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organization's Issues

Find 4-5 lightning speakers

Speakers to invite with potential topics:

  • Tamara or Ariane or Franziska or anyone from the project group, Clojure Project Group
  • Johannes, What a Developer Rweally Does
  • Coaches

Coaches communication


  • prepare application form
  • promote to potential coaches
  • create doodle for coaches preparation evening, find date
  • mail date to selected coaches


  • create meetup
  • review the "coaches training" material and host the training event
  • send them the details and reminders about the workshop

Installfest, Workshop:

  • Receive coaches, give them name tags, hand out t-shirts
  • Help coordinate groups, answer questions from coaches


I was thinking about some nice posters.
This is just an example.
I would like to have some funny code snippets (e.g. quizes).

Set up an announcement list

It would be good to set up a mailing list that interested parties can subscribe to. IIRC you can get free mailing lists from mailchimp. They're great, simple and reliable.

If we can already start pointing people there this will make gathering attendees and coaches easier in the future. I already have a handful of email addresses to start with :)

Add us to the main ClojureBridge site

  • Give them the Github username of the person who acts as the "face" of the event
  • Write the event description using current events as a template
  • list sponsors with logo files (or URLs) and a link to their home page
  • Include sign up form link for learners

Coach training pre-workshop!

I'm going through the Google Group for ClojureBridge organizers, and it's highly recommended that coaches go through coach training (esp. if we accept absolute beginners to programming) before the workshop to learn some basics about how to teach and coach.

I quote: "It has a few parts that are RailsBridge-specific but most of it is about how to encourage a safe, welcoming environment for learning, and how to ensure TAs are prepared to help everyone get the most out of the workshop: how to get students engaged, how to deal with potential issues before they escalate, how to make sure everyone is happy and learning, and not getting frustrated.

Yes, it's yet one more thing to organize on everyone's calendar, and it means one more space to find a host for and more food/drink to pay for but it really is absolutely worth the effort! Trust me, it made a huge difference for us in San Francisco!"

They use this deck:

More info here:!topic/clojurebridge-workshops/6SdqNVGN1Ss

Attendee Care

For our attendees you are the face of ClojureBridge Berlin. You take and process their applications, you handle communication with them, you make sure their needs and concerns are addressed.


  • prepare 1 application form which includes both languages GER/ENG
  • set date on closing the form - Jan 8?


  • select attendees (time intense)
  • mail “on board” and “waiting list” mails
  • get confirmation/cancellation
  • send mails to waiting list
  • [ ] report shirt sizes to merchandise role
  • match coaches with attendees to groups (considering experience and language) (time intense)


  • Receive attendees, give them name tags, explain what's going to happen


  • Receive attendees, give them name tags, hand out t-shirts
  • Handle last minute group changes (due to no-shows, level gaps, etc)
  • encourage people to show their results in the code demo


  • Send thank you email with pointers to continue learning
  • Help people find the way to the study groups

Email Coaches

@martinklepsch @Malwine @nicsnet @jellea @plexus -- I'd rather not be the contact person for questions as those two busy weeks I mentioned during our last orga meeting? That is this and next week! So can anyone else be open to answer questions? Also, someone who is coaching would be probably be better for answering the coaches' questions.

Anything else I need to add / change ? Thanks so much!

Dear Coaches,

Thanks for volunteering to coach for ClojureBridge Outreach Workshop for women next Saturday, July 11.

Here's more information about the event:


Installfest: Friday, July 10 18:00 – 20:30

Workshop: Saturday, July 11, Doors open at 9:00, Event starts at 9:30 and ends at 18:00


6 Wunderkinder's office

Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 32, 10178 Berlin, Germany

The nearest public transport stop is S + U Alexanderplatz.


The curriculum can be found here: . It is organized as a set of slides, mixed with exercises. Please go through them to get a feel of how you could approach things.

After the theory there are two tutorials for Quil apps. They are meant to solidify the day's learning, and provide an opportunity for exploring and being creative. You might not get to do both depending on the group's level and time, that's fine.

As an editor we will standardize on NightCode. It's minimalism is friendly to beginners, it has a built in REPL and code evaluation, and installing it is as simple as copying a single JAR file. Please install it and have a look before the workshop.


We will have drinks, dinner on Friday, light breakfast on Saturday and lunch on Saturday.

