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single-file-php-ffi-raylib-wrapper's Introduction


A single file PHP8 FFI Raylib 4.5 wrapper. (Optionally, it also supports RayGui 3.6 API if it is compiled inside the library.)

Very W.I.P.

Meant to work out of the box with official precompiled library releases on Windows (not really tested) and on Linux, but also compatible with customized config.h compiled libs.

The wrapper integrates raylib.h + raymath.h + rlgl.h + rlcamera.h API. (and raygui.h optionaly)

Only requires or raylib.dll into a .\raylib\, or .\lib or .\ sub directory.

Why PHP ?

PHP is not just a language for under payed web developpers. It is also a very comfortable cross platform "batteries included" scripting language faster than the ugly spacebar addict python. It even has a JIT.

It can be used for quick prototyping, or for reasearch purpose (as Raylib offers an interface to compute-shaders, and there is also RubixLM for machine learning ).

Notes :

All raylib.h, raymath.h and rcamera.h functions, enums, consts and typedefs are prefixed with RL_.

RL_ClearBackground( RL_WHITE );

rlgl.h functions are also prefixed with RL_, but consts are prefixed with RLGL_.


( Note : adding prefixes was required because some Raylib names were conflicting with PHP, and RLGL_ was also required to be different than RL_ because rlgl.h contains some duplicates names with different values. )

Raylib's structs can be created this way :

$my_vector = RL_Vector3D(); // uninit
$my_vector = RL_Vector3D( 1.0 , 2.0 , 3.0 ); // init by order
// or
$my_vector = RL_Vector3D([ 'x' => 1.0 , 'z' => 3.0 , 'y' => 2.0 ]); // init by names
// or
$my_vector = FFI::new( RAYLIB_FFI_Vector3D ); // uninit

Arrays of Raylib's structs whose deletion is managed by PHP's garbage collector can be created this way :

$my_palette = RL_Color_array( 256 );
$my_color_map = RL_Color_array( 320 , 240  );
$my_cube_array = RL_Vector3D_array( 3 , 5 , 8 );

// or

$my_palette = FFI::new( FFI::arrayType( RAYLIB_FFI_Color ) , [ 1 ] );
$my_color_map = FFI::new( FFI::arrayType( RAYLIB_FFI_Color ) , [ 320 , 240 ] );
$my_cube_array = FFI::new( FFI::arrayType( RAYLIB_FFI_Vector3D ) , [ 3 , 5 , 8 ] );

If their deletion has to be managed manually using FFI::free() or managed by a Raylib function, they must be created this way :

$my_palette = RL_Color_alloc( 256 );
$my_color_map = RL_Color_alloc( 320 , 240  );
$my_cube_array = RL_Vector3D_alloc( 3 , 5 , 8 );

// or

$my_palette = FFI::new( FFI::arrayType( RAYLIB_FFI_Color ) , [ 1 ] , false , true );
$my_color_map = FFI::new( FFI::arrayType( RAYLIB_FFI_Color ) , [ 320 , 240 ] , false , true );
$my_cube_array = FFI::new( FFI::arrayType( RAYLIB_FFI_Vector3D ) , [ 3 , 5 , 8 ] , false , true );

Optional RayGui 3.6 support

If Raylib was compiled with raygui.h 3.6, the wrapper will try to detect it, and will set the boolean value of RL_SUPPORT_MODULE_RAYGUI accordingly.

raygui.h functions are also prefixed with RL_, but consts are prefixed with RLGUI_.


Note : if Raylib was compiled with raygui.h 4.0, RAYGUI_VERSION_4_DETECTED will be true, but RL_SUPPORT_MODULE_RAYGUI will be false as version 4.0 is not yet supported.

Customized src/config.h compilation

By default, the wrapper will try to detects the modules contained into the library, and will set these boolean contants accordingly :

  • RL_SUPPORT_FILEFORMAT_xxx ( image, audio, models, fonts )

Other parameters will be set to default values.

So, if your Raylib was recompiled using customized src/config.h parameters, the wrapper has to be made aware of these new parameters before include().

Look at your src/config.h and redefine all your customised constants in PHP using RL_ or RLGL_ prefixes.

For example, if you recompiled Raylib with a custom MAX_TEXT_BUFFER_LENGTH value, you'll have to do :

define( 'RL_MAX_TEXT_BUFFER_LENGTH'  , 123456 /* <== your custom value*/ ); 


Regarding custom OpenGL version, the wrapper makes use of a special RL_USES_OPENGL_VERSION definition :

// 1 => OpenGL 1.1
// 2 => OpenGL 2.1
// 3 => OpenGL 3.3
// 4 => OpenGL 4.3
// 0xE2 => OpenGLES2

// Tells the wrapper Raylib was compiled for OpenGL 4.3
define( 'RL_USES_OPENGL_VERSION' , 4 ); 

Other OpenGL customized definitions must use the RLGL_ prefix :

// Default internal render batch elements limits

// Default near cull distance
define( 'RLGL_CULL_DISTANCE_NEAR' , 0.01 );

// Default far cull distance
define( 'RLGL_CULL_DISTANCE_FAR' , 1000.0 );

Choosing the OpenGL version at runtime :

The wrapper is able to pick a different shared library (.dll or .so) according to the value of RL_USES_OPENGL_VERSION which can be defined in code, or passed as command line argument.

