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nvim-autopairs's Issues

add support pairs with more than 2 character

With this configuration:

    pairs_map = {
        ["'"] = "'",
        ['"'] = '"',
        ['('] = ')',
        ['['] = ']',
        ['{'] = '}',
        ['`'] = '`',
        -- python strings (working)
        ["b'"] = "'",
        ["f'"] = "'",
        ["r'"] = "'",
        -- python strings (error)
        ['b"'] = '"',
        ['f"'] = '"',
        ['r"'] = '"',

I get error when typing f".
E116: Invalid arguments for function MPairs.autopairs("f"",""")

Btw, is there any way to configure extra autoclose rules based on filetype?

Any typed text when pum is visible is deleted when typing an auto-paired character

If a user has a typed word, and the completion menu is also opened, pressing a paired character , such as '(' or '{' will delete the user's text, including the character, and instead insert the closing character from the pair.

For example, if the user has typed Upload| and the pum is visible, pressing ( would result in ). Instead, it should have resulted in Upload(|)

paste broken since last two updates

I made simple mapping, so I could use ctrl+v in insert mode:

-- <C-r> - id doing paste from default copy register in insert mode
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("i", "<C-v>", '<C-r>+', { noremap = true } ) --and disable 2MMB so no accidental paste..
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("c", "<C-v>", '<C-r>+', { noremap = true } ) --and disable 2MMB so no accidental paste..

It worked ok some time ago but now this code:

config=function() require("nv-minimap")

becomes - after paste in insert mode with ctrl+v :

config=function) requirenv-minimap()()"""") 

The 'funny' thing is pasting in inset mode with my mapping work if there is no space char before cursor position. So if I paste inside word then everything works ok. For now I switched to this version: b8272f5 and problem is not preset (was introduced in latter commits)

Pairs associated to more than a single character

First of all, thanks for creating this nifty plugin.

I am trying to set up the pair ['``'] = "''". These is how LaTeX understands double quotation. The pairing partially works, but instead of getting |'' as it should, I get '|'. The cursor enters between the second single quotes. This may be due to the previous default pairing ["'"] = "'", but I would hope that autopairs is smarter than that.

On the same topic, for LaTeX purposes I would also like to setup paring like \( is paired to \) - this is math mode. I tried ['\\('] = '\\)', it is does not seem to work. The single space does not work either. Any ideas there?

Auto-closing quotes with common prefix

I do not consider this to be extra feature but rather improvement on base feature.

Currently this configuration:

    pairs_map = {
        ['`'] = '`',
        ['```'] = '```',

Does not work as expected (expected behavior: `| -> `|` , ```| -> ```|```).

do not insert pairs when cursor is in the middle of a text

Hi there! I would love to be able to disable the insertion of matching pair when I'm in the middle of a word. For example:

require"some_text"|.foobar() -- | is the cursor, do not insert matching pair here

require"some_text" |.foobar() -- | is the cursor, do not insert matching pair here

require"some_text".foobar| -- | is the cursor, insert matching pair here

(|) -- | is the cursor, insert matching pair here, also applies to all matches like [] and {}

Basically, I don't want it to insert a matching pair if the right side of the cursor is not empty or it's not a symbol like what I've defined in the setup. ((){}[]). Thanks in advance!

edit: this seems to work already, but it still inserts a pair if the next character is a .

Jump Over to Next Line if Closing Brackets Is On Next Line

What happens:

Before        Input         After
{                             {
    |           }                 }|
}                             }

What I Want to Happen:

Before        Input         After
{                             {
    |           }                 
}                             }|

Is there any way to achieve this?

The plugin requires tree-sitter

If Treesitter is not installed, then the plugin gives an error:


Is it possible to turn this dependency into optional? I have a minimal configuration that allows me to use Neovim to edit text fields in browser (using Firenvim) and do not need Treesitter for it.

How to get indentation too?

I am newbie to this plugin. So, without nvim-autopairs,it works like this.

int functionname() {

with , nvim-autopairs , i get this,

int functionname() {

I wanted this.

int functionname() {

Please help me. I want closing brace to be on next line

Help with configuration


I'm having an issue that is quite annoying and I don't know how to solve it. This is what happens:

// input: (
// input: )
// input: backspace
//input: backspace

autopairs is constantly eating my closing brackets, and I don't know why, and I don't know how to configure it so it doesn't do that. Note that the count of the parens is not always supposed to make sense, in the example I included a closing parens that pairs with an opening parens earlier in a previous line (as maybe that's relevant with how the plugin counts).

