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siamfc-tensorflow's Introduction


A TensorFlow implementation of the SiamFC tracker


This is a TensorFlow implementation of Fully-Convolutional Siamese Networks for Object Tracking. You can find the original MatConvNet version here. The SiamFC authors have also released a TensorFlow port of the tracking part (using pretrained model only) in here.

This TensorFlow implementation is designed with these goals:

  • Self-contained. Data preparation, model training, tracking, visualization and logging all in one.
  • Correctness. The tracking performance should be similar to the MatConvNet version.
  • Efficiency. The training and inference procedures should be as efficient as possible.
  • Modularization. The whole system should be modularized and easy to expand with new ideas.
  • Readability. The code should be clear and consistent.

Main Results

In a computer with a GeForce GTX 1080 GPU, the main results on OTB-100 are in the table below. Note that the performance of SiamFC-3s-color trained from scratch using our implementation is consistently better than SiamFC-3s-gray-scratch. Moreover, We observe that the tracking performance of saved models in different epochs varies considerably, therefore, you may want to evaluate a few more models instead of just picking the model in the last epoch.

Reported (AUC) Pretrained (AUC) Train from scratch (AUC) Training time Tracking time
SiamFC-3s-color -- 0.578 0.584 ~5h ~120fps
SiamFC-3s-gray 0.582 0.587 0.573 ~5h ~120fps

Qualitative results:



The main requirements can be installed by:

# (OPTIONAL) 0. It is highly recommended to create a virtualenv or conda environment
# For example, 
#       conda create -n tensorflow1.4 python=2.7
#       source activate tensorflow1.4

# 1. Install TensorFlow 1.4.0 
# Version 1.4.0 is required for training since we use API
# You can use TensorFlow > 1.0 for tracking though.
# Note the tracking performance slightly varies in different versions.
# pip install tensorflow    # For CPU
pip install tensorflow-gpu  # For GPU

# 2. Install scipy for loading mat files
pip install scipy

# 3. Install sacred for experiments logging
pip install sacred==0.7.5

# 4. Install matplotlib for visualizing tracking results
pip install matplotlib

# 5. Install opencv for preprocessing training examples
pip install opencv-python

# 6. Install pillow for some image-related operations
pip install pillow

# (OPTIONAL) 7. Install nvidia-ml-py for automatically selecting GPU
pip install nvidia-ml-py


# 1. Clone this repository to your disk
git clone

# 2. Change working directory
cd SiamFC-TensorFlow

# 3. Download pretrained models and one test sequence 
python scripts/

# 4. Convert pretrained MatConvNet model into TensorFlow format.
# Note we use SiamFC-3s-color-pretrained as one example. You
# Can also use SiamFC-3s-gray-pretrained. 
python experiments/

# 5. Run tracking on the test sequence with the converted model
python scripts/

# 6. Show tracking results
# You can press Enter to toggle between play and pause, and drag the 
# scrolling bar in the figure. For more details, see utils/
python scripts/


# 1. Download and unzip the ImageNet VID 2015 dataset (~86GB)
# Now, we assume it is unzipped in /path/to/ILSVRC2015

# 2. Clone this repository to your disk 
# (Skip this step if you have already done it in the Tracking section)
git clone

# 3. Change working directory
cd SiamFC-TensorFlow

# 4. Create a soft link pointing to the ImageNet VID dataset
mkdir -p data
ln -s $DATASET data/ILSVRC2015

# 5. Prepare training data
# If you have followed the data preparation procedures in 
# the MatConvNet implementation, simply create a soft link 
# pointing to the curated dataset:
#       ln -s $CURATED_DATASET data/ILSVRC2015-VID-Curation
# Otherwise, create it from scratch by
python scripts/

# 6. Split train/val dataset and store corresponding image paths
python scripts/

# 7. Start training
# You can get quite good results after ~70k iterations.
python experiments/

# 8. (OPTIONAL) View the training progress in TensorBoard
# Open a new terminal session and cd to SiamFC-TensorFlow, then
tensorboard --logdir=Logs/SiamFC/track_model_checkpoints/SiamFC-3s-color-scratch

Example TensorBoard outputs are like:



You can use the in benchmarks directory to integrate with the OTB evaluation toolkit. The OTB toolkit has been ported to python. The original version is here. However, you may want to use my custom version where several bugs are fixed.

