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lesson-monadhurdle's Introduction

% The Monad Hurtle % Tyson Whitehead % 2019-07-17


Monads are a design pattern in programming linked to category theory in the early 90s. They have been a fundamental part, that is, required to perform IO, of the lazy functional language Haskell for almost as long. Due to their considerable success in Haskell, formulations have also now sprung up for many other languages. This includes, according to Wikipedia, Scheme, Perl, Python, Racket, Clojure, Scala, F#, and possibly even the newest ML standard.

There is a lot of confusing information about monads on the internet. This ranges from very technical category theory based statements (e.g., monads are just monoids in the category of endofunctors) to very non-technical analogies (e.g., ones involving nuclear waste and spacesuits). The goal of this presentation is to present a non-confusing, practical, programmer-based perspective on monads with plenty of examples that also doesn't skimp on the technicalities.


I would like to start by saying it isn't important that everything makes immediate sense. Each time you dive into monads, you learn a little more. I now have a lot better understanding than I did when I first started over twelve years ago, but I'm still learning too, especially when it comes to the category theoretic side.

Over the years since their introduction, it has been realized that the monad structure can actually be broken out into several layers, where each new layer builds upon the previous. These layers are

Pointed: ~ values

Functor: ~ functions

Applicative: ~ values + functions + products

Monad: ~ values + functions + products + layers

This is much like an object hierarchy in a object orientated language. Later layers build on and add functionality to prior layer. Each later layer also has less inhabitants as the increased functionality corresponds to increased requirements on the objects providing that functionality, resulting in there being fewer of them.


One item we need to get out the way is that Haskell functions are curried. That is, in another language we might have the prototype and implementation of the add function as

add :: (Int,Int) -> Int
add (x,y) = x + y

where the :: indicates we are specifying the type and the -> indicates a function from the first type to the second. The first line is thus a prototype which specifies add is a function that takes two Ints and returns a new Int, and the second line provides the actual implementation. We would then use it like so

add (1,2) :: Int

where we are using :: to clarify that the type (i.e., the type of add applied to (1,2) is an Int). The issue with grouping all are arguments into a tuple is that always have to supply both at once. Haskell, while accepting this, also givess us the option of defining add such that it takes its arguments one at a time

add :: Int -> (Int -> Int)
add x y = x + y

In this version, add is a function that takes a single Int and returns a function that that accepts the remaining Int and then adds it to the previously given Int. This allows us to use add as

add :: Int -> (Int -> Int)
add 1 :: Int -> Int
(add 1) 2 :: Int

where the brackets are all redudant as the function type -> associates to the right and argument application associates to the left.


Let us start with the functionality we refer to as pointed by considering the Maybe a type

data Maybe a = Nothing
             | Just a
             deriving Show

This type allows us to extend other types that don't have the notion of a missing value or a failure to have this notion. For example, an Int has to be a number. If we wrap it with Maybe though, we get a Maybe Int, which now lets us have either a Nothing or a Just Int. What we are doing here is taking our set of built in types and building upon them to get new set of types

  • Int -> Maybe Int
  • Char -> Maybe Char
  • etc.

The above Maybe a definition defines the value constructors

Nothing :: Maybe a
Just :: a -> Maybe a

The type for Just specified that it is a function that takes a generic type a and returns a new type Maybe a.

This is our first design pattern. We have a type constructor that creates new types from old types paired with a value constructor that creates new values of the new type from old values of the old type. To be explicit, using * as the type of types, the Maybe constructs a types from a given type

Maybe :: * -> *

and Just constructs a new value of the new type from a given value of the original type

Just :: a -> Maybe a

where we use the unconstrained type variable a to indicate an arbitrary type. Commonly we would refer to the operation provided by Just as lifting values of the original type to the new type.

