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New Role: Shaman (Traitor)


Basic description
The Shaman uses the power of projection to rid himself of the innocents without being in danger himself. His body, however, stays behind...

The Shaman is a Traitor who does not possess a shop, akin to the Vampire. However, he possesses the power of Spirit Projection.

Spirit Projection
This is the passive ability of the Shaman and is activated using the transformation key.

Using Projection will create a spiritual doppelganger controlled by the Shaman while his original body stays behind in a holstered pose.

Controlling the Projection is pretty straightforward: You can move around, use and interact with everything like you normally could.

By pressing transformation again, you can call back the Projection and return to your original body immediately. The ability will be on a cooldown (def. 60 seconds). It will also be on cooldown if your Projection gets destroyed.

The Projection can damage and kill players normally. While the Projection takes regular damage and will be destroyed after having taken enough damage itself, only a fraction of this damage will be transfered to the original body, however killing the Projection will NEVER be able to kill the original body, only get him down to 1 HP.

The Projection's base HP is always whatever the Shaman's current HP is. If you are at 50 HP and project, your projection will spawn with 50 HP for example. By default, the main body will receive 1/5 of whatever damage the projection receives.

The Projection will still show the Shaman's name normally when looked at. Visually, there is no difference between the Projection and the Shaman himself for other players.

When the Projection gets called back, it will simply vanish without an effect or a sound, allowing for stealth / confusion plays. If it gets destroyed, a sound effect and a little bit of smoke will appear. It drops no corpse.

The Projection will NEVER appear on radars. Only the Shaman's original body will.

Win conditions
The Shaman is a traitor and thus wins with the traitor team.

Why it might be interesting
There aren't many traitor roles and having another one similar to the Vampire where the shop is replaced with a unique transformation gimmick seemed interesting to me.

Furthermore, the projection ability gives room for a multitude of fun plays like making the projection vanish to seemingly be at multiple places at the same time., try to be considered proven because you 'weren't at the site of the murder' etc.

Interactions with other roles
The Detective's DNA scanner is ineffective against the projection: It will never leave DNA.

Since the Projection can hold onto items, it CAN pick up the Pirate's contract.

It CANNOT be: Hit by the Jackal's deagle or turned into an Infected.
If the Jackal hits the projection with the sidekick deagle, nothing happens. The Infected can destroy the projection but it will not spawn an infected.

If the Priest hits the projection with a holy deagle, it will be destroyed instantly with no repercussions for the Shaman except being in cooldown.

The Marker cannot mark the projection.

New Role: Whistleblower

"I saw them. But they also saw me. What a pity for them, for they shall be outnumbered."

  • The Spy is in the Traitor's team. He has a normal amount of 2 credits and his gameplay is like the one of a regular traitor.

  • Additionally, the Spy has the ability to see most negative third-party roles by pressing tab. This includes any infected player, the Serialkiller, and the Jackal

  • The Sidekick can't be found by the spy when being a Sidekick. However, when the Jackal dies and the sidekick appears to become the new Jackal, the spy can track him as usual.

  • The costs of his spying powers are high. Although he can see most negative third party players by pressing tab, the players which he can track are also able to see his role in return by pressing tab. Still, the Traitors have the advantage of being a bigger group...

A new helmet for new roles

Предлагаю взять отсюда идею, шлема для роли hitman. Hitman сложная довольно роль для игрока и шлем как дополнительная защита от моментального убийство в голову будет очень даже хорошо.

New Role: Assassin


Basic description

The Assassin targets specific people and kills them silently. They basically use the Hitman’s targeting system.

Role abilities and Gameplay

EDIT: 11.05.2019

  • Removed the Rifle from the suggestions since I felt having to do close kills with the dagger was a more interesting playstyle.
  • Assassin dies instead of losing abilities if he kills the wrong person. (maybe convar?)

The Assassin is similar to the Hitman with the added difference of being a neutral evil role without any ties to the Traitors.

The Assassin is an evil mercenary who was born to kill his targets and only his targets. If he kills a non-target, he loses all his special abilities and weapons! he dies!

His main weapon is his trusty Assassin’s Sniper Rifle, which comes with a couple of special features:

  • It deals a whopping 150 damage and is thus a guaranteed kill! You only have one shot but if you kill your target with it, the shot regenerates for your next target.
  • The Assassin turns invisible while scoping and standing still. Only if you have a shot left.
  • Careful: If you miss your shot, you don’t get another. Also, you lose your ability to become invisible while scoping.

His weapon of choice is the Assassin’s Dagger.

  • It’s an instant kill, like the regular Traitor Knife. BUT it only works on the Assassin’s target. The Dagger doesn’t deplete, unlike the Traitor Knife. Deals 35 Damage to non-targets.

Furthermore, the Assassin possesses a devilish ability to help him attack from the shadows: Vanish.

  • The Assassin can (quietly) turn invisible and increase his movement speed by 20% for 5 second with a cooldown of 30.
    He’s forced to ‘Holstered’ during this time, but he can use the Left Mouse Button to create a big smoke cloud and help his disappearance or cover his reappearance.
    The key bind is the same as the Vampire’s pigeon, for simplicity’s sake.

Don’t forget: Once the Assassin has killed a non-target, he loses all these weapons and abilities.

Win conditions

The Assassin needs to kill all his targets and be the last man standing.

Why it might be interesting

The Assassin is a very sneaky role. I thought a ‘hunter’-like role that acts from the shadows could be an interesting take.

Interactions with other roles

Like the Hitman, the Assassin can’t get the Jester as a target.

(ONLY IF POSSIBLE) If a Pirate gets contracted by the Assassin, they need to kill the Assassin’s target, otherwise the Assassin dies as if he killed a non-target himself.

New Role: The Plague Host & Pestilence (Own Team/Neutral Role)

The Plague Host

Description He's infected with the plague and the plague is spreading rapidly throughout the terrorist organization, can it be stopped before a certain Plague Overlord notices the disaster that is on the horizon?

Alignment and win condition The Plague Host is not aligned with anyone and on his own team. He does not have a winning condition, however he has a goal which is infecting every living player with the plague.

Gameplay and Abilities

Shop No, he will not have a shop by default.

  • The Plague Host will need to infect every living player with the plague and he has multiple means to do so.

    1. He can place phials with infected liquid which explode whenever another player gets too close to them. The phials can also be destroyed from range, which will also trigger the explosion but must not infect anyone if nobody is close enough to it's radius.

    2. He can lay down dead bodies, which are infected with the plague. If anyone gets to close to an infected body, the plague will infect that player.

    3. If the Plague Host is able to kill someone, the body of his victim will also be infected with the plague.

    4. If an infected player dies, their body will remain infected and share the same infectious trades as the bodies placed by the Plague Host.

  • The Plague Host will not be able to pick up weapons or ammunition, however he will start with a random loadout containing a primary and secondary weapon at round start.

Pestilence, Horseman of the Apocalypse

Or just Pestilence, for short.

Description Pestilence is an immortal being send to the world to spread disease and gather the souls of anyone infected by it.

Alignment and win condition Pestilence is on his own team and will win once he is the last player alive.

Gameplay and Abilities

Shop No, he will not have a shop by default.

  • Once every living player has been infected with the plague, the Plague Host will transform into Pestilence and from that point onwards receive a win condition and several buffs. But the player will also be revealed as Pestilence to everyone in the round.

