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Insanely configurable logging for Node.js

Why another logger?

NPM has no shortage of loggers. Bristol was created to address a few common shortcomings in the current pool of options:

  • The message format should be decoupled from the message target (file, console, etc). You never know what system will be ingesting log files.
  • Structured logging should be the norm, and simple log functions should make that easy! No more shortcuts to util.format; if you're injecting values into a string, chances are they should be logged under their own keys.
  • No restrictions on data type. If you log an Error object, your logger should know what to do with that. Same goes for a string, an object, a date, as well as application-specific data types.
  • Lightweight! Why load modules that your configuration never uses? Bristol lazy-loads everything it can.
  • No callbacks, return values, or anything that would disincentivize a developer from throwing in a quick log message.

Those points and more drove the development of a brand new breed of logging library. Introducing Bristol.


In your project folder, type:

npm install bristol --save


Quick start

var log = require('bristol');
log.addTarget('console');"We're up and running!", {port: 3000});

Outputs (pretty-printed for README only):

	"message": "We're up and running!",
	"date": "2014-04-09 00:45:37",
	"severity": "info",
	"file": "/path/to/my/file.js",
	"line": "4",
	"port": 3000

Bristol can now be require()'d in any other file, and the settings will follow it.

Customizing the output


	log.debug("Hello, world", {event: 'bootstrap:welcome'});


[2014-04-09 00:53:59] DEBUG: Hello, world (/path/to/my/file.js:5)
	event: bootstrap:welcome

Available formatters

  • human: Multi-line messages suitable for humans during development
  • json: One line per message, valid json
  • syslog: Syslog-compliant format, single-line
  • commonInfoModel: Common Info Model format, friendly to many log aggregators. More human-readable than JSON with similar benefits. One line per message.

Available targets


Outputs directly to stdout using console.log() to ensure writes are blocking and synchronous. This is excellent for debugging, but is not recommended in production as this is not performant. There are no options for this target.


Streams output to a file using a logrotate-friendly WriteStream. Required options:

  • file string: The full path to the file to be created or opened

Severity levels

By default, Bristol provides error, warn, info, debug, and trace severity levels. These can be called as function names from the log object, or passed to the log function as the first parameter.

To change these levels to something else:

// List in order from MOST to LEAST severe:
log.setSeverities(['panic', 'omg', 'uhoh', 'crap', 'ok']);

// Functions matching the provided severities now exist
log.panic("WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?!");
log.log('omg', new Error("Something failed."));

// The old ones do not.
log.debug("This will throw an exception now");
log.log('trace', "So will this.");

Transforming your data types

Bristol allows you to send near-infinite arguments to the logging functions, and attempts to intelligently turn those into useful log messages. If your application has its own data structures, it can be useful to inform Bristol of them so that only pertinent values are logged if one of those is passed to a logging function.

log.addTransform(function(elem) {
	// This function should return data that should be logged instead of
	// the raw 'elem', or NULL if 'elem' isn't a type that we care about.
	if (elem.userName && elem.userId) {
		// elem is our enormous proprietary user object!
		return {
			username: elem.userName,
			connected: elem.lastSuccessfulConnection,
			ping: elem.getLastPingTime()
	return null;

// Now our "incomingConn" user object will just add its 3 most important
// properties to the resulting log message, rather than all of them."New connection", incomingConn, {connections: server.getUserCount()});

With every log call, any transform functions are first called with an object parameter containing the file path of the calling script (.file) and the line number where the call originated (.line).

Setting global log values

Do you need certain pieces of information logged with every message?

log.setGlobal('hostname', require('os').hostname());
log.setGlobal('msg_uuid', function() {
    return uuid.v4();
});"This message contains both of those key/value pairs!");

Functions provided to setGlobal will be executed for every log message. Note that they're only called once per message even if multiple targets have been added; therefore, the uuid in the example above will be consistent across all configured targets.

Of course, you can also delete globals with:


Restricting targets to certain severities

// high_priority.log will contain only errors and warns
log.addTarget('file', {file: '/tmp/high_priority.log'})

// debug.log will only store debug messages
log.addTarget('file', {file: '/tmp/debug.log'})

// The console will only output trace messages

Restricting targets to certain types of messages

Sometimes, even within a severity level, it can be useful to filter out some kinds of log messages. Bristol leverages its key/value logging to allow you to blacklist or whitelist messages on a target, based on the values of certain keys.

