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Prerenders static HTML in a single-page application.

License: MIT License

JavaScript 98.25% HTML 1.75%
prerender seo spa webpack webpack-plugin static-site-generator

prerender-spa-plugin's Introduction


Prerender SPA Plugin

Flexible, framework-agnostic static site generation for sites and SPAs built with webpack.

Maintainers Wanted npm version npm downloads js-standard-style license


About prerender-spa-plugin

👉 This is the stable 3.x version of prerender-spa-plugin based on puppeteer. If you're looking for the (now-deprecated) 2.x version, based on PhantomJS, take a look at the v2 branch.

The goal of this plugin is to provide a simple prerendering solution that is easily extensible and usable for any site or single-page-app built with webpack.

Plugins for other task runners and build systems are planned.


Framework-specific examples can be found in the examples/ directory.

Basic Usage (webpack.config.js)

const path = require('path')
const PrerenderSPAPlugin = require('prerender-spa-plugin')

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    new PrerenderSPAPlugin({
      // Required - The path to the webpack-outputted app to prerender.
      staticDir: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'),
      // Required - Routes to render.
      routes: [ '/', '/about', '/some/deep/nested/route' ],

Advanced Usage (webpack.config.js)

const path = require('path')
const PrerenderSPAPlugin = require('prerender-spa-plugin')
const Renderer = PrerenderSPAPlugin.PuppeteerRenderer

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    new PrerenderSPAPlugin({
      // Required - The path to the webpack-outputted app to prerender.
      staticDir: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'),

      // Optional - The path your rendered app should be output to.
      // (Defaults to staticDir.)
      outputDir: path.join(__dirname, 'prerendered'),

      // Optional - The location of index.html
      indexPath: path.join(__dirname, 'dist', 'index.html'),

      // Required - Routes to render.
      routes: [ '/', '/about', '/some/deep/nested/route' ],

      // Optional - Allows you to customize the HTML and output path before
      // writing the rendered contents to a file.
      // renderedRoute can be modified and it or an equivelant should be returned.
      // renderedRoute format:
      // {
      //   route: String, // Where the output file will end up (relative to outputDir)
      //   originalRoute: String, // The route that was passed into the renderer, before redirects.
      //   html: String, // The rendered HTML for this route.
      //   outputPath: String // The path the rendered HTML will be written to.
      // }
      postProcess (renderedRoute) {
        // Ignore any redirects.
        renderedRoute.route = renderedRoute.originalRoute
        // Basic whitespace removal. (Don't use this in production.)
        renderedRoute.html = renderedRoute.html.split(/>[\s]+</gmi).join('><')
        // Remove /index.html from the output path if the dir name ends with a .html file extension.
        // For example: /dist/dir/special.html/index.html -> /dist/dir/special.html
        if (renderedRoute.route.endsWith('.html')) {
          renderedRoute.outputPath = path.join(__dirname, 'dist', renderedRoute.route)

        return renderedRoute

      // Optional - Uses html-minifier (
      // To minify the resulting HTML.
      // Option reference:
      minify: {
        collapseBooleanAttributes: true,
        collapseWhitespace: true,
        decodeEntities: true,
        keepClosingSlash: true,
        sortAttributes: true

      // Server configuration options.
      server: {
        // Normally a free port is autodetected, but feel free to set this if needed.
        port: 8001

      // The actual renderer to use. (Feel free to write your own)
      // Available renderers:
      renderer: new Renderer({
        // Optional - The name of the property to add to the window object with the contents of `inject`.
        injectProperty: '__PRERENDER_INJECTED',
        // Optional - Any values you'd like your app to have access to via `window.injectProperty`.
        inject: {
          foo: 'bar'

        // Optional - defaults to 0, no limit.
        // Routes are rendered asynchronously.
        // Use this to limit the number of routes rendered in parallel.
        maxConcurrentRoutes: 4,

        // Optional - Wait to render until the specified event is dispatched on the document.
        // eg, with `document.dispatchEvent(new Event('custom-render-trigger'))`
        renderAfterDocumentEvent: 'custom-render-trigger',

        // Optional - Wait to render until the specified element is detected using `document.querySelector`
        renderAfterElementExists: 'my-app-element',

        // Optional - Wait to render until a certain amount of time has passed.
        renderAfterTime: 5000, // Wait 5 seconds.

        // Other puppeteer options.
        // (See here:
        headless: false // Display the browser window when rendering. Useful for debugging.

v2.x Compability

Most usages of prerender-spa-plugin v2.x should be compatible with v3.x. The exception being advanced configuration options that controlled PhantomJS. These have been replaced by pluggable renderers with their own specific configuration options.

If you use this format, you will be greeted with a warning prompting you to migrate to the new object-based configuration format, but it should still function for the time being.

const path = require('path')
const PrerenderSPAPlugin = require('prerender-spa-plugin')

module.exports = {

  // ...

  plugins: [
    new PrerenderSPAPlugin(
      // (REQUIRED) Absolute path to static root
      path.join(__dirname, 'relative/path/to/static/root'),
      // (REQUIRED) List of routes to prerender
      [ '/', '/about', '/contact' ],
      // (OPTIONAL) Compatible options from v2.
        // NOTE: Unless you are relying on asynchronously rendered content,
        // such as after an Ajax request, none of these options should be
        // necessary. All synchronous scripts are already executed before
        // capturing the page content.

