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Should we join Code for All - public comments

Hola 👋

Este issue es un lugar para comentarios públicos referente al issue #18.

Por favor mantenga respeto hacia la comunidad. Comentarios que violen nuestro Código de Conducta serán removidos.

Si no se sienten comod@s en escribir un comentario publico pueden enviarnos un correo electrónico a [email protected]

Para cualquier violación de nuestro Código de Conducta por favor comuníquese a [email protected].



Hi 👋

This issue is where we are accepting public community comments for issue #18.

Please be respectful to the community. Comments that break our Code of Conduct will be removed.

If you don’t feel comfortable writing a public comment you can send them in @ [email protected].

For any Code of Conduct violations please send us an email to [email protected]


¿Como podemos ayudar a "certificar" horas de voluntarios?

Nos llego una pregunta de Layshi Curbelo:

¿Los voluntarios pueden obtener una certificacion de horas de su labor voluntaria? La pregunta viene si hay voluntarios que sean menores de edad (si se puede) que deseen crear proyectos como estos y puedan validar estas horas en code4pr. Hay personas que tambien usan la validacion de horas como experiencia profesional que maybe en un futuro quieran poner esto en su resume.

Por el momento no tenemos una forma de "certificar" o validar horas de voluntarios. No obstante me interesa la idea.

  • Investigar herramientas de voluntariado y como validar horas de voluntarios.

CfA MOU Next Steps - public comments

Hola 👋

Este issue es un lugar para comentarios públicos referente al issue #24.

Por favor mantenga respeto hacia la comunidad. Comentarios que violen nuestro Código de Conducta serán removidos.

Si no se sienten comod@s en escribir un comentario publico pueden enviarnos un correo electrónico a [email protected]

Para cualquier violación de nuestro Código de Conducta por favor comuníquese a [email protected].



Hi 👋

This issue is where we are accepting public community comments for issue #24.

Please be respectful to the community. Comments that break our Code of Conduct will be removed.

If you don’t feel comfortable writing a public comment you can send them in @ [email protected].

For any Code of Conduct violations please send us an email to [email protected]


Go over the CfA organizer's playbook - public comments

Hola 👋

Este issue es un lugar para comentarios públicos referente al issue #19.

Por favor mantenga respeto hacia la comunidad. Comentarios que violen nuestro Código de Conducta serán removidos.

Si no se sienten comod@s en escribir un comentario publico pueden enviarnos un correo electrónico a [email protected]

Para cualquier violación de nuestro Código de Conducta por favor comuníquese a [email protected].



Hi 👋

This issue is where we are accepting public community comments for issue #19.

Please be respectful to the community. Comments that break our Code of Conduct will be removed.

If you don’t feel comfortable writing a public comment you can send them in @ [email protected].

For any Code of Conduct violations please send us an email to [email protected]


Establish a board

We need to establish a board that will help us get to where we want to go. This issue is beholden to #22 which will establish our bylaws.

Go over the CfA organizer's playbook

Since we are considering what to do and how to run Code for PR effectively.

Our situation is quite different from other brigades. For one we don't operate at a city level for most of our projects.

As such the organizer's playbook might not apply but I think it can give us some great insights on how to manage an organization like this.

The playbook can be found here

Measure our options / what do we want to be - public comments

Hola 👋

Este issue es un lugar para comentarios públicos referente al issue #13.

Por favor mantenga respeto hacia la comunidad. Comentarios que violen nuestro Código de Conducta serán removidos.

Si no se sienten comod@s en escribir un comentario publico pueden enviarnos un correo electrónico a [email protected]

Para cualquier violación de nuestro Código de Conducta por favor comuníquese a [email protected].



Hi 👋

This issue is where we are accepting public community comments for issue #13.

Please be respectful to the community. Comments that break our Code of Conduct will be removed.

If you don’t feel comfortable writing a public comment you can send them in @ [email protected].

For any Code of Conduct violations please send us an email to [email protected]


Start reaching out to universities about GitHub Education

GitHub has some really good resources for universities, professors, and students. We should start reaching out to education about GitHub Education and the resources that are available.

There are a number of resources and support for educators and students alike. The experiences I've seen from others in LatAm with this program have been incredible.

The impact in PR would be huge, especially with the constant issues of students not knowing how to collaborate on software projects, version control, and let alone GitHub.