Lightning Talks:

Some of you have already submitted expert topics on which you'd like to talk. Unfortunately, expert-level talks don't really fit a beginners' workshop, so if you'd like to give a 5-10 lightning talk for beginners, please let Bettina via email know what you'd like to talk about, how long it will be, your language of presentation, and if you have the slides already, a link to your slides.

Some talk proposals we have already, just to give you an idea :
-- "What can I do with Clojure?"
-- Continue learning in learning groups
-- Berlin tech community initiatives
-- CLJ Art Collective -- learning by playing

Please let Bettina know by July 6 if you want to do something (no slides needed!).



18:00 – 20:30 Installfest


9:00 – 9:30 Coffee & Registration
9:30 – 9:45 Welcome Talk
9:45 - 10:15 ish Introduction into Clojure/script & Web Application Basics Talks
10:15ish to 13:00 Coding in Groups
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 14:30 Lightning Talks
14:30 – 17:00 Coding in Groups
17:00 - 18:00 Demo of Code? If learners have anything to demo.
18:00 Official End of the Workshop - Time to socialize

If you have any questions, please let me know via Twitter or email.


Things we need to get/buy before the event

We can use the buffer money if we need it.

  • 60 nametags (provided by DaWanda if you dont mind)
  • paper and pens (to draw and explain)


  • croissants/snacks (breakfast and in between)
  • power distributing chords

Please feel free to add stuff!

Promotion of the event

Please add more ideas how we can promote the event!
Especially if you have contacts.

  • Radio Funkhaus Europa (@Malwine)
  • Twitter (ClojureBerlin)
  • Twitter from our private accounts (ongoing)
  • News Papers / Magazines
  • Online News Sites & Magazines
  • Juniors are awesome - Slack channel
  • Facebook (@martinklepsch)

Mailing lists:

  • Alumni list on Clojureverse
  • Rails Girls Berlin list
  • Rubymonstas list
  • Clojure Berlin google group
  • HTW Mailinglist


For sponsors and suppliers there are two possible scenarios. For some a sponsor is matched exactly to one cost, e.g. Ticketsolve+T-shirts. In this case the supplier can invoice the sponsor directly. For the cases where this isn't possible the sponsor can make a donation to Travis Foundation, and the foundation will give them a "Donation Receipt". Travis Foundation is a “Gemeinnützige Organisation” under German law, which means a "Donation Receipt" is fine for accounting/tax purposes. Travis Foundation will not make invoices.

Ticketsolve / T-shirts

T-shirts are sponsored by Ticketsolve, should make out an invoice directly to Ticketsolve. I've sent Martin the address and VAT number. I can chase them to make sure it gets paid.

InnoQ / Pizzas (€ 400)

We'll split the budget from InnoQ (400 euro) to cover both the pizzas at the coaches training and at the installfest. I checked and it's cool for them. They will make a donation to Travis Foundation. I already advanced the money for the coaches training pizzas. I will also advance the money for the installfest pizzas, then take my receipts to the foundation to get refunded.

Pizzas for the coaches training cost € 73,80, so that leaves us € 336,20 for the installfest pizzas.

We expected the installfest pizzas to be €338 (20 x €16,90) as that's the price listed on their website. In reality the price per pizza was €18,00 , so that came to €360.

Github / Fineartz (€ 500)

@martinklepsch what exactly was agreed with GitHub? I think it might be easiest to get them to also donate to the foundation, we can figure out the rest ourselves from there.

Soundcloud (€ 400)

This is "buffer money". They already made the order to transfer the money to the foundation, I'm waiting to get them their receipt. For any small costs (posters, tape, power sockets, stationary, croissants, etc) will go out of this budget. Keep your receipts when you buy anything, I will gather them all up and get you your money back.

Babbel / Stickers (€ 87,24) / Cupcakes (€ 70)

Cupcakes were paid directly. Stickers should go through Travis foundation.

Other costs

These go out of the buffer money

  • Croissants (see #36), €84 euros. Need to paid on delivery Saturday morning. I can advance this and get the money back from Travis
  • Stickers €87,24
  • Take away coffee €54,40


How do we organize the checkin?
I created 2 good readable checkin-lists for coaches/organizers and attendees.
They are in the Google Drive as pdf-files!
They include the Shirt sizes(we need to give out, what is says on the paper, other wise it will be a mess 😄 )


  • Is the Checkin downstairs possible?
  • Or after we shuttle people in the 7. floor?
  • When do we give out the shirts? (Friday/Saturday?)

