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planning's Issues

能否为传出及传入连接增加 mark 配置项

在 Linux 上,可以通过 setsockopt SOL_SOCKET, SO_MARK 来给 socket 设置一个 mark,之后这个 socket 发出的所有包都会带上设定的 mark 值。
这个值可以在 iptables/tc/ip rule 中用来匹配流量。

我有一个 VPN,想在 V2Ray 中加一个传出连接来使用这个 VPN。
这时我就可以加一个 freedom 的传出连接,把 mark 设定为 123456。
假设 VPN 的接口是 myvpn,那我可以这么写命令:ip route add default dev myvpn table 114514 && ip rule add fwmark 123456 table 114514

TLS Enhancement: Support "HTTP Public Key Pinning"

Lets Encrypt is a great tool to establish your own PKI but it is not as secure as commercial CA.
Please add support for "HTTP Public Key Pinning" (RFC 7469) to avoid certain risks like MITM attacks with forged certificates.

Wildcard dns host / mutli-record

In some websites, like weibo (in overseas), bilibili, they use the CDN with same IP/IPs.
For example:
In Hong Kong,,,, etc will be resolved to
In Shanghai Telecom, will be resolved to: (= +

Support Wildcard DNS(including Regex Rules), mutli-record(including CIDR).

Support of splitting config file

As people knows V2Ray now have very heavy single-file configuration system which default located /etc/v2ray/config.json. Since the config shows in directory rather than a single file in /etc/ ,maybe it is time to migrate to a multiple file configuration system.

Personnally I recommand the following options.

I. Split the current single file into fixed sections like router.json,inbound.json,outbound.json, etc, directly put into /etc/v2ray/

II. Split as conf.avail and conf.enabled which would support symbol link and much more feature, and could be better supporting multiple users' system.

for example /etc/v2ray/conf.avail/ could have 10-transport.json, 20-router.json, 21-user1.json, 22-user2.json,(could be inbound/outbound detour).

which helps switch state and provide a more dynamic environment.

Personnally prefer option II.

Split DNS logic out of V2Ray core

The existing DNS logic built into V2Ray core has some defects:

  • Only support a tiny subset of DNS functionalities;
  • Difficult to maintain and debug;

Here is a proposal to split the DNS logic into a standalone program.

  • A third party DNS server program will be used, such as CoreDNS.
  • V2Ray core brings up DNS server as a child process when necessary (i.e., user configures to use custom DNS).
  • V2Ray core opens ports (automatically) for redirecting traffic from local DNS server to remote.


  • Full functional DNS.
  • Both UDP and HTTP based DNS queries.
  • Low maintenance cost.

Potential risk:

  • Some V2Ray client may not aware of the extra binary in the package.

Multiplexing on a single connection

Some public web hosting services limit the number of concurrent connections. It would be great that several proxy requests can share TCP connection.

Specification of framework and API / module / plugin?

V2ray seems to be the most promising socks5 proxy framework in terms of modularity. I suppose that V2ray was designed in this way according to this comment. If so, I think it is the right time to take a discussion with other main socks proxy developers, i.e. Shadowsocs devs, to at least make a draft specification of how V2ray framework is made and decide the API for each protocol libraries and plugins. I make this suggestion at this moment for these reasons:

  1. V2ray can keep focus on framework development, and all the protocols (including Vmess, Shadowsocks and other potential protocols) will be able to keep eyes on protocol implementation, rather than building up usable proxy tools and implementing same features like obfs/kcp by themselves. They can simply implement libraries and let v2ray to invoke. It would be easier to implement libvmess, libshadowsocks, libfuturesocks as proxy protocols, and libobfs, libkcp as plugins. V2ray will be a great test bed for them.

  2. Seperating development of framework and protocols / plugins would make future refinement much easier. It is also helpful for developing clients on various platforms.

  3. If the implementations of protocols and plugins strictly follow specifications, it would be less pain in the future to adjust them in v2ray, or even other future frameworks.

  4. Currently, Shadowsocks, the most wide-spread socks proxy protocol, is being in a phase of evolution. While plugins like obfs started just for a short time. It is the best time to talk with other devs and decide how API is made without sacrificing features and/or performance.

