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fuzzyjoin's Introduction

fuzzyjoin: Join data frames on inexact matching

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The fuzzyjoin package is a variation on dplyr's join operations that allows matching not just on values that match between columns, but on inexact matching. This allows matching on:

  • Numeric values that are within some tolerance (difference_inner_join)
  • Strings that are similiar in Levenshtein/cosine/Jaccard distance, or other metrics from the stringdist package (stringdist_inner_join)
  • A regular expression in one column matching to another (regex_inner_join)
  • Euclidean or Manhattan distance across multiple columns (distance_inner_join)
  • Geographic distance based on longitude and latitude (geo_inner_join)
  • Intervals of (start, end) that overlap (interval_inner_join)
  • Genomic intervals, which include both a chromosome ID and (start, end) pairs, that overlap (genome_inner_join)

One relevant use case is for classifying freeform text data (such as survey responses) against a finite set of options.

The package also includes:

  • For each of regex_, stringdist_, difference_, distance_, geo_, and interval_, variations for the six dplyr "join" operations- for example,
    • regex_inner_join (include only rows with matches in each)
    • regex_left_join (include all rows of left table)
    • regex_right_join (include all rows of right table)
    • regex_full_join (include all rows in each table)
    • regex_semi_join (filter left table for rows with matches)
    • regex_anti_join (filter left table for rows without matches)
  • A general wrapper (fuzzy_join) that allows you to define your own custom fuzzy matching function.
  • The option to include the calculated distance as a column in your output, using the distance_col argument


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Example of stringdist_inner_join: Correcting misspellings against a dictionary

Often you find yourself with a set of words that you want to combine with a "dictionary"- it could be a literal dictionary (as in this case) or a domain-specific category system. But you want to allow for small differences in spelling or punctuation.

The fuzzyjoin package comes with a set of common misspellings (from Wikipedia):


#> Source: local data frame [4,505 x 2]
#>    misspelling    correct
#>          (chr)      (chr)
#> 1   abandonned  abandoned
#> 2    aberation aberration
#> 3     abilties  abilities
#> 4       abilty    ability
#> 5      abondon    abandon
#> 6       abbout      about
#> 7        abotu      about
#> 8       abouta    about a
#> 9      aboutit   about it
#> 10    aboutthe  about the
#> ..         ...        ...
# use the dictionary of words from the qdapDictionaries package,
# which is based on the Nettalk corpus.
words <- tbl_df(DICTIONARY)

#> Source: local data frame [20,137 x 2]
#>     word syllables
#>    (chr)     (dbl)
#> 1     hm         1
#> 2    hmm         1
#> 3   hmmm         1
#> 4   hmph         1
#> 5  mmhmm         2
#> 6   mmhm         2
#> 7     mm         1
#> 8    mmm         1
#> 9   mmmm         1
#> 10   pff         1
#> ..   ...       ...

As an example, we'll pick 1000 of these words (you could try it on all of them though), and use stringdist_inner_join to join them against our dictionary.

sub_misspellings <- misspellings %>%
joined <- sub_misspellings %>%
  stringdist_inner_join(words, by = c(misspelling = "word"), max_dist = 1)

By default, stringdist_inner_join uses optimal string alignment (Damerau–Levenshtein distance), and we're setting a maximum distance of 1 for a join. Notice that they've been joined in cases where misspelling is close to (but not equal to) word:

#> Source: local data frame [728 x 4]
#>    misspelling correct    word syllables
#>          (chr)   (chr)   (chr)     (dbl)
#> 1        sould  should   could         1
#> 2        sould  should  should         1
#> 3        sould  should    sold         1
#> 4        sould  should    soul         1
#> 5        sould  should   sound         1
#> 6        sould  should   would         1
#> 7        fiels   feels   field         1
#> 8        fiels   feels    fils         1
#> 9     conscent consent consent         2
#> 10       fleed   freed   bleed         1
#> ..         ...     ...     ...       ...

