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bule's Issues

More information in Error for debugging : line numbers

For certain errors Bule does not output info needed for tracing the problem like line number and file name.



#ground a[12]. 

a[Y] :: #ground b[X]. 

running Bule outputs:

Fatal error: exception Bule2.Circuit.UnboundVar("X")

missing line number and more.

Running bule2 with introduction examples creates infinite loop.

when running bule2 --solve --models 0 graph_colouring_basic.bul wtih unchanged graph_colouring_basic.bul
output is

Instance ground. Starts solving
Model 1: ~set_a_blue ~set_a_green ~set_a_red ~set_e_blue ~set_e_green ~set_e_red

If running bule2 --solve --models 0 graph_colouring_basic.bul --solver minisat, the output is as expected

Instance ground. Starts solving
Model 1: ~set_a_blue ~set_a_green  set_a_red ~set_e_blue  set_e_green ~set_e_red
Model 2: ~set_a_blue ~set_a_green  set_a_red  set_e_blue ~set_e_green ~set_e_red
Model 3: ~set_a_blue  set_a_green ~set_a_red ~set_e_blue ~set_e_green  set_e_red
Model 4: ~set_a_blue  set_a_green ~set_a_red  set_e_blue ~set_e_green ~set_e_red
Model 5:  set_a_blue ~set_a_green ~set_a_red ~set_e_blue  set_e_green ~set_e_red
Model 6:  set_a_blue ~set_a_green ~set_a_red ~set_e_blue ~set_e_green  set_e_red
No more models. Total: 6 displayed models out of 6 models.

Alternative notation for quantifiers

I'd like to be able to write #E[T] :: var[T] as an alternative to #exists[T] :: var[T], same with #A[T] instead of #forall[T]. This is shorter and no less readable because we are used to $\exists$ and $\forall$ in mathematics.

bule dimacs doesn't seem to work

bule dimacs sample.bul returns

c dimacs grounding called.
prepare with args
p cnf 10 2
e 5 8 9 2 3 4 6 7 10 11 0 
dom[c]. | .
#exists | [0] |  | all[X] |  | all[Y] |  | dom[Z] | :: | q(X | Y | Z)?.

the sample.bul file contains:

  dom[X] :: all[X].
  mom[X] :: all[X].
  #exists [0], all[X], all[Y], dom[Z] :: q(X,Y,Z)?
  dom[X], mom[Y] :: dom[Z] : q(X,Y,Z).
  dom[X], dom[Y] :: q(X,Y,c) | q(Y,X,b).

Display more information from the original unground program

Problem: Given a ground clause it can be hard to find out from which Bule rule it came from. I start to comment out Rules and see how the ground program changes.

Easy and very useful information:
Before every set of ground clauses display the original Bule Rule in a comment

For example, this program:

#ground dom[1], dom[2], dom[3].

dom[X] :: #forall[X] varA(X). 
dom[X] :: #exists[X] varE(X). 

dom[A] :: varA(A) | dom[E] : varE(E). 
dom[E],dom[A] :: ~varE(E) | varA(A). 

The result from bule test.bul --origin would be:

%% dom[X] :: #forall[X] varA(X). 
%% generates 3 universal variables
%% dom[X] :: #exists[X] varE(X). 
%% generates 3 existential variables 
#forall[0] varA(1).
#exists[1] varE(1).
#forall[2] varA(2).
#exists[3] varE(2).
#forall[4] varA(3).
#exists[5] varE(3).

%% dom[A] :: varA(A) | dom[E] : varE(E). 
%% grounds to 3 clauses: 
 varA(1) |  varE(1) |  varE(2) |  varE(3).
 varA(2) |  varE(1) |  varE(2) |  varE(3).
 varA(3) |  varE(1) |  varE(2) |  varE(3).

