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mediabox's Issues

Possible to choose different VPN provider

So PIA seems to be a bit slow on their support for me to even get a username, and it is making me reconsider even using them. Could there be a way to change the VPN provider?

Sonarr and Deluge import issue

For some reason, my sonarr can't see the file downloaded by deluge for import. Typically, I've solved this issue by adding a remote path map to the appropriate directory. Deluge is downloading to /data/incomplete and then moving to /data/completed. Sonarr doesn't see that directory--presumably it wants to pull from /downloads. I tried mapping the two, but that doesn't seem to work.

Before jumping into Portainer and adding volumes, changing destinations, I figured I'd ask, as I don't want to mess up the overall setup.

Fine job, by the way, thank you for your efforts.


502 bad gateway

Just installed mediabox using the instructions provided. All the containers I can see in portainer but I can't go to my local ip. If I go to my local ip or http://docker it can't connect or says 502 bad gateway.

Muxumux - Error 500

Another error, this one doesn't look like to be related to me!

Muximux was working fine, then all of a sudden I get an error 500:

It has been working fine for the last 24 hours, and then without touching anything, it just plays up like this.

It seems it may be an issue with Muximux as other people seem to get the issue randomly. I've also had it do it on another docker install before.

Have you experienced it before?

Portainer not loading in Muximux

There was an update to Portainer and it looks like it is no longer able to load in a frame.
So this is making it not load in Muximux.
Current workaround is to open Portainer at its full URL: http://yourmediaboxip:9000

I have noticed this as a trend and will probably need to look at other options to replace Muximux.

Organizr has been mentioned and tested before but it has not way to be "automatically" configured as it holds all its settings in a sqlite db.

If anyone has suggestions or ideas please let me know.



Just to keep in line with Sonarr and Radarr, and to be consistent with the dual options, have you considered adding Lidarr?

sonnar & radarr not talking to deluge

sonarr & radarr have stop communicating with deluge.
No new downloads can be started.
No finished downloads can be imported.
If I test the connection from inside sonarr I get:
Unknown exception: The operation has timed out.: ''
radarr reports the following:
Unknown exception: The operation has timed out.

I recently installed SSH tools on my system using these instructions:
I'm on Ubuntu 18.04. Upgraded from 16.04.

I did try rerunning to see if that would clear things up - no luck.

Minio creating zombie processes

I am seeing an issue with the Minio container creating many zombie processes.

I am looking into it via the official Minio repository.

For now as a workaround if you are seeing high counts of zombie processes is to just stop the container, wait a few minutes, and restart it. This can be done via the Portainer interface.

Known Issue with Ubuntu 18.04 - CIDR Address

Currently starting testing on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

It looks like the function that determines the CIDR address is having issues.
Haven't even started troubleshooting it yet - just putting this here right away so I remember to work on it.

@kspillane - Just mentioning you so that you see this post.

Radarr and Sonarr - Folder is not writable by user abc

Trying to choose the select path folder as can be seen in below screenshot, but when I go to add the /movies or /tv, I get the error Folder is not writable by user abc. This happens in both Radarr and Sonarr for each of their folders.

/data/competed does not have this error (but it should be going there).

Any suggestions? Have I done something incorrect? Not sure how to give user abc permissions for the folder either.

Define media volume on init

as discussed here - #30, most users will be using a different volume for their media than the host drive of the containers. It would be good if you could set a volume on init for all "finished" media to be moved to and then metadata services could run on that data. Or even more simply, advise everyone to "use drive pooling or raid first" and run this on the single volume.

Deluge setup

Right now I have an external hard drive that I'd like to download / seed from. Is there an option to specify download directory with deluge?

Doesn't having Deluge automatically move files also mess with sonarr/radarr hard links? I was under the impression that everything had to stay in the same folder and the sonarr /downloads folder was supposed to point to where the torrent was downloaded to.


I've heard that Organizr is an improved version of Muximux, would there be any chance of using that in the future?

Restoring Backups

Is there anyway we can add to the readme a quick guide on how to restore plex/radarr/sonarr backups? That will help a lot of people I think.


fresh install on fresh install of ubuntu

hi! i have recently freshly installed ubuntu 18.04 and tried to setup mediabox to run. i ran ./ and followed all the steps flawlessly. I get to the part where it says

"Configuring DelugeVPN, NZBGet, Muximux, and Permissions
This may take a few minutes..."

and it just sits here for ever. I've waited over an hour for this to get through and i dont know if its supposed to take this long but im assuming not. Please help.