  • The transformation will be announced 10 seconds in advance for the Plague Host and to every player once he transformed.

  • Once transformed into Pestilence, the player can pick up any weapon and ammunition they want.

  • Pestilence will receive a buff to his max HP, setting it to (200), armour (?) minimum and will be immune to most non-weapon damage. He will also receive a Radar.

  • Pestilence will be stronger the more players are alive at the time he transforms. Giving him additional HP against more enemies.

  • Optionally a custom player model could be implemented.

Plays best With

  • A large group of innocents to take him on.
    Which would suggest roles such as the survivalist, the priest, the spy, the occultist and additional detective roles.
  • As well as different factions that may temporarily join forces to take on Pestilence, such as the Jackal, Necromancer or Serial Killer.

New Role: The Detonator (Traitor)

The Detonator

Description The Detonator is a Traitor with expertise in mine-laying and explosives.

Win condition and alignment The Detonator is a Traitor and is part of Team traitor and wins with them.

Abilities and Gameplay

  • The Detonator can see all other traitors and has the same perks as all other traitors usually have, such as a teamchat.

  • The Detonator does have a shop, but starts without credits.

  • The Detonator starts with three stickybombs which can be placed on bodies, living and dead alike.

  • A placed sticky bomb will somehow be shown to other members of the traitor team.

  • If placed on a living player [LMB] the Detonator can activate all placed bombs on living players with [RMB], this will deal 150 damage in an area to them and others close enough to be hurt by it and counts as explosion damage.

  • If placed on a dead body, the body itself becomes a mine, exploding once the next player touches it. "Being touched" means that the body is either interacted with using a magneto stick or alternatively, searched, confirmed, or stepped on by a player. This explosion will deal 150 damage to the one activating the bomb and count as explosion damage.

  • The Detonator will receive 3[convar?] Bombs at round start.

  • Placing the stickybombs may create a sound?

New Role: The Watchman (Innocent)

The Watchman

Description The Watchman is an Innocent whose goal is to provide protection for his teammates.

Win condition and alignment The Watchman is an Innocent and wins with them.

Abilities and Gameplay

  • The watchman shares the perks and restrictions of a normal innocent.

  • The watchmans specialty is his proficiency in guarding himself and his teammates, he is able to give other players armor.

  • The Watchman starts with 30 armor.

  • The Watchman can give up to 2 [convar?] other players an armor value of 30. (normal armor item)

  • The Watchman does so by applying his armor [ITEM] (would propaply need something visual idk) on other players in melee range. This player can be innocent or traitor, whoever the watchman trusts the most.

  • The Watchman cannot provide armor to the same person twice.

  • The Watchman cannot provide armor to Detectives

New Role: Guardian

The Guardian is an innocent player and has the chance to give some of his own lifepower to reroll the
chances for the innocents.

  • The Guardian has an own menu where he can, at any point of the game, choose any non-detective player to save from death. If the chosen player is already dead however, nothing will happen.

  • This appears to revive the chosen player, when killed, just like the second chance item does. When the revival takes action, the Guardian loses 50HP.

  • The revival can only be chosen once per match and cannot be changed, once entered.

New Role: The Wrath

The Wrath

Description A role that can change alignment on the fly if a condition is met.

Win condition and Alignment The Wrath plays in the innocent team and wins with them.

Gameplay and Abilities

  • The Wrath will spawn as such and see his role, he is in the innocent's team and wins with them.

  • If the Wrath is killed by another innocent role he will respawn as a Traitor.

Plays best with

  • Priest, Spy, Survivalist

New Role: The Doctor (Neutral Role)

Description: The Doctor is on the search for a team to use his healing abilities on. Reviving his teammates provides him with credits to help his team even further.

Win condition and alignment: The Doctor starts without a team. In this state he is not able to win the game. He first has to offer a team his services and get hired (similar to the Pirate Captain). He will then be a part of that team and can win with it.

Abilities and Gameplay:

  • You first have to offer your service to a player who can accept it in some way. (This could be done similarly to the Pirate Captain)

  • When your offer is accepted, every player will receive a notification:
    Players in your team will see "'playername' is now working as a doctor for your team."
    Players in different teams will see "'playername' is now working as a doctor for another team."
    You will see who is in the team you are working for in the scoreboard, but you don't see which team it is.

  • Once you have a contract, your team members will receive a passive regeneration shown by a UI icon.

  • Once you have a contract, you get a defibrillator with infinite uses, which you can only use on your teammates. Reviving a teammate provides you with one credit.

  • You have a detective shop, but start with zero credits.

  • The Doctor cannot change his team once he has a contract.

  • The Doctor loses if he has no team at the end, just like the Jester.


  • The defibrillator has to be on a slot where it doesn't block items from the shop.

  • The defibrillator is not dropped upon the Doctor's death.

  • The regeneration effect stops once the Doctor is dead.

  • The Doctor gets the regeneration himself too.

  • Being a Doctor in the team of the Jester basically is useless. The Jester can also decline the offer to not get the regeneration effect. The problem for the Jester will be that the Doctor basically knows the Jester's role then.

  • Maybe there could be a convar to specify whether the Doctor's team is shown when his corpse is inspected.

New Role: Doppelganger

  • Der Doppelgänger startet im Spiel mit der CopyCatDeagle. Diese kopiert die Rolle des angeschossenen und der Doppelgänger spielt fortan mit seiner neuen Rolle weiter. (auch die Rolle des Detektiv)

  • Der Doppelgänger hat Anfangs seine eigene Rolle, gehört also nicht Innocents, Traitoren bzw. anderen Fraktionen an, wird in der Verteilung der Rollen als Innocent mitgezählt

-Im Falle des Jesters spielen die beiden unabhängig voneinander, es kann nur einen geben der gewinnt
-Wird der DG zum Sidekick geschossen, behält er die CopyCatDeagle und kann diese weiterhin benutzen
-Als Sidekick wird er auch zum Jackal, sobald dieser stirbt
-Als Infected (Host)(DG) , sterben alle infizierten, wenn er stirbt. Der andere Infected (Host) bleibt am leben. Und umgekehrt.

  • Die Munition der CopyCatDeagle wird nur dann verbraucht, wenn er jemanden trifft. Er muss die Rolle eines anderen kopieren. Er kann nicht alleine mit der Rolle DG gewinnen. Ist er der letzte gewinnen die Innocents

  • Wenn die neue angenommene Rolle einen Shop besitzt, erhält der Doppelgänger nur einen Credit
    (mit Anpassungsmöglichkeit)

  • Es sollte eine anpassbare Wahrscheinlichkeit geben wann der DG erscheint, ab wie vielen Spielern und er ersetzt dann den Platz eines Innocents

New Role: Deathhunter

Spawns with a special gun, the deathhunter gun
Plays as innocent player
The gun deals no demage, but it links a player with the deathhunter
Maybe the other player knows that he is connected with an other player (like the deathgrip in TTT Totem)
If the deathhunter dies, the other player dies (or gets damage) too
The link breaks if only two players are still alive

New Role: The Mercenary(Neutral Role)

The Mercenary

Description The Mercenary is here to strike a deal, a big one at that. The highest bidder may get his competent assistence in their fight for dominance.

Win condition and alignment You may change your team to that of another player and take on their win condition and alignment.

