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Laravel File Manager

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Laravel File Manager

Vue.js Frontend: alexusmai/vue-laravel-file-manager


Laravel File Manager Docs


  • Frontend on Vue.js - vue-laravel-file-manager
  • Work with the file system is organized by the standard means Laravel Flysystem:
    • Local, FTP, S3, Dropbox ...
    • The ability to work only with the selected disks
  • Several options for displaying the file manager:
    • One-panel view
    • One-panel + Directory tree
    • Two-panel
  • The minimum required set of operations:
    • Creating files
    • Creating folders
    • Copying / Cutting Folders and Files
    • Renaming
    • Uploading files (multi-upload)
    • Downloading files
    • Two modes of displaying elements - table and grid
    • Preview for images
    • Viewing images
    • Full screen mode
  • More operations (v.2):
    • Audio player (mp3, ogg, wav, aac), Video player (webm, mp4) - (Plyr)
    • Code editor - (Code Mirror)
    • Image cropper - (Cropper.js)
    • Zip / Unzip - only for local disks
  • Integration with WYSIWYG Editors:
    • CKEditor 4
    • TinyMCE 4
    • TinyMCE 5
    • SummerNote
    • Standalone button
  • ACL - access control list
    • delimiting access to files and folders
    • two work strategies:
      • blacklist - Allow everything that is not forbidden by the ACL rules list
      • whitelist - Deny everything, that not allowed by the ACL rules list
    • You can use different repositories for the rules - an array (configuration file), a database (there is an example implementation), or you can add your own.
    • You can hide files and folders that are not accessible.
  • Events (v2.2)
  • Thumbnails lazy load
  • Dynamic configuration (v2.4)
  • Supported locales : ru, en, ar, sr, cs, de, es, nl, zh-CN, fa, it, tr, fr, pt-BR, zh-TW, pl

In a new version 3

  • Version 3 only works with Laravel 9 and 10!
  • Vue.js 3
  • Bootstrap 5
  • Bootstrap Icons

laravel-file-manager's People


alexusmai avatar d34dlym4n avatar gergo85 avatar jeremykenedy avatar mige avatar tumtum avatar versiontwo-sk avatar


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laravel-file-manager's Issues

Namespace dependency

Hi there!

The FileManagerController extends the App\Http\Controllers\Controller. This will be a problem, if the Laravel application namespace has changed e.g. in MyProject\...
You should prevent a dependency to the user's application by
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller;

Несколько функций

Отличный пакет!

  1. Было бы неплохо добавить возможность указывать при загрузке сразу диск и папку
    file-manager/ckeditor?disk=site&path=image - как-то так
  2. Запоминал последнюю открытую папку
  3. Не разобрался как добавить его на кнопку, допустим, "добавить изображение", чтобы при выборе он закрывал окно и возвращал путь к выбранному изображению
  4. Удаление файла, несколько избыточно в окне еще и галочкой подтверждать удаление, лишние клики, когда работаешь с наполнением сайта весь день, кажддый лишний клик существенно увеличивает усталость =)

Static initialize on root

Hi, we used your file manager on localhost and it is perfect! But when we tried to push it on server your package is trying to initialize on root like: but our application is not on root but on so we needed to add htaccess file on root so we redirect that. It would be nice to have some config for prefixes in url. Thank you

get current directory in upload function

i want to generate thumbnail for every image when be this issue i found a solution for generate thumbnail for image when we want to upload image and work.but if user create multiple directory my solution did not work .I need to get current directory path to duplicate and resize image .
below solution only work for image are in '/storage/' directory .

 $fileName = "storage/" . $file->getClientOriginalName();
                $newFile = "storage/thumbnail" . $file->getClientOriginalName();
                copy($fileName, $newFile);//duplicate uploade image
                ImageResizer::make($newFile)->resize(210, 90)->save($newFile);

Please help me. Thanks

Can't get ACL to work

Hi there, thanks for this awesome package,
When i try to configure acl, i always get 'Acces denied', except when i use path=>'*'. I'm not sure what i am doing wrong.