Classification accuracy

Note that there are some redundancies; words that could be multiple items in the dictionary. These end up with one row per "guess" in the output. How many words did we classify?

joined %>%
  count(misspelling, correct)
#> Source: local data frame [455 x 3]
#> Groups: misspelling [?]
#>    misspelling      correct     n
#>          (chr)        (chr) (int)
#> 1    abritrary    arbitrary     1
#> 2    accademic     academic     1
#> 3    accension    ascension     2
#> 4   accessable   accessible     1
#> 5     accidant     accident     1
#> 6  accidentaly accidentally     1
#> 7    accordeon    accordion     1
#> 8       addopt        adopt     1
#> 9    addtional   additional     1
#> 10  admendment    amendment     1
#> ..         ...          ...   ...

So we found a match in the dictionary for about half of the misspellings. In how many of the ones we classified did we get at least one of our guesses right?

which_correct <- joined %>%
  group_by(misspelling, correct) %>%
  summarize(guesses = n(), one_correct = any(correct == word))

#> Source: local data frame [455 x 4]
#> Groups: misspelling [?]
#>    misspelling      correct guesses one_correct
#>          (chr)        (chr)   (int)       (lgl)
#> 1    abritrary    arbitrary       1        TRUE
#> 2    accademic     academic       1        TRUE
#> 3    accension    ascension       2        TRUE
#> 4   accessable   accessible       1        TRUE
#> 5     accidant     accident       1        TRUE
#> 6  accidentaly accidentally       1       FALSE
#> 7    accordeon    accordion       1        TRUE
#> 8       addopt        adopt       1        TRUE
#> 9    addtional   additional       1        TRUE
#> 10  admendment    amendment       1        TRUE
#> ..         ...          ...     ...         ...

# percentage of guesses getting at least one right
#> [1] 0.8527473

# number uniquely correct (out of the original 1000)
sum(which_correct$guesses == 1 & which_correct$one_correct)
#> [1] 294

Not bad.

Reporting distance in the joined output

If you wanted to include the distance as a column in your output, you can use the distance_col argument. For example, we may be interested in how many words were two letters apart.

joined_dists <- sub_misspellings %>%
  stringdist_inner_join(words, by = c(misspelling = "word"), max_dist = 2,
                        distance_col = "distance")

#> # A tibble: 7,427 × 5
#>    misspelling    correct       word syllables distance
#>          <chr>      <chr>      <chr>     <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1   charactors characters  character         3        2
#> 2   charactors characters charactery         4        2
#> 3        sould     should       auld         1        2
#> 4        sould     should       bold         1        2
#> 5        sould     should      bound         1        2
#> 6        sould     should       cold         1        2
#> 7        sould     should      could         1        1
#> 8        sould     should       fold         1        2
#> 9        sould     should       foul         1        2
#> 10       sould     should      found         1        2
#> # ... with 7,417 more rows

Note the extra distance column, which in this case will always be less than or equal to 2. We could then pick the closest match for each, and examine how many of our closest matches were 1 or 2 away:

closest <- joined_dists %>%
  group_by(misspelling) %>%
  top_n(1, desc(distance)) %>%

#> # A tibble: 1,437 × 5
#>     misspelling      correct        word syllables distance
#>           <chr>        <chr>       <chr>     <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1    charactors   characters   character         3        2
#> 2    charactors   characters  charactery         4        2
#> 3         sould       should       could         1        1
#> 4         sould       should      should         1        1
#> 5         sould       should        sold         1        1
#> 6         sould       should        soul         1        1
#> 7         sould       should       sound         1        1
#> 8         sould       should       would         1        1
#> 9  incorportaed incorporated incorporate         4        2
#> 10         awya         away          aa         2        2
#> # ... with 1,427 more rows

closest %>%
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#>   distance     n
#>      <dbl> <int>
#> 1        0     1
#> 2        1   725
#> 3        2   711