Who to contact

  • UPR Rio Piedras
  • UPR Mayagüez
  • UPR Bayamon
  • Politecnica
  • Engine-4


Universities, Bootcamp, and Schools


As a GitHub Education school, you'll enjoy:

  • Free access to GitHub Enterprise Server and GitHub Enterprise Cloud for every department, including your technical departments
  • Teacher training to master Git and GitHub with our Campus Advisors program
  • Automated access to premium GitHub Education features, like the GitHub Student Developer Pack
  • Exclusive access to new features, and GitHub Education-specific swag



Teachers get access to free enterprise grade tools to help make them successful in the classroom.



Students will get access to free tools, domains, and swag to start off their tech/dev careers on track. They also have access to the Campus Expert program that gives them leadership opportunities in their school community. This is backed up by mentorship from GitHub and the GitHub Ed. community.

Realmente necesitamos estar en Facebook - public comments

Hola 👋

Este issue es un lugar para comentarios públicos referente al issue #16.

Por favor mantenga respeto hacia la comunidad. Comentarios que violen nuestro Código de Conducta serán removidos.

Si no se sienten comod@s en escribir un comentario publico pueden enviarnos un correo electrónico a [email protected]

Para cualquier violación de nuestro Código de Conducta por favor comuníquese a [email protected].



Hi 👋

This issue is where we are accepting public community comments for issue #16.

Please be respectful to the community. Comments that break our Code of Conduct will be removed.

If you don’t feel comfortable writing a public comment you can send them in @ [email protected].

For any Code of Conduct violations please send us an email to [email protected]


Can we have more than one fiscal sponsor?

The documentation provided by CfA leads us to believe that this is possible. While our principal fiscal sponsor will be CfA (donations and other monetary tasks), we could have a specific fiscal sponsor on a project basis. For example signing an MOU with a government entity to help develop a civic project.

We need some clarification on this and on how this might affect anything we do as Code4PR.

Escribir documento de como trabajamos - public comments

Hola 👋

Este issue es un lugar para comentarios públicos referente al issue #22.

Por favor mantenga respeto hacia la comunidad. Comentarios que violen nuestro Código de Conducta serán removidos.

Si no se sienten comod@s en escribir un comentario publico pueden enviarnos un correo electrónico a [email protected]

Para cualquier violación de nuestro Código de Conducta por favor comuníquese a [email protected].



Hi 👋

This issue is where we are accepting public community comments for issue #22.

Please be respectful to the community. Comments that break our Code of Conduct will be removed.

If you don’t feel comfortable writing a public comment you can send them in @ [email protected].

For any Code of Conduct violations please send us an email to [email protected]


Centralizar interacciones y feedback en un solo repo

Para hacer nuestras interacciones internas y externas mas sencillas de navegar, queremo utilizar este repo (Code4PR) como el repo principal para todo. Esto significa que todo issue, feedback o interacción sobre repositorios admin y de documentacion se harian aqui.

Para lograr esto se necesitan hacer varias cosas

  • Actualizar el README para apuntar a otras partes de la organizacion. Eg. Code of Conduct & Slack Policy.
  • Crear issue templates para diferentes interacciones.
    • Feedback sobre CoC
    • Feedback sobre el Slack Policy
    • Ideas para proyecto nuevo
    • Ideas o feedback a un proyecto

Read the Code for America MOU for brigades

Code for America has a MOU which official brigades need to sign to be recognized. While we have been recognized for some time, the MOU has been updated since last we read it.

The stipulation in the MOU will help us figure out our own mission, vision, and value statements. At the same time it will help us determine if we want to stay a recognized brigade.

CfA Brigade MOU


Want to comment on this issue? please take a look at issue #17.

Draft Mission/Vision/Values statement - public comments

Hola 👋

Este issue es un lugar para comentarios públicos referente al issue #11.

Por favor mantenga respeto hacia la comunidad. Comentarios que violen nuestro Código de Conducta serán removidos.

Si no se sienten comod@s en escribir un comentario publico pueden enviarnos un correo electrónico a [email protected]

Para cualquier violación de nuestro Código de Conducta por favor comuníquese a [email protected].



Hi 👋

This issue is where we are accepting public community comments for issue #11.

Please be respectful to the community. Comments that break our Code of Conduct will be removed.

If you don’t feel comfortable writing a public comment you can send them in @ [email protected].