Mount external volumes

I'm new to Docker, and was able to install Mediabox with no problem on a fresh Ubuntu 17.10 install. Previously I was running all my media apps individually, but wanted deluge/vpn and split tunneling wasn't working for me. I also liked the ease of install of Mediabox and your readme was perfect.

All my media is saved on a separate volume from the host, but the same computer. The mountpoint is /media/josh/AUDIOVISUAL, with sub directories for movies, shows, music, etc.

How can I configure the Sonarr, Couchpotato, Radarr, etc containers in Mediabox to move downloaded media from Deluge to this volume, and how can I configure the Plex container to pull the media from there? I've poked around Portainer and can't see how to do it.


Stop uhttpd in installation script

I'm upgrading for the first time in a while, back from when you used uhttpd to serve the welcome page. The installation script doesn't account for that when stopping existing docker containers, and then fails to launch Muximux because port 80 is already in use.

This cascades into other problems such as infinitely waiting on:

Configuring DelugeVPN and NZBGet - Muximux files - Permissions 
This may take a few minutes...

because Muximux was not launched properly.

Running docker stop uhttpd before the installation script fixes the issue.

ARM version of the installer script

Hi guys,

Love the project, looks very promising!

Unfortunately, my installation always blocks at the stage "Configuring Deluge daemon access - UHTTPD index file - Permissions".

Hardware / software config:

  • Rock64 running Xenial minimal (light version of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS).
  • Docker version 17.12.0-ce, build c97c6d6
  • Docker-compose version 1.18.0, build 8dd22a9

I ran all pre-configuration steps prior to starting the script.

rock64@rock64:~$ docker version
 Version:       17.12.0-ce
 API version:   1.35
 Go version:    go1.9.2
 Git commit:    c97c6d6
 Built: Wed Dec 27 20:07:05 2017
 OS/Arch:       linux/arm64

  Version:      17.12.0-ce
  API version:  1.35 (minimum version 1.12)
  Go version:   go1.9.2
  Git commit:   c97c6d6
  Built:        Wed Dec 27 20:05:10 2017
  OS/Arch:      linux/arm64
  Experimental: false


I tinkered with the installation script a bit to give a bit more feedback during the installation -- it appears the script is stuck in an endless loop at line 131 of the installation script:
while [ ! -f delugevpn/config/core.conf ]; do sleep 1; done

Any idea what's causing this?

First install

I try logging into my host ip, as instructed, and I get "nginx 502 bad gateway", so I can't complete setup. Any idea what this is?

Edit: ended up reinstalling Ubuntu Server, but my theory is that I had installed from root account.

Update docker-compose version

Currently docker-compose.yml is set to version: '2' which I believe is fairly out of date. On my local setup I'm using an NFS volume for some images which requires features available in version 3.x+. Eg:

        driver: local
            type: nfs
            o: addr=
            device: ":/nfs/Public"

Everything appears to work fine after setting version: 3.5 and would be nice to have upstream too. Thanks for the great project!

Is there a reason to have deluge move completed torrents?

I'm finding many shows and movies will not be moved to the completed folder for ages after being download and I often have to move them manually myself. I'm wondering if just having a single /downloads directory causes any issues?

help with drives

Need help with drive permissions none of programs see hard drives

Docker restart always

Hi guys,

Just a small question that has left me puzzled.


The default docker image setup does not really suit my needs, since I would prefer that if I did a reboot of my server, my docker containers would automatically reboot.

To that end, I added a "restart: always" in my docker-compose file.


        image: ledokun/armhf-arch-delugevpn
        container_name: delugevpn
        restart: always
        network_mode: "bridge"

Unfortunately, no luck. On force reboot, it exits the docker container and does not reboot. Anything I'm missing?

502 Bad Gateway

Just installed, and every time I go to my IP where the server is, I get a 502 Bad Gateway.

Is there anything in Nginx that I need to do to get it working or is it a fairly turn-key solution?

Is there anything I need to do specially? Fairly new to this stuff, and always have issues like this with Ngnix.

