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nREPL middleware to support refactorings in an editor agnostic way

License: Eclipse Public License 1.0

Clojure 99.23% Java 0.12% Emacs Lisp 0.06% Makefile 0.51% Shell 0.08%
nrepl-middleware clojure clj-refactor refactoring

refactor-nrepl's Introduction

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Refactor nREPL

nREPL middleware to support refactorings in an editor agnostic way.

The role of this nREPL middleware is to provide refactoring support for clients such as clj-refactor.el.


With CIDER and clj-refactor

If you're using CIDER and clj-refactor you don't have to do anything except call cider-jack-in. The dependencies are injected automagically.

Be aware that this isn't the case if you connect to an already running REPL process. See the CIDER documentation for more details.

Adding the middleware via Leiningen

Add the following, either in your project's project.clj, or in the :user profile found at ~/.lein/profiles.clj:

:plugins [[refactor-nrepl "3.10.0"]
          [cider/cider-nrepl "0.31.0"]]

Embedded nREPL

You may want launch your own nREPL server with CIDER and refactor-nrepl in it. You'll be able to cider-connect to said server.

For that, you can use the following (more info can be found in the nREPL Server docs and CIDER docs):

(def custom-nrepl-handler
  "We build our own custom nrepl handler, mimicking CIDER's."
  (apply nrepl-server/default-handler
         (conj cider.nrepl.middleware/cider-middleware 'refactor-nrepl.middleware/wrap-refactor)))
(nrepl-server/start-server :port port :address bind-address :handler custom-nrepl-handler)

The cider-middleware is technically optional but highly recommended.

Passing messages to and from refactor-nrepl

We've already called this a middleware, but we haven't really talked about what that means. refactor-nrepl is middleware for a REPL. Specifically it's middleware for a networked REPL, which is managed by nREPL. refactor-nrepl uses the running REPL to to gain insight about your project, in order to offer various refactorings.

Most likely you're already in an environment with a nREPL client available, so you don't have to worry about anything except sending and receiving messages:

=> (require '[nrepl.core :as repl])
=> (with-open [conn (repl/connect :port 59258)]
     (-> (repl/client conn 1000)    ; message receive timeout required
       (repl/message {:op "eval" :code "(+ 2 3)"})
;;=> [5]

In the example above we're talking to one of the built-in nREPL ops, eval, passing it the data :code "(+ 2 3)". The rest of the readme details or own nREPL ops which provide various refactoring support.

Available features


Configuration settings are passed along with each msg, currently the recognized options are as follows:

 ;; Verbose setting for debugging.  The biggest effect this has is
 ;; to not catch any exceptions to provide meaningful error
 ;; messages for the client.

 :debug false

  ;; if `true`:
  ;;   * files that can't be `read`, `require`d or analyzed (with `tools.analyzer`) will be ignored,
  ;;     instead of aborting the early phases of refactor-nrepl execution.
  ;;   * ops like `find-symbol` will carry on even if there is broken namespace which we can not build AST for.
  ;; Setting `false` will be more strict, yielding possibly more correct usage,
  ;; but it also needs that `:ignore-paths` is correctly set, that all namespaces are valid,
  ;; that tools.analyzer is able to analyze all of them, etc
  :ignore-errors true
 ;; When true `clean-ns` will remove unused symbols, otherwise just
 ;; sort etc
 :prune-ns-form true

 ;; Should `clean-ns` favor prefix forms in the ns macro?
 :prefix-rewriting true

 ;; Should `clean-ns` always return the ns form even if there were no structural changes? Useful for when there would only have been whitespace changes from pretty-printing it again.
 :always-return-ns-form false

 ;; Should `pprint-ns` place a newline after the `:require` and `:import` tokens?
 :insert-newline-after-require true

 ;; Some libspecs are side-effecting and shouldn't be pruned by `clean-ns`
 ;; even if they're otherwise unused.
 ;; This seq of strings will be used as regexp patterns to match
 ;; against the libspec name.
 ;; This value is automatically augmented with configured clj-kondo's :unused-namespace config.
 :libspec-whitelist ["^cljsjs"]

 ;; Regexes matching paths that are to be ignored
 :ignore-paths []

Any configuration settings passed along with the message will replace the defaults above.

Artifact lookup

This middleware provides operations for obtaining information about artifacts from clojars, or mvn central. If JVM system proxy properties are defined (e.g. http.proxyHost, http.proxyPort) they will be used for downloading the artifacts.