What I'd want is that when I open a parens, it also inserts the closing parens, especially if the next parens in the line is already paired with an opening one.

Here's an example of a good behavior I'd like

// input: (


// input: backspace


// input: backspace
// input: backspace

Let me know if that doesn't make sense, or if this maybe isn't the plugin to do this with

Not working as intended with `|foobar` examples

Did this with minimal config, only calling autopairs with:

Before Input Expected Actual
|foobar ( (|)foobar (|foobar
|.foobar ( (|).foobar (|.foobar
|+foobar ( (|)+foobar (|+foobar

Neovim version:
NVIM v0.5.0-dev+1367-g27c616d68 Build type: RelWithDebInfo LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3

nvim-autopairs version:
b581620 (current)

Quotes within other pairs are not properly skipped

When pressing any of the keys ',`," within any other pairs, a single symbol is added rather than skipping the closing symbol

For example, starting at this position where the cursor is |

Expected behavior:

Actual behavior:

This is with default configuration settings

I can't get sample Rule to work

Hello, thanks for your plugin.

I'm trying to define a rule for a specific filetype but the sample code doesn't work

  Rule("$", "$",{"tex", "latex"})
    -- don't add a pair if  the previous character is xxx
    :with_pair(cond.not_before_regex_check("xxx", 3))

The only way I can get it to work is to leave off the filetype.

Here is my full configuration

local Rule = require('nvim-autopairs.rule')
local remap = vim.api.nvim_set_keymap
local npairs = require('nvim-autopairs')

-- skip it, if you use another global object
_G.MUtils= {}

vim.g.completion_confirm_key = ""
  if vim.fn.pumvisible() ~= 0  then
    if vim.fn.complete_info()["selected"] ~= -1 then
      return vim.fn["compe#confirm"](npairs.esc("<cr>"))
      return npairs.esc("<cr>")
    return npairs.autopairs_cr()

remap('i' , '<CR>','v:lua.MUtils.completion_confirm()', {expr = true , noremap = true})

-- you can use some builtin condition
local cond = require('nvim-autopairs.conds')
require('nvim-autopairs').clear_rules()  -- <=== I clear the default rules on purpose.  This is the only way my defined rule works

  Rule("(", ")")
    :with_pair(cond.not_before_regex_check("\\", 1))  -- <== I only want this rule to apply on latex files; adding {"tex","latex","plaintex"}  to the argument list had no effect.  It just made the rule not apply.

Alternative to closetag?

Reading the readme to me is not clear if support html as example.
Right now I use but I am not sure if this plugin can be an alternative (of course this one support also other things).

Maybe a language list of supported so I don't need to check all the rules available if are good for the one I use it?

`disable_filetypes` not working

I just noticed that the pairs are appearing inside the telescope prompt even if they are disabled. I am using the plugin with default options.


Skip Jumping to Next Bracket

Hello @windwp ,

Initially, thank you for maintaining so many beautiful plugins for neovim.

Is there a way to disable the jump mode with a flag that I am missing even though many of the community likes it?

Current behavior:

Before                  Input         After
((someword|)         )               ((someword)|

The one I wish for:

Before                   Input         After
((someword |)         )               ((someword)|)

Parentheses inserted two times with the latest update

Not sure if my config in at fault here but 43020b1 introduced weird behavior for me (with the latest config example applied)

my autopairs config looks like this right now:

local remap = vim.api.nvim_set_keymap
local npairs = require('nvim-autopairs')
local Rule = require('nvim-autopairs.rule')

  ignored_next_char = "[%w%.]",
  check_ts = true,
  ts_config = {
      lua = {'string'},-- it will not add pair on that treesitter node
      javascript = {'string'}

require('nvim-treesitter.configs').setup {
    autopairs = {enable = true}

local ts_conds = require('nvim-autopairs.ts-conds')

