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c-and-cpp-language-learning's Issues




计科:第四次课 选择题

  1. Which datatype is used to represent the absence of parameters?
    a) int
    b) short
    c) void
    d) float

  2. The value 132.54 can represented using which data type?
    a) double
    b) void
    c) int
    d) bool

  3. Is bool a fundamental datatype in C++?
    a) Yes
    b) No, it is a typedef of unsigned char
    c) No, it is an enum of {false,true}
    d) No, it is expanded from macros

  4. What is the value of the bool?

    bool is_int(789.54)

    a) True
    b) False
    c) 1
    d) none of the mentioned

  5. How many characters are specified in the ASCII scheme?
    a) 64
    b) 128
    c) 256
    d) none of the mentioned

  6. Select the right option.
    Given the variables p, q are of char type and r, s, t are of int type

    1. t = (r * s) / (r + s);
    2. t = (p * q) / (r + s);

    a) 1 is true but 2 is false
    b) 1 is false and 2 is true
    c) both 1 and 2 are true
    d) both 1 and 2 are false

  7. What is the output of the following program?

    1.      #include <iostream>
    2.      using namespace std;
    3.      int main()
    4.      {
    5.          int x = -1;
    6.          unsigned int y = 2;
    8.          if(x > y) {
    9.              cout << "x is greater";
    10.         } else {
    11.             cout << "y is greater";
    12.         }
    13.     }

    a) x is greater
    b) y is greater
    c) Implementation defined
    d) Arbitrary

  8. What is the value of the following 8-bit integer after all statements are executed?

    int x = 1;
    x = x << 7;
    x = x >> 7;

    a) 1
    b) -1
    c) 127
    d) Implementation defined

  9. Which of the following is not one of the sizes of the floating point types?
    a) short float
    b) float
    c) long double
    d) double

  10. What is the output of this program?

    1.      #include <iostream>
    2.      using namespace std;
    3.      int main()
    4.      {
    5.          float num1 = 1.1;
    6.          double num2 = 1.1;
    7.          if (num1 == num2)
    8.             cout << "stanford";
    9.          else
    10.            cout << "harvard";
    11.         return 0;
    12.     }

    a) harvard
    b) stanford
    c) compile time error
    d) runtime error

软件:week4 理论作业(2015-10-19 实验课结束后提交)





😄 😄 😄

// example

  1. C99 standard guarantees uniqueness of ____ characters for internal names.
    a) 31
    b) 63
    c) 12
    d) 14
    View Answer
    Explanation:ISO C99 compiler may consider only first 63 characters for internal.
    // end example


  1. Which of the following is not a valid variable name declaration?
    a) int __a3;
    b) int __3a;
    c) int __A3;
    d) None of the mentioned
  2. Which of the following is not a valid variable name declaration?
    a) int _a3;
    b) int a_3;
    c) int 3_a;
    d) int _3a
  3. Variable names beginning with underscore is not encouraged. Why?
    a) It is not standardized
    b) To avoid conflicts since assemblers and loaders use such names
    c) To avoid conflicts since library routines use such names
    d) To avoid conflicts with environment variables of an operating system
  4. All keywords in C are in
    a) LowerCase letters
    b) UpperCase letters
    c) CamelCase letters
    d) None
  5. Which of the following is not a valid C variable name?
    a) int number;
    b) float rate;
    c) int variable_count;
    d) int $main;
  6. Which of the following is true for variable names in C?
    a) They can contain alphanumeric characters as well as special characters
    b) It is not an error to declare a variable to be one of the keywords(like goto, static)
    c) Variable names cannot start with a digit
    d) Variable can be of any length
  7. The value of expression 3.6-5/2+1.2+5%2 is .
    (A) 4.3
    (B) 4.8
    (C) 3.3
    (D) 3.8
  8. _______ translates high-level language program into machine language program.
    (B) A compiler
    (C) An assembler
    (D) The operating system
  9. Which of the followings cannot be used as an identifier?
    (A) _1234
    (B) 1_2
    (C) int_2

    (D) 2_int
  10. If x = 2 and y = 3, what is the value of y for y += x > y ? x *x : y * y.
    (A) 12
    (B) 9
    (C) 7
    (D) none of the above
  11. Suppose int i=1,which of the following statements cannot increase variable i by 1?
  12. Which of the followings cannot be used as an identifier?
    (A) true
    (B) INT
    (C) CHINA
    (D) end
  13. The value of expression 4-5/2.0+5%2 is .
    (A) 2.5
    (B) 3
    (C) 4
    (D) none of the above




软件:week 7 问题反馈

1、记得本周有实验作业 实验:程序调试
理论考试时间:8:00 ~ 9:30
实验机试:9:40 ~ 11:10 (暂定5题)







简介:中山大学 数据科学与计算机学院 软件工程 13级 嵌入式软件开发方向

Mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

Tel: 18819473270


1 实验报告

1.1 第一次实验报告

主题:学习iomanip, cmath库函数


1.2 第二次实验报告



1.3 第三次实验报告



1.4 第四次实验报告



1.5 第五次实验报告



1.6 第六次实验报告

主题:基于命令行窗口的小游戏 贪吃蛇

时间:week8 - week10

1.7 第七次实验报告


时间:week11 - week12

1.8 第八次实验报告


时间:week13 - week15

1.9 第九次实验报告



2 习题课

2.1 第一次习题课


2.2 第二次习题课


3 考试

3.1 期中考试

3.2 期末考试






2015年12月30日 18:00
2015年12月30日 21:00




计科:week6 第五次课总结

计科:week6 第五次课总结

1 Sicily习题

2 第一次选择题


3 第二次实验报告

3.1 学习冒泡排序算法

3.2 存在问题

  1. 交互不好
  2. 没有按照google style写代码,可读性很差
  3. 文件没有按照要求命名
  4. 没有cpp程序
  5. 程序崩溃
  6. 程序错误

3.3 优秀作业展示

4 关于作业和成绩

  1. 尽量按时提交,延时适当扣分
  2. 一定按照要求的命名和格式提交
  3. 自己不需要打包,直接发给学委,学委全部一起打包即可
  4. 对成绩有问题及时找我纠正




1 代码风格

要求符合google style。在线google style检查:google style

2 Gitbub账号


3 Discussion


4 注意目录







看着无奈的wrong answer,time limit exceeded,memory limit exceeded,runtime error,restrict function,不知道怎么改。“我这个程序绝壁没错,不可能啊”




看着老师上课就像在讲天书,哇啦哇啦不知道说什么,隐隐约约听到一个call by value, call by value,也不知道啥意思。



我们虽然在作业最难最多的专业,可是我们也在最有前途的专业,也许别人开开心心地玩着上大学,以后就哭着 找工作养家糊口。

也许,有挑战的事情才是真正的学习。记得小学期有个外教说过,“you should remember how you struggled when you feel it easy” (你要记得你在掌握之前曾经多么纠结)。

















计科:week3 第一次实验报告内容

1 阅读 中关于iomanip, cmath的代码和例子

2 提交两个程序和一份实验报告


规定要用到函数setiosflags, resetiosflags, setbase, setfill, setprecision, setw六个函数






计科:week12 project1 The Snake Game

week12 project1 The Snake Game

1 Brief Introduction

Snake is a game where the player maneuvers a line which grows in length, with the line itself being a primary obstacle. There is no standard version of the game. The concept originated in the 1976 arcade game Blockade, and its simplicity has led to many implementations (some of which have the word snake or worm in the title). After a variant was preloaded on Nokia mobile phones in 1998, there was a resurgence of interest in the Snake concept as it found a larger audience.

The player controls a dot, square, or object on a bordered plane. As it moves forward, it leaves a trail behind, resembling a moving snake. In some games, the end of the trail is in a fixed position, so the snake continually gets longer as it moves. In another common scheme, the snake has a specific length, so there is a moving tail a fixed number of units away from the head. The player loses when the snake runs into the screen border, a trail, or another obstacle.

The Snake concept comes in two major variants:

  1. In the first, which is most often a two-player game, there are multiple snakes on the playfield. Each player attempts to block the other so he or she runs into an existing trail and loses. Surround for the Atari 2600 is an example of this type. The Light Cycles segment of the Tron arcade game is a single-player version, where the other "snakes" are AI controlled.
  2. In the second variant, a sole player attempts to eat apples by running into them with the head of the snake. Each object eaten makes the snake longer, so maneuvering is progressively more difficult. Examples: Nibbler, Snake Byte.

2 Requirement

2.1 Developmental Enviroment

Ubuntu or other linux operating system is required

There will be at least 50% penalty for the use of Dev-cpp in windows

2.1 Debug Tool

GDB. Just watch the video of introduction of gdb. To know more detail usage of gdb, search it.

3 Detail Documents (80pts)

3.1 User Interface

Like the following picture. If you want to make some changes, just do it !


3.2 Demand

3.2.1 How to Play Your Game (30pts)

  1. "W, A, S, D" should be the direction controler, represent for direction respectively: UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT
  2. Press key "W": your snake should go up
  3. Press key "A": your snake should go left
  4. Press key "S": your snake should go down
  5. Press key "D": your snake should go right
  6. If the snake hit the food, it eat the food, so the length of the snake should increase by 1 unit

3.2.2 How to Win the Game (20pts)

You can set a maximum length of the snake, if the player's snake reach that, the player win the game

After the player win the game, you should present a win-game interface fot the player, so that he knows what happens. At the same time, he can choose exit the game or restart the game.

3.2.3 When Will the Player Lose the Game (20pts)

  1. The snake hits its body
  2. The snake hits the wall

After the player lose the game, you should present a lose-game interface fot the player, so that he knows what happens. At the same time, he can choose exit the game or restart the game.

3.2.4 Extends (10pts)

  1. Record how many steps the snake have walked, present it bellow the hints.
  2. Automatic snake: the snake can automatic move, the press of key can only change its direction
  3. Degrees of difficulty:
    1. You can design increasing maximum length for different levels. For example, the fist level, the maximum length is 10 and 20 for second.
    2. You can design increasing moving speed with the snake eating more food. (for automatic snake)

4 Report Template (20pts)

Mind that software = program + data + document, and here the document is your report, so I suggest that you should pay more attention to this part if you want to get higher scores.

Template like that:

(1) Deploy

Here discribe how to run your game and discribe the operating environment.

(2) Pseudocode and Flowchart

Write down the pseudocode and flowchart of your game, just use the knowledge you have learned in lab4

(3) Feelings and Experimences

I concern about how you feel and how you make progress when you finish your work step by step.

Write down some questions you encountered and describe how you solved it.

Write down what have you gained from this project. If you do not gain anything from it, I felt sorry for it and I want to know the reasons.

(4) Bonuses

Show me what bonuses you have finished.

5 Development Advice

Development Process

Step1: Establish develop environment. Using provided code, run it in your computer
Step2: Complete the base functions. Like functions for go up, go down, go right, go left.
Step3: Add advanced functions. Like judge whether winning the game or not, losing the game or not
Step4: Add extended functions. Like automatic moving, different levels.

6 Bonuses

  1. Show me you have used the knowledge you have learned in lab1 in your report. (2pts)
  2. Show me you have used the knowledge you have learned in lab2 in your report. (2pts)
  3. Color your snake, the wall or the food, just used the knowledge you have learned in lab3 in your report. (5pts)
  4. If you encounter some bug in your project, and you use the knowledge you learned in lab5 to fix it, that is to say, you use the method of breakpoint debug to debug your code, just descripe it in your report. (5pts)
  5. It is recommanded to use your myString.h you write in lab6 instead of to process the char string in your project, and you should tell me where you used it in your report. (10pts)

7 Attachment

  1. framework code
  2. Vedio in ftp

8 Submit

  |-- // add your files here

9 Deadline

2015, Dec 30th, 21:00

软件:Course Project 1 (optional)


For a deep understand for c pointers and functions, we will take a project.

An introduction to List

In computer science, a list or sequence is an abstract data type that represents an ordered sequence of values, where the same value may occur more than once. An instance of a list is a computer representation of the mathematical concept of a finite sequence; the (potentially) infinite analog of a list is a stream.[1]:§3.5 Lists are a basic example of containers, as they contain other values. If the same value occurs multiple times, each occurrence is considered a distinct item.

A singly linked list structure, implementing a list with 3 integer elements.
The name list is also used for several concrete data structures that can be used to implement abstract lists, especially linked lists.

Many programming languages provide support for list data types, and have special syntax and semantics for lists and list operations. A list can often be constructed by writing the items in sequence, separated by commas, semicolons, or spaces, within a pair of delimiters such as parentheses '()', brackets '[]', braces '{}', or angle brackets '<>'. Some languages may allow list types to be indexed or sliced like array types, in which case the data type is more accurately described as an array. In object-oriented programming languages, lists are usually provided as instances of subclasses of a generic "list" class, and traversed via separate iterators. List data types are often implemented using array data structures or linked lists of some sort, but other data structures may be more appropriate for some applications. In some contexts, such as in Lisp programming, the term list may refer specifically to a linked list rather than an array.

In type theory and functional programming, abstract lists are usually defined inductively by two operations: nil that yields the empty list, and cons, which adds an item at the beginning of a list.[2]

From wikipedia

Our course project is about List.
List is a data type that defined by programmers or the language. The best advantage of the list(linear list) is that it can store variable length of data. Usually, we use struct in c language with a member variable as a 'next' pointer points to the next element of the list. And we will have some functions for the list operations. These operations is the core of C programming language including the usage of pointers, various data types and also some basic knowledge of a computer.

Detail Introduction: link

Try your best to finish the hardest project.

Basic Knowledge(15 pts)

answer the questions in deep thinking part in your report

1. Memory distribution map for a runtime program (very important for your 4-year study)

From Professor Wan Hai's courseWare

This is an overview for a program when it's loaded into the memory of the computer. There are totally 4 area for it, Code area, Static area, Heap and stack.
Code area: This area is used to store program codes(instructions for cpu to execute)
Static area: This area is for the ralatively ‘static’ variables. Global variables, static local variables, static global variables are allocated in the static storage area.
Heap: This area is management by the operating system and it's shared by other programs. You can get dynamic memory allocations in this area. This is the area we need to use in list
Stack: The stack is a area of memory that allocated by the compile. All variables declared in stack.
Notice that stack and heap in operating system are totally different in data structure
For example:

#include <malloc.h>
int main() {
   int a;  // allocated in stack
   int * b = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));  // allocated in heap

Notice that we have a operation before the program end. free(b). Because we use the memory in the heap which means that these memory should be managed by the programmer. Even though the memory will be free by a mordern operating system, we should prevent memory lost (memory leak).
For example:

int main() {
   int * a = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));  // allocated in heap, memory area1
   int * a = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));  // allocated in heap, memory area2

The example above cause a memory leak problem because pointer point to another memory area and the previous memory area1 is lost.

