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pedump's Introduction

pedump Build Status ko-fi


2024.04.20 - cli: add --set-dll-char to patch dll characteristics
             pe: imphash calculation
             cli: added --imphash option
2024.01.15 - add "--set-os-version VER" cmdline option for patching OS version in PE header
2023.12.04 - workaround IO.pread() not available on windows
2021.02.18 - updated gems; changed open-uri to; enabled SSL on
2020.08.09 - CLI: added resource extracting with --extract ID
2020.07.28 - 0.6.1; better RICH HDR parsing/output
2020.07.27 - 0.6.0
2020.07.26 - now travis autotests run on ARM and OSX too!
2020.07.25 - added EFI TE parsing; removed 'progressbar' gem dependency


A pure ruby implementation of win32 PE binary files dumper.

Supported formats:

  • win16 NE
  • win32 PE
  • win64 PE
  • EFI TE

Can dump:

  • MZ/NE/PE Header
  • DOS stub
  • 'Rich' Header
  • Data Directory
  • Sections
  • Resources
  • Strings
  • Imports & Exports
  • VS_VERSIONINFO parsing
  • PE Packer/Compiler detection
  • a convenient way to upload your PE's to for a nice HTML tables with image previews, candies & stuff


gem install pedump


# pedump -h

Usage: pedump [options]
        --version                    Print version information and exit
    -v, --verbose                    Run verbosely
                                     (can be used multiple times)
    -q, --quiet                      Silent any warnings
                                     (can be used multiple times)
    -F, --force                      Try to dump by all means
                                     (can cause exceptions & heavy wounds)
    -f, --format FORMAT              Output format: bin,c,dump,hex,inspect,json,table,yaml
                                     (default: table)
    -S, --sections
    -s, --strings
    -R, --resources
    -I, --imports
    -E, --exports
    -V, --version-info
        --deep                       packer deep scan, significantly slower
    -P, --packer-only                packer/compiler detect only,
                                     mimics 'file' command output
    -r, --recursive                  recurse dirs in packer detect
        --all                        Dump all but resource-directory (default)

        --extract ID                 Extract a resource/section/data_dir
                                     ID: datadir:EXPORT     - datadir by type
                                     ID: resource:0x98478   - resource by offset
                                     ID: resource:ICON/#1   - resource by type & name
                                     ID: section:.text      - section by name
                                     ID: section:rva/0x1000 - section by RVA
                                     ID: section:raw/0x400  - section by RAW_PTR
        --va2file VA                 Convert RVA to file offset
        --set-os-version VER         Patch OS version in PE header
        --set-dll-char X             Patch IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32.DllCharacteristics

    -W, --web                        Uploads files to a
                                     for a nice HTML tables with image previews,
                                     candies & stuff
    -C, --console                    opens IRB console with specified file loaded

MZ Header

# pedump --mz calc.exe

=== MZ Header ===

                     signature:                     "MZ"
           bytes_in_last_block:        144          0x90
                blocks_in_file:          3             3
                    num_relocs:          0             0
             header_paragraphs:          4             4
          min_extra_paragraphs:          0             0
          max_extra_paragraphs:      65535        0xffff
                            ss:          0             0
                            sp:        184          0xb8
                      checksum:          0             0
                            ip:          0             0
                            cs:          0             0
            reloc_table_offset:         64          0x40
                overlay_number:          0             0
                     reserved0:          0             0
                        oem_id:          0             0
                      oem_info:          0             0
                     reserved2:          0             0
                     reserved3:          0             0
                     reserved4:          0             0
                     reserved5:          0             0
                     reserved6:          0             0
                        lfanew:        232          0xe8

DOS stub

# pedump --dos-stub calc.exe

=== DOS STUB ===

00000000: 0e 1f ba 0e 00 b4 09 cd  21 b8 01 4c cd 21 54 68  |........!..L.!Th|
00000010: 69 73 20 70 72 6f 67 72  61 6d 20 63 61 6e 6e 6f  |is program canno|
00000020: 74 20 62 65 20 72 75 6e  20 69 6e 20 44 4f 53 20  |t be run in DOS |
00000030: 6d 6f 64 65 2e 0d 0d 0a  24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |mode....$.......|

'Rich' Header

# pedump --rich calc.exe

=== RICH Header ===

   95  521e             9  [ASM] VS2008 build 21022
    1     0           367  [---] Unmarked objects
   93  521e            29  [IMP] VS2008 build 21022
   84  521e           129  [C++] VS2008 build 21022
   83  521e            25  [ C ] VS2008 build 21022
   94  521e             1  [RES] VS2008 build 21022
   91  521e             1  [LNK] VS2008 build 21022

