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zaw's Issues

ack colored output issue

the output is like this. Is is possible to escape and show the colors.

^[[1;32mREADME.rst^[[0m:^[[1;33m2^[[0m:^[[34mzaw^[[0m - zsh anything.el-like widget^[[0m^[[K
^[[1;32mREADME.rst^[[0m:^[[1;33m10^[[0m:  $ git clone git://^[[34mzaw^[[0m.git^[[0m^[[K
^[[1;32mREADME.rst^[[0m:^[[1;33m16^[[0m:  $ echo "source ${PWD}/^[[34mzaw^[[0m/^[[34mzaw^[[0m.zsh" >> ~/.zshrc^[[0m^[[K
^[[1;32mREADME.rst^[[0m:^[[1;33m18^[[0m:and restart zsh or manualy source ``^[[34mzaw^[[0m.zsh``.^[[0m^[[K
^[[1;32mREADME.rst^[[0m:^[[1;33m24^[[0m:1. Trigger `^[[34mzaw^[[0m` by pressing ``Ctrl-x ;`` (``^x;``).^[[0m^[[K
^[[1;32mREADME.rst^[[0m:^[[1;33m56^[[0m:^[[34mzaw^[[0m automaticaly create shortcut widgets for each sources^[[0m^[[K
^[[1;32mREADME.rst^[[0m:^[[1;33m59^[[0m:for example, execute ``bindkey '^R' ^[[34mzaw^[[0m-history`` and^[[0m^[[K
^[[1;32mREADME.rst^[[0m:^[[1;33m62^[[0m:you can get all available shortcut widgets' name using ``^[[34mzaw^[[0m-print-src``::^[[0m^[[K
^[[1;32mREADME.rst^[[0m:^[[1;33m64^[[0m:  $ ^[[34mzaw^[[0m-print-src^[[0m^[[K
^[[1;32mREADME.rst^[[0m:^[[1;33m67^[[0m:  ack              ^[[34mzaw^[[0m-ack^[[0m^[[K
^[[1;32mREADME.rst^[[0m:^[[1;33m68^[[0m:  applications     ^[[34mzaw^[[0m-applications^[[0m^[[K
^[[1;32mREADME.rst^[[0m:^[[1;33m69^[[0m:  bookmark         ^[[34mzaw^[[0m-bookmark^[[0m^[[K
^[[1;32mREADME.rst^[[0m:^[[1;33m70^[[0m:  git-files        ^[[34mzaw^[[0m-git-files^[[0m^[[K
^[[1;32mREADME.rst^[[0m:^[[1;33m71^[[0m:  git-files-legacy ^[[34mzaw^[[0m-git-files-legacy^[[0m^[[K
^[[1;32mREADME.rst^[[0m:^[[1;33m72^[[0m:  history          ^[[34mzaw^[[0m-history^[[0m^[[K
^[[1;32mREADME.rst^[[0m:^[[1;33m73^[[0m:  open-file        ^[[34mzaw^[[0m-open-file^[[0m^[[K

no_short_loops breaks Zaw compilation

% cd ~zaw
% setopt no_short_loops
% rm -f *.zwc
% zcompile zaw.plugin.zsh
zsh: parse error near `source'
zcompile: can't read file: zaw.plugin.zsh

It's about those lines of zaw.plugin.zsh:

# load zaw sources
setopt local_options extended_glob
local src_dir="${cur_dir}/sources" f
if [[ -d "${src_dir}" ]]; then
    for f ("${src_dir}"/^*.zwc) source "${f}"

You really shouldn't use short_loops, they're intended for interactive use (they have drawback – they limit Zsh's parser capability to detect syntax errors). So, to fix, to first lines of zaw.plugin.zsh:

function() {

zmodload zsh/parameter
autoload -U is-at-least

There should be added:

setopt localoptions short_loops

The question is whether zaw want's to change some of Zsh's options. If yes, then better, and overall better, rewrite the loop:

if [[ -d "${src_dir}" ]]; then
    for f ("${src_dir}"/^*.zwc) source "${f}"
if [[ -d "${src_dir}" ]]; then
    for f in "${src_dir}"/^*.zwc; do
       source "${f}"

and forget about any problems with short_loops.

glob causes hang

  1. have a long zsh history, mine is 10000 items long
  2. open zaw history
  3. type * and then random char
  4. watch zaw die

zaw-action:2: number expected

First of all, thank you for the very nice widget. I have been using it already for some years.