Reinforence security by disallowing blind trust of tls certificate and replace it with certificate pinning

Currently, V2Ray allow an InsecureSkipVerify flag on tls config to be set and forgive the certificate issue. And this feature is documented as "This should be used only for testing." However, with the variety of environment and CA problems presented on host, this flag is too often abused and created an systemic security risk.

Since V2Ray cannot show certificate in question upon the certificate error.(Or even impossible to know the exact reason of error on some Android Client), user may enable this flag to solve connectivity issue(it might some time do and hide underlying issue). This can pose significant problem on the security and invisibility of V2Ray connection and even inflict major damage to user should user entrust v2ray with important traffic.

To counteract this issue, I propose follow change to V2Ray as solution:

  • Add "certificate_pinning" field to tlsSetting, which MAY include the SHA3-512 hash of peer certificate
  • Add "publickey_pinning" field to tlsSetting, which MAY include the SHA3-512 hash of peer certificate public key
  • Add "certificate_chain_pinning" field to tlsSetting, which MAY include the SHA3-512 hash of peer certificate authority OR one of the certificate in certificate trust chain
  • Remove allowInsecure from json configure and ignored or set to reserve in pb config.
  • When dialing tls connection, if ANY of certificate_pinning publickey_pinning certificate_chain_pinning is set, InsecureSkipVerify flag is set. After dial and before any data is sent, is retrieved and verify against ALL of certificate_pinning publickey_pinning certificate_chain_pinning spec. Abort connection if ANY of verification is failed. And display certificate info of peer.
  • Does not and discourage of any client to automate the process of adding trust to certificate without verifying the ownership of private key. This include showing the the SHA3-512 hash of peer certificate.(Client MAY show the SHA2-256 hash of certificate), but NOT include allow user to select the certificate allow from filesystem.
  • If any tls inbound is configured, AFTER the listen, the SHA3-512 hash of certificate and public key is printed. (This ensure the server have the private key)
  • v2ctl or configure generate tool MAY generate the SHA3-512 hash of any certificate uploaded or on filesystem, but MUST NOT allow user to harvest the certificate or its hash by attempting connection.

The reason for choosing SHA3-512 as hash algo is that currently no tool can automate the process of generating such an hash and user must export it to filesystem before generate the hash, which is not significantly easier than copy the hash of CA or certificate from server, which encourage user to discover certificate issue and found out underlying reason and not comprise long term interest of user in exchange of dangerous convenience.

Protocol (http/https) based Routing

When using Blackhole outbound to block access, there's an option "type": "http" to return a HTTP 403 response. This works great for http requests, browser shows:

You don't have authorization to view this page.

but wouldn't work so well for others, for example https requests would get error like

This site can’t provide a secure connection sent an invalid response.
Try running Windows Network Diagnostics.

To workaround this, I had to make a duplication of my routing config (to blackhole) with an addition condition "port": "80" , so only access to port 80 gets HTTP 403. But although 80 is the common port for http, there are http servers out there using other ports.

So, is it possible to add a new routing condition that is protocol based so it matches http requests on non-80 port as well?

Another usage of this kind of routing I can think of is: when using a unsafe network like public WiFi, direct connects for https while proxy for http to protect privacy.




  "strategy": "rules",
  "domainStrategy": "AsIs",
  "settings": {
    "rules": [
        "type": "field",
        "domainFile": "/path/to/domainlist.txt", //域名文件
        "outboundTag": "direct"

domainlist.txt  #允许使用v2ray的域名匹配关键字


Embedded web server

embedded web server for serving static files (at least). This make it easier to set up local pac server for browsers.

Add Support for libucl like configure file, and make new parser adherence to protobuf definition and eliminate additional intermediate progressing step

对于libucl类的配置文件,golang 有自己的支持库



Domain sniffing for HTTP and HTTPS connections

In the VPN scenario, client can't use SOCKS protocol with remote domain resolution, because all the traffic are send as IP packets. The DNS resolution happens before SOCKS.

Due to local DNS cache and DNS poisoning, the client may already have a poisoned DNS result before connecting to VPN. A workaround for this issue is to parse HTTP and HTTPS header to get the domain address of the request, and use the domain instead of the IP for the proxy request.