Assume that you have followed the steps in Tracking or Training section and now have a pretrained/trained-from-scratch model to evaluate. To integrate with the evaluation toolkit,

# Let's follow this directory structure
# Your-Workspace-Directory
#         |- SiamFC-TensorFlow
#         |- tracker_benchmark
#         |- ...
# 0. Go to your workspace directory
cd /path/to/your/workspace

# 1. Download the OTB toolkit
git clone

# 2. Modify line 22 and 25 in SiamFC-TensorFlow/benchmarks/ accordingly. 
# In Linux, you can simply run
sed -i "s+/path/to/SiamFC-TensorFlow+`realpath SiamFC-TensorFlow`+g" SiamFC-TensorFlow/benchmarks/

# 3. Copy to the evaluation toolkit
cp SiamFC-TensorFlow/benchmarks/ tracker_benchmark/scripts/bscripts

# 4. Add the tracker to the evaluation toolkit list
echo "\nfrom run_SiamFC import *" >> tracker_benchmark/scripts/bscripts/

# 5. Create tracker directory in the evaluation toolkit
mkdir tracker_benchmark/trackers/SiamFC

# 6. Start evaluation (it will take some time to download test sequences).
echo "tb100" | python tracker_benchmark/ -t SiamFC -s tb100 -e OPE

# 7. Get the AUC score
sed -i "s+tb50+tb100+g" tracker_benchmark/
python tracker_benchmark/


SiamFC-TensorFlow is released under the MIT License (refer to the LICENSE file for details).

siamfc-tensorflow's People


bilylee avatar gongbudaizhe avatar


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siamfc-tensorflow's Issues

The training time

Hi I notice that your training for the two model SiamFC-3s-color and SiamFC-3s-gray taked about 5 hours. But when I try to tarin a SiamFC-3s-color model, it takes 10 hours with a NVIDIA K80 GPU for 50 epochs. Do you have any idea of this speed droop? Thank you.

Why augmentation?

Really a great work and clear structure! Impressed and grateful!

However, I don,t quite understand why you added augmentation to X and Z, during training and validation. If I understand correctly, the ground truth heatmap would always be Centered Gaussian. In this way, it is not reasonable to do things like random crop, right?

And during training, I do identify some inputs that does not make so much sense.

Am I missing part of your codes, or this is something we should discuss?

Thank you very much! And I mean it that this is a great work!



how to produce such good code?

Hi @bilylee , I'm impressed by your code. Could you please share some experience of coding? I'm not very good at coding and have difficult to write code from scratch, and i really wanna know how to produce such good code. Could you please give me some advice? Could you leave your email address?

Question about configuration setup

Hi Bily大神,

I have a question about your configuration setup. In MODEL_CONFIG, there is an item called adjust_response_config, and you added a comment in

Adjust score, this is required to make training possible

Can you please provide some more explanation on the principle / reason behind that? Whether and when is it necessary to adjust the train_bias and scale parameters?

Different batch sizes cause different outputs

I tried to run a batch of data with "get_image_embedding", but I found different batch sizes will cause different outputs.
For example,
I run self.get_image_embedding(tf.zeros((1,127,127,3)))[0] and self.get_image_embedding(tf.zeros((30,127,127,3)))[0] in, the results will be slightly different.

I guess batch_norm layers cause this problem, but I don't know how to fix it.
I wonder whether it have any solutions? Thanks!


function p = env_paths_tracking(p)

p.net_base_path = '/home/yangkang/yk/siamese-fc/';
p.seq_base_path = '/home/yangkang/yk/siamese-fc/demo-sequences/vot15_bag/';

Error using csvread (line 34)
File not found.

