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arango-orm's Issues

Nested document

Hi !

I am just trying to play with arango-orm but i'm facing an issue.
Maybe i am doing thing wrong and would like some recommendations :

I have this:

from arango_orm.fields import String, Date, Nested
from arango_orm import Collection, Relation, Graph, GraphConnection
from arango_orm.references import relationship, graph_relationship
from datetime import datetime

class Department(Collection):
collection = 'department'
_index = [{'type': 'hash', 'unique': False, 'fields': ['name']}]
_key = String(required=True) # registration number
name = String(required=True, allow_none=False)
# employees = relationship(name + ".Employee", '_key', target_field='department_key')
# dob = Date()

class Role(Collection):
collection = 'role'
_index = [{'type': 'hash', 'unique': False, 'fields': ['name']}]
_key = String(required=True) # registration number
name = String(required=True, allow_none=False)

# employees = relationship(__name__ + ".Employee", '_key', target_field='role_key')
# dob = Date()

class Employee(Collection):
collection = 'employee'
_index = [{'type': 'hash', 'unique': False, 'fields': ['name']}]
_key = String(required=True) # registration number
name = String(required=True, allow_none=False)
#department_key = String()
#role_key = String()
hired_on = Date(
department = Nested(Department)
role = Nested(Role)

what i am trying to do is to have relation, or nested document in arangodb.In the collection employee i should see a role and a department for each employee.

here is how i fill datas;

what am i doing wrong ?

from models_aDB import Department, Employee, Role
from arango import ArangoClient
from arango_orm import Database

client = ArangoClient(protocol='http', host='', port=8529)

def init_arangodb():
dev_db = client.db('dev', username='xxx', password='yyyyy*', verify=True)
db = Database(dev_db)

if not db.has_collection('department'):

if not db.has_collection('employee'):

if not db.has_collection('role'):

# create the fixture
engineering = Department(name='engineering',)


hr = Department(name='Human Resources')

manager = Role(name='manager')

engineer = Role(name='engineer')

peter = Employee(name='Peter')
peter.role = engineer
peter.department = engineering

roy = Employee(name='Roy')
roy.department = engineering
roy.role = engineer

tracy = Employee(name='Tracy')
tracy.role = manager
tracy.department = hr

Thanks for your help

Database and ConnectionPool aren't fully interchangeable

Docs states that Database and ConnectionPool are interchangeable, but I experienced some problems moving from the first to the former. ConnectionPool doesn't have has_graph and graph methods. These are just examples of issues I had. Maybe it's missing more stuff I didn't check. Because of this I have problems instantiating Graph objects and managing my database graphs.

Am I missing something obvious when moving from one to the other? My code is like this:

With Database:

from arango import ArangoClient
from arango_orm import Database

client = ArangoClient(protocol=DB_PROTOCOL, host=DB_HOST, port=DB_PORT)
db = Database(client.db(DB_NAME, username=DB_USERNAME, password=DB_PASSWORD))
graph = MyGraph(connection=db)

if not db.has_graph(graph.__graph__):

With ConnectionPool:

from arango import ArangoClient
from arango_orm import ConnectionPool

clients = [ArangoClient(protocol=DB_PROTOCOL, host=DB_HOST, port=DB_PORT) for i in range(CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE)]
db = ConnectionPool(clients, dbname=DB_NAME, username=DB_USERNAME, password=DB_PASSWORD)
graph = MyGraph(connection=db)

if not db.has_graph(graph.__graph__):

Simple db.create_database not working

I'm trying to create a new database if it doesn't exist, but I get an arango.exceptions.DatabaseCreateError: [HTTP 404][ERR 1228] database not found exception.

I wonder, why does it give me a database not found exception if I'm trying to create a new one.

Add support for python-arango 4.0.0

As of python-arango 4.0.0 the database constructor takes another mandatory parameter, executor. There's also a lot of changes in the newest version of python-arango.

Also, a note on version compatibility could be added to the readme.

Should Query.by_key raise an exception instead of return None?

Should Query.by_key raise an exception instead of return None?