I am getting this error for Muximux:
[07-May-2018 23:56:26] ERROR: [pool www] please specify user and group other than root [07-May-2018 23:56:26] ERROR: FPM initialization failed

S3 storage?

So it's got Minio...

Does that mean I can run up a cheap VM on Digitalocean but access loads of storage on S3? Can I download and "post-process" stuff to the server, but then save to and serve from S3?

If not be default, how might that be accomplished?

nzbget mounted volume issue

This may be user error...

I ran the setup script with this output:

img: setup output


As you can see, my specified volume does not match that used by the NZBGet container:


img: nzbget container volumes


This causes issues when Sonaar tries to retrieve files from
/media/zd/data/downloads/completed but they are actually located at /media/zd/data/downloads/completed/completed

this is the folder structure I end up with for nzbget:


error on install. several containers not loading

Hey thanks for making this project, its brilliant!

First of all received this problem: #71 where the script just gets stuck indefinitely.

Rebooted, didn't help.

Tested again after another reboot, this time filing in all options rather than leaving some blank and it worked. I think the problem is caused if you do not enter an option for some of the questions in the script.

But sadly the script still didn't work for me, at the end I received this error:
sed: /usr/bin/ No such file or directory chmod: cannot access 'content/': No such file or directory Setup Complete - Open a browser and go to:

And I tried launching different apps within mediabox like plex and jellyfin and they don't open.

My .env:

Heres docker status:
tim@basement:~/mediabox$ docker container ls
2f5e361302a2 binhex/arch-delugevpn "/usr/bin/tini -- /b…" About an hour ago Up 11 minutes>8112/tcp,>8118/tcp,>58846/tcp,>58946/tcp, 58946/udp delugevpn
10280e20c0d3 tautulli/tautulli "/init" 4 hours ago Up 12 minutes (healthy)>8181/tcp tautulli
d36ec814d775 linuxserver/couchpotato "/init" 4 hours ago Up 12 minutes>5050/tcp couchpotato
02b6f9ea174f jellyfin/jellyfin "/bin/sh -c 'dotnet …" 4 hours ago Restarting (134) 37 seconds ago jellyfin
d27016aa50e7 linuxserver/sonarr "/init" 4 hours ago Up 11 minutes>8989/tcp sonarr
8d1eb9d3bf05 linuxserver/radarr "/init" 4 hours ago Up 11 minutes>7878/tcp radarr
22a639e847c7 pyouroboros/ouroboros "ouroboros" 4 hours ago Up 11 minutes ouroboros
208f62538e84 minio/minio "/usr/bin/docker-ent…" 4 hours ago Up 12 minutes (healthy)>9000/tcp minio
26d0c7410ef0 linuxserver/ombi "/init" 4 hours ago Up 12 minutes>3579/tcp ombi
7e4bee639cb6 linuxserver/muximux "/init" 4 hours ago Up 12 minutes>80/tcp, 443/tcp muximux
696bb193d45d linuxserver/lidarr "/init" 4 hours ago Up 11 minutes>8686/tcp lidarr
9d31571ef2f9 linuxserver/duplicati "/init" 4 hours ago Up 11 minutes>8200/tcp duplicati
b907a08970e9 plexinc/pms-docker:public "/init" 4 hours ago Up 12 minutes (unhealthy) plex
b523d4e80c44 linuxserver/nzbget "/init" 4 hours ago Up 12 minutes>6789/tcp nzbget
478adadee6bb netdata/netdata:latest "/usr/sbin/" 4 hours ago Up 12 minutes>19999/tcp netdata
630d32be0303 linuxserver/sickrage "/init" 4 hours ago Up 11 minutes>8081/tcp sickchill
fcf80e2a17e4 linuxserver/headphones "/init" 4 hours ago Up 11 minutes>8181/tcp headphones
689949714d02 linuxserver/jackett "/init" 4 hours ago Up 12 minutes>9117/tcp jackett
5377dbd688de portainer/portainer:latest "/portainer --no-aut…" 4 hours ago Up 12 minutes>9000/tcp portainer

Any advice how I can get things up and running?