Error in load_video_info (line 21)
ground_truth = csvread([base_path '/' video '/' 'groundtruth.txt']);

Error in tracker (line 55)
[imgFiles, targetPosition, targetSize] = load_video_info(p.seq_base_path,;

Error in run_tracker (line 11)


2018-03-03 19:58:51.291709: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Invalid argument: Expected image (JPEG, PNG, or GIF), got unknown format starting with 'f\362g\0028\367KJ8\2332\311G9\321' [[Node: DecodeJpeg_1 = DecodeJpeg[acceptable_fraction=1, channels=3, dct_method="INTEGER_ACCURATE", fancy_upscaling=true, ratio=1, try_recover_truncated=false](ReadFile_1)]] ERROR - SiamFC-3s-color-scratch - Failed after 0:00:57! Traceback (most recent calls WITHOUT Sacred internals): File "", line 168, in main _, loss, batch_loss =[train_op, model.total_loss, model.batch_loss]) File "/home/yang/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/", line 889, in run run_metadata_ptr) File "/home/yang/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/", line 1120, in _run feed_dict_tensor, options, run_metadata) File "/home/yang/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/", line 1317, in _do_run options, run_metadata) File "/home/yang/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/", line 1336, in _do_call raise type(e)(node_def, op, message) InvalidArgumentError: Expected image (JPEG, PNG, or GIF), got unknown format starting with 'f\362g\0028\367KJ8\2332\311G9\321'
[[Node: DecodeJpeg_1 = DecodeJpegacceptable_fraction=1, channels=3, dct_method="INTEGER_ACCURATE", fancy_upscaling=true, ratio=1, try_recover_truncated=false]]
[[Node: train/IteratorGetNext = IteratorGetNextoutput_shapes=[[?,127,127,3], [?,239,239,3]], output_types=[DT_FLOAT, DT_FLOAT], _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0"]]



您好,我特地研究了一下construct_gt_score_maps这个函数。制作gt标签的。这个函数接收response的大小即response_size,1717。然后制作的标签结果全部为Bach_size1717的gt map,用来与响应图做交叉熵。不过所有的gt标签,即Bach_size17*17tensor里面的元素值都为1.0,即全1矩阵。这一点不太理解,为何训练时所有的gt标签都是全1 的tensor???


我在运行这步时:echo "tb100" | python tracker_benchmark/ -t SiamFC -s tb100 -e OPE



evaluation on VOT2016

Could you give me the introduction about how to evaluate it on VOT2016 by python? (方便的话,中文交流)




    def __init__(self):
        super(SiameseNet, self).__init__()

        self.conv1 = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Conv2d(3, 96, 11, 2),
            nn.MaxPool2d(3, 2)
        self.conv2 = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Conv2d(96, 256, 5, 1, groups=2),
            nn.MaxPool2d(3, 2)
        self.conv3 = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Conv2d(256, 384, 3, 1),
        self.conv4 = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Conv2d(384, 384, 3, 1, groups=2),
        self.conv5 = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Conv2d(384, 32, 3, 1, groups=2)
        self.branch = nn.Sequential(
        self.bn_adjust = nn.BatchNorm2d(1)

    def forward(self, z, x):
        z = self.branch(z)
        x = self.branch(x)

        out = self.xcorr(z, x)
        out = self.bn_adjust(out)

        return out


  1. 修改了inference_wrapper.inference_step(self, sess, input_feed)函数,使其返回self.search_imagesself.exemplar_images(我查看过返回的图像,没有问题)

  2. inference_wrapper.tracker中利用代码:

outputs, metadata = self.siamese_model.inference_step(sess, input_feed)


训练用的是datasets部分生成的数据,label的标签是0, 1分类,使用binary_cross_entropy_with_logits得到最后的loss




So, what's the best model in your experiment?

Moreover, We observe that the tracking performance of saved models in different epochs varies considerably, therefore, you may want to evaluate a few more models instead of just picking the model in the last epoch.

I tested the code, trained and evaluated the tracker and the performance on OTB 100 using the last checkpoint only reached 0.527 for overlap AUC. Could u pls tell which checkpoint did you used for the reported 0.58+ performance? Thx in advance @bilylee

Issues about Performance on OTB2013.

Hello! I tested SiamFC-3s-color-pretrained model on OTB2013 with your python-ported eval code. However, the OPE AUC is about 0.5868, lower than reported 0.608 in SiamFC paper, And the tracker MEEM reachs 0.5561 while reported 0.566 in corresponding papers. Codes for eval your tf-SiamFC: python -t "SiamFC" -s cvpr13, and plot : python Is anything inconsistent with your settings? Thanks very much.