        // Wait until a specific event is fired on the document.
        captureAfterDocumentEvent: 'custom-post-render-event',
        // This is how you would trigger this example event:
        // document.dispatchEvent(new Event('custom-post-render-event'))

        // Wait until a specific element is detected with
        // document.querySelector.
        captureAfterElementExists: '#content',

        // Wait until a number of milliseconds has passed after scripts
        // have been executed. It's important to note that this may
        // produce unreliable results when relying on network
        // communication or other operations with highly variable timing.
        captureAfterTime: 5000,

        // path of index file. By default it's index.html in static root.
        indexPath: path.resolve('/dist/path/to/index.html'),

        // Manually transform the HTML for each page after prerendering,
        // for example to set the page title and metadata in edge cases
        // where you cannot handle this via your routing solution.
        // The function's context argument contains two properties:
        // - html :: the resulting HTML after prerendering)
        // - route :: the route currently being processed
        //            e.g. "/", "/about", or "/contact")
        // Whatever is returned will be printed to the prerendered file.
        // NOTE: this has been deprecated in favor of the `postProcess` option.
        // See the documentation below.
        postProcessHtml: function (context) {
          var titles = {
            '/': 'Home',
            '/about': 'Our Story',
            '/contact': 'Contact Us'
          return context.html.replace(
            '<title>' + titles[context.route] + '</title>'

Additional Changes

  • It is no longer possible to use multiple renderAfterX (captureAfterX) options at the same time. Only one may be selected. The reason for this removal is to prevent ambiguity.
  • The recommended configuration format has changed from new PrerenderSPAPlugin(staticDir: String, routes: Array<String>, config: Object) to
    new PrerenderSPAPlugin({
      staticDir: String,
      routes: String,
    in order to reduce ambiguity. The old format still works for the time being.
  • The default renderer is no longer PhantomJS. It has been replaced with puppeteer. It is fairly simple to develop your own renderer as well. An alternate jsdom-based renderer is available at @prerenderer/renderer-jsdom.
  • prerender-spa-plugin is now based on prerenderer. Accordingly, most bugs should be reported in that repository.

What is Prerendering?

Recently, SSR (Server Side Rendering) has taken the JavaScript front-end world by storm. The fact that you can now render your sites and apps on the server before sending them to your clients is an absolutely revolutionary idea (and totally not what everyone was doing before JS client-side apps got popular in the first place...)

However, the same criticisms that were valid for PHP, ASP, JSP, (and such) sites are valid for server-side rendering today. It's slow, breaks fairly easily, and is difficult to implement properly.

Thing is, despite what everyone might be telling you, you probably don't need SSR. You can get almost all the advantages of it (without the disadvantages) by using prerendering. Prerendering is basically firing up a headless browser, loading your app's routes, and saving the results to a static HTML file. You can then serve it with whatever static-file-serving solution you were using previously. It just works with HTML5 navigation and the likes. No need to change your code or add server-side rendering workarounds.

In the interest of transparency, there are some use-cases where prerendering might not be a great idea.

  • Tons of routes - If your site has hundreds or thousands of routes, prerendering will be really slow. Sure you only have to do it once per update, but it could take ages. Most people don't end up with thousands of static routes, but just in-case...
  • Dynamic Content - If your render routes that have content that's specific to the user viewing it or other dynamic sources, you should make sure you have placeholder components that can display until the dynamic content loads on the client-side. Otherwise it might be a tad weird.

Available Renderers

  • @prerenderer/renderer-puppeteer - Uses puppeteer to render pages in headless Chrome.
  • @prerenderer/renderer-jsdom - Uses jsdom. Extremely fast, but unreliable and cannot handle advanced usages. May not work with all front-end frameworks and apps.

Which renderer should I use?

Use @prerenderer/renderer-puppeteer if: You're prerendering up to a couple hundred pages and want accurate results (bye-bye RAM!).

Use @prerenderer/renderer-jsdom if: You need to prerender thousands upon thousands of pages, but quality isn't all that important, and you're willing to work around issues for more advanced cases. (Programmatic SVG support, etc.)


Plugin Options

Option Type Required? Default Description
staticDir String Yes None The root path to serve your app from.
outputDir String No None Where the prerendered pages should be output. If not set, defaults to staticDir.
indexPath String No staticDir/index.html The index file to fall back on for SPAs.
postProcess Function(Object context): [Object | Promise] No None See the Using the postProcess Option section.
minify Object No None Minifies the resulting HTML using html-minifier. Full list of options available here.
server Object No None App server configuration options (See below)
renderer Renderer Instance or Configuration Object No new PuppeteerRenderer() The renderer you'd like to use to prerender the app. It's recommended that you specify this, but if not it will default to @prerenderer/renderer-puppeteer.

Server Options

Option Type Required? Default Description
port Integer No First free port after 8000 The port for the app server to run on.
proxy Object No No proxying Proxy configuration. Has the same signature as webpack-dev-server

Using The postProcess Option

The postProcess(Object context): Object | Promise function in your renderer configuration allows you to adjust the output of prerender-spa-plugin before writing it to a file. It is called once per rendered route and is passed a context object in the form of:

  // The prerendered route, after following redirects.
  route: String,
  // The original route passed, before redirects.
  originalRoute: String,
  // The resulting HTML for the route.
  html: String,
  // The path to write the rendered HTML to.
  // This is null (automatically calculated after postProcess)
  // unless explicitly set.
  outputPath: String || null

You can modify context.html to change what gets written to the prerendered files and/or modify context.route or context.outputPath to change the output location.