With a single call, I can test if it returned None:

        obj = self.db.query(self.Model).by_key(key)
        if not obj:
            raise NotFound('No object with key {}'.format(key))

However, In the below scenario, an exception maybe more reasonable:

mol_keys = ['111', '222']  # from user input

    mols = [db.query(Molecule).by_key(k) for k in mol_keys]
except XXXException:
    raise BadRequest

Here is the behavior of arangosh:> db._document('Task/14382999')._key
14382999> db._document('Task/xxx')._key
JavaScript exception in file '/usr/share/arangodb3/js/client/modules/@arangodb/arangosh.js' at 97,7: ArangoError 1202: document not found
!      throw error;
!      ^
stacktrace: ArangoError: document not found
    at Object.exports.checkRequestResult (/usr/share/arangodb3/js/client/modules/@arangodb/arangosh.js:95:21)
    at ArangoDatabase._document (/usr/share/arangodb3/js/client/modules/@arangodb/arango-database.js:626:12)
    at <shell command>:1:4

Convert test cases to pytest

Though we can keep current UnitTest based test cases, using pytest for the long run seems better specially with fixtures (or perhaps I'm more used to pytest now). So putting some effort now to convert existing test cases to pytest would be good.

Connection pooler

Allow connecting to multiple arango nodes within a cluster and distribute requests across the nodes using round-robin strategy.

Can be done by creating a connection pooler class that mimics the Database class but returns a different database session object each time from the connection pool.

_dump() method of Collection Class

It seems this method is not working, after importing the Collection from the arango-orm package python is not recognizing this method for a collection class instance.

create_all() method for Database class

allow creating all graphs, collections etc using a single call. The method accepts a list of objects or strings (strings so that we can use a module's all property) containing either names or objects of type Collection, Relation and Graph. In turn it should create all missing collections and graphs.

Graphs should be created/update first ref #19 and then all the remaining collections of the above list should get created if they don't already exist.

Shall we switch to first-class schema definition?

Currently our schema is defined as subclass of marshmallow.Schema, separated from the model class itself. It's easy for implementation in some way but inconvenient many times.

  • When saved into db, we simply use the dump result. however dump is better for front-end or cross-platform exchange, not the same as DB.
  • It's almost not able declare a db-specific field options on Marshmallow fields.
  • We cannot use model mixins or inheritance without first-class schema definition.
  • ...

Below is just a code sample from a project using Mezzanine(A Django-based CMS System):

class Article(Displayable, Ownable, RichText, AdminThumbMixin):
    category = models.ForeignKey("Category", verbose_name="Category")
    featured_image = FileField(
        verbose_name=_("Featured Image"),
        upload_to=upload_to("news.Article.featured_image", "news"),
    location = models.CharField(max_length=200, null=True, blank=True)

    admin_thumb_field = "featured_image"

    class Meta:
        ordering = ("-publish_date", )

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        return reverse('article-detail', kwargs={'slug': self.slug})

Include relations in aql query

When writing a new query, it is possible to specify the return fields, but that is the limit.

It would be beneficial to have the flexibility to include relations (with the source/target vertex) and the depth of the traversal, when querying collections.

This can be done with a graph, though the required records must first be retrieved and then expanded, which is inefficient.

As a design suggestion, could a new method be added to the Query class that allows for specifying relations to include, and the depth of the traversal?

Is it still possible to declare Schema's separate from domain classes?

I see in #17 you changed to the SQLAlchemy "declarative style" where collections and fields are referenced directly in a class derived from Collection.

Is it still possible to operate with the Schema separated from the user class in a style more like SQLAlchemy's "classic" or "mapper" syntax where user classes are independent and not derived from any arango-orm classes but are instead associated with the persistence system using a mapper concept (I would assume in this case, a Marshmallow Schema)?

Although in many cases, the declarative-in-class style has many benefits, I also believe that there are also benefits to keeping your persistence layer out of your domain classes, and the mapper style provides this.

Index creation support for collections

Allow specifying the indices to create for the collection within the collection class definition. Should support all types of indices (like hash, skiplist, fulltext, persistent, geo and vertex centering indices).

Allow auto keys

if we set the _key attribute to None in the schema (or don't provide a _key attribute) then arango will create a key automatically. We should have a way to access it via the object.

Use of __collection__ violates PEP8

As per PEP8 specifications, the __collection__ variable in Collection declarations should be renamed to something else e.g. __collection (which would invoke namespace mangling, if that is desired) or _collection.

__double_leading_and_trailing_underscore__: "magic" objects or attributes that live in user-controlled namespaces. E.g. __init__, __import__ or __file__. Never invent such names; only use them as documented.

After updating a relation, the _object_from and _object_to is not set

I'm updating a relation (edge) with db.update(relationModel), set the _from and _to to be the id's of two vertices, and that works nicely. After the update I'd like to access the relationModel._object_from and relationModel._object_to, but they're None after the update.
I'd expect the update operation to fill in these values, as they are after loading them from the database.