Two ops are available:


Takes no arguments and returns a list of all available artifacts.


Takes one required argument, artifact which is the full name of the artifact e.g. org.clojure/clojure, and one optional argument force which optionally triggers a forced update of the cached artifacts.

The return value is a sorted list, in decreasing order of relevance, with all the available versions.


This op finds occurrences of a single symbol.

find-symbol requires:

file The absolute path to the file containing the symbol to lookup.

dir Only files below this dir will be searched.

ns The ns where the symbol is defined.

name The name of the symbol.

line The line number where the symbol occurrs, counting from 1.

column The column number where the symbol occurs, counting from 1.

ignore-errors [optional] if set find symbol carries on even if there is broken namespace which we can not build AST for

The return value is a stream of occurrences under the key occurrence which is an list of maps like this:

{:line-beg 5 :line-end 5 :col-beg 19 :col-end 26 :name a-name :file \"/aboslute/path/to/file.clj\" :match (fn-name some args)}

When the final occurrence has been sent a final message is sent with count, indicating the total number of matches, and status done.

Clients are advised to set ignore-errors on only for find usages as the rest of the operations built on find-symbol supposed to modify the project as well therefore can be destructive if some namespaces can not be analyzed.


The clean-ns op will perform the following cleanups on an ns form:

  • Eliminate :use clauses
  • Sort required libraries, imports and vectors of referred symbols
  • Rewrite to favor prefix form, e.g. [clojure [string test]] instead of two separate libspecs
  • Raise errors if any inconsistencies are found (e.g. a libspec with more than one alias.
  • Remove any unused namespaces, referred symbols or imported classes.
  • Remove any duplication in the :require and :import form.
  • Prune or remove any :rename clause.
  • Use the shorthand version of metadata found if possible, and sort it alphabetically

The clean-ns requires a path which must be the absolute path to the file containing the ns to be operated upon. A client should also pass in a relative-path, which is the path relative to the project root, and which is used as a fallback when the path does not exist. (see clj-refactor.el #380).

The return value, ns is the entire (ns ..) form in prestine condition, or nil if nothing was done (so the client doesn't update the timestamp on files when nothing actually needs doing).

Pretty-printing the (ns ..) form is surprisingly difficult. The current implementation just puts stuff on the right line and delegates the actual indentation to the client.

In the event of an error clean-ns will return error which is an error message intended for display to the user.

Warning: The clean-ns op dependes on tools.analyzer to determine which vars in a file are actually being used. This means the code is evaluated and any top-level occurrences of (launch-missiles) should be avoided.

This op can be configured.


The goal of the op is to provide intelligent suggestions when the user wants to import or require the unresolvable symbol at point.

The op requires symbol which represents a name to look up on the classpath. This symbol can be qualified, e.g. walk/postwalk or Pattern/quote will yield the correct result, even though the first is a qualified reference to a clojure var and the second a reference to a static java method.

The op also now expects (although does not require) ns, the current namespace expressed as a string.

The return value candidates is a list of ({:name candidate.ns :type :ns} {:name candidate.package :type :type} ...) where type is in #{:type :class :ns :macro} so we can branch on the various ways to make the symbol available.

  • :type means the symbol resolved to a var created by defrecord or deftype
  • :class is for Java classes but also includes interfaces.
  • :macro is only used if the op is called in a cljs context and means the var resolved to macro.

The additional property :already-interned (boolean) indicates if the current namespace (as passed as ns) already had the given suggested interned (e.g.Thread and Object are interned by default in all JVM clojure namespaces). This helps avoiding the insertion of redundant requires/imports.


Loads a new project dependency into the currently active repl.

The op requires coordinates which is a leiningen style dependency.

The return value is a status of done and dependency which is the coordinate vector that was hotloaded, or error when something went wrong.


This op finds available and used local vars in a selected s-expression in a ns on the classpath. In clj-refactor we use this as the underlying op for the extract-function refactoring.

This op requires file which is the path of the file to work on as well as line and column. The enclosing s-expression will be used to determine the available and used locals.

Both line and column start counting at 1.

Return values status of done and used-locals which is a list of unbound vars, or error when something went wrong.

The returned symbols' order is based on the order of their occurrence in the macro expanded s-expression (that means reversed order for threading macros naturally -- compared to what you actually see).


stubs-for-interface takes a single input interface which is a fully qualified symbol which resolves to either an interface or protocol.

