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一、TelecomService 启动流程

Telephony 包括三个部分

/packages/services/Telephony ==> TeleService.apk

/packages/services/Telecomm ==> Telecomm.apk

/frameworks/base/telecomm ==> Telecomm FW

如上图所示, 后期补上

TeleService <==> Telephony Framework PhoneBase;TeleService 和 framework 进行交互;

TelecommService/Telecomm FW <==> TeleService , TeleService 和 InCallUI 交互要经过 Telecomm 层;

InCallUI <==> TelecommService/Telecomm FW 交互;


缺少图片 后期补上


中间各层call的转化,需要经过Telecom FW

二、TelecomService 启动流程

从Android MM开始,手机开机时,都会加载call模块中的TelecomService,把Telecom服务添加到系统服务中,并对默认短信通过模块等默认app进行相应的授权。




在SystemServer的startOtherService启动TelecomLoaderService,然而这个TelecomLoaderService现在起来并没有做什么 。需要等到回调onBootPhase,才会去启动TelecomService。顾名思义,这个类就是为了去加载TelecomService而存在的。 system_process启动完毕后,会回调所有SystemService的onBootPhase函数。

public void onBootPhase(int phase) {


在TelecomLoaderService的connectToTelecom(),绑定TelecomService。 实例化一个intent,也就是启动我们要绑定的服务。其中intent的相关信息如下

Action: ""

ComponentName: new ComponentName("", "com.androdi.server.telecom.components.TelecomService");


private void connectToTelecom() {
    synchronized (mLock) {
        if (mServiceConnection != null) {
            // TODO: Is unbinding worth doing or wait for system to rebind?
            mServiceConnection = null;

        TelecomServiceConnection serviceConnection = new TelecomServiceConnection();
        Intent intent = new Intent(SERVICE_ACTION);
        int flags = Context.BIND_IMPORTANT | Context.BIND_FOREGROUND_SERVICE
                | Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE;

        // Bind to Telecom and register the service
        if (mContext.bindServiceAsUser(intent, serviceConnection, flags, UserHandle.SYSTEM)) {
            mServiceConnection = serviceConnection;

当绑定TelecomService服务后,会回调TelecomServiceConnection的onServiceConnected方法。 这个函数主要处理的就是对默认的call,sms,app授权运行时的权限,具体调用参考流程图。 同时,最主要的就是把Context.TELECOM_SERVICE添加到系统服务中,这里添加的就是TelecomServiceImpl的mBinderImpl。

ServiceManager.addService(Context.TELECOM_SERVICE, service);

                                        packageName, userId);
                                        packageName, userId);
                                        packageName, userId);



public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
    Log.d(this, "onBind");
    /*White Pages Code begins*/
    if (CscFeature.getInstance().getEnableStatus(NameIDHelper.mEnableWhitePagesConfig)
            && NameIDHelper.isNameIDInstalledAndEnabled(this)) {
    /*White Pages Code ends*/
    synchronized (getTelecomSystem().getLock()) {
        return getTelecomSystem().getTelecomServiceImpl().getBinder();


  • 1.CallsManager

  • 2.CallIntentProcessor

  • 3.TelecomServiceImpl

  • 4.TelecomSystemDB

在创建TelecomServiceImpl对象的时候,就会生成TelecomService.Stub mBinderImpl对象

private final ITelecomService.Stub mBinderImpl = new ITelecomService.Stub(){}



TelecomLoaderService加载TelecomService的过程和他的名字非常符合,完成的工作比较简单, 启动TelecomService,授权默认应用,最后附上一张时序图。



从上层InCallUI一直到Telephony Framework层,总共包括下面五个部分。

  • InCallUI : packages/apps/InCallUI (system/priv-app/InCallUI.apk)

  • Telecom framwork : Frameworks/base/Telecomm (system/framework/framework.jar)

  • Telecom : android/packages/services/Telecomm (system/priv-app/Telecom.apk)

  • TeleService : android/packages/services/Telephony (system/priv-app/TeleService.apk)

  • Telephony Framework:Frameworks/opt/Telephony (system/framework/telephony-common.jar)

MO Call 总流程图

从总体上看,MO Call 分两步走,首先是先显示InCallUI界面,其次,发送指定到Telephony Framework,更新上层Call状态

启动InCallUI Log

   07-10 14:50:14.271  1029  1029 I Telecom : onReceive - isUnknownCall: false: PCR.oR@Abg
   07-10 14:50:14.271  1029  1029 D Telecom : processOutgoingCallIntent: : PCR.oR@Abg

