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firefile's Issues

changes one attribute in my css and the entire file was rewritten (site broken)

I changed only one attribute in the css and when the file was rewritten with a borken copy: starting comments removed including an @import.

Why this is brokening the site: on wordpress the comment from the start of the style.css in a sub-theme is very important because it defines the master theme.

Expected behaviour: to have only one line changes in CSS file.

Update: it looks that the comment and the import is not removed but they are moved something in the middle of the css file, still this is enough to completly broken the css on the site.

Was working now its not. (sites not registering + no icon in the add-on bar.)

I'm not sure what happened firebug was working like a charm yesterday now its not. No noticeable or memorable upgrades on my local PC or on the server. I have reinstalled firefox, firebug, firefile, and the sever-side firefile.php page. I do like I've always done install firebug/firefile add the sever side page access it and sign in, press apply but no confirmation of the page being registered is popping up. Also there is no firefile icon in the bottom left of the add-on bar. I love this program and I have no idea why its no longer working please help!

Thank you many times over in advance.


Firefile.php will not load

I have tried to run firefile.php on a local server and on a live server. In both cases, nothing seems to happen when you call the PHP file. I read some of the other comments and have tried putting the file in a firefile/ sub folder (, but the result is the same. Is anyone else having this issue? is the product still supported?


p {margin:}

when saving p {margin: 1em 0;}
it becomes to {margin: 1em 0t; } -> bug?


all !important becomes to "! imortant"

File persmission error

Why firefile says it cant save the cchanges cuz of persmisson?
i've changed the folder containng CSS files to world read/write/ full persmission, is still cant save. i thought the username password we filled in the form are the host ftp uzr/pdw/ even entered them but still not aable to save.

firefile.php bug: no https - only http

Current version of firefile.php still doesn't support https URLs for saving because of hardcoded string "http" in line 109:

Please replace hardcoded "http" at least against something like

($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? "https" : "http")

to make firefile.php work (at least on Apache Servers this will work, on others not).

CSS file not saved to server


I using joomla 2.5 with a rockettheme template... Went through all the steps with firefile but nothing happens if i save to the server...

Please help

request: integration with "less css"

FireFile was my top choice for developing with CSS until I started using the LessCSS framework. The premis of "Less" is so simple but very powerful. Unfortunately I'm using the "" compiler which generates a css file, and so I don't edit the css file directly anymore. Maybe it is outside the scope of Firefile but I'll still mention it: I'd like to see integration with Less CSS, because if I have to give up either FireFile or Less CSS it sadly would have to be FireFile. Thanks again for a very cool product.

Do not remove empty css rules

Hello, I would like to express my satisfaction and happiness for this plugin that makes life much easier from the developer, I'll even create a video class to other Brazilians (as I am of Brazil) in Portuguese to spread the use of this plugin that I did not even know existed. Well, the more I am having a problem with the use of it, because when you save the edited content in firebug it removes all the CSS rules empty, even with the option 'remove empty css styles" unchecked, the problem continues. ps: the css rules already exist in css before the earlier edition, I wonder if there is a way around this or if you are already on the way to solve this bug. I will be waiting for a help! thanks! (excuse my English because I'm still learning, lol)

empty css rule can not be save?

.world{/_no rules*/}

these css are removed when I update the css file using firefile. How to keep them even if they are empty?

Firefile module: edit doesn't work in global CSS edit panel of firebug


css edition works well in firebug edit panel of the current selected element (right side of firebug, panel named "Style" for current inspected element).

But when you want to edit the entire css file (for example you want to edit a property used by hovered elements) in the left panel, edition doesn't work.

When you try to edit a property in the left panel, the style become blank and firebug become frozzen.

Follow theses steps to reproduce the bug:

1.Select an element with firebug inspector
2.See current css of this element in the right panel
In the right panel, click on the filename blue link to load the entire css file in the left editor panel
Start edit the css in the left loaded panel. Click on a property and change a value, the property becomes blank and the edition field stay frozzen.

Perhaps edition handler has not been implemented for this edition panel.

It will be a great improvment when you have to edit css property used by hovered elements or anything you are not able to keep active in the right panel.

Best regards

Hex in stylesheet breaks upload (content: '\2190\00a0';)

I was using FireFile with WordPress and it works great except with the default Twenty Ten theme. After some trial and error it looks like it's an issue with the code below, specifically the backspaces used for the hex.