%%  dom[E],dom[A] :: ~varE(E) | varA(A). 
%% grounds to 9 clauses: 
~varE(1) |  varA(1).
~varE(1) |  varA(2).
~varE(1) |  varA(3).
~varE(2) |  varA(1).
~varE(2) |  varA(2).
~varE(2) |  varA(3).
~varE(3) |  varA(1).
~varE(3) |  varA(2).
~varE(3) |  varA(3).

Bule command not working


So in the instructions for set up, commands such as bule list and bule add is not working. Specifically, the error message is:

Command 'bule' not found, did you mean:

command 'buble' from deb node-buble (0.19.8-8)

Try: sudo apt install

I know that the commands are stored in cmd directory but how can I install bule to make it source these files?

Flag to remove solver output


Just wondering if there is an optional flag to suppress the output as shown below. If not, is there any possibility that this can be created soon?


Ship a QBF solver with Bule2.

Minisiat is provided for pure SAT formulas, but Bule2 can only generate DIMACS for QBF formulas and cannot drive a solver. It is desirable to have a solver embedded to be able to nicely print the models.

Let bule read from stdin

Many unix commands can read their input from the standard input channel. It would be nice for bule to allow that too.

For example cat file1.bul file2.bul | bule file3.bul or, alternatively use - as a signal for stdin reading cat file1.bul file2.bul | bule file3.bul -.

(this is not so useful with piping from cat as bule can take many files as input already, but it can be useful with grep or bule2 input).

Introduce error detection mechanism in the grounding

Something similar to assertions in other languages, for instance running bule2 on the following code

:: dom[X], bad[X] :: #fail.

should produce an error message (because of X=3) and stop grounding. This makes it possible to detect errors in the grounding process or in parameters files.

Similarly, we could introduce a dual keyword for grounding that needs to take place.

:: dom[X], need[X] :: #required.

should produce an error message because of X=4 missing.

Introdiuce Bule solve option to avoid printing variable assigned false

Running bule2 --solve --models 0 test.bule2 on file containing:

#exists[0] x.
#exists[0] y.
#exists[0] z.
x | y.

Returns the following output:

Model 1: ~x  y ~z
Model 2:  x ~y ~z
Model 3:  x  y ~z

I would like bule2 option so that the output is:

Model 1:  y 
Model 2:  x  
Model 3:  x  y 

Using wrong brackets: better error message

Currently, following program

#ground v(1).

results in this error message:

Fatal error: exception Invalid_argument("Parser error. In file error.bul, at line 6, column 9: syntax error. <YOUR SYNTAX ERROR MESSAGE HERE>\n (error 56)")

Better error message:

Line 1, wrong usage of parenthesis for extensional atom. Please use brackets.

Single literals giving unexpected results

dom[X] :: all[X].
mom[X] :: all[X].
#exists [0], all[X], all[Y], dom[Z] :: q(X,Y,Z)?
dom[X], mom[Y] :: dom[Z] : q(X,Y,Z).
dom[X], dom[Y] :: q(X,Y,c) | q(Y,X,b).

In this code block, I have explicitly mentioned q(c,e,c) to be true but it comes out to be false. This isn't just the case here, it happens every time. Single literals are not getting implemented correctly.

bule solve sample.bul return :

C program grounded in 32.605973ms.
This is a QBF problem
Using a QBF solver instance 'depqbf --no-dynamic-nenofex --qdo'
Solving. . .

-------- Solver output ----- 
2021/06/12 12:04:01 solver>>  s cnf 1 75 15
-------- Solver output end ----- 

BUG: Comments not properly handled

Comments for solvers are improperly handled.

Modified bule2/lib/ to fix the issue:

Below is the code from line 24:
let input_lines inp =
let l = ref [] in
while true do l := input_line inp :: !l done
with End_of_file -> ());
List.rev !l

let isnt_comment line =
String.length line > 0 && line.[0] <> 'c'

let run_process cmd dimacs =
let inp, out = Unix.open_process cmd in
fprintf out "%s%!" (Dimacs.Print.qbf_file dimacs);
close_out out;
let lines = input_lines inp in
close_in inp;
let lines = List.filter isnt_comment lines in
parse_output lines

Variables in domains not matching

This issue is similar to #26 (comment)

#ground d_t[a, f(a)].
#ground d_t[b, f(b)].

d_t[X, f(X)] :: m(X).

produces no grounding result. By changing the clause to:

d_t[X, f(X_1)], X == X_1 :: m(X).