2. Malloc() to get memory from heap

The two examples above show how to get memory in heap. In fact, we it's a serial of functions.
C language with the memory of the functions are mainly calloc, alloca, malloc, free, realloc and so on.
<1> alloca is the application of the stack to the memory, so there is no need to release.
<2> malloc allocates memory is located in the heap, and there is no memory of the contents of the initial memory, so after the basic malloc, call the function memset to initialize this part of the memory space.
<3> calloc will initialize this part of the memory, set to 0
<4> realloc is the size of the memory of the malloc application.
<5> The heap needs to be released by the function free.

Notice that everytime you apply memory from heap, you should remember it and delete it(free) when your use of it is end.

int main() {
   int * a = malloc(sizeof(int));

   // code using a


3. List operations

The operations about list are appending, deleting, modifying, querying.

we use this simple list again:

  1. If delete the second node:
node* save = head->next;
head->next = head->next->next;

2.If append a node at the end of the list

node* last = head;
while(last->next != NULL) {
    last = last->next;

last->next = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
last->next->data = data;
last->next->next = NULL;
  1. Traversal
    node * temp = head;
    while(temp != NULL) {
    temp = temp->next;

Deep Thinking

1. Why use a list instead of an array? What's the advantages of them and disadvantages for them respectively?
2.See the following function:

static void myFunction() { int a; }

(1) Which area in memory does the function store? And which dose the variable int a?
(2) What's the advantages of using static functions?

3. See the following program which is attempt to allocate a dynamic array.

#include <malloc.h>

int main() {
    char ** strs;
    int n ,m;
    int i;

    scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);

    strs = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * n);

    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        strs[i] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * m);

   // code for the 2d array
   // free operations omited
    return 0;

Can we create an 2D array in the heap using this way? Give your explanations and give another way that can allocated a dynamic 2D array

(1)See the following program.

head->next = head->next->next;

Why it's a wrong operation for deleting a element in the list?
(2)Write a simple pseudo code program to insert '88' before the last element and then insert '76' before the head. Notice that what you know is the head element address of the list. Think about the difference between instering at the head and not at the head.

5. How to use an array to create a list know as a static list in logic?
For example:

node a[100];
head = a[0];
a[0]->next = 2;   // an array index

6. (optional) Think about that can we use an int_64 (long long) to create a list using the high 32 bits to store an int data and use the low 32 bits to store the next address pointer? If so, write a program to test. If not, wirte a program to explain your reasons.

Grading List

Deep thinking for part 1 (15pts)

Option 1 Generic list (115 pts)

Option 2 Json Parser (105 pts)







计科:week5 第三次实验报告

1 第五次课 第三次实验

1.1 实验内容




1.2 效果图




2 实验要求

2.1 实验报告模板


2.2 提交格式

  1. 打包成zip或rar格式

  2. 文件命名

       - table.cpp
       - color.cpp
       - stringFunction.cpp
       - 学号_实验报告.pdf

3 注意


4 deadline


计科:week11 Linux and GDB

week11 Linux and GDB

0 上周限时比赛

  1. 简单情况
  2. 加分事项

1 presentation



  1. 时间和空间复杂度分析
  2. 取模运算涉及的算法汇总

2 自编选择题


3 有关myStrng

  1. 函数功能,不是cout,而是返回或者改变传地址的相应的值。
  2. 开发测试,分开.cpp,.h,函数定义写在.cpp里面,函数声明写在.h里面,使用的时候直接引用.h

4 ubuntu的使用

  1. project1强制性要求的开发环境:linux或者相关发行版,强制要求风格:google style
  2. 简单教程:Ubuntu桌面入门指南

5 GDB的使用

  1. 简单教程:GDB十分钟教程

6 其他

  1. 科学上网:lantern
  2. Sublime Text 3:Sublime
  3. filezilla:

计科:Final Project

week15 Final Project

Final project is our the last project. There are two options for you guys to choose. But of course, if you are able to do more, just do it!

1 Option 1: Review

1.1 Overview

I think many students did not do your work well in sicily before, or maybe some students did finish the every weeks' subject in sicily but they were not familiar with the relative knowledge. Because of that, this option is called to my mind. I hope most of your guys have a good look of the primer knowledge of C++.

1.2 Requirements (100pts)

  1. Finish the subjects that you have not completed in sicily, or do it again in order to review relative knowledge.
  2. Choose 3 subjects in every weeks' homework. Analyze it and write down the pseudocode for every subject you have chose. At the same time, you should summarize it with writing down what konwledge does this subject want to investigate. Please answer all of this in your report.(80pts)
  3. Write an essay about what have you gained in this semester, and your understanding of C++ and talk about the design function protopyte procedure-oriented thinking.(20pts)

1.3 Report template

Final project

1 简介

Brief introduction of you and your project.

2 题目总结和分析

2.1 第一周题目分析


Your pseudocode...


2.2 第二周题目分析


3 Essay

Write down your essay here.

1.4 Submit

Please name after the template below.


    |-- report.pdf


2 Option 2: simpleList.h

2.1 Overview

链表是一种比较重要的数据类型。大家应该听说过这样的一种说法,程序 = 语言 + 数据结构 + 算法。可能大家要区分一下数据类型和数据结构的概念。我们到目前为止,学习的唯一的数据类型可能就是数组了。数据类型呢,就是平时熟练运用的int, float, double, char之类的了。



  • 基本类型
    • 整型
      • 短整形(short int)
      • 整型(int)
      • 长整型(long int)
    • 字符型(char)
    • 浮点型
      • 单精度类型(float)
      • 双精度类型(double)
      • 长双精度类型(long double)
    • 布尔型(bool)
    • 空类型(void)
  • 非基本类型
    • 枚举类型(enum)
    • 数组类型(type[])
    • 结构体类型(struct)
    • 联合体类型(union)
    • 类类型(class)
    • type *
  • 指针类型


from 百度百科



在程序设计中,为了处理方便, 把具有相同类型的若干变量按有序的形式组织起来。这些按序排列的同类数据元素的集合称为数组。在C语言中, 数组属于构造数据类型。一个数组可以分解为多个数组元素,这些数组元素可以是基本数据类型或是构造类型。因此按数组元素的类型不同,数组又可分为数值数组、字符数组、指针数组、结构数组等各种类别。






是包含n(n>0)个结点的有穷集合K,且在K中定义了一个关系N,N满足 以下条件:
(1)有且仅有一个结点 K0,他对于关系N来说没有前驱,称K0为树的根结点。简称为根(root)。  (2)除K0外,K中的每个结点,对于关系N来说有且仅有一个前驱。




若结构中存在关键字和K相等的记录,则必定在f(K)的存储位置上。由此,不需比较便可直接取得所查记录。称这个对应关系f为散列函数(Hash function),按这个**建立的表为散列表。

2.2 Requirement(100pts)

2.2.1 自学链表数据结构


2.2.2 实现simpleList.cpp (70pts)


// 实现一个简单的单向链表

typedef struct node_type {
    int data; // 节点数据
    struct node_type *next; // 指向下一个node_type类型数据
} nodetype;

typedef struct list_type {
    nodetype *head; // 链表头节点
    int length; // 指针长度
} listtype;

// 描述:初始化并生成链表,注意,返回的是listtype类型,代表链表的头部,还有长度记录
// 输入:无
// 返回:返回listtype类型的数据的指针(提示:需要动态生成数据,使用new操作符)
// 例子:无
listtype * list_create(void);

// 描述:打印链表内容
// 输入:链表listtype类型指针,代表一个链表
// 返回:无
// 输出:打印输出链表内容
// 例子:如果链表内容为:1->2->3->4,则打印输出"1->2->3->4"(不包括括号)
void list_print(listtype *list);

// 描述:向链表内插入值
// 输入:listtype指针,插入位置,需要插入的数据
// 返回:返回插入数据后的listtype类型指针
// 例子:list1:1->2->3,调用list_insert(list1, 0, 0)。结果:list1: 0->1->2->3。
// 提示:注意边界情况,如果插入的位置非法(负数、大于length等,则什么都不干)。插入的是动态创建nodetype节点
listtype * list_insert(listtype *list, int location, int data);

// 描述:删除链表的值
// 输入:listtype指针,删除的数据的位置
// 返回:返回被删除的节点的data
// 例子:list1:1->2->3,调用list_delete(list1, 1),那么list1变为:1->3
// 提示:注意边界情况,如果删除的位置非法(负数、大于length等,则什么都不干)。删除的nodetype节点。
int list_delete(listtype *list, int location);

// 描述:清空链表
// 输入:需要清空的链表指针
// 返回:清空后的链表指针
// 提示:由于nodetype节点是通过new动态创建的,因此,清空链表的时候,需要通过delete删除。避免内存泄漏的发生。
listtype* list_clear(listtype * list);

// 描述:返回链表的长度
// 输入:链表指针
// 返回:链表长度
int list_length(listtype * list);

// 描述:判断链表是否为空
// 输入:链表指针
// 返回:如果链表为空,返回true,否则false
bool list_empty(listtype * list);

// 描述:将输入的链表进行排序
// 输入:链表指针
// 返回:排序后的链表指针
// 要求:从链表头开始按照升序排序
// 例子:list1: 1->4->5->2,list_sort(list1): 1->2->4->5
listtype * list_sort(listtype * list);

2.3 Report template (30pts)

Final project

1 简介

Brief introduction of you and your project.

2 函数功能介绍


3 心得体会


2.4 Submit


    |-- simpleList.cpp
    |-- report.pdf


3 Deadline


4 小结

  • 好消息:平时分平均分90;坏消息:...
  • 复习tips:
    • 理论:书本(概念、语法)、理论课ppt、选择题库
    • 实验:final project option 1
  • 补交实验报告:deadline:期末考试前
  • 小小请求:final project 实验报告中,写一段对TA本学期助教工作的评价,TA据此和根据自身情况来决定下学期是否继续担任大家的助教。
  • 最后,多谢大家一学期的配合,考试顺利!

软件: week10 问题反馈

Extra Assignment









限时练习时间:11月28日19:00 ~ 21:00
题目数量:4 题目难度比期中考试略大






计科:week7 第六次课总结 && 展示

计科:week7 第六次课总结 && 展示

1 week6 Sicily题目回顾


1.1 Strings

1.2 Loop

2 同学展示

2.1 Use Graphviz to draw graphs


展示内容:Introduction to Graphviz

2.2 Any others...


3 复习指导

3.1 考试时间


3.2 复习建议

  1. 复习书本内容,教过的内容要过一遍
  2. 老师讲课的ppt
  3. 之前做过的选择题练习
  4. 之前做过的sicily练习重新做一遍

4 Help Others公示


软件:Final 总结








所谓功夫在语言外,有个老师说的话很经典:“就像莫言获得诺贝尔文学奖一样,并不是因为莫言比我们会多几个汉字,或者是语言。” 因此,接下来的面向对象程序设计、离散数学、数据结构与算法、操作系统、计算机网络、数据库等等,很多都是语言外的功夫。






  1. 改进一下自己的管理系统,尝试设计一个庞大的系统,比如教务系统。加入GUI之类的。其实我们学了c语言,很多同学写个教务系统可以秒杀学校那个垃圾玩意。
  2. 感兴趣的同学fork一下我YOJ的代码,你可以完善一下那个系统,或者用c语言重新写一次后台。(py的效率较低)
  3. 做一下通用链表那个实验,对下学期学习泛型编程很有作用。




计科:week10 第六次实验报告

计科:week10 C String and Functions


The C programming language has a set of functions implementing operations on strings (character strings and byte strings) in its standard library. Various operations, such as copying, concatenation, tokenization and searching are supported. For character strings, the standard library uses the convention that strings are null-terminated: a string of n characters is represented as an arrays of an n + 1 elements, the last of which is a "NUL" character.

The only support for strings in the programming language proper is that the compiler translates quoted string constants into null-terminated strings.

From wikipedia

String is a very important thing when we are programming. All of the input and ouput are strings and any kind of data can be translated into a "String Form" include int, double and so on. In other words, an integer or a double number can be represented by a string simply.

Strings in C programming language is implemented by using an character array whose length is n+1(n represents the valid length of the string). So the operations on Strings in C can be treated as the operations for arrays. The following standard C library includes some basic Cstring operations.

This header file defines several functions to manipulate C strings and arrays.



Copy block of memory (function )
Move block of memory (function )
Copy string (function )...
Copy characters from string (function )


Concatenate strings (function )
Append characters from string (function )


Compare two blocks of memory (function )
Compare two strings (function )
Compare two strings using locale (function )
Compare characters of two strings (function )
Transform string using locale (function )


Locate character in block of memory (function )
Locate first occurrence of character in string (function )
Get span until character in string (function )
Locate characters in string (function )
Locate last occurrence of character in string (function )
Get span of character set in string (function )
Locate substring (function )
Split string into tokens (function )


Fill block of memory (function )
Get pointer to error message string (function )
Get string length (function )


Null pointer (macro )


Unsigned integral type (type )


Separate source file and header file

For header file, we just write the declaration of the functions and constants.
For source file, we implement the functions(function definitions)
For example:


int plus(int a, int b);


#include "func.h"
int plus(int a, int b) {
    return a+b;

Basic Assignment (90pts):

This time your task is not to just use the functions simply. For this assignment, you will be given serveral function prototypes and your job is to implement the functions with the descriptions and smaples.