Abilities and Gameplay

  • The Mercenary starts off as a neutral role, that can be influenced by one thing only, currency. Money rules the world and he is out to get lots of it. Money, is credits, btw, for everyone who didn't get it yet.

  • The Mercenary will be seen as such by anyone that has a shop with the ability to get credits. Either at round start or during the round.

  • Every player that has a credit to spare, may decide to give it to the Mercenary. The Team that gives the Mercenary the most credits within the first minute of the round may be his contractor.

  • If there is a tie between potential contractors or no one willing to pay the mercenary at all the mercanary will become his own team and strike anyone down that is in his way. Ignorance and unwillingness to pay him a LOT shall not be accepted, it was a waste of time anway.

  • In any case will the mercenary take every credit anyone gives to him, regardless whether a contract will be formed or not, look at it as an advance payment to create some trust..

  • If the Mercenary takes a side and joins a team, the fact will only be announced to the mercenary himself. No one will know who the mercenary joined, if at all. Well, they will know when the mercenary strikes them down cold to the ground.

  • The Mercanary has a shop of his own to give his freshly earned credits a good use and should have access to any item on the server, this includes detective items, you never know which side he ultimately end up on.

Plays well with

  • Survivalist
  • Hitman
  • Serial Killer
  • Jackal
  • Necromancer

New Role: Arsonist



The Arsonist is an evil role. His goal is to kill everybody. But he can’t do so by regular means… He needs to burn his victims to feel an ounce of satisfaction.

Role abilities

The Arsonist is immune to fire and, by nature, has a 50% bullet resistance. On the flip side: He deals no damage! Then, how does he kill?!

Easy: He must find people and press “E” on them to douse them in gasoline. This process does not emit sounds or alert the victim in any way. By using his special weapon, the lighter, he can incinerate everybody on the map he has doused before. The incinerated people face certain death.

Doused people are marked on the Arsonist’s scoreboard.

Once the Arsonist has incinerated a certain amount of people and is satisfied, his abilities slowly grow stronger. When he incinerates people, his strength comes back. To deal 100% damage like any other player, he’d have to douse and incinerate at least 1/3 of all players. This means: The earlier an Arsonist is found, the better for everyone else.

In games with few players, a ConVar should exist to remove the latter mechanic and make the Arsonist always deal no damage, no matter what. This forces him to incinerate everybody with his lighter.
There could also be an option to decide how much ammo the lighter has, i. e. how often the Arsonist can incinerate people.

Win conditions

To win, the Arsonist must be the last one standing.

Why it might be interesting

This adds another no-damage role, next to the Jester, only this time around the Arsonist is someone you definitely want to kill. This makes the interactions with both roles a bit deeper.

He’s also unique in a way where he actively seeks the proximity of everybody so he can douse them with E. The Arsonist must find ways to be in close range to everyone without seeming suspicious.

Interactions with other roles

When it becomes clear, that the Arso deals no damage, he’ll be quickly prioritized by Traitors, which means that he must find balance between being close to other players but also keeping his abilities secret.
In general, the Arso should stay within crowds for the first part of his game, so he can douse as many people as possible without getting picked off by an evil role.

New Role: Oracle

  • he plays in the innocent team
  • he get’s a DNA like notification when a player is killed for a short time (like a wallhack). It also shows him the role of the killed player for the short time
  • his role is hidden like every other innocent role

New Faction: The Cult // New Cult Roles

A Cult has formed inside the Terrorist Oraganization! And they are out for power! Even though their ranks are still scattered adn their chain of command doesn't seem stable, can the Terrorists stop them, before the Cult manages to overpower any opposition?

It is highly recommended to make traitors be a secondary role with this addon(aka only letting one spawn). To make space for this faction to spawn if you are expecting to be playing with about 10 people or less.

The Cult is planned to be a new faction for TTT2 that plays alongside the traitors and innocents and has the same goal as the traitors, be the last team standing and is an active threat to the innocents.
It is planned that most of them cannot see each other. To make them play more reserved and slow. And figure out who is friend or foe as they convert ever more members to their faction.

The Cult (New Faction)

Here come certain specs of the faction itself.

  • The Cult does not have a teamchat.

  • Very few Cult members should have access to the shop, special cult roles that do will come soon!

  • Very few Cult members can see each other.

  • The fact that the Cult is in an active round should be announced. Probably with an eventpopup and maybe with an additional sound.

  • A Maximum of 2 Cult Members should spawn at round start. One being the Cult Leader, and another random cult member from the active cult pool on the server (default Cultist), this can however be adjusted with bigger groups to keep the Cult an active threat.

The Cult Leader (Detective Like Cult Role)

  • The Cult Leader will always spawn if the Cult Team enters the round. He is the main actor of this team.

  • The Cult Leader will be able to generate new Cultist, probably using a sidekick deagle like weapon, that is on a timer after every shot, but can convert multiple times! (probably should introduce a max of some sort. Maybe 2. And a tremendous CD, even when missing, about 2 minutes?)

  • The Cult Leader can see all other active, or deceased members of the cult.

  • The Cult Leader has no shop.

  • The Cult Leader starts with some armor.

  • Once the Cult Leader is dead all Cultists will follow him to the grave. (DOES NOT INCLUDE SPECIAL CULT ROLES)

The Cultist (Base Cult Role)

  • The Cultist is the base Cult role. It's the same as traitor or innocent, so to say.

  • If multiple Cult members are spawning at round start, every Cult member that spawns after the first (which is always a Cult Leader) will be a Cultist. This can be overwritten with a different member of the Cult if there is a possibility for a different Cult member to spawn in play.

  • The Cultist does not have a shop.

  • The Cultist can only see the Cult Leader or Cult Adjutant as part of the Cult. (Like a Detective!)

The Cult Assassin (Cult Subrole)

  • The Cult Assassin can spawn as an additional Cult Member after the Cult Leader and replace a Cultist.

  • The Cult Assassin has a wallhack.

  • The Cult Assassin does not have a shop.

  • The Cult Assassin can only see the Cult Leader or Cult Adjutant as their Teammates

The Cult Ritualist (Cult Subrole)

  • The Cult Ritualist can spawn as an additional Cult Member after the Cult Leader and replace a Cultist.

  • The Cult Ritualist is able to revive one (maybe a convar) member of the Cult. This CAN be the Cult Leader.

  • The Cult Ritualist has a special Radar that shows him all dead cult members, with their role colour as pings.

  • The Cult Ritualist does not have a shop.

  • The Cult Ritualist can only see the Cult Leader or Cult Adjutant as his teammate.

The Cult Recruiter (Cult Subrole)

  • The Cult Recruiter can spawn as an additional Cult Member after the Cult Leader and replace a Cultist.

  • The Cult Recruiter can similar to the Cult Leader convert a player to the Cult.

  • However he cannot convert a player right away. Since he will need to bide his time and wait for an opportunity to strike. After 2 minutes ingame time he can convert a single person to be a cultist. (the amount of time should be adjustable)

  • The Cult Recruiter does not have a shop.

  • The Cult Recruiter can only see the Cult Leader or Cult Adjutant as his teammate

The Cult Zealot (Cult Subrole)

  • The Cult Zealot can spawn as an additional Cult Member after the Cult Leader and replace a Cultist.

  • The Cult Zealot can rise to power and become a Cult Leader if the original Cult Leader dies, preventing a mass suicide within the Cult.