We get the grounding result


performance test 1

This program generate 360000 facts, but gets a stackoverflow error when called with --facts

#ground p[1..600].  
p[X], p[Y] :: #ground q[X,Y,X+Y].

with p[1..500] it manages to ground and print the facts.

order of arithemtic expression matter

following program gives an error message: Fatal error: exception Failure("Error: variable X is unbound in an arithmetical expression when grounding p[X \\+ 1].")

#ground p[1], t[2].                                                                                                                       
p[X+1], p[X] :: #ground q[X]. 

it works correctly if order in the generator is swapped:

#ground p[1], t[2].                                                                                                                       
p[X], p[X+1]  :: #ground q[X]. 

Allow for Implication `->` in the Clauses

Allow for simple Implications => in the Clause. Left part of implication is separated by & , and right party by | .
Iterators ground straight forward generate & on the left, and | on the right. Only one level term rewriting.

rule :: <generator> <RuleSep>  <iterator> ( <AND> <iterator> ) *  <Implication>  <iterator> ( <OR> <iterator> )* <EndRule> 

<generator> :: <factOrConstraint> ( , <factOrConstraint>)  
<iterator> :: <factOrConstraint> ( , <factOrConstraint>)  : <literal>

literal :: (~  | <atom>) 


dom[X], dom[Y], X==Y ::
        ~q(X) &
        dom[X], dom[Y], X > Y : vale(X)  
        q(Y) |
        dom[Z] : r(Y,Z).

Thanks to

Introduce "bule2 --blame"

For given grounding files, and a given model not satisfying the corresponding formula, identify which clauses are not satisfied by the model. Ideally, we would also identify the lifted clauses.

fix output syntax

this is old:

#exists[0] :: set(e,red)?
#exists[0] :: set(e,green)?

should be :

#exists[0] set(e,red).
#exists[0] set(e,green).

and with issue ... it could be:

#exists set(e,red).
#exists set(e,green).

Variables within functions not matching in Bule2

Given the following Bule2 example:

d_colored1[color(va, red)].
d_colored1[color(vb, red)].
:: d_colored[Vv] :: colored(Vv) -> : d_colored1[color(Vv, Vc)] : colored1(color(Vv, Vc)).

It produces the grounding result:

colored(va) -> .
colored(vb) -> .

The expected grounding would be:

colored(va) -> colored1(color(va, red)).
colored(vb) -> colored1(color(vb, red)).

By changing the Bule2 rule to:

:: d_colored[Vv] :: colored(Vv) -> : d_colored1[color(V1, Vc)], V1 == Vv : colored1(color(V1, Vc)).

The grounding produces the expected result. This problem appears to only happen with variables within functions. e.g.

Generate clauses of which

The following program should not generate any unit clauses:

#ground f[1],f[2],f[3]. 
f[X] :: var(X). 

Bule grounds this to:

Warning. Undeclared variables: var(1) var(2) var(3)


It's good that it notifies that clauses are generated of which no variables are introduced.
In my opinion it should not generate the clauses at all.

For example:

#ground f[1],f[2].     
f[X] :: #exists[0] foo(X).  
f[X] :: bar(X) | foo(X). 

In my opinion it should not generate the clauses.

Alternative option: it generates the clauses with the atoms that have been introduced.

bule version

bule --version or bule version should provide the current version.

Introduce a #show command

Currently there is just a #hide command which stops search variables front being show in stdout when solving / grounding.

It would be helpful to have a #show command where only variables with #show in front of them are shown.

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