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api's Introduction

This repository has changed, left here for old clients only who are still using it. Please refer to our new version of the API

Vibetrace API

This document describes the Vibetrace API which offers clients realtime recommendations based on user events.

Please refer to this document for an up-to-date api documentation and submit your feature requests, bugs or errors in this repo's issue tracker.


This document uses the following notations:

  • app to specify the client of the Vibetrace API. This is you.
  • item to specify the unit that is tracked and/or recommened by our server. This could be a product in an ecommerce site, etc.
  • user to specify the user of the app. This could be a shopper on an online store, etc.

The latest version of the api is v3. Previous versions will soon be deprecated.

The API closely follows RESTful principles and exposes two types of resources: items and events.

The API base endpoint is where :appId is the APP_ID string received upon registration.

The API data format, both for payloads and responses, is JSON

Response Types

Standard HTTP response codes are used:

  1. 200 Ok - returned by successful GET/PUT requests.
  2. 201 Created - returned by succesfull POST requests.
  3. 204 No Content - returned by successfull DELETE requests to show that the resource is now deleted.
  4. 400 Bad Request - returned when a request is badly formatted or has incorrect parameters.
  5. 401 Unauthorized - returned by all http methods when auth credentials are missing or are wrong.
  6. 403 Forbidden - returned by all http methods when the client is authenticated but he does not have access to the requested resource.
  7. 404 Not Found - returned by all http methods when the resource specified in the URI does not exist.
  8. 500 Internal Server Error - returned by all http methods when an error has occured on Vibetrace servers. Please report these errors at [email protected]


All Vibetrace API traffic must be done via HTTPS and using Basic HTTP authentication

An APP_ID, API_KEY and API_SECRET will be generated upon app registration. Keep them safe!

Basic HTTP Authorization is required for most API calls. Make sure you add the following http header to the endpoints that require it:

Authorization: Basic aHR0cHdhdGNoOmY=

Where aHR0cHdhdGNoOmY= is an example of a base64 encoded string formed like so: API_KEY:API_SECRET

401 Unauthorized Http Error will be returned if the Authorization header is not supplied or if it contains incorrect credentials.


Allows apps to upload/inspect/modify/remove items of interest.

Upload Item

  1. POST
  • Accept: application/json

  • Content-Type: application/json

  • uploads a new item to Vibetrace Data Store.

  • payload should be a simple JSON'd object where the following fields are mandatory:

    @param {Object} item - the body of the http request should be a JSON object.
    @param {String} [] - REQUIRED app's unique identifier for the particular item. Needed in the `events` endpoint to identify an event's item.
    @param {String} [] - REQUIRED item's name
    @param {String} [item.category] - REQUIRED item's category
    @param {String} [item.url] - REQUIRED item's URL, needs to be unique, no two products can have the same url.
    @param {String} [item.image] - REQUIRED item's image URL
    @param {String} [item.description] - REQUIRED item's description
    @param {Number} [item.price] - REQUIRED item's standard price in EURO
    @param {String} [item.location] - OPTIONAL item's standard price in EURO
  • NOTE all properties that are not specified in the signature above will be ignored.

  • if payload is not correct, a 400 Bad Request is returned, together with a detailed error payload in json format.

  • if successful, the response will be 201 Created, and the payload of the response is a json representation of the resource.

  • a successful POST response payload returns the same data as the request payload and has the following signature:

    @param {Object} item - the body of the response
    @param {String} []
    @param {String} []
    @param {String} [item.category]
    @param {String} [item.url]
    @param {String} [item.image]
    @param {String} [item.description]
    @param {Number} [item.price]
    @param {String} [item.location]
  • below is an example of using curl for creating a new item:

    curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --user "Cf4S4qrr/OSKzKMl3Tm/NTMECRM=:U1tfKBtyJstc+LqOUem99YkI1hM=" --data-binary '{"id":"1","name":"product1", "category": "category1", "url": "", "image": "", "description": "product1 in category1", "price": 100, "location": "Romania"}'
  • the response for the above request is:

       "description":"product1 in category1",

Retrieve Item

  1. GET
  • Accept: application/json

  • usefull to inspect a previously uploaded item

  • for :itemId use the id specified when the item was created. Note that it's the app's responsability to make sure these id's are accurate. This API will only check for it's uniqueness.