   Notice all the samples are use for function logic, not exactly the grammar

    function: myStrlen
    @description: Calculate the length of the string
    @input: const string s
    @output: the length of the string
    @sample input: "abcde\0abcde"
    @sample output: 5
    @Notice:  Function myStrlen() show check whether the input array is NULL.
    If so, you show return 0. Note that strlen() in string.h does not check NULL arrays.
unsigned int myStrlen(const char s[]);

    function: myStrcpy
    @description: copy one string to another
    @input: const string source
    @output: string destination
    @sample input: "a" "abc"
    @sample output: "abc"
    @Notice: You can not assign the array directly which will cause a runtime error.
char * myStrcpy(char destination[], const char source[]);

    function: myStrcat
    @input: const string source
    @output: string destination
    @sample input: "abcde" "abc"
    @sample output: "abcdeabc"
    @Notice: You can not assign the array directly which will cause a runtime error.
char * myStrcat(char destination[], const char source[]);

    function: myStrcmp
    @input: const string1 and const string2
    @output: if string1 is euqal to string2, output 0
             if string1 is greater than string2 ouput an integer > 0
             if string2 is greater than string1 output an integer < 0
    @sample input: "abc" "abc"
    @sample output: 0
int myStrcmp(const char str1[], const char str2[]);

    function: Mystrfind
    @input: cosnt string1 and const string2
    @output: if str2 is a substring of str1, output the first index in str1
             otherwise, ouput -1 which indicates can not find
    @sample input: "abcde" "cde"
    @sample output: 2
int MyStrfind(const char str1[], const char str2[]);

    function: LeftRotateString
    @input: string buff, an integer n which indicates the first n
    @output: put the first n chars to the end of the string
    @sample input: "abcdefg" 4
    @sample output: "efgabcd"
void LeftRotateString(char *buff, int n);

    function: myParseInt
    @input: a const string
    @output: an integer parse from a string
    @sample input: "123"
    @sample output: 123
    @Notice: You should notice show extreme conditions such as:
   1 null array input: the input is an array, the program will crash in the access to the null array, 
       so you need to judge whether the array is null before using the array.
   2 The sign: integer not only contain numbers, and may is the positive integer expressed
       starts with a '+' or '-', so if the first character is' - ', 
       to get the integer value is converted to a negative integer.
   3 illegal characters: the input string may contain characters that are not numbers. 
     Therefore, whenever you encounter these illegal characters, the program should stop converting.
   4 integer overflow: the number of input is the string of the form of input,
      so the input of a very long string will likely lead to overflow. You should set the return 
      value to MAX_INT or MIN_INT in the situation.
int myParseInt(const char str[]);

    function: myStrcontain
    @input: const string1 and const string2
    @output: a boolean value. id all chars in str2 are in str1, output true
             else output flase
    @sample input1: "ABCD" "BAD"
    @sample output1: 1
    @sample input2: "ABCD" "BCE"
    @sample output2: 0
int myStrcontain(const char str1[], const char str2[]);



  1. You need to write a file myString.cpp for all the implements of the function prototypes.

  2. In file myString.cpp you can not include any other standard C or C++ library, the file should be the same type like the following:

    #include "myString.h"
    #ifndef NULL
    #define NULL 0
    #endif // NULL
    /*function definations*/
    /*code end*/
  3. You can not change the function prototypes.

  4. Black box testing will be again applied this experiment. Please check your file names for three times.

  5. Please do not add main function in your file, you can only add it when you are testing.

Deep Thinking(10pts)

  1. For the function char * myStrcat(char destination[], const char source[]);, the array destination indicates the result of the function, why does the function add a return value char *? Why not void myStrcat(char destination[], const char source[]);?(Microsoft interview question)
  2. Many functions in C standar library <string.h> do not check NULL array and they also do not carry about the size of the array. Why? And why strlen_s in c11 provide size check? (Google interview questions)
  3. We have a small C program:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    char s1[100] = "abcdefg";
    char * s2 = "abcdefg";
    s1[0] = 'z';
    s2[0] = 'z';

    return 0;

What will happen when we run the program and why? What if we remove s2[0] = 'z';?
4. Why separate the source file and the header file? Think about the reasons. (Microsoft interview question)
5. How can we improve LeftRotateString or myStrcontain by other algorithm? (optional question, Microsoft interview questions)
Hint: String Reverse can be applied for LeftRotateString and hash table can be used for myStrcontain.


Just answer the questions in deep thinking part

Submit (Please pay attention to this part)



远程目录: Experiment/计科班/Experiment6



作业缓交或补交:每缓交一天 -5% 总分


12月10日 18:00


2、你需要先学习如何写一个函数库。也就是第一个任务,如何编写.h文件和.cpp文件分开,然后在main函数中调用.h文件中的函数。说白了就是明白#include 这种实现的机制。

软件:week1 代码风格检查

week1 代码风格检查









  • scanf("%d", &a);使用scanf函数读取输入内容,放到变量中的时候,记得添加取址运算符&
  • 使用系统暂停函数system("pause");时,记得在头文件添加#include<stdlib.h>
  • 建议尽量不要在Sicily上面直接编写代码,而是在DevCpp或者VS上面先编辑调试确定语法没问题,输入输入没问题的时候,在把代码全部复制粘贴到Sicily上面提交,不然会浪费很多时间。
  • 注意学会用编辑器阅读程序语法或者运行错误。








  1. 打开命令行窗口(win键+R;输入cmd;回车)如下:
  2. 如果安装成功,在命令行窗口输入python将会出现以下的输出:




  1. cpplint.py文件复制到你的程序代码所在的目录。比如:

  2. 打开命令行窗口,方法就是步骤2的第一点。导航到代码所在目录。


  3. 运行命令

    python --filter=-whitespace/tab filename.c



    注意错误,如test.c:7: Line ends in whitespace. Consider deleting these extra spaces. [whitespace/end_of_line] [4]test.c指的是文件名,7指的是行号,后面的 Line ends in whitespace. Consider deleting these extra spaces. [whitespace/ end_of_line] [4]指的是代码中出现的错误。


根据输出的错误,逐行改进代码。直到错误数目为0。如Total errors found: 0


把通过google style的cpplint.py测试的代码,也就是Total errors found: 0,再把代码提交到Sicily。


进行google style风格检测的目的是让同学们写出可读性良好的代码。按照上面的流程编写代码,能帮助你养成良好的编程习惯。希望同学们重视。



  1. cmd命令行大全
  2. google style guide
  3. cpplint

软件:13周补充知识 Undefined behavior and sequence points

What are "sequence points"?What is the relation between undefined behaviour and sequence points?

Reference :Stackoverflow

C98 and C03

This answer is for the older versions of the C++ standard. The C++11 and C++14 versions of the standard do not formally contain 'sequence points'; operations are 'sequenced before' or 'unsequenced' or 'indeterminately sequenced' instead. The net effect is essentially the same, but the terminology is different.

What are Sequence Points?

The Standard says

At certain specified points in the execution sequence called sequence points, all side effects of previous evaluations shall be complete and no side effects of subsequent evaluations shall have taken place. (§1.9/7)

Side effects? What are side effects?

Evaluation of an expression produces something and if in addition there is a change in the state of the execution environment it is said that the expression (its evaluation) has some side effect(s).

For example:

int x = y++; //where y is also an int

In addition to the initialization operation the value of y gets changed due to the side effect of ++ operator.

So far so good. Moving on to sequence points. An alternation definition of seq-points given by the comp.lang.c author Steve Summit:

Sequence point is a point in time at which the dust has settled and all side effects which have been seen so far are guaranteed to be complete.
What are the common sequence points listed in the C++ Standard ?
Those are:

at the end of the evaluation of full expression (§1.9/16) (A full-expression is an expression that is not a subexpression of another expression.)1
Example :

int a = 5; // ; is a sequence point here

in the evaluation of each of the following expressions after the evaluation of the first expression(§1.9/18) 2

a && b (§5.14)
a || b (§5.15)
a ? b : c (§5.16)
a , b (§5.18)

(in func(a,a++) , is not a comma operator, it's merely a separator between the arguments a and a++. The behaviour is undefined in that case if a is considered to be a primitive type)
at a function call (whether or not the function is inline), after the evaluation of all function arguments (if any) which takes place before execution of any expressions or statements in the function body (§1.9/17).

1 : Note : the evaluation of a full-expression can include the evaluation of subexpressions that are not lexically part of the full-expression. For example, subexpressions involved in evaluating default argument expressions (8.3.6) are considered to be created in the expression that calls the function, not the expression that defines the default argument

2 : The operators indicated are the built-in operators, as described in clause 5. When one of these operators is overloaded (clause 13) in a valid context, thus designating a user-defined operator function, the expression designates a function invocation and the operands form an argument list, without an implied sequence point between them.

What is Undefined Behaviour?

The Standard defines Undefined Behaviour in Section §1.3.12 as

behaviour, such as might arise upon use of an erroneous program construct or erroneous data, for which this International Standard imposes no requirements 3.

Undefined behaviour may also be expected when this International Standard omits the description of any explicit definition of behavior.
3 : permissible undefined behavior ranges from ignoring the situation completely with unpredictable results, to behaving during translation or program execution in a documented manner characteristic of the environment (with or with- out the issuance of a diagnostic message), to terminating a translation or execution (with the issuance of a diagnostic message).

In short, undefined behaviour means anything can happen from daemons flying out of your nose to your girlfriend getting pregnant.

What is the relation between Undefined Behaviour and Sequence Points?
Before I get into that you must know the difference(s) between Undefined Behaviour, Unspecified Behaviour and Implementation Defined Behaviour.

You must also know that the order of evaluation of operands of individual operators and subexpressions of individual expressions, and the order in which side effects take place, is unspecified.

For example:

int x = 5, y = 6;

int z = x++ + y++; //it is unspecified whether x++ or y++ will be evaluated first.

Another example here.

Now the Standard in §5/4 says

  1. Between the previous and next sequence point a scalar object shall have its stored value modified at most once by the evaluation of an expression.
    What does it mean?

Informally it means that between two sequence points a variable must not be modified more than once. In an expression statement, the next sequence point is usually at the terminating semicolon, and the previous sequence point is at the end of the previous statement. An expression may also contain intermediate sequence points.

From the above sentence the following expressions invoke Undefined Behaviour.

i++ * ++i; // i is modified more than once
i = ++i    // same as above
++i = 2;   // same as above
i = ++i +1 // same as above
++++++i;   //parsed as (++(++(++i)))

i = (i,++i,++i); // Undefined Behaviour because there's no sequence point between `++i`(right most) 
and assignment to `i` (`i` gets modified more than once b/w two SP)

But the following expressions are fine

i = (i, ++i, 1) + 1; //well defined (AFAIK)
i = (++i,i++,i) // well defined 
int j = i;
j = (++i, i++, j*i); // well defined
  1. Furthermore, the prior value shall be accessed only to determine the value to be stored.
    What does it mean? It means if an object is written to within a full expression, any and all accesses to it within the same expression must be directly involved in the computation of the value to be written.

For example in i = i + 1 all the access of i (in L.H.S and in R.H.S) are directly involved in computation of the value to be written. So it is fine.

This rule effectively constrains legal expressions to those in which the accesses demonstrably precede the modification.

Example 1:

std::printf("%d %d", i,++i); // invokes Undefined Behaviour because of Rule no 2

Example 2:

a[i] = i++ // or a[++i] = i or a[i++] = ++i etc

is disallowed because one of the accesses of i (the one in a[i]) has nothing to do with the value which ends up being stored in i (which happens over in i++), and so there's no good way to define--either for our understanding or the compiler's--whether the access should take place before or after the incremented value is stored. So the behaviour is undefined.

Example 3 :

int x = i + i++ ;// Similar to above


Dynamic Memory Allocation

1. Memory distribution map for a runtime program (very important for your 4-year study)

From Professor Wan Hai's courseWare

This is an overview for a program when it's loaded into the memory of the computer. There are totally 4 area for it, Code area, Static area, Heap and stack.
Code area: This area is used to store program codes(instructions for cpu to execute)
Static area: This area is for the ralatively ‘static’ variables. Global variables, static local variables, static global variables are allocated in the static storage area.
Heap: This area is management by the operating system and it's shared by other programs. You can get dynamic memory allocations in this area. This is the area we need to use in list
Stack: The stack is a area of memory that allocated by the compile. All variables declared in stack.
Notice that stack and heap in operating system are totally different in data structure

For example:

#include <malloc.h>
int main() {
   int a;  // allocated in stack
   int * b = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));  // allocated in heap

Notice that we have a operation before the program end. free(b). Because we use the memory in the heap which means that these memory should be managed by the programmer. Even though the memory will be free by a mordern operating system, we should prevent memory lost (memory leak).
For example:

int main() {
   int * a = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));  // allocated in heap, memory area1
   int * a = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));  // allocated in heap, memory area2

The example above cause a memory leak problem because pointer point to another memory area and the previous memory area1 is lost.

2. Malloc() to get memory from the heap

The two examples above show how to get memory in heap. In fact, we it's a serial of functions.
C language with the memory of the functions are mainly calloc, alloca, malloc, free, realloc and so on.
<1> alloca is the application of the stack to the memory, so there is no need to release.
<2> malloc allocates memory is located in the heap, and there is no memory of the contents of the initial memory, so after the basic malloc, call the function memset to initialize this part of the memory space.
<3> calloc will initialize this part of the memory, set to 0
<4> realloc is the size of the memory of the malloc application.
<5> The heap needs to be released by the function free.

Notice that everytime you apply memory from heap, you should remember it and delete it(free) when your use of it is end.

int main() {
   int * a = malloc(sizeof(int));

   // code using a


Function Prototype

extern void *malloc(unsigned int num_bytes);

参数是unsigned int num_bytes,意思是分配的内存的字节数。
返回值是void 指针,理论是就是应该指向被分配的内存。



3. Memory Leak

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In computer science, a memory leak is a type of resource leak that occurs when a computer program incorrectly manages memory allocations[1] in such a way that memory which is no longer needed is not released. In object-oriented programming, a memory leak may happen when an object is stored in memory but cannot be accessed by the running code.[2] A memory leak has symptoms similar to a number of other problems (see below) and generally can only be diagnosed by a programmer with access to the program's source code.

Because they can exhaust available system memory as an application runs, memory leaks are often the cause of or a contributing factor to software aging.


A memory leak can diminish the performance of the computer by reducing the amount of available memory. Eventually, in the worst case, too much of the available memory may become allocated and all or part of the system or device stops working correctly, the application fails, or the system slows down vastly due to thrashing.

