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blitzexpansion's Introduction

BlitzExpansion 1.3.3


BlitzExpansion is an Arduino library useful for rapidly prototyping Blitz Expansion Boards. It provides utilities for sampling to a given frequency, and packing messages in the correct data format using the BlitzMessage class. This library can be used as a standard interface for all Arduino derived Blitz Logger Expansion Boards.


This Arduino library is Copyright William Hart (2014) and released under an LGPLv3 license. If you do make any fixes or improvements please contribute a pull request through github so that everybody can benefit.


The following example reads a single ADC and stores this in a message format. The BlitzExpansion object takes care of all formatting and buffering of messages and serial communications.

// include the library
#include <BlitzExpansion.h>

// set up some definitions for board configuration
#define SLAVE_ADDRESS 0x08
#define BUFFER_SIZE 180
#define FREQUENCY_HZ 1
#define ADC_PIN 2

// create the library instance
BlitzExpansion expansion = BlitzExpansion(SLAVE_ADDRESS, BUFFER_SIZE, FREQUENCY_HZ);

// set up a message builder
BlitzMessage builder = BlitzMessage(SLAVE_ADDRESS);

void setup() {
    pinMode(ADC_PIN, INPUT);

    // The expansion board needs to know the function 
    // to use for saving data and also needs a reference
      // to the serial port
    expansion.begin(logMessage, &Serial);

void loop() {
    // this samples at the given freuqency and
    // also listens for serial messages
    // from the data logger

// our data logging function, linked to
// the expansion board through expansion.begin()
void logMessage() {
    BlitzFormattedMessage rawMessage;
    int adc = analogRead(ADC_PIN);

    // build the message
    builder.pack(adc, 10); // pack the ADC reading to 
                           // 10 bit precision

    // queue the message in the expansion board buffer

The following simple example shows how to use the BlitzMessage class for packing messages in the data logger format:

#include <BlitzExpansion.h>

void setup() {

void loop() {
  // set up a blitz expansion board message with board ID 2
  BlitzMessage msg(2);
  // add a random number at 10 bit precision
  int var = 457;
  msg.pack(457, 10);
  // format the message
  BlitzFormattedMessage formatted_message;
  // write to serial
  // twiddle thumbs


Several examples are included - either look in the [Arduino Folder]/libraries/BlitzMessage/examples folder or browse through the Sketchbook in the Arduino IDE.

Speed tests

The Speed_Tests.ino example provides a very rough estimate of message packing speed. This shows that for version 1.2.2 of BlitzExpansion an Arduino Uno R3 can render messages at a rate of 670 per second:

Generated 10,000 messages in 15.0500001907 seconds




An 8 bit unsigned number - equivalent to unsigned char


A 16 bit unsigned number - equivalent to unsigned short


A 32 bit unsigned number equivalent to unsigned long for most Atmel Arduino's, or unsigned int on the Arduino Due.


Constructor (BlitzExpansion::BlitzExpansion)

BlitzExpansion(char id, int bufferSize, int frequency);

Constructs a new instance of a BlitzExpansion board that can be used to carry out communications and buffer messages for transmission to the data logger. The constructor takes three arguments:

  • id: a single character (e.g. 0x08) representing the expansion board ID
  • bufferSize: the number of BlitzFormattedMessages to store (in a circular buffer)
  • frequency: the (integer) frequency to sample at

BlitzExpansion::begin() (two overloads)

void begin(void (*function)(void), HardwareSerial *serial);

Configures the BlitzExpansion instance for logging and communicating using the given sampling function and reference to the serial class. The two arguments are:

  • function: a function to use to sample and log messages. This function should call BlitzExpansion::log with a formatted message.
  • serial: a reference to the serial adapter being used for communications - usually obtained by &Serial

The passed function should have the signature: void myFunction()

void begin(void (*sample)(void), bool (*instruction)(blitz_u8, blitz_u16*), HardwareSerial *serial);

Configures the BlitzExpansion as for the begin() version above and additionally provides a function for handling instructions received from the data logger. This function should have the signature bool myHandler (unsigned char id, unsigned short* payload)

This overloaded function has three arguments:

  • sample: as per function in the previous begin description
  • instruction: a function for parsing custom board instructions, receives the ID and the message payload broken into four 16 bit blitz_u16 array elements.
  • serial: a reference to the serial adapter being used for communications - usually obtained by &Serial


long getElapsed()