You are expected to adjust those properties as needed, then return the context object, or a promise that resolves to it like so:

postProcess(context) {
  // Remove /index.html from the output path if the dir name ends with a .html file extension.
  // For example: /dist/dir/special.html/index.html -> /dist/dir/special.html
  if (context.route.endsWith('.html')) {
    context.outputPath = path.join(__dirname, 'dist', context.route)

  return context

postProcess(context) {
  return someAsyncProcessing(context.html)
    .then((html) => {
      context.html = html;
      return context;

Vue.js Notes

If you are having issues prerendering with Vue.js, try adding the data-server-rendered="true" attribute to your root app element. This will cause Vue to treat your current page as an already-rendered app and update it rather than completely rerendering the whole tree. You can add the attribute using postProcess or by manipulating the DOM with JavaScript prior prerendering with renderAfterDocumentEvent.

@prerenderer/renderer-puppeteer options

Option Type Required? Default Description
maxConcurrentRoutes Number No 0 (No limit) The number of routes allowed to be rendered at the same time. Useful for breaking down massive batches of routes into smaller chunks.
inject Object No None An object to inject into the global scope of the rendered page before it finishes loading. Must be JSON.stringifiy-able. The property injected to is window['__PRERENDER_INJECTED'] by default.
injectProperty String No __PRERENDER_INJECTED The property to mount inject to during rendering.
renderAfterDocumentEvent String No None Wait to render until the specified event is fired on the document. (You can fire an event like so: document.dispatchEvent(new Event('custom-render-trigger'))
renderAfterElementExists String (Selector) No None Wait to render until the specified element is detected using document.querySelector
renderAfterTime Integer (Milliseconds) No None Wait to render until a certain amount of time has passed.
skipThirdPartyRequests Boolean No false Automatically block any third-party requests. (This can make your pages load faster by not loading non-essential scripts, styles, or fonts.)
consoleHandler function(route: String, message: ConsoleMessage) No None Allows you to provide a custom console.* handler for pages. Argument one to your function is the route being rendered, argument two is the Puppeteer ConsoleMessage object.
[Puppeteer Launch Options] ? No None Any additional options will be passed to puppeteer.launch(), such as headless: false.

@prerenderer/renderer-jsdom options

Option Type Required? Default Description
maxConcurrentRoutes Number No 0 (No limit) The number of routes allowed to be rendered at the same time. Useful for breaking down massive batches of routes into smaller chunks.
inject Object No None An object to inject into the global scope of the rendered page before it finishes loading. Must be JSON.stringifiy-able. The property injected to is window['__PRERENDER_INJECTED'] by default.
injectProperty String No __PRERENDER_INJECTED The property to mount inject to during rendering.
renderAfterDocumentEvent String No None Wait to render until the specified event is fired on the document. (You can fire an event like so: document.dispatchEvent(new Event('custom-render-trigger'))
renderAfterElementExists String (Selector) No None Wait to render until the specified element is detected using document.querySelector
renderAfterTime Integer (Milliseconds) No None Wait to render until a certain amount of time has passed.

Tips & Troubleshooting

JS not firing before prerender?

If you have code that relies on the existence of <body> (and you almost certainly do), simply run it in a callback to the DOMContentLoaded event: (Otherwise you'll find that prerender-spa-plugin will output the contents of your page before your JS runs.)

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
  // your code

For example, if you're using Vue.js and mounting to a <div id="app"> in <body>:

const root = new Vue({
  // ...

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {

Inline Styles

If you rely on inline CSS, i.e. you do not extract CSS from your bundle and, thus, experience duplicate CSS style tags, consider using extract-text-webpack-plugin to extract CSS into a separate file and then either inject CSS back into a template.html file using html-webpack-plugin or just call it as an external CSS file.

Either way, there will not be any unnecessary styles inside JS.


  • For obvious reasons, prerender-spa-plugin only works for SPAs that route using the HTML5 history API. index.html#/hash/route URLs will unfortunately not work.
  • Whatever client-side rendering library you're using should be able to at least replace any server-rendered content or diff with it.
    • For Vue.js 1 use replace: false on root components.
    • For Vue.js 2 Ensure your root component has the same id as the prerendered element it's replacing. Otherwise you'll end up with duplicated content.


  • react-snap - Zero-configuration framework-agnostic prerendering. Does not depend on webpack. Handles a variety of edge-cases.
  • snapshotify - An experimental prerenderer that performes a number of speed optimizations.
  • presite - Minimal-configuration framework-agnostic prerendering.
  • prerenderer - Pluggable prerendering library that prerender-spa-plugin v3+ is based on.

License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2017 Chris Fritz

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.



Chris Fritz

Drew Lustro

Joshua Bemenderfer

prerender-spa-plugin's People


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prerender-spa-plugin's Issues

Is there any possibility to get this work with gulp + webpack-stream?

After tons of trying and 404 errors, I just realized that my build process itself may caused the problem.

I'm using webpack-stream with gulp to run webpack, instead of using cli commands.

Which means, webpack is not working on filesystem directly, but in gulp's memory. Then gulp will write the outputs into somewhere after webpack is done. I guess currently prerender-spa-plugin may not be able to read those output files during building process...