  • The Cult Zealot does not have a shop

  • The Cult Zealot starts with some armor

  • The Cult Zealot can only see the Cult Leader or Cult Adjutant as his teammate.

The Cult Adjutant (Cult Subrole)

  • The Cult Adjutant can spawn as an additional Cult Member after the Cult Leader and replace a Cultist.

  • The Cult Adjutant can be seen by any other Cult follower as a Teammate.

  • The Cult Adjutant knows any other Cult member and sees them as a teammate.

The Cult Adept (Cult Subrole)

  • The Cult Adept can spawn as an additional Cult Member after the Cult Leader and replace a Cultist.

  • The Adept has a shop available to them and starts with 2 credits. (the shop is the traitors)

  • The Adept can only the the Cult Leader or Cult Adjutant as his Teammate

Obviously the Cult will only be viable in bigger games, or come at the cost of fewer traitors, as at least two of the Cult Members spawning at round start would be required for them to function as a faction and not just another new role.

Okay, to be extreeeeeeemely honest with you. If there were a possibility to replace traitors with this, I'd definitely choose to take action on that. Even if it ruins TTT's meta gameplay entirely. I'D LOVE TO DO IT!

New Role: Thief


Basic description

The Thief was born without a purpose… he has, however, been gifted the power to claim one!

Role abilities and Gameplay

The Thief spawns as a neutral role and, just like the Jester, without the ability to harm anyone. He does, however, have a special tool: The Role Stealer.

The Role Stealer takes the form of a knife with one use. When attacked, the victim doesn’t receive any immediate damage or notification. After thirty seconds, however, the Thief will have taken over the victim’s role while the victim is left behind roleless and, just like the Thief once was, without the ability to deal damage.

The twist: The Thief can’t damage the player he has stolen the role from. The victim, however, can still damage the Thief. If the victim manages to find the one who took his role, they can kill him and claim it back for themselves.

If not, the victim is doomed to lose the round, no matter what, because they only get their role back if the Thief is killed by them and not by anyone else.

As a victim, life is pretty hard, since you can be killed by anyone without repercussions. It’s better not to be suspected as a Thief’s victim.

Optional: The victim could also simply be invincible. This could be toggleable for higher player counts where it’d be harder for them to find the Thief.

Optional: The victim could also get their role back when the Thief dies in general. This removes some pressure from the victim since they don’t necessarily have to be the one to track and kill the Thief. This could be toggleable, depending on which you prefer.

Win conditions

Since the Thief steals roles, his win condition depends on the role he has taken over.

Why it might be interesting

It creates a fun little game, where the Thief’s victim desperately needs to identify the Thief (preferably by shooting people without being detected, since only the Thief will be damaged) to reclaim their role.

The Thief, meanwhile, plays his victim’s role, with the added difficulty of avoiding them since he can’t damage them. Stealing someone’s role allows the Thief to live and win the round – if he can avoid his victim’s revenge!

If the Thief dies with a stolen role, his victim will be left behind with no role and no means to win. If a Thief senses that he’s about to die at someone else’s hands, he might reconsider and leave his victim to kill him, giving them another shot at winning…?

Interactions with other roles

If the Thief steals the Jester role, his victim can kill him and reclaim their role without having the Thief win as the Jester.

The Thief can’t damage his victim, but if his stolen role happens

Additional detective alignments!! (Detective)

Additional Detective alignments for TTT2

This Issue looks to implement Detectives that will not belong to the innocent team!
Regardless of which faction they support, they will always look like the good ol' regular detective!

Traitor Detective: This Detective is secretly siding with the traitors!

Chaotic Detective: This Detective is secretly it's own team!

Psycho Detective: This Detective is secretly part of the Serial Killers team! (only spawns with serial killer)

Undead Detective: The Detective is secretly part of the Infecteds team, and dies if the infected is killed!

Holy Detective: The Detective is part of the Innocent team, but starts as a member of the brotherhood! Can only spawn if there is a priest!

New Role: Sleeper

The sleeper is a person playing in the traitor team that doesn't know about it. He sees his role and team as a normal innocent player, but once every traitor died, he switches his team to the traitor team and sees his real role.

  • the traitors should be able to see his role to prevent him being killed too early
  • the traitors can not win if only they and the sleeper are alive since he plays in the innocent team until every traitor died
  • the sleeper can win with the innocent as long he is innocent and can win as a traitor when he is a traitor

New Role: The Overloader (Traitor)

The Overloader

Description The Overloader is a skilled hacker here to ruin the day for every innocent in town.

Win condition and alignment You are a Traitor and win with team Traitor.

Abilities and Gameplay

  • The Overloader has hacked everyones smart devices, as a result no one is able to use their shop! No one but the traitors may access their shops until the Overloader has died.

  • The Overloader does not have a Shop himself.

  • All other Traitors that have access to the traitor shop may shop as per usual.

New Role: The Imposter (Neutral Killer)

The Imposter

Description You are an inspired imitator of the traitors work. You would give anything to be like them, yet they wouldn't take you into their ranks. Now you are seeking revenge while wearing their name.

Win condition and alignment The Imposter has to kill everyone that opposes him. He may spare anyone else.

Abilities and Gameplay

  • The Imposter will be confirmed as a Traitor.

  • The Imposter will be seen as a Traitor for other Traitors.

  • The Imposter does not know who the Traitors are though.

  • The Imposter has his own shop and starts with 2 credits.

  • The Imposter is basically an evil spy. :p

New ROLE Retribution

Ich hätte da eine Idee für eine Rolle , ich versuche zurzeit eine Möglichkeit ohne Karma auf dem Server zu spielen, jedoch die Spieler trotzdem zu hindern andere Mitspieler einfach aus Spaß zu killen. Die "Vergelter" Rolle müsste so aussehen, Sie wird gespielt im Team der Innocents, darf aber nicht getötet werden vom eigenen Team. Falls dies doch passiert, respawnt der Spieler im Gegnerischen Team. Der Vergelter dürfte erst entarnt werden wenn er getötet wird, er selbst und andere Spieler dürfen nicht wissen wer der Vergelter ist. Somit könnte man Spieler bestrafen ohne ein Karma System. Ich habe die Idee von der Rolle "The Unknown" bekommen. Informiert mich bitte falls ihr mal sowas plant !

New Role: The Amnesiac

The Amnesiac

Description A lost soul that has forgotten what he used to be, but is always looking for hints to his past identity.

Win condition and alignment The Amnesiac starts without a win condition and is not aligned with anyone.

Gameplay and Abilities

  • The Amnesiac is able to become the role of the first person they confirm, which means the Amnesiac has to be the first person to investigate the dead body. They will become whatever role the dead player had.

  • Once the Amnesiac has taken over said role they also inherit that role's win condition, alignment and gets a copy of the roles spawning loadout.

New Role: The Hypocrite (Innocent)

The Hypocrite

Description They have always shown themselves to be loyal, but in reality do they not really value the currrent system, still are they bound by their superiors, until..

Win condition and alignment The Hypocrite plays in the innocent team and wins with them.

Abilities and gameplay

  • The Hypocrite is a part of the Innocent team at roundstart but can change to being a traitor during the round.

  • The Hypocrite cannot spawn without detectives in the round.

  • If all detectives are dead (maybe for 10 seconds in case of a Second Chance in play) the Hypocrite will be changed into a Traitor and frorm that point onwards play and win in the Traitors team.

