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42-libft's Introduction



Libft is a library of various utility functions in C, created as a project for the 42 School curriculum. The library contains custom implementations of standard C library functions, as well as additional functions that can be useful for various programming tasks.

I. Mandatory part :

Part 1 - Libc functions :

The term "libc" is commonly used as a shorthand for the "standard C library", a library of standard functions that can be used by all C programs.

ctype.h : This header file defines functions that are used to check or transform characters.

Each functions is receives a character represented as an int, or EOF as an argument. Characters are often manipulated as integers. EOF normally has the value –1 and that some hardware architectures do not allow negative values to be stored in char variables. Therefore, the character-handling functions manipulate characters as integers.


ft_isalpha, ft_isdigit, ft_isalnum, ft_isascii, ft_isprint, ft_tolower, ft_toupper

Character-handling Code


	ft_isalpha() checks for an alphabetic character

int	ft_isalpha(int c)
	if ((c >= 65 && c <= 90) || (c >= 97 && c <= 122))
		return (1);
	return (0);


	ft_isdigit() checks for a digit (0 through 9).

int	ft_isdigit(int c)
	if (c >= 48 && c <= 57)
		return (1);
	return (0);


	ft_isalnum() checks for an alphanumeric character; 
	it is equivalent to (ft_isalpha(c) || ft_isdigit(c)).

int	ft_isalnum(int c)
	if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
		|| (c >= '0' && c <= '9'))
		return (1);
	return (0);


	ft_isascii() checks whether c is a 7-bit unsigned char value that fits into 
	the ASCII character set.

int	ft_isascii(int c)
	if (c >= 0 && c <= 127)
		return (1);
	return (0);


	ft_isprint() checks for any printable character including space.

int	ft_isprint(int c)
	if (c >= 32 && c <= 126)
		return (1);
	return (0);


	ft_tolower() converts the letter c to lower case, if possible.

int	ft_tolower(int c)
	if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
		return (c + 32);
	return (c);


	ft_toupper() converts the letter c to upper case, if possible.

int	ft_toupper(int c)
	if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
		return (c - 32);
	return (c);

string.h : This header file is used to perform operations on the string

There are three types of functions that exist in the string library:

  1. the str functions manipulate null-terminated sequences of characters.
  2. the strn functions manipulate sequences of non-null characters.
  3. the mem functions manipulate sequences of arbitrary characters without regard to the null character.
String-processing Functions
String-processing Functions Code


	strlen() - calculate the length of a string

#include "libft.h"

size_t	ft_strlen(const char *s)
	size_t	i;

	i = 0;
	while (s[i] != '\0')
	return (i);


	ft_strchr() returns a pointer to the first occurrence
    of the character c in the string s.

#include "libft.h"

char	*ft_strchr(const char *s, int c)
	while (*s != '\0')
		if (*s == (char)c)
			return ((char *)s);
	if (*s == (char)c)
		return ((char *)s);
	return (0);


	ft_strrchr() returns a pointer to the last occurrence
	of the character c in the string s

#include "libft.h"

char	*ft_strrchr(const char *s, int c)
	int	size;

	size = ft_strlen(s);
	while (size >= 0)
		if (s[size] == (char)c)
			return ((char *)s + size);
	return (0);


	ft_strnstr() Find the first substring in a length-limited string
	big:	The string to be searched
	little:	The string to search for
	len:	the maximum number of characters to search

#include "libft.h"

char	*ft_strnstr(const char *big, const char *little, size_t len)
	size_t	i;
	size_t	j;

	i = 0;
	if (little[i] == '\0')
		return ((char *) big);
	while ((big[i] != '\0') && i < len)
		j = 0;
		while (big[i + j] == little[j] && (i + j) < len)
			if (little[j + 1] == '\0')
				return ((char *)big + i);
	return (0);


    ft_strcmp() compares the two strings s1 and s2. It returns an integer less
	than, equal to, or greater than zero if s1 is found, respectively, 
	to be less than, to match, or be greater than s2.
	ft_strncmp() is similar, except it only compares the first (at most) n bytes 
	of s1 and s2.

#include "libft.h"

int	ft_strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n)
	size_t	i;

	i = 0;
	while ((s1[i] != '\0' || s2[i] != '\0') && i < n)
		if (s1[i] != s2[i])
			return ((unsigned char)s1[i] - (unsigned char)s2[i]);
	return (0);


	ft_strlcpy() copies up to size - 1 characters from the NUL-terminated 
	string src to dst, NUL-terminating the result.

#include "libft.h"

size_t	ft_strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size)
	size_t	i;
	size_t	len;

	i = 0;
	len = ft_strlen(src);
	if (size == 0)
		return (len);
	while (src[i] != '\0' && i < size - 1)
		dst[i] = src[i];
	dst[i] = '\0';
	return (len);


	ft_strlcpy() copies up to size - 1 characters from the NUL-terminated 
	string src to dst, NUL-terminating the result.

#include "libft.h"

size_t	ft_strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size)
	size_t	i;
	size_t	len;

	i = 0;
	len = ft_strlen(src);
	if (size == 0)
		return (len);
	while (src[i] != '\0' && i < size - 1)
		dst[i] = src[i];
	dst[i] = '\0';
	return (len);


	ft_strlcat() appends the NUL-terminated string src to the end of dst.It will
	append at most size - strlen(dst) - 1 bytes, NUL-terminating the result.