ClojureBridge Workshops Mailinglist

Hey all!

Just found this mailinglist which seems like a good place to ask if we run into any questions/problems or similar.

Also there is #clojurebridge on Freenode IRC and apparently some Slack channel.

I posted a message to the mailing list just saying hi and that people can watch this repo
if they feel like giving us a heads up about certain things or whatever.


  • Decide on what to get exactly (t-shirt design, sticker design)
  • order in time
  • make sure it gets to the venue (pick it up or have it delivered)

What to do differently

Our last workshop was a big success, and most things went well, so for this workshop I would like to not reinvent the wheel and do most things the same way again. Still there are some things that can/should be done better this time. Here's my initial dump of thoughts, please add your own in the comments.

Signup form improvements

We already asked for dietary restrictions, disabilities, t-shirt size, preferred language, OS, bringing a +1

I would like to add

  • Ask for the gender they identify as (free text). Better to make it clear and take the guesswork out of who is a +1, or signed up accidentally, etc.
  • Ask for experience using these levels as defined by ClojureBridge
  • Ask if people need childcare or a nursing room
  • Ask for photo permission

Accessibility and Childcare

6Wunderkinder is hosting us again, which is great, but they still don't have accessible toilets.

I would say that we wait and see. If for instance a wheelchair user signs up, then we can try our very best to find an alternative location. Similarly, if the question of childcare comes up, we try to find budget for it.


I would like to make it clear up-front under what terms we take photos. My suggestion is to release them as CC-BY-NC-SA, i.e. Creative Commons, you have to give attribution, only for non-commercial works, derivative works need to be shared under the same terms.

Right now there is an implicit agreement that we use these to promote the event, but we were also recently asked if a group picture could be used in a conference slide deck. In this case it's not clear what the deal is.

For photo permission I would give three options: "Yes, it's ok, you can take photos of me", "No thanks, please don't take any photos of me", "I'm ok with being in the group picture, but no closeup/portrait/small group pics".

Food & drinks

  • Installfest pizza was late, not what we ordered, more expensive than advertised, and way too much (that last one is our fault, for the rest shame on La Pausa :P). Reconsider at least the supplier if not pizza in general. ClojureBridge suggest 2-3 slices of pizza per person, plus salad.
  • Make sure we have a vegan breakfast option
  • Make sure we have coffee


Everybody loves the t-shirt so that's good. I do think the original idea was to do discharge printing. I think that would be really cool and would like to see if we can make that happen.

Aftermath and communicating upstream

Due to timing we couldn't do a proper retrospective shortly after the workshops, which is a shame. We should schedule that ahead of time to make sure it happens.

I would also like to someone explicitly taking care of making sure improvements to the organization docs, teachers training slides, curriculum, make their way upstream.


This is something the ClojureBridge docs mention several times. Should we consider picking an "official" venue instead of having people find their own way after the workshop?


16:00 - 22:00 Installfest
09:00 - 10:00 Welcome
10:00 - 13:00 Workshop First Part
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 18:00 Workshop Second Part


An organiser of told me is awesome.

I have a T-Shirt from 2013 at home which I could bring to some potential meeting next time so we can see if we are all happy with it.

  • check with a contact at to get an offer
  • ask if it's possible to have different colors + fittings in one order.
  • design (probably clojurebridge logo + something)
  • ensure we have a sponsor (maybe add them to the design?)

Anything missing?

Extension Cords?

How many extension cords do we need? Otherwise worded, how many sockets can 6W provide? We ostensibly need 30 to 40 since not all 50 people need plugs at the same time, I hope.

New venue proposal: organise both events @6Wunderkinder HQ

6Wunderkinder would like to provide the space required for organising the workshop on:

  • Friday, July 10, ~16:00-20:00
  • Saturday, July 11, ~10:00-18:00
    (we are flexible on the times)

We are centrally located, @AlexanderPlatz, and we are more than happy to help with this initiative.
We have enough space which includes: an auditorium, a big kitchen, 2 open spaces, relaxation areas and meeting rooms. All of these are on a single floor.

Let me know if this will meet better your location requirements.

Note: Our building has some special security requirements.
Going up or down the elevator requires an access card.
I will be your main host and take care of any issues, also I will try to get some guest cards.

P.S. We also use and love Clojure.