New Role: The Guardian Angel (Neutral Role)

The Guardian Angel

Description The Guardian Angel is a divine being with the ability to bless a player of their choice!

Win condition and alignment The Guardian Angel starts off without a team or win condition.
Once he spoke his blessing on a player he will win with that player.

Abilities and Gameplay

  • The Guardian Angel is able to bless a player (similar to the pirate contract mechanic) of HIS choice.

  • The blessed player will receive the Guardian Angels protection and can no longer take damage as long as the blessing is active.

  • The blessing can only be broken by death.

  • The Guardian Angel Will receive all and any damage that his blessed target player takes. This damage will be lowered by 50% (convar?). The maximum amount of damage is capped by 25 per hit. So the Guardian Angel cannot die with less than 4 damaging hits on his blessed player. (if this appears to be literally impossible to implement just drop it lol)

  • The Guardian Angel will start with 50 armor.

  • Damage taken through the blessing ignores the Guardian Angels armor.

  • The Guardian Angel himself takes damage as normal.

  • If the Guardian Angel dies so does the one he had a contract with (convar?).

  • The Guardian Angel speaking his blessing will be announced to everyone.

  • The Blessed player should be notified of this, either by a hud element or through a popup event.

  • The Guardian Angel can see his targets team (convar).

  • The Guardian Angel knows what team he is a part of.

  • The protected target can see the Guardian Angel as a teammate (symbol above head, scoreboard).

  • The Guardian Angel does not have access to any shop. (as to not buy any defensive/healing items, that'd be OP lol)

Decomposition of corpses
Можете адаптировать данный скрипт, он работает на 50%, то есть, когда труп становится в 1 фазе, когда только может проверить детектив, он не работает и детектив уже не может определить труп.

New Role: The Diseased (Innocent)

The Diseased

Description The Diseased is an innocent that will spread his disease to his murderer.

Win condition and alignment The Diseased is part of the innocent team and wins with them.

Gameplay and Abilities

  • The Diseased will infect his murderer which takes half of his current HP and makes him also have the same disease if he is not part of team innocent.

  • If the murderer dies the killer will have the same disease infecting them, taking half of his current Hp and this will go on until the round ends.

  • If an innocent kills someone that is not part of team innocent and has the disease, their HP will be doubled. (However this innocent will also get the disease.)

Special interactions (OPTIONAL)

  • If a priest shoots an innocent with his holy deagle that has the disease the disease will be healed.

  • If the priest shoots a non-innocent role with his holy deagle that has the disease that player will die. (Even if the priest shoots a traitor, and the priest won't die.)

New Role: The Bishop (Innocent)

The Bishop

Description The Bishop an innocent that is highly devoted to god and believes that everyone with the intention of redemption deserves a second chance in life.

Win condition and alignment The Bishop is part of the innocent team and wins with them.

Abilities and Gameplay

  • The Bishop has the ability to grant a player other than himself a second chance. Once per round he can choose to mark a player which will be ressurected upon death, but only if the marked player is an innocent.

  • If the Bishop attempts to mark a Detective both the Detective and the Bishop take 50 HP damage.

  • If the Bishop attempts to mark a Traitor, the Bishop dies.

  • If the Bishop attempts to mark a role that is neither Innocent nor Traitor the Bishop dies, but that player still receives the Bishops mark.

  • The Bishops mark also adds the player to the Brotherhood, if the marked player is an innocent.

  • The Bishop can use his ability only once.

  • The Bishop does not have a shop.

  • The Bishops mark should be displayed on the left under passive perks.

Interactions with other roles

  • The Bishop automatically joins the Brotherhood at round start if a priest is in the round.

  • If the Bishop hits the Jester with his mark nothing happens, neither does the Bishop die nor does the Jester get the mark.

Plays best with

  • The Priest

New Role: Kefauver (Traitor)


Description You're a traitor and your plan is to leave everyone suspended in fear!

Win condition and alignment You are a Traitor and win with Team Traitor.

Abilities and Gameplay

  • Once per game you can decide to reveal the entire Traitor Team to everyone. This means that the names of all traitors are openly revealed to everyone. This is to instill fear into your enemies and show them that the traitors don't fear anyone.

  • If Kefauver activates his ability every Traitor will receive 2 Credits and 30 armor and be fully healed to 100HP immediately in exchange for being revealed. Éveryone fear the traitors might!

The best friend, is the drone

Здравствуйте, можете адаптировать данное оружие, оно очень подходит детективу, это охранный дрон, который летает возле тебя, ты можешь приказать следить за кем-то или управлять им и он защищает тебя, когда в тебя стреляют, просто идеально для детектива, но к сожалению он не работает на вашей версии ТТТ.

New Role: The Survivor (Own Team/Neutral Role)

The Survivor

Description The Survivor is just looking to live through the day. You may side with whoever you please in order to survive and win for only yourself???

Win condition and alignment The Survivor wins with any other winning faction and is not part of any team.

Gameplay and Abilities

  • The survivor starts with body armor of 50

  • The survivor has a shop that only offers MORE body armor and a "Heal item", but he starts without credits. (idk what heal item rly)

  • The survivor has a survive counter of some sort that tracks how many people have died already.

    • The survivor gets a credit for every third person that died. If the survivor was responsible for the deaths then they won't count.

    • If the survivor kills someone the survive counter (towards his next credit) will be reset/be subtracted by 1.

  • The Survivor could be announced at round start??

  • The survivor will win with any winning party, but take the win for himself???
    (I'm unsure if the survivor should just "also win" (which in the current state of TTT2 won't be displayed and would be kind of boring) or steal the win from the original winning party without having to fight for it.)

New Role: Investigator (Innocent)


Description A terrorist skilled in the art of investigation. He utilizes his abilities to investigate
fellow terrorists for signs of traitorous or abnormal activities.

Alignment and Win Condition: He is part of the innocents team and shares their win conditions.

Role ability

  • The investigator utilizes bugs, which he attaches to other players. Once a bug is attached, results of the investigation will be displayed after [20] seconds.

  • The results will be displayed [in chat];[as a popup on screen] and show three different roles, one of which being the actual role of the Investigators target.

As an example, could the results be displayed as follows:

An Investigator bugged (Player) and found them to be (Role1, Role2, or Role3).

  • The roles could best be displayed in their respective role colour, for example if a result of the investigation is traitor, this would be displayed in red (innocent in green, hitman in orange, shinigami in grey, etc.).

  • The Investigator will be able to place a bug every [20] seconds.

Role Gameplay

  • If the Investigator bugged a Player, and their roles are displayed as 3 the innocents team opposing roles, it is clear, that this player is clearly evil, and therefore allowed to neutralize.

  • If the Investigator bugged a Player, and at least one of the results are that of an Innocent role, then the investigator will have to bug the Player an additional time. Since the results should be displayed as random, chances are, that the two random roles will now be different ones, so that the actual role can be determined.

  • Everything else will be the regular gameplay of an innocent.

  • If the bug was recently used, a cooldown for the item could be displayed as an icon similar to the Radar on the left side of the screen to keep track of when it will be available again.

  • The amount of Roles displayed in the results should be three in total, this might be made a convar, but two random roles in addition to the actual role should be the best value for now.