Nested Fields

In your examples, all members of collections are simple primitive python types like string or integer or are types for which you have a specific field (such as date-time). How do you nest another object instance, (or an array of instances) as a field within a collection?

For example, in my Customer class I have a list of Address objects, which I want to be stored within my arrango document under the key "address":

"username": "Bobby Joe",
"address": [
"street": "123 Anywhere",
"city": "New York",
"state": "NY",
"zipcode": "12345"
"street": "PO BOX 12544",
"city": "New York",
"state": "NY",
"zipcode": "12346"

I know that in Marshmallow, you can nest one schema as a field of another schema using fields.Nested(), so that one schema appears as a data item of another document

However, if I do this within a collection by creating a marshmallow schema for the nested object, and using fields.Nested, arrango-orm creates the correct structure when persisting, but when loading the record back in, the nested object becomes a python dictionary (because there is no link to my domain class for it).

How do I set up my collection to support object instances within it?

[Question] How to traverse vertices with only inbound relations?

I have a graph with three vertices, (User) -> (User Group) -> (App)

I'm trying to get a result by expanding (or AQL) so that the start node is the (App), and get all the connected vertices in the path, including the User, but I only get the (User Group) vertex information.
The code:

relations = vertex.expand(direction, depth) <- function returns the vertex._relations['relations'].
result = [
    rel._next.to_dict() for rel in relations  <- Returns the model attributes as a dictionary.

Is there any way I can get ALL the vertices connected to the (App) vertex, even if they're inbound links?

Consideration of `Collection._allow_extra_fields=False` as default

Allowing extra model properties to be loaded, dumped and also saved into DB makes a big confusion before I realized Collection._allow_extra_fields=False is required. I've been involved into this issue several times.

When a model has extra properties(defined by @property), you cannot prevent them from saving into DB with

Why not disallow extra fields always (or as default)?

AQL query does not work when returning vertex

When running an AQL query against a graph, I get KeyError: 'vertices', query I'm using:
FOR v, e, p IN 1..2 ANY 'collection/_key' GRAPH 'graph' RETURN v
The error occurs in _objectify_results(results):

for p_dict in results:
    for v_dict in p_dict['vertices']:

The p_dict is a dictionary for the model I'm searching for. It only contains the model attributes, nothing in regards to vertices or edges.

I think the AQL function should also support returning a list of vertex/edge models instead of always relying on returning the path.

Fields aren't being validated

For some reason, it appears that fields aren't being validated when pushed to the database, as per the schema. Am I missing something here?

from arango_orm import Collection
from arango_orm.fields import String, Date
from arango import ArangoClient
from arango_orm import Database
from datetime import date

class Student(Collection):
    __collection__ = 'students'
    # _index = [{'type': 'hash', fields: ['name'], unique:False}]
    _key = String(required=True, allow_none=False)  # registration number
    name = String(required=True, allow_none=False)
    dob = Date()

client = ArangoClient(hosts='http://localhost:8529')
test_db = client.db('test', username='root', password='root')
db = Database(test_db)

s = Student(name=777, dob=date(year=2016, month=9, day=12))

Running the following code generates the following DB object:

    "_id": "students/<random_key_generated_by_arango>", // `required` argument is broken.
    "_key": "<random_key_generated_by_arango>",
    "name": "777", // `int` implicitly converted to String
    "dob": "2016-09-12"

Is this intended?

Thanks in advance :)

Even the following fails to raise a ValidationError:

s = Student(_key=None, name=None, dob=date(year=2016, month=9, day=12))

And creates the following object:

    "_id": "students/<random_key_generated_by_arango>",
    "_key": "<random_key_generated_by_arango>",
    "name": null,
    "dob": "2016-09-12"

[Draft] Decouple from marshmallow?

marshmallow is mainly for serialization and deserialization:

  • Deserialize input data to app-level objects.
  • Serialize app-level objects to primitive Python types. The serialized objects can then be rendered to standard formats such as JSON for use in an HTTP API.

ORM/ODM is bridge between DB and App logic:

+-----------------------------+                    +------------------+                  +----------+                          
|                             |                    |                  |                  |          |                          
| Front-end / External System +<------------------>+ Python Datetypes +<---------------->+ Database |                          
|                             |    Marshmallow     |                  |       ORM        |          |                          
+-----------------------------+  (Data Exchange)   +------------------+                  +----------+                                                                                                                  

They have different concerns. And I feel marshmallow only shares about 60% similarities with ORM.