   07-10 14:50:14.487  1029  1029 V Telecom : setTargetPhoneAccount() accountHandle = null: PCR.oR@Abg
   07-10 14:50:14.488  1029  1029 V Telecom : startOutgoingCall found accounts = [ComponentInfo{}, [5d82928ef18b3e949e61cd661cec88f28f396828], UserHandle{0}, ComponentInfo{}, [8658334b1c0ce79413b631f85fb80b88b4cd87e7], UserHandle{0}]: PCR.oR@Abg
   07-10 14:50:14.515  1029  1029 D Telecom : CallsManager: startOutgoingCall() phoneAccountHandle = ComponentInfo{}, [5d82928ef18b3e949e61cd661cec88f28f396828], UserHandle{0}: PCR.oR@Abg
   07-10 14:50:14.555  1029  1029 V Telecom : setState NEW -> CONNECTING: PCR.oR@Abg
   07-10 14:50:14.555  1029  1029 I Telecom : Event: Call TC@2: SET_CONNECTING, ComponentInfo{}, [5d82928ef18b3e949e61cd661cec88f28f396828], UserHandle{0}: PCR.oR@Abg
   07-10 14:50:14.557  1029  1029 V Telecom : addCall([TC@2, CONNECTING, null, tel:1234567890, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), unknown, unknown [Capabilities:] [Properties:]]): PCR.oR@Abg

   07-10 14:50:14.561  1029  1029 I Telecom :$EmergencyInCallServiceConnection: Attempting to bind to InCall [ComponentInfo{} supportsExternal? false], with Intent { act=android.telecom.InCallService launchParam=MultiScreenLaunchParams { mDisplayId=0 mBaseDisplayId=0 mFlags=0 } (has extras) }: PCR.oR@Abg

   07-10 14:50:14.568  8802  8802 I InCall  : InCallServiceImpl -  - perf - onBind : start

   07-10 14:50:14.577  8802  8802 I InCall  : InCallPresenter -  - perf - setUp()
   //IncallPresenter@onCallListChange (NO_CALLS->NO_CALLS)
   07-10 14:50:14.577  8802  8802 I InCall  : InCallPresenter -  - onCallListChange: start
   07-10 14:50:14.577  8802  8802 D InCall  : InCallPresenter -  - onCallListChange oldState= NO_CALLS newState=NO_CALLS
   07-10 14:50:14.577  8802  8802 D InCall  : InCallPresenter -  - startOrFinishUi: NO_CALLS -> NO_CALLS
   07-10 14:50:14.577  8802  8802 D InCall  : InCallPresenter -  - onCallListChange newState changed to NO_CALLS
   07-10 14:50:14.578  8802  8802 I InCall  : InCallPresenter -  - Phone switching state: NO_CALLS -> NO_CALLS
   07-10 14:50:14.583  8802  8802 I InCall  : InCallPresenter -  - onCallListChange: end
   07-10 14:50:14.646  8802  8802 I InCall  : InCallPresenter -  - perf - Finished InCallPresenter.setUp
   07-10 14:50:14.661  8802  8802 I InCall  : InCallServiceImpl -  - perf - onBind : end

   07-10 14:50:14.688  1029  1029 D Telecom :$InCallServiceBindingConnection$1: onServiceConnected: ComponentInfo{} false true: ICSBC.oSC@Abk
   07-10 14:50:14.688  1029  1029 I Telecom : perf - onConnected to ComponentInfo{}: ICSBC.oSC@Abk
   07-10 14:50:14.689  1029  1029 I Telecom : Adding 1 calls to InCallService after onConnected: ComponentInfo{}, including external calls: ICSBC.oSC@Abk

   07-10 14:50:14.689  8802  8802 D InCallService: InCallService - handleMessage: 1
   07-10 14:50:14.691  8802  8823 D InCallService: InCallServiceBinder - addCall: id(TC@2), state(CONNECTING), [Capabilities:]
   07-10 14:50:14.691  8802  8802 D InCallService: InCallService - handleMessage: 2
   07-10 14:50:14.691  8802  8802 D TelecomParcelCall: Do NOT make VideoCallImpl because mVideoCallProvider is null
   07-10 14:50:14.691  8802  8802 D TelecomCall: internalUpdate - mVideoCallImpl: null, videoCallChanged: false, isVideoCallProviderChanged(): true