  • if no resource with the specified :itemId and a matching :appId is found, the response will be 404 Not Found.

  • if successfull, the response will be 200 Ok and the payload will be a JSON of the document initially uploaded.

  • the response has the following signature:

    @param {Object} item - the body of the response
    @param {String} []
    @param {String} []
    @param {String} [item.category]
    @param {String} [item.url]
    @param {String} [item.image]
    @param {String} [item.description]
    @param {Number} [item.price]
    @param {String} [item.location]
  • below is an example of using curl to inspect an existing item by it's id:

    curl --request GET --header "Accept: application/json" --user "Cf4S4qrr/OSKzKMl3Tm/NTMECRM=:U1tfKBtyJstc+LqOUem99YkI1hM="
  • the response for the above request is:

      "id": "1",
      "name": "product1",
      "category": "category1",
      "url": "",
      "image": "",
      "description": "product1 in category1",
      "price": 100,
      "location": "Bucuresti"

Check Item

  1. HEAD
  • usefull for checking if a item identified by :itemId exists and belongs to an app identified by :appId.

  • this endpoint returns 200 if such an item exists or 404 if it doesn't.

  • NOTE This endpoint does not require HTTP Basic Auth, meaning you can request this resource without authentication.

  • below is an example of using curl to issue a HEAD request.

    curl --request HEAD

Update Item

  1. PUT
  • Accept: application/json

  • Content-Type: application/json

  • usefull to updating the properties of an existing item in the Vibetrace Data Store.

  • for :itemId use the id specified when the item was created. Note that it's the app's responsability to make sure these id's are accurate. This API will only check for it's uniqueness.

  • NOTE you cannot update the id of an item, the id property will be ignored. !You cannot change the id of an item.

  • NOTE when updating the url of an item, make sure it's unique within the domain of items synchronized with vibetrace.

  • if successful, the response will be 200 Ok and the new resource will be returned as json.

  • accepted payload is similar to the POST request, here's the payload signature:

    @param {Object} item - the body of the response
    @param {String} []
    @param {String} [item.category]
    @param {String} [item.url]
    @param {String} [item.image]
    @param {String} [item.description]
    @param {Number} [item.price]
    @param {String} [item.location]
  • NOTE all properties that are not specified in the signature above will be ignored.

  • below is an example of using curl for updating an existing item:

    curl --request PUT --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Accept: application/json" --user "Cf4S4qrr/OSKzKMl3Tm/NTMECRM=:U1tfKBtyJstc+LqOUem99YkI1hM=" --data-binary '{"category": "category2"}'
  • the response will be

       "description":"product1 in category1",

Delete Item

  • usefull when an item is no longer in the app's collection and should be removed from Vibetrace's recommendation engine.

  • for :itemId use the id specified when the item was created. Note that it's the app's responsability to make sure these id's are accurate. This API will only check for it's uniqueness.

  • if sucessful, the response will be 204 No Content to notify the app that the resource no longer exists

  • NOTE For reasons of efficiency, this method does not check if the item exists. If it doesn't it will still return 204 No Content.

  • below is an example of using curl to delete an existing item:

    curl --request DELETE  --user "Cf4S4qrr/OSKzKMl3Tm/NTMECRM=:U1tfKBtyJstc+LqOUem99YkI1hM="
  • the response payload will be empty


Allows apps to register user's events with Vibetrace and to receive recommendations in real-time based on this and previous events.

App can only write events to Vibetrace, thus only POST endpoints are exposed.

NOTE The app is responsable to make sure the information sent to Vibetrace is accurate. Sending inconsistent values will result in poor recommendations. If you encounter dificulties, please contact us at [email protected]

View Item

  1. POST
  • Accept: application/json

  • Content-Type: application/json

  • registers an viewItem event on Vibetrace. Events are unique and immutable.

