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ngx-upload's Introduction


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Ngx-upload is a module for the Angular framework. Ngx-upload supports drag and drop, upload progress and manages a file upload queue for you. Ngx-upload is bound to anyone presentation framework but you can use it with ng(x)-bootstrap or Angular Material Design without any problems.

Ngx-upload follows the same update cycle than Angular. Thereby, Ngx-upload 9.x.x is compatible with Angular 9, Ngx-upload 10.x.x is compatible with Angular 10, ...


Install through npm:

npm install @wkoza/ngx-upload


yarn add @wkoza/ngx-upload


Just include NgxUploadModule in your root module with HttpClientModule and (FormsModule or ReactiveFormsModule):

import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {HttpClientModule} from '@angular/common/http';
import {FormsModule} from '@angular/forms';
import {NgxUploadModule} from '@wkoza/ngx-upload';

  imports: [
    FormsModule, // or ReactiveFormsModule
export class AppModule {}

Remenber: When you are in a sub module, you haven't to call the forRoot() method. You just have to import NgxUploadModule.

Ngx-upload also proposes to configure the drop zone aspect. Then, you can change the css class of your drop zone regarding the drop event:

  • When you drag a file
  • When you drop a file
  • In other cases

For this, you should add the configuration object DropTargetOptions like this :

import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {HttpClientModule} from '@angular/common/http';
import {FormsModule} from '@angular/forms';
import {NgxUploadModule, MineTypeEnum, DropTargetOptions} from '@wkoza/ngx-upload';

export const ngxDropTargetOptions: DropTargetOptions = {
  color: 'dropZoneColor',
  colorDrag: 'dropZoneColorDrag',
  colorDrop: 'dropZoneColorDrop',
  multiple: true,
  accept: [MineTypeEnum.Image, MineTypeEnum.Application_Pdf]

  imports: [
    FormsModule, // or ReactiveFormsModule
export class AppModule {}

In this example, you should also declare these css classes in your own css :

.dropZoneColor {
  border: 3px dotted rgba(0,0,0,0.08);
  background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.12)

.dropZoneColorDrag {
  border: 3px dotted rgba(0,0,0,0.28);
  background-color: grey

.dropZoneColorDrop {
  border: 3px dotted rgba(0,0,0,0.08);
  background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.12)

There are also 4 properties:

  • accept One or more unique file type specifiers describing file types to allow
  • capture What source to use for capturing image or video data
  • multiple A Boolean which, if present, indicates that the user may choose more than one file. Default true.
  • disableMultipart. Ngx-uploader uses, by default, the content-type multipart when it sends a file. This boolean allows to change the content-type of the request by the type of the file when its value is true.


Directive ngxDragAndDrop

Ngx-upload offers one directive for your drop zone called ngxDragAndDrop. It allows to add the files in the upload queue. During the drop event, it throws an event called onDrop that you can catch :



<div class="my-drop-zone" ngxDragAndDrop>
        Drop files here to upload


To finish, we can overwrite the DropTargetOptions for a specific case with this property binding :

<div class="my-drop-zone" [ngxDragAndDrop]="options">
        Drop files here to upload

Directive ngxInputFile

Ngx-upload offers one directive which allows the user to choose one or more files from their device storage. This structural directive can be use like this :



<div class="my-drop-zone" ngxDragAndDrop *ngxInputFile>
        Drop files here to upload


or like that with bootstrap:



<span class="btn btn-outline-success btn-s" *ngxInputFile>Upload local files</span>


and with Material



<button mat-raised-button [color]="'primary'" >
   <ng-template ngxInputFile> Upload local files</ng-template>

*ngxInputFile supports a configuration object of type InputFileOptions. For instance:

optionsInput: InputFileOptions = {
  multiple: true,
  accept: [MineTypeEnum.Image, MineTypeEnum.Application_Pdf]

There are 3 properties:

  • accept One or more unique file type specifiers describing file types to allow
  • capture What source to use for capturing image or video data
  • multiple A Boolean which, if present, indicates that the user may choose more than one file. Default true.