-- press % => %% is only inside comment or string
  Rule("%", "%", "lua")
  Rule("$", "$", "lua")

  map_cr = true, --  map <CR> on insert mode
  map_complete = true -- it will auto insert `(` after select function or method item

while compe's looks like this:

local remap = vim.api.nvim_set_keymap

vim.opt.completeopt = { "menuone" , "noselect" } -- "noinsert"

require('compe').setup {
  enabled = true;
  autocomplete = true;
  debug = false;
  min_length = 1;
  preselect = 'enable';
  throttle_time = 80;
  source_timeout = 200;
  incomplete_delay = 400;
  max_abbr_width = 100;
  max_kind_width = 100;
  max_menu_width = 100;
  documentation = true;

  source = {
    path = true;
    buffer = true;
    calc = true;
    nvim_lsp = true;
    nvim_lua = true;
    vsnip = true;

local t = function(str)
  return vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes(str, true, true, true)

local check_back_space = function()
    local col = vim.fn.col('.') - 1
    if col == 0 or vim.fn.getline('.'):sub(col, col):match('%s') then
        return true
        return false

-- Use (s-)tab to:
--- move to prev/next item in completion menuone
--- jump to prev/next snippet's placeholder
_G.tab_complete = function()
  if vim.fn.pumvisible() == 1 then
    return t "<C-n>"
  elseif"vsnip#available", {1}) == 1 then
    return t "<Plug>(vsnip-expand-or-jump)"
  elseif check_back_space() then
    return t "<Tab>"
    return vim.fn['compe#complete']()

_G.s_tab_complete = function()
  if vim.fn.pumvisible() == 1 then
    return t "<C-p>"
  elseif"vsnip#jumpable", {-1}) == 1 then
    return t "<Plug>(vsnip-jump-prev)"
    -- If <S-Tab> is not working in your terminal, change it to <C-h>
    return t "<S-Tab>"

-- remap('i' , '<CR>','compe#confirm("<CR>")', {expr = true , noremap = true})

remap('i' , '<Tab>','v:lua.tab_complete()', {expr = true})
remap('s' , '<Tab>','v:lua.tab_complete()', {expr = true})
remap('i' , '<S-Tab>','v:lua.s_tab_complete()', {expr = true})
remap('s' , '<S-Tab>','v:lua.s_tab_complete()', {expr = true})

Now, after confirming a functon in compe's popup I have this kind of result:


In other words two pairs of parentheses are being inserted.

Did I understand the change incorrectly?

Functionality to disable default pair in certain situations

I've read both documentation and some plugin code, but couldn't find the way to disable a default pair in certain situation.

For example, my use case is to disable adding second " inside '.vim' files when it is intended to be a comment string (for example, when there is only white space to the left of the first "). I even tried "more simple" approach to completely disable "-" pair in '.vim' files, but couldn't figure out a way to do that.

My first impression was to use this: npairs.add_rules({Rule('"', '', 'vim')}). It didn't work, although it works if I try to add new pair (for example, with npairs.add_rules({Rule('^', '^', 'vim')})).

Must refresh the buffer for multi-character pairs to function correctly

When trying to use multi-character pairs, such as ``` in markdown, out of the box the rules don't work at all, but when calling :lua require'nvim-autopairs'.on_attach() or simply :edit , then the the rules start to work correctly. This, however, isn't ideal, and I'm not really sure how it can be solved.

Endwise rules incorrect indents

There seems to be an issue with indent-levels for endwise-rules:

Example rules:

  endwise('then$', 'end', 'lua', nil)



It seems to consistently indent the matching end one level too little.

Adding spacing rules?

Do you think it is suitable to add the following rules to basic.lua?

Rule(' ', ' '):with_pair(function (opts)
  local pair = opts.line:sub(opts.col, opts.col+2)
  return vim.tbl_contains({'()', '[]', '{}'}, pair)

So we have the following

before insert after
(|) ( |) ( | )
{|} { |} { | }
[|] [ |] [ | ]

break line rule only works for curly braces

Hi there, I think it would be better if break line rule works for all of matching pairs. Currently it only works for {}.

const obj = {
} // this works
const arr = [
|] // this doesn't

note: | is cursor

Nested block issue where closing pair is not generated.

My apologies for the bad title, but unsure how to accurately name this situation. However, when you open a block, hit new line and attempt to open another where the closing for the first is directly after your cursor the closing pair isn't generated.