// Don't log messages with event=disconnect, OR messages for certain channels
		event: 'disconnect',
		channel: ['#help', /^#anime.*$/]

// Only log the trace messages with event starting with "test", from userId
// 1, 2, or 3, and with destination set to a test server.
		event: /^test:/,
		userId: [1, 2, 3],
		destination: function(val) { return isTestServer(val); }

Restrictions on keys can be static types like strings or numbers, RegExp objects to check for a match, functions to test the value each time the target is hit, or arrays of any of the above to allow more than one match. Exclusions and inclusions can also be combined in one target to summon Captain Planet.

More than one logger

Have a use case that requires more than one 'log' object, so you can maintain different sets of targets? No problem:

var log2 = new log.Bristol();

The default log object will remain the default, but now log2 is a completely independent instance with zero configuration.


Instead of passing in a target or formatter as a string, you can pass your own functions! Both of these modules are simply functions that take an options object as the first argument, and context-specific arguments after that. Check out some of the built-in targets and formatters for examples. They're super easy!


To test with full coverage report and enforcement of coverage percentage minimums:

npm test

For simple iterative testing, run just the mocha tests with:

npm run mocha


Bristol is distributed under the MIT license.


Bristol was created by Tom Shawver in 2014. Development of this library has been sponsored by TechnologyAdvice and Leadnomics.

bristol's People


bartekn avatar dandv avatar dannyrscott avatar jeffijoe avatar ksafranski avatar marcelcremer avatar markherhold avatar roosoft avatar shamil avatar tomfrost avatar


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bristol's Issues

Using bristol with console target in prod

I've set up bristol for production with file target and human formatter. I didn't use console target as it was said in Bristol docs to be non async and blocking. But what nodejs docs say is:

The console functions are usually asynchronous unless the destination is a file

So is this still the case and console target should be avoided in prod? I used to use pm2 log management and now when I don't log to console it's getting pretty useless.

Pass the unformatted message(s) to the target

I'm trying to build a target for a cloud logging system (Rollbar) that accepts object parameters in its log calls, and parses that object and displays individual keys in the web UI. A sample log call would be:'apples vs. oranges', { apples: foo, oranges: bar });

Problem is that the target function receives the message already formatted as string. Sending that raw string to the logging service is a no-go. In order to reconstruct my original object, I have to JSON.parse() the message argument. This is slow and roundabout.


I also need to scrub the severity and message fields from the object, because they're already included in the call itself.

It would be great if Bristol made available the original message arugment(s), perhaps as rest parameters to the target function.

In the meantime, here's the code I'm using:

function rollbarLogger(options, severity, date, messageAlreadyFormatted) {
  const mafObject = JSON.parse(messageAlreadyFormatted);
  const message = mafObject.message;
  delete mafObject.message;
  delete mafObject.severity;
  rollbar[severity](message, mafObject);

Bristol 1.0

Bristol 1.0

The 1.0 release of Bristol is in the works, and will be a major breaking release with a focus on performance, flexibility, and configurability.

Shortcomings of 0.x

  • One of the most important features of Bristol is the separation of formatter and target. This is wildly useful but not found in any other major logging library. However, some targets require control of their own formatting, and it's a common practice right now to use the JSON formatter and then call JSON.parse in the custom target to get access to the pure object data again. This is bad. See #56.
  • The configuration method written for Bristol was created at a time that chained methods were extremely popular. In modern times of 12-factor code and env var-based configuration, this is annoying and requires users to write significant code to translate traditional config by json or env vars into chained method calls. See #31, #32, #33.
  • Items that should be configurable, such as whether file/line number data is included, are not. See #53.
  • Very little consideration was put into the performance of the console logger, as logging to file was the gold standard when Bristol was written. In modern applications, logging to stdout is the standard, and console.log is a blocking operation.
  • Bristol has a number of features such as global static and dynamic variables, field transforms, etc., that are useful, but underutilized and inconsistent.
  • Bristol has incredibly fine-grained target content restrictions that, while nice, haven't been used by almost anyone I've talked to. Bristol should default to being lean and minimal, and these features can be added back only if users present a good consistent use case for them
  • It's a growing trend to have some "global" variables follow threads of operation, such as the logs generated by a single user's request, but shouldn't be global to the target. The ways users handle this -- creating a new Bristol instance per-request, exposing a "facade" log method, or maintaining a set of data that has to be manually passed to every log call -- are cumbersome and sometimes perform poorly. See #46.