Memory leaks may not be serious or even detectable by normal means. In modern operating systems, normal memory used by an application is released when the application terminates. This means that a memory leak in a program that only runs for a short time may not be noticed and is rarely serious.

Much more serious leaks include those:

where the program runs for an extended time and consumes additional memory over time, such as background tasks on servers, but especially in embedded devices which may be left running for many years
where new memory is allocated frequently for one-time tasks, such as when rendering the frames of a computer game or animated video
where the program can request memory — such as shared memory — that is not released, even when the program terminates
where memory is very limited, such as in an embedded system or portable device
where the leak occurs within the operating system or memory manager
when a system device driver causes the leak
running on an operating system that does not automatically release memory on program termination. Often on such machines if memory is lost, it can only be reclaimed by a reboot, an example of such a system being AmigaOS.[citation neede

From 百度百科






For example:

int main() {
    int * c = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * 100);
    c = NULL;



int main() {
    int * c = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * 100);
    c = NULL;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
int main() {
 while(1) {
  return 0; 

3. List(链表或线性表)

An introduction to List

In computer science, a list or sequence is an abstract data type that represents an ordered sequence of values, where the same value may occur more than once. An instance of a list is a computer representation of the mathematical concept of a finite sequence; the (potentially) infinite analog of a list is a stream.[1]:§3.5 Lists are a basic example of containers, as they contain other values. If the same value occurs multiple times, each occurrence is considered a distinct item.

A singly linked list structure, implementing a list with 3 integer elements.
The name list is also used for several concrete data structures that can be used to implement abstract lists, especially linked lists.

Many programming languages provide support for list data types, and have special syntax and semantics for lists and list operations. A list can often be constructed by writing the items in sequence, separated by commas, semicolons, or spaces, within a pair of delimiters such as parentheses '()', brackets '[]', braces '{}', or angle brackets '<>'. Some languages may allow list types to be indexed or sliced like array types, in which case the data type is more accurately described as an array. In object-oriented programming languages, lists are usually provided as instances of subclasses of a generic "list" class, and traversed via separate iterators. List data types are often implemented using array data structures or linked lists of some sort, but other data structures may be more appropriate for some applications. In some contexts, such as in Lisp programming, the term list may refer specifically to a linked list rather than an array.

In type theory and functional programming, abstract lists are usually defined inductively by two operations: nil that yields the empty list, and cons, which adds an item at the beginning of a list.[2]

From wikipedia

The operations about list are appending, deleting, modifying, querying.

we use this simple list again:

  1. If delete the second node:
node* save = head->next;
head->next = head->next->next;

2.If append a node at the end of the list

node* last = head;
while(last->next != NULL) {
    last = last->next;

last->next = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
last->next->data = data;
last->next->next = NULL;


node * temp = head;
while(temp != NULL) {
    temp = temp->next;

Deep Thinking(120pts, 20 for each)

1.Look at the following function:

static void myFunction() { int a; }

(1) Which area in memory does the function store? And which dose the variable int a?
function store : Code Area
variable 'int a': (function) stack
(2) What's the advantages of using static functions?

static says the function has internal linkage. This means it will not be linked with other uses of the same identifier in other files (translation units).
For example, suppose in Tree.c I have a function that operates on Tree structures, and I have some local subroutine called UpdateNode that operates on part of the Tree. Further suppose that in List.c, I have a function that operates on List structures, and it also has some local subroutine called UpdateNode that is just for List structures, not for Tree structures.
If I left both of these subroutines with external linkage, the linker would complain about multiple definitions. By marking them with internal linkage with static, this problem is avoided.
From stack overflow

2. Look at the following program which is attempt to allocate a dynamic array.

#include <malloc.h>

int main() {
    char ** strs;
    int n ,m;
    int i;

    scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);

    strs = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * n);

    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        strs[i] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * m);

   // code for the 2d array
   // free operations omited
    return 0;

Can we create an 2D array in the heap using this way? Give your explanations and give another way that can allocate a dynamic 2D array
No, the 2D dynamic array is discontinuous in 1D memory space which does not fit the accurate 2D array definition.


  1. When call memset or other memory operation on the whole block of memory, you can not get your expected result.
  2. When pass the array into a function as parameter.
    Look at the following program:
#include <malloc.h>

void test(char strs[][20], int m, int n) {
    int i, j;
    for(i = 0; i < m; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < n; j++) {
            printf("%p ", &strs[i][j]);

int main() {
    char ** strs;
    int n ,m;
    int i, j;

    scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);

    strs = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * n);

    printf("%p\n", strs);

    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        strs[i] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * m);

    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < m; j++) {
            printf("%p ", &strs[i][j]);


    test(strs, 10, 20);


   // free operations omited
    return 0;


10 20
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This is the Problem.

One possible way:

strs=(char (*)[10])malloc(n*10*sizeof(int)); // n rows and 10 cols

3.Why use a list instead of an array? What's the advantages and disadvantages of them respectively?
Both store a sequence of elements, but using different techniques.
An array stores elements in successive order in memory, i.e. it looks like follows:

|  item 1  |  item 2  |  item 3  |  ...  ...  |  item x  | //here comes other stuff

This means, elements are one after another consecutive in memory.

A ((doubly) linked) list, on the other hand, stores the items the following way: It creates an own "list item" for each element; this "list item" holds the actual element and a pointer/reference/hint/etc to the next "list item". If it is doubly linked, it also contains a pointer/reference/hint/etc to the previous "list item":

------------        ----------    |  item 4  |
|  item 1  |        | item 2 |    |  next ---+----...
|  next ---+------->| next   |    ------------
------------        ---+------      ^
                       |            |
                       |            |
                       v            |
                       ----------   |
                       | item 3 |   |
                       | next --+---+

Both store a sequence of elements, but using different techniques.

An array stores elements in successive order in memory, i.e. it looks like follows:

|  item 1  |  item 2  |  item 3  |  ...  ...  |  item x  | //here comes other stuff

This means, elements are one after another consecutive in memory.

A ((doubly) linked) list, on the other hand, stores the items the following way: It creates an own "list item" for each element; this "list item" holds the actual element and a pointer/reference/hint/etc to the next "list item". If it is doubly linked, it also contains a pointer/reference/hint/etc to the previous "list item":

------------        ----------    |  item 4  |
|  item 1  |        | item 2 |    |  next ---+----...
|  next ---+------->| next   |    ------------
------------        ---+------      ^
                       |            |
                       |            |
                       v            |
                       ----------   |
                       | item 3 |   |
                       | next --+---+

This means, the elements can be spread all over the memory and are not stored at specific memory locations.

Now that we know this, we can compare some usual operations on sequences of elements:

  • Accessing an element at a specific index: Using an array, we simply compute the offset for this index and have the element at the index. This is very cheap. With a list on the other hand, we do not know a priori where the element at index is stored (since all elements can be anywhere in memory), so we have to walk the list item by item until we find the element at the index. This is an expensive operation.
  • Adding a new element at the end of the sequence: Using an array this can lead to the following problem: Arrays are usually of fixed size, so if we have the situation that our array is already completely filled (see //here comes other stuff), we probably cant put the new element there because there might already be something else. So, maybe we have to copy the whole array. However, if the array is not filled, we can simply put the element there. Using a list, we have to generate a new "list item", put the element into it and set the next pointer of the currently last element to this new list item. Usually, we store a reference to the currently last element so that we don't have to search through the whole list to find it. Thus, inserting a new element is no real problem with lists.
  • Adding a new element somewhere in the middle: Let's first consider arrays: here, we might get into the following situation: We have an array with elements 1 to 1000:
    1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ... | 999 | 1000 | free | free
    Now, we want to insert 4.5 between 4 and 5: This means, we have to move all elements from 5 to 1000 one position right in order to make space for the 4.5:
 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | free | 5 | 6 | ... | 999 | 1000 | free
 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 4.5  | 5 | 6 | ... | 999 | 1000 | free

Moving all these elements, is a very expensive operation. So better don't do this too often.
Now we consider, how a list can perform this task: Let's say we have currently the following list:

 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> ... -> 999 -> 1000

Again, we want to insert 4.5 between 4 and 5. This can be done very easily: We generate a new list item and update the pointers/references:

 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4        5 -> ... -> 999 -> 1000
                |        ^
                +-> 4.5 -+

We have simply created a new list element and generated sort of "bypass" to insert it - very cheap (as long as we have a pointer/reference to the list item the new element will be inserted after).

So, let's sum up: Linked lists are really nice when it comes to inserting at random positions (as long as you have a pointer to the adequate list item). If your operation involves adding lots of elements dynamically and traversing all elements anyway, a list might be a good choice.

An array is very good when it comes to index accesses. If your application needs to access elements at specific positions very often, you should rather use an array.

Notable things:

  • Solving the fixed-size problem for arrays: As mentioned before, (raw) arrays are usually of fixed size. However, this problem is nowadays no real point anymore, since almost all programming languages provide mechanisms to generate arrays that grow (and possibly shrink) dynamically - just as needed. This growing and shrinking can be implemented such that we have amortized runtime of O(1) for inserting and removing elements (at the end of the array) and such that the programmer doesn't have to call grow and shrink explicitly.
  • Since lists provide such nice properties for insertions, they can be used as underlying data structures for search trees, etc. I.e. you construct a search tree, whose lowest level consists of the linked list.

(1)Why is it necessary to have a heap, i.e. why not use stack only?
The stack is the memory set aside as scratch space for a thread of execution. When a function is called, a block is reserved on the top of the stack for local variables and some bookkeeping data. When that function returns, the block becomes unused and can be used the next time a function is called. The stack is always reserved in a LIFO (last in first out) order; the most recently reserved block is always the next block to be freed. This makes it really simple to keep track of the stack; freeing a block from the stack is nothing more than adjusting one pointer.

The heap is memory set aside for dynamic allocation. Unlike the stack, there's no enforced pattern to the allocation and deallocation of blocks from the heap; you can allocate a block at any time and free it at any time. This makes it much more complex to keep track of which parts of the heap are allocated or free at any given time; there are many custom heap allocators available to tune heap performance for different usage patterns.

Each thread gets a stack, while there's typically only one heap for the application (although it isn't uncommon to have multiple heaps for different types of allocation).

To answer your questions directly:

  • To what extent are they controlled by the OS or language runtime?
    The OS allocates the stack for each system-level thread when the thread is created. Typically the OS is called by the language runtime to allocate the heap for the application.
  • What is their scope?
    The stack is attached to a thread, so when the thread exits the stack is reclaimed. The heap is typically allocated at application startup by the runtime, and is reclaimed when the application (technically process) exits.
  • What determines the size of each of them?
    The size of the stack is set when a thread is created. The size of the heap is set on application startup, but can grow as space is needed (the allocator requests more memory from the operating system).
  • What makes one faster?
    The stack is faster because the access pattern makes it trivial to allocate and deallocate memory from it (a pointer/integer is simply incremented or decremented), while the heap has much more complex bookkeeping involved in an allocation or free. Also, each byte in the stack tends to be reused very frequently which means it tends to be mapped to the processor's cache, making it very fast. Another performance hit for the heap is that the heap, being mostly a global resource, typically has to be multi-threading safe, i.e. each allocation and deallocation needs to be - typically - synchronized with "all" other heap accesses in the program.

(2)What's the max size of the stack or the heap for a c program in your computer? Can you revise it?
In linux,

xinyuan@xinyuan-pc:~/Desktop/testAll$ ulimit -a
core file size          (blocks, -c) 0
data seg size           (kbytes, -d) unlimited
scheduling priority             (-e) 0
file size               (blocks, -f) unlimited
pending signals                 (-i) 15333
max locked memory       (kbytes, -l) 64
max memory size         (kbytes, -m) unlimited
open files                      (-n) 1024
pipe size            (512 bytes, -p) 8
POSIX message queues     (bytes, -q) 819200
real-time priority              (-r) 0
stack size              (kbytes, -s) 8192
cpu time               (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes              (-u) 15333
virtual memory          (kbytes, -v) unlimited
file locks                      (-x) unlimited

revise stack example

ulimit -s 1000

max heap size is usually the virtual memory of your computer.

(3)Will deep recursive program really lead to stack overflow?Why? (The answer is no)
No, not really. The following program will cause stack overflow in normal mode compile.
But if we add compile parameter gcc -O1 -foptimize-sibling-calls recursion.c, there will not be stack overflow.

#include <stdio.h>

typedef unsigned long long int RES;

RES recursion(RES a) {
  if(a == 1000000000) {
    return a;
  } else {
    return recursion(a+1);

int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
  return 0;

Also we can calculate how large is it in one function stack, think about it.

5.(optional) How to use an array to create a list know as a static list in logic?
For example:

node a[100];
head = a[0];
a[0]->next = 2;   // an array index

6. (optional) Think about that can we use an int_64 (long long) to create a list using the high 32 bits to store an int data and use the low 32 bits to store the next address pointer? If so, write a program to test. If not, write a program to explain your reasons.

Deadline and Submit

Dec 19th, 2015 18:00

Submit to ftp

Filename : 13331314_叶嘉祺_DMA.pdf



软件:week6 实验:程序流程图和伪代码




A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents an algorithm, workflow or process, showing the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting them with arrows. This diagrammatic representation illustrates a solution model to a given problem. Flowcharts are used in analyzing, designing, documenting or managing a process or program in various fields.

From wikipedia

Detailed Description: flowchat

There is an example:


And this is the flowchart:

2.Pseudocode (伪代码)

Pseudocode is an informal high-level description of the operating principle of a computer program or other algorithm.

From wikipedia

There is an example:

We can describe this question by this way rather than write a C program immediately:

main {
input two integers height and n
initialize answer = 0
loop for n times {
    input tree_height
    if height >= tree_height:
       answer = answer + 1
print answer

Pseudocode is used to express your thought, you do not need to care about the grammar.

Pre Assignment

Learn about Flowchart and Pseudocode.

Assignment 0 (20pts)

Choose one question from in week6 in our course and then write the Pseudocode.

Assignment 1 (35pts)

option 1

Translate the following flowchart into Pseudocode

option 2

Translate the following flowchart into Pseudocode and C programming language program.


