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terraforming-gcp's Introduction


This repo is going to be archived. The terraform templates that should be used for deploying an Ops Manager, PAS and/or PKS, can be found at No PRs or Issues will be responded to here.

Terraforming GCP

How Does One Use This?

Please note that the master branch is generally unstable. If you are looking for something "tested", please consume one of our releases.

What Does This Do?

You will get a booted ops-manager VM plus some networking, just the bare bones basically.

Looking to setup a different IAAS

We have have other terraform templates to help you!

This list will be updated when more infrastructures come along.


Your system needs the gcloud cli, as well as terraform:

brew update
brew install Caskroom/cask/google-cloud-sdk
brew install terraform

Are you using Platform Automation?

Be sure to skip the creation of the Ops Manager VM. Do not include the vars listed here. If you create your Ops Manager using terraform, you will not be able to manage it with Platform Automation.

Deployment of the infrastructure is still required.

Deploying Infrastructure

Depending if you're deploying PAS, PKS or Control Plane you need to perform the following steps:

  1. cd into the proper directory:
  2. Create terraform.tfvars file
  3. Run terraform apply:
terraform init
terraform plan -out=plan
terraform apply plan


You will need a key file for your service account to allow terraform to deploy resources. If you don't have one, you can create a service account and a key for it:

gcloud iam service-accounts create ACCOUNT_NAME --display-name "Some Account Name"
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create "terraform.key.json" --iam-account ""
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID --member '' --role 'roles/owner'

You will need to enable the following Google Cloud APIs:

Var File

Copy the stub content below into a file called terraform.tfvars and put it in the root of this project. These vars will be used when you run terraform apply. You should fill in the stub values with the correct content.

env_name         = "some-environment-name"
project          = "your-gcp-project"
region           = "us-central1"
zones            = ["us-central1-a", "us-central1-b", "us-central1-c"]
dns_suffix       = ""
opsman_image     = "ops-manager-2-10-build-48"

buckets_location = "US"

ssl_cert = <<SSL_CERT
some cert

ssl_private_key = <<SSL_KEY
some cert private key

service_account_key = <<SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY
  "type": "service_account",
  "project_id": "your-gcp-project",
  "private_key_id": "another-gcp-private-key",
  "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----another gcp private key-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
  "client_email": "[email protected]",
  "client_id": "11111111111111",
  "auth_uri": "",
  "token_uri": "",
  "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
  "client_x509_cert_url": ""

Var Details

  • env_name: (required) An arbitrary unique name for namespacing resources. Max 23 characters.
  • project: (required) ID for your GCP project.
  • region: (required) Region in which to create resources (e.g. us-central1)
  • zones: (required) Zones in which to create resources. Must be within the given region. Currently you must specify exactly 3 unique Zones for this terraform configuration to work. (e.g. [us-central1-a, us-central1-b, us-central1-c])
  • opsman_image_url (optional) Source URL of the Ops Manager image you want to boot.
  • service_account_key: (required) Contents of your service account key file generated using the gcloud iam service-accounts keys create command.
  • dns_suffix: (required) Domain to add environment subdomain to (e.g. Trailing dots are not supported.
  • buckets_location: (optional) Loction in which to create buckets. Defaults to US.
  • ssl_cert: (conditionally required) SSL certificate for HTTP load balancer configuration. Required unless ssl_ca_cert is specified.
  • ssl_private_key: (conditionally required) Private key for above SSL certificate. Required unless ssl_ca_cert is specified.
  • ssl_ca_cert: (conditionally required) SSL CA certificate used to generate self-signed HTTP load balancer certificate. Required unless ssl_cert is specified.
  • ssl_ca_private_key: (conditionally required) Private key for above SSL CA certificate. Required unless ssl_cert is specified.
  • opsman_storage_bucket_count: (optional) Google Storage Bucket for BOSH's Blobstore.
  • create_iam_service_account_members: (optional) Create IAM Service Account project roles. Default to true.