PE Header

# pedump --pe calc.exe

=== PE Header ===

                     signature:             "PE\x00\x00"

                       Machine:        332         0x14c  x86
              NumberOfSections:          4             4
                 TimeDateStamp:    "2008-09-14 07:28:52"
          PointerToSymbolTable:          0             0
               NumberOfSymbols:          0             0
          SizeOfOptionalHeader:        224          0xe0
               Characteristics:        258         0x102  EXECUTABLE_IMAGE, 32BIT_MACHINE

                         Magic:        267         0x10b  32-bit executable
                 LinkerVersion:                      9.0
                    SizeOfCode:     305664       0x4aa00
         SizeOfInitializedData:     340480       0x53200
       SizeOfUninitializedData:          0             0
           AddressOfEntryPoint:     230155       0x3830b
                    BaseOfCode:       4096        0x1000
                    BaseOfData:     311296       0x4c000
                     ImageBase:   16777216     0x1000000
              SectionAlignment:       4096        0x1000
                 FileAlignment:        512         0x200
        OperatingSystemVersion:                      5.1
                  ImageVersion:                    5.256
              SubsystemVersion:                      5.1
                     Reserved1:          0             0
                   SizeOfImage:     659456       0xa1000
                 SizeOfHeaders:       1024         0x400
                      CheckSum:     690555       0xa897b
                     Subsystem:          2             2  WINDOWS_GUI
            DllCharacteristics:      33088        0x8140  DYNAMIC_BASE, NX_COMPAT
            SizeOfStackReserve:     262144       0x40000
             SizeOfStackCommit:       8192        0x2000
             SizeOfHeapReserve:    1048576      0x100000
              SizeOfHeapCommit:       4096        0x1000
                   LoaderFlags:          0             0
           NumberOfRvaAndSizes:         16          0x10

Data Directory

# pedump --data-directory calc.exe


  EXPORT        rva:0x       0   size:0x        0
  IMPORT        rva:0x   49c1c   size:0x      12c
  RESOURCE      rva:0x   51000   size:0x    4ab07
  EXCEPTION     rva:0x       0   size:0x        0
  SECURITY      rva:0x       0   size:0x        0
  BASERELOC     rva:0x   9c000   size:0x     3588
  DEBUG         rva:0x    1610   size:0x       1c
  ARCHITECTURE  rva:0x       0   size:0x        0
  GLOBALPTR     rva:0x       0   size:0x        0
  TLS           rva:0x       0   size:0x        0
  LOAD_CONFIG   rva:0x    3d78   size:0x       40
  Bound_IAT     rva:0x     280   size:0x      12c
  IAT           rva:0x    1000   size:0x      594
  Delay_IAT     rva:0x   49bac   size:0x       40
  CLR_Header    rva:0x       0   size:0x        0
                rva:0x       0   size:0x        0


# pedump --sections calc.exe

=== SECTIONS ===

  .text        1000    4a99a    4aa00      400     0        0     0        0  60000020  R-X CODE
  .data       4c000     431c     3000    4ae00     0        0     0        0  c0000040  RW- IDATA
  .rsrc       51000    4ab07    4ac00    4de00     0        0     0        0  40000040  R-- IDATA
  .reloc      9c000     41f6     4200    98a00     0        0     0        0  42000040  R-- IDATA DISCARDABLE


# pedump --resources calc.exe


    0x4ec84     0 0x409     7465  IMAGE         #157
    0x509b0     0 0x409     4086  IMAGE         #165
    0x519a8     0 0x409     4234  IMAGE         #170
    0x52a34     0 0x409     4625  IMAGE         #175
    0x53c48     0 0x409     4873  IMAGE         #180
    0x54f54     0 0x409     3048  IMAGE         #204
    0x55b3c     0 0x409     3052  IMAGE         #208
    0x56728     0 0x409     3217  IMAGE         #212
    0x573bc     0 0x409     3338  IMAGE         #216
    0x580c8     0 0x409     4191  IMAGE         #217
    0x59128     0 0x409     4229  IMAGE         #218
    0x5a1b0     0 0x409     4110  IMAGE         #219
    0x5b1c0     0 0x409     4065  IMAGE         #220
    0x5c1a4     0 0x409     3235  IMAGE         #961
    0x5ce48     0 0x409      470  IMAGE         #981
    0x5d020     0 0x409      587  IMAGE         #982
    0x5d26c     0 0x409      518  IMAGE         #983
    0x5d474     0 0x409     5344  IMAGE         #3000
    0x5e954     0 0x409     4154  IMAGE         #3015
    0x5f990     0 0x409     4815  IMAGE         #3045
    0x60c60     0 0x409     6038  IMAGE         #3051
    0x623f8     0 0x409     4290  IMAGE         #3060