    'disks' => [
        'public' => [
            'driver' => 'local',
            'root' => storage_path('app/public/media'),
            'url' => env('APP_URL') . 'storage/media',
            'visibility' => 'public',


'diskList'  => ['public'],
 'middleware' => ['web', 'auth', 'fm-acl'],
 'acl' => true,
 'aclHideFromFM' => false,
 'aclStrategy'   => 'whitelist',
 'aclRepository' => Alexusmai\LaravelFileManager\Services\ACLService\ConfigACLRepository::class,
'aclRules'      =>
     1 => [
         ['disk' => 'public', 'path' => 'altena', 'access' => 2]
     ' aclRulesCache ' => null,

My User::id = 1, so that would mean i only have access to 'altena' folder right?

this is what i get: (Access Denied)

When i change path to '*', i get:

no other path works except *.

Hope you can help!

Event management

It would be useful to manage Events related to the main activities such as makeDir, filemoving, fileupload etc ... In my App, I would listen events and I could handle CRUD operations on DB,
thank you very much

namespace Alexusmai\LaravelFileManager\Events;
class FileIsUploading
    private $path;
    public function __construct($path) {
        $this->path = $path;
    public function path() {
        return $this->path;
in the file of Upload ...
use Alexusmai\LaravelFileManager\Events\FileIsUploading;
event(new FileIsUploading($path));

English language

I have this problem with the English language, I get the following error "file-manager :: response.aclError" how can I add it to the language?
thank you

Key exists checking is missing

Here --

If disk not exist in config filesystems.disks but exist in file-manager.diskList we get error 'Undefined index'.

Maybe add key existence checking (array_key_exists)?

// disk list
foreach (config('file-manager.diskList') as $disk) {
    if (array_key_exists($disk, config('filesystems.disks'))) {
        $config['disks'][$disk] = array_only(
            config('filesystems.disks')[$disk], ['driver']

include file-manager.js make information overwrite in debugbar

Laravel Version: 5.5
'middleware' => ['web','admin.auth'],

i have install barryvdh/laravel-debugbar for debug, when i visit the page which include 'file-manager.js' will check the permission in middleware.

steps to reproduce issue:
when i visit the page, i can see there are many Queries in debugbar
螢幕快照 2019-07-21 下午2 39 20
but in milisecond, it refresh and only one query
螢幕快照 2019-07-21 下午2 41 22

is it possible to run middleware check after i click on the 'Browser Server' and file manager show up.

Можно распаковать JS файлы?

Было бы неплохо разжать JS файлы чтобы было 2 версии минифицированные и обычные. Вот пример интеграции
fm.$store.commit('fm/setFileCallBack', function (fileUrl) {
// const funcNum = getUrlParam('CKEditorFuncNum');
//, fileUrl);
// window.close();
Может быть есть еще какие-либо полезные функции.

how use file manger as upload file

i did installed file mange and add all link and style to how to use file manger. it didn't appear in my form. please help me.Thanks.

apply ACL on Frontend


Thanks for this great package.

Is there a way to apply ACL on the GUI e.g. when the path or file has access=1 the (upload, delete, ..) buttons and menu items disappear?


File: no extension error

I found out that if by some miracle the file has no extension the application throws this error and does not show the contents of the folder containing it:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined

I did a workaround to this in the file-manager.js file on the line 268 in the function extensionToIcon():

if(t == '' || !t) {
    return "fa-file"

so now it doesn't throws the error and assigns the file a generic icon.

FTP File System not working

I have installed laravel 5.8 and latest laravel file manager. and in my file system i am using ftp connection.
I have successfully able to list directories from ftp connection and also image download working fine.
when i try to select or insert image into summernote i got following error.

500 - This driver does not support retrieving URLs.

Как верно настроить ACL на S3

Вечер добрый.
Сразу к сути, у меня на s3 под каждого пользователя создается в корне корзины (bucket) своя папка с подпапками, скажем ivanov_1 и ее подпапки images, filemanager, articles, .... Как правильно настроить UsersACLRepository, чтобы при загрузке чего либо в редакторе, пользователь видел только одну подпапку в своей главной папке? И второй вопрос, зачем метод getUserID переопределяется в UsersACLRepository, можно вместо id что-то отдавать другое? Спасибо

Сам UsersACLRespository


namespace App\Repository;

use Alexusmai\LaravelFileManager\Services\ACLService\ACLRepository;

 * Class UsersACLRepository
 * @package App\Repository
class UsersACLRepository implements ACLRepository
     * Get user ID
     * @return mixed
    public function getUserID()
        return \Auth::user()->id;

     * Get ACL rules list for user
     * @return array
    public function getRules(): array
       $dir = \Auth::user()->name . '_' .\Auth::user()->id;
        return [
            ['disk' => 's3', 'path' => $dir.'/fm/*', 'access' => 2],