For any Code of Conduct violations please send us an email to [email protected]


¿Que les gustaria ver de nosotros en el 2020?

Existen muchas organizaciones con el enfoque de civismo. Nosotros nos enfocamos en como usar la tecnología para mejorar nuestras comunidades.

Nos encantaría saber que ustedes les gustaría ver de nosotros en este proximo año. #PuertoRico #civic-tech

Esto comenzo como un tweet. Pueden ver el original aquí

Measure our options / what do we want to be

As an organization we need to define what we are going to be. We've come up with two main options:

  1. A Code for America brigade with a organizational structure similar to a 501c3
  2. A full fledge 501c3

We need to come up with a list of pros and cons for these two options and analyze how the CfA MOU (issue #12 ) could play into all of this.

We also need a clear understanding on the laws that govern a 501c3, particularly the laws around partisan politics, since this will help us avoid projects that we shouldn't touch.

Realmente necesitamos estar en Facebook

En los pasados años Facebook se a convertido en una plataforma tóxica. Entre promover mentiras y diseminar propaganda racista y divisoria creo que la plataforma no nos da valor.

¿Qué piensan?

COVID-19 hospital data entry tool discussion

We've been made aware of a possible need to help hospital in PR with some data entry and reporting tasks.

Apparently they need to do double entry for data they need to report to the Dept. of Health and other entries. Part of the data is kept private for privacy and security concerns, the other is made public through channels like the dept. of statistics.

There seem to be a ton of manual process being done. This reporting is also done to inform the hospital staff of the current status.

We're having a quick call to discuss how the brigade can collaborate and how we can make proper user journeys for this.

CC/ @Code4PuertoRico/covid19

Feedback on our values for Code for PR

These values represent the Code 4 Puerto Rico community. We adhere to them and they serve as our guiding principles both in good and bad times. They are intended to help us make decisions as well as to remind ourselves of the team that we wish to be.

Our values describe who we are, how we work together and how we build products. They represent choices that are directly related to our mission. They determine how Code 4 Puerto Rico will pursue its purpose.

We will be accepting feedback until July 25, 2020.

Our Values

Everyone is welcome to participate

In order to design solutions that represent everyone, we must involve individuals from all professional backgrounds, creed, sexual orientation, gender identity and social level. Building technology solutions is not the sole work of developers. And no matter where you live or where you are, if you can virtually collaborate with our initiatives, that’s all you need to participate.

We think of people first

The best products and solutions aren’t created in a vacuum. We need empathy and curiosity to understand the problems, ideate solutions and test our hypothesis. We must avoid making assumptions and listen to the individuals involved as much as possible. Only then we will start creating solutions that really address people’s needs.

The best products and solutions aren’t created in a vacuum. We need empathy and curiosity to understand the problems, ideate solutions and test our hypothesis. We must avoid making assumptions. We must listen to the individuals that are impacted by our solutions as much as possible to remove our prejudices. Only then we will start creating less discriminatory solutions that address people’s needs.

We strive to build products, not push code

Thoughtful solutions are more than code. Our decision making is heavily influenced by regulation, people’s concerns and their needs. We’re not just pushing code, we’re solving people’s problems through product experiences. The more interdisciplinary and diverse the teams working on our initiatives are, the more inclusive our solutions will be.

We must prioritize impact

We can only solve so many problems at once. And there will also be so many volunteers willing to contribute to any initiative. Things are built with a shelf-life in mind and that’s okay. In order to develop solutions that are sustainable, we must focus on the things that matter to our communities. No matter what the problem we are solving is, if we truly believe it’s important, we must think of the most impactful way to solve it with the means and resources available to us.

We work in the open

We rely heavily on open source technologies and data to execute our mission. As such, we advocate for the use and contribution to open source projects, open standards and open data initiatives. We expect that our projects and initiatives are executed in the open. We believe that in order to create a culture of collaboration, trust and sustainability we must be open and transparent. Our communities should always feel comfortable finding and speaking the truth.

We must iterate

No solution is perfect or comprehensive enough and failure is part of the journey. Speed matters and time is scarce, especially for any volunteer driven organization. Feedback, collaboration and culture change need to be revisited and will strengthen through time. Consequently, our projects must continually iterate. We work in an agile fashion and truly believe that progress is made of small wins that get delivered (happen) incrementally.