yangkang@node1:~$ echo "tb50" | python tracker_benchmark/ -t SiamFC -s tb50 -e OPE Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tracker_benchmark/", line 6, in
from scripts import *
File "/home/yangkang/tracker_benchmark/scripts/", line 2, in
from bscripts import *
File "/home/yangkang/tracker_benchmark/scripts/bscripts/", line 24, in
from run_SiamFC import *
File "/home/yangkang/tracker_benchmark/scripts/bscripts/", line 19, in
import tensorflow as tf
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/", line 24, in
from tensorflow.python import *
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/", line 49, in
from tensorflow.python import pywrap_tensorflow
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/", line 72, in
raise ImportError(msg)
ImportError: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/", line 58, in
from tensorflow.python.pywrap_tensorflow_internal import *
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/", line 28, in
_pywrap_tensorflow_internal = swig_import_helper()
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/", line 24, in swig_import_helper
_mod = imp.load_module('_pywrap_tensorflow_internal', fp, pathname, description)
ImportError: /usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Production_Server/R2015a/extern/engines/python/dist/matlab/engine/glnxa64/../../../../../../../sys/os/glnxa64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.19' not found (required by /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/

Failed to load the native TensorFlow runtime.


我按照这个方法解决可是没有成功,还是失败,ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Production_Server/R2015a/extern/engines/python/dist/matlab/engine/glnxa64/../../../../../../../sys/os/glnxa64/


在dataloader.py中,在对图像处理中 self.x_transform最终的图像为什么不是255,而是255-2*8呢?
if preprocess_name == 'siamese_fc_color':
self.v_transform = None
# TODO: use a single operation (tf.image.crop_and_resize) to achieve all transformations ?
self.z_transform = Compose([RandomStretch(),
CenterCrop((255 - 8, 255 - 8)),
RandomCrop(255 - 2 * 8),
CenterCrop((127, 127))])
self.x_transform = Compose([RandomStretch(),
CenterCrop((255 - 8, 255 - 8)),
RandomCrop(255 - 2 * 8), ])

Error when starting training from scratch

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/cc/桌面/SiamFC-TensorFlow/experiments/", line 29, in
'--enforce_clean': False,
File "/home/cc/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sacred/", line 199, in run
File "/home/cc/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sacred/", line 229, in call
self.result = self.main_function(*args)
File "/home/cc/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sacred/config/", line 48, in captured_function
result = wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/cc/桌面/SiamFC-TensorFlow/", line 162, in main
_, loss, batch_loss =[train_op, model.total_loss, model.batch_loss])
File "/home/cc/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/", line 889, in run
File "/home/cc/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/", line 1120, in _run
feed_dict_tensor, options, run_metadata)
File "/home/cc/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/", line 1317, in _do_run
options, run_metadata)
File "/home/cc/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/", line 1336, in _do_call
raise type(e)(node_def, op, message)
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: Need minval < maxval, got 0 >= 0
[[Node: random_uniform_4 = RandomUniformInt[T=DT_INT32, Tout=DT_INT32, seed=0, seed2=0](random_uniform_4/shape, random_uniform_4/min, sub_14)]]
[[Node: train/IteratorGetNext = IteratorGetNextoutput_shapes=[[?,127,127,3], [?,255,255,3]], output_types=[DT_FLOAT, DT_FLOAT], _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0"]]

Process finished with exit code 130 (interrupted by signal 2: SIGINT)

about time-consuming

Hello,Thanks for your share very much.
I meet a question:when I experiment with your work on GTX1080, it gave 40fps, but you gave 120fps, can you tell me why? I have changed nothing...

About VOT

Hello, I would like to ask about the issue on the VOT evaluation, why do I always suggest that there is no TraX support when testing it!

BN 层问题


preprocess 问题

在执行preprocess_VID_data.py时,执行到最后报错xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError: no element found: line 1, column 0.此时我看ILSVRC2015_curation文件夹已经生成,但是如果继续执行build_VID2015_IMBD.py后训练的话,训练时会报错"有空的图片".请问这是什么原因呢,是我下载的数据集有损坏的吗

Is anyone run this code on TX2?

I try this code on my MacBook and a server and it works fine. But when I migrate to TX2 it fails with lots of NAN or INF network response.

Does anyone have ideas about this problem?
Is there any precision problem I need to consider while using this code on TX2?

Help wanted.

How do you get 'num_examples_per_epoch'=5.32e4?