This design pattern of providing a function to lift values of an original type to derived type applies pretty widely and the generic name given to operation is pure (more recently) or return (historically). The essence of the pattern is captured in the class declaration

class Pointed m where
  pure :: a -> m a

This says that for a type contructor m to be pointed a corresponding function has to be given to take arbitrary types a and lift them to the new type m a. The corresponding type of pure is

pure :: Pointed m => a -> m a

which reads that pure is a function that can, for a given pointed type constructor m, take a value of some type a and return a new value of some type m a. The primary restriction on this function is that it has to be generic because it has to work for all types. This is evident by the fact that there are no restrictions on what a is, and without knowing anything about a, we are limited to just interweaving it into some structure.

This is precisely what we do with our Maybe type constructor. We just wrap the given value with Just

instance Pointed Maybe where
  pure :: a -> Maybe a
  pure x = Just x

Now let us consider a list type

data List a = Nil
           | Cons a (List a)
           deriving Show

With some thought it also evident that it isn't too difficult to make a function that takes any type and returns a list of that type. For example, we could just wrap the given value up as a singelton list

instance Pointed List where
  pure a = Cons a Nil

or, at the other extreme, we could even repeat it forever

instance Pointed List where
  pure :: a -> List a
  pure a = Cons a (pure a)

Both of these are perfectly valid. Which one we want will depend on what we are doing. The first one is what is used with the builtin haskell lists.

In reality, the pointed functionality isn't considered worth its weight on its own. Instead it is combined with with other functionality.


Pointed gives us the ability to lift our types. That is, to take our old values of our old type and turn them into new values of the new type. It isn't too long before you also want to lift your functions. That is, take your old functions over those old values and turn them into new functions over the new values.

This is the functor pattern. We can use our class syntax to describe it

class Functor m where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> (m a -> m b)

which says that for a type contructor m to be a functor, there has to be a function that can take an arbitrary function, that is, one from some (unspecified) type a to some type b, and give a new version that works on the new types, that is from m a to m b.

How would this look with our Maybe type constructor? Our fmap function would take an arbitrary function xy between two arbitrary types a and b, and it would have to create an correponding function between the corresponding types Maybe a and Maybe b. Without knowing what a and b are ahead of time, we are again very limited in what we can. If we don't have an a the only Maybe b we can generate is Nothing. If we do have an a though, we can apply xy to it to get a b and then wrap it with Just

instance Functor Maybe where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> (Maybe a -> Maybe b)
  fmap xy (Just x) = Just (xy x)
  fmap _  Nothing  = Nothing

where _ is used as a placeholder for arguments we don't care about.

Now consider our list type. It too follows the same pattern. Given a function xy :: a -> b, we can generate a function that, when given a list of values of type a will apply xy :: a -> b to each of them to generate a list of values of type b. That is

instance Functor List where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
  fmap xy Nil         = Nil
  fmap xy (Cons x xs) = Cons (xy x) (fmap xy xs)

In Haskell, the class of types associated with I/O operations are wrapped with the type constructor IO. As an example of such a type, consider the getLine compuation

getLine :: IO String

This is a compuation that will get a line worth of input from stdin. As IO is a functor, we can use its fmap functionality to apply a String -> String function that appends a newline to the given string to generate a new computation from getLine the returns the given line plus an appended newline.

getLineNL :: IO String
getLineNL = fmap (++ "\n") getLine

where ++ is the String append operation.

Pointed + Functor

There is more to this story than just recognizing common functionality and creating associated classes that encapsulates them. We also require the implementations to interact in a reasonable manner. Generally this means things like two apparently equivalent ways of doing the same thing should both give the same answer.

