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NuGet | Mux Docs | Mux API Reference

Mux is how developers build online video. This API encompasses both Mux Video and Mux Data functionality to help you build your video-related projects better and faster than ever before.

PLEASE NOTE: This is an early build of the Mux C# SDK, as evidenced by its pre-1.0 status, but we're reasonably certain of its stability and usability against the Mux API.. Documentation is currently best-effort, but it'll improve over time! Instead of contacting Mux Support, please file an issue on this repository or email Mux DevEx for assistance.

Frameworks supported

  • .NET Core >=1.0
  • .NET Framework >=4.6
  • Mono/Xamarin >=vNext


The DLLs included in the package may not be the latest version. We recommend using NuGet to obtain the latest version of the packages:

Install-Package RestSharp
Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
Install-Package JsonSubTypes
Install-Package System.ComponentModel.Annotations

NOTE: RestSharp versions greater than 105.1.0 have a bug which causes file uploads to fail. See RestSharp#742


Generate the DLL using your preferred tool (e.g. dotnet build)

Then include the DLL (under the bin folder) in the C# project, and use the namespaces:

using Mux.Csharp.Sdk.Api;
using Mux.Csharp.Sdk.Client;
using Mux.Csharp.Sdk.Model;


To use the API client with a HTTP proxy, setup a System.Net.WebProxy

Configuration c = new Configuration();
System.Net.WebProxy webProxy = new System.Net.WebProxy("http://myProxyUrl:80/");
webProxy.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
c.Proxy = webProxy;

Getting Started

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Mux.Csharp.Sdk.Api;
using Mux.Csharp.Sdk.Client;
using Mux.Csharp.Sdk.Model;

namespace Example
    public class Example
        public static void Main()

            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            config.BasePath = "";
            // Configure HTTP basic authorization: accessToken
            config.Username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
            config.Password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";

            var apiInstance = new AssetsApi(config);
            var createAssetRequest = new CreateAssetRequest(); // CreateAssetRequest | 

                // Create an asset
                AssetResponse result = apiInstance.CreateAsset(createAssetRequest);
            catch (ApiException e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling AssetsApi.CreateAsset: " + e.Message );
                Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);


Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AssetsApi CreateAsset POST /video/v1/assets Create an asset
AssetsApi CreateAssetPlaybackId POST /video/v1/assets/{ASSET_ID}/playback-ids Create a playback ID
AssetsApi CreateAssetTrack POST /video/v1/assets/{ASSET_ID}/tracks Create an asset track
AssetsApi DeleteAsset DELETE /video/v1/assets/{ASSET_ID} Delete an asset
AssetsApi DeleteAssetPlaybackId DELETE /video/v1/assets/{ASSET_ID}/playback-ids/{PLAYBACK_ID} Delete a playback ID
AssetsApi DeleteAssetTrack DELETE /video/v1/assets/{ASSET_ID}/tracks/{TRACK_ID} Delete an asset track
AssetsApi GenerateAssetTrackSubtitles POST /video/v1/assets/{ASSET_ID}/tracks/{TRACK_ID}/generate-subtitles Generate track subtitles
AssetsApi GetAsset GET /video/v1/assets/{ASSET_ID} Retrieve an asset
AssetsApi GetAssetInputInfo GET /video/v1/assets/{ASSET_ID}/input-info Retrieve asset input info
AssetsApi GetAssetPlaybackId GET /video/v1/assets/{ASSET_ID}/playback-ids/{PLAYBACK_ID} Retrieve a playback ID
AssetsApi ListAssets GET /video/v1/assets List assets
AssetsApi UpdateAsset PATCH /video/v1/assets/{ASSET_ID} Update an asset
AssetsApi UpdateAssetMasterAccess PUT /video/v1/assets/{ASSET_ID}/master-access Update master access
AssetsApi UpdateAssetMp4Support PUT /video/v1/assets/{ASSET_ID}/mp4-support Update MP4 support
DeliveryUsageApi ListDeliveryUsage GET /video/v1/delivery-usage List Usage
DimensionsApi ListDimensionValues GET /data/v1/dimensions/{DIMENSION_ID} Lists the values for a specific dimension
DimensionsApi ListDimensions GET /data/v1/dimensions List Dimensions
DirectUploadsApi CancelDirectUpload PUT /video/v1/uploads/{UPLOAD_ID}/cancel Cancel a direct upload
DirectUploadsApi CreateDirectUpload POST /video/v1/uploads Create a new direct upload URL
DirectUploadsApi GetDirectUpload GET /video/v1/uploads/{UPLOAD_ID} Retrieve a single direct upload's info
DirectUploadsApi ListDirectUploads GET /video/v1/uploads List direct uploads
ErrorsApi ListErrors GET /data/v1/errors List Errors
ExportsApi ListExports GET /data/v1/exports List property video view export links
ExportsApi ListExportsViews GET /data/v1/exports/views List available property view exports
FiltersApi ListFilterValues GET /data/v1/filters/{FILTER_ID} Lists values for a specific filter
FiltersApi ListFilters GET /data/v1/filters List Filters
IncidentsApi GetIncident GET /data/v1/incidents/{INCIDENT_ID} Get an Incident
IncidentsApi ListIncidents GET /data/v1/incidents List Incidents
IncidentsApi ListRelatedIncidents GET /data/v1/incidents/{INCIDENT_ID}/related List Related Incidents
LiveStreamsApi CreateLiveStream POST /video/v1/live-streams Create a live stream
LiveStreamsApi CreateLiveStreamPlaybackId POST /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID}/playback-ids Create a live stream playback ID
LiveStreamsApi CreateLiveStreamSimulcastTarget POST /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID}/simulcast-targets Create a live stream simulcast target
LiveStreamsApi DeleteLiveStream DELETE /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID} Delete a live stream
LiveStreamsApi DeleteLiveStreamPlaybackId DELETE /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID}/playback-ids/{PLAYBACK_ID} Delete a live stream playback ID
LiveStreamsApi DeleteLiveStreamSimulcastTarget DELETE /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID}/simulcast-targets/{SIMULCAST_TARGET_ID} Delete a live stream simulcast target
LiveStreamsApi DisableLiveStream PUT /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID}/disable Disable a live stream
LiveStreamsApi EnableLiveStream PUT /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID}/enable Enable a live stream
LiveStreamsApi GetLiveStream GET /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID} Retrieve a live stream
LiveStreamsApi GetLiveStreamPlaybackId GET /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID}/playback-ids/{PLAYBACK_ID} Retrieve a live stream playback ID
LiveStreamsApi GetLiveStreamSimulcastTarget GET /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID}/simulcast-targets/{SIMULCAST_TARGET_ID} Retrieve a live stream simulcast target
LiveStreamsApi ListLiveStreams GET /video/v1/live-streams List live streams
LiveStreamsApi ResetStreamKey POST /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID}/reset-stream-key Reset a live stream's stream key
LiveStreamsApi SignalLiveStreamComplete PUT /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID}/complete Signal a live stream is finished
LiveStreamsApi UpdateLiveStream PATCH /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID} Update a live stream
LiveStreamsApi UpdateLiveStreamEmbeddedSubtitles PUT /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID}/embedded-subtitles Update a live stream's embedded subtitles
LiveStreamsApi UpdateLiveStreamGeneratedSubtitles PUT /video/v1/live-streams/{LIVE_STREAM_ID}/generated-subtitles Update a live stream's generated subtitles
MetricsApi GetMetricTimeseriesData GET /data/v1/metrics/{METRIC_ID}/timeseries Get metric timeseries data
MetricsApi GetOverallValues GET /data/v1/metrics/{METRIC_ID}/overall Get Overall values
MetricsApi ListAllMetricValues GET /data/v1/metrics/comparison List all metric values
MetricsApi ListBreakdownValues GET /data/v1/metrics/{METRIC_ID}/breakdown List breakdown values
MetricsApi ListInsights GET /data/v1/metrics/{METRIC_ID}/insights List Insights