ClojureBridge Website edits / adds

Hi everyone,

To respect the website maintainer's time, let's collect all of our sponsors' names, links, and logos here as well as any edits we may have for our entry on the ClojureBridge website:

Since she edits the website on Friday, I will email them to her in one email on Thursday(s).


I like chat and think it would be nice to have some chat room for organisers.
My friends and I mostly use Telegram these days, which has excellent clients for most devices/operating systems.

If you already have Telegram you can add me via my username martinklepsch.
I'll create a group if a few people add me.


So I've asked my stickerconsultant friend and he said to look no further than 500x colour outdoor round 5cm cost about 40 euro brutto incl shipping. Since we budgeted 100 euro I think we can do two designs. How about going for one Clojurebridge logo and one more general Clojure (be proud on your new language!) or Clojure Berlin (welcome in your new community!)?

Wrap up mails!

Dear @clojurebridge-berlin/owners and @martinklepsch

We should send some wrap-up mails!

Mail 1: Attendee feedback
This mail only includes the link for the feedback form. We still have to implement that. But @thatbettina gave us a good template from OTS.
I already started a form in our Google Mail account. Please feel free to edit!

Mail 2: Coaches feedback
This mail only includes the link for the feedback form for coaches.

Mail 3: Attendee Wrap-up
In that mail I would put all the links we promised to continue learning.
@andreiursan 's forms for the learning groups and a link to BraveClojure book

Mail 4: Sponsors Wrap-up
Let's also send our sponsors a mail with a picture and special thanks again.

Signup form

I copied the old form and tried to incorporate all the ideas we had to make it better. Feedback or improvements much appreciated!

It's in the ClojureBridge.Berlin google drive

live form is here:

Not everything is translated yet, so I definitely could use some help there. Otherwise we're gonna have some real funny German in there youknowwhatImean :)

Friday Night Dinner

This is something that hasn't received much attention yet because we would just "keep it simple" and "order some pizza". However we still need to figure out what we'll do exactly :) InnoQ will pick up the tab, so we have the € 400 as a budget.

The main question is finding a place that can prepare and deliver a large amount of pizzas. We were about 18 people at the coaches training. Add 30 attendees and subtract some no-shows and I think we could be around 40 people at the installfest. For the coaches training I ordered 12 pizzas, so about 2 per 3 persons. For the installfest I would go for 40 pizzas to be on the safe side. That should be plenty and would still leave us well within budget. I might check with InnoQ if we can split the budget between coaches training and installfest. The pizzas at the coaches training cost € 73,80, which I've advanced so far.

I sent an email to Sfizy Veg to see if they can do it and get a quote. Last weeks pizzas came from Crunchy. Not as fancy as Sfizy but the pizzas were decent IMO for a sharp price, so we can leave that as plan B.

Design Tattoos

We want some cool temporary tattoos for the event 🎈

Nonalcoholic drinks

DaWanda sponsors drinks, so what about:

  • 48 bottles FRITZ ZITRONELIMO
  • 48 bottles ALMDUDLER (yummi)
  • 40 bottles CLUB MATE
  • 12 bottles COCA COLA LIGHT (if diabetes or non sugar person)
  • 12 bottles COCA COLA

= 166 bottles

Kicking off organization for the January 2016 workshop

Hi everyone,

It's happening again, two months from now we'll have the second ClojureBridge Berlin, yay \o/ on Jan 22 and 23, 2016.

6Wunderkinder has agreed to host us again. This time Franziska will be our host instead of Andrei.

I think we already got most things right last time, so we should be able to replicate most of what we did this time. I compiled a "fact book" with all the small details for reference.

A few things we should reconsider. I captured the things I could think of in a separate issue. Have a look there and comment or add your own.

I am trying to document our way of working, and listing up all the tasks that need doing, split by area of responsibility and by organization phase (planning, pre-workshop, workshop, aftermath). Malwine started a document, ClojureBridge Tasks and Roles, and I'm continuing on that, currently going through the (very badly organized) ClojureBridge/organization repo to see what I've missed.

I will split that out into

  • a markdown file with general info that all organizers should read
  • templates for Github issues with checklists that are reusable

After that it's "just" handing out the work and getting it done :P

So far have responded to my call-for-organizers: Nicola, Jelle, and with a lesser time commitment: Malwine and Bettina. So far none of the alumni have responded.

I'll ask around a bit more and approach people personally. Please do the same, I really hope to split up the work on this one.