Several surveys indicate that the taller you are, the higher you can climb the corporate ladder. At TALL Enterprises Inc. this "de facto standard" has been properly formalized: your boss is always at least as tall as you are. Furthermore, you can safely assume that your boss earns a bit more than you do. In fact, you can be absolutely sure that your immediate boss is the person who earns the least among all the employees that earn more than you and are at least as tall as you are. Furthermore, if you are the immediate boss of someone, that person is your subordinate, and all his subordinates are your subordinates as well. If you are nobody's boss, then you have no subordinates. As simple as these rules are, many people working for TALL are unsure of to whom they should be turning in their weekly progress report and how many subordinates they have. Write a program that will help in determining for any employee who the immediate boss of that employee is and how many subordinates they have. Quality Assurance at TALL have devised a series of tests to ensure that your program is correct. These test are described below.

May be you can not write out the problem, the only work you will do is write out this program from the following flowchart(Since there are many methods to sort, so you can use one of them, the flowchart does not display in the flow chat, instead a dashed line).


flowchart 2

Simple input and output


123456 14323 1700000
123458 41412 1900000
123457 15221 1800000
200002 12234 1832001
200003 15002 1745201
200004 18745 1883410
200001 24834 1921313



Assignment 2 (35pts)

Draw a flowchart from the following C language program which instruct the movement of a robot going on patrol along the wall.

#include <stdio.h>

/* this program is used for a robot to walk along
   a wall next to him.

/* Note that if the robot's eyes get something 
   whose distance is less than 40cm, there must
   be an obstacle(wall).
const int SENSOR_DISTANCE = 40; // 40 cm

  predifined methods:
  1. void lookLeft() and void lookRight()
  function: Let the robot to look at the left or right side.
  2. void lookForward()
  function: let the robot to look forward.
  3. int getDistance()
  function: get a distance from the eye to another.
  object if there is one.
  4. void moveStraight()
  function: go straight for some distance. shutDown()
  function: shut down the robot.

int main() {
  /* we assume that for the initial state, either 
     the robot's left side or the right side is 
     toward the wall.

     wall = 0 means that the wall is at the left side
     wall = 1 means that the wall is at the right side
  int wall;

  if(getDistance() < SENSOR_DISTANCE) {
    wall = 0;
  } else {
    wall = 1;

  if(wall == 0) {
    while(shutDown() != 1) {
      while(1) {
        if(getDistance() < SENSOR_DISTANCE) {
          if(getDistance() < SENSOR_DISTANCE) {
          } else {
        } else {
  } else {
    do {
      while(1) {
        if(getDistance() < SENSOR_DISTANCE) {
          if(getDistance() < SENSOR_DISTANCE) {
          } else {
        } else {
    } while (shutDown() != 1);

  return 0;

Extended Assignment (10pts)

option 1

Draw a flowchart and write Pseudocode as well as a C language program for the following description.

option 2

Simplify the logic in Assignment 2 and then draw a new flowchart and rewrite the C code.(Reduce at least one level of logic nesting)

Discussion,Cooperation and Summary (15pts)

In this part, you will have some options, if you do more options, you will learn more and get more marks.
You should note this part in your report

option 1: Github Discussion

Comment at this issue and decribe a problem that you meet and how you solve detailedly.

Notice that

  1. you should not copy and paste your personal report simply.
  2. you should not write a very simple one and your comment will be deleted if you do that.
  3. you should not post meaningless questions.

option 2: Simple Presentation

Have a simple presentation in the lab class on Monday (4 persons limited). And after the presentation, everyone is encouraged to ask questions and you can get bonus by asking good questions.

Notice that

  1. The presentation is no more than 5 minutes and there will be 5 extra minutes for discussion.
  2. You should prepare much for it.
  3. First come, first get the opportunity.

option 3: Helping others

You can help others to slove any problems the will meet. Detailedly decribe the quesion, the solution and your personal experience as well.

Notice that

  1. it's no need to consult with others that I help you, you help you to get marks. You can simply send email to me and I will give you the marks.

option 4: Personal Summary

Write personal summary for yourself.
List at least 10 problems that you have met in your learning in c language and decribe the solution as well.

Notice that

  1. you should not have ten very simple problems, you must let me know your learning method and also the method to solve problems.

Report(50% pts for your project ducumenting):

There will be no Report Template this time which means it's all depends on yourself.

Notice that

  1. the report is the most important document for your project, you should pay more attention to it.
  2. you are supposed to write a report that is friendly to your 'users', which means that you need to consider about the typesetting, the logical structure of the content.
  3. There should contain one item, self grading that you should give a score to evaluate your job as well as a reason.

For example: sinew

Flowchart Tool: Process On

Process on is a good tool for drawing flowchart.

Submit List


Notice that:
13331314 means your student id.
the first assignment need to name your file with your chosen problem id.

Deadline and how to submit:

18:00 on Nov 7th, 2015

学习委员整理好发到邮箱:[email protected]


  1. Submit after deadline will cause a 30% penalty.
  2. If your file structure of filename is wrong, you will probably get 0 in that part.
  3. Any questions, you can ask us and email is better.
  4. Full mark will be 100, but you may get more than 100 within this project.
  5. You can use any tool include word, process on to draw a flowchart. You can use any form to write your Pseudocode but should be of high readability. If TA can not understand your Pseudocode clearly, you will get low points.(you can use Chinese to write Pseudocode if you like).

计科:week4 第二次实验内容



1. 具体实现方式可以上网查
2. 实验报告写上你对算法的理解
3. 程序:输入n,表示有n个数输入,接着输入n个随机的整数。输出:从小到大的有序的数,空格分隔。
4. 拓展:改进版本的冒泡
5. 提交:实验报告+程序。
6. deadline: 本周日晚12点。


软件:week7 实验:c程序测试与断点调试



  1. 对于复杂的逻辑需求,先写伪代码或者画程序流程图得到清晰的逻辑结构。
  2. 自顶向下逐步求精解决问题(大问题分解为可解决的小问题),写出C程序。
  3. 修改C程序的编译错误。
  4. 通过测试,修改C程序的逻辑错误。




  1. 可以获得比集成编译系统(IDE)更高的自由度。
  2. 为之后的linux编程工具链打下基础。
  3. 更好的理解c程序编译执行过程。

1、打开Dev Cpp,并且找到对应的安装路径。
2、找到定义的MinGW目录下的bin目录这个是dev cpp的核心编译器。


4、打开cmd窗口,输入gcc --version输出编译器版本信息,配置完成。

2、输入gcc + 空格 + 你要编译的文件 -o 编译出来之后的可执行程序的名字, 如:gcc main.c -o main.exe(如果省略-o后面的命令,则会生成a.exe)
3、在命令行中输入 main.exe 即可运行程序。


现在我们介绍sublime-text 3,这是一款收费软件,可是有无限试用期。






2、接着我们在命令行输入命令main.exe < input.txt。我们很惊喜地发现,程序自动输出了1,我们不需要手动去使用键盘输出。


对于文件输出,同样是可以的 'main.exe < input.txt >output.txt'




struct employee {
    long id, salary, height, boss, subordinate;
int main() {
    struct employee a[10000], temp, current_deal, potential_boss, search;
    int total_test, current_test, current_e, e_num, id_search;
    int i, k, j, m, n, t, u;
    for (u = 1;u <= 10000;u++) {
        a[u].subordinate = 0;
        a[u].boss = 0;
        a[u].height = 0;
        a[u].id = 0;
        a[u].salary = 0;
    printf("How many test do you want to have?\n");
    scanf("%d", &total_test);
    current_test = 1;
    while (current_test <= total_test) {
        printf("please input the number of employees\n");
        scanf("%d", &e_num);
        current_e = 1;
        for (i = 1;current_e <= e_num;i++) {
            printf("please input No.%d empolyees' id, salary, height(seperated by space)\n", i);
            scanf("%d %d %d", &a[i].id, &a[i].salary, &a[i].height);
            current_e ++;
        }  for (k = 1;k <= (e_num - 1);k++) {
            for(j = 1;j <= (e_num - 1);j++) {
                if(a[j].salary > a[j+1].salary) {
                    temp = a[j];
                    a[j] = a[j+1];
                    a[j+1] = temp; 

             for (m = 1;m <= e_num;m++) {
                     current_deal = a[m];
                for(n = e_num;n <= (m + 1);n--) {
                            potential_boss = a[n];
                    if(current_deal.height <= potential_boss.height) {
                        a[m].boss =;
                        a[n+1].subordinate += 1;
             printf("please input the id you want to search for its boss and subordinates\n");
             scanf("%d", &id_search);
             for (t = 1;t <= e_num;t++) {
                if (id_search == a[t].id) {
                    search = a[t];
             printf("(%d,%d)\n", search.boss, search.subordinate);
             current_test ++;

        return 0;



1003输入0结束循环那里,卡了,输入0也输出0,导致一直wrong answer。

软件:week3 实验:数学函数与格式输出


不少同学还是没有看gitub的issue,那些scanf和printf问题上周issue已经说过,不看是自己吃亏。看了不懂再提出问题,总比在实验课上写scanf("char a = %c")还纠结为什么错高效率很多。



问题1 不懂得使用搜索工具

编程语言学习不是像高中时候学语文数学那样拿着书,听老师讲就行了。有很多知识老师是不讲的,而且书上面也没有。比如,一个库函数 double log(double _x),书本或者老师不会教你怎么怎么用的,必须要你自己去百度或者谷歌。


Stack Overflow

问题2 不会看编译错误


1.c:12:3: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘scanf’
   scanf("%c%d%f%ld%lld%lf", &a, &b, &c, &d, &e, &f);



1.c:13:59: error: ‘g’ undeclared (first use in this function)
   printf("%c %d %.2f %ld %lld %.7lf\n", a, b, c, d, e, f, g);
1.c:13:3: warning: format ‘%d’ expects argument of type ‘int’, but argument 3 has type ‘long long unsigned int’ [-Wformat=]
   printf("%c %d %.2f %ld %lld %.7lf\n", a, b, c, d, e, f);

问题3 对评测系统的误解

在线评测系统(Online Judge)是用户提交代码后,后台通过测试样例测试程序正确性的系统。我们先看几个概念:
1、 测试样例
对于程序的一组符合题目逻辑输入输出,称为一组测试样例。如a-b中,输入 1 2,输出 -1 是一组测试样例。每个题目中会有多个样例,可是评测系统并不会公布这些样例,你需要通过完善自己的程序逻辑来达到通过测试的目的。因此,你通过题目给的example并不意味着你通过全部测试。
alt OJ
输入流指的是程序的所有输入,输出流指的是程序的所有输出。也就是评测系统会给你的程序一个输入流作为你的处理的开始,然后你的程序需要提供一个符合预期的输出。因此,所有的提示型语句:“please input ”之类的会被认为是输出流中的东西,你的程序不能够出现这个。
比如,同样是a-b的题目,a,b的范围可以有很多种,因为实数是一个无穷集合。你需要解决的问题大小是题目给你限定好的。比如题目说a<10000, b<1000, 就说明题目的输入流中不存在大于1000的a或者b,你不需要考虑大数字的相加。相反,有些题目就是要求大数据的问题,这个题目的难度就不一样,难度和数据的大小一般成正比。


问题4 代码风格很糟糕


google style 在线检查


问题5 不会读题,读题不认真



问题 6 不会使用函数



double log (double x);


double x = 100.0;
double a = log(x);
printf("%lf", log(x));


int scanf(const char *format,...);
extern void printf(const char *format,...);
double pow(double x, double y); 



软件:week10 C String and Functions


2、你需要先学习如何写一个函数库。也就是第一个任务,如何编写.h文件和.c文件分开,然后在main函数中调用.h文件中的函数。说白了就是明白#include <stdio.h>这种实现的机制。

软件:week5 实验问题反馈









软件 = 程序 + 数据 + 文档
1、 不按照模板自由发挥。






2、代码编译问题。我用的编译器是dev c++ 很多同学会用vs编译,可以你要考虑兼容的问题。比较多的问题是两个,第一个是使用_s后缀的vs专用函数,第二个就是使用for循环时候直接在里面申明自增变量i。前者是通用性很差,只支持vs,后者是只有c99标准才支持那样子的申明,大家注意。建议还是使用GCC为内核的编译器,如dev,CFREE,当然vs是可以用的,不过你要注意通用性。




1、西西里题目太难的问题, 以及西西里理论课和实验课脱节:






















软件:Course Project

C Programming : Course Project

## Update History

2015/12/9 22:30 Update deadline, a day ahead.
2015/12/9 22:54 Update Presentation, add a presentation for framework discuss
2015/12/11 12:00 Simplify the project requirement


Many basically and widely used system are using C language because it's fast and more closed to the underlying of the computer structure. We are going to build a system as a real world project to understand the system design as well as a system implement.

Modeling is very important in process oriented programming. You are going to design the system yourself and design a good file structure with .h files and .c files. And also you should design good function prototypes and make clear the usage of each part.

What's more is that you should implement the functions for the complete logic.

We are going to build a student management system.


  1. Improve the C language grammar learning.
  2. Learn to design a system using process-oriented programming.
  3. Learn to use modeling method to implement each part of the process.
  4. Learn how to work for a project in Software Engineering.
  5. Learn code style deeply.

Develop Environment

windows: commandline or DEV cpp
ubuntu linux: command line (optional bonus)
ubuntu linux using command line and makefile (optional bonus)




Now, you are the system designer for our student grading system. And the our course need the following functions, you job is to implement the system demands.

1. Append Records:

You can insert a grade record into the system.
The record include the several properties studentID, studentName, studentClass, studentGrade.
You can also insert a number of this kind of records at the same time.

2. Delete Records:

You can delete a Record from the system by a studentID, a studentName or a wholeClass, a range of grade.
You can also delete a number of this kind of records at the same time.

3. Modify Records:

You can modify the records.
For example, I can change a student's name, a student's class or a student's grade.
You can also modify a number of this kind of records at the same time.

4. Querying Records:

You can query some students that meets a setting condition. For example, query the students whose grade is less than 60 in a given class.
You can also get the max grade, the average grade, the number of students who's grade is greater than 90.

5. Extended Functions:

You can extend the system with other functions (鼓励添加其他功能).