From v2ray-core created by lbp0200 : v2ray/v2ray-core#760

  1. 你正在使用哪个版本的 V2Ray?3.0.1

  2. 你的使用场景是什么?使用 V2Ray自带DNS 路由功能

  3. 你看到的不正常的现象是什么?自带DNS解析域名到国外

  4. 你期待看到的正确表现是怎样的?自带DNS通过google DNS的enet功能,将国内CDN域名根据客户端IP解析到最近的IP,,edns_client_subnet参数

  5. 请附上你的配置(提交 Issue 前请隐藏服务器端IP地址)。

      "dns": {
    "servers": [
  "routing": {
    "strategy": "rules",
    "settings": {
      "domainStrategy": "IPIfNonMatch",
      "rules": [
          "type": "field",
          "ip": [
          "outboundTag": "direct"
          "type": "chinaip",
          "outboundTag": "direct"
  1. 请附上出错时软件输出的错误日志。在 Linux 中,日志通常在 /var/log/v2ray/error.log 文件中。

  2. 请附上访问日志。在 Linux 中,日志通常在 /var/log/v2ray/error.log 文件中。

   2017/12/04 13:10:41 [Debug]App|DNS|Server: handling response for id 58305 content: ;; opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 58305
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 9, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

;	IN	 A

;; ANSWER SECTION:	188	IN	CNAME	299	IN	A	299	IN	A	299	IN	A	299	IN	A	299	IN	A	299	IN	A	299	IN	A	299	IN	A

Mux 和 access.log 的问题






V2Ray RFC: V2Ray Pipe Transport Proposal

V2Ray is designed to be a flexible network tool for developers. However, in term of developer friendliness it have suffered a bad reputation as being hard to master both for user and third-party developers.

Here, I would like to propose a new stub transport that is intended to reduce the difficulty for developing a transport for V2Ray, and remove the necessity of commitment for development. Pipe transport use operating system’s fork and/or unix domain socket capability. Allowing developer to experiment with new technology of transport with the need of worrying about V2Ray’s internal API change or framework, making it easier to use V2Ray in combination of other tools. For some tool that cannot integrate with V2Ray’s build infrastructure and other quality control constraints, this will make it easier to distribute third-party developer’s work without reducing v2ray-core’s code base standard.

Pipe transport can works as both an inbound transport and an outbound transport.

For inbound transport, only unix domain socket mode is available. V2Ray will listen for an unix domain socket and service at this domain socket. It is possible to set an file mode when specifying this file. An fatal error will be raise if this file location is inaccessible to V2Ray.

For outbound transport, two mode will be available, fork mode and unix domain socket mode. It is always recommended to use unix domain socket mode whenever possible. While in fork mode, a command is executed and use standard input and standard output as a bidirectional pipe. No additional information for host being connected is provided but argument for exec can be specified. Failed to exec the file is an error for V2Ray. When the process quit, the connection is considered ended. For unix domain socket, a unix domain socket file is connected when an outbound transmit is needed. If the connect is failed, a error will be raised.

Because of the absent of support for unix domain socket in windows environment, pipe transport can only act as an outbound transport in windows environment.

Pipe transport can be used as an easy method for configure an transport for experimenting with new technology with V2Ray without risking breaking anything or be forced to match an merging window.

Pipe transport’s behavior is consistent with proxy command or standard domain socket practice. This will help this new transport to use as many existing tool in unix style as possible. (V2Ray pipe should able to work with ncat out of box.)

This RFC have been preliminarily approved by V2Ray’s maintainer.


希望在 Freedom 中加入配置规则,IPv4 优先/ IPv6 优先

从目前代码中看,freedom 对 UseIP 的选项下的地址选取是随机从 DNS 解析的结果选一个,而不考虑命中freedom outbound 的路由匹配规则使用的地址。这就会出现写了“若为 ipv6 地址则通过 freedom 发出”的规则,而实际通过 freedom 发出了 ipv4 包。

在国内高校普遍实行 ipv4 收费 ipv6 免费的现状下,有对两种流量分别处理的需求。

提出此 plan 的起因在此处有更详细介绍:v2ray/discussion#36

Proposal: Standard of URL Scheme for VMess Configurations


Currently, different v2ray clients use various formats of vmess:// URL scheme, which caused a lot confusion and incompatibility. It is suggested to provide a standard of vmess:// URL scheme, like Shadowsocks SIP002, in order to enhance exchange of configurations, thus simplify the configuration process. Additionally, it is better to have only connection-related informations in the standard, as most v2ray users may configure routing and other stuffs on their own.