Since a server doesn't always have every role available, a way to manage the possible results should be implemented. This could be a simple window in ULX in which a box for every role that could be on the server is displayed and can be marked by an admin. Otherwise an automatic check for the active roles in the current rounds rolepool could be implemented {Though I am unsure if this is possible}.

  • A lot of things couuld be a convar in this, idk.

Plays best with

  • As many roles as possible, to diversify the results.

  • Multiple "factionless" roles e.g. Pirate, Bodyguard, Jester, Unknown.

Why it might be fun to play

  • The idea is to have another innocent role with an upside and a unique touch to it.

  • The idea is, that there is an undercover investigative role running around without being noticed as such to identify as many players as possible, while helping out the innocent team towards victory.

Things inside [ ] are subject for change and just some numbers and stuff I think could be fitting.

Feedback and critique is appreciated, as this is the first role I've written.

~Inspiration taken from ToSs' roles: Spy, Investigator and Psychic.

New Role: The Bard (Innocent)

The Bard

Description The Bard is an Innocent that likes to sing and entertain.

Win condition and alignment The Bard is an Innocent and wins with the Innocents.

Ability and Gameplay

  • The Bard plays as a normal innocent and has the regular innocent features.

  • The Bard does not have a shop.

  • The Bard has the ability to sing about the player that killed him when he dies.

  • If the Bard is killed an event popup will announce the Bards tragic death as well as the Role of his Killer.

  • The Bard will automatically be confirmed for everyone upon dying without anyone having confirmed him.

New Role: The Staller (Traitor)

The Staller

Description The Staller is a Hacker that got into the terrorists information network and sabotaged it as a result.

Win condition and alignment The Staller is a Traitor and wins with team Traitor.

Abilities and Gameplay

  • As long as the Staller is alive, confirmation of dead bodies will be delayed, which also means, that access to a dead players identity, role and insight on additional information regarding the body will be blocked.

  • Every confirmed body will remain unconfirmed even if a confirmation action is done by a player. The confirmation will be held back as long as the Staller is alive.

  • If the Staller dies every confirmed body will then be revealed as confirmed.

  • Traitors will still be able to search a dead body covertly.

  • Credits can still be withdrawn by everyone with a shop and access to the credit withdrawel feature. (Can this even be blocked?)

  • The Staller does have a shop and starts with one credit.

New Role: The Beggar (Neutral Role)

The Beggar

Description He is a person in need and happy to receive any gift he can get.

Win condition and alignment You may change your role to that of another player and take on their win condition and alignment.

Gameplay and Abilities

  • The Beggar starts without a team and cannot win by roundstart.

  • If the beggar picks up a dropped Shopitem he will take on the role of the one dropping it to him.

  • Anyone with a shop will be able to see who the Beggar is.

Plays well with

  • Survivalist

  • Serial Killer

  • Necromancer

  • Jackal

New Role: The Joker (Innocent Role)

The Joker

Description The Joker has always been that ace that you keep until the very end. He is there to change the tide of the battle in an instant, if need be.

Win condition and alignment The Joker starts off as an innocent and wins with the innocents.

Abilities and Gameplay

  • The Joker will start off as a regular innocent. He will not know that he is the Joker.

  • The Joker will be activated through 2 different possible triggers.

  1. If the Joker is alive and the game enters the "Overtime" phase, the Joker will receive his actual role.
  2. If the Joker is alive and he is the last innocent alive, then the Joker will receive his actual role.
  • If the Joker died before one of the two scenarios have taken effect he will remain dead and no one will ever know of his true potential.

  • Once the Joker is revealed he will receive a shop, three credits and 30 armor.

New Role: Crusader (Innocent)


Basic description

The Crusader wants to rid this world of heathens! But people can be heathens regardless of their faction… can the Crusader get rid of them and prevent evil from reigning at the same time?


The Crusader needs to kill all heathens. He is technically an innocent. If a Crusader spawns, a certain percentage of players in a game is marked as heathens, independent of their roles (Comparable to the Brotherhood). Only the Crusader (using the scoreboard or his crosshair) can identify heathens.

The Crusader needs to finish the game with all heathens dead to win. He cannot harm non-heathens.
Killing innocent heathens won’t cause the Crusader to lose karma.

To make it short: The Crusader needs to kill innocent heathens without being framed as evil and killed by the innocent team. On the other hand, he needs to avoid evil roles that aren’t heathens for it’s not his mission to eliminate them.

There can be multiple Crusaders but as with regular innocent roles, they don’t see the other Crusaders on the scoreboard. A Crusader can, obviously, never be a heathen.

Win conditions

The Crusader can win with the innocent team if all heathens are dead.

If all evil roles are dead, it’s up to him to quickly eliminate the last heathens so he can win with the innocent team.

If no heathens are alive but the innocent team hasn’t won yet, the Crusader has to wait for the other innocents to find the last evil players.

If all innocents are dead, the Crusader can only win if the last evil players are all heathens. If that’s not the case, he (and the innos) lose the round instantly for the Crusader can’t harm non-heathens.

If only a Crusader and a heathen Innocent are left, the Crusader, and by extension the innocent team, win if he takes out the last heathen, as the Crusader technically counts as an innocent himself.

Why it might be interesting

The Crusader is a role that’s unique in that he needs to kill people independent from their roles. This means that, even though he’s technically innocent, the heathen-status defines who’s his enemy which leads to many peculiar interactions.

Except for the Crusader, no role (exceptions below) can see heathens, so if he kills a heathen innocent, he will probably be labeled as an evil role. On the flipside, he can’t even kill evil roles who aren’t heathens so he has to be extra careful not to get taken out by them because he can’t defend himself.

Also, since the Crusader is innocent, if an Innocent kills him, they will lose Karma as it counts as killing a team mate (Because obviously it’s wrong to punish a murderer if it was religious murder -> logic!)
This might seem janky at first, but actually it might add some new depth to the game. If you out yourself as a Crusader, all teams might take advantage of you getting a ‘free pass’ for killing heathens, hoping, that the death of the heathens you kill could profit their own team.

Claiming you’re a Crusader is also feasible for evil roles to make the innocent team doubt themselves and not kill you immediately if you kill an innocent.

To add even more claim possibilities: Since the Crusader can’t harm non-heathens, he can demonstrate his inability to deal damage and claim he’s a Jester which might protect him from even further harm. On the flipside the Jester might claim he’s a Crusader and crash the party…

Interactions with other roles

If the Jester is a heathen, the Crusader can kill him without any repercussions.

Unknowns can be heathens too. In that case, when killed by the Crusader, they will normally respawn as another Crusader and become non-heathens.

A Priest can never be a heathen. Members of the Brotherhood can never be heathens and being added to the Brotherhood will revoke their heathen-status. The Crusader’s win condition is hereby automatically fulfilled if every heathen still alive gets converted to the Brotherhood. The Crusader can be part of the Brotherhood.

Getting revived and/or role-changed doesn’t revoke heathen-status, so even after turning traitor, a Wrath (for example) will stay heathen.

Occultists and Necromancers (+ their Zombies) are always heathens.

If a role that converts people to their team (Jackal, Infected etc.) is a heathen, the converted will be aswell.

Pirates giving their contract to a heathen will NOT become heathens themselves.

New Role: The Marshall (Detective)

The Marshall

Description The Marshall is a new subclass to the detective and he knows a lot about his fellow innocents.