   07-10 14:50:14.731  8802  8802 D InCall  : CallList - onCallAdded: callState=13  //13 CONNECTING
   07-10 14:50:14.740  8802  8802 D InCall  : CallList - needToUpdate: true
   07-10 14:50:14.740  8802  8802 D InCall  : CallList -   [Call_1, CONNECTING, [Capabilities:], children:[], parent:null, conferenceable:[], videoState:Audio Only, mSessionModificationState:0, VideoSettings:(CameraDir:-1)(CameraId:1)]
   07-10 14:50:14.740  8802  8802 I InCall  : CallList - onUpdate - [Call_1, CONNECTING, [Capabilities:], children:[], parent:null, conferenceable:[], videoState:Audio Only, mSessionModificationState:0, VideoSettings:(CameraDir:-1)(CameraId:1)]

   //InCallPresenter@onCallListChange (NO_CALLS->PENDING_OUTGOING)
   07-10 14:50:14.740  8802  8802 I InCall  : InCallPresenter -  - onCallListChange: start
   07-10 14:50:14.740  8802  8802 D InCall  : InCallPresenter -  - perf - startContactInfoSearch
   07-10 14:50:15.039  8802  8802 D InCall  : InCallPresenter$ContactInfoCallback -  - onContactInfoComplete
   07-10 14:50:15.039  8802  8802 D InCall  : InCallPresenter -  - onCallListChange oldState= NO_CALLS newState=PENDING_OUTGOING
   07-10 14:50:15.039  8802  8802 D InCall  : InCallPresenter -  - startOrFinishUi: NO_CALLS -> PENDING_OUTGOING
   07-10 14:50:15.179  8802  8802 D InCall  : InCallPresenter -  - onCallListChange newState changed to PENDING_OUTGOING
   07-10 14:50:15.179  8802  8802 I InCall  : InCallPresenter -  - Phone switching state: NO_CALLS -> PENDING_OUTGOING


InCallService: InCallServiceBinder
Phone switching state


07-10 14:50:14.691  8802  8823 D InCallService: InCallServiceBinder - addCall: id(TC@2), state(CONNECTING), [Capabilities:]
07-10 14:50:15.078  8802  8815 D InCallService: InCallServiceBinder - updateCall: id(TC@2), state(CONNECTING), [Capabilities:]
07-10 14:50:15.139  8802  8815 D InCallService: InCallServiceBinder - updateCall: id(TC@2), state(DIALING), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_SUPPORT_HOLD CAPABILITY_MUTE CAPABILITY_CANNOT_DOWNGRADE_VIDEO_TO_AUDIO]
07-10 14:50:25.832  8802  8821 D InCallService: InCallServiceBinder - updateCall: id(TC@2), state(ACTIVE), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_HOLD CAPABILITY_SUPPORT_HOLD CAPABILITY_MUTE CAPABILITY_CANNOT_DOWNGRADE_VIDEO_TO_AUDIO]
07-10 14:50:30.170  8802  8816 D InCallService: InCallServiceBinder - updateCall: id(TC@2), state(DISCONNECTING), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_HOLD CAPABILITY_SUPPORT_HOLD CAPABILITY_MUTE CAPABILITY_CANNOT_DOWNGRADE_VIDEO_TO_AUDIO]
07-10 14:50:30.525  8802  8816 D InCallService: InCallServiceBinder - updateCall: id(TC@2), state(DISCONNECTED), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_HOLD CAPABILITY_SUPPORT_HOLD CAPABILITY_MUTE CAPABILITY_CANNOT_DOWNGRADE_VIDEO_TO_AUDIO]

07-10 14:50:14.578  8802  8802 I InCall  : InCallPresenter -  - Phone switching state: NO_CALLS -> NO_CALLS
07-10 14:50:15.179  8802  8802 I InCall  : InCallPresenter -  - Phone switching state: NO_CALLS -> PENDING_OUTGOING
07-10 14:50:15.639  8802  8802 I InCall  : InCallPresenter -  - Phone switching state: PENDING_OUTGOING -> OUTGOING
07-10 14:50:25.743  8802  8802 I InCall  : InCallPresenter -  - Phone switching state: OUTGOING -> INCALL
07-10 14:50:26.939  8802  8802 I InCall  : InCallPresenter -  - Phone switching state: INCALL -> INCALL
07-10 14:50:32.855  8802  8802 I InCall  : InCallPresenter -  - Phone switching state: INCALL -> NO_CALLS

Mo Call 到Telephony Framework Log

1、CallIntentProcessor 创建 NewOutGoingCallIntentBroadcaster 对象,并把intent 和 CallsManager创建的Call对象传递给他处理,他通过发送广播的形式,把 发送给NewOutgoingCallBroadcastintentReceiver进一步处理,其实就是调用CallsManager的placeOutgingCall方法。

2、placeOutingCall方法最终调用Call对象的startCreateConnection方法,这里的Call,是Telecom Service,目录下的Call对象,