Solutions in 1.0

  • Like Cryptex, Bristol will be able to be fully configured through a set of environment variables when it's instantiated without any other configuration. A config object can be passed to the constructor as well if environment variables aren't ideal. The chained configuration will be going away for Bristol in general as well as for new targets post-instantiation.
  • Bristol 1.0 will keep the concept of formatters and targets, but targets will be supplied both the formatted string as well as the original raw data object. Target plugins have an ethical responsibility to respect the formatted string if it's present, and if possible to do so.
  • 1.0 will eliminate static and dynamic global variables, as well as transforms. All manipulations to be performed on log events between the time of the log call and the time they're written to the target will be handled by middleware, similar to express.js. Middleware will be functions with the signature fn({Object} logData, {Object} options = {}), where logData will contain the timestamp, severity, and any other data that Bristol attaches to log messages internally. Options can be specified when the middleware is attached. Middleware must operate synchronously (so that messages write to the target in order) and make their changes directly to the logData object.
  • Middleware can be attached directly to the Bristol instance (affecting all targets) or to specific targets.
  • Bristol instances can be "forked", producing an instance that one can attach middleware to without affecting the parent instance. Use case: For each new request to your API, fork your logger and run this line: logFork.use(logData => { logData.user = req.tokenData.user }). Pass your fork along to your request handler and now everything you log for that specific request gets tagged with the user that generated it. The fork will be garbage collected when the request is handled.
  • Formatters are just middleware that return a string and run after all the other middleware.
  • The excluding and onlyIncluding target configs will be removed, barring rampant complaints. No one restricts by anything but severities in real-world use cases.
  • Assuming console.log is not ideal for prod loads as I suspect, I'd keep a console.log logger for dev where blocking is useful, but add a stdout logger for non-development environments.

Limiting scope

1.0 will be a breaking update, and I'd like to define its scope by changing only the things, like the above, that are either breaking changes or features that users absolutely must learn about (such as using a stdout target instead of console target). While we could all list gobs of additional features we want on top of 1.0, I'd prefer to keep the 1.0 project small and iterate through the non-breaking changes later.

I also intend for 1.0 to draw a firm line in what Bristol ships with by default. Targets that are generalized or universal to most users will be included in Bristol -- file, console, stdout for sure in 1.0, syslog makes sense, I could even see an argument for a generic HTTP target that POSTs JSON logs to a configured URL with configured headers. Targets that are specific to aggregator products or narrow platforms will be excluded from Bristol core (Loggly has already been removed from master, for example), but the readme will encourage folks to publish middleware and targets to npm with the prefix bristol-.


Paging @MarkHerhold @Fluidbyte @jeffijoe @dandv for your thoughts, as each of you have communicated challenging use cases that I'm hoping to largely solve with the above. I already know it solves my own ;-).

Change log level in runtime

Say I have app running with configuration like this:


and would like to make logging more verbose by switching to debug without restarting an app (e.g. I'm having issues and would like to track them down with more logs).

I don't see a way to get this working, is this possible?

limit log file

A site is kept alive for a long time or it tries try-catch over and over again and logging all kind of error.
It will produce file log's of Gigabytes

It would be sweet if I could configure to have something like a limited history of 5000 set of logs or lines or bytes

A question about Bristol and cluster

I'm asking a question because I can't find any resources that speak directly to the question. I apologize for opening an issue when I don't have an actual problem. (Feel free to close this issue whenever.)

I'm using Bristol in a node app where I'm also using cluster. Because of the nature of cluster, logging has potential issues associated with it. Specifically, when a child process logs an error or event there is no way to tell what state the child process is in compared to the master process, and logs get confusing when they come out with two associated lines interspersed with others from different processes.

