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hvacmonitor's Issues

Alter blower runtime based on SA temp?

To avoid "wasting cooled coils" (and this is probably long term), but force blower to run longer (FAN ON mode only) until supply temp equals (or is closer to) return?

In lieu of void loop(), maybe "call" notifications/alarms (code inside)


void loop() {
  if (connect(server)) {
    if (sendRequest(server, resource) && skipResponseHeaders()) {
      char response[MAX_CONTENT_SIZE];
      readReponseContent(response, sizeof(response));

      UserData userData;
      if (parseUserData(response, &userData)) {

// Close the connection with the HTTP server
void disconnect() {

// Pause for a 1 minute
void wait() {
  Serial.println("Wait 60 seconds");

Add "F" to Blynk

By way of Blynk.virtualWrite(0, tempFreezer + String("°F")); Use keyboard ALT-248 for ° in lieu of copy/paste from web

Use real RTC?

Just to avoid issues with RTC server... if there are any connection issues. Lost internet connection won't lose that data.

*** Will an RTC run on an ESP8266-01?!

Status not right at end of month

AC didn't run since 4/29 at 2:25pm. This displayed on 4/30 at 1:47pm (date wrong)... actually might be AM/PM... make sure it's getting the snapshot time, not the current time!

RA/SA split alarm/notification

If temp split is too high after running for X minutes. Probably between 3-5, the watching of which is stopped when the blower stops. Need to record how quickly the split shrinks when the compressor stops and the blower still runs to avoid false positives.

Add # of runs alongside minutes

Since V18 eeCurrent essentially stores the number of HVAC runs, maybe use this so that runtime displays looks something like 16 min. (2 times).

Also, instead of 0 minutes on no runtime, maybe None.


Y = (eeCurrent - 1); // The EEPROM next address (1 means hasn't run yet. 2 means 1 run, etc.)

if (runtime == 0)
{display("0 minutes")};
else if (runtime > 0)
{display("X mins. (Y runs))};

Accumulate runtime in hours for past 24h

Perhaps an array collecting data under the condition that day == some number.

int blowerArray[];
int blowerStop, blowerStart, blowerDuration,

if // Blower stopped
blowerStop = (millis or timelib unix time);
blowerStopDay = day();
blowerDuration = (blowerStop - blowerStart);
blowerDuration = (blowerDuration / 1000); // Convert to minutes or something
blowerArray[] = blowerDuration; // Can this work? Just filling array as it goes? Might need FOR loop.
lcd.print(0,0, "Today's runtime:")
lcd.print(0,1, (Sum of everything in blowerArray[]);

else // Blower started
if blowerStartDay == blowerStopDay
blowerStart = (millis or timelib unix time);
blowerStartDay = day();
blowerArray[] = 0; // Clear the array

RTClog example

Wunderground API to Blynk outdoor temp

All I know is that this works. Credit [email protected] from here. Now just to see if it plays nice with Blynk.

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#ifndef min
#define min(x,y) (((x)<(y))?(x):(y))
#ifndef max
#define max(x,y) (((x)>(y))?(x):(y))
#include <ArduinoJson.h>

static const char SSID[]     = "ssid";
static const char PASSWORD[] = "pw";

// Use your own API key by signing up for a free developer account.
//#define WU_API_KEY "myAPIkey"

// Specify your favorite location one of these ways.
//#define WU_LOCATION "pws:KAZTEMPE29"

// US ZIP code
//#define WU_LOCATION "90210"

// Country and city
#define WU_LOCATION "Australia/Sydney"

// 5 minutes between update checks. The free developer account has a limit
// on the  number of calls so don't go wild.
#define DELAY_NORMAL    (5*60*1000)
// 20 minute delay between updates after an error
#define DELAY_ERROR     (20*60*1000)