  • this endpoint requires ID's for current user, session and item. This way Vibetrace keeps track of user sessions and viewed items.

  • the payload is a JSON object with the following signature:

    @param {Object} payload - the body of the http request should be a JSON object.
    @param {String} [payload.userId] - OPTIONAL, unique identifier for the app's user. Only for registered users. This allows vibetrace to track users' preferences across multiple sessions.
    @param {String} [payload.sessionId] - REQUIRED, unique identifier for the user's session.
    @param {String} [payload.itemId] - REQUIRED, unique identifier of the added item. This id **must** be already declared and syncd with Vibetrace using the `/items` API. This endpoint will return 400 otherwise.
    @param {String} [payload.referer] - OPTIONAL, url of the referer site, only relevant when the url is external. Vibetrace parses the referral page to extract further information about the user's interests.
  • if successful, it returns 201 Created status code with an empty http body.

Code examples

  • below is an example of using curl for creating a new viewitem event:

    curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json"  --user "Cf4S4qrr/OSKzKMl3Tm/NTMECRM=:U1tfKBtyJstc+LqOUem99YkI1hM=" --data-binary '{"referer": "", "sessionId": "1", "itemId": "1", "userId": "1"}'
  • using the Vibetrace Javascript Sdk:

            'viewitem': {
                userId: 'unique-user-id',
                itemId: 'unique-item-id',
                sessionId: 'unique-session-id'

View Category

  1. POST
  • Accept: application/json

  • Content-Type: application/json

  • registers an viewCategory event on Vibetrace which means the user is on a category page.

  • this endpoint requires ID's for current user, session and category. This way Vibetrace keeps track of user sessions and viewed categories.

  • the payload is a JSON object with the following signature:

    @param {Object} payload - the body of the http request should be a JSON object.
    @param {String} [payload.userId] - OPTIONAL, unique identifier for the app's user. Only for registered users. This allows vibetrace to track users' preferences across multiple sessions.
    @param {String} [payload.sessionId] - REQUIRED, unique identifier for the user's session.
    @param {String} [payload.category] - REQUIRED, unique identifier of the category being viewed. This should be the same string as the one supplied when adding items to vibetrace in the `category` field of the POST `/items` endpoint.
    @param {String} [payload.referer] - OPTIONAL, url of the referer site, only relevant when the url is external. Vibetrace parses the referral page to extract further information about the user's interests.
  • if successful, it returns 201 Created status code with an empty http body.

Code examples

  • below is an example of using curl for creating a new viewitem event:

    curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json"  --user "Cf4S4qrr/OSKzKMl3Tm/NTMECRM=:U1tfKBtyJstc+LqOUem99YkI1hM=" --data-binary '{"referer": "", "sessionId": "1", "categoryId": "1", "userId": "1"}'
  • using the Vibetrace Javascript Sdk:

            'viewcategory': {
                userId: 'unique-user-id',
                category: 'unique-category-id',
                sessionId: 'unique-session-id'


  1. POST
  • Accept: application/json

  • Content-Type: application/json

  • registers a search event on Vibetrace. Events are unique and immutable.

  • use this endpoint to let Vibetrace know what the user is searching for on your site and allows the app to make personalized recommendations to the user.

  • this endpoint requires ID's for current user, session. This way Vibetrace keeps track of user sessions.

  • the payload is a JSON object with the following signature:

    @param {Object} payload - the body of the http request should be a JSON object.
    @param {String} [payload.userId] - OPTIONAL, unique identifier for the app's user. Only for registered users. This allows vibetrace to track users' preferences across multiple sessions.
    @param {String} [payload.sessionId] - REQUIRED, unique identifier for the user's session.
    @param {String} [payload.query] - REQUIRED, the string introduced in the query input.
    @param {String} [payload.referer] - OPTIONAL, url of the referer site, only relevant when the url is external. Vibetrace parses the referral page to extract further information about the user's interests.
  • if successful, it returns 201 Created status code with an empty http body.