That leaves two options: log the event/error directly from the child process or send a message to the master then log from there.

It seems logical to me to log errors that would result in a process termination directly from the child, while sending any other important notifications to the master to log (along with a processID for the child). This has some obvious performance penalties associated with it, so I'd assume any debug logs would have to be logged directly from the child processes also.

My questions:

  1. Is there a set of best practices associated with this issue that you know of?
  2. Does Bristol do anything to change the way the stdout and stderr from cluster are piped? (I know of at least one other logging library that does intentionally change this behavior.)



PS: Bristol is awesome and incredibly helpful. Keep up the good work. By contrast, Winston and Bunyan are both swimming in un-handled issues and seem over-complicated and poorly maintained. I really appreciate that you've put in the time and effort to create this library.

Wrong origin when wrapping Bristol

I am wrapping Bristol and applying arguments every time log() is called. This adds a line to the stack trace, which Bristol picks up and uses as the origin.


    at Logger.log (/files/logger-wrapper/index.js:17:28) <-- my wrapper
    at Logger.(anonymous function) [as debug] (/stuff/bristol/src/Bristol.js:202:20) <-- bristol logger
    at /stuff/app.js:162:12 <-- thing that actually calls the log() function


Make _getOrigin() look for its own file name and use the line after that.

  _getOrigin() {
    Error.prepareStackTrace = arrayPrepareStackTrace
    const stack = (new Error()).stack
    let origin = null
    for (let i = 1; i < stack.length; i++) {
      const file = stack[i].getFileName()
      // find this file, 'Bristol.js', then use the next line in the stack
      if (file === __filename) {
        origin = {
          file: stack[i + 1].getFileName(),
          line: stack[i + 1].getLineNumber().toString()
    Error.prepareStackTrace = originalPrepareStackTrace
    return origin

Let me know if you agree with this approach and if you want it turned into a PR. Thanks @TomFrost !

Is it possible to add a unique request id to the logs for web apps?

I want to add a unique request id to all the logs that gets generated while serving a particular request.

I'm using expressjs and I've already figured out the request id generation part.

I tried to use the setGlobal method (I was naive ๐Ÿ˜ž) but the value gets over written as soon as the server receives another request while the current request is still under operation which is normal.

Is there a way to pass the custom context related information to the logs?

Inconsistent nested field logging with the human formatter

When logging an object with the human formatter, I see that the output is different in nested object keys and values, vs. root ones:

  • keys are quoted in nested objects, and not quoted in the root
  • string are not quoted if they're values of root fields
  • empty arrays are not logged if they're values of root fields
import log from 'bristol';

const object = {
  rootString: 'key name not quoted, string should be quoted',
  nested: {
    string: 'string is quoted, and so is the key',
    array: [],  // empty array correctly logged
  array: [],  // nothing logged
};'Unquoted strings', object);


[2019-05-26 00:30:47] INFO: Inconsistent output (file:///.../bristol.mjs:13)
	rootString: key name not quoted, string should be quoted
	        "string": "string is quoted, and so is the key",
	        "array": []

Is this package still maintained?

Hi @TomFrost,

Just wanted to check if you still have plans to maintain this package. I'm an OSS developer myself and have my fair share of packages I had to abandon. Those who consider Bristol vs. alternatives might want to take the maintenance status into consideration.


Colorized console output

Is it possible to add/support the use of colors with a human readable console target, similar to how npm logs colors? I find it significantly helps with ease of quickly parsing log output.

Logging array values

I've found a wrong behaviour when logging arrays.

I'm logging an object like this:

{ name: 'string',
   { isConsistent: true,
     lastUpdate: '2015-05-20T17:30:00.000Z', },
   [ 1 value per hour since same day 00:00 ] }

Using the human formatter the object is printed this way:

[2015-05-20 18:24:39] DEBUG:  (/.../index.js:50)
  name: string
          "isConsistent": true,
          "lastUpdate": "2015-05-20T17:30:00.000Z",
  hourly: [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]

The problem seems to be human.js#L68 where you check for string [object Object] while the string coming from toString() is like [object Object],[object Object],....

Using util.inspect works fine, and is my current workaround ( I defined a custom formatter with only that line changed ). There is some specific reason why has not been used util.inspect? There is some other way in which I can resolve this issue ( apart from stringifing the content before loggin in)?