The return value is edn and looks like this:

user> (stubs-for-interface {:interface "java.lang.Iterable"})
({:parameter-list "[^java.util.function.Consumer arg0]", :name "forEach"}
 {:parameter-list "[]", :name "iterator"}
 {:parameter-list "[]", :name "spliterator"})

The intended use-case for stubs-for-interface is to provide enough info to create skeleton implementations when implementing e.g. an interface in a defrecord.


extract-definition is based on find-symbol so it takes the same input values. The return value, definition is a string of edn which looks like this:

{:definition {:line-beg 4
              :line-end 4
              :col-beg 9
              :col-end 21
              :name \"another-val\"
              :file \"core.clj\"
              :match \"(let [another-val 321]\"
              :definition \"321\"}
 :occurrences ({:match \"(println my-constant my-constant another-val)))\"
                :file \"core.clj\"
                :name \"another-val\"
                :col-end 50
                :col-beg 38
                :line-end 5
                :line-beg 5})}

The key :definition contains information about the defining form, so the client can delete it.

The key :occurrences is a seq of all occurrences of the symbol which need to be inlined. This means the definition itself is excluded to avoid any special handling by the client.


This op returns, version, which is the current version of this project.


Eagerly builds, and caches ASTs for all clojure files in the project. Returns status done on success and stats for the ASTs built: a list of namespace names as the odd members of the list and either 'OK' as the even member or the error message generated when the given namespace was analyzed. For example

'( "OK" "OK" com.baz '("error" "Could not resolve var: keyw"))

If a given end user sets their, files outside said refresh-dirs won't be analyzed, resulting in safer, more efficient analysis.


The rename-file-or-dir op takes an old-path and a new-path which are absolute paths to a file or directory.

If old-path is a directory, all files, including any non-clj files, are moved to new-path.

The op returns touched which is a list of all files that were affected by the move, and needs to be visited by the client to indent the updated ns form while we await proper pretty printing support in the middleware.

This op can cause serious havoc if it crashes midway through the refactoring. I recommend not running it without first creating a restore point in your version control system.


Returns namespace-aliases which is a list of all the namespace aliases that are in use in the project. The reply looks like this:

 {t (clojure.test),
  set (clojure.set),
  tracker (refactor-nrepl.ns.tracker},
 :cljs {set (clojure.set), pprint (cljs.pprint)}}

The list of suggestions is sorted by frequency in decreasing order, so the first element is always the best suggestion.

This op accepts a :suggest option, default falsey. If truthy, it will also include suggested aliases, following Sierra's convention, for existing files that haven't been aliased yet.


In case namespace B depends on namespace A this operation finds occurrences of symbols in namespace B defined in namespace A.

file The absolute path to the file being analyzed (namespace B).

used-ns The namespace that defines symbols we are searching for (namespace A).

Possible application of this operation to refactor a :refer :all style require into a refer or aliased style require.


The middleware returns errors under one of two keys: :error or :err. The key :error contains an error string which is intended for the end user. The key :err is used for unexpected failures and contains among other things a full stacktrace.

Development with mranderson

mranderson is used to avoid classpath collisions between any application deps and the deps of refactor-nrepl itself.

First make sure you have Leiningen 2.9.1 or later, lein upgrade if necessary.

lein version

To work with mranderson the first thing to do is:

lein do clean, inline-deps

This creates the munged local dependencies in target/srcdeps directory. After that you can run your tests or your REPL with:

lein with-profile +plugin.mranderson/config repl
lein with-profile +plugin.mranderson/config test

Note the plus sign (+) before the leiningen profile.

If you want to use mranderson while developing locally with the REPL, the source has to be modified in the target/srcdeps directory.

When you want to release locally to the following:

PROJECT_VERSION=3.5.3 make install

And here's how to deploy to Clojars:

git tag -a v3.10.0 -m "3.10.0"
git push --tags


An extensive changelog is available here.


Copyright ยฉ 2013-2023 Benedek Fazekas, Magnar Sveen, Alex Baranosky, Lars Andersen, Bozhidar Batsov

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

refactor-nrepl's People


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refactor-nrepl's Issues

find-symbol throws exception when using lein profiles

I have a project with a profiles section containing:

:profiles {:dev {:plugins [[lein-ring "0.8.13"]
                             [drift "1.5.2"]]
                   :source-paths ["dev"]
                   :test-paths ^:replace []}
             :test {:dependencies [[midje "1.6.3"]]
                    :plugins [[lein-midje "3.1.3"]]
                    :test-paths ["test"]
                    :resource-paths ["test/resources"]}}
  • I connect to the project (through Light Table btw) without specifying a profile, ie test sources are not part of my classpath.
  • When I try to invoke find-symbol it returns a result, but eventually it will also throw/print an exception like below

Might be a user error from my side, but I would have thought that since test namepaces aren't part of my classpath they shouldn't be analyzed either ?