Currently I have started to get following error when I press Enter on the selected item:

zaw-action:2: number expected

I have also found out that if I comment out styles in zaw-action(), everything gets executed as before:

#local -a styles=(default alt)

Do I need to add some style settings to make it work?

zaw from stdin ?

Hey! I'm using zaw to search my history, and love it there...

Is there anyway to let zaw accept input from stdin? ie use it as an interactive grep ?

For example, I'd like to do something like this:

instead of the following to find files with both "it" and "test" in their names:

find . | grep it | grep test

I'd like to see if I could use zaw to select the files, like:

find . | zaw

if I run this, then zaw takes stdin and allows me to select items from stdin by doing interactive searches. Once selected, then zaw outputs the contents to the cmd line. Maybe it rewrites the command as

find . | zaw it test

I know this is fuzzy and not exactly how zaw works, but it seems to me that it could fit this use case somehow... kind of like


I've been maintaining zaw (read: accepting pull requests) for some time, but I don't think I really have time for it anymore. I mostly don't use zsh anymore since I'm building and using rash (which doesn't currently have any of the advantages of an extensible editor like zsh does, but eventually I plan on it).

Sorry I'm probably not going to fix any more zaw issues going forward.

Arguments not passed to source

Invoking a zaw source with zle zaw zaw-source-foo allows to pass arbitrary parameters to the source function,

zle zaw zaw-source-foo "my" "arguments"

When the widget is invoked in the short form,

zle zaw-foo "my" "arguments"

then the parameters are not passed on to the source function.

open-file is not cross-platform

On Mac OS X, there is an open command which ought to be used in lieu of the non-existent gnome-open. Linux also has xdg-open.

Splitting sources into other repositories

Should we consider splitting sources off into other repositories?

We've gotten to the point where we have a lot, and while some are probably widely used (history, git, cdr maybe), others are probably less so. I've recently whipped up some quick sources for personal use (one for todoman, a few for mpd) that are probably a little too uncommonly used and maybe a little too rough to include in the main repository, but I would still like to share them with other users of zaw and those programs.

I think it might be good to include in the readme a solicitation for others to host their own sources and tell us the URLs of their repos, and then have a list of source URLs with descriptions of those sources. That way we could invite more participation without needing to make pull requests and without filling the main repo with lots of sources for programs that aren't often used, while also giving them some visibility.

What do you think, @termoshtt and other interested parties?

As an example of what such repos would look like, I put up my mpd sources here. We could conceivably have several such repos listed in the readme, especially for sources of programs that we the maintainers don't use (eg. we've had a PR for a docker source sitting around forever, but I have not felt motivated to learn docker just to test the source).


This repository's latest commit is over a year old, and there are lots of great pull requests. I really want some of those incorporated(git log, various improvements to git sources, etc), but I don't want to maintain a fork and work to pull all these in. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like some of these great features.

If nobody in the zsh-users group has time or desire to go through the pull requests and merge the good ones, I'm happy to do it if you add me to the group. Or we should find somebody else who is willing. I just want zaw to stay alive and adopt some of these PRs.

Export zaw-history

I would like to see zaw-history exported out of zaw. It's the most useful part, and I suspect 99% of users just use that.

zaw-history not respecting 'hist_find_no_dups'

I have setopt hist_find_no_dups, but whenever I search in my history, I see duplicates for all the commands I've run more than once.

I do not want to set hist_ignore_all_dups because it's valuable to go back and see a previously executed sequence of commands. If duplicates are removed, then that sequence of commands becomes modified and it's harder to piece together.