 * Sample requests and responses

  "response": {
    ...don't care
  "current_observation": {
    "image": {
    ...don't care
    "display_location": {
    ...don't care
    "observation_location": {
    ...don't care
    "estimated": {},
    "station_id": "KCASANFR58",
    "observation_time": "Last Updated on June 27, 5:27 PM PDT",
    "observation_time_rfc822": "Wed, 27 Jun 2012 17:27:13 -0700",
    "observation_epoch": "1340843233",
    "local_time_rfc822": "Wed, 27 Jun 2012 17:27:14 -0700",
    "local_epoch": "1340843234",
    "local_tz_short": "PDT",
    "local_tz_long": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "local_tz_offset": "-0700",
    "weather": "Partly Cloudy",
    "temperature_string": "66.3 F (19.1 C)",
    "temp_f": 66.3,
    "temp_c": 19.1,
    "relative_humidity": "65%",
    "wind_string": "From the NNW at 22.0 MPH Gusting to 28.0 MPH",
    "wind_dir": "NNW",
    "wind_degrees": 346,
    "wind_mph": 22.0,
    "wind_gust_mph": "28.0",
    "wind_kph": 35.4,
    "wind_gust_kph": "45.1",
    "pressure_mb": "1013",
    "pressure_in": "29.93",
    "pressure_trend": "+",
    "dewpoint_string": "54 F (12 C)",
    "dewpoint_f": 54,
    "dewpoint_c": 12,
    "heat_index_string": "NA",
    "heat_index_f": "NA",
    "heat_index_c": "NA",
    "windchill_string": "NA",
    "windchill_f": "NA",
    "windchill_c": "NA",
    "feelslike_string": "66.3 F (19.1 C)",
    "feelslike_f": "66.3",
    "feelslike_c": "19.1",
    "visibility_mi": "10.0",
    "visibility_km": "16.1",
    "solarradiation": "",
    "UV": "5",
    "precip_1hr_string": "0.00 in ( 0 mm)",
    "precip_1hr_in": "0.00",
    "precip_1hr_metric": " 0",
    "precip_today_string": "0.00 in (0 mm)",
    "precip_today_in": "0.00",
    "precip_today_metric": "0",
    "icon": "partlycloudy",
    "icon_url": "",
    "forecast_url": "",
    "history_url": "",
    "ob_url": ",-122.417725"

TODO alerts

  "response": {
  "version": "0.1",
  "termsofService": "",
  "features": {
  "alerts": 1
  "alerts": [{
  "type": "HEA",
  "description": "Heat Advisory",
  "date": "11:14 am CDT on July 3, 2012",
  "date_epoch": "1341332040",
  "expires": "7:00 AM CDT on July 07, 2012",
  "expires_epoch": "1341662400",
  "message": "\u000A...Heat advisory remains in effect until 7 am CDT Saturday...\u000A\u000A* temperature...heat indices of 100 to 105 are expected each \u000A Max temperatures climb into the mid to upper \u000A 90s...combined with dewpoints in the mid 60s to around 70. \u000A Heat indices will remain in the 75 to 80 degree range at \u000A night. \u000A\u000A* Impacts...the hot and humid weather will lead to an increased \u000A risk of heat related stress and illnesses. \u000A\u000APrecautionary/preparedness actions...\u000A\u000AA heat advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is\u000Aexpected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity\u000Awill combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are\u000Apossible. Drink plenty of fluids...stay in an air-conditioned\u000Aroom...stay out of the sun...and check up on relatives...pets...\u000Aneighbors...and livestock.\u000A\u000ATake extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. Know\u000Athe signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Anyone\u000Aovercome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location.\u000AHeat stroke is an 9 1 1.\u000A\u000A\u000A\u000AMjb\u000A\u000A\u000A",
  "phenomena": "HT",
  "significance": "Y",
  "ZONES": [
  "StormBased": {
  "stormInfo": {
  "time_epoch": 1363464360,
  "Motion_deg": 243,
  "Motion_spd": 18,


// HTTP request
const char WUNDERGROUND_REQ[] =
    "GET /api/a76b5f288962f088/conditions/q/pws:KAZTEMPE29.json HTTP/1.1\r\n"
    "User-Agent: ESP8266/0.1\r\n"
    "Accept: */*\r\n"
    "Host: " WUNDERGROUND "\r\n"
    "Connection: close\r\n"

void setup()