Thank you for this library and you support :)

Internal forEachObj() function Exception on null-proto Objects

I have a very strange issue where a module is producing a prototype-less (null) object, which causes Bristol to blow up when the object gets run through the internal forEachObj() function.

I'm honestly not sure if this should be addressed by Bristol, but it would be nice to never have Bristol throw an error (which has been the case up to now).

Here's the code to reproduce the issue:

function forEachObj(obj, cb) {
    var brakesOn = false,
        brake = function() { brakesOn = true; };
    for (var key in obj) {
        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key))
            cb(key, obj[key], brake);
        if (brakesOn) break;

let badObj = {value: 5};
badObj.__proto__ = null; // set null proto

forEachObj(badObj, function() {})
// TypeError: obj.hasOwnProperty is not a function

Any thoughts are appreciated.


Can you make a types/@bristol pull request or add a index.d.ts file to the repo and do an npm release please?

I have this I believe:

interface LogError {
  message?: string,
  reason?: any,
  stack?: any

interface LogData {
  code?: number,
  id?: string,
  path?: string,
  error?: LogError,
  data?: any

declare module 'bristol' {
  function addTarget(target: any, opts?: any) : any
  function withFormatter(formatter: string) : any
  function withLowestSeverity(severity: string): any
  function info(message: string, data: LogData) : any
  function warn(message: string, data: LogData) : any
  function error(message: string, data: LogData) : any

Move standard formatters to public export

Hi @TomFrost and contributors,

Would you be open to moving including the formatters included with the module the top level export ? One example for the reasoning behind this request:

The json formatter is almost 100% what I want for everything, but I'd like to add static properties to a particular target ( not globally ). To achieve that, I can modify the function arguments before invoking the standard json function.

I currently can do this just by just reaching into the module ( require('bristol/lib/formatters/json') ) but its brittle because you can change that path an any time ๐Ÿ˜„

Thanks for the module ๐Ÿ‘

Cluster Awareness

Let's say you have multiple processes logging to the same file:

var cluster = require("cluster");
var log = require("bristol");

var num_cpus = 2;

if (cluster.isMaster) {
    for (var i = 0; i < num_cpus; i++) {

} else {
    log.addTarget("file", { file: "log.txt" });
        ;, "Lorem Ipsum");


Then run the script, and while the script is running, fire up lsof:

$ lsof ./log.txt 
node    49511 doug   13w   REG    1,2      788 66444792 ./log.txt
node    49512 doug   13w   REG    1,2      788 66444792 ./log.txt

Two processes, two different file descriptors, same file. Under UNIX, there is no guarantee that writes to a file are atomic, thus running the risk of partial lines being written to one file descriptor before the next line is written, thus creating a "staircase" effect.

Opening files in the master process then spawning the child process won't help. (I tried)

The best solution I found so far is to have a single process write files. This can be done with process.send() as follows:

// In the master process
process.on('message', function(m) {
   // Write to file

// In the child process, JSON data structure is sent to the master process
process.send({ foo: 'bar' });

There are probably other ways to accomplish the same. This particular technique worked for me in my projects.

v0.3.3 not at latest on npm

I'm writing a custom formatter that requires logUtils.

However, the latest version of bristol on npm ^0.3.3 does not appear to include the commit from 16th December that made logUtils public: -


If I run:

npm install bristol --save

Local package.json reports:

"dependencies": {
"bristol": "^0.3.3",

but node_modules\bristol\bristol.js is missing the changes.

see line 364 & 356:
module.exports = new Bristol();
module.exports.Bristol = Bristol;

It's missing the last 2 lines:

module.exports._logUtil = logUtil
module.exports.Bristol.logUtil = logUtil

The source on github is correct, so is it npm that is holding an older version?