  • marshmallow have no field-options specifically for interaction with database
  • I currently use the same method(dump) for exposing data to client and saving to DB. These are two different scenarios, but affected by same set field-options, which often leads unexpected bugs for me.
  • Some options for marshmallow.Field have no sense as ORM, or have different semantics.
    • marshmallow.Field.dump_only: the doc says it like "read-only", but arango-orm just use the dump result for writing DB. marshmallow.Field.load_only has the similar issue.
    • Field.default shouldn't take effect when get NULL from DB explicitly. It should only have effect while saving into DB without the field.

Remove key from Dict field

This perform a right update, because all value of user.address is changed
user.address = "value"

But if user.addresses is a Dict value, if i remove a key and perform an update, the key will not deleted in db

the same happen if i do this
user.addresses = {}

i can work around like that but is not the right way
user.adresses = None
user.addresses = {"home: {"street": "my street"}}

How about `Collection._load` raising a specific exception while deserialization error?

Collection._load raises an equivocal RuntimeError while deserialization failed currently. (see)

I use it in my rest service, and want raise 400 BAD REQUEST while parsing error, so my code goes like below:

class TaskResource(BaseResource):
    schema = Task._Schema()

    def list(self):
        ret = self.db.query(Task).all()
        return self.schema.dump(ret, many=True).data

    def retrieve(self, key):
        ret = self.db.query(Task).by_key(key)
        return self.schema.dump(ret).data

    def create(self):
            task = Task._load(request.json)
        except RuntimeError:
            return ('', 400)
        res = db.add(task)
        return (res, 201)

However I dont think it's good idea to catching RuntimeError.

Allow update for graph structure

Given an updated graph class and a database connection (instance of ArangoClient); allow graph creation, deletion (with optional collection deletion) and update.

Update may require adding new vertex collections, new edge collections and adding, deleting or replacing edge definitions.

TypeError: _load() got an unexpected keyword argument 'only'

In commit 6236eff @wonderbeyond added support for the parameter only, but this is not reflected in the Relation._load() function, which in turn now raises a TypeError:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/.venv/api-3xq5-S2D/lib/python3.6/site-packages/", line 862, in _handle
  File "/.venv/api-3xq5-S2D/lib/python3.6/site-packages/", line 1740, in wrapper
    rv = callback(*a, **ka)
  File "/src/api/app/", line 385, in list
    links = self._service.find_all_by(_filter)
  File "/src/api/app/", line 222, in find_all_by
    return q.all()
  File "/.venv/api-3xq5-S2D/lib/python3.6/site-packages/arango_orm/", line 216, in all
    ret.append(self._CollectionClass._load(rec, only=only, db=self._db))
TypeError: _load() got an unexpected keyword argument 'only'

Schema missing in arango-orm, can't map Schemas

When having a data structure like this:

    "first_name": "Valentin",
    "last_name": "Grégoire",
    "hobbies": [
            "name": "Guitar",
            "type": "Music"
        }, {
            "name": "Speedcubing",
            "type": "Brain games"

To map this with arango-orm, it would look something like this:

from arango_orm import Collection
from arango_orm.fields import String, List, Nested
from marshmallow import Schema

class Hobby(Schema):
    name: str = None
    type: str = None

class Person(Collection):
    __collection__ = "persons"
    _key = String(required=True)
    first_name = String(required=True)
    last_name = String(required=True)
    hobbies = List(Nested(Hobby, required=True))

We use the Nested type because my data is known up front (structured data), else I would use Dict as stated in the docs.
As you can see, we don't have access to Schema directly from the arango-orm library like we do have on the fields. Might be interesting to map that.

So far, I can only map a list of objects by declaring it as a Dict(), and provide it as a Python dictionary, but not as an object.

hobbies = Nested(Hobby, required=True)

Event `pre_update` not updating dirty attributes

I'm using an event listener for my models with the pre_add and pre_update events. The events update the updated_at and created_at attributes of the model.
Now the issue is, that when running db.update(entity, only_dirty=True), the update won't catch the modified attribute updated_at as dirty, because the event is dispatched AFTER the dirty attributes are checked:

        data = entity._dump()

        if only_dirty:
            if not entity._dirty:
                return entity
            data = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if k == '_key' or k in entity._dirty}

        dispatch(entity, 'pre_update', db=self)

        setattr(entity, '_db', self)
        res = collection.update(data, **kwargs)

The event should be dispatched BEFORE the if only_dirty: so that the update would also update the modified attributes in the event listener.