[clojure-agent-send-off-pool-92] ERROR - Unhandled REPL handler exception processing message {:id d94991e8-087b-4aa4-a99d-2bf90f439fd1, :name check-produsent, :ns helsegris-api.produsent.domain, :op refactor, :refactor-fn find-symbol}
java.lang.AssertionError: Assert failed: Can't find helsegris-api.core-test in classpath
    at refactor_nrepl.analyzer$build_ast.invoke(analyzer.clj:52)
    at refactor_nrepl.analyzer$cachable_ast.invoke(analyzer.clj:59)
    at refactor_nrepl.analyzer$ns_ast.invoke(analyzer.clj:65)
    at refactor_nrepl.refactor$find_symbol_in_file.invoke(refactor.clj:97)
    at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(
    at clojure.lang.AFn.applyTo(
    at clojure.core$apply.invoke(core.clj:626)
    at clojure.core$partial$fn__4228.doInvoke(core.clj:2468)
    at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(
    at clojure.core$map$fn__4245.invoke(core.clj:2559)
    at clojure.lang.LazySeq.sval(
    at clojure.lang.LazySeq.seq(
    at clojure.core$next.invoke(core.clj:64)
    at clojure.core$concat$cat__3957$fn__3958.invoke(core.clj:701)
    at clojure.lang.LazySeq.sval(
    at clojure.lang.LazySeq.seq(
    at clojure.lang.RT.seq(
    at clojure.core$seq.invoke(core.clj:133)
    at clojure.core$map$fn__4245.invoke(core.clj:2551)
    at clojure.lang.LazySeq.sval(
    at clojure.lang.LazySeq.seq(
    at clojure.core$next.invoke(core.clj:64)
    at refactor_nrepl.refactor$find_symbol_reply.invoke(refactor.clj:145)
    at refactor_nrepl.refactor$wrap_refactor$fn__10247.invoke(refactor.clj:190)
    at cider.nrepl.middleware.apropos$wrap_apropos$fn__14222.invoke(apropos.clj:102)
    at refactor_nrepl.find_unbound$wrap_find_unbound$fn__13560.invoke(find_unbound.clj:24)
    at cider.nrepl.middleware.classpath$wrap_classpath$fn__14249.invoke(classpath.clj:25)
    at refactor_nrepl.artifacts$wrap_artifacts$fn__14184.invoke(artifacts.clj:126)
    at clojure.core$binding_conveyor_fn$fn__4145.invoke(core.clj:1910)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

Let stacktraces for errors bubble up to the user

When an error is return in this manner cider can display it to the user.

We should return unexpected errors to the client in this manner so we can get a proper stacktrace as a starting point for debugging.

Expected errors should not be handled in this manner. e.g. when the user calls find-symbol on a project which is in a bad state we should let the user know we couldn't build an AST and not return the enormous stacktrace produced by tools.analyzer.

Nothing needs to be done on the client side to add this functionality, nrepl-client takes care of everything.

rename find-debug-invocations

I think the old name hints too much at the intended usage and I'd like something more general like find-usages-bulk if there's time before 1.0.

Dependency on cider in 0.3.0-SNAPSHOT ?

Hi !

First of all thx for a great lib and super initiative. @magnars demonstrated some cool refactoring stuff in Emacs and through that I discovered this lib. I'm currently working on utilizing some of the features from this for adding clojure refactoring support to Light Table :)

Anyways, I've managed to get some stuff working using the 0.2.2 version. However the readme documents some features that aren't part of 0.2.2 so I hoped I might be able to try them out by using the snapshot version. However it seems to croak.

I just added :plugins [[refactor-nrepl "0.3.0-SNAPSHOT"]] to my ~/.lein/profiles.clj and then tried to do lein repl on a project. And I got the below.

Maybe there has been introduced an (implicit) dependency on cider ?