# pedump --strings calc.exe.mui

=== STRINGS ===

    0     0   409  "+/-"
    1     1   409  "C"
    2     2   409  "CE"
    3     3   409  "Backspace"
    4     4   409  "."
    6     6   409  "And"
    7     7   409  "Or"
    8     8   409  "Xor"
    9     9   409  "Lsh"
   10     a   409  "Rsh"
   11     b   409  "/"
   12     c   409  "*"
   13     d   409  "+"
   14     e   409  "-"
   15     f   409  "Mod"
   16    10   409  "R"
   17    11   409  "^"
   18    12   409  "Int"
   19    13   409  "RoL"
   20    14   409  "RoR"
   21    15   409  "Not"
   22    16   409  "sin"


# pedump --imports zlib.dll

=== IMPORTS ===

KERNEL32.dll       e1        GetLastError
KERNEL32.dll      153        HeapAlloc
KERNEL32.dll      159        HeapFree
KERNEL32.dll       9f        GetCommandLineA
KERNEL32.dll      103        GetProcAddress
KERNEL32.dll       eb        GetModuleHandleA
KERNEL32.dll      137        GetVersion
KERNEL32.dll      164        InitializeCriticalSection
KERNEL32.dll       44        DeleteCriticalSection
KERNEL32.dll       4f        EnterCriticalSection
KERNEL32.dll      177        LeaveCriticalSection
KERNEL32.dll      1fa        SetHandleCount
KERNEL32.dll       dc        GetFileType
KERNEL32.dll      116        GetStdHandle
KERNEL32.dll      114        GetStartupInfoA
KERNEL32.dll      155        HeapCreate
KERNEL32.dll      157        HeapDestroy
KERNEL32.dll       c7        GetCurrentThreadId
KERNEL32.dll      222        TlsSetValue
KERNEL32.dll      21f        TlsAlloc
KERNEL32.dll      220        TlsFree
KERNEL32.dll      1fd        SetLastError
KERNEL32.dll      221        TlsGetValue
KERNEL32.dll       62        ExitProcess
KERNEL32.dll      1b8        ReadFile
KERNEL32.dll       16        CloseHandle
KERNEL32.dll      24f        WriteFile
KERNEL32.dll       83        FlushFileBuffers
KERNEL32.dll       e9        GetModuleFileNameA
KERNEL32.dll       98        GetCPInfo
KERNEL32.dll       92        GetACP
KERNEL32.dll       f6        GetOEMCP
KERNEL32.dll       8b        FreeEnvironmentStringsA
KERNEL32.dll       d0        GetEnvironmentStrings
KERNEL32.dll       8c        FreeEnvironmentStringsW
KERNEL32.dll       d2        GetEnvironmentStringsW
KERNEL32.dll      242        WideCharToMultiByte
KERNEL32.dll       2b        CreateFileA
KERNEL32.dll      1f8        SetFilePointer
KERNEL32.dll      206        SetStdHandle
KERNEL32.dll      178        LoadLibraryA
KERNEL32.dll      1ef        SetEndOfFile


# pedump --exports zlib.dll

=== EXPORTS ===

# module "zlib.dll"
# flags=0x0  ts="1996-05-07 08:46:46"  version=0.0  ord_base=1
# nFuncs=27  nNames=27

    1     76d0  adler32
    2     2db0  compress
    3     4aa0  crc32
    4     3c90  deflate
    5     4060  deflateCopy
    6     3fd0  deflateEnd
    7     37f0  deflateInit2_
    8     37c0  deflateInit_
    9     3bc0  deflateParams
    a     3b40  deflateReset
    b     3a40  deflateSetDictionary
    c     7510  gzclose
    d     6f00  gzdopen
    e     75a0  gzerror
    f     73f0  gzflush
   10     6c50  gzopen
   11     7190  gzread
   12     7350  gzwrite
   13     4e50  inflate
   14     4cc0  inflateEnd
   15     4d20  inflateInit2_
   16     4e30  inflateInit_
   17     4c70  inflateReset
   18     5260  inflateSetDictionary
   19     52f0  inflateSync
   1a     4bd0  uncompress
   1b     e340  zlib_version