  • Failure is OK
  • Is OK to stop
  • Failure is a learning step for future success.

We welcome failure. To us, failure is a learning step for future success. Stopping an initiative when appropriate is healthy and encouraged.

CfA MOU Next Steps

Next steps

  1. We are going to stay in CfA as an official brigade for now pending a review of the new MOU that is going to be released.
    1. We do not have a release date
  2. We will ask if having multiple fiscal sponsors is posible
    1. There are laws that might prevent us from getting funds from NGOs registered in PR through an entity that is not registered on the island (CfA).
  3. We need to establish a board regardless of our status with CfA or without CfA.
  4. We need to get more information about the CfA National Advisory Council.
  5. We need to get more information about the CfA brigade congress
  6. We need to review all CfA documentation fro brigades and leadership
    1. #19
    2. #20

Originally posted by @froi in #12 (comment)

Research alternatives to Restream

Nuestro primer livestream tuvo varios problemas. Al minuto 17 / 18 el video se congelo y el audio dejo de funcionar en todas las plataformas. Esta de mas decir que esto fue horrible para los participantes y aun peor para los que nos veían.

Estábamos usando el "Live Studio" de Restream el cual esta en beta. La razón por lo que lo usamos es la facilidad de uso y el no tener que utilizar OBS y algún otro software para la llamada. Al final del día cualquier herramienta que utilicemos en Code4PR para comunicaciones debe de ser lo mas facil y accesible posible.

Para esto debemos de buscar opciones a Restream.

Create a YouTube live event for July 2

We need to create a YouTube live event for a stream featuring Pedro Cruz and the Safepaths effort.

This will be part of an ongoing campaign for their launch on July 15.

I'll update this issue with the link to the live event.

Terremoto Puerto Rico 2020 community efforts

Si saben de un esfuerzo de la comunidad de tech en PR para trabajar con los afectados de los sismos en Puerto Rico del 2020, por favor añadalo aqui como un comentario.

Informacion importante

¿Que es?  Mapa de refugios

URL: https://algo-de-mapas

De donde viene la data: 


Comentarios aqui.

Escribir documento de Bylaws

Como parte de los "bylaws"que tenemos que escribir, debemos de poner de manera oficial como es que trabajamos a nivel organizacional.

Create brigade budget for the remainder of 2020

We need to start budgeting our expenses. These expenses should be for internal brigade costs as well as helping our projects with costs.

A great example of this is the CfA budget document.

What's in our budget

Application Host Brigade Internal Est. Monthly Cost Est. Yearly Cost
Slack sign up Heroku $7.00 $84
ContratosPR Heroku $80 $1000
ParaVotar Netlify $0 $0

This information should be transferred into spreadsheet that could be made public or shared with interested parties.

  • Create budget document
  • Determine what information should be made public. What do we consider sensitive information?

Definir que es un advisor

Parte de nuestra restructuracion es tener personas como "advisors" que puedan ayudar a enfocar a la organizacion para tener mayor impacto.

Tenemos que definir que significa para nosotros un "advisor" y que roles podrian tener.

Go over the CfA brigade handbook - public comments

Hola 👋

Este issue es un lugar para comentarios públicos referente al issue #25.

Por favor mantenga respeto hacia la comunidad. Comentarios que violen nuestro Código de Conducta serán removidos.

Si no se sienten comod@s en escribir un comentario publico pueden enviarnos un correo electrónico a [email protected]

Para cualquier violación de nuestro Código de Conducta por favor comuníquese a [email protected].



Hi 👋

This issue is where we are accepting public community comments for issue #25.

Please be respectful to the community. Comments that break our Code of Conduct will be removed.

If you don’t feel comfortable writing a public comment you can send them in @ [email protected].

For any Code of Conduct violations please send us an email to [email protected]


Code 4 Puerto Rico Project updates

We need to start giving more project updates to keep the community informed and engaged.

These project updates will be given via livestream to our Code 4 Puerto Rico audience.


A livestream to be casted to YouTube and Facebook. Each project would have a couple of minutes to talk about their efforts, where they are, what's currently in flight, and what help if any is needed.

@froi would be moderator.

Potential projects

  • Safepaths
  • COVID-19 dashboard and API
  • ParaVotar
  • ContratosPR

Potential Date

June 25 at 11am EST.

Audience level

This stream would be available to all knowledge levels.