Error loading refactor-nrepl.ns.clean-ns: Could not locate cider/nrepl/middleware/info__init.class or cider/nrepl/middleware/info.clj on classpath: , compiling:(refactor_nrepl/ns/dependencies.clj:1:1)
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve var: refactor-nrepl.ns.clean-ns/wrap-clean-ns in this context, compiling:(/private/var/folders/c7/_w_4f1617dvbdkcx17ppnpfw0000gn/T/form-init7033284104408479432.clj:1:2749)
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyzeSeq(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler$InvokeExpr.parse(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyzeSeq(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler$InvokeExpr.parse(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyzeSeq(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.access$100(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler$LetExpr$Parser.parse(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyzeSeq(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler$BodyExpr$Parser.parse(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler$FnMethod.parse(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler$FnExpr.parse(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyzeSeq(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.load(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.loadFile(
    at clojure.main$load_script.invoke(main.clj:274)
    at clojure.main$init_opt.invoke(main.clj:279)
    at clojure.main$initialize.invoke(main.clj:307)
    at clojure.main$null_opt.invoke(main.clj:342)
    at clojure.main$main.doInvoke(main.clj:420)
    at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(
    at clojure.lang.Var.invoke(
    at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(
    at clojure.lang.Var.applyTo(
    at clojure.main.main(
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve var: refactor-nrepl.ns.clean-ns/wrap-clean-ns in this context
    at clojure.lang.Util.runtimeException(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler$TheVarExpr$Parser.parse(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyzeSeq(
    ... 34 more

<! is removed by clean-ns

<! is a function and is removed by the surrounding go macro so it doesn't show up in the AST. As it's not a macro we're not checking for it in the 'macro pass' either.

Split refactor.clj into 3 distinct ops

We now have a single op refactor in this namespace but then we branch on refactor-fn too. It would be much better if we had 3 distinct ops. This would make it possible to have a more meaningful descriptor, making refactor-nrepl more self-documenting, as well as making it possible to return more semantically meaningful return values than value, e.g. :occurrences.

find-symbol doesn't work on option maps

I tried renaming one of the keys in an options map earlier today and that didn't work.

Renaming a regular destructured map works fine. Renaming bar below also works fine:

(defn foo [& {:keys [bar]}]

but renaming bar doesn't work in this case:

(defn foo [& {:keys [bar] :or {bar "bar"}}]

This borders on #wontfix

unhandled exception for configure

refactor-nrepl 1.0.2-SNAPSHOT
clj-refactor 20150406

ERROR: Unhandled REPL handler exception processing message {:op configure, :opts {:prefix-rewriting true}, :id 7}
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No implementation of method: :send of protocol: #' found for class: clojure.lang.Keyword
    at clojure.core$_cache_protocol_fn.invoke(core_deftype.clj:544)
    at refactor_nrepl.middleware$config_reply.invoke(middleware.clj:66)
    at refactor_nrepl.middleware$wrap_refactor$fn__10499.invoke(middleware.clj:84)
    at cider.nrepl.middleware.ns$wrap_ns$fn__2819.invoke(ns.clj:61)
    at cider.nrepl.middleware.macroexpand$wrap_macroexpand$fn__2783.invoke(macroexpand.clj:79)
    at cider.nrepl.middleware.classpath$wrap_classpath$fn__1245.invoke(classpath.clj:25)
    at cider.nrepl.middleware.apropos$wrap_apropos$fn__1178.invoke(apropos.clj:102)
    at cider.nrepl.middleware.complete$wrap_complete$fn__2070.invoke(complete.clj:47)
    at cider.nrepl.middleware.resource$wrap_resource$fn__2845.invoke(resource.clj:25)
    at cider.nrepl.middleware.undef$wrap_undef$fn__3298.invoke(undef.clj:30)
    at clojure.core$binding_conveyor_fn$fn__4145.invoke(core.clj:1910)
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

clean-ns removes references to java classes when they aren't acted upon

(defn as-request-handler
  "Take a WebService component and return a Ring handler."
  [service not-found-handler]
  (assert (satisfies? RouteProvider service))
      (satisfies? RouteProvider service)
      (bidi/routes service)

      #_(satisfies? WebService service)
      #_[(or (uri-context service) "")
       (->KeywordToHandler [(routes service)]
                           (request-handlers service))]))

All mentions of WebService are wrongly eliminated.

find-unbound messes up in certain situations

Not sure what's special here, but @rundis found this, where | indicates the cursor:

  (:require [ :as jdbc]))

(defn- find-user-roles [conn user-id]
  (let [id (|jdbc/query conn "select sysdate from dual")]
    (map (fn [row] {:role-id (:id row) :application-id (:application_id row)})
         (jdbc/query conn ["select, r.application_id
                           from role r
                           inner join user_role ur on = ur.role_id
                           where ur.user_id = ?" user-id]))))

This results in unbound of [conn user-id] but only conn is used.