Code examples

  • below is an example of using curl for creating a new search event:

    curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json"  --user "Cf4S4qrr/OSKzKMl3Tm/NTMECRM=:U1tfKBtyJstc+LqOUem99YkI1hM=" --data-binary '{"query": "awesome product", "referer": "", "sessionId": "1", "userId": "1"}'
  • using the Vibetrace Javascript Sdk:

            'search': {
                userId: 'unique-user-id',
                query: 'search-query',
                sessionId: 'unique-session-id'

Add to Cart

  1. POST
  • Accept: application/json

  • Content-Type: application/json

  • registers a search event on Vibetrace. Events are unique and immutable.

  • this event should be sent when the user adds an item into the app's cart. Currently the api does not support adding multiple items to cart at once so for quantity larger than 1, use this endpoint multiple times.

  • to identify the cart the app must supply an unique cart id. This way Vibetrace can keep track of user shopping sessions.

  • the payload is a JSON object with the following signature:

    @param {Object} payload - the body of the http request should be a JSON object.
    @param {String} [payload.userId] - OPTIONAL, unique identifier for the app's user. Only for registered users. This allows vibetrace to track users' preferences across multiple sessions.
    @param {String} [payload.sessionId] - REQUIRED, unique identifier for the user's session.
    @param {String} [payload.cartId] - REQUIRED, unique identified of a shopping cart session.
    @param {String} [payload.itemId] - REQUIRED, unique identifier of the added item. This id **must** be already declared and syncd with Vibetrace using the `/items` API. This endpoint will return 400 otherwise.
    @param {String} [payload.referer] - OPTIONAL, url of the referer site, only relevant when the url is external. Vibetrace parses the referral page to extract further information about the user's interests.
  • if successful, it returns 201 Created status code with an empty http body.

Code examples

  • below is an example of using curl for creating a new add to cart event:

    curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --user "Cf4S4qrr/OSKzKMl3Tm/NTMECRM=:U1tfKBtyJstc+LqOUem99YkI1hM=" --data-binary '{"sessionId": "1", "itemId": "1", "userId": "1", "cartId": "1", "referer": ""}'
  • using the Vibetrace Javascript Sdk:

            'addtocart': {
                userId: 'unique-user-id',
                cartId: 'unique-cart-id',
                itemId: 'unique-item-id',
                sessionId: 'unique-session-id'


  1. POST
  • Accept: application/json

  • Content-Type: application/json

  • registers a cart checkout to vibetrace. These events are unique and immutable.

  • this event should be sent when the user goes through each step of the checkout process. When the order is confirmed, ie. when the user is on the Thank you page, you should also set the payload flag confirmation=true.

  • the cart session that has just finnished is determined by the cartId payload variable.

  • the payload is a JSON object with the following signature:

    @param {Object} payload - the body of the http request should be a JSON object.
    @param {String} [payload.userId] - OPTIONAL, unique identifier for the app's user. Only for registered users. This allows vibetrace to track users' preferences across multiple sessions.
    @param {String} [payload.sessionId] - REQUIRED, unique identifier for the user's session.
    @param {String} [payload.cartId] - REQUIRED, unique identified of a shopping cart session.
    @param {Boolean} [payload.confirmation] - OPTIONAL, boolean indicating whether the cart entered `Thank you!` page or not. Set it to `true` to confirm the order and stop processing the current cart.
    @param {Boolean} [payload.items] - REQUIRED when [payload.confirmation is set to true], array of items bought.
    @param {String} [payload.step] - OPTIONAL, notify vibetrace of the current cart processing step.
    @param {String} [payload.referer] - OPTIONAL, url of the referer site, only relevant when the url is external. Vibetrace parses the referral page to extract further information about the user's interests.
  • if successful, it returns 201 Created status code with an empty http body.