# pedump --version-info calc.exe


  FileVersion         :  6.1.6801.0
  ProductVersion      :  6.1.6801.0
  StrucVersion        :  0x10000
  FileFlagsMask       :  0x3f
  FileFlags           :  0
  FileOS              :  0x40004
  FileType            :  1
  FileSubtype         :  0

# StringTable 040904B0:
  CompanyName         :  "Microsoft Corporation"
  FileDescription     :  "Windows Calculator"
  FileVersion         :  "6.1.6801.0 (winmain_win7m3.080913-2030)"
  InternalName        :  "CALC"
  LegalCopyright      :  "© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved."
  OriginalFilename    :  "CALC.EXE"
  ProductName         :  "Microsoft® Windows® Operating System"
  ProductVersion      :  "6.1.6801.0"

  VarFileInfo         :  [ 0x409, 0x4b0 ]

Packer / Compiler detection

# pedump --packer zlib.dll

=== Packer / Compiler ===

  MS Visual C v2.0

pedump can mimic 'file' command output:

#pedump --packer-only -qqq samples/*

samples/StringLoader.dll:                 Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 DLL (Debug)
samples/control.exe:                      ASPack v2.12
samples/gms_v1_0_3.exe:                   UPX 2.90 [LZMA] (Markus Oberhumer, Laszlo Molnar & John Reiser)
samples/unpackme.exe:                     ASProtect 1.33 - 2.1 Registered (Alexey Solodovnikov)
samples/zlib.dll:                         Microsoft Visual C v2.0



by name:

# pedump calc.exe --extract resource:VERSION/#1 | hexdump -C | head

00000000  78 03 34 00 00 00 56 00  53 00 5f 00 56 00 45 00  |x.4...V.S._.V.E.|
00000010  52 00 53 00 49 00 4f 00  4e 00 5f 00 49 00 4e 00  |R.S.I.O.N._.I.N.|
00000020  46 00 4f 00 00 00 00 00  bd 04 ef fe 00 00 01 00  |F.O.............|
00000030  01 00 06 00 00 00 91 1a  01 00 06 00 00 00 91 1a  |................|
00000040  3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  04 00 04 00 01 00 00 00  |?...............|
00000050  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 d6 02 00 00  |................|
00000060  01 00 53 00 74 00 72 00  69 00 6e 00 67 00 46 00  |..S.t.r.i.n.g.F.|
00000070  69 00 6c 00 65 00 49 00  6e 00 66 00 6f 00 00 00  |i.l.e.I.n.f.o...|
00000080  b2 02 00 00 01 00 30 00  34 00 30 00 39 00 30 00  |......|
00000090  34 00 42 00 30 00 00 00  4c 00 16 00 01 00 43 00  |4.B.0...L.....C.|

by offset:

# pedump calc.exe --extract resource:0x98478 | head

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!-- Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation -->
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">
<description>Windows Shell</description>


by name:

# pedump calc.exe --extract section:.text | hexdump -C | head -4

00000000  0b aa cb 77 f7 c4 cc 77  a4 c4 cc 77 c4 c4 cc 77  |...w...w...w...w|
00000010  3e d7 ca 77 ec b4 cb 77  69 9c f0 77 dc c4 cc 77  |>..w...wi..w...w|
00000020  12 9c cb 77 4d af cb 77  b4 c4 cc 77 6e a8 ee 77  |...wM..w...wn..w|
00000030  14 fc f0 77 00 00 00 00  2c 92 04 76 09 62 04 76  |...w....,..v.b.v|

by RVA:

# pedump calc.exe --extract section:rva/0x1000 | hexdump -C | head -4

00000000  0b aa cb 77 f7 c4 cc 77  a4 c4 cc 77 c4 c4 cc 77  |...w...w...w...w|
00000010  3e d7 ca 77 ec b4 cb 77  69 9c f0 77 dc c4 cc 77  |>..w...wi..w...w|
00000020  12 9c cb 77 4d af cb 77  b4 c4 cc 77 6e a8 ee 77  |...wM..w...wn..w|
00000030  14 fc f0 77 00 00 00 00  2c 92 04 76 09 62 04 76  |...w....,..v.b.v|

by RAW_PTR (file offset):