Graph.expand's only arg should use PRUNE

Graph.expand method accepts parameter only for only traversing some nodes instead of all. This is currently implemented using FILTER (was implemented before the availability of PRUNE). The new PRUNE keywork in AQL is more suitable for such traversal scenarios so use PRUNE for this.

GraphConnection implementation

similar to #11, allow connecting to collections in a graph joined by edge collections. Resulting referenced object should contain fields from both the relation/edge object and the referenced collection (using _next)

Edge question

Tell me please. I have a collection of Teacher and Student. And there is a EDGE
from one teacher to many students. How do I get all students to one teacher.
Thank you.

fix version of marshmallow < 3.0

Need to fix version of marshmallow < 3.0 due to backwards-incompatible validation or load errors management

from marshmallow's changelogs

3.0.0b7 (2018-02-03)

Backwards-incompatible: Schemas are always strict (#377). The strict parameter is removed.
Backwards-incompatible: Schema().load and Schema().dump return data instead of a (data, errors) duple (#598).
Backwards-incomaptible: Schema().load(None) raises a ValidationError (#511).```

How does .all() work with Relations?

I have code along the lines of

# testdb is an arango-orm Database instance
# MyRelation inherits from Relation
items = testdb.query(MyRelation).all()

This used to work with arango-orm 0.2.2, but does not anymore with 0.2.3.

The reason seems to be that the signature of Collection.load() changed recently (with 60a5ee8), but the signature of Relation.load() did not. The former now takes an additional db parameter. Because Query#all() calls _load with its db argument, it doesn't work for relations anymore.

Is that intended? If yes, how can you call .all() for Relations?

Add "exclude" arg in _dump method

I check the source and this is not implemented the "exclude" arg in _dump method, equivalent in marshmallow dump()
Is a common case exclude only few sensibil data

Schema's generation cause model descriptors invoked under model class

    def schema(cls):

        fields_dict = {}

        for attr_name in dir(cls):
            attr_obj = getattr(cls, attr_name)
            if not callable(attr_obj) and isinstance(attr_obj, fields.Field):
                # add to schema fields
                fields_dict[attr_name] = attr_obj

Note getattr(cls, attr_name). If meet a descriptor such as:

class lazy_property(object):
    def __init__(self, fget):
        self.fget = fget

    def __get__(self, instance, cls):
        value = self.fget(instance)
        setattr(instance, self.fget.__name__, value)
        return value

# -------------------------------------------------------------------

class Task(Collection):
    _key = String()
    # ...

    def joiner(self):

The joiner descriptor attribute will be invoked directly under Task class, with self be None.

Descriptors are only expected to be accessed as instance attributes:

python-arango 4.X breaks compatibility

Kind of error I got from my tests

    def __init__(self, db):

        self._db = db
>       super(Database, self).__init__(db._conn)
E       TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'executor'

../lib/python3.6/site-packages/arango_orm/ TypeError

Should be good to fix version of python-arango < 4.X before any changes

Shall we develop a signal system and what it should look like?

Below is my imagination:

from arango_orm import Collection, event

from .models import Person, Car

def post_save_handler(sender, instance):

event.listen(Person, 'post_save', post_save_handler)

# Connect one handler to some event from multiple models
event.listen([Person, Car], 'post_save', post_save_handler)

# Connect one handler to some event from all models
event.listen(Collection, 'post_save', post_save_handler)

### Or ###

@event.listens_for(Person, 'post_save')
def post_save_handler(*args, **kwargs):

How can I use the `or` operator with brackets?

I have a case like this:

for c in collection
    c.a == "a" and
    c.b == "b" and
    c.c == "c" and
    c.d == "d" and
    (c.expires >= 5 or c.expires == null)

I am fully aware of the _or parameter. However, this results in a query without brackets so returning me everything with all my filtering OR just everything that has null as value for the field expires:

for c in collection
    c.a == "a" and
    c.b == "b" and
    c.c == "c" and
    c.d == "d" and
    c.expires >= 5 or
    c.expires == null

How can I solve this problem? I can't use the filter by because that function only allows for the == operator. Perhaps we should be allowed to deliver a list of operators as well?


Support for batch operations

At the moment there is no support for batch operations with the Database class.

It is still possible to call the begin_batch_execution method and create a new batch database connection which is good. The problem arises when calling the add, or update functions, as there exists a check for the _key property, and as the BatchJob is not iterable a TypeError is raised..

Could the begin_batch_execution be implemented on the arango_orm database that returns a Database instance?
Also, could I suggest that either a wrapper for Job be implemented with a callback function inserted when calling result? or as as a quick fix just returning the job result.

Happy to implement as a PR.

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