DNS Records

  • pcf.$env_name.$dns_suffix: Points at the Ops Manager VM's public IP address.
  • *.sys.$env_name.$dns_suffix: Points at the HTTP/S load balancer in front of the Router.
  • doppler.sys.$env_name.$dns_suffix: Points at the TCP load balancer in front of the Router. This address is used to send websocket traffic to the Doppler server.
  • loggregator.sys.$env_name.$dns_suffix: Points at the TCP load balancer in front of the Router. This address is used to send websocket traffic to the Loggregator Trafficcontroller.
  • *.apps.$env_name.$dns_suffix: Points at the HTTP/S load balancer in front of the Router.
  • *.ws.$env_name.$dns_suffix: Points at the TCP load balancer in front of the Router. This address can be used for application websocket traffic.
  • ssh.sys.$env_name.$dns_suffix: Points at the TCP load balancer in front of the Diego brain.
  • tcp.$env_name.$dns_suffix: Points at the TCP load balancer in front of the TCP router.

Isolation Segments (optional)

  • isolation_segment: (optional) When set to true creates HTTP load-balancer across 3 zones for isolation segments.
  • iso_seg_with_firewalls: (optional) When set to true creates firewall rules to lock down ports on the isolation segment.
  • iso_seg_ssl_cert: (optional) SSL certificate for Iso Seg HTTP load balancer configuration. Required unless iso_seg_ssl_ca_cert is specified.
  • iso_seg_ssl_private_key: (optional) Private key for above SSL certificate. Required unless iso_seg_ssl_ca_cert is specified.
  • iso_seg_ssl_ca_cert: (optional) SSL CA certificate used to generate self-signed Iso Seg HTTP load balancer certificate. Required unless iso_seg_ssl_cert is specified.
  • iso_seg_ssl_ca_private_key: (optional) Private key for above SSL CA certificate. Required unless iso_seg_ssl_cert is specified.

Cloud SQL Configuration (optional)

  • external_database: (optional) When set to true, a cloud SQL instance will be deployed for the Ops Manager and PAS.

Ops Manager (optional)

  • opsman_sql_db_host: (optional) The host the user can connect from. Can be an IP address. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
  • opsman_image_url (optional) Source URL of the Ops Manager image you want to boot (if not provided you get no Ops Manager).

PAS (optional)

  • pas_sql_db_host: (optional) The host the user can connect from. Can be an IP address. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.

PAS Cloud Controller's Google Cloud Storage Buckets (optional)

  • create_gcs_buckets: (optional) When set to false, buckets will not be created for PAS Cloud Controller. Defaults to true.

Internetless (optional)

  • internetless: (optional) When set to true, all traffic going outside the 10.* network is denied. DNS records like '*.apps.DOMAIN' will be pointed to the HAProxy static IP rather than the LB address.


Note: please make sure you have created the terraform.tfvars file above as mentioned.

Tearing down environment

Note: This will only destroy resources deployed by Terraform. You will need to clean up anything deployed on top of that infrastructure yourself (e.g. by running om delete-installation)

terraform destroy

terraforming-gcp's People


alamages avatar ameowlia avatar ciphercules avatar ciriarte avatar crhntr avatar cwlbraa avatar davewalter avatar desmondrawls avatar drich10 avatar evanfarrar avatar genevieve avatar jaysonbh avatar jemishp avatar joshzarrabi avatar kkallday avatar ljfranklin avatar markstokan avatar matt-royal avatar matthewfischer avatar michelleheh avatar nhsieh avatar notrepo05 avatar rainmaker avatar rowanjacobs avatar ryanmoran avatar syslxg avatar vchrisb avatar wayneadams avatar wendorf avatar zachgersh avatar


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terraforming-gcp's Issues

Feature Request: Make creating a service account optional


This repo creates a service account which Toolsmiths do not use. We think it could be better to have a flag that will cause it to not create the service account.

This affects us because teams will often not provision their JSON Keys with the proper permissions and our concourse pipeline will fail when terraform tries to create the SA.

Do you think the right thing to do is make the creation of the service account optional?