4、CreateConnection这里会去绑定这个服务,在链接成功之后,会把ConnectionServiceWrapper里面的Adapter对象,添加到ConnectionService的ConnectionServiceAdapter对象里面,然后回调BindCallback的onSuccess方法,同时,把上面说大到的Response对象添加到mPendingResponses Map 里面,待后续完成后取出来

5、在上面说到的onSuccess里面,会继续调用ConnectionService的createConnection方法,这个其实是用他的子类,TelephonyConnectionService,紧接着,进一步调用onCreateOutGoingConnection方法,继续调用createConnectionFor方法,生成一个TelephonyConnection,然后调用placeOutGoingConnection,到这里,他就去回去调用TelephonyFramework的phone对象的Dial方法了,返回一个Telephony Framework的connection对象,而上面生成的TelephonyConnection会根据它来更新自己,并且调用phone注册registerForPreciseCallStateChanged事件监听,用以监听Call状态的变化


//dial out action
07-10 14:50:14.590  1029  1029 V Telecom : Processing call intent in OutgoingCallIntentBroadcaster.: PCR.oR@Abg
07-10 14:50:14.632  1029  1029 I Telecom : Sending NewOutgoingCallBroadcast for [TC@2, CONNECTING, null, tel:1234567890, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), unknown, unknown [Capabilities:] [Properties:]] to UserHandle{0}: PCR.oR@Abg

07-10 14:50:14.632  1029  1029 V Telecom : Broadcasting intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.NEW_OUTGOING_CALL flg=0x10000000 launchParam=MultiScreenLaunchParams { mDisplayId=0 mBaseDisplayId=0 mFlags=0 } (has extras) }.: PCR.oR@Abg

07-10 14:50:14.747  1029  1029 V Telecom :$NewOutgoingCallBroadcastIntentReceiver: onReceive: Intent { act=android.intent.action.NEW_OUTGOING_CALL flg=0x10000010 launchParam=MultiScreenLaunchParams { mDisplayId=0 mBaseDisplayId=0 mFlags=0 } bqHint=0 (has extras) }: NOCBIR.oR@Abw
07-10 14:50:14.747  1029  1029 I Telecom :$NewOutgoingCallBroadcastIntentReceiver: Received new-outgoing-call-broadcast for [TC@2, CONNECTING, null, tel:1234567890, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), unknown, unknown [Capabilities:] [Properties:]] with data 1234567890: NOCBIR.oR@Abw

07-10 14:50:14.757  1029  1029 I Telecom : Creating a new outgoing call with handle: tel:1234567890: NOCBIR.oR@Abw
07-10 14:50:14.789  1029  1029 D Telecom : CallsManager : placeOutgoingCall() getTargetPhoneAccount() = ComponentInfo{}, [5d82928ef18b3e949e61cd661cec88f28f396828], UserHandle{0}

07-10 14:50:14.790  1029  1029 V Telecom : CreateConnectionProcessor created for Call = [TC@2, CONNECTING, null, tel:1234567890, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), unknown, unknown [Capabilities:] [Properties:]]: NOCBIR.oR@Abw
07-10 14:50:14.790  1029  1029 V Telecom : process: NOCBIR.oR@Abw

07-10 14:50:14.798  1029  1029 V Telecom : attemptNextPhoneAccount: NOCBIR.oR@Abw
07-10 14:50:14.799  1029  1029 I Telecom : Trying attempt CallAttemptRecord(ComponentInfo{}, [5d82928ef18b3e949e61cd661cec88f28f396828], UserHandle{0},ComponentInfo{}, [5d82928ef18b3e949e61cd661cec88f28f396828], UserHandle{0}): NOCBIR.oR@Abw
07-10 14:50:14.800  1029  1029 I Telecom : Attempting to call from ComponentInfo{}: NOCBIR.oR@Abw

07-10 14:50:14.801  1029  1029 D Telecom : createConnection([TC@2, CONNECTING,, tel:1234567890, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), unknown, unknown [Capabilities:] [Properties:]]) via ComponentInfo{}.: NOCBIR.oR@Abw
07-10 14:50:14.801  1029  1029 D Telecom : bind(): NOCBIR.oR@Abw
07-10 14:50:14.801  1029  1029 I Telecom : Event: Call TC@2: BIND_CS, ComponentInfo{}: NOCBIR.oR@Abw

07-10 14:50:14.820  1029  1029 I Telecom :$ServiceBinderConnection: Service bound ComponentInfo{}: SBC.oSC@Ab4

