500, 500)
#instructionLabel = makeLabel("Please enter a word", 40, 10, 40, ("blue"), "AZgency FB", 'yellow')
wordBox1 = makeTextBox(10, 80, 300, 0, "Enter distance to ball:", 0, 24)
entry1 = textBoxInput(wordBox1)
wordlabel = makeLabel(entry1, 30, 10, 120, "black")
hyp = int(entry1)
wordBox2 = makeTextBox(10, 80, 300, 0, "Enter number of degrees:", 0, 24)
entry2 = textBoxInput(wordBox2)
wordlabel2 = makeLabel(entry2, 30, 10, 150, "black")
deg = int(entry2)

But I get the following error messages when integrated into my existing program:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\gjano\", line 483, in
File "C:\Users\gjano\", line 226, in measure
File "C:\Users\gjano\", line 572, in showTextBox
File "C:\Users\gjano\", line 582, in updateDisplay
spriteRects = spriteGroup.draw(screen)
File "C:\Users\gjano\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python36\site-packages\pygame\", line 568, in draw
surface_blit = surface.blit
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'blit'

can't load image

I was exploring one of your demos and I see that something very particular happens to me ... I am using visual studio, if I run the code from the ide "run" button, it runs without problems, however when I try to run it using the shortcut of the keyboard throws me an image loading error :

"PS D:\Eze\proyectos python> & 'C:\Python\Python 310\python.exe' 'c:\Users\Ezequiel.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2021.12.1559732655\pythonFiles\lib\python\debugpy\launcher' '60936' '--' 'c:\Users\Ezequiel\Desktop\Pygame_Functions-master\demos\'
pygame 2.0.2 (SDL 2.0.16, Python 3.10.0)"

and then the issue:

I suppose that the compilation process must differ somewhat between running it with the keyboard shortcut and running it by clicking on the "run" button, so in one it throws an error and in the other it runs without problem ...

does that have any fix?

Suggestion: scrolling camera like SFML Views

I'm leaving c++ using SFML and although there is a SFML version for Python, it is old and outdated.
But I have not found a fundamental feature in pygame which is the possibility of scrolling the image in the view of a camera, as does the View function of SFML.
There are a few varied solutions out there, but I think if you developed something similar and standardized, it would be very useful.

Window Title and Image

Could you please make it so pygame_functions allows you to change the Title (Caption) and Image (Icon) of the window.

Please add shapes movement

Although I'm not familiar with pygame's shapes functionality, I saw a whole platformer built only with rects. I am trying to build a raycaster but I can't move the lines. It would be amazing if you made shapes moveable or made them updateable.
Thank you

Spritesheet animation not working, please help!

from pygame_functions import *

def main():

# setup window
screenSize(1024, 768)
setBackgroundColour('dark blue')

# load player sprite
x = 500
y = 500
jonas = makeSprite('guyspritesheet32.gif', 48)
moveSprite(jonas, x, y, True)

nextFrame = clock()
frame = 0

# main loop
while True:
    # player movement
    if clock() > nextFrame:
        frame = (frame+1) % 6
        nextFrame += 80

    if keyPressed('s'):
        changeSpriteImage(jonas, 0 * 6 + frame)
    elif keyPressed('s') and keyPressed('a'):
        changeSpriteImage(jonas, 1 * 6 + frame)
    elif keyPressed('a'):
        changeSpriteImage(jonas, 2 * 6 + frame)
    elif keyPressed('a') and keyPressed('w'):
        changeSpriteImage(jonas, 3 * 6 + frame)
    elif keyPressed('w'):
        changeSpriteImage(jonas, 4 * 6 + frame)
    elif keyPressed('w') and keyPressed('d'):
        changeSpriteImage(jonas, 5 * 6 + frame)
    elif keyPressed('d'):
        changeSpriteImage(jonas, 6 * 6 + frame)
    elif keyPressed('d') and keyPressed('s'):
        changeSpriteImage(jonas, 7 * 6 + frame)
        changeSpriteImage(jonas, 0)


if name == 'main':

Add support for cmaps

CMaps (short for collision maps) are files that contain info about what collision is where. You can access a specific position using a function and it can return what kind of collision is there. I already made a converter and handler for them by the way.

The advantage of using CMaps instead of itterating through every tile and testing if you overlap with them is that it's way more efficient.
Here you can see a documentation about CMaps in a library that is written in and made for C/C++ (my own handler and converter are made in and made for use with python): It works almost exactly the same as my own Python implementation. The only differences are:
The input file for my converter can be a bunch of different filetypes
There is no need for the 8x8px grid layout in the input file
You can choose a factor by which the CMap will be scaled in the code

I attached an example code that shows how the CMaps are used, the converter (usage: "> <filename of the CMap>"), the handler and an example CMap template.


I is possible I could contact you?

Graphics Window Issues

My program has no errors. However, the code I wrote doesn't project in the Graphics Window meaning there's only grey screen. (I am on a MacBook Air 2017). TY for any help.

update to pygame 2

I'm using pygame 2 and python 3.9.1 and I can't run some of the demos (like scrolling), maybe it needs to be updated?