#include "libft.h"

size_t	ft_strlcat(char *dst, const char *src, size_t dstsize)
	size_t	i;
	size_t	j;

	i = 0;
	while (i < dstsize && *dst)
	if (i == dstsize)
		return (i + ft_strlen(src));
	j = 0;
	while (src[j])
		if (j < dstsize - i - 1)
			*dst ++ = src[j];
	*dst = '\0';
	return (i + j);
Memory Functions
Memory Functions Code


	ft_bzero() erases the data in the n bytes of the memory starting at 
	the location pointed to by s, by writing zeros (bytes containing '\0') 
	to that area.

#include "libft.h"

void	ft_bzero(void *s, size_t n)
	size_t			i;
	unsigned char	*str;

	i = 0;
	str = (unsigned char *)s;
	while (i < n)
		str[i] = '\0';


       The memcmp() function compares the first n bytes (each interpreted 
       as unsigned char) of the memory areas s1 and s2.

#include "libft.h"

int	ft_memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n)
	size_t			i;
	unsigned char	*obj1;
	unsigned char	*obj2;

	i = 0;
	obj1 = (unsigned char *)s1;
	obj2 = (unsigned char *)s2;
	while (i < n)
		if (obj1[i] != obj2[i])
			return (obj1[i] - obj2[i]);
	return (0);


	ft_memchr() scans the initial n bytes of the memory area pointed to by s 
	for the first instance of c.  Both c and the bytes of the memory area 
	pointed to by s are interpreted as unsigned char.

#include "libft.h"

void	*ft_memchr(const void *s, int c, size_t n)
	size_t			i;
	unsigned char	*obj;

	i = 0;
	obj = (unsigned char *)s;
	while (i < n)
		if (obj[i] == (unsigned char)c)
			return (&obj[i]);
	return (0);


	ft_memset() sets the first len bytes of the memory area pointed to by 
	s to the value specified by c

#include "libft.h"

void	*ft_memset(void *s, int c, size_t n)
	size_t			i;
	unsigned char	*obj;

	i = 0;
	obj = (unsigned char *)s;
	while (i < n)
		obj[i] = (unsigned char)c;
	return (obj);


	ft_memcpy() function copies n bytes from memory area src to memory area dest

#include "libft.h"

void	*ft_memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, size_t n)
	size_t			i;
	unsigned char	*s1;
	unsigned char	*s2;

	i = 0;
	if (!dst && !src)
		return (0);
	s1 = (unsigned char *)dst;
	s2 = (unsigned char *)src;
	if (s1 == s2)
		return (s1);
	while (i < n)
		s1[i] = s2[i];
	return (s1);


	ft_memmove() copies len bytes from string src to string dst. The two strings 
	may overlap; the copy is always done in a non-destructive manner.

#include "libft.h"

void	*ft_memmove(void *dst, const void *src, size_t len)
	unsigned char	*s1;
	unsigned char	*s2;

	s1 = (unsigned char *)src;
	s2 = (unsigned char *)dst;
	if (dst <= src)
		dst = ft_memcpy(dst, src, len);
		while (len--)
			s2[len] = s1[len];
	return (dst);

stdlib.h : This is the general purpose standard library header file. It includes functions for type conversion(atof,atoi,etc), memory allocation and deallocation(malloc,calloc,free,etc)

Type conversion & memory allocation
Type conversion & memory allocation Code


	ft_atoi() convert a string to an integer

#include "libft.h"

static int	skip_space(int *i, const char *str)
	int	sign;

	sign = 1;
	while ((str[*i] >= 9 && str[*i] <= 13) || str[*i] == 32)
	if (str[*i] == '-' || str[*i] == '+')
		if (str[*i] == '-')
			sign *= -1;
	return (sign);

int	ft_atoi(const char *str)
	int			sign;
	int			i;
	long long	res;
	long long	prev;
	long long	tmp;

	i = 0;
	res = 0;
	sign = skip_space(&i, str);
	while (str[i] >= '0' && str[i] <= '9')
		prev = res;
		res = res * 10 + str[i] - '0';
		tmp = res / 10;
		if (tmp != prev)
			if (sign == 1)
				return (-1);
				return (0);
	return (sign * res);


	ft_calloc() — Allocates the space for elements of an array. 
	Initializes the elements to zero and returns a pointer to the memory.

#include "libft.h"

void	*ft_calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size)
	void	*ptr;

	ptr = malloc(nmemb * size);
	if (ptr == NULL)
		return (NULL);
	ft_bzero(ptr, (nmemb * size));
	return (ptr);


	strdup() returns a pointer to a new string which is a duplicate 
	of the string s.  Memory for the new string is obtained with malloc.

#include "libft.h"

char	*ft_strdup(const char *src)
	size_t	i;
	size_t	size;
	char	*str;

	i = 0;
	size = ft_strlen(src);
	str = malloc(size + 1);
	if (str == NULL)
		return (NULL);
	while (src[i])
		str[i] = src[i];
	str[i] = '\0';
	return (str);

Part 2 - Additional functions :

No Additional functions
1 ft_substr
2 ft_strjoin
3 ft_strtrim
4 ft_split
5 ft_itoa
6 ft_strmapi
7 ft_striteri
8 ft_putchar_fd
9 ft_putstr_fd
10 ft_putendl_fd
11 ft_putnbr_fd

II - Bonus part :

No Bonus part
1 ft_lstnew
2 ft_lstadd_front
3 ft_lstsize
4 ft_lstlast
5 ft_lstadd_back
6 ft_lstdelone
7 ft_lstclear
8 ft_lstiter


42-libft's People


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