Hi Bily,
can I ask how did you obtain the constant 'num_examples_per_epoch' in your config file?
I looked into the training dataset by the following code snippet,

dataset = VID('data/train_imdb.pickle', 100)
print(dataset.epoch_size) # output is 8418

The epoch size is 8418 so the number of examples per epoch (num_examples_per_epoch) should be
8418 * 8 = 67,344?

Can you tell me if I mistook anything?
Best regards,





Problems about the code

Dear @bilylee


Thanks for your contributions 🎉

I have encountered a problem in the code which lies in line .

  • my problem is that how does this function work ?
  • to understand it , I have written a code snippet(mimic your function) as the following:
    def get_mean(values):
        with tf.name_scope('mean'):
            mean, update_op = tf.metrics.mean(values)  # values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
            with tf.control_dependencies([update_op]):
                mean = tf.identity(mean)
            return mean

    g = tf.Graph()
    values = tf.convert_to_tensor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype=tf.float32)
    mean= get_mean(values)
    init_global_variables = tf.global_variables_initializer()
    init_local_variables = tf.local_variables_initializer()

    sess = tf.InteractiveSession(graph=tf.get_default_graph())
    for i in range(5):
        print 'mean:',

# out:
# [1. 2. 3. 4. 5.]
# mean: 0.0
# mean: 6.0
# mean: 4.5
# mean: 4.0
# mean: 3.75

# not corresponding to my expectation
# expected values are:
# [1. 2. 3. 4. 5.]
# mean: 3.0
# mean: 3.0
# mean: 3.0
# mean: 3.0
# mean: 3.0

# reasons as following:
# iter: 1
# total = 1+2+3+4+5 = 15
# count = 1+1+1+1+1 = 5
# mean = 15 / 5 = 3
# iter: 2
# total = 15 + 15 = 30
# count = 5 + 5 = 10
# mean = 30 / 10 = 3
  • Would you please told me I did anything wrong ? And how to understand it ?

Thanks in advance

Best regards

Fine tuning on pretrained Model

I have been trying to fine tune the model based on a pre-trained checkpoint and a different dataset. Is the embedding config meant for this? Can I please get some pointers to setup the config for finetuning?



Change the CNN Model

Dear @bilylee,
Thank you for your fantastic work.
I want to change the Base CNN model of your code via another one (e.g., ResNet50). Do you have any idea that how can I do that?




这段时间我尝试把每一帧时候inference_wrapper 中的 search_images 保留下来为image_reserve,并用于之后的图片帧的warp。不知道是不是tensorflow 框架设计上理解不够透彻。我尝试了以下两种办法都失败了:

  1. 直接在tensorflow 框架中保存search_images 并以tf.assign方法以variable形式保留下来。但是发现在build model的时候无法通过,这是由于每一帧保留search_images 后会导致mage_reserve shape的变化而无法通过build model 的阶段。
  2. 把每一帧的search_images 以fetch 的方式得到结果并且在tensorflow 框架外进行list 的append。然后再把保留了search_images的list,feed回到tensorflow 框架中变成一个tensor进行运算。但是此时如果我想指定用这个tensor中保留的许多帧的某一帧时候,又会在build model的时候失败。这是由于一开始时候这个tensor的shape是0,导致无法用tensor[-1] 的方式指定某一帧。

About crop

hi! @bilylee 我想知道 get_subwindow_avg 中的pos是什么左上角的坐标还是中心点坐标,还有那几个pad是什么,目的是要将图像填充至图像patch大小吗?谢谢~

关于SiamFC-3s-gray-scratch.py和 color的区别;