Remove find-referred?


This doesn't appear to be used in the current version of clj-refactor, can we just delete it?

The readme states that it was added as a temporary performance fix for clj-remove-unused-requires and is likely to get deleted.

Attempting to install refactor-nrepl fails

Version 1.0.2
Contents of profiles.clj:

{:user {:plugins [[cider/cider-nrepl "0.9.0-SNAPSHOT"]
                 [lein-cloverage "1.0.2"]
                 [refactor-nrepl "1.0.2"] ]}}


Error loading refactor-nrepl.middleware: Could not locate clojure/java/classpath__init.class or clojure/java/classpath.clj on classpath: , compiling:(refactor_nrepl/ns/slam/hound/search.clj:1:1)
Exception in thread "Thread-3" java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve var: refactor-nrepl.middleware/wrap-refactor in this context, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:0:0)
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyzeSeq(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler$InvokeExpr.parse(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyzeSeq(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler$InvokeExpr.parse(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyzeSeq(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.access$100(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler$LetExpr$Parser.parse(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyzeSeq(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler$BodyExpr$Parser.parse(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler$FnMethod.parse(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler$FnExpr.parse(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyzeSeq(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
    at clojure.core$eval.invoke(core.clj:2927)
    at leiningen.core.eval$fn__6742.invoke(eval.clj:314)
    at clojure.lang.MultiFn.invoke(
    at leiningen.core.eval$eval_in_project.invoke(eval.clj:337)
    at leiningen.repl$server$fn__10685.invoke(repl.clj:229)
    at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(
    at clojure.lang.AFn.applyTo(
    at clojure.core$apply.invoke(core.clj:624)
    at clojure.core$with_bindings_STAR_.doInvoke(core.clj:1862)
    at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(
    at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(
    at clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo(
    at clojure.core$apply.invoke(core.clj:628)
    at clojure.core$bound_fn_STAR_$fn__4140.doInvoke(core.clj:1884)
    at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve var: refactor-nrepl.middleware/wrap-refactor in this context
    at clojure.lang.Util.runtimeException(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler$TheVarExpr$Parser.parse(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyzeSeq(
    ... 40 more

Version bumps required to work with clojure 1.7.0-alpha6

StringReader arity changed due to CLJ-1424. This broke instaparse, which in turn means that any project using refactor-nrepl breaks:

~/P/icecap: lein repl                                                                                                                                                                               10:14:30

Error loading refactor-nrepl.ns.clean-ns: clojure.lang.ArityException: Wrong number of args (2) passed to: StringReader, compiling:(abnf.clj:189:28)
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve var: refactor-nrepl.ns.clean-ns/wrap-clean-ns in this context, compiling:(/private/var/folders/2w/kffqc_pj6m38rgrxlhk8z6nr0000gn/T/form-init8283120416933906915.clj:1:9388)
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyzeSeq(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler$InvokeExpr.parse(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyzeSeq(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler$InvokeExpr.parse(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyzeSeq(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.access$300(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler$LetExpr$Parser.parse(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyzeSeq(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler$BodyExpr$Parser.parse(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler$FnMethod.parse(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler$FnExpr.parse(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyzeSeq(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.load(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.loadFile(
    at clojure.main$load_script.invoke(main.clj:275)
    at clojure.main$init_opt.invoke(main.clj:280)
    at clojure.main$initialize.invoke(main.clj:308)
    at clojure.main$null_opt.invoke(main.clj:343)
    at clojure.main$main.doInvoke(main.clj:421)
    at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(
    at clojure.lang.Var.invoke(
    at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(
    at clojure.lang.Var.applyTo(
    at clojure.main.main(
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve var: refactor-nrepl.ns.clean-ns/wrap-clean-ns in this context
    at clojure.lang.Util.runtimeException(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler$TheVarExpr$Parser.parse(
    at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyzeSeq(
    ... 34 more

Fortunately instaparse has already fixed this upstream in 1.3.6. I'd recommend upgrading both dependencies.