Сам конфиг fm


return [

     * list of disk names that you want to use
     * (from config/filesystems)
    'diskList'  => ['s3'],

     * Default disk for left manager
     * null - auto select the first disk in the disk list
    'leftDisk'  => null,

     * Default disk for right manager
     * null - auto select the first disk in the disk list
    'rightDisk' => null,

	 * Default path for left manager
	 * null - root directory
	'leftPath'  => null,

	 * Default path for right manager
	 * null - root directory
	'rightPath' => null,

     * Image cache ( Intervention Image Cache )
     * set null, 0 - if you don't need cache (default)
     * if you want use cache - set the number of minutes for which the value should be cached
    'cache' => null,

     * File manager modules configuration
     * 1 - only one file manager window
     * 2 - one file manager window with directories tree module
     * 3 - two file manager windows
    'windowsConfig' => 2,

     * Middleware
     * Add your middleware name to array -> ['web', 'auth', 'admin']
     * !!! For using ACL - add 'fm-acl' to array !!! ['web', 'fm-acl']
    'middleware' => ['web', 'auth', 'fm-acl'],

     * ACL mechanism ON/OFF
     * default - false(OFF)
    'acl' => true,

     * Hide files and folders from file-manager if user doesn't have access
     * ACL access level = 0
    'aclHideFromFM' => true,

     * ACL strategy
     * blacklist - Allow everything(access - 2 - r/w) that is not forbidden by the ACL rules list
     * whitelist - Deny anything(access - 0 - deny), that not allowed by the ACL rules list
    'aclStrategy'   => 'blacklist',

     * ACL rules repository
     * default - config file(ConfigACLRepository)
    'aclRepository' => \App\Repository\UsersACLRepository::class,
    //'aclRepository' => Alexusmai\LaravelFileManager\Services\ACLService\ConfigACLRepository::class,
    //'aclRepository' => Alexusmai\LaravelFileManager\Services\ACLService\DBACLRepository::class,

     * ACL rules list - used for default repository
     * 1 it's user ID
     * null - for not authenticated user
     * 'disk' => 'disk-name'
     * 'path' => 'folder-name'
     * 'path' => 'folder1*' - select folder1, folder12, folder1/sub-folder, ...
     * 'path' => 'folder2/*' - select folder2/sub-folder,... but not select folder2 !!!
     * 'path' => 'folder-name/file-name.jpg'
     * 'path' => 'folder-name/*.jpg'
     * * - wildcard
     * access: 0 - deny, 1 - read, 2 - read/write
    'aclRules'      => [
        null => [
            ['disk' => 'public', 'path' => '*', 'access' => 0]
       /* 1 => [
        	['disk' => 's3', 'path' => '*', 'access' => 2]

     * ACL Rules cache
     * null or value in minutes
    'aclRulesCache' => null,

route list

i have some question about this file manager
1- what's this file manage route?
2- how can i disable show file manager if have no access (for example access to show in acl)
3-how can i disable create new file (not folder)
4- how can i access to crate some type of file like txt (no php or js)
5-how can i change upload file types

please help me

Auto select folder in the list

And if I wanted to dynamically restrict access to a single folder, what can I do?
ex. disk =>public - path=>files\general\products*
In the list display only the files contained within the folder products
auto select the folder "products" and No return to general or files or public

How to use the aclRule array and change pemission with respect to user in runtime?

->file-manager file as follow:

['public'], 'middleware' => ['web','fm-acl'], 'acl' => true, 'aclHideFromFM' => true, 'aclStrategy' => 'blacklist', 'aclRepository' => Alexusmai\LaravelFileManager\ACLService\ConfigACLRepository::class, 'aclRules' => [ 1 => [ ['disk' => 'public', 'path' => 'files/*', 'access' => 2], ], ], ];
As I am setting the acl mode to true and using acl rule.
my view code is in the picture.
![screenshot from 2019-02-08 12-10-35](
but when I run my application and check the file manager. The directory it shows is different then, what is set in the aclRule array, as shown below
![screenshot from 2019-02-08 12-25-55](

Remove permission

Hi @alexusmai
I installed this package and its awesome.
Is it possible to don't give delete permission to the user? and how to configure with Amazon S3?

Thumbnails are broken but status 200


My images are showing up as broken but they are being served with a status of 200.