Other joining functions

Note that stringdist_inner_join is not the only function we can use. If we're interested in including the words that we couldn't classify, we could have use stringdist_left_join:

left_joined <- sub_misspellings %>%
  stringdist_left_join(words, by = c(misspelling = "word"), max_dist = 1)

#> Source: local data frame [1,273 x 4]
#>     misspelling      correct   word syllables
#>           (chr)        (chr)  (chr)     (dbl)
#> 1    charactors   characters     NA        NA
#> 2    Brasillian    Brazilian     NA        NA
#> 3         sould       should  could         1
#> 4         sould       should should         1
#> 5         sould       should   sold         1
#> 6         sould       should   soul         1
#> 7         sould       should  sound         1
#> 8         sould       should  would         1
#> 9   belligerant  belligerent     NA        NA
#> 10 incorportaed incorporated     NA        NA
#> ..          ...          ...    ...       ...

left_joined %>%
#> Source: local data frame [545 x 4]
#>     misspelling      correct  word syllables
#>           (chr)        (chr) (chr)     (dbl)
#> 1    charactors   characters    NA        NA
#> 2    Brasillian    Brazilian    NA        NA
#> 3   belligerant  belligerent    NA        NA
#> 4  incorportaed incorporated    NA        NA
#> 5          awya         away    NA        NA
#> 6      occuring    occurring    NA        NA
#> 7   surveilence surveillance    NA        NA
#> 8     abondoned    abandoned    NA        NA
#> 9      alledges      alleges    NA        NA
#> 10  deliberatly deliberately    NA        NA
#> ..          ...          ...   ...       ...

(To get just the ones without matches immediately, we could have used stringdist_anti_join). If we increase our distance threshold, we'll increase the fraction with a correct guess, but also get more false positive guesses:

left_joined2 <- sub_misspellings %>%
  stringdist_left_join(words, by = c(misspelling = "word"), max_dist = 2)

#> Source: local data frame [7,691 x 4]
#>    misspelling    correct       word syllables
#>          (chr)      (chr)      (chr)     (dbl)
#> 1   charactors characters  character         3
#> 2   charactors characters charactery         4
#> 3   Brasillian  Brazilian         NA        NA
#> 4        sould     should       auld         1
#> 5        sould     should       bold         1
#> 6        sould     should      bound         1
#> 7        sould     should       cold         1
#> 8        sould     should      could         1
#> 9        sould     should       fold         1
#> 10       sould     should       foul         1
#> ..         ...        ...        ...       ...

left_joined2 %>%
#> Source: local data frame [264 x 4]
#>      misspelling       correct  word syllables
#>            (chr)         (chr) (chr)     (dbl)
#> 1     Brasillian     Brazilian    NA        NA
#> 2    belligerant   belligerent    NA        NA
#> 3       occuring     occurring    NA        NA
#> 4      abondoned     abandoned    NA        NA
#> 5   correponding corresponding    NA        NA
#> 6  archeaologist archaeologist    NA        NA
#> 7    emmediately   immediately    NA        NA
#> 8     possessess     possesses    NA        NA
#> 9        unahppy       unhappy    NA        NA
#> 10        Guilio        Giulio    NA        NA
#> ..           ...           ...   ...       ...

Most of the missing words here simply aren't in our dictionary.

You can try other distance thresholds, other dictionaries, and other distance metrics (see [stringdist-metrics] for more). This function is especially useful on a domain-specific dataset, such as free-form survey input that is likely to be close to one of a handful of responses.

Example of regex_inner_join: Classifying text based on regular expressions

Consider the book Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, which we can access through the janeaustenr package.