For example, you can use function functional programming. It means that you are supposed to use function pointers to role as filters to meet the requirements more easily. We have note functional programming in optional project 1.

For example:

Student * Query(Student[] stus, bool(*filter)(const void *));

## Other Requirements: ### Designing Style:

You can not defined useless or meaningless functions. And you can not put all project logic in one file(very bad) or put all logic in a main fuction(very very bad).
How to design good function prototypes and how to divide into several files is very important and this will be the most important part for grading.

Coding Style:

Coding style is very important for you. The style rules including google style are required.
What's more, you should have good comments with your code.

File Method:

Maybe you will us File IO operation, you can use your own data format. Json or CVS is recommended.

Report Template:


Make a brief introduction for your project.

User Documentation

Statements about how to run the program. How to use this system.

Project Structure

Statements about your project structure, i.e. your function interfaces and file structure.

Design Thinking && Design Process

Statements about how you think about the project, i.e. how to divided the project(big question) into smaller questions.
Statements about your details of your project design, i.e. how to implement the structure of your system.

Important Algorithm and Data Structure

Some important algorithm and data structure you use should be mentioned. And draw flowchart or write Pseudo code for them.


Statements about how you test the system.


Personal summary about this project.

Persentation Week 13

We will ask some students to discuss about how to build a framework for the system on Dec 14th 2015.

Presentation Final

We will have a presentation time on January 4th 2016 in the lab class. There will be randomly selected students need to do the presentation.


Dec 31st 2015 18:00
pay attention, one day ahead deadline
Dec 30th 2015 18:00
Dec 30th 2015 21:00
And have a good time on new year's eve.


Submit to the course ftp


filename : 13331314_叶嘉祺

计科:week7 第五次实验报告

计科:week7 第五次实验报告

1 编程相关

1.1 C++程序完成思路

  1. 对于复杂的逻辑需求,先写伪代码或者画程序流程图得到清晰的逻辑结构。
  2. 自顶向下逐步求精解决问题(大问题分解为可解决的小问题),写出C++程序。
  3. 修改C++程序的编译错误。
  4. 通过测试,修改C++程序的逻辑错误。

1.2 命令行编译


  1. 可以获得比集成编译系统(IDE)更高的自由度。
  2. 为之后的linux编程工具链打下基础。
  3. 更好的理解c++程序编译执行过程。


1、打开Dev Cpp,并且找到对应的安装路径。


2、找到定义的MinGW目录下的bin目录这个是dev cpp的核心编译器。



4、打开cmd窗口,输入gcc --version输出编译器版本信息,配置完成。


  1. 找到一个c++源代码所在的文件夹,在文件夹中按住shift+鼠标右键,选择在此处打开命令行。
  2. 输入g++ + 空格 + 你要编译的文件 -o 编译出来之后的可执行程序的名字, 如:g++ main.cpp -o main.exe(如果省略-o后面的命令,则会生成a.exe)
  3. 在命令行中输入 main.exe 即可运行程序。

1.3 测试数据的文件输入输出



  1. 在刚才我们编译的程序之中,我们生成了main.exe的程序。假设现在我们的程序是做a-b的简单运算。我们现在在源代码的同一个目录下新建一个文件"input.txt"。我们打开文件输入两个数100和99。
  2. 接着我们在命令行输入命令main.exe < input.txt。我们很惊喜地发现,程序自动输出了1,我们不需要手动去使用键盘输出。


对于文件输出,同样是可以的 main.exe < input.txt > output.txt

2 断点调试法(课题讲解)

using namespace std;

struct employee {
    long id, salary, height, boss, subordinate;
int main() {
    struct employee a[10000], temp, current_deal, potential_boss, search;
    int total_test, current_test, current_e, e_num, id_search;
    int i, k, j, m, n, t, u;
    for (u = 1;u <= 10000;u++) {
        a[u].subordinate = 0;
        a[u].boss = 0;
        a[u].height = 0;
        a[u].id = 0;
        a[u].salary = 0;
    cout << "How many test do you want to have?\n";
    cin >> total_test;

    current_test = 1;
    while (current_test <= total_test) {
        cout << "please input the number of employees\n";
        cin >> e_num;

        current_e = 1;
        for (i = 1;current_e <= e_num;i++) {
            printf("please input No.%d empolyees' id, salary, height(seperated by space)\n", i);
            scanf("%d %d %d", &a[i].id, &a[i].salary, &a[i].height);
            current_e ++;
        for (k = 1;k <= (e_num - 1);k++) {
            for(j = 1;j <= (e_num - 1);j++) {
                if(a[j].salary > a[j+1].salary) {
                    temp = a[j];
                    a[j] = a[j+1];
                    a[j+1] = temp;

        for (m = 1;m <= e_num;m++) {
            current_deal = a[m];
            for(n = e_num;n <= (m + 1);n--) {
                potential_boss = a[n];
                if(current_deal.height <= potential_boss.height) {
                    a[m].boss =;
                    a[n+1].subordinate += 1;

        cout << "please input the id you want to search for its boss and subordinates\n";
        cin >> id_search;

        for (t = 1;t <= e_num;t++) {
            if (id_search == a[t].id) {
                search = a[t];

        cout << "(" << search.boss  << ", " << search.subordinate;
        current_test ++;

    return 0;
  1. 设置断点
  2. 运行程序
  3. 添加监控变量
  4. 执行程序、单步运行

3 实验报告内容 Breakpoint Debug

3.1 Pre Assignment

  1. Learn about breakpoint debug method.
  2. Learn about file stream input for a C++ executable program.
  3. Learn about how to compile a program using command line interface.

Notice that

These knowledge is very important for you and it is a good preparation for the course project as well as some other following courses. You can ignore this assignment, but you are responsible for the yourself.

3.2 Assignment 0(10pts)

Learn about command line compile and file input. And then use the method on one of the questions in week 7 in sicily (write this part in your report and snap shoots are recommended).

3.3 Assignment 1(80pts)

Learn about breakpoint debug method yourself and using it to debug the following three C programs.

Target: A solution with three correct C++ source program.


  1. What is the bugs of the program and how can you find the bug? (8 pts)
  2. What test data you use in the debug process? (8 pts)
  3. Tell the problems about coding styling in the following program.(8 pts)
  4. Understand three sorting algorithm(Bubble sort, selection sort and insertion sort), and then write Pseudo code or Flowchart for them respectively.(16 pts)
  5. Correct these three programs include its style problems respectively and note that you should submit your source code. (55pts )

Notice that

  1. Style is very important while coding, so if your new program is still ugly in style, 50% score will be deducted.
  2. We will use black box test this time with auto running scripts. So if your file structure is wrong or your program result in errors will cause 0pts. And the grade depends on how many test cases passed like that in YOJ.
  3. You should not add prompt statement this time like "please input an integer". The testing program will consider it to be wrong answer if you do it.
  4. Sample input and output for all the three correct program.

Input: The first line contain an integer n which indicates the number of test cases. There will be n line in the flowing. For each line, there will be an integer m at the first of the line which means the size of the array. And there will be m integers. Note that, 1<n<20, 1<m<10000.

Output: For each input output the sorted array(from small to big) with spaces between elements.

3 1 3 2
5 1 2 3 4 5
4 99 100 22 33

1 2 3
1 2 3 4 5
22 33 99 100

Also Notice that the output of the flowing program is not correct at all, please correct it

bubble sort
insertion sort
selection sort

3.3.1 Program 1 Bubble sort

using namespace std;

int main() {
int num[10000];
int n;
int i, j, temp;
int m, k, p, q, o;
int result[2000];

cin >> n;

for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cin >> num[i];

for(i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
for(j = 0; i + j < n; j++) {
  if(num[j] > num[j + 1]) {
temp = num[j];
num[j + 1] = num[j];
num[j] = temp;

for(i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
cout << num[i] << " ";
cout << num[i] << endl;

return 0;

3.3.2 Program 2 Insertion sort

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
  int num[10000];
  int n;
  int i, j, temp;
  cin >> n;
  for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  cin >> num[i];}
  for(i=1; i<n; i++){
  temp = num[i];
  for(j=i-1; j>-1&&num[j]>temp;j--) {
  num[i]=num[j]; num[j]=temp;}}
  for(i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
  cout << num[i] << " ";}
  cout << num[i] << endl;
  return 0;

3.3.3 Program 3 Selection sort

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
  int num[10000];
  int n;
  int i, j, temp;
  int min;
  cin >> n;
  for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
    cin >> num[i];
  for(i=0; i < n; i++){
    min = num[i];
    for(j = i; j < n; j++) {
      if(min>num[j]) {
    temp = num[j];
    num[j] = min;
    min = temp;
    } for(i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
    cout << num[i] << " ";}
  cout << num[i] << endl;
  return 0;

3.4 Report

  1. part one: Assignment 0
  2. part two: Assignment 1
  3. part three: Discussion,Cooperation and Summary (optional)

格式无要求,part two必须截图表明你使用了断点调试的技巧来调试你的代码,包括但不限于:如何添加断点,如何删除断点,如何运行下一条语句,如何运行到下一个断点,如何添加查看,如何删除查看,等等。

3.5 Submit lists


3.6 Deadline

19 Nov. 2015, 23:59

Please submit your homework on time.

4 Discussion,Cooperation and Summary (15pts)

In this part, you will have some options, if you do more options, you will learn more and get more marks.

You should note this part in your report

option 1: Github Discussion

Comment at this issue and describe a problem that you meet and how you solve it detailedly.

Notice that

  1. you should not copy and paste your personal report simply.
  2. you should not write a very simple one and your comment will be deleted if you do that.
  3. you should not post meaningless questions.
  4. Show me in your report about your discussion on github with screenshot.

option 2: Simple Presentation

Have a simple presentation in the lab class on Friday (4 persons limited). And after the presentation, everyone is encouraged to ask questions and you can get bonus by asking good questions.

Notice that

  1. The presentation is no more than 5 minutes and there will be 5 extra minutes for discussion.
  2. You should prepare much for it. PPT is encouraged.
  3. First come, first get the opportunity.
  4. You can describe a algorithm you have learn, but you should make a majority of your classmates know what you are describing.
  5. You can also share with us your learning experience about C++, and give some advice about how to learn it well.
  6. The theme of your presentation is very important, if you are not sure whether your theme is good or not, you can contact me for some advice.

option 3: Helping others

You can help others to solve any problems the will meet. Detailedly describe the question, the solution and your personal experience as well.

Notice that

  1. it is no need to consult with others that I help you, you help you to get marks. You can simply send email to me and I will give you the marks. No worry about that, if you do have helped others and spent a lot of time on it, you deserve the score.

option 4: Personal Summary

Write personal summary for yourself.
List at least 10 problems that you have met in your learning in C++ language and describe the solution as well.

Notice that

  1. you should not have ten very simple problems, you must let me know your learning method and also the method to solve problems.

软件:week6 理论题(2015-11-2 实验课结束提交)

1. What's the output of the following program:

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
    int n = 1, m = 4;
    while(n = 1) {
    printf("%d %d\n", n, m);
    return 0;

A. 1 -1

B. 1 0

C. Dead Loop

D. 0 0

2.What's the output of the following program:

int main() {
    int a=4,b=8,c=5;
    int d1,d2,d3,d4;
    return 0;




D. Compile error

3.What's the output of the following program:

int main() {
    int a = 2, b = 3, c = 4;
    printf("%d %d",c > b > a, c < b < a);
    return 0;

A. 0 0

B. 0 1

C. 1 0

D. 1 1

4.What's the output of the following program:

int main() {
    int a = 3, b = 4, c = 5;
    int d = (a + b) + c - 1 && b + c / 2;
    printf("%d\n", d);
    return 0;

A. 13

B. 1

C. 3

D. Compile error

5.What's the output of the following program:

int main() {
    float x = 2.5, y = 4.7;
    int a = 7;
    printf("%.1f\n", x+a%3*(int)(x+y)%2/4);
    return 0;

A. 2.5

B. error: invalid operands to binary %

C. 0.0

D. 1.2

6.Expression !x||a==b is Equivalent to
A. !((x||a)==b)

B. !(x||y)==b



7.What's the output of the following program:

int main() {
    int i = -2;
    int n = ++i == 0 ? 99 : (i == -1 ? 11 : 22);
    printf("%d\n",  n);
    return 0;


B.Compile error



8.What's the output of the following program:

int main() {
    int x = 0, y = 0;
    switch(x) {
      y = 2;
        printf("%d\n", y--);
        printf("%d\n", ++y);

A. 0

B. 2

C. 3

D. -1

9.What's the output of the following program:

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
    int number = 10;
    printf("%d %d %d %d\n", number, number++, number--, --number);
    return 0;

A. 10 10 11 9

B. 10 11 10 10

C. 9 8 9 9

D. 10 11 10 9

10.What's the output of the following program:

int main() {
    int a = 21, b = 11;
    printf("%d\n", (--a+b, --b+a));








#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  int n;
  int plus;
  int min;
  int flag = 1;

  scanf("%d", &n);

  int i, j, k;
  plus = n / 2;
  min = 0;

  for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {    
    for(j = 0; j < min; j++) {
    for(j = 0; j < plus; j++) {
    for(j = 0; j < plus; j++) {
    for(j = 0; j < min; j++) {
    if(flag) {
      plus --;
      min ++;
    } else {

    if(plus <= 0) {
      flag = 0;

  return 0;


#include <stdio.h>

const int chair = 30;
const int trees = 10;

int main() {
  int i;
  int height;
  int apple[10];
  int ans = 0;

  for(i = 0; i < trees; i++) {
    scanf("%d", &apple[i]);
  scanf("%d", &height);
  for(i = 0; i < trees; i++) {
    if(height + chair >= apple[i]) {
      ans ++;

  printf("%d\n", ans);

  return 0;


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  int m,n;
  int i;
  unsigned long long ans;
  scanf("%d", &m);

  while(m--) {
    scanf("%d", &n);
    ans = 1;
    for(i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
      ans += i*i*i;
    printf("%lld\n", ans);

  return 0;


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  int n;
  int array[101];
  int i, j;
  int ans;

  while(scanf("%d", &n) && n) {
    ans  = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      scanf("%d", &array[i]);