Can not get actual content prerendered, only what's initially in index.html

Project: I am using vuejs2.0

I can not get the actual content of the page prerendered. All I get outputted is the original index.html w/o rendered content.

I've been scratching my head at what is wrong.

My entry point is ./src/scripts/main.js

You can see the issue in the ./dist folder. Every path's index.html is identical to ./dist/index.html. IE: ./dist/index.html is the same as ./dist/contact/index.html which is equivalent of ./src/static/index.html (the original file).

How to get working with dynamic menus and multilingual sites


Is it possible to get your plugin working with small parts of dynamic content still? For example, our homepage is fully static with the exception of the navigation menu, where depending on whether the user is logged in or not, it alters the menu. If the user is not logged in it will show 'Sign Up' and 'Register' links whereas if the user is logged in, it will show a 'Dashboard' link. Is this possible with your plugin? Also, for multilingual sites, how can we get it to pre-render for each page in each language? For example our site is in English and is in French, the language is set at load time depending if there is a language subdomain used (or not for English).

Many thanks

<!DOCTYPE html> is stripped out

From examples/generic-simple:


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Generic &amp; Simple Prerendering Demo</title>
    <input id="new-todo" placeholder="New todo">
    <div id="todos"></div>
    <script src="main.js"></script>


    <title>Generic &amp; Simple Prerendering Demo</title>
    <input id="new-todo" placeholder="New todo">
    <div id="todos"><ul><li class="item">Do the dishes <button class="remove-todo" data-index="0">X</button></li><li class="item">Make the bed <button class="remove-todo" data-index="1">X</button></li><li class="item">Take out the trash <button class="remove-todo" data-index="2">X</button></li></ul></div>
    <script src="main.js"></script>


Note that the <!DOCTYPE html> is stripped out.
It is important that the doctype is preserved, as it affects page rendering.

This plugin is not compile router?

Then root component content:

    <div id="app">
        <router-view class="view" ></router-view>

dist :

<div id="app"><router-view class="view"></router-view></div>

the plugin is can't compile router??

WARNING: JavaScript error while prerendering: TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 't.addEventListener') phantomjs://code/phantom-page-render.js:26

This is happening when I add the javascript needed to Ajax submit a form. Below is my ContactForm component code that I am calling in my Contact Page Component.

If I remove the javascript at the top (before export default) the website will build. If I keep the code, I get a silent fail build loop. This has happened in my other page components where I want to add javascript just to one page. Am I doing something wrong? The form works properly on dev server and submits via ajax, I just can't build the site...

This is the error I get in terminal:

- building for production... C:\Users\orion\Desktop\\\node_modules\prerender-spa-plugin\lib\compile-to-html.js:80 if (error) throw stdout ^ WARNING: JavaScript error while prerendering: /resume TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 't.addEventListener')

I don't even have a t.addEventlister. The code is probably document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', loaded, false)

function validEmail (email) { // see: var re = /^([\w-]+(?:.[\w-]+))@((?:[\w-]+.)\w[\w-]{0,66}).([a-z]{2,6}(?:.[a-z]{2})?)$/i
return re.test(email)}
// get all data in form and return object function getFormData () {
var elements = document.getElementById('gform').elements // all form elements var fields = Object.keys(elements).map(function (k) {
if (elements[k].name !== undefined) { return elements[k].name
// special case for Edge's html collection } else if (elements[k].length > 0) {
return elements[k].item(0).name }
}).filter(function (item, pos, self) { return self.indexOf(item) === pos && item
}) var data = {}
fields.forEach(function (k) { data[k] = elements[k].value
if (elements[k].type === 'checkbox') { data[k] = elements[k].checked
// special case for Edge's html collection } else if (elements[k].length) {
for (var i = 0; i < elements[k].length; i++) { if (elements[k].item(i).checked) {
data[k] = elements[k].item(i).value }
} }
}) console.log(data)
return data}
function handleFormSubmit (event) { // handles form submit withtout any jquery event.preventDefault() // we are submitting via xhr below
var data = getFormData() // get the values submitted in the form if (!validEmail( { // if email is not valid show error
document.getElementById('email-invalid').style.display = 'block' return false
} else { var url =
/* eslint-disable no-undef */ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
/* eslint-enable no-undef */'POST', url)
// xhr.withCredentials = true; xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { console.log(xhr.status, xhr.statusText)
console.log(xhr.responseText) document.getElementById('gform').style.display = 'none' // hide form
document.getElementById('thankyou_message').style.display = 'block' return
} // url encode form data for sending as post data
var encoded = Object.keys(data).map(function (k) { return encodeURIComponent(k) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(data[k])
}).join('&') xhr.send(encoded)
function loaded () { console.log('contact form submission handler loaded successfully')
// bind to the submit event of our form var form = document.getElementById('gform')
form.addEventListener('submit', handleFormSubmit, false)}
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', loaded, false) export default {


Vue 2 - client side javascript not taking over?


Didn't want to create an issue for this, since it's most likely problem with my configuration. Maybe I misunderstood the "caveats" section. But after not being able to solve this for several hours, I decided to ask.

Using plain simple javascript inside my webpack entry (just for testing purposes), everything works fine.
Problem is when I try to use my Vue app. Nothing actually renders to the index.html (just 2 blank lines). If I open this index.html in browser, it works without any issues (Vue app renders properly).

main.js (webpack entry point):
screen shot 2017-01-04 at 11 32 19

screen shot 2017-01-04 at 11 33 52

App.vue (only the template part):
screen shot 2017-01-04 at 11 33 13

Webpack config (showing only the relevant part).
screen shot 2017-01-04 at 11 34 35

I'm not using any client side routing nor webpack code splitting.