For instance, given two functions

xy :: a -> b
yz :: b -> c

proper fmap and pure implementations must be such that it doesn't matter if we lift and then combine or combine and then lift. That is, it should be equivalent to first lift xy and apply it, and then lift yz and apply it, or just lift the combination of yz . xy :: a -> c and apply it

fmap yz (fmap xy mx) = fmap (yz . xy) mx

Similairly, applying a function xy :: a -> b to value x :: a and then lifting it needs to give the same result as first lifting the value and then applying the lifted function to it

fmap xy (pure x) = pure (xy x)

These guarantees, which esssentialy limit our lifting of values to weaving them through our structures and our lifting of functions to applying them to our weaved values, allow the programmer to do basic reasoning about arbitrary functor code. It also allows the compiler to perform basic optimizations, such as merging two walkings of a list into one.


The applicative pattern allows extends the pointed and functor patterns with the ability to combine our lifted types. This pattern is captured by the class declaration

class (Pointed m, Functor m) => Applicative m where
  pair :: m a -> m b -> m (a,b)

where the => is saying that for a type contructor m to be applicative, it also has to be pointed and a functor.

The type signature for the uncurried version of pair makes it especially obvious that the essense of the next level of the pattern is that the product can pass into the type constructor

uncurry pair :: (m a, m b) -> m (a, b)

The implementation for the Maybe type constructor follows the same pattern as before. The type are arbitrary, and we cannot generate values for types we do not know, so the only way we can generate a pair is if we are given values of both types. Otherwise we will have to return a Nothing.

instance Applicative Maybe where
  pair :: Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Maybe (a, b)
  pair (Just x) (Just y) = Just (x, y)
  pair _        _        = Nothing

Our list type is more interesting. In this case we need to come up with some way of pairing some number of values of some type a with a potentially different number of values of some type b. Two possible solutions are a truncated inner product or an outer product. The first is commonly known as zipping the lists

instance Applicative List where
  pair :: List a -> List b -> List (a, b)
  pair (Cons x xs) (Cons y ys) = Cons (x, y) (pair xs ys)
  pair _           _           = Nil

and it pairs elements at the same position in both lists, truncatin on the shorter of the two lists. The second pairs all elements of the first list with all elements of the second list

instance Applicative List where
  pair :: List a -> List b -> List (a, b)
  pair (Cons x xs) ys = append (fmap (x,) ys) (pair xs ys)
      append (Cons x xs) ys = Cons x (append xs ys)

where (x,) is a function that that takes the second argument of the tuple and returns the completed tuple.

As with the functor pattern, the applicative pattern requires the pair function to operate properly with respect to nested applications, lifted functioned, and lifted values. It shouldn't matter whether we compose pairing on the left or the right, that is, (x,(y,z)) should be essentially equivalent to ((x,y),z)

fmap (\(x,(y,z)) -> (x,y,z)) ( pair mx (pair my mz) ) = fmap (\((x,y),z) -> (x,y,z)) ( pair (pair mx my) mz )

where the fmap are used to normalize the two three tuple expressions to the commnon (x,y,z). As with the functor pattern, we also expect two ways of apparently achieving the same results with lifted values to indeed be just two ways of achieving the same result

pair (pure x) my = fmap (x,) my
pair mx (pure y) = fmap (,y) mx

An equivalent formulation to pair is apply, which is characterized by allowing -> to pass out of the type constructor

apply :: m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
apply mab ma = fmap go (pair mab a)
    go ab a = ab a

and the applicative pattern is usually given in terms of apply and not pair. Given apply it is equally easy to define pair though, which, combined with the above, shows the two are entirely equivalent

pair :: m a -> m b -> m (a,b)
pair ma mb = apply (fmap (,) ma) mb

Haskell provides operator versions of both fmap and apply, respectively <$> and <*>. This allows the more pleasant specification of pair as

pair :: m a -> m b -> m (a,b)
pair ma mb = apply <$> ma <*> mb

where the general pattern is the first arguement is applied with <$> and the remaining arguments with <*>. The reason this works can be seen from considering lifting an arbitrary function xyz and applying arguements to it

xyz :: a -> b -> c
xyz <$> ::  m a -> m (b -> c)
xyz <$> mx :: m (b -> c)
xyz <$> mx <*> :: m b -> m c
xyz <$> mx <*> my :: m c

The reason we choose to introduce it in terms of the pair function though is this emphasizes that one of the key features of applicative is it introduces an ordering. This is key to understanding why these design patterns are useful for modeling I/O.