Ctrl-I (^I)

I found Ctrl+X, ;, Ctrl+I to provide a feature that I didn't see on the README. Would be nice to make it more visible.

after installation with zplug, zaw does nothing in response to ^x

I've just installed zaw with zplug

zplug zsh-users/zaw

and disabled all other zplug plugins, and confirmed that zaw is in fact installed:

brandon@Brandons-MacBook-Air ~ % zplug status
[zplug] Start to get remote status 1 plugins in parallel

 ✔  Up-to-date            zsh-users/zaw

[zplug] Elapsed time: 0.7313 sec.
 ==> All packages are up-to-date!

but when I enter ^x I see no response. According to the README I should see a list of sources at this point.

My Zsh version is 5.8:

brandon@Brandons-MacBook-Air ~ % zsh --version
zsh --version
zsh 5.8 (x86_64-apple-darwin20.0)

zaw-print-src seems to verify that zaw is installed:

brandon@Brandons-MacBook-Air ~ % zaw-print-src
source name      shortcut widget name
aliases          zaw-aliases
applications     zaw-applications
bookmark         zaw-bookmark
command-output   zaw-command-output
commands         zaw-commands
fasd             zaw-fasd
fasd-directories zaw-fasd-directories
fasd-files       zaw-fasd-files
functions        zaw-functions
git-branches     zaw-git-branches
git-files        zaw-git-files
git-files-legacy zaw-git-files-legacy
git-log          zaw-git-log
git-recent-all-branches zaw-git-recent-all-branches
git-recent-branches zaw-git-recent-branches
git-reflog       zaw-git-reflog
git-status       zaw-git-status
history          zaw-history
locate           zaw-locate
open-file        zaw-open-file
perldoc          zaw-perldoc
process          zaw-process
programs         zaw-programs
screens          zaw-screens
searcher         zaw-searcher
ssh-hosts        zaw-ssh-hosts
tmux             zaw-tmux
widgets          zaw-widgets

process search doesn't work on Mac OS X

You need to check for BSD ps.

ps: No user named 'x'                      
ps: illegal option -- -
usage: ps [-AaCcEefhjlMmrSTvwXx] [-O fmt | -o fmt] [-G gid[,gid...]]
          [-g grp[,grp...]] [-u [uid,uid...]]
          [-p pid[,pid...]] [-t tty[,tty...]] [-U user[,user...]]
       ps [-L]



Error when using `zsh-syntax-hightlighting` with `zaw`

When using the following configuration (~/.zshrc):

source ~/.zplug/init.zsh
zstyle :filter-select hist-find-no-dups yes
zplug zsh-users/zaw
zplug zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting, defer:2
zplug load
bindkey '^R' zaw-history

and I do the following:

  1. Press CTRL-R to open zaw's interactive history search
  2. Press enter on the first history item to run it

I get the following error:

_zsh_highlight:17: bad set of key/value pairs for associative array

If I remove the line zstyle :filter-select hist-find-no-dups yes from my configuration the error message stops appearing.

"No such widget" error

When I use zaw for a history lookup and press Enter on my match the following gets displayed:

No such widget .zaw-history

New source: Fasd

First of all, thank you very much for the plugin, I can't imagine to work without!

Did you think about adding Fasd ( as a source ?
I believe other users would appreciate it as well.

Action not executed

In my source I have only one action. But having only one element in actions and act_descriptions arrays does not execute the action for me when candidate selected. To work around this I had to duplicate the elements. Maybe I misunderstand something?

function zaw-src-mywidget() {
  candidates=('HELLO' 'WORLD')
  actions=(zaw-src-mycall zaw-src-mycall) # <-- dublicates
  act_descriptions=("description" "description") # <-- dublicates
function zaw-src-mycall() {
  LBUFFER="choice was $1"
zaw-register-src -n mywidget zaw-src-mywidget

zaw as completion widget?

Would be great to be able to use zaw as a completion widget for commands with loads of options like gpg for example. I did a bit of research on this some time ago but couldn't figure out how to do it.
If anyone has any ideas about the best way to accomplish this, let us know in the comments below.

Mac OSX issues/tweaks

Seems this is linux based. I am trying to get it functional on OSX:

  • use EDITOR i/o gnome-open in file-open.zsh
  • applications.zsh: Tried brew list, and set name and exec_ outside the while loop. Works, but is not too helpful since many brews are dependencies and not standalone apps. Need to work this out.
  • bookmarks - still not functional. Not sure what this is.
  • Ctrl-N and Ctrl-P do not work to traverse a list. Nor do arrow-keys. However, PgUp and PgDn do work.