    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      for(j = 0; j < n; j++) {
    if(array[j] * 2 == array[i]) {
    printf("%d\n", ans);




int main(){
  int i,j,a[1000][1000];
  int n;
  while(scanf("%d", &n) && n) {
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      for(j = 0; j < n; j++){
    a[i][0] = 1;
    a[i][i] = 1;
    for(i = 2; i < n; i++) {
      for(j = 1; j <= i-1; j++) {
    a[i][j] = a[i-1][j-1] + a[i-1][j];
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
      for(j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
    printf("%d\t", a[i][j]);
  return 0;


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  int start_hour;
  int start_min;
  int end_hour;
  int end_min;

  int sleep_hour;
  int sleep_min;

  scanf("%d:%d", &start_hour, &start_min);
  scanf("%d:%d", &end_hour, &end_min);

  if((end_hour < start_hour) ||
     ((end_hour == start_hour) && (start_min > end_min))) {
    end_hour += 24;

  sleep_hour = end_hour - start_hour;
  sleep_min = end_min - start_min;

  if(sleep_min < 0) {
    sleep_min += 60;

  if(sleep_hour < 10){
  printf("%d:", sleep_hour);

  if(sleep_min < 10) {
  printf("%d\n", sleep_min);

  return 0;

计科:week1 代码风格检查

week1 代码风格检查








  1. 打开命令行窗口(win键+R;输入cmd;回车)如下:
  2. 如果安装成功,在命令行窗口输入python将会出现以下的输出:




  1. cpplint.py文件复制到你的程序代码所在的目录。比如:

  2. 打开命令行窗口,方法就是步骤2的第一点。导航到代码所在目录。


  3. 运行命令

    python --filter=-whitespace/tab filename.cpp



    注意错误,如test.c:7: Line ends in whitespace. Consider deleting these extra spaces. [whitespace/end_of_line] [4]test.c指的是文件名,7指的是行号,后面的 Line ends in whitespace. Consider deleting these extra spaces. [whitespace/ end_of_line] [4]指的是代码中出现的错误。


根据输出的错误,逐行改进代码。直到错误数目为0。如Total errors found: 0


把通过google style的cpplint.py测试的代码,也就是Total errors found: 0,再把代码提交到Sicily。


进行google style风格检测的目的是让同学们写出可读性良好的代码。按照上面的流程编写代码,能帮助你养成良好的编程习惯。希望同学们重视。



  1. cmd命令行大全
  2. google style guide
  3. cpplint

软件:week2 问题反馈+扩展练习



** 学有余力的同学最好做一下扩展练习题 **

1、scanf("%d", &a) 的第一个参数是格式化字符串,在要求键盘输入多个变量时候,格式化字符串中间不应该用逗号隔开,格式化字符串中也不应该出现换行符号。同时,输入的时候应该要使用取地址符号&,不使用则会出错。以下几种情况均为错误的:

   scanf("%d,%d", &a, &b); 
   scanf("%d%d\n", &a, &b);
   scanf("%d%d", &a &b);
   scanf("%d%d", a, b);


   scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);


   int year = 2015;
   int month = 9;
   int day = 28;

   printf("%d年%d月%d日", year, month, day);



   printf("%d %d", &a, &b);
   printf("%d %d", a);
   printf("hello world!\n", a);


1 2 3 4

1 2
3 4


1000 Triangle II

Time Limit: 1sec Memory Limit:256MB



1001 A/B

Time Limit: 1sec Memory Limit:256MB




3 5




1 0





1002 Polynomial II

Time Limit: 1sec Memory Limit:256MB


Given two pair of integers (a1,b1) and (a2,b2),can you calculate the expanded form of (a1_x+b1)(a2_x+b2)?
(note that we use "x^2" to express x2 and omit "
这次你需要考虑系数为0的情况,即: 2x^2+0x+1, 这样应该写成: 2x^2+1


1 0
1 0



1003 Sum the digits in a big integer

Time Limit: 1sec Memory Limit:256MB


Write a program that reads an integer with 3 digits and adds all the digits in the integer.For example,if an integer is 932,the sum of all its digits is 9+3+2=14.
现在要假设处理的数字非常大( 2^64 < length <= 10^200 )

(length 指的是数字的大小!不是长度!╮(╯▽╰)╭)








YOJ 在线评测(校园内网)

软件:Optional Lab C Small Plane Game


Now, we are going to do a small project named a small plane game.


  1. Lookahead Self Learning is required in this project. The knowledge include struct and pointers in C.
    Especially for struct, you should know its advantage and usage. For pointer, you should know the deep thoughts.
  2. Debug method should be mastered such as breakpoint debug, binary debug or output debug.
  3. Good programming style should be mastered.

Let's build a game!

We need to know what roles at the game and the rules as well. The question is what rules we need.

In this project, we are going to build the small plane game. We have the following roles:

  1. Plane, the main character in the game, and the player can control the plane.
    Note that we use 1 to mark plane in the game prototype.
    2.Obstacles, the second main characters in the game. It can move as an AI, and when it hits the player, game over.
    Note that we use 2 to mark obstacles in game prototype.
  2. The map, the scene to play on. And the map display the objects in the map. Like the image, we can regard it as a map in the game.


  1. For player, it can move left, right, up and down if it's still in the map.
  2. For obstacles, it can move from right to left trying to hit the player.
  3. Update the game pane when something change.
  4. We need to draw the game pane when the map update.(print)

Game Structure Code

#ifndef GAME_H
#define GAME_H

typedef struct point {
  int x;
  int y;
} point;

typedef enum objects {BLANK = 0, PLANE = 1, OBSTACLE = 2} OBJ;
typedef enum operations {UP = 0, DOWN = 1, LEFT = 2, RIGHT = 3} OP;

#define GAME_ROW 2
#define GAME_COL 16

typedef struct gamePane {
  // the game pane, 0 for blank, 1 for plane and 2 for obstacle
  point cursor;
  int gameOver;
} gamePane;

typedef struct plane {
  point position;
} plane;

typedef struct obstacle {
  point position;
} obstacle;

// function list
void init(gamePane * thePane, plane * thePlane, obstacle * theObstacle1, obstacle * theObstacle2);
void setCursor(gamePane * thePane, const int x, const int y);
void setplane(gamePane * thePane, plane * plane);
void setobstacle(gamePane * thePane, obstacle * obstacle);
void removeOBJ(gamePane * thePane, const point p);
void gameOver();
void printPane(const gamePane thePane);
void movePlane(gamePane * thePane, plane * thePlane, OP op);
void moveObstacle(gamePane * thePane, obstacle * theObstacle);
#endif // GAME_H

Game Source Code

void init(gamePane * thePane, plane * thePlane, obstacle * theObstacle1, obstacle * theObstacle2) {
  thePlane->position.x = 0;
  thePlane->position.y = 0;
  theObstacle1->position.x = 0;
  theObstacle1->position.y = GAME_COL-1;
  theObstacle2->position.x = 1;
  theObstacle2->position.y = GAME_COL-3;

  int i, j;

  for(i = 0; i < GAME_ROW; i++) {
    for(j = 0; j < GAME_COL; j++) {
      thePane->pane[i][j] = BLANK;

  setplane(thePane, thePlane);
  setobstacle(thePane, theObstacle1);
  setobstacle(thePane, theObstacle2);
  thePane->gameOver = 0;
  thePane->cursor.x = 0;
  thePane->cursor.y = 0;

// basic operation for game pane
void setCursor(gamePane * thePane, const int x, const int y) {
  thePane->cursor.x = x;
  thePane->cursor.y = y;

void setplane(gamePane * thePane, plane * plane) {
  if(thePane->pane[plane->position.x][plane->position.y] == OBSTACLE) {
    thePane->gameOver = 1;
  thePane->pane[plane->position.x][plane->position.y] = PLANE;

void setobstacle(gamePane * thePane, obstacle * obstacle) {
  if(thePane->pane[obstacle->position.x][obstacle->position.y] == PLANE) {
    thePane->gameOver = 1;
  thePane->pane[obstacle->position.x][obstacle->position.y] = OBSTACLE;

void removeOBJ(gamePane * thePane, const point p) {
  thePane->pane[p.x][p.y] = BLANK;

void gameOver() {

void printPane(const gamePane thePane) {
  int i, j;
  for(i = 0; i < GAME_ROW; i++) {
    for(j = 0; j < GAME_COL; j++) {
      printf("%d", thePane.pane[i][j]);

// operation for plane
void movePlane(gamePane * thePane, plane * thePlane, OP op) {
  removeOBJ(thePane, thePlane->position);
  switch(op) {
  case 0 :
    if(thePlane->position.x > 0) {
  case 1 :
    if(thePlane->position.x < GAME_ROW - 1) {
  case 2:
    if(thePlane->position.y > 0) {
  case 3:
    if(thePlane->position.y < GAME_COL - 1) {
  setplane(thePane, thePlane);

//operations for obstacle
void moveObstacle(gamePane * thePane, obstacle * theObstacle) {
  removeOBJ(thePane, theObstacle->position);
  if(theObstacle->position.y <= 0) {
    theObstacle->position.y = GAME_COL - 1;


  setobstacle(thePane, theObstacle);

Assignment 0

You do not need to write this part to your report.

  1. What's the meaning of the code, please write comments(注释) for each functions as well as the important expressions and statements.
    2.The header declarations and source code of the game are provided. But we can not run the game without a game launch function(main function), please write a main function to run the game.

Assignment 1

As you play the game, the interface of the game is very ugly. And also the game is not a game at all. Your job is to modify the game using your idea.

Some advice:

  1. Add bullet for the plane, which means that you can control the plane to hit the obstacles.
  2. Add score counter, and a list of score. And it can record the ranking of the score every you play it. You should use c file IO in this part.
  3. Large plane Scene, get a large Play Scene to the game.
  4. Muti-obstcales that the obstacles can spawn a bullet or any other idea.


(55pts) Your personal runable game.
(25pts) Your Document about your game elucidatio. And your algorithm to get to your idea game.
(20pts) The Style of your source code. Besides google style check, you should have good indent in the source code and you are supposed to write good comments(充分的代码注释) for you game.

Notice that, you should upload you game project to your github repository and write the documentation using markdown and named it "".

You will get bonus in the final grade.


just send me your github address.


2015 12.15 18:00

计科:week10 问题反馈和额外任务

week10 问题反馈和额外任务


1 安装vmware,运行ubuntu虚拟机

1.1 安装文件




1.2 安装vmware pro 12


注意,可能要求输入安装密钥等。百度之 or 土豪可购买之。涉及版权问题,在此不再细说。

1.3 运行ubuntu kylin虚拟机 && 编译运行.cpp程序



1.4 report



1.5 参考

  1. 安装双系统,自行查阅网上资料
  2. g++命令参数

2 编程周末赛

YOJ 在线评测系统

  1. 时间:本周六晚19:00-21:00
  2. 奖励:计科班前10名在期末平时成绩基础上加分
  3. 地址:
  4. 登录:用户名密码都是你的学号
  5. 比赛:非强制,有时间,愿意做就去做
  6. 更多信息留意群通知

计科:week6 第四次实验 程序流程图和伪代码

week6 第四次实验 程序流程图和伪代码


1 Flowchart (程序流程图)

A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents an algorithm, workflow or process, showing the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting them with arrows. This diagrammatic representation illustrates a solution model to a given problem. Flowcharts are used in analyzing, designing, documenting or managing a process or program in various fields.

From wikipedia

Detailed Description: flowchat

There is an example:


And this is the flowchart:


2 Pseudocode (伪代码)

Pseudocode is an informal high-level description of the operating principle of a computer program or other algorithm.

From wikipedia

There is an example:


We can describe this question by this way rather than write a C++ program immediately:

main {
    input two integers height and n
    initialize answer = 0

    loop for n times {
        input tree_height
        if height >= tree_height:
            answer = answer + 1

    print answer

Pseudocode is used to express your thought, you do not need to care about the grammar.

3 Pre Assignment

Learn about Flowchart and Pseudocode.

4 Assignment (100pts)

4.1 Assignment 0 (20pts)

Choose one question from in week6 in our course and then write the Pseudocode.

4.2 Assignment 1 (35pts)

Translate the following flowchart into Pseudocode


Several surveys indicate that the taller you are, the higher you can climb the corporate ladder. At TALL Enterprises Inc. this "de facto standard" has been properly formalized: your boss is always at least as tall as you are. Furthermore, you can safely assume that your boss earns a bit more than you do. In fact, you can be absolutely sure that your immediate boss is the person who earns the least among all the employees that earn more than you and are at least as tall as you are. Furthermore, if you are the immediate boss of someone, that person is your subordinate, and all his subordinates are your subordinates as well. If you are nobody's boss, then you have no subordinates. As simple as these rules are, many people working for TALL are unsure of to whom they should be turning in their weekly progress report and how many subordinates they have. Write a program that will help in determining for any employee who the immediate boss of that employee is and how many subordinates they have. Quality Assurance at TALL have devised a series of tests to ensure that your program is correct. These test are described below.

May be you can not write out the problem, the only work you will do is write out this program from the following flowchart(Since there are many methods to sort, so you can use one of them, the flowchart does not display in the flow chat, instead a dashed line).


flowchart 2

Simple input and output


123456 14323 1700000
123458 41412 1900000
123457 15221 1800000
200002 12234 1832001
200003 15002 1745201
200004 18745 1883410
200001 24834 1921313



4.3 Assignment 2 (35pts)

Draw a flowchart from the following C++ language program which constructs a bubble sort algorithm.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void print(int* pData, int count) {
    for (int i = 0; i< count; i++) {
        cout << pData[i] << " ";
    cout << endl;

void BubbleSort(int* pData, int count) {
    int temp;
    for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) {
        bool flag = true;

        for (int j = 0; j < count - i; j++) {
            if (pData[j] > pData[j+1]) {
                temp = pData[j+1];
                pData[j+1] = pData[j];
                pData[j] = temp;
                flag = false;

        if (flag) break;

        cout << "The "<< i <<" round:" << endl;
        print(pData, count);
        cout << "----------------------------" << endl;


int main() {
    int n;
    int data[100];

    cout << "How many numbers you want to input ? (less than 100)" << endl;
    cin >> n;
    cout << "Please input " << n << "numbers, separating with space: " << endl;

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        cin >> data[i];

    BubbleSort(data, n);

    cout << "The sort result:" << endl;

    print(data, n);

    return 0;

5 Extended Assignment (10pts)

Draw a flowchart and write Pseudocode as well as a C++ language program for the following description.