An example

val x = {

At the | if I was to enter { I'd expect the following:

val x = {

However, I'm instead left with the following:

val x = {

Note that this doesn't happen if there is a space between the cursor and the closing pair.

val x = {
| }

The example above would correctly produce:

val x = {
{|} }

Single `'` not skipped when in another pair.

As a follow-up to #3, I believe it has only been fixed for " and not for '. For example, given then following:






enable break line rule for all filetypes

Is there a way to enable break line rule for all filetypes without having to list the filetypes manually? I'd love to be able to set something like break_line_filetype = { "*" } and it enables the rule for all filetypes. Thanks in advance!

auto brackets with autocomplete selection

I am using autopairs for the past one month when I moved by init.vim to init.lua. Its a great plugin. I am trying to move from Vvs-code to nvim
I am using it with nvim-compe for autocomplete. Is it possible to enable the autopairs automatically when I say select a function from my auto complete with the cursor in the middle of the brackets and not triggering of the auto brackets when say I have selected a module from my autocomplete.

I am attaching a gif to show what I mean.
● demo py - pivot - Visual Studio Code - Insiders 2021-06-21 15-09-37

feat: toggle to deactivate+activate bracket creation

Hey, nice plugin so far.

-- insert I
-- insert {
-- Thats bad, I wanted to set the bracket after I am done with configuring the plugin options

Can you make a toggle to deactivate the behavior?
Or how do you work with this plugin?
Being forced to delete the bracket is very unfortunate for usability.

dot command doesn't repeat the pairs

When I am in insert mode, and I write something which has some pairs: (test)

And then press the . command to repeat. It will only repeat what is inside the pair: test without the parenthesis.

Is this the desired behaviour? Have I messed up something in my config? Thanks in advance.

Plugin failed to load with minium vimrc

A minium vimrc

call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'windwp/nvim-autopairs'
call plug#end()

lua <<EOF
-- require('nvim-autopairs').setup(). -- commented out because I want to load it when first time in insert mode

But if I run lua require('nvim-autopairs').setup() manually after nvim loaded, the plugin does not work correctly, there are no errors, but if I type (, it does not auto pair.
If I remove comments in this line: -- require('nvim-autopairs').setup() it works fine.
It also can not manually loaded with

packadd nvim-autopairs
lua require('nvim-autopairs').setup()

There are no errors, simply does not do the job

With packer, it also has some trouble to load if I use lazy loading and specify either keys or event to lazyloading the plugin.

attempt to call field 'autopairs_cr' (a nil value)

The sample mapping with nvim-compe gives the error attempt to call field 'autopairs_cr' (a nil value) when CR is pressed and it types a zero instead.


This is the config (taken from the README)

local remap = vim.api.nvim_set_keymap
local npairs = require('nvim-autopairs')

-- skip it, if you use another global object
_G.MUtils= {}

vim.g.completion_confirm_key = ""
  if vim.fn.pumvisible() ~= 0  then
    if vim.fn.complete_info()["selected"] ~= -1 then
      return vim.fn["compe#confirm"](npairs.esc("<c-r>"))
      return npairs.esc("<cr>")
    return npairs.autopairs_cr()

remap('i' , '<CR>','v:lua.MUtils.completion_confirm()', {expr = true , noremap = true})

indent with autopairs

Have can I achieve indent with autopairs same to webstorm's one?


does not work with nvim-compe

thanks for this awesome plugin!
i am using nvim-compe for various reasons.

the provided example in the readme lacks of one "end" statement. correction:

MUtils.completion_confirm = function()
  if vim.fn.pumvisible() ~= 0  then
    if vim.fn.complete_info()["selected"] ~= -1 then
      return npairs.esc("<c-y>")
      end, 20)
      return npairs.esc("<c-n>")
    return npairs.check_break_line_char()

even though i fixed syntax error, the plugin does not work with compe and i am not able to fix that :S
i setup auto-pairs after i setup compe.
what i type {<enter> what i get:


the closing bracket is missing :S

any help appreciated !

i am ... damn! after switching to compe i forgot the setup() function for autopairs when copy pasting...
it is working now as expected and i will open a PR for the syntax fix :)

Print Message "You need to install treesitter"

Hey, thank you so much for the great work on this plugin. It's fast and works quite seamlessly. I just had one question: I seem to be getting a print message whenever i open up nvim saying "you need to install treesitter". Treesitter is of course already installed (i use packer.nvim). Even after running :PackerSync and reloading, I still get this message.