Mike J

Cannot deploy 2 environments in parallel

If I want to deploy 2 environments into a single project, I run into a permissions issue.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. terraform apply environment A
  2. confirm that the service account for environment A has the following IAM permissions:
  • Compute Instance Admin
  • Compute Network Admin
  • Compute Storage Admin
  • Service Account Actor
  • Storage Admin
  1. terraform apply environment B
  2. confirm that the service account for environment B has the same IAM permissions listed above
  3. confirm that the service account for environment A has now lost all IAM permissions

using Project ID causes error

Good day,

When using project ID of "fe-phopper" hit an error during terraform apply.

* Error creating address: googleapi: Error 404: Failed to find project fe-hopper, notFound
* 1 error(s) occurred:

* Error creating HttpHealthCheck: googleapi: Error 404: Failed to find project fe-hopper, notFound
* 1 error(s) occurred:

* Error creating address: googleapi: Error 404: Failed to find project fe-hopper, notFound
* google_storage_bucket.droplets: 1 error(s) occurred:

* google_storage_bucket.droplets: googleapi: Error 400: Unknown project id: fe-hopper, invalid```

changed to use the project number instead and terraform was able to continue.

gcloud projects list | grep hopper   
fe-phopper                      FE-phopper                      1000717738221

SSH access to Director VM

I deployed Pivotal PAS Small Footprint Elastic Runtime using previously the ofitial terraform templates, my question is how can I ssh to Terraform?

From my Personal PC the 22 port is closed.
From OPs Manager the port 22 is open, I tryed use the vcap with the password from credentials, but the vcap ssh is unactive, so I supouse need the private Key to access, but where is this private Key?, terraform output variables created for me?


Handling GCP network flakes

The Toolsmiths have seen an issue with about 2% (2 out of 100) of our deploys related to network flakes on GCP. The terraform commands run on a GCP Concourse worker, so we're in the same region.

We issue a command to create an object, then we get 'read: connection reset by peer'. Terraform fails, and then we do a terraform refresh before we try again. The subsequent terraform does not work, as there's a collision in names with the object that already exists. I can provide the full logs for the most recent occurrence.

Currently, we've found that doing a terraform destroy, and then a terraform apply will correctly delete & recreate the objects. We're planning to automate this in our app, with retries in the concourse pipeline, but it would be great if this functionality could get pushed into this repo so that everyone could get higher success rates on terraforming, even with IaaS instability.

Discussion: NAT boxes?

Hi Infrastructure team! We currently have all our VMs in GCP assigned public IPs so they can talk out to the internet. It seems like a production environment would be more likely to setup a few NAT boxes to allow VMs without a public IP to talk out to the internet. Looks like terraforming-aws already follows this pattern. What are your thoughts on updating all the terraforming-* repos to use NAT boxes?

Cut new release?


Is there a timeline for when the next release will be cut? Toolsmiths have been waiting to use our PR #26 , and we've just had another deploy failure because of left-over storage buckets.

Mike J

optionally disable the opsman vm creation?

Hi! We (platform-automation) are using terraforming-* to pave our infrastructure to test our automation tooling. In particular, our tooling manages the Ops Manager VM itself.

We'd like to make creating the main Ops Manager instance optional across all the terraforming-* repos. We're bringing it up here because currently, we are using to disable the creating of the VM. As of the latest release, we can't do that anymore, because the OpsMan instance is in a module now. (We appreciate the irony that it was merging our PR that created this problem.) It would be nice if we can just set a value in the to disable it.

An implementation note: we still need all the other variables associated with the Ops Man VM to be created - for instance, IPs. This means that they'll need to be structured such that the OM instance depends on them, rather than the other way around.

When deploying opsman the targeted vm is not reachable

We use a fork version of terraforming-gcp (lastest sync commit 0006580) that we make it only provisions one subnet instead of two. But the following error can be observed from both versions in opsman 1.8.7 & 1.8.10.

