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gulp-css-base64's Introduction


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This gulp task converts all data found within a stylesheet (those within a url( ... ) declaration) into base64-encoded data URI strings. This includes images and fonts.

Inspired by grunt-image-embed and written following gulp's guidelines.


  • Supports local and remote resources.
  • Supports buffer (and stream WIP).
  • [>] Ability to define a relative base directory to gulpfile.js. Default is the current directory.
  • [>] Ability to specify a weight limit. Default is 32kB which is IE8's limit.
  • [>] Ability to filter on file extensions. Default there is no filter.
  • [>] Ignore a resource by specifying a directive comment in CSS.
  • Existing data URIs will be ignored.
  • Existing SVG masks will be ignored.


Install this plugin with the command:

npm install --save-dev gulp-css-base64


var cssBase64 = require('gulp-css-base64');

//Without options
gulp.task('default', function () {
    return gulp.src('src/css/input.css')

//With options
gulp.task('default', function () {
    return gulp.src('src/css/input.css')
            baseDir: "../../images",
            maxWeightResource: 100,
            extensionsAllowed: ['.gif', '.jpg']



Type: String

Default value: ``

Note: If you have absolute image paths in your stylesheet, the path specified in this option will be used as the base directory. By default plugin used the current directory of gulpfile.js to find local resources.


Type: Number

Default value: 32768


Type: Array

Default value: []

Ignore a specific resource

You can ignore a resource with a comment /*base64:skip*/ in CSS file after url definition.

  background: url(image.png); /*base64:skip*/
  background: url(image.jpg);


Copyright (c) 2014 Mehdy Dara under the MIT License.

gulp-css-base64's People


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gulp-css-base64's Issues

Problem with encoding fonts


I have fonts with url in style.css:


This plugin ignore this fonts because path.extname(result[1]) !== '.ttf' from my extensionsAllowed option (extensionsAllowed: ['.eot', '.svg', '.ttf', '.woff']).

Please, fix it.

Ignore encoding when it's an ID pointing to a SVG mask

It's possible to leave an ID behind an URL in the CSS like that:

mask-image: url("#stark-svg-mask");

It's allowed but this gulp task complains such cases with:

[22:23:08] gulp-css-base64 : File not found /home/michael.heuberger/binarykitchen/code/frontend_assessment/public/css/public/#stark-svg-mask

Any chance you could fix this asap? If you need an example, use


Wrong MIME type for CSS imports

gulp-css-base64 currently converts the following CSS import

@import url(',700,400italic,700italic&subset=latin');

into this:

@import url('data:application/octet-stream;base64,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');

which will cause error in Chrome (I've not tried other browsers yet):

Resource interpreted as Stylesheet but transferred with MIME type application/octet-stream

Replace data:application/octet-stream with data:text/css fixed this issue.

Anyway thanks for this project! 😄

Add option for custom regexp

Add regexp options which change rImages. It useful if you need to inline specific files. F.e. You store a small interface images in assets folders in project, but big images you storage in files folder or on remote servers. Then you need specified that images must be inline only from assets folders

Commented code also being processed

For example i have a style.css file with code

    background: url("../image1.png");

.second {
    background: url("../image2.jpg");

This plugin will also process image1.png and convert it to base64,
I know one can ignore by adding /*base64:skip*/, but commented code should not be processed.
Please fix this, thanks.

'gulp-css-base64' is not in the npm registry

$ npm install --save-dev gulp-css-base64
npm ERR! 404 404 Not Found: gulp-css-base64
npm ERR! 404 
npm ERR! 404 'gulp-css-base64' is not in the npm registry.
npm ERR! 404 You should bug the author to publish it

css files were broken when processing multi files.

When I was using this plugin to process many css files, I found sometimes several file were broken:

For example:


  background: url(/xx.jpg);

.bar {
   color: red;

after process, it become:

   color: red;

Or even worse.

I've been debugged it for several hours. And finally find out that it was caused by rImages.lastIndex :

rImages is a shared variable between different files' procedures. And async.whilst were used for async reading images. So unfortunately, sometimes, the following bug will appear: (for instance)

  1. a.css was processing. There is a image a.jpg to be read. And rImages.lastIndex was X.
  2. During the reading of a.jpg, b.css began to process. And rImages.lastIndex became Y.
  3. When a.jpg had been read, and the processing flow was back to a.css, as rImages.lastIndex got changed, things lost controll. a.css would be broken.