URI = "vmess://" + userInfo + "@" + host + ":" + port + ["/"] + urlParams
userInfo = websafe-base64-encode-utf8(uid  ":" alterId)

if alterId = 0, it can be omitted with its leading colon before encode.

URL Params

name description
network tcp/kcp/ws
tcpHeader tcp header in JSON
kcp* kcp configurations
kcpHeaderType kcp header type
wsPath WebSocket Path
wsHost WebSocket Host
wsHeaders WebSocket Headers in JSON
tls 0/1, 0 for false and 1 for true
tlsServerName TLS server name
tlsAllowInsecure 0/1, 0 for false and 1 for true

Use MUX to fetch data from mutiple server

It would be nice to have this feature...

If we can fetch data from mutiple server then we can achieve a very high link speed through link aggregation as well as enhance link stability.

In poor network condition, this feature can become very useful.


新版本程式可能带有一些新的 bug 修复、性能提升等;但是“总有用户不喜欢更新”,希望能增加一个在启动 v2ray instance 前检测 v2ray 是否有最新版本,如果有,则进行更新的程序。

  • 对于获取新版本号,可以使用 github API

  • 对于下载不顺畅的地区,可以在 JSON 中增加传递给 v2ray 更新程序的 socks 代理信息(或许可以通过用户已配置在 JSON 中、可用的 inbound socks 代理),v2ray 更新程序通过此代理下载新版程式。


V2Ray will provide SDK in the following languages:

  • C#
  • Java
  • Objective C
  • PHP

With following functionalities:

  • Protobuf-based config serialization
  • gRPC server for receiving events
  • gRPC client for manipulating V2Ray



HTTP、MTProto、Socks、VMess 等协议都支持多用户配置,同时可以区分用户 Email 统计流量,但是用户都是这些协议单独配置的,如果可以抽象出用户,对用户统一管理,可能会更加符合 V2Ray 的平台的定位。

V2Ray.Com Upgrade Requirement

The website needs to grow as the project grows. Requirements are:

  1. Static site.
    1. All content must be committed Github.
    2. No privacy issue like password.
  2. Dynamic multiple sections.
    1. Each section for one component in V2Ray, such as core, UI client, configurator, etc.
    2. Each section may have its own sub-menu.
  3. Morden design.
    1. Support major browser and mobile.
    2. Good support for displaying source code on the website.
    3. Good support for links to a particular section or sub-section.
    4. Good support for multiple languages.
  4. Easy generation from source code to website
    1. Preferably based on existing, well-maintained website engine.


目前v2ray 已经支持了一部分api了, 但是官网上说得实在太简单, 网上也没有什么相关内容。有没有可能做出类似于监听某个端口, 请求127.0.0.1的这个端口就返回所有的数据…就像v2rayX的view config.json只需要访问127.0.0.1:8070/config.json就行了一样?

匹配 geoip 规则时可以选择从磁盘上搜索读取数据

现在 geoip 是启动时把记录解析为 ip 规则,全部加载到内存中,这样做会耗费较多内存,特别是有好多 geoip 规则的情况,比如下面这个配置:

                    "type": "field",
                    "ip": [
                    "outboundTag": "proxy"

MaxMind 的 geoip 数据库提供了一种二进制数据文件格式: ,用这样的方式去读取性能上对于客户端来说可以满足,也几乎不会耗费内存,对于移动端来说还是很有意义的,golang 也有一些开源的实现,比如这个:

Request to support fallback

For illegal requests, return a fake page through fallback like shadowsocks.
Even if it is only supported to connect to the local port, it's useful.