Started deploying
  Creating VM for instance 'bosh/0' from stemcell 'stemcell-ff1cd894-fdd9-4b3e-65b9-b3e0ca49185f'... Finished (00:00:51)
  Waiting for the agent on VM 'vm-9fc2e314-79bc-4f86-5c52-cbd250f0cf2d' to be ready... Failed (00:10:09)
Failed deploying (00:11:01)

Stopping registry... Finished (00:00:00)
Cleaning up rendered CPI jobs... Finished (00:00:00)

Command 'deploy' failed:
    Creating instance 'bosh/0':
      Waiting until instance is ready:
        Sending ping to the agent:
          Performing request to agent endpoint 'https://vcap:KY******@':
            Performing POST request:
              Post https://vcap:KY******@ dial tcp i/o timeout
===== 2016-11-19 02:24:53 UTC Finished "bosh-init deploy /var/tempest/workspaces/default/deployments/bosh.yml"; Duration: 778s; Exit Status: 1
Exited with 1.

It turns out that one firewall rule '$env-cf-internal' whose 'target tags' is set to '$env-vms' so in opsman config the 'Default Deployment Tag' has to match that value (default is 'pcf-vms').

pks got created with incorrect certs

after I run pks get-credentials

kubectl get all
Unable to connect to the server: x509: certificate is valid for, not my-cluster

pks version: 1.0.0 and 1.0.1
internal cluster ip:
external cluster ip:

Rename 'optional' ops manager

Operators can currently choose to stand up a second 'optional' Ops Manager instance:

On our team we've typically used this instance for testing upgrade scenarios:

  1. An existing installation is exported from the older 'optional' ops manager instance
  2. The installation is imported into the normal ops manager instance to test the upgrade

Because it better reflects our usage we'd prefer to rename the 'optional' instance to something like 'initial'.

However maybe other folks out there are using the optional Ops Manager for some other purpose in which case the name change may not make sense. Please leave a comment on this issue to share with us how you are using the optional opsman.



`google_service_account.opsman_service_account` should be an output

In order to configure Ops Man on GCP with om, it's necessary to use the service account name terraform creates for the OM VM. (In the GUI, this isn't necessary, as Ops Manager detects the service account itself, but that's a whole other issue.)

google_service_account.opsman_service_account should be an output - it means you don't have to provide an auth_json when configuring the director, which is one less secret getting passed around in files.

pks create-cluster fails with worker is not running after upgrade

PKS versions tested: 1.0 and 1.0.1
PCF Ops Manager: v2.0-build.255

pks create-cluster k10-test-0 --external-hostname k10-test-0 --plan small

Name:                     k10-test-0
Plan Name:                small
UUID:                     1b9fd033-f131-4030-8312-f1219297d9a0
Last Action:              CREATE
Last Action State:        in progress
Last Action Description:  Creating cluster
Kubernetes Master Host:   k10-test-0
Kubernetes Master Port:   8443
Worker Instances:         3
Kubernetes Master IP(s):  In Progress
pks cluster k10-test-0

Name:                     k10-test-0
Plan Name:                small
UUID:                     1b9fd033-f131-4030-8312-f1219297d9a0
Last Action:              CREATE
Last Action State:        in progress
Last Action Description:  Instance provisioning in progress
Kubernetes Master Host:   k10-test-0
Kubernetes Master Port:   8443
Worker Instances:         3
Kubernetes Master IP(s):  In Progress

errors in logs:

[on-demand-service-broker] 2018/03/12 20:34:56.959979 Started GET /v2/service_instances/1b9fd033-f131-4030-8312-f1219297d9a0/last_operation
[on-demand-service-broker] [8eeabcb5-58d5-453d-857b-5bf8985ddb8c] 2018/03/12 20:34:56.960181 getting tasks for deployment service-instance_1b9fd033-f131-4030-8312-f1219297d9a0 with context cef2086d-1e65-43a9-8ba7-7f2e3bccd374 from bosh
[on-demand-service-broker] [8eeabcb5-58d5-453d-857b-5bf8985ddb8c] 2018/03/12 20:34:56.982214 BOSH task ID 175 status: error create deployment for instance 1b9fd033-f131-4030-8312-f1219297d9a0: Description: create deployment Result: 'worker/7e08bf8f-70bf-416d-b299-63ab8162eabf (0)' is not running after update. Review logs for failed jobs: kubelet
[on-demand-service-broker] 2018/03/12 20:34:56.982292 Comp