Alright, let's do this 💃

@nicsnet @jellea @Malwine @thatbettina @vsmart @martinklepsch

Find sponsors

I can take the lead in this one, since I will handle the finances in general, but everybody can help with this. Ask people you know, tweet about it, etc.

Comment on here if you contacted a specific company so we know who is contacting whom.

You can email potential sponsors this link, this should answer the most immediate questions they have. Feel free to tweet that link as well.

When it comes to specifics of payments, getting receipts from Travis etc, just add me in CC and I can follow up on it.

Potential sponsor. Box ticked == has been contacted.
strike through == out
bold == accepted

  • Pineapple Media
  • Wunderlist/Microsoft
  • Fy
  • Babbel
  • SoundCloud
  • Futurice
  • Ticketsolve
  • Dawanda (Malwine)
  • Hitfox
  • InnoQ
  • Asquera
  • Github (Martin)
  • Thoughtworks
  • Cognitect
  • Juxt (Martin)
  • Blacklane
  • O'Reilly
  • Pragmatic Programmers
  • Jayway
  • ImmoScout
  • Zalando
  • Otto
  • codecentric
  • Mixcloud
  • Twilio
  • Contenful
  • Siili
  • Adjust (Martin)
  • Metosin
  • Lambdawerk
  • MixRadio
  • ableton
  • bitcrowd

Amount overview:

Send T-Shirt to Supporters

So we discussed that we can send the shirt we still have to our supporters.
Ali, our mentor, can get it when she visits Berlin in the next month.
And then we wanted to send one to @jgkite too, as she helped us with the website and shirts!

Pick a date

News from Solingen!

tl;dr: "we can't tell you what date to pick, and doing it on the same date probably won't have much negative effect, but it won't do much good either, and yeah actually really we think it's better to do it on separate dates."

I'm not sure now... I like June or maybe early July as a time frame. Solingen is 12/13 June. Euroclojure is 25/26 June. We definitely don't want to overlap with Euroclojure, and if we want coaches or attendees to potentially do both Solingen and Berlin it also shouldn't be adjacent weekends.

We probably should check if Rails Girls is doing a workshop around that time as well. (ping @nerdbabe)

So main options I see are: same date as Solingen, or first weekend of July. What do you think?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Falko R. <--->
Date: 2015-03-17 8:57 GMT+01:00
Subject: ClojureBridge Berlin
To: arne@...
Cc: Silvia S. <--->, Gerrit H. <--->

Hi Arne,

wir finden das super, dass das in Berlin auch stattfinden soll.
Und -- vorweg geschrieben -- ihr seid natürlich vollkommen frei, wann
ihr das durchführt.

Ich hatte spontan an eine mögliche Kanibalisierung (Coaches,
Teilnehmerinnen) gedacht, aber die Distanz erscheint mir groß genug.
Außerdem hatte zB Stefan Kamphausen spontan Interesse an CB bekundet,
aber die Entfernung von Berlin hält ihn davon ab, in Solingen beizuspringen.

Silvia hatte da etwas validere Bedenken bzgl. gleicher Termin:

"Ich sehe keinen direkten Vorteil, wenn es am gleichen Tag stattfindet,
dafür aber Nachteile.

An zwei Terminen wird den Teilnehmerinnen ermöglicht in Berlin
teilzunehmen, die zB in Solingen nicht können und umgekehrt. Vermutlich
wird es auch in Berlin genug Coaches geben, aber so sind die Coaches
halt auch definitiv nicht austauschbar und man macht ggf. Fehler am
gleichen Tag, statt gegenseitig voneinander zu lernen.

Dass wir uns Teilnehmerinnen wegnehmen, glaube ich auch nicht, aber das
Angebot wäre halt größer, wenn man verschiedene Termine hat."

Zwei Veranstaltungstermine = größere Auswahl für Reisewillige ist auf
jeden Fall ein wichtiger Punkt.

Wie gesagt: wir können Euch nicht sagen, was ihr tun sollt...


Get a quote for lunch

6W wants to help by sponsoring lunch and eventually a party.

It would be great if we can communicate some rough numbers to them of what we'll need.
This means someone needs to contact potential caterers and ask what things might cost.

Any takers?

/cc @andreiursan

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  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

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  • Typescript photo Typescript

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  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

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  • Django photo Django

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  • D3 photo D3

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  • web

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  • server

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  • Machine learning

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  • Game

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Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

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  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.