In code :

define( 'RL_USES_OPENGL_VERSION` , 4 );
include( './raylib.ffi.php' );

Command line argument :

php my_raylib_app.php RL_USES_OPENGL_VERSION=4


php my_raylib_app.php OPENGL=4
RL_USES_OPENGL_VERSION OpenGL version Lib name Linux Lib name Windows
1 OpenGL 1.1 raylib_opengl1.dll
2 OpenGL 2.1 raylib_opengl2.dll
3 OpenGL 3.3 (default) raylib_opengl3.dll
4 OpenGL 4.3 raylib_opengl4.dll
0xE2 (or 226 in decimal) OpenGLES2 raylib_opengl226.dll

The wrapper will scan each one of these subdirectories in this order using the name that matches RL_USES_OPENGL_VERSION :

  • ./raylib/
  • ./libs/
  • ./lib/
  • ./ (project root)

If it fails, it tries again using or raylib.dll.

Passing structs by reference or by value ?

$A = RL_Vector2( 123 , 456 ); // <= $A refers to a FFI/CData object
$B = $A ;                     // <= $A and $B refers to the same object
$A->x = 999 ;

print_r( $A );                // <= 999 , 456
print_r( $B );                // <= 999 , 456

$A = RL_Vector( 0 , 0 );      // <= $A now refers to a different object
print_r( $A );                // <= 0 , 0
print_r( $B );                // <= 999 , 456
$A = RL_Vector2( 123 , 456 ); // <= $A refers to a FFI/CData object
$B = &$A ;                    // <= $B refers to $A
$A->x = 999 ;

print_r( $A );                // <= 999 , 456
print_r( $B );                // <= 999 , 456

$B = RL_Vector( 0 , 0 );      // <= $A and $B refers to this new object
                              //    the previously refered object is
                              //    sent to garbage collector.
print_r( $A );                // <= 0 , 0
print_r( $B );                // <= 0 , 0

$B = null ;                   // <= $A and $B are set to null
                              //    and the previously refered object
                              //    is sent to garbage collector
$A = RL_Vector2();
$B = &$A ;

// how to set $B to Null without affecting $A ?

// $B = null ; // <= /!\ the object refered by $A
               //        would be sent to garbage collector
unset( $B );   // <= only $B is undefined, $A is left untouched

print_r( $A ); // <= 0 , 0
print_r( $B ); // Warning: Undefined

$B = null ; // <= now $B is null, and $A is untouched
$A = RL_Vector2();
$B = null ;

function foo() : void
  global $A ;
  global $B ;

  if( is_object( $B ) )
    print_r( $B );

  $B = &$A ; // for some unkown reason, it did not work well
             // using PHP 8.1.2 and 8.2.9
             // in example 49_textured_curve.php 
             // the reference was lost on foo exit

while(1) { foo(); }


$A = RL_Vector2();
$B = null ;

function foo() : void
  global $A ;
  global $B ;

  if( ! empty( $B ) )
    print_r( $$B ); // <= !! $$B : workaround ref as string

  $B = 'A' ; // <== workaround : reference as string

while(1) { foo(); }
$A = RL_Vector2();
$B = RL_Vector2();
$B = $A ;          // <= $A and $B refers to the same object
                   //    and the object previously refered
                   //    by $B is sent to garbage collector
                   //    because no one refers to it anymore.
$A = RL_Vector2();
$B = clone $A ;    // <= $B refers to a clone of $A's object
$A = RL_Vector2(); // <= let's call this object Bob, and say $A refers to Bob
$A = clone $A ;    // <= now, $A refers to a clone of Bob, while Bob is
                   //    sent to the garbage collector because no one refers
                   //    to Bob anymore. Bye bye Bob, and welcome Bob's clone.
                   //    Same as Star Trek's transporters ?
$A = RL_Vector2();
$B = RL_Vector2();
$B = clone $A ;    // <= $B refers to a clone of $A's object
                   //    and the object previously refered
                   //    by $B is sent to garbage collector
                   //    because no one refers to it anymore.
$A = RL_Vector2();
$B = RL_Vector2();
$C = $B ;
$B = clone $A ;    // <= $B refers to a clone of $A's object
                   //    and the object previously refered
                   //    by $B is still refered by $C.
$A = RL_Vector2() ;
$B = $A ;
$A = null ;        // <= $A abandonned the reference to the object
print_r( $B );     // <= $B still refers to the object
$B = null ;        // <= $B abandonned the last reference to the object
                   //       and the object is sent to garbage colllector.
$A = RL_Vector2( 123 , 456 );
$B = &$A ;
$B = RL_Vector2Add( $B , RL_Vector2( 876 , 543 ) );
print_r( $B ) ;   // <= 999 , 999
print_r( $A ) ;   // <= 999 , 999
function foo( object $ARG /*objects are passed by reference*/ ) : object
  // $ARG refers to the object refered by the variable passed as arguement
  return $ARG ; // <= returns the reference to the object