  • below is an example of using curl for creating a new add to cart event:

Code examples

  • below is an example of using curl for creating a new checkout event:

    curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --user "Cf4S4qrr/OSKzKMl3Tm/NTMECRM=:U1tfKBtyJstc+LqOUem99YkI1hM=" --data-binary '{"sessionId": "1", "userId": "1", "cartId": "1", "confirmation": true, "referer": ""}'
  • using the Vibetrace Javascript Sdk:

        var items = [ { id:'unique-product-id' , quantity:item-quantity}, {...}, {...} ];
            'checkout': {
                userId: 'unique-user-id',
                sessionId: 'unique-session-id',
                cartId: 'unique-cart-id',
                items: items,
                confirmation: true


  1. POST
  • Accept: application/json

  • Content-Type: application/json

  • registers a new login event for an user email in the system

  • this event should be sent when an user inputs an email address anywhere in the website

    @param {Object} payload - the body of the http request should be a JSON object.
    @param {String} [] - REQUIRED
    @param {String} [payload.attribute] - OPTIONAL, any format that is available for your account. Please check avaiable atributes. 
  • if successful, it returns 201 Created status code with an empty http body.

  • below is an example of using curl for creating a new login event:

Code examples

  • below is an example of using curl for creating a new login event:

    curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --user "Cf4S4qrr/OSKzKMl3Tm/NTMECRM=:U1tfKBtyJstc+LqOUem99YkI1hM=" --data-binary '{"email": "[email protected]", "name": "John Smith"}'
  • using the Vibetrace Javascript Sdk:

        var items = [ { id:'unique-product-id' , quantity:item-quantity}, {...}, {...} ];
            'login': {
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "name": "John Smith"

Custom Events

  1. POST

NOTE In order for custom events to be accepted, they must be previously defined using the vibetrace admin. Please log in at to setup your custom events.

  • The vibetrace engine supports custom events, ie. events whose names and parameters you choose. This can be helpfull in many ways, one of it's utility is to plot significant events on the reporting facility.
  • Accept: application/json
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Sends events with a custom name, specified with the :customevent placeholder, to Vibetrace.
  • the payload is a JSON object with the signature of you choice. All json types of data are supported. Please refer to the JSON documentation for more information.
  • if successful, it returns 201 Created status code with an empty http body.

Code examples

  • below is an example of using curl for publishing a custom add to wishlist event:

    curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --user "Cf4S4qrr/OSKzKMl3Tm/NTMECRM=:U1tfKBtyJstc+LqOUem99YkI1hM=" --data-binary '{"sessionId": "1", "userId": "1", "cartId": "1", "step": "2", "referer": ""}'
  • using the Vibetrace Javascript Sdk:

            'addtowishlist': {
                userId: 'unique-user-id',
                prodId: 'unique-cart-id'


Vibetrace allows apps to register in a programatic way using the endpoint described in this section.

NOTE The registration process has multiple steps. After a successfull POST api call. Vibetrace will then contact you, enable the app and start the integration process.

  1. POST
  • Accept: application/json

  • Content-Type: application/json

  • registers a new app in the Vibetrace engine.

  • NOTE this endpoint requires an HTTPS request but does enforce authentication.

  • the payload is a JSON object with the following signature: `

    @param {Object} payload - the body of the http request should be a JSON object.
    @param {String} [] - REQUIRED, an email address which we will use to contact you.
    @param {String} [payload.url] - REQUIRED, the url of your public-facing website where you want to integrate Vibetrace services
    @param {String} [payload.feed] - REQUIRED, the item feed of you web-site. This is required for the recommender service that Vibetrace provides.
  • the response of a successful requst will contain the now registered app's credentials. The payload signature is the following:

    @param {Object} payload - the body of the response is a JSON object.
    @param {String} [] - the `APP_ID` of the newly registered application.
    @param {String} [payload.apiKey] - the `API_KEY` used to authenticate requests made by the app to Vibetrace.
    @param {String} [payload.apiSecret] - the `API_SECRET` used to authenticate requests made by the app to Vibetrace.
    @param {String} [payload.url] - the app url sent in the request.
    @param {String} [] - the email sent in the request.
    @param {String} [payload.feed] - the feed url sent in the request.
    @param {Boolean} [payload.isActive] - a flag indicating whether the app is ready to send requests to Vibetrace or not.
  • an email notification will also be sent to the supplied email parameter to kickstart the collaboration.