Overall, a neat utility, should be extended for OSX. (I've never used anything.el so don't know the background -- vim user here). Thx.

Using current command line content as search term?

What I'd like to do is to be able to search backward through my history with the contents I may have already typed on the command line.

Is there a way to do this with zsh/zaw?

Currently if I enter zaw, after having already typed on the command line, I have to retype it in zaw.


ssh someserver

Now I think, "What was that port again?" so I open zaw and I have to retype ssh someserver to find it.

Multiple sources at once

One of the great features of (helm/anything.el) is the ability to have one command for multiple sources. For example helm-mini includes the sources helm-source-buffer-list and helm-source-recentf. In this way, you can potentially cast a wide "net" of possible candidates and filter them down to what you want very quickly, instead of having to determine which type of candidate you want and then call the correct command.

arch linux-cropped

It would, of course, be awesome if zaw supported this workflow as well.

Enter executes command instantly

I'm not that into zsh scripting.

Is there any way to configure zaw in a way, that (at least for the history section) the commands will get executed immediately?

Unique history items

Would it be possible that, when using zaw-history, only unique entries are displayed (maybe with like a count or something). For instance say I use the command abc all the time but occasionally abcd. Currently if I have used abc more than max-lines times since the last abcd command, I only see a list of abc that I can choose from; it would be a lot more useful if I would see both. It would also make it easier to navigate through the list.

Note: I'm aware of removing "duplicates" in your history but that only works if they were run consecutively (unless there are other options I"m unaware of).


fasd input displayed in reverse order

fasd returns files and directories ordered by ascending frecency (i.e. relevance), and the zaw source displays them in that order, leaving the most relevant item at the bottom of the list. fasd should be called with a -R parameter to reverse its output.

application search is not cross platform

/usr/share/applications/*.desktop does not exist on Mac OS X. mdfind 'kMDItemKind == "Application"' can be used to find all Applications followed by open to open them. mdfind lists the pull path to the item.

Press <Enter> on source

Man, you have changed my life! This thing is awesome! I use anything.el all the time in emacs... now I have it in zsh.

I was confused at first on the usage of the main keybinding ^x;. I think you need to make it clearer in the Readme that you need to press after you select the source to use it.

My first inclination was to press '^x;' then immediately start typing my filter query. Or to select a source using '^n' then start typing. This of course would give me a "pattern not found". I realize now that I need to press '^x;', then select the source, then press '', then type my filter query.

Under "usage" in the Readme, I think "1. select 'source' and press ''" would help a lot.

Keep up the good work!

Does zaw support Shift+Tab?

I started using zaw since last 2 days and I am loving it. I noticed when playing around if I press Tab or Ctrl+I in the zaw-history. I can't go back.

zle: widgets can only be called with ZLE is active

Hi there, I'm trying to use Zaw for the first time. I've followed the installation directions. I cloned zaw to a folder in my home directory, and then sourced zaw.zsh from my .zshrc.

When I try to run zaw-history (or any zaw* command) directly, I get : zaw-history:zle: widgets can only be called when ZLE is active. Additionally, when I press ctrl-x, nothing happens.

Even if I source zaw.zsh in my terminal, ctrl-x still doesn't work.

Any suggestions?

Invalid values for completion special parameters

I'm trying to write a plugin that is context sensitive - it's behaviour depends on the words on the current command line. I tried using the completion special parameters $CURRENT and $words as documented in the zsh manual, but their values don't seem to match the current state of the command line. Can anyone help me here?

Arrow keys no longer work

Some time ago arrow keys completely stopped working. Ctrl+n/p work fine.

When I press them escape sequences are entered into filter field for history (^[OB for down).

All arrow keys work fine in zsh command line.

Keybindings for alternative options

Is there a way to set a keybinding for any of the alternative options?
I know about the Meta-Enter for the first alternative option, but can you set other keys for the other options?

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