I can traverse the file tree using FM, but the images are not there.

NB It was working fine. I had changed a few paths around (experimenting). Thumbnails broke. I changed the paths back to what is shown here, but images remained broken - so am I seeing a cache? Have tried cache:clear and view:clear with no effect.

Where is the application?

Uploads are handled separately.

Where are the images? Hosted on a different subdomain "" in the folder tree:
/path/htdocs/assignments/ #the subdomain root
/path/htdocs/assignments/uploads #the tree where the images are


    'middleware' => ['web','fm-acl'],
    'acl' => true,
    'aclHideFromFM' => true,
    'aclStrategy'   => 'whitelist',
    'aclRepository' => \App\Http\FileManagerUserACL::class,

FileManagerUserACL.php (only admin -me- can access at the moment but planning to have dynamic ACL per user)

   public function getRules(): array
        if (\Auth::id() === 1) {
            return [
                ['disk' => 'Assignments', 'path' => '*', 'access' => 1],
        return [
            // todo


'disks' => [


        'Assignments' => [
            'driver' => 'local',
            'root' => '/path/htdocs/assignments/uploads/',
            'url' => '',
            'visibility' => 'public',



Select multiple images and insert

Hi, i'm using your package and loveing it,
but its a interessing feature, if i had many images to insert, its will become a exaustive, every image, i have to open file-manager (if its like myself using s3, its will become more slowly) and insert them.
If i can select all and insert it will be very helpfull

best reggards.

multiple standalone buttons

Hi, i am trying to add 2 standalone buttons to my view, but the same function to set the link is called.
How can i do this?

i tried:
`<script type="text/javascript">
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {

        document.getElementById('lfm').addEventListener('click', (event) => {

  '/file-manager/fm-button', 'fm', 'width=1400,height=800');

        document.getElementById('lfm2').addEventListener('click', (event) => {

  '/file-manager/fm-button', 'fm2', 'width=1400,height=800');

    // set file link
    function fmSetLink($url) {
        //this one is called
        document.getElementById('thumbnail').value = $url;

    function fm2SetLink($url) {
        //this one is not
        document.getElementById('thumbnail2').value = $url;


Not Found Error

Configured properly but show error not found, see bellow secreenshot

Also display file-manager/initialize on inspect element

Please help me. what's wrong here?

Network error

Hi i'm trying to use your package, but when i open the editor view,i receive error with internet.
when i open file manager himself, another error



my disk config:

my view with tinymce and assets for file-manager

<link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('vendor/file-manager/css/file-manager.css') }}"> <script src="{{asset('dependencias/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.min.js')}}"></script> <script src="{{ asset('vendor/file-manager/js/file-manager.js') }}"></script>

` ,

        plugins: [
            "advlist autolink lists link image charmap print preview hr anchor pagebreak",
            "searchreplace wordcount visualblocks visualchars code fullscreen",
            "insertdatetime media nonbreaking save table contextmenu directionality",
            "emoticons template paste textcolor colorpicker textpattern"
        toolbar: 'insertfile undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image media',
        relative_urls: false,
        file_browser_callback: function(field_name, url, type, win) {
                file: '/file-manager/tinymce',
                title: 'Laravel File Manager',
                width: window.innerWidth * 0.8,
                height: window.innerHeight * 0.8,
                resizable: 'yes',
                close_previous: 'no',
            }, {
                setUrl: function(url) {
                    win.document.getElementById(field_name).value = url;

Error 500


Sorry for this post i know it's a configuration issue but i have 2 error 500.

This works fine in local but not on production.

The production machine is setup with debian 9 & nginx.

I have tried to fix permissions folders and files without success.

Do you have any idea ?

Thank's in advance for you're help.


При добавлении пользователя, который может лишь добавлять статьи, в файловую структуру добавляется папка с его именем для добавления изображений. Подскажи пожалуйста как разрешить пользователю вносить изменения лишь в своей папке?
Попробовал так:
array('disk' => 'Пользователи', 'path' => '/news/'.Auth::user()->name, 'access' => 2)
но получаю ошибку A facade root has not been set

install problem

when i install with laravel 5.5, i got error message:

Using version ^2.4 for alexusmai/laravel-file-manager
./composer.json has been updated
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Package operations: 1 install, 0 updates, 0 removals
  - Installing alexusmai/laravel-file-manager (v2.4.0): Loading from cache
Package phpoffice/phpexcel is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use phpoffice/phpspreadsheet instead.
Package phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
Package vinkla/vimeo is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use vimeo/laravel instead.
Writing lock file
Generating optimized autoload files
Carbon 1 is deprecated, see how to migrate to Carbon 2.
    You can run './vendor/bin/upgrade-carbon' to get help in updating carbon and other frameworks and libraries that depend on it.
> Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postAutoloadDump
> @php artisan package:discover

In Container.php line 918:

  Target [Alexusmai\LaravelFileManager\Services\ConfigService\ConfigRepositor
  y] is not instantiable.