when training: OutOfRange Error: end of sequence

Excuse me, when I am executing the script, it came up this problem:
`INFO - SiamFC-3s-color-scratch - Running command 'main'
INFO - SiamFC-3s-color-scratch - Started run with ID "22"
INFO - root - Using largest free memory GPU 1 with free memory 11101.375MB
INFO - root - preproces -- siamese_fc_color
INFO - root - embedding init method -- kaiming_normal
INFO - root - preproces -- None
2018-07-16 09:44:40.331186: I tensorflow/core/platform/] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: SSE4.1 SSE4.2 AVX AVX2 FMA
2018-07-16 09:44:41.609915: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/] Found device 0 with properties:
name: Tesla K40c major: 3 minor: 5 memoryClockRate(GHz): 0.745
pciBusID: 0000:84:00.0
totalMemory: 11.17GiB freeMemory: 10.77GiB
2018-07-16 09:44:41.609956: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/] Creating TensorFlow device (/device:GPU:0) -> (device: 0, name: Tesla K40c, pci bus id: 0000:84:00.0, compute capability: 3.5)
INFO - root - Train for 1250 steps
2018-07-16 09:44:44.885479: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:44.896464: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
INFO - root - 2018-07-16 09:44:46.990354: step 0, total loss = 3.11, batch loss = 2.54 (3.3 examples/sec; 2.413 sec/batch; 0h:50m:16s remains)
2018-07-16 09:44:47.238187: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.248992: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.251950: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.253937: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.255833: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.257882: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.259775: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.262073: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.264808: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.267238: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.269300: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.271260: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.273237: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.275208: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.277163: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.279094: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.281016: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.283020: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.285041: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.287280: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.289991: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.292109: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.294060: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.296047: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.298024: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.299885: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.301802: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.304281: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.306734: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.308728: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.310470: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.312440: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.314521: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.316580: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.318557: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.320619: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.322688: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.324736: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.326882: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.328834: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.330843: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.332869: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.334772: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.336784: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.338743: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.340699: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.342661: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.344552: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.346522: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.348528: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.350599: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.352681: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.354781: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.357392: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.359764: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.361748: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.363640: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.365568: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.367669: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.369718: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.372234: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.374938: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.377226: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.379163: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.381073: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.382975: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.384849: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.386896: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.388950: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.390904: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.392747: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.394711: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.396606: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.398464: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.400504: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.402437: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.404321: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.406220: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.408037: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.409904: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.411681: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.413505: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.415371: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.417238: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.419104: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.421027: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.422872: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.424850: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.426852: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.428696: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.430666: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.432671: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.434638: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.436560: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.438525: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.440986: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.443297: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.445647: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.448020: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.449949: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
2018-07-16 09:44:47.452290: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Out of range: exceptions.StopIteration: Iteration finished.
ERROR - SiamFC-3s-color-scratch - Failed after 0:00:16!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "experiments/", line 29, in
'--enforce_clean': False,
File "/home/jiangshan/.conda/envs/py2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sacred/", line 209, in run
File "/home/jiangshan/.conda/envs/py2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sacred/", line 221, in call
self.result = self.main_function(*args)
File "/home/jiangshan/.conda/envs/py2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sacred/config/", line 46, in captured_function
result = wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
File "experiments/../", line 180, in main
summary_str =
File "/home/jiangshan/.conda/envs/py2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/", line 889, in run
File "/home/jiangshan/.conda/envs/py2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/", line 1120, in _run
feed_dict_tensor, options, run_metadata)
File "/home/jiangshan/.conda/envs/py2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/", line 1317, in _do_run
options, run_metadata)
File "/home/jiangshan/.conda/envs/py2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/", line 1336, in _do_call
raise type(e)(node_def, op, message)
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.OutOfRangeError: End of sequence
[[Node: validation/IteratorGetNext = IteratorGetNextoutput_shapes=[[?,127,127,3], [?,255,255,3]], output_types=[DT_UINT8, DT_UINT8], _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0"]]
[[Node: validation/Loss/CD-err/auc/assert_less_equal/Assert/AssertGuard/Assert/_86 = _Recvclient_terminated=false, recv_device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0", send_device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0", send_device_incarnation=1, tensor_name="edge_965_validation/Loss/CD-err/auc/assert_less_equal/Assert/AssertGuard/Assert", tensor_type=DT_FLOAT, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0"]]

Caused by op u'validation/IteratorGetNext', defined at:
File "experiments/", line 29, in
'--enforce_clean': False,
File "/home/jiangshan/.conda/envs/py2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sacred/", line 209, in run
File "/home/jiangshan/.conda/envs/py2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sacred/", line 221, in call
self.result = self.main_function(*args)
File "/home/jiangshan/.conda/envs/py2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sacred/config/", line 46, in captured_function
result = wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
File "experiments/../", line 106, in main
File "experiments/../", line 210, in build
File "experiments/../", line 62, in build_inputs
exemplars, instances = self.dataloader.get_one_batch()
File "experiments/../datasets/", line 103, in get_one_batch
return self.iterator.get_next()
File "/home/jiangshan/.conda/envs/py2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/data/ops/", line 259, in get_next
File "/home/jiangshan/.conda/envs/py2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/", line 706, in iterator_get_next
output_shapes=output_shapes, name=name)
File "/home/jiangshan/.conda/envs/py2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/", line 787, in _apply_op_helper
File "/home/jiangshan/.conda/envs/py2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/", line 2956, in create_op
File "/home/jiangshan/.conda/envs/py2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/", line 1470, in init
self._traceback = self._graph._extract_stack() # pylint: disable=protected-access