error from node kubelet.stderr.log

I0312 21:55:12.355029    3767 kubelet_node_status.go:82] Attempting to register node vm-665f6975-e5cb-4b97-7a66-2e623c405105
E0312 21:55:13.263950    3767 container_manager_linux.go:583] [ContainerManager]: Fail to get rootfs information unable to find data for container /
I0312 21:55:13.365268    3767 kubelet_node_status.go:85] Successfully registered node vm-665f6975-e5cb-4b97-7a66-2e623c405105

Ops manager and Bosh Director with public ips

I'm working on deploying with the internetless option to address a requirement of no internet access, but I noticed Ops manager and Bosh director are deployed with public IPs. Are there any plans to provide an option to remove public IPs from those servers too?

Document tested terraform version

Would be good to have in the README/Release notes the version of terraform that the scripts were tested with, as terraform can (and will) introduce breaking changes that can be quite destructive.

For example, running v0.6.0 with terraform v0.8.5 wiped out all of our IAM configuration.

Secrets like passwords should be marked as `sensitive` in output

Right now secrets like private keys and passwords are printed to stdout in plain text when running terraform apply or via automation like the Concourse terraform-resource. To avoid this, Terraform allows you to mark certain output fields as sensitive to make sure they get redacted when printing debug info to stdout. Could y'all mark some of the outputs like ops_manager_ssh_private_key as sensitive to cut down on exposure of secrets?

Can't SSH into bosh director.

Successfully deployed the cluster and have everything up and running on GCP. I can get into Opsmanager fine, and I can target the bosh director fine, but I cannot seem to figure out how to ssh into the director itself. I can ping the instance, I can telnet to port 22. I have tried ubuntu, my login, root, vcap...nothing seems to work.

Regional TCP LBs should use Instance Groups rather than Target Pools

The RelInt team discovered issues with failed HTTP requests during a deploy when Target Pools were used. The current theory by Google engineers is that switching to Instance Groups instead will fix this issue. Looks like y'all have a story to make this change in bbl as well.

The Terraform docs only mention Target Pools as the valid target for forwarding rules. However the API docs seem to indicate that an Instance Group ID is a valid value for target.

make certificates replacable

Update a certificate for the GCP load balancer in place is not possible.
It is necessary to first create a new one before destroying the old one.

This is supported by google_compute_ssl_certificate by using a name_prefix and configure create_before_destroy

name = "${var.env_name}-lbcert" in should be replaced by name_prefix = "${var.env_name}-lbcert-"

Terraform.tfvars error parsing : illegal char

Issue with Terraform and seeking support


env_name = "testing"
project = "project1"
region = "us-central1"
zones = ["us-central1-a", "us-central1-b", "us-central1-c"]
dns_suffix = ""
opsman_image_url = ""

buckets_location = "US"

ssl_cert = <<SSL_CERT
some cert

ssl_private_key = <<SSL_KEY
some cert private key

service_account_key = <<project1@alien-proton-194710
"type": "service_account",
"project_id": "alien-proton-194710",
"private_key_id": "another-gcp-private-key",
"private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----another gcp private key-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
"client_email": "[email protected]",
"client_id": "109584552096969396216",
"auth_uri": "",
"token_uri": "",
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
"client_x509_cert_url": ""


invalid value "terraform.tfvars" for flag -var-file-default: Error parsing terraform.tfvars: At 24:9: illegal char
Usage: terraform apply [options] [DIR-OR-PLAN]

Unable to track down the error, Please help

InstanceGroup alreadyExists Failure

Consistently get the following:

Error applying plan:

2 error(s) occurred:

  • google_compute_instance_group.httplb.1: Error creating InstanceGroup: googleapi: Error 409: The resource 'projects/fe-jyi/zones/us-east1-d/instanceGroups/pcflab-httpslb-us-east1-d' already exists, alreadyExists
  • google_compute_instance_group.httplb.2: Error creating InstanceGroup: googleapi: Error 409: The resource 'projects/fe-jyi/zones/us-east1-d/instanceGroups/pcflab-httpslb-us-east1-d' already exists, alreadyExists

Terraform does not automatically rollback in the face of errors.
Instead, your Terraform state file has been partially updated with
any resources that successfully completed. Please address the error
above and apply again to incrementally change your infrastructure.

Followed the instructions from the README but still seemed to get this error. Even tried to eliminate parallelism. Running this on MacOSX.

Inconsistently Named SSL Private Key Variable Name


We noticed that you had updated the AWS templates to accept a user-provided SSL cert/key instead of generating a self-signed cert, but the variable for the private key doesn't match the one in this repo. It would be nice if there was a common interface for people consuming all of the templates so that they don't have to think about which IaaS they are working with and what the input variables are called.

@davewalter && @ljfranklin

feature request: add an on-demand subnet

rationale: many of the tiles these days require an on demand services subnet be specified. it'd be convenience if automatically created it. thanks.

Possible PR: Allow `internetless: true` input option

We're setting up a testing pipeline to check that our deployments work in an internetless environment. This means all traffic going outside the 10.* network is denied. We can either create a terraform override file just for us, or if you thought this was generally useful we could PR to this repo as an optional input variable. WDYT?

should not open the database to the whole internet

I'd like to remove this bit of code from the external SQL:

authorized_networks = [ { name = "all" value = "" }, ]

There are a few ways to do this. First is that we should create NAT instances for externally bound traffic. This implies other changes. Secondly we could wait until Cloud SQL can do internal IPs and fix it then. Opening this for discussion.

Needs documentation to add "App Engine Admin API"

When we ran the terraforming scripts using the README, we ended up with

* google_project.opsman_service_account_project: Error applying IAM policy for project "<redacted>": googleapi: Error 403: The caller does not have permission, forbidden

We fixed it by enabling the App Engine Admin API, which the README does not reference as needing to be enabled.

Resource 'google_sql_database_instance.master' not found for variable

I tried deploying today and this error I got after the latest commit.

Error: Error running plan: 1 error(s) occurred:

module.external_database.output.pas_sql_cert: Resource 'google_sql_database_instance.master' not found for variable 'google_sql_database_instance.master.server_ca_cert.0.cert'

Error thrown if dns_suffix variable includes trailing dot

The variable dns_suffix assumes the trailing dot is not included. If the dot is applied, say with the value, the following error occurs:

Error: Error applying plan:
1 error(s) occurred:
* google_dns_managed_zone.env_dns_zone: 1 error(s) occurred:
* google_dns_managed_zone.env_dns_zone: Error creating DNS ManagedZone: googleapi: Error 400: Invalid value for 'entity.managedZone.dnsName': '', invalid

Notice the ... I assumed that dns_suffix should be a true suffix to a FQDN.
Once I updated from to, the plan worked.

Thoughts for potential solution:

  1. The documentation should explicitly specify to not include the trailing dot (This makes the most sense to me)
  2. Usage of the dns_suffix variable should check for the trailing dot

question: does Elastic Runtime have APIs to automate the process

I am trying to understand how installation of PCF on GCP can be done by Terraforming-GCP. After going through available documentation. I understood it involves 4 steps,

  1. Prepare GCP env,
  2. Install Ops Manager,
  3. Install Bosh Director,
  4. Install Elastic Runtime

As far as i understand using these Terraform scripts we can automate(correct me if I am wrong),

  1. Prepare GCP env
  2. Install Ops Manager

So do we have any APIs(provided by Pivotal) for Elastic Runtime? To create any kind of automated scripts for Elastic Runtime installation.

I searched in Pivotal docs & couldn't find them. Any help is appreciated.