6 Discussion,Cooperation and Summary (15pts)

In this part, you will have some options, if you do more options, you will learn more and get more marks.

You should note this part in your report

option 1: Github Discussion

Comment at this issue and decribe a problem that you meet and how you solve detailedly.

Notice that

  1. you should not copy and paste your personal report simply.
  2. you should not write a very simple one and your comment will be deleted if you do that.
  3. you should not post meaningless questions.

option 2: Simple Presentation

Have a simple presentation in the lab class on Friday (4 persons limited). And after the presentation, everyone is encouraged to ask questions and you can get bonus by asking good questions.

Notice that

  1. The presentation is no more than 5 minutes and there will be 5 extra minutes for discussion.
  2. You should prepare much for it.
  3. First come, first get the opportunity.

option 3: Helping others

You can help others to slove any problems the will meet. Detailedly decribe the quesion, the solution and your personal experience as well.

Notice that

  1. it's no need to consult with others that I help you, you help you to get marks. You can simply send email to me and I will give you the marks.

option 4: Personal Summary

Write personal summary for yourself.
List at least 10 problems that you have met in your learning in c language and decribe the solution as well.

Notice that

  1. you should not have ten very simple problems, you must let me know your learning method and also the method to solve problems.

7 Report Template

There will be no Report Template this time which means it's all depends on yourself.

Notice that

  1. the report is the most important document for your project, you should pay more attention to it.
  2. you are supposed to write a report that is friendly to your 'users', which means that you need to consider about the typesetting, the logical structure of the content.
  3. There should contain one item, self grading that you should give a score to evaluate your job as well as a reason.

For example: sinew

8 Flowchart Tool: Process On

Process on is a good tool for drawing flowchart.

9 Submit List


Notice that:
13331314 means your student id.
the first assignment need to name your file with your chosen problem id.

10 Deadline

23:59 on Nov 12th, 2015

11 Notification

  1. Submit after deadline will cause a 30% penalty.
  2. If your file structure of filename is wrong, you will probably get 0 in that part.
  3. Any questions, you can ask us and email is better.
  4. Full mark will be 100, but you may get more than 100 within this project.
  5. You can use any tool include word, process on to draw a flowchart. You can use any form to write your Pseudocode but should be of high readability. If TA can not understand your Pseudocode clearly, you will get low points.(you can use Chinese to write Pseudocode if you like).


String 操作的后三个函数

From: The Art of Programming link

1.1 旋转字符串


给定一个字符串,要求把字符串前面的若干个字符移动到字符串的尾部,如把字符串“abcdef”前面的2个字符'a'和'b'移动到字符串的尾部,使得原字符串变成字符串“cdefab”。请写一个函数完成此功能,要求对长度为n的字符串操作的时间复杂度为 O(n),空间复杂度为 O(1)。



初看此题,可能最先想到的方法是按照题目所要求的,把需要移动的字符一个一个地移动到字符串的尾部,如此我们可以实现一个函数LeftShiftOne(char* s, int n) ,以完成移动一个字符到字符串尾部的功能,代码如下所示:

void LeftShiftOne(char* s, int n)
    char t = s[0];  //保存第一个字符
    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
        s[i - 1] = s[i];
    s[n - 1] = t;


void LeftRotateString(char* s, int n, int m)
    while (m--)
        LeftShiftOne(s, n);


针对长度为n的字符串来说,假设需要移动m个字符到字符串的尾部,那么总共需要 m*n 次操作,同时设立一个变量保存第一个字符,如此,时间复杂度为O(m * n),空间复杂度为O(1),空间复杂度符合题目要求,但时间复杂度不符合,所以,我们得需要寻找其他更好的办法来降低时间复杂度。




例如,字符串 abcdef ,若要让def翻转到abc的前头,只要按照下述3个步骤操作即可:

  1. 首先将原字符串分为两个部分,即X:abc,Y:def;
  2. 将X反转,X->X^T,即得:abc->cba;将Y反转,Y->Y^T,即得:def->fed。
  3. 反转上述步骤得到的结果字符串X^TY^T,即反转字符串cbafed的两部分(cba和fed)给予反转,cbafed得到defabc,形式化表示为(X^TY^T)^T=YX,这就实现了整个反转。



void ReverseString(char* s,int from,int to)
    while (from < to)
        char t = s[from];
        s[from++] = s[to];
        s[to--] = t;

void LeftRotateString(char* s,int n,int m)
    m %= n;               //若要左移动大于n位,那么和%n 是等价的
    ReverseString(s, 0, m - 1); //反转[0..m - 1],套用到上面举的例子中,就是X->X^T,即 abc->cba
    ReverseString(s, m, n - 1); //反转[m..n - 1],例如Y->Y^T,即 def->fed
    ReverseString(s, 0, n - 1); //反转[0..n - 1],即如整个反转,(X^TY^T)^T=YX,即 cbafed->defabc。





3、单词翻转。输入一个英文句子,翻转句子中单词的顺序,但单词内字符的顺序不变,句子中单词以空格符隔开。为简单起见,标点符号和普通字母一样处理。例如,输入“I am a student.”,则输出“student. a am I”。




为了简单起见,我们规定输入的字符串只包含大写英文字母,请实现函数bool StringContains(string &A, string &B)


String 1:ABCD

String 2:BAD



String 1:ABCD

String 2:BCE


同时,如果string1:ABCD,string 2:AA,同样返回true。







bool StringContain(string &a,string &b)
    for (int i = 0; i < b.length(); ++i) {
        int j;
        for (j = 0; (j < a.length()) && (a[j] != b[i]); ++j)
        if (j >= a.length())
            return false;
    return true;



如果允许排序的话,我们可以考虑下排序。比如可先对这两个字符串的字母进行排序,然后再同时对两个字串依次轮询。两个字串的排序需要(常规情况)O(m log m) + O(n log n)次操作,之后的线性扫描需要O(m+n)次操作。


//注意A B中可能包含重复字符,所以注意A下标不要轻易移动。这种方法改变了字符串。如不想改变请自己复制
bool StringContain(string &a,string &b)
    for (int pa = 0, pb = 0; pb < b.length();)
        while ((pa < a.length()) && (a[pa] < b[pb]))
        if ((pa >= a.length()) || (a[pa] > b[pb]))
            return false;
        //a[pa] == b[pb]
    return true;







  1. 按照从小到大的顺序,用26个素数分别与字符'A'到'Z'一一对应。
  2. 遍历长字符串,求得每个字符对应素数的乘积。
  3. 遍历短字符串,判断乘积能否被短字符串中的字符对应的素数整除。
  4. 输出结果。


bool StringContain(string &a,string &b)
    const int p[26] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59,61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101};
    int f = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); ++i)
        int x = p[a[i] - 'A'];
        if (f % x)
            f *= x;
    for (int i = 0; i < b.length(); ++i)
        int x = p[b[i] - 'A'];
        if (f % x)
            return false;
    return true;






// “最好的方法”,时间复杂度O(n + m),空间复杂度O(1)
bool StringContain(string &a,string &b)
    int hash = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); ++i)
        hash |= (1 << (a[i] - 'A'));
    for (int i = 0; i < b.length(); ++i)
        if ((hash & (1 << (b[i] - 'A'))) == 0)
            return false;
    return true;

这个方法的实质是用一个整数代替了hashtable,空间复杂度为O(1),时间复杂度还是O(n + m)。



  • 如果两个字符串的字符一样,但是顺序不一样,被认为是兄弟字符串,比如bad和adb即为兄弟字符串,现提供一个字符串,如何在字典中迅速找到它的兄弟字符串,请描述数据结构和查询过程。




给定函数原型int StrToInt(const char *str) ,实现字符串转换成整数的功能,不能使用库函数atoi。



  • 当我们扫描到字符串的第一个字符'1'时,由于我们知道这是第一位,所以得到数字1。
  • 当扫描到第二个数字'2'时,而之前我们知道前面有一个1,所以便在后面加上一个数字2,那前面的1相当于10,因此得到数字:1*10+2=12。
  • 继续扫描到字符'3','3'的前面已经有了12,由于前面的12相当于120,加上后面扫描到的3,最终得到的数是:12*10+3=123。



int StrToInt(const char *str)
    int n = 0;
    while (*str != 0)
        int c = *str - '0';
        n = n * 10 + c;
    return n;


  1. 空指针输入:输入的是指针,在访问空指针时程序会崩溃,因此在使用指针之前需要先判断指针是否为空。
  2. 正负符号:整数不仅包含数字,还有可能是以'+'或'-'开头表示正负整数,因此如果第一个字符是'-'号,则要把得到的整数转换成负整数。
  3. 非法字符:输入的字符串中可能含有不是数字的字符。因此,每当碰到这些非法的字符,程序应停止转换。
  4. 整型溢出:输入的数字是以字符串的形式输入,因此输入一个很长的字符串将可能导致溢出。




  • sign用来处理数字的正负,当为正时sign > 0,当为负时sign < 0
  • n存放最终转换后的结果
  • c表示当前数字


if ((sign == '+') && (c > MAX_INT - n * 10))

    n = MAX_INT;
else if ((sign == '-') && (c - 1 > MAX_INT - n * 10))
    n = MIN_INT;

但当上述代码转换" 10522545459"会出错,因为正常的话理应得到MAX_INT:2147483647,但程序运行结果将会是:1932610867。

为什么呢?因为当给定字符串" 10522545459"时,而MAX_INT是2147483647,即MAX_INT(2147483647) < n_10(1052254545_10),所以当扫描到最后一个字符‘9’的时候,执行上面的这行代码:

c > MAX_INT - n * 10

已无意义,因为此时(MAX_INT - n * 10)已经小于0,程序已经出错。


  • 一个取巧的方式是把转换后返回的值n定义成long long,即long long n;
  • 另外一种则是只比较n和MAX_INT / 10的大小,即:
    • 若n > MAX_INT / 10,那么说明最后一步转换时,n*10必定大于MAX_INT,所以在得知n > MAX_INT / 10时,当即返回MAX_INT。
    • 若n == MAX_INT / 10时,那么比较最后一个数字c跟MAX_INT % 10的大小,即如果n == MAX_INT / 10且c > MAX_INT % 10,则照样返回MAX_INT。



  • 如果我们要转换的字符串是"2147483697",那么当我扫描到字符'9'时,判断出214748369 > MAX_INT / 10 = 2147483647 / 10 = 214748364(C语言里,整数相除自动取整,不留小数),则返回MAX_INT;
  • 如果我们要转换的字符串是"2147483648",那么判断最后一个字符'8'所代表的数字8与MAX_INT % 10 = 7的大小,前者大,依然返回MAX_INT。

一直以来,我们努力的目的归根结底是为了更好的处理溢出,但上述第二种处理方式考虑到直接计算n * 10 + c 可能会大于MAX_INT导致溢出,那么便两边同时除以10,只比较n和MAX_INT / 10的大小,从而巧妙的规避了计算n*10这一乘法步骤,转换成计算除法MAX_INT/10代替,不能不说此法颇妙。


c = *str - '0';
if (sign > 0 && (n > MAX_INT / 10 || (n == MAX_INT / 10 && c > MAX_INT % 10)))
    n = MAX_INT;
else if (sign < 0 && (n > (unsigned)MIN_INT / 10 || (n == (unsigned)MIN_INT / 10 && c > (unsigned)MIN_INT % 10)))
    n = MIN_INT;


int StrToInt(const char* str)
    static const int MAX_INT = (int)((unsigned)~0 >> 1);
    static const int MIN_INT = -(int)((unsigned)~0 >> 1) - 1;
    unsigned int n = 0;

    if (str == 0)
        return 0;

    while (isspace(*str))

    int sign = 1;
    if (*str == '+' || *str == '-')
        if (*str == '-')
            sign = -1;

    while (isdigit(*str))
        int c = *str - '0';
        if (sign > 0 && (n > MAX_INT / 10 || (n == MAX_INT / 10 && c > MAX_INT % 10)))
            n = MAX_INT;
        else if (sign < 0 && (n >(unsigned)MIN_INT / 10 || (n == (unsigned)MIN_INT / 10 && c > (unsigned)MIN_INT % 10)))
            n = MIN_INT;

        n = n * 10 + c;
    return sign > 0 ? n : -n;


  1. 实现string到double的转换


软件:week4 问题反馈+扩展练习

week4 问题




1、 要善于观察和发现错误,善于总结经验。

比如,你看到scanf就要意识到参数需要取地址,否则就会出现内存报错。自己犯下的错误会一而再再而三地犯,比如赋值运算符 = 和 逻辑判断相等 ==,比如变量忘记初始化,比如循环一轮之后没有把变量重新初始化,这些等等等,大家绝对会搞错。






第一种问法: 给一段长长的代码,跟我说,师兄,这个题不对啊,怎么办啊?
第二种问法:师兄,我这题系统显示runtime error,怎么办呀?
第三种问法:师兄,我这题系统显示runtime error。我的程序的思路是先用scanf读入两个整数,然后将他们相加,然后进行输出。在这个过程中我用到了三个变量,分别代表和(用于输出),两个临时变量进行存储两个输入的值。系统说运行时错误,运行时错误的原因,我查过了,可能是非法内存访问。请问这怎么办?







int n; // the number of digits
int sum; // the sum of the n digits


int a, b;





week 4 扩展题








计科:week11 自编选择题

week11 Experiment 5.5




  1. 每个人设计三道选择题。
  2. 每一道选择题覆盖的知识点不限,但不能太简单,一看就懂的那种就十分不建议。
  3. 最好是C++语言中难以理解的知识点,或者容易忽略的重点。
  4. 除了问题以外,你还有为你的问题准备答案,以及相关解释。
  5. 周五上课随机抽取部分同学的选择题,让大家一起做,然后由作者讲解,其他同学可以质疑并提问。
  6. 请使用英文。


0 简介


1 题目

1.1 题目1


1.2 题目2


1.3 题目3


2 答案及解析

2.1 题目1答案及解析


2.2 题目2答案及解析


2.3 题目3答案及解析








12月3日 21:00








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