Sonarr becomes unresponsive

I'm not sure where this problem is coming from, but it seems like everything else in the stack works great. I'm using Plex, jackett, sonarr, ombi, radarr, tautulli, portainer, delugevpn, and watchtower. Most of the time sonarr works great too, but every once in a while it becomes very unresponsive. The web interface wont respond, when it does eventually it says all indexers have failed, and communication to Deluge is failed. Sometimes I can go into settings hit the test button for each, and everything starts working again. Other times nothing seems to help. I try restarting the container and rebooting the server, sometimes it helps, other times not.

Does anyone recognize this problem? I've captured two logs from sonarr on two separate occasions, about two months between and it worked fine for long periods between. It seems like it just stops responding to its network sockets. I find it very strange that I've never seen this problem with radarr.

[v2.0.0.5228] System.AggregateException: A Task's exception(s) were not observed either by Waiting on the Task or accessing its Exception property. As a result, the unobserved exception was rethrown by the finalizer thread. ---> System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: The request was canceled., at System.Net.HttpWebRequest+<MyGetResponseAsync>d__246.MoveNext () [0x003d5] in <a360a10e096b4659a9142a244ddaea3e>:0 , --- End of inner exception stack trace ---, ---> (Inner Exception #0) System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: The request was canceled., at System.Net.HttpWebRequest+<MyGetResponseAsync>d__246.MoveNext () [0x003d5] in <a360a10e096b4659a9142a244ddaea3e>:0 <---, , , [Warn] DownloadMonitoringService: Unable to retrieve queue and history items from NZBGet , , [v2.0.0.5228] NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.DownloadClientUnavailableException: Unable to connect to NzbGet. The operation has timed out.: '' ---> System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out.: '' ---> System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out., at System.Net.HttpWebRequest+<RunWithTimeoutWorker>d__2441[T].MoveNext () [0x000ba] in :0 ,
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---,`

... etc..

August 8, 2018
Oct 11, 2018

All Outbound Traffic Routed Through DelugeVPN Container

Hi -
This is a great approach to media and appreciate all the time you all have invested in building this.

Is there a way to route all the traffic through the DelugeVPN container ensuring all traffic goes through the Private Internet Access server selected during configuration? This isn't a bug, probably more feature request / configuration guidance.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Multiple drives Issue

Took a look at this while ago and looked like good choice but no VPN, now has PIA VPN so that is perfect, question does the VPN cover all the apps deluge, nzbget?

and the second issue which could never figure out if mediabox and ubuntu are installed on a smallish SSD but all my files are on 4 bigger HDD how to you set them up?

Errors building

Hi, I'm trying to deploy this awesome stack and getting the following errors while installing:

Creating watchtower
Creating plexpy
./ line 113: latest:: command not found

CouchPotato requires access to the Deluge daemon port and needs credentials set.
What would you like to use as the daemon access username?: admin
What would you like to use as the daemon access password?: -------

Configuring Deluge daemon access - UHTTPD index file - Permissions 

sed: can't read delugevpn/config/core.conf: No such file or directory
sed: can't read delugevpn/config/core.conf: No such file or directory
sed: can't read delugevpn/config/core.conf: No such file or directory
sed: can't read delugevpn/config/core.conf: No such file or directory

Ubuntu 16 Xenial fresh install.

Muximux not loading on new build

I started up a fresh install from scratch of mediabox on my home server and everything seems to be coming up okay except muximux. When I look in the Portainer logs for that container, I'm seeing the following error repeated over and over. Maybe a slight adjustment in the config for it is required? If it's a muximux build issue, i'm happy to close it out and take it up with them...


[02-Jan-2019 16:49:37] ERROR: [pool www] please specify user and group other than root,
[02-Jan-2019 16:49:52] ERROR: [pool www] please specify user and group other than root,
[02-Jan-2019 16:53:02] ERROR: FPM initialization failed,
[02-Jan-2019 16:53:00] ERROR: [pool www] please specify user and group other than root

Unable to load deluge

After installing and configuring everything the only thing I can't get to work is deluge. When I try and open it both from the home page and with the port specified it refuses to connect. Did I miss something?

This is awesome thank you.

snap docker

If Docker is chosen during Ubuntu install (at least on 18.04), it installs 'snap docker', which does not show up under normal apt-get commands when removing. Recommend making this change on the instructions:
Uninstall old versions:
$ sudo apt remove docker docker-engine
$ sudo snap remove docker
It’s OK if apt or snap reports that none of these packages are installed.