Script @php artisan package:discover handling the post-autoload-dump event returned with error code 1

Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json to its original content.

please tell me how to do.

Generate thumbnail.

How to generate thumbnail image when upload image using file manager?
is there any config for generate thumbnail image.

Оффтоп =)

Я просто не понимаю почему такие пакеты как ваш не в топе =) Почему люди хавают мусор, который не умеет ничего(laravel-filemanager) или долго грузится(elfinder), или гадит своими файлами по всем папкам приложения (оба) Искренне надеюсь на развитие вашего.

Google Cloud Storage


I tried to using with Google Cloud Storage but i get some error please check my result after i tried some test in bellow, thanks a lot for your help.

  • Upload File (Working)
  • Crop Image (Working)
  • Delete File (Working)
  • Rename File (Working)
  • Create Folder (Working)
  • Open Folder (Not Working 422 - Not found!)
  • Delete Folder (Not Working Just notification success but the folder still there)

Feature-Request: File-Versioning

It would be nice to have a file versioning. So when uploading a file, the old version is keept and the one is shown in the file browser. When you select a file maybe a popup window gives the possibility to select older versions of the file. This would make the integration in a dms perfect.

Auto Select Path Dynamically


Similar to #21 I was wondering if it is possible to dynamically change into a path based on URL parameters or something similar.

For example, if my file path config is set to public folder, and my public folder contains 2 folders, 'A' and 'B', whether it would be possible to go to to directly go to the A folder. And if there was another folder inside A,

I have not seen this functionality to be able to be set dynamically in the docs but please let me know if this is already possible

Thank you for creating this nice looking file manager for Laravel!

Is there anyway to dynamically select a certain disk on default load

Hi dev master,

Is there anyway to select a certain disk on default load dynamically? For example URLs like /file-manager/fm-button?disk=disk2 or /file-manager/fm-button/#disk=disk2 will return the File manager page with the initially selected disk 2, although I put my diskList as ['disk1','disk2','disk3'].

I think there are some kinds of api function which I can use to access the Vue app to programmatically select a disk.

Payload too large

Its not possible to upload large files. I get always the message 'payload too large' when I try to upload a 164mb file even my server settings allow 300mb. Any idea what the cause and how to fix it ?

How to add a tracking script to downloads? Summernote version

I want to add a script to the download function that can track the amount of times a file has been downloaded. This by working with a Database table.

public function download(RequestValidator $request, Filedownload $id)
$record = Filedownload::findOrNew(1);
$record->file_name = $request->name;
$record->times_downloaded = $record->times_downloaded +1;
return $this->fm->download(

this is my function right now, but it doesn't work. I also have a question about the ACLRules which don't seem to work for me either.

I've set 'acl'=> true, and my rules are:

'aclRules' => [
null => [
//['disk' => 'public', 'path' => '/', 'access' => 2],
1 => [
['disk' => 'public', 'path' => '/storage/', 'access' => 1],
2 => [
['disk' => 'public', 'path' => '/storage/', 'access' => 1],
3 => [
['disk' => 'public', 'path' => '/storage/', 'access' => 1],
4 => [
['disk' => 'public', 'path' => '/storage/', 'access' => 1],
5 => [
['disk' => 'public', 'path' => '/storage/', 'access' => 1],
6 => [
['disk' => 'public', 'path' => '/storage/', 'access' => 1],
7 => [
['disk' => 'public', 'path' => '/storage/', 'access' => 1],
8 => [
['disk' => 'public', 'path' => '/storage/', 'access' => 1],
9 => [
['disk' => 'public', 'path' => '/storage/', 'access' => 1],
10 => [
['disk' => 'public', 'path' => '/storage/', 'access' => 2],
11 => [
['disk' => 'public', 'path' => '/', 'access' => 2],
12 => [
['disk' => 'public', 'path' => '/', 'access' => 2],

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  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.