07-10 14:50:14.836  1326  1326 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService: onCreateOutgoingConnection, request: ConnectionRequest xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=664]

07-10 14:50:14.870  1326  1326 I Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService: createConnectionFor. phoneType : 1 / isImsCall : false

07-10 14:50:14.870  1326  1326 V Telephony: GsmConnection: onStateChanged, state: INITIALIZING

07-10 14:50:14.876  1326  1326 D Telephony: TelephonyConnectionService: placeOutgoingConnection

07-10 14:50:14.876  1326  1326 D Telephony: TelephonyConnectionUtils: DoDial CallType : 0CallDomain : 1

07-10 14:50:15.074  1029  6422 V Telecom : handleCreateConnectionSuccessful ParcelableConnection [act:ComponentInfo{}, [5d82928ef18b3e949e61cd661cec88f28f396828], UserHandle{0}], state:3, capabilities:[Capabilities: CAPABILITY_SUPPORT_HOLD CAPABILITY_MUTE CAPABILITY_CANNOT_DOWNGRADE_VIDEO_TO_AUDIO], properties:[Properties:], extras:Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=1140]: CSW.hCCC@AcI

07-10 14:50:15.135  1029  6422 V Telecom : onSuccessfulOutgoingCall, [TC@2, CONNECTING,, tel:1234567890, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), unknown, unknown [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_SUPPORT_HOLD CAPABILITY_MUTE CAPABILITY_CANNOT_DOWNGRADE_VIDEO_TO_AUDIO] [Properties:]]: CSW.hCCC@AcI
07-10 14:50:15.136  1029  6422 I Telecom : CallsManager : setCallState CONNECTING -> DIALING, call: [TC@2, CONNECTING,, tel:1234567890, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), unknown, unknown [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_SUPPORT_HOLD CAPABILITY_MUTE CAPABILITY_CANNOT_DOWNGRADE_VIDEO_TO_AUDIO] [Properties:]]
07-10 14:50:15.136  1029  6422 V Telecom : setState CONNECTING -> DIALING: CSW.hCCC@AcI
07-10 14:50:15.136  1029  6422 I Telecom : Event: Call TC@2: SET_DIALING, successful outgoing call: CSW.hCCC@AcI

07-10 14:50:15.137  1029  6422 V Telecom : onCallStateChanged: [TC@2, DIALING,, tel:1234567890, A, childs(0), has_parent(false), unknown, unknown [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_SUPPORT_HOLD CAPABILITY_MUTE CAPABILITY_CANNOT_DOWNGRADE_VIDEO_TO_AUDIO] [Properties:]]: CSW.hCCC@AcI

07-10 14:50:15.191  8802  8802 D InCallService: InCallService - handleMessage: 3
07-10 14:50:15.191  8802  8802 D TelecomParcelCall: Do NOT make VideoCallImpl because mVideoCallProvider is null
07-10 14:50:15.340  8802  8815 D InCallService: InCallServiceBinder - updateCall: id(TC@2), state(DIALING), [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_SUPPORT_HOLD CAPABILITY_MUTE CAPABILITY_CANNOT_DOWNGRADE_VIDEO_TO_AUDIO]

07-10 14:50:15.490  8802  8802 I InCall  : Call_1 - TelecomCallCallback onStateChanged call=Call [id: TC@2, state: DIALING, details: [pa: ComponentInfo{}, [5d82928ef18b3e949e61cd661cec88f28f396828], UserHandle{0}, hdl: tel:***********, caps: [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_SUPPORT_HOLD CAPABILITY_MUTE CAPABILITY_CANNOT_DOWNGRADE_VIDEO_TO_AUDIO], props: [Properties:]]] newState=1
07-10 14:50:15.491  8802  8802 D InCall  : Call -  - updateFromTelecomCall: Call [id: TC@2, state: DIALING, details: [pa: ComponentInfo{}, [5d82928ef18b3e949e61cd661cec88f28f396828], UserHandle{0}, hdl: tel:***********, caps: [Capabilities: CAPABILITY_SUPPORT_HOLD CAPABILITY_MUTE CAPABILITY_CANNOT_DOWNGRADE_VIDEO_TO_AUDIO], props: [Properties:]]]

07-10 14:50:15.637  8802  8802 I InCall  : InCallPresenter -  - onCallListChange: start
07-10 14:50:15.639  8802  8802 D InCall  : InCallPresenter -  - onCallListChange oldState= PENDING_OUTGOING newState=OUTGOING
07-10 14:50:15.639  8802  8802 D InCall  : InCallPresenter -  - startOrFinishUi: PENDING_OUTGOING -> OUTGOING



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