Anyone able to help?
Even more in-depth explanation of the caveats section would be nice.

Thanks a lot!

Limit PhantomJS workers?

My VueJS app has a good number of routes, 143 currently, I am trying to prerender but this is overloading my system.

Am I missing the option that renders 1 pages at a time?

If I render about 5 pages it runs into no issues and completes really fast it is only when I attempt to render all of my pages that it starts spawning PhantomJS over and over and then each on hangs and never completes.

how to specify the filename of html i want to render?

i have a directory after build without prerender-spa-plugin,like this:

i found that prerender-spa-plugin will auto search a file named 'index.html' in the directoy specified in config, but i wanna render multi pages in the same directory like home.html , contact.html in this case.
Need Help ,THX


I am just wondering if there is a way in order to maintain the transition effect between the routes when using preload?

Statically generated components seem to be rerendered while loading the page


I first want to thank you for this plugin that is, to me, much more than a simple plugin, but a revolution. It's kind of the death of static site generators and the convergency of Apps and Pages on the web.

I begin to play with this and it seems that the statically rendered components are completly rerendered while loading the page and pass, among others, in the "mounted" state (without "destroying" the previous one).

So is it possible to consider the component has already been rendered, and therefore just pass through the "updated" state when needed? Is it a to do, or a technical limitation?

Thanks a lot for your answer.

[help wanted] Prevent browser from loading generated static HTML before Vuejs content

When my browser is loading for the first time the website, the static HTML pages are shown until the "real" vuejs content appears. This breaks the smoothness of the page, which is very important for this particular project. You can see an example here:

Is there a way to "hide" the static content for all vuejs compatible browsers and directly show the vuejs content?

Possible solutions?

  • Using nginx to redirect all url to index.html doesn't seem to work.

Getting statusCode":404,"error":"Not Found" on each static views.

Trying to use prerender-spa-plugin, but getting this on all generated views:

<html><head></head><body><pre style="word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;">{"statusCode":404,"error":"Not Found"}</pre></body></html>

I use vue 2.x and vue-router 2.x.
Here's my config:

plugins: [
    new PrerenderSpaPlugin(
        path.join(__dirname, '/static'),
        [ '/fr/', '/en/', '/fr/contact/', '/en/contact/', '/test' ]

Here's my root Vue instance:

new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    render: h => h(App)


    <div id="app">
        <!-- Route Outlet -->

export default {


What would be a possible solution to this issue?

undefined is not an object

Getting this error when trying to build my app. Not exactly sure how I can start to debug this, the app works well in a browser and I've tried "turning off" various third party dependencies like Intercom and Raven but to no avail. Is there a way to get a stacktrace to figure out what's causing the problem?

⠋ building for production...(node:25840) DeprecationWarning: os.tmpDir() is deprecated. Use os.tmpdir() instead.
⠇ building for production...
Starting to optimize CSS...
Processing static/css/app.ea844220eb9d3e1f2353b0414c749fa0.css...
Processed static/css/app.ea844220eb9d3e1f2353b0414c749fa0.css, before: 163707, after: 163347, ratio: 99.78%
⠙ building for production...
                    if (error) throw stdout
WARNING: JavaScript error while prerendering: /modern-masters-2017-box-promotion
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'e[n].call')

  phantomjs://code/phantom-page-render.js:26 in onError

not working when using `vue` with `apollo-client`

I'm not sure who's the guilty one :), but here's the thing. I created a fresh vue application using the vue-cli (vue init webpack {projectname}). Then I installed the vue-router and finally the [vue-apollo] package with [apollo-client].

Everything seams to be working, but when I try to prerender my project using the prerender-spa-plugin I see errors inside compiled files. At first I thought that pre-renderer has problems with async operations, but it turned out that it works without problems. Only the apollo part is not working.

This is the error that I see:

TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'r._updateFromParent')

  http://localhost:8000/static/js/vendor.0c3c80024a3bb7c58eec.js:12 in st
  http://localhost:8000/static/js/vendor.0c3c80024a3bb7c58eec.js:13 in y
  http://localhost:8000/static/js/vendor.0c3c80024a3bb7c58eec.js:13 in v
  http://localhost:8000/static/js/vendor.0c3c80024a3bb7c58eec.js:13 in y
  http://localhost:8000/static/js/vendor.0c3c80024a3bb7c58eec.js:12 in _update
  http://localhost:8000/static/js/vendor.0c3c80024a3bb7c58eec.js:13 in get
  http://localhost:8000/static/js/vendor.0c3c80024a3bb7c58eec.js:13 in run
  http://localhost:8000/static/js/vendor.0c3c80024a3bb7c58eec.js:12 in T
  http://localhost:8000/static/js/vendor.0c3c80024a3bb7c58eec.js:13 in t

Here is also a repository with my code. Just run npm run build, then check the ./dist/index.html file.

Also published here: vuejs/apollo#8

Any way to specify multiple html paths instead of routes?

This plugin is supposed to be used for SPA, but is there any way to use this plugin for multiple pages which should be prerendered?

It would be great if I could do this below:

module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
    new PrerenderSpaPlugin(
      path.join(__dirname, '../dist'),
      // Specify static file path instead of routes
      [ '/index.asp', '/path/to/another.html', '/path/to/yet/another.php' ]

How do you like this?