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'blit'

Hi Steve,
I made a simple quiz project, with multiple given answers to chose from. However, I would like to experiment with text input option, and i found your lesson on youtube (pygame_functions: Text Outputs and Inputs). It works perfectly on it's own, but i have problem implementing it in my own code. I'm a novice and I teach myself using online resources, so my code is probably "ugly", but it works :)
I went through some previous question on this topic, and I think the problem is in gameDisplay.fill line, but I'm not sure how to fix it.

Here is the shortened code:

def question_1():
q1 = True
while q1:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:


    question_message("question number 1: ", blue, -160, size="med")
    question_message("what color is the sky?", blue, -20, size="med")

    wordbox = makeTextBox(10, 80, 300, 0, "enter your answer", 10, 40)
    entry = textBoxInput(wordbox)


and the error is:
File "", line 157, in question_1
File "", line 663, in showTextBox
File "", line 674, in updateDisplay
spriteRects = spriteGroup.draw(screen)
File "PycharmProjects\pop_quiz\venv\lib\site-packages\pygame\", line 568, in draw
surface_blit = surface.blit
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'blit'

Thank you so much for your lessons on youtube!

Text Error

`from pygame_functions import*
import pygame
from pygame.locals import*

screen=pygame.display.set_mode ((1200,675),RESIZABLE)

def game_intro ():

intro= True
while intro:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:

    menu= pygame.image.load("menu.JPG").convert()
    screen.blit(menu, (0,0))
    wordBox = makeTextBox(10,80,300, "Enter text here", 0, 24)
    entry = textBoxInput(wordbox)



No setWindowTitle or setIcon

Hi I wanted to change the title and icon of my game but I can't find the options for it in pygame_functions. Is there any way to change it now?

Layered Sprite Dislpays

Hi, I'm using pygame_functions to create a rogue-like game, and I have tried to display some sprites over others, but using the following form doesn't work:

class Player(pg.sprite.Sprite):
	def __init__(self):
		self._layer = 1  # set layer 1
		self.groups = game.all_sprites  # add player to the all_sprites LayeredUpdates group
		pg.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self, self.groups)

I have done the same for the other sprites, but it doesn't work, it still displays some sprites of the same group over and under the player one randomly

custom hitbox not working.

Hi, new adopter to pygame_functions

I have a problem with my custom hitbox, mainly with location.

So I have a sprite with a green background (don't know how to make that color transparent, but that's eside the point), I found out that I can't use the touching function (also besides the point), so I decided to draw some rects instead for the hit boxes but I have a problem with one of the rects, no matter how many pixels I add to the x coordinate, it just doesn't move. Here's my code:

Note: I changed the name of the pygame_functions to pygfunc so it would be less likely for me to misspell.

Note 2: I also slightly modified pygame_functions a little, mainly adding support for left alt, capslock and function keys 1-12, also changed endWait() a little, moved clock() so the new endWait would work, nothing about any of the other functions or variables so it wouldn't have been from modding the file... I think?

Note 3: I also only have one sprite sheet at the moment.

from pygfunc import *

screen size(600,600)
screenRefresh = False

cara = {"sprite": makeSprite("images/cara.png", 4), "width": 19, "height": 27, "hitbox": {}}
setBackGround color((0,0,139,255))
make music("music/testing.mid")
play music(0)
carb = {'sprite': makeSprite("images/cara.png", 4), "height": 27, "width": 19, "hitbox": {}}
cara['x'] = 300
cara['y'] = 300

carb['x'] = 50
carb['y'] = 50

while True:
cara['xa'] = cara['x']+2
cara['ya'] = cara['y']+1
cara['xb'] = cara['xa']+cara['width']
cara['yb'] = cara['ya']+cara['height']
carb['xa'] = carb['x']+2
carb['ya'] = carb['y']+1
carb['xb'] = carb['xa']+carb['width']
carb['yb'] = carb['ya']+carb['height']
moveSprite(carb['sprite'], carb['x'], carb['y'], False)
if keyPressed("right"):
changeSpriteImage(cara["sprite"], 1)
if keyPressed("left"):
changeSpriteImage(cara["sprite"], 2)
if keyPressed("up"):
changeSpriteImage(cara["sprite"], 3)
if keyPressed("down"):
changeSpriteImage(cara["sprite"], 0)
if keyPressed("w"):
cara['y'] -= 1
if keyPressed("a"):
cara['x'] -= 1
if keyPressed("s"):
cara['y'] += 1
if keyPressed("d"):
cara['x'] += 1
drawRect(cara['xa'], cara['ya'], cara['width'], cara['height'], (255,0,0,128))
drawRect(carb['x']+1, carb['y']+1, carb['width'], carb['height'], (255,0,255,128))



I don't know what went wrong. will you please tell me what I did wrong?

exit() error

Hi Steve,
you have a typo in pygame_functions:

Line 577 is just exit()
-> should be sys.exit()


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