I checked the code and I see where the error is coming from and I am confused why this line is not returning ok for me. Any ideas?

This is the file where i configure nvim-autopairs:

local npairs = require('nvim-autopairs')
local Rule = require('nvim-autopairs.rule')

-- skip it, if you use another global object
_G.MUtils= {}

vim.g.completion_confirm_key = ""
  if vim.fn.pumvisible() ~= 0  then
    if vim.fn.complete_info()["selected"] ~= -1 then
      return vim.fn["compe#confirm"](npairs.esc("<cr>"))
      return npairs.esc("<cr>")
    return npairs.autopairs_cr()

  map_cr = true, --  map <CR> on insert mode
  map_complete = true -- it will auto insert `(` after select function or method item

    check_ts = true,
    ts_config = {
        lua = {'string'},-- it will not add pair on that treesitter node
        javascript = {'template_string'},
        java = false,-- don't check treesitter on java

Newline inside pairs

It would be very nice if there was an option to let the carriage return space things out properly for stuff like functions, etc. For instance, pressing enter in

int main() {|}

would yield

int main() {

where | is the location of the cursor. Thanks for your work on this plugin!

Help with tab?

So this doesn't really have anything to do with autopairs really but I am using nvim-autopairs's esc function to try and write a mapping for tab and shift-tab with completion-nvim and vsnip and was hoping you could help me and/or are maybe using something similar for your personal neovim setup.

This is what I am using. Whe
    if vim.fn.pumvisible() ~= 0  then
        return npairs.esc("<C-n>")
        if vim.fn["vsnip#available"](1) ~= 0 then
            return npairs.esc("<Plug>(vsnip-expand-or-jump)")
            return npairs.esc("<Tab>")

    if vim.fn.pumvisible() ~= 0  then
        return npairs.esc("<C-p>")
        if vim.fn["vsnip#jumpable"](-1) ~= 0 then
            return npairs.esc("<Plug>(vsnip-jump-prev)")
            return npairs.esc("<C-h>")

consistent variable names?

Is there any reason to name the first 2 option as camelCase and the rest of them snake_case? I think it would be better if it has the same naming convention.

[Bug] Since latest update (30 mins ago) a bunch of text appears when Nvim autopairs is enabled.

I'm experiencing the bug with both my config and the minimal config:


Minimal config:


My config:

local remap = vim.api.nvim_set_keymap
local npairs = require('nvim-autopairs')
local Rule = require('nvim-autopairs.rule')

-- skip it, if you use another global object
_G.MUtils= {}

vim.g.completion_confirm_key = ""
  if vim.fn.pumvisible() ~= 0  then
    if vim.fn.complete_info()["selected"] ~= -1 then
      return vim.fn["compe#confirm"](npairs.esc("<cr>"))
      return npairs.esc("<cr>")
    return npairs.autopairs_cr()

remap('i' , '<CR>','v:lua.MUtils.completion_confirm()', {expr = true , noremap = true})

	disable_filetype = { "TelescopePrompt" },
	ignored_next_char = string.gsub([[ [%w%%%'%[%"%.] ]],"%s+", ""),
	enable_moveright = true,
	enable_afterquote = true,  -- add bracket pairs after quote
	enable_check_bracket_line = true,  --- check bracket in same line
	check_ts = true,
	ts_config = {
		lua = {'string'},-- it will not add pair on that treesitter node
		javascript = {'template_string'},
		java = false,-- don't check treesitter on java

require('nvim-treesitter.configs').setup {
    autopairs = {enable = true}

local ts_conds = require('nvim-autopairs.ts-conds')

-- press % => %% is only inside comment or string
  Rule("%", "%", "lua")
  Rule("$", "$", "lua")

Using both configs I get [kind of] the same output. Why? I don't really know why, maybe you added some sort of verbosity?

Hope this gets solved soon. Thanks!

Edit: indeed latest update is broken(?), using this commit:

use {"windwp/nvim-autopairs", opt = true, commit = "b5816204bd2f92f1c64dff132fbd67a1530c1751"}

Works as expected

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