Scoped style holds up build time...

It took me a little while to figure out why my build would hold up for over 30 minutes (I never got it to finish). I had <style scoped> in one of my components. I removed scoped and the build worked like before. Can you give me any insight into what was the nature of this hold up?

build failed, TypeError: Bad argument?

test on Mac
node v6.2.0
npm v3.8.9

var err = this._handle.spawn(options);

TypeError: Bad argument
at TypeError (native)
at ChildProcess.spawn (internal/child_process.js:278:26)
at exports.spawn (child_process.js:372:9)
at Object.exports.execFile (child_process.js:139:15)
at capturePage (/app/www/prerender-spa-plugin/examples/generic-simple/node_modules/prerender-spa-plugin/lib/compile-to-html.js:70:26)
at /app/www/prerender-spa-plugin/examples/generic-simple/node_modules/prerender-spa-plugin/lib/compile-to-html.js:89:11
at _invoke (/app/www/prerender-spa-plugin/examples/generic-simple/node_modules/hapi/lib/server.js:305:20)
at internals.Server._invoke (/app/www/prerender-spa-plugin/examples/generic-simple/node_modules/hapi/lib/server.js:375:16)
at Items.serial (/app/www/prerender-spa-plugin/examples/generic-simple/node_modules/hapi/lib/server.js:297:14)
at done (/app/www/prerender-spa-plugin/examples/generic-simple/node_modules/hapMacBook-Pro-2:gen

COM Error on Windows


I get this error when i try to run npm run build from a Vue project

                    if (stderr) throw stderr
 SetProcessDpiAwareness failed: "COM error 0x80070005  (Unknown error 0x0ffffffff80070005)"

//In my Productions config

  new PrerenderSpaPlugin(
      Path.join(__dirname, '../dist'),
      [ '/' ]

i use:
"prerender-spa-plugin": "^1.1.0",

Windows 10

Vuejs app override prerendered input values

I'm using prerender-spa-plugin on a page which contains inputs. These inputs are two way data-binded to component data (using v-model).

When I am on a slow connection, the DOM is created from the prerendered HTML, and (I think) override by the app. My problem is when I prerender inputs, the user can start typing and when the app loads (some seconds later on slow connection), the input clears because it is data-binded to the data with an empty string as the default value.

Is there a workaround to NOT override the user input and to use it as a default value when the app loads or something ?

@click event not working when using prerender-spa-plugin

I'm using webpack template and config prerender-spa-plugin plugin for like this:

new PrerenderSpaPlugin(
      // Path to compiled app
      path.join(__dirname, '../dist'),
      // List of endpoints you wish to prerender
      [ '/', '/discuss' ]

Make more details:

// Discuss.vue
export default {
     data () {
      return {
        showExplore: false
<div class="explore" v-if="showExplore"><p>I need your help.</p></div>

and html for handle event like this:

<button @click="showExplore =! showExplore" class="btn btn-default">Explore</button>

but, when I click on the button "Explore", class explore still not working.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks!

Usage with Vue 2.x

In the, you state:

Vue 2.x: Make sure the root component has the same id as the element it's replacing

I'm not really sure to understand what that means (I'm also a Vue beginner). In fact, preprendering works, but then, if the client has JavaScript enabled, the Vue application does not take control of the DOM (no errors, just the frozen page).

Unfortunately, is for Vue 1.x.

My application bootstrap looks like this (relevant parts only):

    <div id="vue-app"></div>
const Layout = require('./ui/layout/layout.vue');

const root = new Vue({
    render: h => h(Layout)

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => root.$mount('#vue-app'));

I know it's not correct here, but I've tried various little variations without success.

Anyway, thanks for your work, prerendering is awesome, especially when it's so simple to add!

inline background-image URL is messed up by phantomJS in the index.html


For some reasons I need to inline a background-image css property and I'm giving it a URL, for example:

<div style="background-image: url('/static/some-image.jpg'); width: 300px; height: 200px;"></div>

The problem is that phantomJS replaces my URL by:

<div data-v-b31ef546="" style="background-image: url(http://localhost:8000/static/some-image.jpg); width: 300px; height: 200px;"></div>

Because it's running on localhost:8000 but obviously it doesn't work when I'm serving the static file in a web server. Any better workaround than using a regexp to replace it in postProcessHtml ?


i18n routes


is there a solution for i18n routes?



I am worried about the fact that we have to name the files with special characters ...

Can't put html files routes that end in .html directly in the folder

I would like to be able to have routes that end in .html so that the pre-rendered version can be a physical file. However, if I specify a route with a .html extension it puts the prerendered output in a folder with that name, in a file named index.html. Is there any way to have it just output the file directly without putting it in its own folder?

using multi HtmlWebpackPlugin can not working well?

In my project need different title,keywords, so i using multi HtmlWebpackPlugin.
but I found the html's title not work well.

  • this is my HtmlWebpackPlugin add config
  webpackConfig.plugins.push(new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
        filename: '../dist/promotion/sharetest/index.html',
        template: 'index.html',
        inject: true,
        minify: {
          removeComments: true,
          collapseWhitespace: true,
          removeAttributeQuotes: true
        chunksSortMode: 'dependency'
  • then i npm run build.
  • at first build the '/dist/promotion/sharetest/index.html' title is newCostomTitle
  • and wait prerender-spa-plugin run end
  • prerender-spa-plugin replace the '/dist/promotion/sharetest/index.html'
  • '/dist/promotion/sharetest/index.html' title return default title

how can i fix it?
Thank you.