clean-ns removes referred symbols only found in backquoted forms

With a source file containing

(ns my-source.file 
  (:require [cider.nrepl.middleware.util.misc :refer [err-info]]))

(defmacro tt []

Running clean-ns will result in

(ns my-source.file 
  (:require cider.nrepl.middleware.util.misc]))

(defmacro tt []

find-unbound fails to find unbound

I was refactoring dependencies.clj earlier today and ran into this:

(defn extract-dependencies [path ns-form]
  (let [libspecs (get-libspecs ns-form)
        file-content (slurp path)
        symbols-from-ast (-> file-content ns-ast used-vars set)
        symbols-used-in-macros (get-symbols-used-in-macros file-content)
        symbols-from-refer (remove nil? (map (partial adorn-with-name-and-alias
                                                      (second ns-form))
                                             (used-symbols-from-refer libspecs
        imports (get-imports ns-form)
        imports-used-in-macros (filter-imports imports (map :suffix symbols-used-in-macros))
        fully-qualified-macros (map #(assoc {} :name %)
                                    (find-fully-qualified-macros file-content))
        imports-used-in-typehints (filter-imports imports
                                                  (get-classes-used-in-typehints file-content))]
    {:require (->> libspecs
                    (set (concat symbols-from-refer symbols-from-ast
                   (filter (complement nil?)))
     :import (->> | ns-form
                  (remove-unused-imports (concat symbols-from-ast

The extacted fn is missing symbols-from-ast imports-used-in-typehints and imports-used-in-macros as paramters:

(defn- foo
  (->> ns-form
       (remove-unused-imports (concat symbols-from-ast

Exception when invoking artifact-list first time

I'm not 100% when this started, but it happens both in Snapshot-18 and 19.
When I start a new repl session (through Light Table that is) and then try to invoke the op artifact-list it croaks with this exception.

Subsequent calls seems to work though.

ERROR: Unhandled REPL handler exception processing message {:id c5792790-eac1-407c-99ca-849edf7bb4d5, :op artifact-list} java.lang.NullPointerException at clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeNoArgInstanceMember( at refactor_nrepl.artifacts$stale_cache_QMARK_.invoke(artifacts.clj:36) at refactor_nrepl.artifacts$artifacts_list.invoke(artifacts.clj:89) at refactor_nrepl.artifacts$wrap_artifacts$fn__13260.invoke(artifacts.clj:122) at$wrap_conj_descriptor$fn__414.invoke(middleware.clj:17) at$handle_STAR_.invoke(server.clj:18) at$handle$fn__769.invoke(server.clj:27) at clojure.core$binding_conveyor_fn$fn__4145.invoke(core.clj:1910) at at at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at

find-usages (and clean-ns ?) messes with file info in var meta

Before running find-usages on a freshly connected project the following snippet returns sane file references:

(doseq [v (vals (ns-interns `]
   (println (meta v)))

After running the find-usages op the file references for the above snippet returns the location of a temp file. Alone the lines of:

{:ns #<Namespace>, :name invalidate-token!, :file /private/var/folders/c7/_w_4f1617dvbdkcx17ppnpfw0000gn/T/form-init8517234393706252752.clj, :end-column 66, :column 1, :line 57, :end-line 64, :arglists ([conn id] [conn user-id issued])}

Evaling the file put things right, or using tools.namespace.repl/refresh also get things back to normality.
I believe @benedekfazekas verified this in a repl session as well.

Op responses

I noticed you use the :value slot in every middleware op's response. Guess you saw this in cider-nrepl's middlewares, but it is something that's considered a bad practice. We had to do it cider-nrepl, because of limitations in the elisp client that no longer exist. Generally the response slots should have descriptive names like :artifacts, :occurrences, etc.

I've also noticed that you typically send :status :done as a separate message. This is a bit inefficient, so I'd recommend sending combining the status with the payload. Having this as a separate message makes sense only for ops like eval that can produce multiple messages as part of their response.

Have a look at the current state of the cider-nrepl middlewares for more details.

Promote Function functionality

I'm trying to use this feature:

pf: promote function literal or fn, or fn to defn

Either I don't understand it, or it is not doing what it should be.

If I have this:

#(println "hello")

Shouldn't the pf change it to this:

(fn [] (println "hello"))

And if I then did it again, it would do this:

(defn ??? [] (println "hello"))

For me, all it does is report this:

Can't find definition of anonymous function!

rename-symbol returns empty-like results ?