# pedump calc.exe --extract section:raw/0x400 | hexdump -C | head -4

00000000  0b aa cb 77 f7 c4 cc 77  a4 c4 cc 77 c4 c4 cc 77  |...w...w...w...w|
00000010  3e d7 ca 77 ec b4 cb 77  69 9c f0 77 dc c4 cc 77  |>..w...wi..w...w|
00000020  12 9c cb 77 4d af cb 77  b4 c4 cc 77 6e a8 ee 77  |...wM..w...wn..w|
00000030  14 fc f0 77 00 00 00 00  2c 92 04 76 09 62 04 76  |...w....,..v.b.v|

Data Directory

# pedump calc.exe --extract datadir:IMPORT | hexdump -C | head -4

00000000  90 9f 04 00 ff ff ff ff  ff ff ff ff dc a2 04 00  |................|
00000010  48 12 00 00 f4 a0 04 00  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff  |H...............|
00000020  10 a5 04 00 ac 13 00 00  48 9d 04 00 ff ff ff ff  |........H.......|
00000030  ff ff ff ff f6 a5 04 00  00 10 00 00 5c 9f 04 00  |............\...|


Released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for further details.

pedump's People


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pedump's Issues

Authenticode signing check

If I have a random EXE downloaded from the Internet, I would like to get an indication that it is signed with Authenticode. Actually checking the signature is a bonus. A simple yes/no signature existence report would suffice for my immediate purposes.

I don't see anything in the docs about whether pedump can do this, nor does searching the tool's output indicate that it does have this as an undocumented feature.

I'm aware of Windows tools that can do this, but I need to do this from the command line on another OS.

Malicious ads on

I fully understand you want to generate some ad revenue, but the current crappy ad-service you're using on is unacceptable. This hurts the experience of your visitors, and some may even report your site as MALICIOUS. You are hurting the reputation of your own site.

The affected ads include:

  • Offensive / sexual ads that are commonly associated with websites that provide illegal downloads.
  • Even worse: Ads that contain automatic redirects to sites with fake news, porn and SCAMs!

You should remove the ads and use a reputable ad-service.

Below are two screenshots to websites I got redirected to from without clicking on any ads:

Screenshot_2020-01-24 Screenshot

Fake Microsoft tech support scam

Screenshot_2020-01-24 Security Alert

Fake antivirus scanner site is down

Your site is inaccessible since a couple of days.. it shows ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED from multiple network locations i tried at.

Are you abandoning your site, or is this a hosting problem that you didn't notice yet? I hope it can be fixed soon, as your site is useful. @zed-0xff


Hi all,

My antivirus has detected a HEUR:Trojan.Win32.Generic Trojan on:

  • pedump-master\samples\corkami.7z\corkami\pdf.exe
  • pedump-master\samples\corkami.7z.. not working since over a year


For over a year, probably much longer, the site hasn't been functioning. It is inoperable because as soon you try to upload a file for analysis, it returns "405 Not Allowed" http code from nginx, without performing its functions. There is no uploading or analysing files, then the site serves no purpose.

Due to the history of this site having outages or blocking technical issues, the situation and how long it's been lasting made me believe it was simply an abandoned site, project/not really cared about anymore. So until now i didnt bother reporting it, expecting no result if that were the case, but i got reminded of how useful this site was as utility so im here putting that little bit of effort in after all.

Also, isn't this a waste of your hosting costs? To keep an inoperable site online, i mean.. maybe you even felt as if the site was simply not popular anymore, while in reality users were leaving for good due to the broken state. You can still salvage that. Btw, i suspect the time this situation exists even crosses the 2 years mark.

Any comment @zed-0xff ?

Cannot open image ...

I get the following error when I run pedump. Does anybody know what is wrong? Thanks.

$ file /tmp/where.exe 
/tmp/where.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
$ pedump /tmp/where.exe 
Cannot open image /tmp/where.exe

Source code of

There's a lot of features that we can see on that is not in the pedump program. Would it be possible to release the source code for the website?

Zip archive read support?


Thanks for sharing pedump. This is a really great tool and I'm still exploring the options and the web reports.

Would it be helpful to have pedump be able to read zipped binaries? The specific use cases I have in mind all revolve around places where samples abound in clear or crypted zip files but it's not feasible to extract live samples / bare them. I got one in mail today from "UPS" 😁

For instance many security tools can (or will) give out captured binary samples as zip files, which are reasonably safe to transport. I'm sure there would be other applications for reaching out to a zip library if you start in on being able to unpack executables and artifacts, but that's not what I'm requesting today.


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