OutOfRangeError (see above for traceback): End of sequence
[[Node: validation/IteratorGetNext = IteratorGetNextoutput_shapes=[[?,127,127,3], [?,255,255,3]], output_types=[DT_UINT8, DT_UINT8], _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0"]]
[[Node: validation/Loss/CD-err/auc/assert_less_equal/Assert/AssertGuard/Assert/_86 = _Recvclient_terminated=false, recv_device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0", send_device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0", send_device_incarnation=1, tensor_name="edge_965_validation/Loss/CD-err/auc/assert_less_equal/Assert/AssertGuard/Assert", tensor_type=DT_FLOAT, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0"]]`

How to run benchmark


First of all, thanks a lot for porting this to TensorFlow. I was wondering if you could please provide more instructions on how to run the benchmark tests. What do I do after downloading your code here?


在运行python experiments/ 出错

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/cc/桌面/SiamFC-TensorFlow-master/experiments/", line 32, in
'--enforce_clean': False,
File "/home/cc/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sacred/", line 199, in run
File "/home/cc/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sacred/", line 229, in call
self.result = self.main_function(*args)
File "/home/cc/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sacred/config/", line 48, in captured_function
result = wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/cc/桌面/SiamFC-TensorFlow-master/scripts/", line 64, in main
File "/home/cc/桌面/SiamFC-TensorFlow-master/", line 209, in build
File "/home/cc/桌面/SiamFC-TensorFlow-master/", line 193, in setup_embedding_initializer
'convolutional_alexnet/', 'detection/')
File "/home/cc/桌面/SiamFC-TensorFlow-master/utils/", line 163, in load_mat_model
params = get_params_from_mat(matpath)
File "/home/cc/桌面/SiamFC-TensorFlow-master/utils/", line 70, in get_params_from_mat
netparams = sio.loadmat(matpath)["net"]["params"][0][0]
File "/home/cc/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/scipy/io/matlab/", line 141, in loadmat
MR, file_opened = mat_reader_factory(file_name, appendmat, **kwargs)
File "/home/cc/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/scipy/io/matlab/", line 64, in mat_reader_factory
byte_stream, file_opened = _open_file(file_name, appendmat)
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

很明显是sio.loadmat()在执行时,产生某种意外错误。或许是跟 '--enforce_clean': False,这个参数有关。但当我新建一个脚本单独运行:
import as sio
netparams = sio.loadmat(matpath)["net"]["params"][0][0]

Tracker Benchmark Fails

SiameseFC tracker benchmark fails while running

echo "tb50" | python tracker_benchmark/ -t SiamFC -s tb50 -e OPE
Have followed instructions as per the git readme file.

With the following message
Input Test name : Starting benchmark for 1 trackers, evalTypes : ['OPE']
1_SiamFC, 1_Basketball:1/1 - OPE
failed to execute SiamFC : (<type 'exceptions.IOError'>, IOError(2, 'No such file or directory'), <traceback object at 0x7f5812427248>)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tracker_benchmark/", line 148, in
File "tracker_benchmark/", line 52, in main
trackers, seqs, evalType, shiftTypeSet)
File "tracker_benchmark/", line 140, in run_trackers
File "/export/livia/home/vision/mkiran/work/Siamese2/tracker_benchmark/scripts/butil/", line 9, in save_seq_result
tracker = result[0].tracker


loss = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=response,
这个函数在全卷积中的形式是什么样呀,一维的看的明白,这是在【8,15,15】还有【8,17,17】的维度上直接用的,如果把人脸中的center loss加进来的话,这样的函数维度应该怎么匹配啊?最近没看明白,centerl loss函数该怎么加啊。谢谢作者,没人讨论,就自己在看

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