{"statusCode":404,"error":"Not Found"}

Hi there.

I'm using vue.js for a wordpress theme and I'm trying to get this pre-render plugin to work.
I've followed the instructions for set up and the plugin is creating the static files the content of the files is as follows:

{"statusCode":404,"error":"Not Found"}

If i set the path of the to the theme directory or the worpdress root I still get the same response.

Can anyone help at all?

¿Vue example?

¡Thank you for making this lib!

I would like to know if an example with vue could be possible :)

On prerendered pages, Webpack injects async <script> that requires webpackJsonp to be defined

I have a vue 1.x application that is using prerender-spa-plugin. When generating the index.html files for each route on build, webpack will sometimes inject <script src="/static/js/0.[hash].js" async=""></script> into the <head></head>.

This is normal and expected, as webpack optimizes for loading additional chunks on-demand.

A problem surfaces when visiting the endpoint, because the browser tries tries to evaluate the script 0.[hash].js before manifest.js or vendor.js chunks, and reliably causes an exception:

Uncaught ReferenceError: webpackJsonp is not defined.

Is there a flag or option to temporarily prevent webpack from injecting on-demand chunks? Or must we get hacky and scrub the <script /> tags from prerendered indexes? I cannot naively set the captureAfterTime: 0, as I rely on other aspects of the page asynchronously rendering.

Using requires instead of imports prevents from prerendering

It seems using require statements (e.g. const mod = require('module'); instead of imports (e.g. import mod from 'module' ) anywhere in the code prevents any prerendering from occuring.

However, the code still works properly in the browser.

I certainly need to investigate that more and will follow up with a more precise example if there is interest. Meanwhile I'm curious if any of you can confirm / explain this behaviour.

Path issue


I'm using this plugin to prerender some pages of a vue project (built with that template) with the following settings :

new PrerenderSpaPlugin(, // = "./dist"
    [ '/home', '/about', '/contact' ],
        captureAfterTime: 5000,
        maxAttempts: 10,
        phantomOptions: '--disk-cache=true',
        phantomPageSettings: { loadImages: true }

It creates the following files :

 |-- static/
 |     |-- css/ ..
 |     +-- img/ ..
 |-- about/index.html
 +-- index.html

The issue is that ./dist/index.html requires files from ./dist/static/ and ./dist/about/index.html from ./dist/about/static/ which don't exist. Is there a way to have it requires from the root instead ?

error about vuex

Thank you for making this lib!
I want to pre render my demo,
but I met this mistake

Error: [vuex] vuex requires a Promise polyfill in this browser.

  http://localhost:8001/static/js/vendor.1f0ebf94d7095e1fc159.js:6 in c
  http://localhost:8001/static/js/vendor.1f0ebf94d7095e1fc159.js:6 in x
  http://localhost:8001/static/js/manifest.aa0953c85f5371b58749.js:1 in t
  http://localhost:8001/static/js/manifest.aa0953c85f5371b58749.js:1 in t
  http://localhost:8001/static/js/manifest.aa0953c85f5371b58749.js:1 in webpackJsonp
<html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>vue2.0-demo</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="//"><link href="/static/css/app.91a36ac2a7102550c63c5ac844029744.css" rel="stylesheet"></head><body><div id="app"></div><script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/manifest.aa0953c85f5371b58749.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/vendor.1f0ebf94d7095e1fc159.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/app.8fe79568cb21368e0285.js"></script></body></html>

Hope to get your help

ajax asynchronous data?

If the ajax asynchronous data loading, whether into the static HTML, how to use?

In vue:
setTimeout(function() {
//return some date into dom
}, 2000);

compilation is complete, the content will be generated in the static html.

when npm run build ,the setTimeout is OK, but ajax return is not generated in the static html.
when npm run dev, the ajax is OK.
I think whe the compile, ajax url is not correct request in prerender-spa-plugin.

who can give me some help?

generated app shows 2 pages (components, basically) on one route, instead of only needed one

I've posted this question on Stackoverflow too, really hoping to get some help.

I'm trying to configure prerender-spa-plugin to work with my vue.js (1.x) application. When I build an application without it - everything works perfectly, but I need to get pages pre rendered foe SEO purposes.

When I install the plugin, it does prerender, but then it shows me some router error ([vue-router] Uncought error during transition ) and also TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 's(e).isEqualNode').
Again - none of this errors happen if I build the app for production without pretender-spa-plugin.

Some info about the tools:

- Mac OS
- node v6.10.1
- quasar --version 0.5.2 (project runs using quasar framework)
- npm -v3.10.10
- vue.js (1.x)

Then, relevant settings are:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
  new PrerenderSpaPlugin(
    // Absolute path to compiled SPA
    path.join(__dirname, '../dist'),
    // List of routes to prerender
    [ '/',  '/apps'],
       captureAfterDocumentEvent: 'custom-post-render-event',
       captureAfterTime: 2000,
       ignoreJSErrors: false,
       captureAfterElementExists: '.main',

div .main actually exists within every component which I need to prerender. But even without this trigger - the problem is still the same.


document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
  Quasar.start(() => {
    Router.start(App, '#quasar-app')
  document.dispatchEvent(new Event('custom-post-render-event'))


module.exports = {
  replace: false,

What I've already tried:

  1. Not to use some of these triggers, which I've written here foe webpack. I guess I've already tried all possible combinations - sometimes build process just hangs up, sometimes - it is compiled with the same problem.