MonitoringApi GetMonitoringBreakdown GET /data/v1/monitoring/metrics/{MONITORING_METRIC_ID}/breakdown Get Monitoring Breakdown
MonitoringApi GetMonitoringBreakdownTimeseries GET /data/v1/monitoring/metrics/{MONITORING_METRIC_ID}/breakdown-timeseries Get Monitoring Breakdown Timeseries
MonitoringApi GetMonitoringHistogramTimeseries GET /data/v1/monitoring/metrics/{MONITORING_HISTOGRAM_METRIC_ID}/histogram-timeseries Get Monitoring Histogram Timeseries
MonitoringApi GetMonitoringTimeseries GET /data/v1/monitoring/metrics/{MONITORING_METRIC_ID}/timeseries Get Monitoring Timeseries
MonitoringApi ListMonitoringDimensions GET /data/v1/monitoring/dimensions List Monitoring Dimensions
MonitoringApi ListMonitoringMetrics GET /data/v1/monitoring/metrics List Monitoring Metrics
PlaybackIDApi GetAssetOrLivestreamId GET /video/v1/playback-ids/{PLAYBACK_ID} Retrieve an asset or live stream ID
PlaybackRestrictionsApi CreatePlaybackRestriction POST /video/v1/playback-restrictions Create a Playback Restriction
PlaybackRestrictionsApi DeletePlaybackRestriction DELETE /video/v1/playback-restrictions/{PLAYBACK_RESTRICTION_ID} Delete a Playback Restriction
PlaybackRestrictionsApi GetPlaybackRestriction GET /video/v1/playback-restrictions/{PLAYBACK_RESTRICTION_ID} Retrieve a Playback Restriction
PlaybackRestrictionsApi ListPlaybackRestrictions GET /video/v1/playback-restrictions List Playback Restrictions
PlaybackRestrictionsApi UpdateReferrerDomainRestriction PUT /video/v1/playback-restrictions/{PLAYBACK_RESTRICTION_ID}/referrer Update the Referrer Playback Restriction
RealTimeApi GetRealtimeBreakdown GET /data/v1/realtime/metrics/{REALTIME_METRIC_ID}/breakdown Get Real-Time Breakdown
RealTimeApi GetRealtimeHistogramTimeseries GET /data/v1/realtime/metrics/{REALTIME_HISTOGRAM_METRIC_ID}/histogram-timeseries Get Real-Time Histogram Timeseries
RealTimeApi GetRealtimeTimeseries GET /data/v1/realtime/metrics/{REALTIME_METRIC_ID}/timeseries Get Real-Time Timeseries
RealTimeApi ListRealtimeDimensions GET /data/v1/realtime/dimensions List Real-Time Dimensions
RealTimeApi ListRealtimeMetrics GET /data/v1/realtime/metrics List Real-Time Metrics
SigningKeysApi CreateSigningKey POST /system/v1/signing-keys Create a signing key
SigningKeysApi DeleteSigningKey DELETE /system/v1/signing-keys/{SIGNING_KEY_ID} Delete a signing key
SigningKeysApi GetSigningKey GET /system/v1/signing-keys/{SIGNING_KEY_ID} Retrieve a signing key
SigningKeysApi ListSigningKeys GET /system/v1/signing-keys List signing keys
SpacesApi CreateSpace POST /video/v1/spaces Create a space
SpacesApi CreateSpaceBroadcast POST /video/v1/spaces/{SPACE_ID}/broadcasts Create a space broadcast
SpacesApi DeleteSpace DELETE /video/v1/spaces/{SPACE_ID} Delete a space
SpacesApi DeleteSpaceBroadcast DELETE /video/v1/spaces/{SPACE_ID}/broadcasts/{BROADCAST_ID} Delete a space broadcast
SpacesApi GetSpace GET /video/v1/spaces/{SPACE_ID} Retrieve a space
SpacesApi GetSpaceBroadcast GET /video/v1/spaces/{SPACE_ID}/broadcasts/{BROADCAST_ID} Retrieve space broadcast
SpacesApi ListSpaces GET /video/v1/spaces List spaces
SpacesApi StartSpaceBroadcast POST /video/v1/spaces/{SPACE_ID}/broadcasts/{BROADCAST_ID}/start Start a space broadcast
SpacesApi StopSpaceBroadcast POST /video/v1/spaces/{SPACE_ID}/broadcasts/{BROADCAST_ID}/stop Stop a space broadcast
TranscriptionVocabulariesApi CreateTranscriptionVocabulary POST /video/v1/transcription-vocabularies Create a Transcription Vocabulary
TranscriptionVocabulariesApi DeleteTranscriptionVocabulary DELETE /video/v1/transcription-vocabularies/{TRANSCRIPTION_VOCABULARY_ID} Delete a Transcription Vocabulary
TranscriptionVocabulariesApi GetTranscriptionVocabulary GET /video/v1/transcription-vocabularies/{TRANSCRIPTION_VOCABULARY_ID} Retrieve a Transcription Vocabulary
TranscriptionVocabulariesApi ListTranscriptionVocabularies GET /video/v1/transcription-vocabularies List Transcription Vocabularies
TranscriptionVocabulariesApi UpdateTranscriptionVocabulary PUT /video/v1/transcription-vocabularies/{TRANSCRIPTION_VOCABULARY_ID} Update a Transcription Vocabulary
URLSigningKeysApi CreateUrlSigningKey POST /video/v1/signing-keys Create a URL signing key
URLSigningKeysApi DeleteUrlSigningKey DELETE /video/v1/signing-keys/{SIGNING_KEY_ID} Delete a URL signing key
URLSigningKeysApi GetUrlSigningKey GET /video/v1/signing-keys/{SIGNING_KEY_ID} Retrieve a URL signing key
URLSigningKeysApi ListUrlSigningKeys GET /video/v1/signing-keys List URL signing keys
VideoViewsApi GetVideoView GET /data/v1/video-views/{VIDEO_VIEW_ID} Get a Video View
VideoViewsApi ListVideoViews GET /data/v1/video-views List Video Views
WebInputsApi CreateWebInput POST /video/v1/web-inputs Create a new Web Input
WebInputsApi DeleteWebInput DELETE /video/v1/web-inputs/{WEB_INPUT_ID} Delete a Web Input
WebInputsApi GetWebInput GET /video/v1/web-inputs/{WEB_INPUT_ID} Retrieve a Web Input
WebInputsApi LaunchWebInput PUT /video/v1/web-inputs/{WEB_INPUT_ID}/launch Launch a Web Input
WebInputsApi ListWebInputs GET /video/v1/web-inputs List Web Inputs
WebInputsApi ReloadWebInput PUT /video/v1/web-inputs/{WEB_INPUT_ID}/reload Reload a Web Input
WebInputsApi ShutdownWebInput PUT /video/v1/web-inputs/{WEB_INPUT_ID}/shutdown Shut down a Web Input
WebInputsApi UpdateWebInputUrl PUT /video/v1/web-inputs/{WEB_INPUT_ID}/url Update Web Input URL

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication

mux-csharp's People


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