The evaluation ordering in a lazy language is notoriously difficult to think about. Arguments are not evaluated when they passed to functions or assigned to variables. Rather they are stored as a computation to be performed at some later point should the value actually be used as required by the data dependencies.

This is a nightmare with respect to I/O. Operating system calls involve all sorts of non-data dependencies whereby one call has to be made before another but that isn't obvious from looking at the flow of inputs and outputs to the functions.

The applicative pattern provides a solution to this. The IO type constructor represents compuations returning values of the given type, and functionality provided by applicative gives a way of combining them in a manner that provides an explicit ordering.

As an example, consider we can use pair to build an I/O operation that runs the getLine operation twice

pair getLine getLine :: IO (String, String)


It may seem that the applicative pattern may give us everthing we need, and this is frequently the case. It turns out though that it can only compose computations where we collect all the individual bits independently and then compute some final answer with them. It can not compose computations were the results of prior computations is used in subsequent computations.

To make this more concrete, consider a simple example of such a computation. We want to compose getLine and putStrLn in such a way that it will read a name from stdin and then write "hello" followed by that name to stdout. The requried input and output functions are as follows

input :: IO String
input = getLine

output :: String -> IO ()
output name = putStrLn ("hello " ++ name)

where () is the empty tuple and reflects the fact that putStrLn computation does not generate any results. Rather is used purely for its side effect of printing its output to stdout. The string associated with the input computation is wrapped in the IO type. This means that to apply our output function, we are going to have to lift our output function so its input becomes IO String as that is the type of our input

output :: String -> IO ()
fmap output :: IO String -> IO (IO ())
fmap output input :: IO (IO ())

and now we are stuck because our next computation has wound up becoming result of the prior computation and we have no way of sequencing it.

This is the functionality provide by the monad pattern. It is the ability to squash two levels of our type constructor into one. This is captured in the class declaration

class Monad m where
  join :: m (m a) -> m a

In the case of the IO type constructor this corresponds to sequencing a nested set of I/O computations. The outer one runs first and the result of it is what to do next, and that is run next. Completing our example

join (fmap output input) :: IO ()

Now let us turn our attention back our Maybe constructor. In this case, the join functionality would be to turn a Maybe (Maybe a) value, that is, a potentially double wrapped value, into just a Maybe a value. Again, the underlying value is fully generic, so the only we can generate one is if we are given one. This means we have to return Nothing unless we happened to get a double Just wrapped value. In which case we can return it

instance Monad Maybe where
  join :: Maybe (Maybe a) -> Maybe a
  join (Just (Just x)) = Just x
  join _               = Nothing

How does this look for out List type constructor. We have to turn a list of lists into just a single list. One obvious solution is to just flatten the list

instance Monad List where
  join :: List (List a) -> List a
  join Nil           = Nil
  join (Cons xs xss) = append xs (join xss)
      append (Cons x xs) ys = Cons x (append xs ys)

Another, less obvious, solution would be to essentially take the trace of the list of lists. That is, the first element from the first, the second element from the second, the third element from the third list, and so on as long as possible (i.e., truncating at the first missing element)

instance Monad List where
  join :: List (List a) -> List a
  join xss = go 0 0 xss
      go i j (Cons (Cons x xs) xss) | i == j    = Cons x (go 0 (j+1) xss)
                                    | otherwise = go (i+1) j (Cons xs xss)
      go _ _ _                                  = Nil

The monad pattern, as we have seen with the other patterns, also requires the join functionality to operate properly with the other existing functionality. We again require no suprises. Introducing a layer inside another and then immediately squashing it should have no effect

join (pure mx) = mx

As before, this requirement is both important for us to reason about monads and for the compiler to be able to optimize the monad expressions that it generates.