Returns the number of milliseconds elapsed in the current logging session. If no logging session is underway it returns 0.


void log(BlitzFormattedMessage message);

Takes a BlitzFormattedMessage and stores it in the BlitzExpansion circular buffer. Typically this should be called within the sampling function bassed to BlitzExpansion::begin. This function takes a single argument:

  • message: the BlitzFormattedMessage (a char[29]) to save in the buffer


void sample();

This function should be called from within the main loop. It takes a single sample using the given sample function, then listens for serial messages until the required sampling frequency is obtained. If a significant amount of serial activity is undertaken (for instance transmitting a large amount of messages from the buffer) there may be some delays in sampling. The Arduino sampling function will be called regardless of whether the device is currently logging, however messages will only be saved to the buffer when the device is logging. This function takes no arguments.


void send(BlitzFormattedMessage message);

Sends a message immediately over serial without adding it to the send buffer. This can be used to respond to instructions with customised response codes. This function takes a single argument:

  • message: the BlitzFormattedMessage (a char[29]) to immediately send


typedef char BlitzFormattedMessage[29];

BlitzFormattedMessage is a convenience shortcut to a character array of length 29 (char[29]) This represents the length of a Blitz data logger message plus a null terminating character \0 at the end.


Constructor (BlitzMessage::BlitzMessage)

BlitzMessage(char id);

Constructs a new BlitzMessage, setting the board ID to the passed id. This function takes one argument:

  • id: the id (e.g. 0x08) to use for messages constructed with this BlitzMessage instance


static unsigned char asHex(char c);

A static function that takes an ASCII character and returns the integer (e.g. asHex('A') will return 10)

  • c: the character to parse into its equivalent hex value


static blitz_u16 buildU16(char *message, char index)

A static function that takes a BlitzFormattedMessage or char[29] and a starting index and builds a 16 bit number:

  • message: the message to be parsed
  • index: the start index to take 16 bits from


static bool getFlag(char* message, short flagId)

A static function that takes a BlitzFormattedMessage or char[29] and returns the given flag from the message. This function takes two arguments:

  • message: the message whose flags are to be queried
  • flagId: the number of the flag (1 to 5) to be determined


static unsigned char getFlag(char* message)

A static function that takes a BlitzFormattedMessage or char[29] and returns the instruction ID:

  • message: the message whose instruction is to be determined


static unsigned char getType(char* message)

A static function that takes a BlitzFormattedMessage or char[29] and returns the message type. This function takes one argument:

  • message: the message whose type is to be determined


bool pack(TYPE data, OPTIONAL SHORT precision);

Takes the given variable and "packs" it into the BlitzMessage payload. Supports the following types:

  • bool (1 bit - no optional precision argument)
  • char (8 bits)
  • unsigned char (8 bits)
  • int (16 bits)
  • unsigned int (16 bits)
  • long (32 bits)
  • unsigned long (32 bits)

If an optional short precision is supplied, truncate the precision to this amount (for instance an int can be recorded to 10 bit precision to obtain a value between 0 and 1023). If a precision greater than the bit length of the type is provided, (for instance a precision of 64 for an int) then the entire variable will be packed.

The maximum payload size is 8 bytes, or 64 bits. (Internally this is stored as two long variables). It is up to the application to ensure less than 64 bits are packed into any one message. Flags are not included within this limit.

This function has one mandatory argument and one optional one:

  • data: a supported variable to be packed into the BlitzMessage
  • precision: an optional bit precision to truncate the data to (not supported for bool type)


void renderInto(char *dest);
void renderInto(char *dest, long timestamp);

Takes a char[29] or BlitzFormattedMessage and populates it with the formatted message. This function takes one argument and one optional argument:

  • dest: the destination char[29] or BlitzFormattedMessage to save the output message to
  • timestamp (optional): the timestamp to record the message (for instance from BlitzExpansion::getElapsed). Uses millis() if omitted


void reset();

Resets the current BlitzMessage, clearing all saved data. This is automatically called by BlitzMessage::renderInto. This function takes no arguments.


bool setMeta(char meta);

Overwrites the meta (type and flags) for the message. Useful for sending specific responses such as a status response which require additional payload (unlike a standard ID response). This function takes one arguments:

  • meta: the char to set as the message meta

This function always returns true.


bool setFlag(char flag_id, bool state);