.attachment .entry-content .nav-previous a:before {
content: '\2190\00a0';
.attachment .entry-content .nav-next a:after {
content: '\00a0\2192';

Comments get deleted, linebreaks removed

All comments are beeing removed, only the comment in line 1 stays. All linebreaks are removed

bar {

will be converted to

foo, bar { ..

sadly that pretty makes it unusable

Does not work on FF 18

i need this module please help me !
How version is ok ?

my Version:
firebug 1.11.1
firefile.php 9.4
module fifrefile 0.9.2

i have a error message :


Permission problem with the ALIAS in Wamp.


Sorry for my English.
FireFile works well for my project in the folder "localhost".
My some of my projects are not in the "localhost" and uses aliases under WAMP.

FireFile and can not be allowed.
Here is the error mesasge:

The address "http://localhost/ktsgroup/css/form.css" is correct.
But it is an alias.
Thank you for your help.

"response [1]:"

Object { siteurl="http://localhost/firefile.php"
, contents=
"\n\n@charset "utf-8";\n\[email protected];\n width: 100%;\n}"
, href=

"request: ..."
"response [2]:"
"response [3]:"
"response [4]:"

Firebug 1.81 breaks FireFile

Using Firefox 5 with Firebug 1.81 on Mac OS 10.7:

FireFile does not work and inline editing of CSS is broken as well.

Revert to Firebug 1.7.3 and all is well.

firefile.php urlencode() bugs

css attributs like this will not work in firefile.php because of urldecode():

h4.teaser + a.btn { .... }

The plus sign disappears because of urldecode().

Use rawurldecode() instead and everything will work again.
That should be fixed in future versions of firefile.php

Unable to Save my Changes

Dear Friends,

  • I am using FF 18.0, and working locally (WampServer 2.2) using Wordpress 3.4.2.
  • I am using FireBug 1.11.1
  • My project is saved on my C:\wamp\www\wordpress (http://localhost/wordpress/)

I follow the installation instructions as mentioned in:

  • FireFile 0.9.4 is now saved on my C:\wamp\www\wordpress (http://localhost/wordpress/firefile/firefile.php)
  • When I open http://localhost/wordpress/, I login FireFile (FireFile icon is now black, i.e. active) & then start making modifications on Firebug

Would you please be kind enough to assist me/ let me know what I am doing wrong & I cannot save the changes? What can I do to enable saving my changes?

Thank in advance for your support - i really appreciate it !

Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2

not work on win7

when I open
on the top appear a line of text :
"Please make sure that Firebug ist activated to successfully register FireFile"
I make sure that:
1.firefile folder and localhost have 777 permission
2.firebug is 1.61 or 1.72,both tested
3.firefox is 3.6.13

my system is win7 , but it worked when I used xp before.
what is the problem.

Category not found

i have some unknown issues with firefile,,,i did upload it on my server ,,,then everytime i go to this link to put my username & password ,,it shows me a message <<< Category not found << ,,,please any help ,,,looking forward for your reply thanks

Ability to save direct to file:// resources without the PHP server-side piece.

For example .. has a bunch of demo projects using client-side JS micro-web-frameworks. All the content is static for the examples. Github serves the apps via and they can be played with there. BUT the apps will also run from file://

That browsers can load content from file:// is not new, but the trend towards technologies who's code-test-code cycles are done exclusively from file:// is new.

Thus, save to file:// would be a great feature for FireFile.

firefile.php shredders css file, why?

I've got a css file which i used to edit with firefile since a long time. As soon as i use the current version, the file is corrupted while saving. The file is 35k in size, afterwards it only has 8k and is missing a lot of items. It looks not the same as before, the order of the css rules is completely different. I can't find out a reason for that behavior.

How to go on?

small square in style sidepanel

A small square 6x6px and an adjacent 4x4 px appears when right-clicking below css rules in Firebug Styles sideplanel with FireFile addon enabled.

Incompatible with Wordpress

When editing CSS files of wordpress themes (local installation of wordpress), the error file_not_exists appears upon upload, yet firefile.php is not even called (verified with network sniffer). Maybe the Firefox extensions is throwing some javascript error before the AJAX Request is executed?

(Editing the test area of Firefile.php works perfectly.)

If you could tell me how to enable the debug mode of Firefile?

upload kills @import

I had an @import statement at the beginning of a file, edited it, and reuploaded it, now the import was gone. Can be reproduced. rather anoying bug :/

New release 9.0.1 and last firefox 17 with last firebug don't add web site to firefile web site


I have done everything:
uninstall firebug, uninstall firefile, reset firefox, install firebug, install firefile, reset firefile server...nothing is working as expected!