I invoke something like this from LT:

(do (require 'refactor-nrepl.client) (require ' (require 'lighttable.nrepl.eval) (def z-ns ' (def tr (refactor-nrepl.client/connect)) (refactor-nrepl.client/rename-symbol   :transport tr :ns z-ns :name "add-user!" :new-name "dill"))
  1. If I do a successfull rename (it actually renames two occurrences)
  • but the result I get back from the invocation above is (nil nil), no status response item either.
  1. If I mangle one of the namespaces involved in the rename
    I get an empty list as result, but no status etc here either.

When I call find symbol I don't go through the refactor-nrepl.client, but that works like a charm with error messages and the whole sheebang.

Maybe there is something I'm missing ?

refactor-nrepl interferes with existing working web app

I thought you might like to see this issue:


I had this in my lein plugins:

:plugins [[refactor-nrepl "0.3.0-SNAPSHOT"]]

As soon as I removed it, the Java error disappeared and my app started working again. I was not actually using the refactor tools when the crash happens.

I'd like to keep using the refactor functionality, so if you have advice on what might have cause this, I'm all ears.

Better commit messages

I was going through the commit history and saw commit messages like:

  • adds ...
  • added ...
  • Add ...

Clearly the project is not employing a consistent style for the commit messages - pretty much every contributor uses a different style for those. Compare this with the commit history of RuboCop.

I believe that all projects can benefit from more descriptive commit messages and a consistent style for them, so I'd like to propose adopting the widely respected guidelines suggested here. Maybe we can add a note about this in the (I'd suggest just copying the one from cider-nrepl)?

Workflow question

What is your workflow like when working on refactor-nrepl?

To test refactor-nrepl, from clj-refactor I've been installing the refactor-nrepl middlewere using lein-localrepo and then restarting the cider repl. This is extremely cumbersome. Is there some better way to do this?

clean-ns gets confused on :gen-class

running clean-ns on:

(ns gargamel.core
  (:require [leiningen.gargamel :as grg]
            [leiningen.gargamel-lr :as grg-lr]
            [gargamel.bower :as bower]
            [ :as cli]
            [clojure.string :as str]))

results in a broken ns decl:

(ns gargamel.core
(:require [ :as cli]
[gargamel.bower :as bower]
[leiningen [gargamel :as grg] [gargamel-lr :as grg-lr]]))

if i remove the genclass part, then the last line is still does not have a linebreak but it is valid.

Make clean-ns return a nice error message when parse fails

If clean-ns is run on an unparseable buffer the parse exception is swallowed, in ns-ast, leading the op to conclude that the ns doesn't have any external dependencies and the ns form is emptied.

It would be better if the parse exception bubbled up to the user and we don't do the wrong thing.

resolve-missing doesn't handle defrecords correctly

Resolve missing is assuming that everything that starts with a capital letter is a class. When using prismatic/schema I noticed that this is a terrible assumption.

For the same reason it isn't handling defrecords correctly. These are being looked up as classes, but they have to be looked up with type :refer in slamhound/candidates.

find-usage doesn't work on locals

(defn- artifacts-list [{:keys [transport force] :as msg}]
  (when (or (= force "true") (stale-cache?))
  (let [names (->> @artifacts
                   (interpose " ")
                   (apply str))]
    (transport/send transport (response-for msg :value names :status :done))))

if I try to find usages for transport or names I just get could not resolve symbol. Please load your namespace.

Rename refactoring

I think the most valuable refactoring we haven't tackled yet is that of renaming stuff. Does anyone have any thoughts on how this should work? What happens if you try to analyze source that is invalid? I'm thinking it might be easy to get into a situation where we can find 99% of the occurrences of an identifier but miss one or two due to syntax errors in the file.

We've previously talked a bit about how we're going to tackle undo when we're doing refactoring in the middlewere and this might be difficult for this feature. I propose we just do like ternjs does: drop undo and instead just let the user rename it once again to undo the operation. When you rename something using tern it will give just prompt your for the new name instead of letting you edit inline with multiple cursors or whatever.

@AlexBaranosky any interest in continuing your explorations?

Slamhound repackaging

If you subset and repackage slamhound, please also prefix it with you own namespace.
As it stands, slamhound cannot be used in parallel with refactor-nrepl.

(require 'slam.hound) throws slam.hound.regrow/regrow var not found.


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