Sets one of five flags on the BlitzMessage to the given state. This function takes two arguments:

  • flag_id: the number of the flag to set (from 1-5)
  • state: the boolean state to set the flag to - true == 1 and false == 0

Returns false if the flag_id is outside the permitted bounds


bool setType(char type_id);

Sets the type of message to construct. Types can be between 0 and 7 and a number of constants are provided:

  • 0: BLITZ_START Start logging
  • 1: BLITZ_STOP Stop logging
  • 2: BLITZ_ACK Acknowledge
  • 3: BLITZ_ERROR Error
  • 4: BLITZ_INSTRUCTION Instruction
  • 5: BLITZ_DATA Data
  • 6: BLITZ_TRANSMIT Transmit data instruction
  • 7: BLITZ_EXTENDED Extended data

Typically messages transmitted from the expansion board to the data logger will be of type 5. This function takes one argument:

  • type_id: the type of message being transmitted (e.g. 0x05).

This function is optional. If it is not called the message will default to type 5.


Constructor (BlitzPID::BlitzPID)

BlitzPID(float kp, float ki, float kd);

Constructs a new instance of a BlitzPID controller with the given constants. The constructor takes three arguments:

  • kp: the proportional constant
  • ki: the integral constant
  • kd: the derivative constant


void set(float set_point, blitz_u32 millis);

Sets the target value or "set point" of the controller:

  • set_point: the float value the controller is attempting to achieve
  • millis: the current system time in millis()


float update(float actual_value, blitz_u32 millis);

Updates the controller using a continuous PID controller of the form:

C(s) = Kp + Ki * (1/s) + Kd * s

Returns the delta value to add to the plant set value:

  • actual_point: the actual value read from the sensor and converted into controller terms
  • millis: the current system time in millis()


float update(float actual_value, blitz_u32 millis);

Updates the controller using a discrete PID controller of the form:

C(z) = Kp + Ki * (Ts/z-1) + Kd * (z-1/Ts)

Returns the delta value to add to the plant set value:

  • actual_point: the actual value read from the sensor and converted into controller terms
  • millis: the current system time in millis()
  • Ts: the time sample period (in seconds) for the discrete controller

Change log

Version 1.3.3

  • + Implement BlitzExpansion::getElapsed function to return timestamp on logged session
  • ~ Provide overloaded version of BlitzMessage::renderInto accepting a timestamp

Version 1.3.2

  • ! Fix integral term

Version 1.3.1

  • + Add discrete PID controller function

Version 1.3.1

  • + Implement BlitzExpansion::send function for immediate complex messages without buffering
  • + Implement BlitzMessage::setMeta function for forcing meta chars in messages
  • ~ Examples switched to 57600 baud
  • ~ Minor refactor of some code and removal of debugging code
  • ! Fix issue with full length messages received being interpreted as too long
  • ! Fix issue where sensors were not being sampled when the board was not logging

Version 1.3.0

  • + Implement the BlitzPID PID controller class

Version 1.2.2

  • + Use status LED to indicate logging
  • ~ Update some examples
  • ~ rewrite payload packing functions to set correct L -> R bit ordering. e.g. packing the value 1 at twelve bit precision produces a payload of 00100000000000000000000000000000, not 00000000000000000000000000000001

Version 1.2.1

  • + implement START and STOP logging messages
  • ~ transmission of logged data now ends with ACK response
  • ~ update Arduino editor keywords

Version 1.2.0

In this version BlitzExpansion was updated to allow it to respond to instructions sent from the data logger. Custom instructions can also be handled through an Arduino function.

  • + add ability for a custom instruction handler
  • ~ rebuild serial message receipt and handling
  • ~ improve response handling and error codes
  • ! fix issue with incorrect nibble length in getType

Version 1.1.1

  • + Add BlitzMessage::getType static function
  • + Add BlitzMessage::getFlag static function
  • ! Fix incorrect reference to set_flag in full expansion board example

Version 1.1.0

  • + Add support for BlitzExpansion class to handle all buffering, sending and queueing of messages
  • ~ Tidy up function naming convention - now uses setFlag, setType, etc.

Version 1.0.1

  • + Provide BlitzFormattedMessage type for rendered message outputs
  • ~ Change BlitzMessage::render to BlitzMessage::renderInto
  • ~ Some other minor tweaks

Version 1.0.0

  • + All features! See the examples folder for usage

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