I've tried to optimized the code and got a temporary solution:

Make location configurable

location = path.join(path.dirname(file.path), result[1]);

would be better off with something like

location = options.location || path.join(path.dirname(file.path), result[1]);

because I have images stored somewhere else.

Does this work with Sass .scss files?

Sass doesn't fix relative urls so I tried running my .scss file through this before sass-compiling, but it doesn't work (the url stays the same). Sass is very similar to CSS so I expected it to work.

Preprocess functionality

It would be great to preprocess files before they're encoded, a little bit how Browserify does it:

I would use it for compressing assets. Here's an example:

gulp.task("scss", function() {
      preprocess: function(file) {
        return compress(file);

This saves having to write out a temporary directory with pre-minified assets. A more flexible alternative to options.deleteAfterEncoding.

No Base64 Conversation when scss files got included

Base64 conversation doesn't work if scss file got included in another file.

File structure



.my-image {
    background: url(sprite/9_2018_ohne.jpg);


@import "sub/sub";


/// <binding ProjectOpened='sass, sass-watch' />
const gulp = require("gulp"),
  rename = require("gulp-rename"),
  sass = require("gulp-sass"),
  cleanCSS = require("gulp-clean-css"),
  sourcemaps = require("gulp-sourcemaps"),
  noop = require("gulp-noop"),
  header = require("gulp-header"),
  cssBase64 = require("gulp-css-base64");

const srcFolder = "src";
const productionBuild = false;

let bundle = {
  sassFiles: [`src/test.scss`],
  output: {
    file: "main.css",
    folder: "."
let cleanCssOptions = {
  compatibility: "ie11",
  debug: true,
  level: 2

gulp.task("css", () => {
  let headerNotice = `/* test*/`;

  return gulp
    .pipe(productionBuild ? noop() : sourcemaps.init())
        //baseDir: "img",
        maxWeightResource: 100000000000
      productionBuild ? cleanCSS(cleanCssOptions) : noop()

    .pipe(productionBuild ? sourcemaps.write() : noop())

Generated css result:

.my-image {
  background: url(sprite/9_2018_ohne.jpg); }

If I place the background directive directly in test.scss it works well as expected:

.my-image {
  background: url(data:image/jpeg;base64, ...);

Installed Packages:

    "dependencies": {
        "gulp": "^3.9.1",
        "gulp-clean-css": "^3.9.4",
        "gulp-header": "^2.0.5",
        "gulp-noop": "^1.0.0",
        "gulp-rename": "^1.3.0",
        "gulp-sass": "^4.0.1",
        "gulp-sourcemaps": "^2.6.4"
    "devDependencies": {
        "gulp-css-base64": "^1.3.4"

baseDir should accept absolute paths?

If processing multiple css files at the same time, in different folders, and i store all my fonts/images in a common folder, i cannot setup the basedir properly, since it will always be relative from the currently processed css.

Is this intended? in my case, i cannot pass any value that would process all files, wherever they are located in a common folder, without a common relative path to them.

deleteAfterEncoding option

First of all thanks for this plugin, very useful!
I was wondering if you could add option deleteAfterEncoding which would delete source images after embedding them in css? It would be very useful in many scenarios.

Handling file types with the `preProcess` option

How can we handle different file types with this option? The following works great for .svg but would fail if it encountered a file of another type. It might suffice to pass the MIME type or a file extension to the preProcess function. What do you think?

gulp.task("scss", function() {
  var svgo = new SVGO();
  return gulp.src("./lib/scss/index.scss")
      baseDir: "../../",
      preProcess: function(buf, cb) {
        svgo.optimize(buf.toString("utf-8"), function(res) {
          cb(new Buffer(;

It might look something like this:

gulp.task("scss", function() {
  var svgo = new SVGO();
  return gulp.src("./lib/scss/index.scss")
      baseDir: "../../",
      preProcess: function(ext, buf, cb) {
        switch (ext) {
          case "svg":
            svgo.optimize(buf.toString("utf-8"), function(res) {
              cb(new Buffer(;
          case "png":
            // Some PNG optimisation

I'm not sure this is the cleanest way however. It's a tricky problem.

Bug: Urls ending with questionmark / hashtag are not base64 encoded

Urls ending with a questionmark / hashtag are not base64 encoded, see fontawesome

@font-face {
  font-family: 'FontAwesome';
  src: url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot?v=4.2.0');
  src: url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot?#iefix&v=4.2.0') format('embedded-opentype'), url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff?v=4.2.0') format('woff'), url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf?v=4.2.0') format('truetype'), url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg?v=4.2.0#fontawesomeregular') format('svg');
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: normal;

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