Thanks for looking. Love bristol logging btw :)

"TypeError: path must be a string"


Getting an error when trying to save to a file. Logging to console works, but I get an error after I add the following line to app.js (I'm using Express v4.13.4 and Node.js v5.10.1):

log.addTarget('file', path.join(__dirname, 'logs', 'errors.log'));

When I try to log something, I get this error in the console:

TypeError: path must be a string
    at TypeError (native)
    at (fs.js:575:11)
    at (fs.js:1918:6)
    at new WriteStream (fs.js:1904:10)
    at Object.fs.createWriteStream (fs.js:1859:10)
    at getStream (node_modules\bristol\lib\targets\file.js:23:22)
    at Function.log (node_modules\bristol\lib\targets\file.js:40:12)
    at Bristol._logToTarget (node_modules\bristol\lib\Bristol.js:342:10)
    at node_modules\bristol\lib\Bristol.js:150:8
    at Array.forEach (native)

The folder exists, and I tried changing the path to a string, but still getting the error. Could I be missing something else?

Unable to use addGlobal

I created a wrapper for the logger because I did not want to use a global:

var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var log = require('bristol');
var debugMode = app.get('env') == 'development';

// Bristol provides error, warn, info, debug, and trace severity levels

if ( debugMode ) {

    log.addTarget('file', {file: '/logs/debug.log'})

// Always log errors
log.addTarget('file', {file: '/logs/error.log'})

module.exports = log;

In my router index.js, I wanted to get the log and set a global with the function name

var log = require('../lib/log.js');
log.addGlobal('function', "'/my/router/path')");

However, I get a TypeError

TypeError: Object #<Bristol> has no method 'addGlobal'
    at renderView (/Users/promise/WebstormProjects/demo/routes/index.js:7:9)
    at Object.router.get.renderView.title [as handle] (/Users/promise/WebstormProjects/demo/routes/index.js:34:5)
    at next_layer (/Users/promise/WebstormProjects/demo/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:103:13)
    at Route.dispatch (/Users/promise/WebstormProjects/demo/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:107:5)
    at proto.handle.c (/Users/promise/WebstormProjects/demo/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:205:24)
    at Function.proto.process_params (/Users/promise/WebstormProjects/demo/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:269:12)
    at next (/Users/promise/WebstormProjects/demo/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:199:19)
    at Function.proto.handle (/Users/promise/WebstormProjects/demo/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:151:3)
    at Layer.router (/Users/promise/WebstormProjects/demo/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:24:12)
    at trim_prefix (/Users/promise/WebstormProjects/demo/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:240:15)

I do not believe it has anything to do with my wrapper as I get the same error with

var log = require('bristol');
log.addGlobal('function', "myFunction()");

After logrotate creates new file, new log lines fail to write.

I suspect that when logrotate creates a new empty file (with logrotate.conf option create), the writeable stream is gone.

Once the app is restarted, new logs can be written again.

Working around this issue by using logrotate.conf option nocreate has the same problem. The file is not re-created by Bristol.

I don't see any error messages.

Origin logging not correct

The origin logging always outputs the same file and line making it effectively useless. Every logged line shows the origin as coming from Bristol.js.

My application is running Node 6.6.0 with ES6 features.

2016-09-22 11:35:25 message="up and running!" severity="info" file="/.../node_modules/bristol/lib/Bristol.js" line="140"

Use json-stringify-safe for json formatter

Hello @TomFrost and contributors,

Wondering if you'd be open to taking on another dependency and changing the default json formatter to use json-stringify-safe to protect crashing the process when trying to stringify a circular structure?

I'm willing to make a PR if this is something you'd like.

Thanks ๐Ÿ‘

Dates do not get passed to formatter

const logger = new Bristol()
logger.addTarget(function() {}).withFormatter(function() {
logger.error('hey ho', { here: 'we go' }, 123, new Date())

This is what I see in the console:

    [ 'hey ho',
      { file: '/Users/jeff/Projects/bristol-stackdriver/src/__tests__/index.test.ts',
        line: '20',
        here: 'we go' } ]

Am I missing something? ๐Ÿ˜„

Child logger support

Loving Bristol, and have even written a target + formatter myself. ๐Ÿ˜„

It would be awesome to have support for child loggers! Imagine creating a child logger for each HTTP request, then set some globals for it (such as the calling user, request info, etc). It would share the transports, formatters and globals of it's parent.