We could split the books up into "passages" of 50 lines each.


passages <- data_frame(text = prideprejudice) %>%
  group_by(passage = 1 + row_number() %/% 50) %>%
  summarize(text = paste(text, collapse = " "))

#> Source: local data frame [215 x 2]
#>    passage
#>      (dbl)
#> 1        1
#> 2        2
#> 3        3
#> 4        4
#> 5        5
#> 6        6
#> 7        7
#> 8        8
#> 9        9
#> 10      10
#> ..     ...
#> Variables not shown: text (chr)

Suppose we wanted to divide the passages based on which character's name is mentioned in each. Character's names may differ in how they are presented, so we construct a regular expression for each and pair it with that character's name.

characters <- readr::read_csv(
Mr. Bennet,Mr. Bennet
Mrs. Bennet,Mrs. Bennet
Mr. Collins,Collins
Lady Catherine de Bourgh,de Bourgh
Mr. Gardiner,Mr. Gardiner
Mrs. Gardiner,Mrs. Gardiner
Charlotte Lucas,(Charlotte|Lucas)

Notice that for each character, we've defined a regular expression (sometimes allowing ambiguity, sometimes not) for detecting their name. Suppose we want to "classify" passages based on whether this regex is present.

With fuzzyjoin's regex_inner_join function, we do:

character_passages <- passages %>%
  regex_inner_join(characters, by = c(text = "character_regex"))

This combines the two data frames based on cases where the passages$text column is matched by the characters$character_regex column. (Note that the dataset with the text column must always come first). This results in:

character_passages %>%
  select(passage, character, text)
#> Source: local data frame [1,015 x 3]
#>    passage       character
#>      (dbl)           (chr)
#> 1        1      Mr. Bennet
#> 2        1            Jane
#> 3        1 Charlotte Lucas
#> 4        2       Elizabeth
#> 5        2      Mr. Bennet
#> 6        2     Mrs. Bennet
#> 7        2            Jane
#> 8        2           Lydia
#> 9        3      Mr. Bennet
#> 10       3     Mrs. Bennet
#> ..     ...             ...
#> Variables not shown: text (chr)

This shows that Mr. Bennet's name appears in passages 1, 2, 4, and 6, while Charlotte Lucas's appears in 3. Notice that having fuzzy-joined the datasets, some passages will end up duplicated (those with multiple names in them), while it's possible others will be missing entirely (those without names).

We could ask which characters are mentioned in the most passages:

character_passages %>%
  count(character, sort = TRUE)
#> Source: local data frame [14 x 2]
#>                   character     n
#>                       (chr) (int)
#> 1                 Elizabeth   194
#> 2                     Darcy   137
#> 3                      Jane   122
#> 4                   Wickham    82
#> 5               Mrs. Bennet    79
#> 6                     Lydia    72
#> 7               Mr. Collins    70
#> 8           Charlotte Lucas    60
#> 9                Mr. Bennet    52
#> 10                    Kitty    39
#> 11            Mrs. Gardiner    33
#> 12 Lady Catherine de Bourgh    26
#> 13             Mr. Gardiner    26
#> 14                     Mary    23

The data is also well suited to discover which characters appear in scenes together, and to cluster them to find groupings of characters (like in [this analysis]).

passage_character_matrix <- character_passages %>%
  group_by(passage) %>%
  filter(n() > 1) %>%
  reshape2::acast(character ~ passage, fun.aggregate = length, fill = 0)

passage_character_matrix <- passage_character_matrix / rowSums(passage_character_matrix)

h <- hclust(dist(passage_character_matrix, method = "manhattan"))


plot of chunk character_passages_matrix

Other options for further analysis of this fuzzy-joined dataset include doing sentiment analysis on text surrounding each character's name, similar to Julia Silge's analysis here.

Future Work

A few things I'd like to work on:

  • Shortcuts on string distance matching: If two strings are more than 1 character apart in length, the method is osa, and max_dist is 1, you don't even need to compare them.

  • More examples: I've used this package in other powerful ways, but on proprietary data. I'm interested in ideas for use cases that can be provided as vignettes.

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