Action Items 🎯

  • Set up live event on YouTube
  • Set up live event on Facebook
  • Coordinate with projects
  • Create promotion materials

CC @Code4PuertoRico/contratospr @Code4PuertoRico/covid19-admin @Code4PuertoRico/paravotar

Read the Code for America MOU for brigades - community comments

Hola 👋

Este issue es un lugar para comentarios públicos referente al issue #12

Por favor mantenga respeto hacia la comunidad. Comentarios que violen nuestro Código de Conducta serán removidos.

Si no se sienten comod@s en escribir un comentario publico pueden enviarnos un correo electrónico a [email protected]

Para cualquier violación de nuestro Código de Conducta por favor comuníquese a [email protected].



Hi 👋

This issue is where we are accepting public community comments for issue #12

Please be respectful to the community. Comments that break our Code of Conduct will be removed.

If you don’t feel comfortable writing a public comment you can send them in @ [email protected].

For any Code of Conduct violations please send us an email to [email protected]


Read CfA's financial administration guide - public comments

Hola 👋

Este issue es un lugar para comentarios públicos referente al issue #21.

Por favor mantenga respeto hacia la comunidad. Comentarios que violen nuestro Código de Conducta serán removidos.

Si no se sienten comod@s en escribir un comentario publico pueden enviarnos un correo electrónico a [email protected]

Para cualquier violación de nuestro Código de Conducta por favor comuníquese a [email protected].



Hi 👋

This issue is where we are accepting public community comments for issue #21.

Please be respectful to the community. Comments that break our Code of Conduct will be removed.

If you don’t feel comfortable writing a public comment you can send them in @ [email protected].

For any Code of Conduct violations please send us an email to [email protected]


Watch Organizational Transformation for Sustainable Public Interest Tech Ecosystems from CfA - public comments

Hola 👋

Este issue es un lugar para comentarios públicos referente al issue #26.

Por favor mantenga respeto hacia la comunidad. Comentarios que violen nuestro Código de Conducta serán removidos.

Si no se sienten comod@s en escribir un comentario publico pueden enviarnos un correo electrónico a [email protected]

Para cualquier violación de nuestro Código de Conducta por favor comuníquese a [email protected].



Hi 👋

This issue is where we are accepting public community comments for issue #26.

Please be respectful to the community. Comments that break our Code of Conduct will be removed.

If you don’t feel comfortable writing a public comment you can send them in @ [email protected].

For any Code of Conduct violations please send us an email to [email protected]


Retroalimentación de los valores para Code for PR

Como toda organización nuestro norte esta dictado por nuestros valores. Aunque esto valores los vivimos y nos dirigen en nuestros proyectos, es necesario tenerlos escritos. Es importante para nosotros que estos valores sean compatibles con nuestra comunidad.

Por favor tomen un tiempo para leer los valores que definen a Code for Puerto Rico. Estaremos aceptando retroalimentación hasta el 25 de julio de 2020.

Nuestros Valores

Tod@s están bienvenid@s a participar

Para diseñar soluciones que representen a todos, debemos involucrar a personas de todo tipo de profesiones, credos, orientación sexual, identidad de género y nivel social. Construir soluciones tecnológicas no es solo el trabajo de desarrolladores. Sin importar dónde viva o dónde esté, se puede colaborar virtualmente con nuestras iniciativas, esto es todo lo que necesita para participar.

Pensamos en personas primero

Los mejores productos y soluciones no se crean en el vacío. Necesitamos empatía y curiosidad para comprender los problemas, idear soluciones y probar nuestra hipótesis. Debemos evitar hacer suposiciones. Debemos escuchar y comprender a las personas involucradas o afectadas por el problema que pretendemos solucionar. Solo así comenzaremos a crear soluciones que realmente aborden las necesidades de las personas y nuestras comunidades.

Los mejores productos y soluciones no se crean en el vacío. Necesitamos empatía y curiosidad para comprender los problemas, idear soluciones y probar nuestra hipótesis. Debemos evitar hacer suposiciones. Debemos escuchar y comprender a las personas involucradas o afectadas por el problema que pretendemos solucionar para eliminar nuestros prejuicios. Solo así comenzaremos a crear soluciones menos discriminatorias que realmente aborden las necesidades de las personas y nuestras comunidades.