It is also the case monads are not usually formulated in terms of join, but rather a bind operation. This relates back to the IO type constructor were generally we want to take the result of the previous computation and feed it directly into the next computation, that is, do a combined fmap and join operation

bind :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
bind ma amb = join (fmap amb ma)

Given bind it is equally easy to define join, which shows the two are equivalent

join :: m (m a)
join mma = bind mma id

where id is the identity function. The key to understanding this is to realize that the compiler will instantiate the type a in the bind type signature to m a' (a' being a different a) and b to a' as well giving

bind :: m (m a') -> (m a' -> m a') -> m a'

Haskell also provides two operators for bind >>= and >>. The first is just bind and the second is a wrapping of bind that throws away the intermediate result

(>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b
mx >> my = bind mx xmy
    xmy _ = my

With these we can rewrite our earlier example as the more pleasing

input :: IO String
input = getLine

output :: String -> IO ()
output name = putStrLn ("hello " ++ name)

computation :: IO ()
computation = input >>= output


As mentioned earlier, the IO monad solves the problem of sequencing I/O operations in Haskell. It does this by making it explicit behind the scene that an I/O operations is actually a function on the state of the computer

data IO a = RealWorld -> (a, RealWorld)

getLine :: IO String = RealWorld -> (String, RealWorld)
putStrLn :: String -> IO () = String -> RealWorld -> ((), RealWorld)

The programmer then has to be explicit about the required ordering of the operations of their program through the way they thread RealWorld. The induced RealWorld data dependencies also force even a lazy language to evaluate the operations in the given order.

The monad design pattern encapsulates the plumbing of threading the state through these stateful operations. The pointed instances attaches a given value to the state. This allows standard (non-IO) values to be used in IO contexts.

instance Pointed IO where
  pure :: a -> IO a = a -> RealWorld -> (a, RealWorld)
  pure x s = (x,s)

The functor instance arranges for a function to be applied to the result of a stateful operation. This allows standard functions (non-IO) to be used in IO contexts.

instance Functor IO where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> IO a -> IO b = (a -> b) -> (RealWorld -> (a, RealWorld)) -> RealWorld -> (b, RealWorld)
  fmap ab sas s1 = (b,s2)  -- Return b along with the new state
      (a,s2) = sas s1         -- Use input state to get a and the new state
      b = ab a                -- Use function to b from a

The applicative instance combines two stateful operations in order by taking the output state of the first and feeding it into the second. This allows stateful operations to be sequenced.

instance Applicative IO where
  pair :: IO a -> IO b -> IO (a,b) -- (RealWorld -> (a, RealWorld)) -> (RealWorld -> (b, RealWorld)) -> RealWorld -> ((a,b), RealWorld)
  pair ia ib s1 = ((a,b), s3)  -- Return a and b along with the final state
      (a,s2) = ia s1             -- Use input state to get a and the next state
      (b,s3) = ib s2             -- Use next state to get b and the final state

The monad instance feeds the output state of a computation into the results of the computation itself. This allows the next stateful computation to be computed by the current stateful computation.

instance Monad IO where
  join :: IO (IO a) -> IO a -- (RealWorld -> (RealWorld -> (a, RealWorld), RealWorld) -> RealWorld -> (a, RealWorld)
  join iia s1 = (a,s3)  -- Return a along with the final state
      (ia,s2) = iia s1    -- Use input state to get inner IO action along with the next state
      ( a,s3) =  ia s2    -- Use the next state to get a and the final state from the retrieved inner IO action

Returning to our earlier example we had

computation :: IO ()
computation = input >>= output

which, after a lot of tedious substition of the prior defintions, gives

computation :: IO () -- RealWorld -> ((), RealWorld)
computation s1 = ((),s3)
    (x ,s2) = input s1
    ((),s3) = output x s2

By encapsulating this tedious plumbing, the monad design pattern makes our programs both easier to read and write.

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