Win condition and alignment The Marshall wins with the innocents and is a part of the innocent team.

Gameplay and Abilities

  • The Marshall will spawn as a new detective subclass

  • The Marshall has the ability to see innocents in the scoreboard

    • This only includes normal innocents and excludes any special innocent roles.
  • The Marshall does not have a shop by default.

Plays best with

  • Any special innocent addition

  • Requires a lot of special innocents to not be broken

New Role: The Deputy (innocent)

Role: a mini detective but can switch sides if the opportunity presents itself.

Win condition: If still a innocent by the time the game is over, then they win as an innocent. If they turn traitor they win by killing the other innocents.

Abilities: Can investigate bodies, like a detective but can switch to the traitors but can switch sides if the player so chooses.

Once they switch the traitor they cant switch back.

Will loose karma, and some health if you kill an innocent deputy while killing a traitorous one will have no penalty.

New Role: Armor Supplier

  • once the Armor System is in place a role that supplies armor to players could be nice

  • current ideas:

    • 'Rook'-like (Rainbow6Siege Operator), place a stationary 'armor-station' which upon interacting gives the interacting player armor once
    • 'Torbjörn'-like (Overwatch Character), throws an entity which upon contact with a player gives the player armor

New Role(s): VIP & Bodyguard

VIP & Bodyguard

Basic mechanics

The VIP and Bodyguard both replace innocents and are always in a round together, never separately.

The traitor chat will announce the existence of a VIP (not who it is), but only the VIP and BG know each other’s roles. The announcement for the traitors might be broadcasted after a set amount of time to give VIP and BG an opportunity to meet up first.

There can (should) only be 1 VIP per game and not too many BGs (1 BG per 10-15 players, perhaps, but this could just be a ConVar anyway).

Role abilities

The VIP can’t wield weapons other than sidearms. He, however, spawns with the Little Helper (or a similar defensive perk / item). This is supposed to prevent him being easily taken out by explosives or other area affecting traitor weapons.

The bodyguard is basically a regular innocent, except he knows who the VIP is (optional: has a shop, but should be disabled by default, imo).

Win conditions

When the VIP dies, the traitors automatically win the game. It doesn’t matter whether he’s killed by a traitor or all traitors have died already.

If only the VIP and another, non-traitor evil role survive, the evil role wins.

The innocents win normally by killing all evil roles.

Why it might be interesting

This might create fun gameplay moments where the VIP & BG gain the advantage of being confirmed innocents in each others‘ eyes, but have to use this knowledge wisely, because the VIP is rather fragile and not confirmed for the other innos.

The other innocents and detectives can’t be sure that there’s an actual VIP (he could just fake not being able to pick up a primary). Claiming VIP might be a way to make innocents hesitate to shoot you. Bonus points if you can get a mate of yours to claim bodyguard. Or just claim your bodyguard has died already. There are many possibilities to use these new roles to your advantage if you’re evil.

For VIP & BG trying to get the other innos – and especially the detectives – to believe and protect them becomes a big part of the gameplan. Vice versa, the traitors can try to make the innocents mistrust the VIP & BG.

Traitors have an objective to focus on that might encourage aggressive gameplay and changes the pace of the round.

Other evil roles need to watch out for the possibility of VIPs. If they kill the VIP on accident, the traitors win the game, after all. So it pressures them into getting rid of the traitors first. It creates a game where the SKs etc. can’t just mindlessly kill everyone, which is also a fun change of pace.

It creates good opportunities for Jesters. Staying near the VIP raises the probability of either the traitor killing them on accident or the BG killing them out of paranoia.

Interactions with other roles

If the Jackal shoots the VIP with the sidekick deagle, he just becomes a regular sidekick and the whole VIP ordeal gets resolved rather peacefully. The bodyguard, however, notices that his VIP isn’t a VIP anymore since he loses the ability to see his role.

Same with the Infected.

The Clairvoyant will see VIP and BG as special roles.

If an Unknown gets killed by the VIP, there will be two VIPs, which, frankly speaking, is a rather big disadvantage.

If an Unknown gets killed by the BG, he becomes another BG, who’s able to see the other BG(s) and the VIP, giving the Innocents a big boost.

New Role: Possessed


Basic mechanics

The Possessed is an evil role. On the surface, he seems like a regular, harmless guy. But once his inner demon awakens… no one can stop him.

Role abilities

The Possessed starts off as a regular player without any special powers. However, after a certain amount of time (default: 3 minutes?) the demon he’s possessed by takes over and turns him into a powerful fiend with increased HP, damage, speed and damage resistances across the board.

However, the Possessed isn’t entirely happy with this destiny and seeks to redeem himself. If he kills anyone before turning into a demon, he dies of guilt immediately.

Also, the process of turning into a demon isn’t without its hardships. In set intervals, the Possessed will emit sounds (Demonic laughter? Screams?) that hint at his transformation. This means that he can’t always stay close to people without being found out. The sounds aren’t loud enough to prevent him from staying near people at all times but should at least force him to be in a lonely corner for a couple of seconds.

Win conditions

For the Possessed to win, he needs to turn evil and kill everyone in his path.

This is a twist compared to other evil roles: When other evil roles and traitors are eliminated, the round ends, similar to the Jester. This means that the unturned Possessed is ‘saved’. He doesn’t get any points, but at the end of the day, the round ends before he could do any harm.

Why it might be interesting

Similar to the Arsonist role suggestion, this evil role is a bit unorthodox. There’s a big payoff in his transformation, but he must play very carefully, avoiding the proximity of other players to get there.

The role is extremely volatile: Until your transformation, you need to be careful, as not to arouse any suspicion, but you also can’t defend yourself without dying yourself.

Also his win conditions are unique for an evil role, since he can only win if the round doesn't go on too long. So the Possessed can decide: Do you want the round to go by without much blood shed? Or do you want to protect other evil roles to extend the round, just so you can transform?

Interactions with other roles

To most roles, he just acts like a regular evil role you want to get rid of.

When the Unknown gets killed by the turned Possessed, he immediately becomes one as well. Watch out for these demons duking it out!

[Only with Priest] If the Priest suggestion is taken into consideration, the Holy Deagle could cure the unturned Possessed and 1-shot kill the turned Possessed.

New Role: Phantom

  • spawns in the innocent team
  • haunts attackers on death
    • haunted players leave a smoke trail behind them (might be to OP)
    • killing the haunted player revives the phantom with 50HP
    • detectives are notified when the phantom is killed or revived
  • phantom possesses the attacker and can fire his weapons
    • there is a cooldown (with HUD element) for the use of the attacker weapon
    • the phantom is "stuck" in the spectator view of his attacker
    • it might be a good idea for the haunting time to be limited, after the time is up the phantom becomes a normal spectator and can not be revived by killing his attacker anymore

New Role: Phantom

The Phantom

Description: The phantom is a role that spawns alone and plays in his own team. However, like the necromancer, he can bring back dead players. Unlike zombies from the necromancer, his revived players can't interact in a normal way with the world.


Role Design:

  • the phantom spawns alone in his own team
  • he can revive dead players as ghosts, it shouldn't be a normal defibrillator but some sort of ritual
  • ghosts are invisible and invincible to normal players, the phantom can see his ghosts with a wallhack
  • haunted players can kill ghosts
  • ghosts leave a trail behind them if they are not sneaking
  • ghosts can haunt players who then receive the "haunted" status
  • a dead ghost spawns no ragdoll and can therefore not be revived or inspected
  • ghosts have only one weapon in their equipment - the haunter weapon (better name needed!)