Since the new release of yesterday and since I have deleted the web site from firefile web site, I'm not able to add again my web site...

The web site was successfully added before with 9.0.0 plugin but itf was unusable due to the old bug now fixed. But now, I can not see my website in the firefile panel as a working web site...


Does not work on FF 17.0.1

I just noticed that it does not work anymore. Not sure why, maybe because of my FF getting update 17.0.1. Now when I select a style instead of css value it shows [object CSSStyleRule]. Any ideas?

problem with permission

i am posting this thread and hoping to be replied asap ,,i need help ,,, i did follow the instruction of installing FIREFILE ON my server,,,i still have problem with PERMISSION ERROR ,,i did try the solutions that had been mentioned in the issues posts,,,but nothing did work out,,,please help me

-moz, -webkit, etc... Autocomplete

As i said in the last post, I have a problem quite annoying since the only versions 4 and 5 of Firefox came out ...

In fact all autoconversion work but only on older versions of Firefox 4. Since the release of Firefox 4 -moz- CSS is automatically converted to CSS3 standard directly in Firebug. The problem is that FireFile does not convert these instructions-moz,-webkit, etc. ... It's super annoying, I have to downgrade back to Firefox 3 in its functionality.

Is not it possible to update FireFile so that it detects the CSS3 property standards (eg border-radius: 1px) and convert-moz,-webkit, etc. ... directly? Knowing that it worked very well detection when-moz was not translated directly, it should not be very difficult and it could save a lot of time a lot of people!

It is possible? :)

@import deleted

thank you for running this project.
In our first test we noticed that the script remove all the @import rules from the stylesheet.

Firefile.php will not open in browser at all

I just installed the Firefile Firefox addon, and now I'm trying to set it up so I can use it. But I cannot link Firefile to my Firebug, because I cannot even connect to the firefile.php on the web.
Our website is a fresh WordPress installation, latest version 3.5.1.
I set the permissions of the firefile folder and of the firefile.php file to 777.
But when I go to
...I get a 404 error.

What am I doing wrong?
I tried it in Firefox and in Chrome, both latest versions of the browser.
Thanks a lot for your help!

Maintain CSS Layout and Comments

This is a fantastic application in function, but as CSS designers, we are very particular in the way we lay out our documents and comment certain sections of our documents.

For instance, if I have a navigation div, I often like to place my navigation "ul" and "li" elements tabbed in below their respective divs. Is this needed? No, but it's how I code. It's easy on my eyes.

In addition, when I start a section of my CSS, like a sidebar, I comment "Start Sidebar" and at the end with "End Sidebar".

If this program allowed for maintaining the original structure of my CSS, in addition to keeping comments exactly where they were, I would even PAY for this utility.

in any event, congratulations in making something really awesome. I hope to see these features!

If this is confusing in any way, I would be more than happy to address any questions.

Project dead?

no updates no fixes for the problem that Firefile dont work anymore...? No activity for months? is the project dead?


Remove all style not -moz-

After save remove all style with prefix not -moz-.
open file:

a:link {-webkit-tap-highlight-color: #FF5E99;} 
button {width: auto; overflow: visible;}

save file

button {
    width: auto; 
    overflow: visible;

A very useful plugin. If you need help with PHP, I can help.

There is a plug-css-x-fire. It stores only the changes. But he needs to work PhpStorm :-(.

firefile doesn't work with query part in stylesheet url

It seems like firefile doesn't support stylesheets that are output with a query part, in order to avoid caching problems. A specific example would be the drupal content management which is adding a hash to the query part to the css stylesheet url. An example style name would look like: "style.css?fodsaj"

Firefile search the exact filename on the server, which is non-existent there for obvious reasons. Rather it should remove the query part in this URL and search for the actual filename only.

CSS3 support

could not save css3 properties like transition etc.



This is my first post in this repository so I apologize for any procedures you follow. Anyways I followed all the instruction to install FireFile onto my web server. FireFile deletes any css file and all of the contents are erase. I get is an empty style sheet. When I open the style sheet after saving changes in firefile, what I see in the file is this:
Object id #75
I used all the instruction in the site to install FireFile. I chmod -R 777 /var/www/html in on web server and I logged in
as the root user because this is an unmanaged vps. The file permissions for entire directory is
root root rwxrwxrwx and inside of /var/www/html is the firefile.php and firefile.config.php. I am running this in
CentOs version 5 I believe. Any help would be appreciated.


Jean-Marcel Belmont

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