The root SQL user is accessible from anywhere

We have input variables to specify the host(s) that can connect as the opsman and ert SQL users, but the root user is hard-coded to "%".

We should include a variable to allow the user to specify the host(s) to restrict the root user to. Also, it should NOT have a default so the user has to think before adopting an insecure configuration.

Possible delay required after external database creation

I've seen this error a couple of times which is resolved by rerunning apply with no issue.

Error: Error applying plan:
1 error(s) occurred:

  • google_sql_user.pas: 1 error(s) occurred:
  • google_sql_user.pas: Error reading SQL User "xxxxxxx" in instance "xxxx-xxxx": googleapi: Error 503: Service temporarily unavailable., serverException

Reduce the TCP LB's forwarding rule port range

It feels like the TCP LB's forwarding rule port range is too large (1024-65535). It also doesn't match the values for AWS or Azure. We should standardise this to 100 ports everywhere to keep things simple.

Support for NSX-T v2.1.4 and PCF 2.2

It seems this pipeline configures NSX-T tile v2.1.3.
There is tile v2.1.4 and v2.2 available on Pivotal Network. We found the new versions are not compatible with the tile.

Are there plans to modify the pipeline to support the new versions?

Toolsmiths have just upgraded NSX-T to 2.2, and are having a slightly different issue with the configuration, but we expect to fix this issue soon.

external_databases is broken after module refactor

After the module refactor terraform is having issues calculating count across the modules, when running plan with this setting on, the following error occurs:

✔ ~/code/terraforming-gcp/terraforming-pas [doc-fixes L|…2]
19:59 $ terraform plan -out=plan
Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan...
The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan, but will not be
persisted to local or remote state storage.


Error: Error running plan: 4 error(s) occurred:

* module.pas.random_id.pas_db_username: random_id.pas_db_username: value of 'count' cannot be computed
* module.ops_manager.random_id.opsman_db_password: random_id.opsman_db_password: value of 'count' cannot be computed
* module.pas.random_id.pas_db_password: random_id.pas_db_password: value of 'count' cannot be computed
* module.ops_manager.random_id.opsman_db_username: random_id.opsman_db_username: value of 'count' cannot be computed

Disabling this setting allows it to work.

management subnet - private_ip_google_access

The management subnet has the default private ip google access to false

If you uncheck resource config to have the director NOT having public IP adress (a good idea for security ) then it cannot bosh upload stemcell anymore

ubuntu@gcp-ops-manager:~/alex$ bosh2 -e pcf upload-stemcell light-bosh-stemcell-3445.17-google-kvm-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent.tgz
Using environment '' as user 'director' (bosh.*.read, openid, bosh.*.admin,, bosh.admin)

######################################################### 100.00% 166.27 KB/s 0s
Task 23

Task 23 | 22:20:39 | Update stemcell: Extracting stemcell archive (00:00:00)
Task 23 | 22:20:39 | Update stemcell: Verifying stemcell manifest (00:00:00)
Task 23 | 22:20:39 | Update stemcell: Checking if this stemcell already exists (00:00:00)
Task 23 | 22:20:39 | Update stemcell: Uploading stemcell bosh-google-kvm-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent/3445.17 to the cloud (00:02:17)
                   L Error: CPI error 'Bosh::Clouds::CloudError' with message 'Creating stemcell: Creating Google Image from URL: Failed to create Google Image: Post dial tcp i/o timeout' in 'create_stemcell' CPI method
Task 23 | 22:22:56 | Error: CPI error 'Bosh::Clouds::CloudError' with message 'Creating stemcell: Creating Google Image from URL: Failed to create Google Image: Post dial tcp i/o timeout' in 'create_stemcell' CPI method

Task 23 Started  Sat Dec  9 22:20:39 UTC 2017
Task 23 Finished Sat Dec  9 22:22:56 UTC 2017
Task 23 Duration 00:02:17
Task 23 error

Change in is required - imho with a better default to true

      private_ip_google_access:        "false" => "true"

screen shot 2017-12-09 at 23 35 03

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