  // We start by connecting to a WiFi network
  Serial.print(F("Connecting to "));

  WiFi.begin(SSID, PASSWORD);

  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {

  Serial.println(F("WiFi connected"));
  Serial.println(F("IP address: "));

static char respBuf[4096];

bool showWeather(char *json);

void loop()
  // TODO check for disconnect from AP

  // Open socket to WU server port 80
  Serial.print(F("Connecting to "));

  // Use WiFiClient class to create TCP connections
  WiFiClient httpclient;
  const int httpPort = 80;
  if (!httpclient.connect(WUNDERGROUND, httpPort)) {
    Serial.println(F("connection failed"));

  // This will send the http request to the server

  // Collect http response headers and content from Weather Underground
  // HTTP headers are discarded.
  // The content is formatted in JSON and is left in respBuf.
  int respLen = 0;
  bool skip_headers = true;
  while (httpclient.connected() || httpclient.available()) {
    if (skip_headers) {
      String aLine = httpclient.readStringUntil('\n');
      // Blank line denotes end of headers
      if (aLine.length() <= 1) {
        skip_headers = false;
    else {
      int bytesIn;
      bytesIn = *)&respBuf[respLen], sizeof(respBuf) - respLen);
      Serial.print(F("bytesIn ")); Serial.println(bytesIn);
      if (bytesIn > 0) {
        respLen += bytesIn;
        if (respLen > sizeof(respBuf)) respLen = sizeof(respBuf);
      else if (bytesIn < 0) {
        Serial.print(F("read error "));

  if (respLen >= sizeof(respBuf)) {
    Serial.print(F("respBuf overflow "));
  // Terminate the C string
  respBuf[respLen++] = '\0';
  Serial.print(F("respLen "));

  if (showWeather(respBuf)) {
  else {

bool showWeather(char *json)
  StaticJsonBuffer<3*1024> jsonBuffer;

  // Skip characters until first '{' found
  // Ignore chunked length, if present
  char *jsonstart = strchr(json, '{');
  //Serial.print(F("jsonstart ")); Serial.println(jsonstart);
  if (jsonstart == NULL) {
    Serial.println(F("JSON data missing"));
    return false;
  json = jsonstart;

  // Parse JSON
  JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(json);
  if (!root.success()) {
    Serial.println(F("jsonBuffer.parseObject() failed"));
    return false;

  // Extract weather info from parsed JSON
  JsonObject& current = root["current_observation"];
  const float temp_f = current["temp_f"];
  Serial.print(temp_f, 1); Serial.print(F(" °F "));
  const float temp_c = current["temp_c"];
  Serial.print(temp_c, 1); Serial.print(F(" C, "));
  const char *humi = current[F("relative_humidity")];
  Serial.print(humi);   Serial.println(F(" RH"));
  const char *weather = current["weather"];
  const char *pressure_mb = current["pressure_mb"];
  const char *observation_time = current["observation_time_rfc822"];
  //Date/time string looks like this
  //Wed, 27 Jun 2012 17:27:14 -0700
  //          1         2
  // LCD has 14 characters per line so show date on one line and time on the
  // next. And shorten the date so it fits.
  char date[14+1];
  const char *time;
  //Wed, 27 Jun 12
  memcpy(date, observation_time, 12);
  memcpy(&date[12], &observation_time[14], 2);
  date[14] = '\0';
  //17:27:14 -0700
  time = &observation_time[17];

  return true;

Add notification/Tweet for temp sensor failure

i.e.: One time timer code (or for loop, or something) to send notification if sensor reads < 0 or > 184 (at least for supply and return) indicating an error (units in error will report -196.6 or 185).

Maybe build in a 5 second "grace period:"

  1. Check.
  2. Failure?
  3. If yes, wait 5 seconds (or more). If no, nothing.
  4. Check again.
  5. Failure?
  6. If yes, notify. If no, nothing.

Put all code in run once loop

Experiment with how this affects Blynk after app startup. Maybe need to use that project sync code?

Idea is that virtual LCD doesn't repeatedly generate.

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