Nos esforzamos por construir productos, no publicar código

Las soluciones de impacto son más que código. Nuestra toma de decisiones está fuertemente influenciada por regulaciones, las preocupaciones de las personas afectadas y sus necesidades. No solo estamos empujando código, estamos resolviendo los problemas de las personas a través de experiencias de productos. Cuanto más interdisciplinarios y diversos sean los equipos que trabajan en nuestras iniciativas, más inclusivas serán nuestras soluciones.

Priorizamos el tener impacto

Las cosas se construyen con una vida útil en mente y eso está bien. Para desarrollar soluciones que sean sostenibles, debemos centrarnos en las cosas que son importantes para nuestras comunidades. No importa cuál sea el problema que estamos resolviendo, si realmente creemos que es importante, debemos pensar en la solución de más alto impacto recursos que tengamos disponibles.

Trabajamos abiertamente

Dependemos en gran medida de las tecnologías y datos de código abierto para ejecutar nuestra misión. Como tal, abogamos por el uso y la contribución a proyectos de código, estándares e iniciativas de datos abiertos. Por ende, nuestros proyectos e iniciativas se ejecutan abiertamente. Creemos que para crear una cultura de colaboración, confianza y sostenibilidad debemos ser abiertos y transparentes. Nuestras comunidades siempre deben sentirse cómodas para encontrar y decir la verdad.


No existe solución que sea perfecta o lo suficientemente completa, el fracaso es parte de la aventura. La velocidad es importante y el tiempo es escaso, especialmente para organizaciones impulsadas por voluntarios. La retroalimentación, la colaboración y el cambio cultural deben revisarse y se fortalecerán con el tiempo. En consecuencia, nuestros proyectos deben iterar continuamente. Trabajamos de manera ágil y realmente creemos que el progreso se logra con pequeñas victorias que se entregan de forma gradual.

  • El fallar esta bien
  • Esta bien parar
  • El fracaso es un momento de aprendizaje en el camino al éxito.

Aceptamos el fracaso. Consideramos que el fracaso es un momento de aprendizaje en el camino al éxito. Detener una iniciativa cuando es apropiado es saludable y alentado.

Partnership with Link Puerto Rico

Hoy tuve una conversación con Fabián Vélez sobre lo que estabamos haciendo en Code for PR y en Link Puerto Rico.

Creo que tenemos una interseccion interesante con lo que queremos lograr. Nuestro enfoque es un poco distinto, pero luego de nuestra conversacion estabamos de acuerdo que hay una gran oportunidad en tener una colaboracion que expanda el impacto que podemos tener en las comunidades de PR.

@albertico creo que debemos de empezar a tener una conversacion de como hacer colaboraciones con organizaciones como esta que estan en PR.

Should we join Code for All

Code for All is an international organization of civic minded orgs that are not a part of Code for America.

I've been participating in this org for a while and they have interacted and promoted our content on Twitter and other platforms.

My experience with them has been amazing. They are very welcoming and tackle a series of issues that affect local and international communities.

Here's what I would like to discuss in this issue:

  1. Should we as Code for Puerto Rico join Code for All?
    1. What would that process be like?
  2. What would it mean for our relationship with Code for America?
  3. Can we be a part of both at the same time?
    1. Would it be better to join this org and then start working on being a 501c3?
  4. Is there a bigger benefit for our members to be a part of Code for All?

Reach out to the CfA southeast brigade leadership

Since we decided to stay with CfA we need to get back up to speed to what we need as a brigade.

We should reach out to our region leadership to start this process, which includes MOU signing, getting access to tools for virtual hack nights / days, etc.

Create brigade budget for the remainder of 2020 - public comments

Hola 👋

Este issue es un lugar para comentarios públicos referente al issue #23.

Por favor mantenga respeto hacia la comunidad. Comentarios que violen nuestro Código de Conducta serán removidos.

Si no se sienten comod@s en escribir un comentario publico pueden enviarnos un correo electrónico a [email protected]

Para cualquier violación de nuestro Código de Conducta por favor comuníquese a [email protected].



Hi 👋

This issue is where we are accepting public community comments for issue #23.

Please be respectful to the community. Comments that break our Code of Conduct will be removed.

If you don’t feel comfortable writing a public comment you can send them in @ [email protected].

For any Code of Conduct violations please send us an email to [email protected]


Recommend Projects

  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

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    Data-Driven Documents codes.