Changed no-auth flag inside of portainer for portainer, can't connect now

I originally installed portainer with the no-auth flag, but want to lock it down with authentication. I edited the portainer container in portainer to remove that flag, and now I'm getting connection refused. How can I either set that flag back, or make the auth work? I did a bunch of changes to my docker environment within portainer, so my docker compose file is out of date. Thanks!

cAdvisor issues


This is failing for me. Ubuntu 16 fresh install.

cadvisor          | E1009 01:50:09.556386       1 fsHandler.go:121] failed to collect filesystem stats - rootDiskErr: <nil>, rootInodeErr: cmd [find /rootfs/var/lib/docker/overlay/25a7654e8e7acc566035c79e30a88e7d14134e6e58b9bdd8da167ae5989f3afd -xdev -printf .] failed. stderr: find: unrecognized: -printf
cadvisor          | BusyBox v1.24.2 (2017-01-18 14:13:46 GMT) multi-call binary.
cadvisor          | 
cadvisor          | Usage: find [-HL] [PATH]... [OPTIONS] [ACTIONS]
cadvisor          | 
cadvisor          | Search for files and perform actions on them.
cadvisor          | First failed action stops processing of current file.
cadvisor          | Defaults: PATH is current directory, action is '-print'
cadvisor          | 
cadvisor          | 	-L,-follow	Follow symlinks
cadvisor          | 	-H		...on command line only
cadvisor          | 	-xdev		Don't descend directories on other filesystems
cadvisor          | 	-maxdepth N	Descend at most N levels. -maxdepth 0 applies
cadvisor          | 			actions to command line arguments only
cadvisor          | 	-mindepth N	Don't act on first N levels
cadvisor          | 	-depth		Act on directory *after* traversing it
cadvisor          | 
cadvisor          | Actions:
cadvisor          | 	( ACTIONS )	Group actions for -o / -a
cadvisor          | 	! ACT		Invert ACT's success/failure
cadvisor          | 	ACT1 [-a] ACT2	If ACT1 fails, stop, else do ACT2
cadvisor          | 	ACT1 -o ACT2	If ACT1 succeeds, stop, else do ACT2
cadvisor          | 			Note: -a has higher priority than -o
cadvisor          | 	-name PATTERN	Match file name (w/o directory name) to PATTERN
cadvisor          | 	-iname PATTERN	Case insensitive -name
cadvisor          | 	-path PATTERN	Match path to PATTERN
cadvisor          | 	-ipath PATTERN	Case insensitive -path
cadvisor          | 	-regex PATTERN	Match path to regex PATTERN
cadvisor          | 	-type X		File type is X (one of: f,d,l,b,c,...)
cadvisor          | 	-perm MASK	At least one mask bit (+MASK), all bits (-MASK),
cadvisor          | 			or exactly MASK bits are set in file's mode
cadvisor          | 	-mtime DAYS	mtime is greater than (+N), less than (-N),
cadvisor          | 			or exactly N days in the past
cadvisor          | 	-mmin MINS	mtime is greater than (+N), less than (-N),
cadvisor          | 			or exactly N minutes in the past
cadvisor          | 	-newer FILE	mtime is more recent than FILE's
cadvisor          | 	-inum N		File has inode number N
cadvisor          | 	-user NAME/ID	File is owned by given user
cadvisor          | 	-group NAME/ID	File is owned by given group
cadvisor          | 	-size N[bck]	File size is N (c:bytes,k:kbytes,b:512 bytes(def.))
cadvisor          | 			+/-N: file size is bigger/smaller than N
cadvisor          | 	-links N	Number of links is greater than (+N), less than (-N),
cadvisor          | 			or exactly N
cadvisor          | 	-prune		If current file is directory, don't descend into it
cadvisor          | If none of the following actions is specified, -print is assumed
cadvisor          | 	-print		Print file name
cadvisor          | 	-print0		Print file name, NUL terminated
cadvisor          | 	-exec CMD ARG ;	Run CMD with all instances of {} replaced by
cadvisor          | 			file name. Fails if CMD exits with nonzero
cadvisor          | 	-exec CMD ARG + Run CMD with {} replaced by list of file names
cadvisor          | 	-delete		Delete current file/directory. Turns on -depth option
cadvisor          | ; err: exit status 1, extraDiskErr: <nil>

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