  • exemple of using curl to register a new application:

    curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary '{"email": "[email protected]", "url": "", "feed": "", "version": "v3"}'
  • the response to the above request is:

        "id": "50fc3bb47cfd33723b00000c",
        "apiKey": "Cf4S4qrr/OSKzKMl3Tm/NTMECRM=",
        "apiSecret": "U1tfKBtyJstc+LqOUem99YkI1hM=",
        "url": "",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "feed": "",
        "isActive": false
  1. GET
  • Content-Type: application/json

  • use this endpoint to fetch information about your app, including api tokens and app status withing Vibetrace.

  • NOTE this endpoint requires HTTPS and authentication. Please refer to the Auth section to find out how to authenticate your requests.

  • for :appId use the APP_ID received upon registration.

  • a correct request returns 200 Ok with a payload that has the following signature:

    @param {Object} payload - the body of the response is a JSON object.
    @param {String} [] - the `APP_ID` of the newly registered application.
    @param {String} [payload.apiKey] - the `API_KEY` used to authenticate requests made by the app to Vibetrace.
    @param {String} [payload.apiSecret] - the `API_SECRET` used to authenticate requests made by the app to Vibetrace.
    @param {String} [payload.url] - the app url sent in the request.
    @param {String} [] - the email sent in the request.
    @param {String} [payload.feed] - the feed url sent in the request.
    @param {Boolean} [payload.isActive] - a flag indicating whether the app is ready to send requests to Vibetrace or not.
  • in case the :appId is wrongly set or doesn't match the auth tokens a 403 Unauthorized will be returned.

  • exemple of using curl to fetch information about a registered application:

    curl --request GET --header "Content-Type: application/json" --user "Cf4S4qrr/OSKzKMl3Tm/NTMECRM=:U1tfKBtyJstc+LqOUem99YkI1hM="
  • the response for the above request is:

        "id": "50fc3bb47cfd33723b00000c",
        "apiKey": "Cf4S4qrr/OSKzKMl3Tm/NTMECRM=",
        "apiSecret": "U1tfKBtyJstc+LqOUem99YkI1hM=",
        "url": "",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "feed": "",


Vibetrace allows apps to upload user information in a programatic way using the endpoint described in this section.

NOTE Currently the only supported api allows the apps to modify a previously defined user. This can happend when publishing an event and attaching a userId to it. Vibetrace creates a user record for that userId and exposes a PUT endpoint so you can update the record with additional information.

Update User

  1. PUT
  • Accept: application/json

  • Content-Type: application/json

  • usefull to updating the properties of an existing user.

  • for :userId use the id specified when a previous /events call was made. Note that it's the app's responsability to make sure these id's are accurate. This API will only check for it's uniqueness.

  • NOTE you cannot update the id of an user, the id property will be ignored. !You cannot change the id of an user.

  • if successful, the response will be 200 Ok and the user resource will updated and returned as a json.

  • Here's the supported payload signature:

    @param {Object} user - the body of the request
    @param {String} [] - you can only update the email of a user record.
  • NOTE all properties that are not specified in the signature above will be ignored.

  • below is an example of using curl for updating an existing item:

    curl --request PUT --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Accept: application/json" --user "Cf4S4qrr/OSKzKMl3Tm/NTMECRM=:U1tfKBtyJstc+LqOUem99YkI1hM=" --data-binary '{"email": "[email protected]"}'
  • the response will be

       "email": "[email protected]"


For any questions, feedback, issues or feature requests please use the issue tracker on this repo or email us at [email protected].

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  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google โค๏ธ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.