Upload queue

Each file is added to a queue that you can manage with uploader service. Here is an example :

  <div class="col-md-9" style="margin-bottom: 40px">
    <h3>Upload queue <span *ngIf="uploader.queue.length>0"> - {{ uploader.queue.length }} item(s)</span></h3>

    <div class="card text-right">
      <div style="margin: 15px">
        <ngb-progressbar showValue="true" type="success" [striped]="true" [animated]="true"
      <div class="card-block">
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-success btn-s" (click)="uploader.uploadAll({method: 'POST', url: 'my_url'})"
          Upload all
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-warning btn-s" (click)="uploader.cancelAll()"
           Cancel all
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-danger btn-s" (click)="uploader.removeAllFromQueue()"
           Remove all
    <div class="card" style="margin-top: 20px">

      <table class="table" style="font-size: 14px">
          <th width="50%">Name</th>
        <tr *ngFor="let itemFile of uploader.queue"
            [ngClass]="{'table-success' : itemFile.isSuccess, 'table-danger' : itemFile.isError, 'table-warning' : itemFile.isUploading  }">
            <div [ngxThumbnail]="itemFile"></div>
          <td>{{ }}</td>
          <td>{{ itemFile.file.size/1024/1024 | number:'1.0-2' }} MB</td>
              <ngb-progressbar type="success" showValue="true"
                               [striped]="true" [animated]="true"

          <td style="text-align: center">
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-success btn-sm" (click)="itemFile.upload({method: 'POST', url: 'my_url'})"
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-warning btn-sm" (click)="itemFile.cancel()"
                    [disabled]="!itemFile.uploadInProgress || itemFile.isCancel">
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-danger btn-sm" (click)="itemFile.remove()"
                    [disabled]="itemFile.isSuccess || itemFile.uploadInProgress">


upload or uploadAll method require a parameter with the type UploadEndPoint. It's your server's endpoint.

Take a look at those examples for more details :


Ngx-upload offers 7 Observable to handle a specific behavior :

  • onCancel$ : This Observable emits when upload is canceled.
  • onError$<{ item: FileItem, body: any, status: number, headers: any }> : This Observable emits on error during the upload process.
  • onSuccess$<{ item: FileItem, body: any, status: number, headers: any }> : This Observable emits on success.
  • onBeforeUploadItem$ : This Observable emits just before the upload process.
  • onProgress$<{ item: FileItem, progress: number }> : This Observable emits during the upload process.
  • onAddToQueue$<>: This Observable is trigged when a file is added in the queue.
  • onDropError$<{ item?: File, errorAccept: boolean, errorMultiple: boolean }>: This Observable is trigged when a file is not accepted in the queue.

For example :

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { FileItem, HttpClientUploadService } from '@wkoza/ngx-upload';

    selector: 'app-root',
    templateUrl: './simple.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./simple.component.css']
export class SimpleBootstrapComponent implements OnInit {

    constructor(public uploader: HttpClientUploadService) { }

    ngOnInit() {

            (data: FileItem) => {
                console.log('file deleted: ' + data.file);


            (data: any) => {
                console.log('upload file in progree: ' + data.progress);


            (data: any) => {
                console.log(`upload file successful:  ${data.item} ${data.body} ${data.status} ${data.headers}`);




All documentation is auto-generated from the source via compodoc and can be viewed here:



ngx-upload's People


ausshadu avatar dependabot[bot] avatar ilueckel avatar rc6886 avatar renovate[bot] avatar wkoza avatar zagronitay avatar zainniazi avatar


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ngx-upload's Issues

Mine types


I have this in options
public optionsInput: InputFileOptions = {
multiple: true,
accept: [MineTypeEnum.Image, MineTypeEnum.Application_Pdf],
but the upload file accept all types of files. I just want images and PDFs


Not working while drag and drop of .avi file and same is working while upload by file explorer

I have a implemented the drag and drop functionality for all types of files.
When I am drag and upload the .avi file is it getting $error and for same file if I upload by file explorer and upload it then it works.

I have added all the MIME types
// Videos

In ng-template doesn't accept variable

In ng-template if you put upload file , no problem but if you put {{ 'button.upload photo'|translate }} you see nothing, no button, no text, the button disappears.


Dependency Dashboard

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

This repository currently has no open or pending branches.