        // RootCAs defines the set of root certificate authorities
        // that clients use when verifying server certificates.
        // If RootCAs is nil, TLS uses the host's root CA set.
        RootCAs *x509.CertPool



Support compression

It will be nice if v2ray can use real-time compression like lz4 to save some bandwidth.

Vmess: Separate time difference error in log

Currently, if the client time differs from the server time, the server will log the error as "invalid user". It would be better to separate this from a real "invalid user" error, to make it easier for debugging, as well as for writing exclusive rules for log parsers like fail2ban.







  • 只有经过授权的用户才可以获取通知;
  • 通知的内容无法被破解,即使其已被截获;


  1. 服务商必须预先准备服务器的连接信息。
  2. 服务商必须提供一个 HTTPS 地址 A 用于客户端获取服务器更新的信息。
  3. 服务商必须提供一种方式 B,用于让用户获取 A 的访问令牌。B 可以是 A 的一部分。
  4. 用户可以定期向 B 发送请求,以获取最新的令牌。
  5. 服务商在验证用户的有效性之后,向用户发送令牌。令牌可能会在一段时间后过期。
  6. 在拥有令牌之后,用户可以向 A 发送请求以获取最新的服务器信息。


  1. 令牌可以减轻 A 的负担,即服务器只需要验证令牌的有效性,而不必实时连接后端数据库来获取用户信息。
  2. 令牌可用于隐藏 A 的地址。当令牌中包含服务器地址时,只有有效的用户才可以获得 A 的地址。


服务器 A


服务器 A 必须提供 HTTPS 的访问,并且配备有效的 TLS 证书。


服务器提供以下的 API:

GET /api/server/endpoint



vultr全线被pixiv ban了


ios 的kitsunebi使用core,会频繁的断,作者说是内存太大,希望core优化,减少内存,能适应ios的使用

IP 包伪装

有些 IPS 会对流量较大的 UDP 包进行 QoS 1,导致的现象就是 客户端上行100%丢包 下行照常,但是 ping 包倒是能正常到达。
于是我试了试运行多个 ping 以1ms的速度发包,十几分钟后仍然能接收到来自服务器的 ping reply。初步判断这个 ISP 不会对 ICMP echo-reply 进行 QoS。
总结一下 IP包(ICMP 伪装) 的优点:

  1. 有效载荷(payload)比例不会太低
  2. 可以过(bypass)一些针对大流量 UDP 包的 QoS


  1. Kcp用着用着偶尔就会断开{伪解决方案} #228

为日志增加一个 RequestID/TraceID

增加 RequestID/TraceID 后日志看起来或许会像下面这样,这样的好处是可以从日志当中过滤某个代理请求相关的所有日志,调试时比较方便。

[Info] [b9j4bus6fpbhca5rl4u0]: Proxy|Socks: TCP Connect request to tcp:
[Debug] [b9j4bus6fpbhca5rl4tg]: Proxy|Socks: writing back UDP response with 48 bytes
[Debug] [b9j4bus6fpbhca5rl4sg]: Proxy|Socks: writing back UDP response with 53 bytes
[Info] [b9j4bus6fpbhca5rl4u0]: App|Dispatcher: sniffed domain:
[Info] [b9j4bus6fpbhca5rl4u0]: App|Router: looking for IP for domain:
[Debug] []: App|DNS: add pending request id 54127
[Info] [b9j4bus6fpbhca5rl4u0]: App|DNS: dispatch IP lookup process to another request: [b9j4bus6fpbhca5rl4ug]
[Debug] [b9j4bus6fpbhca5rl4ug]: Transport|Internet|UDP: dispatch request to: udp:
[Info] [b9j4bus6fpbhca5rl4ug]: Transport|Internet|UDP: establishing new connection for udp:
[Info] [b9j4bus6fpbhca5rl4ug]: App|Dispatcher: taking detour [proxy] for [udp:]
[Info] [b9j4bus6fpbhca5rl4ug]: App|Proxyman|Mux: dispatching request to udp:





Support TCP connect aggregation

SoftEther VPN has a unique feature called TCP connect aggregation. It will mix multiple physical TCP connection into a logical connection to increase the throughput. I think v2ray should implement this feature to improve connection speed.

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