Example API:

const logger = new Bristol({ ... })

app.use((ctx, next) => {
  const child = logger.createChildLogger({ /*additional config for child */ })

  child.setGlobal('user_id', () =>
  ctx.logger = child
  return next()

app.use(get('/todos', (ctx) => {'Getting todos')

Optionally obfuscate file paths

@TomFrost Love Bristol, been using it for a long time.

I recently came across a need to obfuscate my file paths. I found that this was relevant for live demos both for the sake of security and clarity and that it would be helpful in certain production deployments to reduce the logging payload when I already know the executable path.

I'd like to see an option on the Bristol constructor to support relative pathing from process.cwd(). Using this setting the logged stack trace path would be limited to the folders in a given project directory assuming that it was the current working directory when the process was started.

let logger = new Bristol({
    relativeStackTracePaths: true // default: false (current behavior)

Would end up using:

path.relative(process.cwd(), filePath);

I wouldn't worry about handling the cases of starting a node process from a different directory.

I've modified a version of Bristol and can PR in the fix if you think it would be appropriate/useful. With respect to performance, this would add a single if statement in every log event unless you wanted to maintain two path retrieval functions and dynamically set them on the Bristol instance.

I have not tested how this affects globally linked modules, but based on my experience with the path module, worst case scenario you'd end up with a bunch of ../../.. relative path directives.

Allow targets to be automatically added to default Bristol instance, configured by env vars

It's extremely common to implement Bristol (and most loggers) in a project by loading and configuring it in a JS file within a project, and then requiring that file throughout the project to make calls to the logger. This adds boilerplate code to every project, forcing the programmer to come up with their own scheme to map between configurations and the chained configuration interface of Bristol. This also puts a tedious blockade in 12Factor projects, where all configuration should be able to be changed by env vars.

In Cryptex, I implemented a system where the library could be transparently configured at load time, using zero code, just by setting the appropriate environment variables. I'd like Bristol to have a similar solution, recognizing that:

  • some features in Bristol require writing JavaScript functions and can never be fully replicated in env vars
  • it will likely remain a best practice to wrap Bristol in another JS file even if code-level configuration is not needed, in case it is later I think enough of this is solved that this may not be expressly needed for common use cases
  • it is infeasible (as in: possible but terribly ugly/unintuitive) to configure more than one target on more than one Bristol instance in this manner solved

Given the above, I still find a lot of worth in pre-written env var integration due to the amount of configuration mapping code that will reduce for the end-user, and paving the way for Bristol to take more control over its configuration options and processes in the future.

With that said, there is a significant challenge that comes from making this configuration style functional: custom targets and formatters need to be added by the library user in the code, but Bristol is loaded and will need to be configured before they are added.

And so, I propose adding a layer to the search chain for Bristol modules. If someone adds a target or formatter foo, Bristol will first attempt to load a built-in target or formatter named foo, and if that fails, it will attempt to require(process.env.BRISTOL_MODULES_DIR + '/foo), and if that fails, it will attempt to require('bristol-foo'). If someone tries adding a target or formatter that starts with a dot or slash, Bristol will assume it's a path and require() it with no modification.

This allows custom targets and formatters to be discovered without requiring code to "install" them before a new target is configured.

@MarkHerhold, I'm particularly interested in your thoughts on this as the maintainer of Palin. This would likely require publishing that formatter to a new NPM package name, but would reduce the code involved in configuring Bristol to use it.

Use with Express

Hi, I'm curious about whether it is "proper" to just write a middleware function(req, res, next) that logs whatever I want about the request with Bristol, and then replace express morgan with this function.

Can't omit the file path altogether

For certain messages, it's not interesting where they originate from (file:line). One example would be startup messages:"We're up and running");  // the filepath:line is not interesting

Fortunately, though this is undocumented, .addTransform also receives the file:line as an object. I've tried adding a transform to suppress the line, but if it returns the empty string, the file:line is still output:

import logger from 'bristol';

logger.addTransform(e => e.file && e.line ? '' : e);'Started!');  // [2018-07-12 16:19:36] INFO: Started (file:///...:6)

Returning a whitespace is better, though because the file:path object is the first passed on to transform functions, this will lead to an extra whitespace in the middle of your output:

logger.addTransform(e => e.file && e.line ? ' ' : e);'Note double space');  // [2018-07-12 16:28:35] INFO:   Note double space

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