Detected dependencies

None detected

  • Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository

Pull and Publish

I think there are some interesting improvements on the @banksemi fork and I wanna ask if it is possible integrate it and when you publish an update on npm.
I really need the index.ts update because actually angular doesn't compile the library if I enable Ivy

Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined - Angular 9

Upgraded an angular application to version 9 and this error shows from the ngx-upload library.

core.js:5882 ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of undefined at InputfileComponent.push../node_modules/@wkoza/ngx-upload/__ivy_ngcc__/components/inputfile.component.js.InputfileComponent.ngOnInit (inputfile.component.js:32) at callHook (core.js:3941) at callHooks (core.js:3905) at executeInitAndCheckHooks (core.js:3846) at refreshView (core.js:11802) at refreshDynamicEmbeddedViews (core.js:13149) at refreshView (core.js:11807) at refreshComponent (core.js:13224) at refreshChildComponents (core.js:11515) at refreshView (core.js:11836)

Is the library officially supporting angular 9 yet ?

Mime type


It is possible in ngx-upload to accept all types of files.


Multiple and Accept inputs on the directive

I attempted to figure out how to add something like <input [multiple]="multiple" [accept]="accept"> to the directive so that those options can be set dynamically. Don't have much experience with component factories though. Is there a way to accomplish this? Thanks for the program!

Export all class

To build without error with Ivy, we need you export all the classes.

This is my error

Send the files outside form

Hi @wKoza,

I cannot use uploadAll. I don’t send a form but a class and I have to put the files in that class. I have seen the .file but I don’t have the image. I need an array equivalent to file but with the image. There is a way to do it from ngx-upload?


Action Required: Fix Renovate Configuration

There is an error with this repository's Renovate configuration that needs to be fixed. As a precaution, Renovate will stop PRs until it is resolved.

Error type: undefined. Note: this is a nested preset so please contact the preset author if you are unable to fix it yourself.

Error on dependency injection


I know, mantain angular8 with and without Ivy is an aweful work.

Now, with Ivy, library works like a charm.

But without Ivy this is the error in DI:

" Can't resolve all parameters for *Component in path: (?) "

Thumbnail access


Hello mate, I'm using your amazing ngx-upload package. Can you help me with a question?

I'm trying to get the thumbnail back from the events to be able to emit it to my parent component.

Is it possible to do?

By the way, I tried to send you a message from your web site, but it doesn't work.

Is it possible to override the UploadOptions in a Component?

I need override the UploadOptions

const uploadOptions: UploadOptions = { method : 'POST', url: 'your_backend_upload_url', httpStrategy: HttpClientUploadService };

NgxUploadModule.forRoot(uploadOptions, ngxDropTargetOptions)

Like DropTargetOptions

Error: Can't resolve all parameters for InputfileComponent: ([object Object], ?, [object Object], [object Object], [object Object])

Hello William,

I am getting an error: compiler.js:2427 Uncaught Error: Can't resolve all parameters for InputfileComponent: ([object Object], ?, [object Object], [object Object], [object Object]).

angular verison: "~7.1.0",
ngx-upload version: ^8.0.0-beta.0


import { DropTargetOptions, NgxUploadModule} from '@wkoza/ngx-upload';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [AppUrlService
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }


<form #ourForm="ngForm"> or via a simple button-like : <span class="btn btn-outline-success btn-s" *ngxInputFile="optionsInput">Upload local files</span> </form>


@ViewChild('ourForm') ourForm;

optionsInput: InputFileOptions = {
  multiple: false,
  accept: [MineTypeEnum.Image]

  private uploader: HttpClientUploadService
) { }

ngOnInit() {
  this.uploader.queue = [];

  // upload  files
          (data: FileItem) => {
              console.log('file deleted: ' + data.file);


          (data: any) => {
              console.log('upload file in progree: ' + data.progress);


          (data: any) => {
              console.log(`upload file successful:  ${data.item} ${data.body} ${data.status} ${data.headers}`);


Possibility of (fileSelected) event on ngxDragAndDrop

Hi, is there any possibility of adding some helper outputs like fileSelected on ngxDragAndDrop?

Assume that I have one form with 2 instances of fileSelect:

        <span class="__drop-text">Click to select...</span>
        <span class="__drop-text">Click to select...</span>

and I want to store my files in the file queue by keys like:

coverImage: [ FILE ]

gallery: [ FILE, FILE, FILE ]

only available available this._uploader.onAddToQueue$ listens to queue without the option to focus on a single file drop or select.

Would be great to have something like:

       (fileSelected)="addToQueue({ key: 'coverImage', file: $event })">
        <span class="__drop-text">Click to select...</span>

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