$A = RL_Vector2();
$B = foo( $A ); // <= same as $B = $A ;
function foo( object $ARG ) : object
  return clone $ARG ; // <= returns clone of refered object

$A = RL_Vector2();
$B = foo( $A );     // <= same as $B = clone $A ;
function foo( object &$ARG /* <== reference to the variable passed as argument */) : void
  $ARG = null ; // <== the content of the variable passed
              // as argument is sent to garbage collector

$A = RL_Vector(2);
foo( $A ); // <== same as $A = null ;
function foo( object &$ARG /* <== reference to the variable passed as argument */) : void
  $ARG = clone $ARG ; // <== the content of the variable passed
                      // as argument is replaced by a reference
                      // to a clone of the previous refered
                      // object. And the previous refered object
                      // is sent to garbage collector if no othe
                      // variable refers to it.

$A = RL_Vector(2);
foo( $A ); // <== same as $A = clone $A ;
function foo( object $ARG ) : void
  $ARG->x = 789 ;

$A = RL_Vector2( 123 , 456 );
foo( $A );
print_r( $A );    // <= content of $A's object altered inside foo()
class Player
  public object $POS ;

$PLAYER = new Player();
$PLAYER->POS = RL_Vector2();

$CAMERA = RL_Camera2D();
$CAMERA->target = $PLAYER->POS ; // <= copy of content
                                 //    because $CAMERA->target
                                 //    is property of a FFI/CData object

$PLAYER->POS = $CAMERA->target ; // <= $PLAYER->POS refers to $CAMERA->target

$PLAYER->POS = clone $CAMERA->target ; // <= $PLAYER->POS refers to a clone of $CAMERA->target

Regarding the Raylib's C API, some function requires a pointer to an object :

void UpdateCamera( Camera* camera , int mode );

In PHP, you call it this way :

$CAMERA = RL_Camera2D();

// Using the wrapper :

RL_UpdateCamera( $CAMERA , RL_CAMERA_FREE );

// or using FFI :

$RAYLIB_FFI->UpdateCamera( FFI::addr( $CAMERA ) , RL_CAMERA_FREE );

Same thing with predefined Raylib's colors :

$COLOR = RL_WHITE ; // <= $COLOR refers to RL_WHITE which is FFI/CData object
$COLOR->r = 0 ;     // <= RL_WHITE is also affected by this change

$COLOR = clone RL_WHITE ; // <= $COLOR refers to a clone of RL_WHITE
$COLOR->r = 0 :           // <= RL_WHITE remains untouched by this change

malloc() and free() ?

PHP's FFI can make two type of memory allocation : managed, and unmanaged.

  • managed allocations are automatically freed by PHP's garbage collector ;
  • unmanaged allocations must be set free manually using FFI::free() or by a C function that internally uses free().

Example of managed allocation :

$ICON = RL_Color_array( 32 , 32 ); // <= create a managed CData 2D array
                                   //    of type `struct Color`

$ICON = null ; // <= the array is sent to PHP's garbage collector.

Example of unmanaged allocation :

$ICON = RL_Color_alloc( 32 , 32 ); // <== create an unmanaged CData 2D array
                                   //     of type `struct Color`

// $ICON = null ; // <== WARNING ! DONT ! or else, you'll lose the reference
                  //     and it would create a memory leak !

FFI::free( $ICON ); // <== unmanaged allocation must be set free manually,
                    //     or else it would create a memory leak !

Other example of unmanaged allocation (see examples/40_raw_data.php ) :

// we use `RL_Color_alloc()` instead of `RL_Color_array()` because
// the `$PIXELS` array will be deleted through `RL_UnloadImage()`
$PIXELS = RL_Color_alloc( $WIDTH * $HEIGHT ); // <== we create an unmanaged allocation
                                              // that will be set free by RL_UnloadImage()

$IMAGE = RL_Image(); // <== this Image struct is managed
                     //     by PHP's garbage collector,

$IMAGE->data = $PIXELS ; // <== but we bind to it the unmanaged
                         //     array created above

$TEXTURE = RL_LoadTextureFromImage( $IMAGE ); // <== make use of the Image

RL_UnloadImage( $IMAGE ); // <== and this is where the unmanaged $PIXELS
                          //     allocation is set free by Raylib

$IMAGE = null ; // <== now the emptied Image struct
                //     is sent to PHP's garbage collector

single-file-php-ffi-raylib-wrapper's People


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