  2. I tried to set this custom even in my initial app.vue file, and attach it to ready () - the same result

  3. I tried to specify replace: false to all inner components too - and again, the same result - it just always gives me the router error, and then shows index page rendered on every route (together with content which should be there)

  4. The only thing which 'helped' - is not to specify / route for the plugin. Then, My index component is not pre rendered, and all others work in a good order. But obviously I'll need to have it pre rendered too.

Any help or suggestions highly welcomed! Maybe, I'm missing something quasar framework specific?

I'm also using html-webpack-plugin, can it be because of it?


Documentation for catch-all page

I've just setup a clean Vue 2 project with vue init, and added prerender-spa-plugin to my production webpack config like so:

new PrerenderSpaPlugin(
  // Absolute path to compiled SPA
  // List of routes to prerender
  [ '/' ]

And running $ npm run build successfully build the Vue app, CSS & JS and indeed pre-renders the homepage. Excellent!

So next I added vue-router, added a page & a route for /about, and added that to my list of routes to prerender. $ npm run build and dist/about/index.html was created. Excellent!

What I don't understand is what file I should point users to when I want to client-side render? For instance, I could pre-render the homepage and the about page, but if someone visits /login and I want to client-side render the login page, which page in my dist/ folder should I fallback to?

For reference, my dist/ folder looks like:


I feel like I'm missing a page.html that would be the non prerendered SPA HTML file that would be served for "all other routes"?


Dynamic routes

Is it possible to to have dynamic routes/links like:
[ '/', '/contact', '/exercises/:exercise' ],

So that is prerenders all pages in under exercises?

[Question] absolute URL for list of routes

Can route can be on an already hosted website ? For example if I want to use prerender-spa-plugin on another project (not even webpack for instance). Something like CasperJS you give an absolute URL.

new PrerenderSpaPlugin(
      Path.join(__dirname, 'dist'),
      [ 'http://my-project.local/home.php' ]

I have the following error

Error: Invalid path:  http://my-project.local/home.php

"Bad argument" error when trying to use the plugin.

var err = this._handle.spawn(options);

TypeError: Bad argument
    at TypeError (native)
    at ChildProcess.spawn (internal/child_process.js:289:26)
    at exports.spawn (child_process.js:380:9)
    at Object.exports.execFile (child_process.js:143:15)
    at capturePage (/Users/yifengwu/Desktop/dev/lava-official/node_modules/prerender-spa-plugin/lib/compile-to-html.js:70:26)
    at /Users/yifengwu/Desktop/dev/lava-official/node_modules/prerender-spa-plugin/lib/compile-to-html.js:88:11
    at _invoke (/Users/yifengwu/Desktop/dev/lava-official/node_modules/hapi/lib/server.js:305:20)
    at internals.Server._invoke (/Users/yifengwu/Desktop/dev/lava-official/node_modules/hapi/lib/server.js:375:16)
    at Items.serial (/Users/yifengwu/Desktop/dev/lava-official/node_modules/hapi/lib/server.js:297:14)
    at done (/Users/yifengwu/Desktop/dev/lava-official/node_modules/hapi/node_modules/items/lib/index.js:31:25)
    at Server.finalize (/Users/yifengwu/Desktop/dev/lava-official/node_modules/hapi/lib/connection.js:171:9)
    at Server.g (events.js:291:16)
    at emitNone (events.js:91:20)
    at Server.emit (events.js:185:7)
    at emitListeningNT (net.js:1278:10)
    at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:71:11)

I'm using this plugin with vue-cli webpack template.
And here is the code I added in

new PrerenderSpaPlugin(
   path.join(__dirname, '../dist'),

The first argument is the root of the built files which has the following file structure:

   |--- index.html
   |--- /static
        |--- /js
        |--- /css
        |--- /img

Also I came across the same error in the example you provide.
I tried in Node v6.7.0 & v4.6.0

TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'link.import.querySelector')

MBP:crewguru-web-ng2 gordon$ npm run build

> [email protected] build /Users/gordon/workspace/CrewGuru/crewguru-web-ng2
> webpack

 10% building modules 3/3 modules 0 active(node:39231) DeprecationWarning: os.tmpDir() is deprecated. Use os.tmpdir() instead.
 95% emitting
                    if (error) throw stdout
WARNING: JavaScript error while prerendering: /home
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'link.import.querySelector')

  phantomjs://code/phantom-page-render.js:26 in onError

JS Isn’t Firing

Hi Chris!

Thanks for the plugin and the demos!

I’ve got the build running properly, and the static pages are rendered, but no JS seems to be loading. I have a few @clicks and @submits that aren’t firing when clicked. Is there another step when you have some JS that allows the user to interact with the page?

in main.js

/* eslint-disable no-new */
let root = new Vue({
    render: h => h(App)

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {

the other configs are set up like the example in the Vue Spa repo.

prerender does not work, can't find js in parent directoy?

my dist menu is like:
in index.html i ref my js like this:<script type="text/javascript" src="../home.js?92cef4b844ea95bf9e80"></script>

the prerender didn't work.It seems that the js didn't executed by the plugin.However everything is ok if just open the html in localhost

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