The Haunter Weapon

  • ghosts spawn with this weapon
  • primary attack is used to haunt players, secondary attack is used to scare haunted players
  • both actions have to be charged by holding down the respective key
  • it slowly decharges when no key is pressed anymore
  • once the weapon is charged, the key has to be released while looking at a player
  • while his device is charging, he is visible to haunted players nearby, the ghost has a wallhack for those players that are able to see him, the haunted players have also a wallhack for all ghosts in the area that are charging their device
  • if a player received a scare from a ghost, different scenarios happen, e.g: frozen is place for 5 seconds while using the active weapon to shoot at random directions and losing health
  • using the device on a player drains the charge to 0, if it was a scare event, the strength depends on the charge value
  • maybe the lost health in a scare event is given to all players of the phantom team
  • maybe the charge of the wepaon also acts a a shield, shooting at a ghost rapidly decreases the charge

To Discuss:

  • what exactly is his wincondition? should he haunt all (or a certain percentage) of players? Or does he win if only players from his team are left?
  • how to balance this in a good way

Hint: I merged some ideas from the original phantom idea (#13) to this role. The original phantom is too close to the "Demonic Posession" item.

New Role: The Havoc


Description Havoc is a new traitor that cleans up evidence of a murder.

Win condition and alignment Havoc wins with the traitors and is a part of their team.

Gameplay and Abilities

  • If Havoc kills a player, the body will be automatically cleaned.

  • If Havoc "confirms" an unidentified body, instead of identifying it, the body will be cleaned.

To all cleaned corpses the following applies if they are confirmed (by Havoc or anyone else)

  • The cleaned corpse does not show who it was and what role the player had when confirmed.

  • The information when inspecting erased and replaced with a single box that reads

    "This corpse was cleaned by Havoc"

  • The player will be listed under alive or MIA respectively in the scoreboard even if confirmed

  • Havoc does not have access to a shop.

Additional Ideas

  • A HUD element, that tracks how many cleaned bodies have been found by players. Maybe including an icon with a number next to it.

Interactions with other roles and items

  • Amnesiac: The Amnesiac should still be able to get a role from a cleaned body.

  • Reviving roles such as:

  • Necromaner A necromancer should be unable to revive a cleaned player.

  • Marker The Marker should be unable to revive a cleaned player.

  • ... Cleaned players cannot be revived.. we got it.

  • A DNA Scanner cannot take DNA from a cleaned target.

New Role: The Reaper (Neutral Role)

The Reaper

Description A figure from another plane, here to avenge the victims of killers that kill without purpose.

Alignment and Win condition The Reaper starts off without alignment or win condition, he is able to receive one during the round by completing his objectives.

Role abilities and Gameplay

Before the Reaper kills his target

  • The Reaper is able to see players that are missing in action the same way traitors do.

  • The Reaper has a Radar which locates dead players' bodies.

  • If the Reaper is the first person to confirm a dead player he will receive accurate information about the victims (dead players) killer including their name, alignment and location.

  • The Reapers target will be notified, that the Reaper is after him, so that he can prepare for his

  • The Reaper will be able to locate his target with a wallhack-like vision that transcends the human eye, as he is a higher being that is able to see his targets anywhere they go.
    There is no way to hide from Death itself.

  • If the reaper is unable to kill his target himself and his target dies to something other than the reaper, he will go back to searching for bodies that have yet to be confirmed to receive a new target.

After the Reaper kills his target

  • If the Reaper was successful in killing his target he will inherit the alignment and win condition of the victim he avenged.

  • The Reaper will in most cases also become the same role than the victim he avenged with the exception of the Jackal, Pirate Captain and Deputy

    Which would suggest that,

  • If the Reaper avenged a Pirate Captain, he'd become a Pirate and promoted Pirate Captain as soon as there is no other Pirate around anymore.

  • If the Reaper avenged a Jackal, he'd become a Sidekick, if there is no other Jackal alive he'd naturally be promoted to be the new Jackal.

  • If the Reaper avenged a Deputy, he'd become a Sheriff, as a Deputy would die without a living sheriff around.

  • The reaper should also keep his ability of seeing people that went missing in action.

Plays best with

  • Jackal, Bodyguard, Spy, Infected

New Role: Headhunter (Own Team/Neutral Killer)

The Headhunter

Description The Headhunter is a professional killer that is out to strike it rich through dirty, but necessary work.

Win condition and alignment The Headhunter is required to eliminate 2 non innocent players. The headhunter also has no alignment.

Abilities and Gameplay

  • If the Headhunter kills an innocent he takes 50HP damage

  • The Headhunter gets a Credit for every player that was not part of team innocent he kills. (It's his bounty to take!)

  • The Headhunter has to survive till the end to win.

  • The Headhunter starts without credits but with the shop of the traitors.

  • The Headhunter has additional armor

  • The Headhunter will always start with a rifle to strike from a distance.

New Role: Bonnie and Clyde

Bonnie and Clyde

Description: Bonnie and Clyde is a new duo-role for 2 people. They can only spawn together. Due to their criminal history, Bonnie and Clyde will always have to play together and replace 2 existing traitors.

Wincondition: Both players survive and kill all other players (Bonnie and Clyde win) or one survives with the remaining traitors (normal traitor win)

Role Design: They replace 2 traitors and will be displayed as one as well. Their main goal is to survive together. When one of them dies, the survivor of the duo can choose if he wants to sacrifice himself to respawn his teammate. If both survive until the end and there are only traitors remaining, they change sides and are revealed as Bonnie and Clyde. At this point their goal is to kill the traitors. If just one of them dies, their mission failed and the traitors win.

To discuss:

  • What happens if just one survives?
  • I thought about mirroring the damage to both of them... Or something else to connect the two players
  • I would like to have a sacrifice there, but I'm not sure yet what the profit of your teammates sacrifice should be...

Why it might be fun to play:
Bonnie and Clyde is a new concept, a duo role. You have to play together to reach your goals. And you have the chance to betray the traitors themselves...

New Role: The Outsider (Neutral Role)

The Outsider

Description The Outsider is a peculiar one, he never stuck with anyone and roams around doing what he pleases.

Win condition and alignment The outsider wins with any team that is not team innocent or team traitor. His alignment is therefor being a part of all non Traitor or innocent teams, he also wins alone if there are no custom teams left and all Ts and Innocents are dead.

Abilities and Gameplay

  • The Outsider is able to see all roles of special teams in the scoreboard, and when looking at players.

  • All players of custom teams see the Outsiders role and can treat him as an ally if they so desire.

  • The Outsider wins together with all custom teams. He should also be able to win alone if there are no custom teams spawned or alive in the current round.

  • If there are only custom teams left, the Outsider can choose to turn against a team, or wait out the result.

  • The Outsider does have a shop, but cannot generate credits (he can pick them up from corpses though)

    • If the Outsider has no custom team to ally with, because they either didn't spawn with him or died before he did, he will immediately receive 2 credits, but no way of gaining more. (exception as seen above)

New Role: Madman

  • he spawns alone in his own team
  • every once in a while he swaps his team, but keeps his role
  • he wins with the team he is last in

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